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Exeter Advocate, 1912-4-4, Page 6
CLOSE QUARTERS; OR THE HOUSE I Ti E BARBEITE CII ,PTER Dubois had evidently offered hi cocchiero a lavish bribe for a* quick transit- through the eity, and the 'Wien was determined to earn it. By the time they retched the Cor- so L'?tefini, which carries the euie artery of Palermo out into the coun- v-,crossing the railway and pass the ;magnificent COI:P :It of Suri ani:Iisco de Sale -the hor's+e was holing heavily, notwithstanding, tlic� efforts of the ca'oman. It wazs at this poiht, when inoui ing the bridge, that Dubois kir, for certain be was followed. Thre hundreds yards behind, ie saw Talbot whipping an equally 11111ll , ling, but better-cuu�.rrtztened shed than that jt hieli t �rx ztrtl' lees oyvxt torttttres. .\t the clistaani:e Ire could rccsag,lnriz+o the I;rrgAisltnrain, but imstiiact ieald him that this iatirpaisr sictit ria dr vex leets an enemy. nett, of orrrse, utas- riot visible, t-. rrtarrtg' sari alp Tarty re'Kl: 'why (fiend,'' sad Dill ing up in the srraal1 ca leaning against the d "'I offered you twenty f"r eressed the city. quick!: make it forty for anutbcr' zzr:lea ; the same pace." "It will. kill n horse, siguerina." "Feasibly. ,I 1ri11 buy yen a` t w There wars uu cad ve;Ce, a not of often as, v But elle had' gk' ei words by, a« ctmupl he „,u-autmuxed favoxite saint that rlcat die until the ow it became era leading horse Sola another fifty yards no the inhuman. efforts of the c era to make the most of the pop, larazte's failing energies. At las fire animal fell, nearly pulling t driven oft .his perch. ',Ay horse as done. for sign Ina," oriel the cabman. "It is rlraat.leltaus that he -Corpo di: Bae - a, man,,, Wit that his feminine trap- t gio g's were no longer a disguise, ',only a hindrance. He had torn off docket, skirt, hat and wig, !Some portion of the disr:arded clothing lay on the seat of the Car ria e, but Dubois had thrown the skirt over hes. arm.. "Here! Come beck!" yelled the 1 Italian. "What about payment for my dead horse'Ir, But Dubois paid, little heed to !him. He was fumbling with the ;pocket of the skirt as be ran. Not ttntil he bad withdrawn a revolver ozn its folds--' hereupon he at threwaway, the garment -dict rriadtlening, remembrance come him that he unloaded the wea- ln prior to the enstoms examine - bad forgotten to reinsert e cartxidges. They were in the poeket of his carat, the coat which Made, prudent ireful to� +rare! �vlrich she transferred to her Ilew attire' when, at the last rrlent•, Dubois suggested the ez., cge of eIcatlring ars a final safe - the -most .ldnexpeete4 event tolice interference with their ing. r an iirstatzt he was tempted ing theweapon away, but he rrtrolled the impulse. "M1 s it is," he thought, "this fel, w el - w ,who is pursuing nae may trot d termed, acrd .I care terrorize him b+a comes to elpse quarters." lore wee, this su lerlativet, zandrel could feel lightly* fasters- ncl his waist a belt contain- 1aaxrtoaids worth over a. Vertu' a .t toga Such a ceinture was lug for, whilst his poe- trtararle<l ample funds for rtti necessaries. 1 et of the wood Dubolal turucd to rave his pur Instantly he recognized Tal- incl for the first time in leis a spasm of fear struck upon e Frenehmarl's heart. In: :the yro-4 a l nglishmarr he :recognized the only ratan who had cause to hat' hint. with an implacable aniuresity. But the ltnserupulous adventur- quiekly recovered, his nerve. ts• elle wore, She, ting woman, had been gild ehe revolver rl t xight he endeavored to cZenroli.$h his ' features, But the barrister, as- ��� As an authtorit�r says---"'firtMth well expressed B , 1 srrtcd by the Italian pilot -whose snakes the best advertiserrlent "- -then here's one a4ftel life was cheered by his ability of the best advertisements in the paper. to relate the details of this Horn tt�er rmr : x ' eric fight -pulled the young loan rimier over , nine tail, lio.n'acr�es of the finest pasture land in Aus- tralia and over ° four hundred thousand acres in tile Lrgcnw tine. "So it is yell 'vho follow me so closely," he cried. "`Go back my friend. This time I will not tie you On a bed. You are beeorning dan- gerous, ,, Go back, I tell you!" withthese�knd words lz© leveled the revolver at Talbot's breast, for the latter was now within fifty yards of burr. But Jack was ani- mated with, the marl elation of a sate froze, off his. insensible; foe. Talbot regained his" feet. Pant in g with exertion, ,he glared down at the prostrate form, but Brett, ;being; praieteal-minded, knelt . by the .;~reoehman's side, tare open his shirt, and unfastened the preei- taus belt. " At last!" he murmured. Peering into one of the pockets, which by the way of its bulging he thought would contain the "Im- perial diamond," he looked tip at "Talbot whit, the words.