HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-4-4, Page 5PROFESSIONAL CARDS.
Member of the R.C.D,S. of Ontario and
Honor Graduate of 'lbronto university.
Office -Over Diekeon & Carling's •law
office. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
Honor Graduate ,"!'Toronto University
Teeth extracted without pain,' or . any
bad effects. .Office over. Gladma. i &
Staxbury's Office, 3feari Street, Exeter,
Solicitors, N,otax'iea, Canveyancere, COin-
rnaaioners, Solicthors far tae Molaons
Bank, etc. '
Money to Loan at lowest rates of intereat
Otticea—Main-St„ Exeter
T. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We. have a large ami x t of pr -vats
funds to loan on fano and village prop-
er%ies at low rates of interest.
Barristers, Safe/tors, lsreter.
Ag4alt Confederation Life Aireararital
Comlf iny. also ' e Xnauranee' ?n Iead-
inr, Canadian and British Compairles.
aaaar-S'r,, FTaeter.
Wt,i« ANDE1tsON, Litan'sed Auctioneer
for Huron Ceianty.. Terms reasonable.
Dateaa Garai tie made at the Advocator
> ttr• er Henry Eater's Office.,.:C'
Toronto Ont. Beat place an Canada. rs
I3'o;lr Grads Business Education. klnte
Now v Open all year. Catalogue free.
Horses for Sale
I have a number of first-class horses
Lor sale. Call at the stal?lea and Se
Wo axe also purolmaing horses tbl>,h
aro sound and in good condition from
4 to 10 YeartV of age.
Parttes having horses ,or sale will
do well to call or write the underalgYrcd,
'Mono 41. M. M. DOYLE. Exeter.
Dire, Fire, Accident and Plate Maas
Insurance, Collecting aceouta s, and con-
ducting auction sales. — meter, Ont.
It s easier tot apply to the ,,land and
gives 'better satisfaction In every : , way,
It s used for a1I grain cropq and also a
good.- catch. of clover ou poor meadows.
Give your land a good top dressing of
Ferti;1'_zer before planting your potatoes
and ,t wilt double your crop, It is good
for .beana and for all krona of root crams
It has ;been tested, and fauna to be bet-
ter than other feaD,LiZerea Givs It a
trial. "aver three h'und,red tons sold al-
The NabionaI Fertilizer, which Is plat-
ed on the rnarket by the National Land,
Fruit and Pack/ng Company, is the on1Y
organic fertilizer made, and sliowg the
tollow3n analye s compared witta barn-
yard nranure,l--
Nitrogen 3.50, equal ter 4.Q ammonia.
I'hoaphare Aa: --d 5,75, equal to 12.
aoluablc pireephatee.
Potash 3.50.
FRANK W. EVANS, Canton, viola
right for the County of Chiron,
Geo. Moir
Local Represntative Wanted
Permanent employment and a. splendid
incense assured ripper man, to act aa our
representative at tag sale of our fruit
aYid 01113 -Mental Nursery stock, Former,
experience unnecessary, All that we re-
'ha ' honesty, ambition and a, wit-
Iltignese to weak. A 1'-andsoirte outfit
furn'aa-'zed tree. Full inetsuetione givers
as to ri'anageri ent of business, Write
once .tor full particula e,
geTABLISHDD 1.857.
Acreage Contracts
We aro prepared to contract with far-
mers to gnaw peas and core for the
Canning 'Factory for the aeasonn of;
1912. Seed corn and peas will be tarn-
ished by the company ark' usual. We
would ask farmers to attend: to this
as early as possible beroro trio- buoy
season opens.
S. 111. Sanders, .Mani
One of the modern barn
plans prepared by our
Builders3S►ervicej Dept.
Above is shown one of the
modern barn plans prepared
by olir "Builders' Service
Dept." Others are shown in
a;portfolio that will be mailed
toyou do receipt of the coupon
attached to this ad, properly
filled; out.
If you will tell us thesis , or
'the barn you expect, to build)
and the number of cattle' you
want to house, our Board of
Advisers, consisting of ten of
the best barn builders and
-contractors in the Dominion,
will co-operate with you to
plan a building exactly suited
to your ` own particular re-
'This service is offered to you
FREE .of " charge. ' It's our
way of showing our appre-
ciation .of,the generous and .,
hearty support thefarmers and
- builders of Canada have given
our products, partic ulariy
Preston Safe=Lock Shingles z;-
Preston Safe -Lock ';Sfiingles ' r"
merit the'tremendous demand - ,
-they enjoy to -day, for they
afford. guaranteed p rvtectiorr
against lightning. They keep
out the raid, ,snow, moisture,
wind and fire, too. , They cost
•' nothing for up=keep, -.as . they
never need painting or -repairs.
Our latest editionaof- Truth About
Roofing" booklet tells all about them."