- 'Now, ords Now, Jack, we are even with l him." It was. the first time he had ad- €l aessed Talbot by his familiar and Christian name, The very sound brought back the other man to a conscious state of his sau•roundiogs. and in the same instant a. great weakness carne over hien, for the. terrible exertions of the past few minutes had utterly exhausted him. "I can not even thank yon, for aesftrl eltnse, mid governed by I am clone. up, Batt I owe it all to eree resolve that his betrayer you, Oa man. If it had not been for you we should never have found !mint." Brett's grave face wrinkled in a, kindly smile. "I think," he'said, "wC are even on that score. If you had net fol- lowed this rascal he might, have es- eatped at the finish, and ray pride would never have recovered from the shock. However, go and sit doyen for a minute or two and you will, soon pull_e•orirself together. Tho I'renehman. regained consci- slrsarad not escape hirer, Dubois reaalied a small glade among the trees before he compre- hended, that his ruthless adversary was still. Close at bis heels, Be stopped for the last time, resolved 11017 to have done with this irrita- ting business, once and for all. Tal- bot too halted, about ten yards rower hint:. He felt that he bed the Frenchman at his mercy, and there re a few things he wished to say Q.lrizli before they eh sed in mortal combat. "This time, Henri Dubois," he panted, "1 am plat drugged'and !trapped helplessly to a bed, You. 'ROW why I am here. I have fol - owed you to amp, the stigma Fou inflicted an my reputation and at he same time to recover the Iiia.-' mends which yon obtained by sub - cringe and murder. The Frenchmanwas quite eol- eeted in manner. "I murdered no elle," he answer- ed. "I could not help the blunder ng of other people. if I am re- retfully* compelled to kill you to- D Y R DR k TRIS KIND OF WEATHER? If you are subject to Bronchitis, or if you want to relieve a Cold or Cough, there is nothing that will do it so effectively as CD 1E7 Mt 3aOver 411 Years' lie cord of Success. Am.&2 Y people look forward to wet LFA or cold or disagreeable weather. with sincere dread because they have ~Peak throat or pings. and are aub4ect to Coughs. Colds„ Asthma, Bronchitis, or Lung weakness. There is only one sure, certain way to check this danger. or to ward it of when imminent. and that is to'rely on the. certain. curative powers of Shiloh s Cure --the dependable family friend. ]�1� OTHERS of families should never allow themselves to be without a bottle of Shiloh's Cure. the tried and proven remedy for ali Colds, Coughs. and weakness of the breathing tract. It is a sure and staccessful relief for asthma. You need not take our word for the wonderful value of Shi- loh's Cure—look at its wonderfully suc- cessful career. with ever increasing sales, from. away back in' the sixties. Try R, and rely* on it. 1 For Coughs, Colas, Hoarseness, Croup. hopping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung Weakness -Pin Tour Faith to L ' CURE—Your Druggist has it, 250. Better get a 5.0e. or $1 Bottle and guard' against running out of a supply,. Canada's finest sugar at its `best Your love of t cleanliness and purity' will be gratified by 'this 5- Pound Sealed Package of is Canada's finest sugar, #resp from the—,Refinery,'' untouched. by human �.allcts, Each Package, -� contains 5 full.ounds of sugar Your Grocer p a can supply ou.' Cana a. S,ugar Refs 3i+11OritrreaLa oust ess. Be good enough to 'remain quite stilt, 111. Dubois," said Brett sooth- ingly. "You have reaches! the clid of your nope, and we do not even need to do ;you." With the aid of solve handker- e;ldef's and a couple, of saplings Gut by the Italianbe managed roughly to bind the fractured limb. Their .he assisted Dubois to his feet. "Ceine," he said, "we are re- gretflllly compelled to bring you back to town, but we will endeavor to make the journey as comfortable as possible for you. In any event, day, it is own .fault: I azrr the horses will not travel so fast." T - In the roadway they found the only acting in self-defence. /low carriages where they had left them shall we fight'! be calmly 4eraand- whilst three wondering coeehieri. cd. were €eohanging opinions as to the W way You Tike, you villain. . maze behaviour of the foreigners. As nu lo at: wan if you arta able. Brett and the "'renchman enter- If not, as dog to dog, for I aalll eel onQ velmicle Talbot and the i- going to try and kill yore !" lot the othex. , Si "But you are probably armed, "But,g " the whereas I am defenceless? MY r'a- disconslate ala cabman moaned had volver as you saw, was net load- headed the procession from Paler et: "We aro equal in that respect mo, "and who will pay me for my dead horse le if in no other," retorted Talbot, ""I know not er replied Brent. "'In An evil smile lit up the french- any event you had better occupy mon s pallid face. He pulled out the vacant seat and drive those t his with a flourish and hissed gentleman to the city, where you -"Tllen die yourself; :you fool!" can secure the means of brin in He advanced upon Jack with a back your crarriago.':' g S murderous look in his face. 'Talbot In this guise the .martyr returned awaited Tted him, and he, too, smiled: to Palermo, evoking much wonder lou are a liar and .a coward to meritthe, end1" Ile~ criedmerit all the way through the Corso eAt that instant a cold, clear voice Vittorio Fmmaanuele, whence no outraged policemen iang out among the trees, close be- fewer than six , hind the two men: followed them to the $brei de France to obtain their names and "Halt!" it cried. addresses. Both men involuntarily paused and turned their eyes to learn whence came this strange interrup- tion. Brett quietly came a few paces nearer: He held a revolver significantly. at Dubois' breast. "Drop that knife," he said with an iey determination in tone and manner that sent a cold shiver through his hearer's spine. "Drop it, or I will shoot you this instant!" Dubois felt that, the game was up. He fltlag down the knife and tried. even then to laugh. "Of course," he sneered, "as I am cornered en all sides I give in!' Brett still advanced until he reached the spot where the knife lay. He picked it up, and at the same instant lowered the revolver., Then he observed, with the easy indifference of one who remarks upon the weather- "Now, you can fight, monsieur. My, young friend here is determined to thrash you, and you richly de- serve it. So I will not interfere. But just one wed, before you be -- gin. Two can, play at the ganle of bluff...This 1s your own pistol. It is. as ;you know, unloaded.:' Dnbos'; cry of rage, the trick which had leen 'played 'on him was smothered by :his efforts to.•cleee pit}a�d`a1b-0t, who immediately.flu:dg: hinnrtlf.:upon' him with an impetu-` osity' net" to be 'denied. The fight, while it lasted was •aura, ftiiious. The two nlcn rollcd over and. over each ether. 'en the gn r,unc7--one striving to choke the life out of his opponent, the tether seeking to rend with teeth and nails,' From the writhing, COnvulsiVe' bodies, locked tz;get,lici' in a._dead- ly , struggle, suddenly there came a. ., erect itij) - �L'ile �'ione1ti aen's tight arra was' broken near the wrist "Then. Ta;ibot ' pi Decoded tar wreak hzs vengeance ori' lune • Einques-" tioriab13- he tr0 have strung] ed ;he man had not Bret~ interfered, cir• with •his left hand he clutohe' i o " }' elitist' with tli4 CHAPTER ' XXII. Palermo was in a perfect ferment. Not, since the last revolution had people seen sucha pitched battle i�. 4;f sip CEYLON TEA ore Ls the best favored' and most eeonomeat Tea In the World; Beware of high profit bearing substitutes. Sealed Lead Packets only. Take it Secopfnf 01 Each— Side By Side 'rake "St. Lawrence" Granulated in one scoop -and any other sugar in the other. IeQk . at ". I,aw- raanee" SugarSt--,• its perfeet cr} stets - its pure, white Sparkle— its even grain. Test it point br Point, and you. 'rillsee that.. Absolutely Best is one of the ehoicest sugars ever refined ---with a standard of purity* that few sugars can boast. Try it in your frame. Analysis shows, "St, I,airrence granttlatcd" to be "co ccinio to %tp% Pure Vane Sugar with no impurities wI atever" "Most every dealer sells St. Zawrence Sugar." TUE Er. LAWRENCE SOGAt& REPINING CO. LL371IT£D. SIC;iN tE10.3a. 65 j in the streets, for l'aeberson and his a yRrmidoris had used no gentle means to pacify Gros Jean and the Turks, whilst the erew of the Belles Soeurs would not be in a, fit stat' to go to sea for many days, An excited mob of people sur - wiled the hotel when Brett and Talbot arrived with their wounded prisoner. Fortunately the Chief of Pollee cane in person to ascertain the cause of all this turmoil, The first alarmist report that reached his ears made Out that a species of international warfare bad broken out in the 'harbor.. Hee 'told hie subordinates to clear away the crowd, and explanations by Brett and Winter neon demon,- strafed the wisdom e f an ollicnal communique to the Press that the ✓ ow on the pier was merely the out- come of a quarrel between some intoxicated sailors. The Chief of Pollee politely of- fered to place detectives at the dis- posal of the Englishman for the proper custody of their eaaptii'e. Brett thanked him, but declined the proffered assistance. "The only prisoner of interest," he explained, "received such se- vere injuries during the struggle w hich he brought on himself that he will be quite unable to be moved for several days. His right arm is broken, and his face has been re- duced to a pulp. 'There is a stout. Frenchman named Beaucaire •and three Turks who accompanied him, whom I recommend .;to your safe custody. We - bring no charge against thein, but it would be as well to keep them under lock and key until we have left Palermo." (To be continued.) /eel. ✓/✓ ✓ / / 1111 1 ROO A 1NST ��1.•.+.?.. .R P Easily andcheapIy rnaiteroofs proof against wet, wind, fixe and 110tning Lock e▪ m onsbie Cost less than flimsy substitutes; utlast the building itself; need sia ainting, Don't buyroofing before you scud to us for complete facts. M. S. & S. Co.' Preston, Ont. Ili PURITY ' FOOD -CUTTER is entirely different from the ordinary food chopper. The barrel is in two closely lifting sections. clautped together by oncset-„trete.. Canadian made machine. Better in quality, capacity and price works better, better finished, (lase in price.' Pim* different rutting- plates. !'11t1. twlr,1'S euerY” is the only food cutter made in Canada -and in case, couveulence, perfect cutting and durability is superior to any- thing imported. if your dealer does not ;handle "1farwell';a Purity" write us. DAVID MAXWELL die SONS. St. Marys. Ont. qe T zs no mora 'difficult than mlir:inn bran with a strength that Increases with time. mash, once the simple instructions have Concrete is reaily artificial rock, more Oe;en read: Lh materials -sand, '' crushed roe!; or rravet and cement—each play a Separate, part.. The rock provides the. bulk of volume at very- clow cost, The' sand fills in all erev ,: fees between the pieces of rock or €,5 gravel. The cement, mixed with water, forms at "bond," in other words firmly bound together than natural lock, which often has cracks,. veins, fitsures and ether • weaknesses. , Any farmer can learn how to mix Concrete and to apply it to .the hundreds o1 uses to which it 1s fitted. I3nt in order to be absolutely' sure that his a" `r icy "glue," that hinds the proportions arc 'correct and that his niateri- otlter materials flimly t els are properly suited to the purpose, he together should send for the book, ...m. "WHAT+. ,� FARMER, CAN `` R' TE CONCRETE," {a.4b1�LA-'�1N V<24. DO. y, ��1L V`V1v �AlL` L��H.J,fA }k •i „ry` i p and read the caref�ut directions for mixing Concrete:.'for all tO scribes,ndetail •hubidreds ofrways in which Concretey purposes. It also der, :' . ore comfortable more convene profitable and morerd to male the faraia, A� ; a �� comfortable r convenient, more and'; ., gra•;.,. t rust send .usvaluable. your name'and adelre~s—in a letter � on a este] pp --and the book wilt be sent to you by return mall free. Address Canada Cement Cocipaur, Ltd., 30-35 •Vatianai Hoak ;Buddies: Montreal. { } {