We'll send a copy along with t'hePort •. g;%
folio• of Barn 'Plans., You want the
Portfolio, that's certain, if your intend
to,bulld. Sosend •the;coupon;ayfirsa
mail: Address it to • •. ,
etal ShingleCo Limited
ranch Office and Factory.` Montreal; Que. Preston, Ont.
Please send nae portfolio of Barn Plans showing framework construction'.
and plans of interior. 'S intend building a;barn -ft. by..... . . .
Do you intendre-roofing or re -siding any building this ear? e's or
O. Address:
If you acrefan needof fencing material
call and t-nspeet; the Owen Sound 'Wire.
Our Safe Liotta Felice is witl.aut; a doubt
the best fence -a -11040.4n Canada to -day.
Also Co'ied 'Spring, Barbed Wi?e,braee
wire and staples.. l'rrees right.
CEDAR • POSTS of the hest quality in
pr -leen from 25c. to $1, Q,
Also agent for the Toronto Metal:0
Roofing Company.—Galvanized roofing&
Have also been appointed Local Agent
for the Confederation Lite Assurance Co
It you are needing' ally of the above
give me a call.
S. Andrew -
Auction Sale
SATURDAY', APRIL 13, at I. &aback
tie following articleag,
Parlor Su:#e, S leboa.T4, 2 bedroom
suites, 2 parlor tables, dining roam
table, 2 drop-leaf tables, couch, 1
mahogany itreeser, mahogany stand, 1
bedateael, Walton rug, sa'wing mach-
. it din'nl; xeem ebaire, 2 oak rack --
ere, rattan rocker, 3 sets bedsprings, 2
.ttreaaes, stretcher and mattress, 1
ata.i,r earpet,and. pads, 3 carpets, floor
�o:leloth, lcitehcn linoleum, clock, clothes
horse, feather bed, step ladder, langalada
der, pair ecalee, earlact aweephr, waah,
tub, wr'itu er, dazcn pictures, 4 pear of
lace etarta°na, 6 aaltelsen chairs, dtAhea
glaasware, n Feral p e a of matting,
nuanbcr of eetalere, k.tclien utensils, and
a lot of useful arta cies too nure roux to
All will positively be sold.
Propr.etreso. Auctioneer
The roads ;n this section are still is
a. very had state•1—;.frs. Cann 3lS'Ixtraa
a .11 coutinuea in very poor /walth,.
Coune;t anrt to Credttoa. on April list.
All Manta -re present. Previous m notes
read and adopted. The Reeve and. Clerk
were authorized to barrow $10000 fraarn
The Canadian Bank of Commerce to meet
current expenditure,
The patinraaters, pound -keepers, and
fence-ar'ewcrs were duly appointed.
Orders were passed for,—Star Printing
Office, Account 89.75; C. Prouty, gratu-
ity, 25.00; F. W. Farncomb, Campbell's
award, D & W 27.10; Henry Smith,
Tile Con. 2, a...17; Wam•'White, repairing
'bridge 1.00; Bert Clark, painting town
hall. 46.10, Chas golf, teaming Plank re
hall 2.00; 1lenry Beaver, panting Town
hall 14.50; Chas. Lochner, ahovelliag
avow 2.00; S. Brown, nice for palntL re -
ball, 95.20 W. 1i, Wenzel, painting
Town Hall 14.50; Thos, Webb, rep.
gravel pit 1.50; Isaac Statham, draw-
ing gravel 15.00; David Webb, draw
aafi gravel 3rd S.R. 15.00,; Geo, Down,
culvert 3.50.
Council adjourned to, ala Ota, at 1 p.m
FIenry Ellber`, Clerk.
Is be a. Falce?r-For'somo tine a man
has been travelling through this dis-
trict 'soliciting subscriptions for several
papers, and among others the Toronto
Globe, Star and World, and also the
Farmer's Advocate.; He was offering
those papers at ridiculously low prices
for cash, and in this way picked up
quite a. bit of money. A. lady suspect -
cling that something was wrong wrote
to the Farmers' Advocate and received
a. reply to the effect that no such per-
son had any authority to represent that
paper, If this as theecasewith all the
others a good, anany here will lose some
small change. It would be well at any
rate to he on:thls! look-out.for such char-
WEDDING—A very fash€onable wedd-
ing was solemnized last 'Wednesday
afternoon at the harm of ?Mr. and Mrs:
Samuel aiodg'ns, of Mooresville, when
than' 'fourth daughter, M,isa Pearl, was
Married to Mr. a Percy Datinceya son of
Mr. T. Dauncey, of Clandeboye.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
William ,Ldwe, a pastor of St. James
Church, and Rev. , G. J. Kerr, pastor
at th.e Metytiod5'si 'Church, both of.
Lucan, an the draw,laig room, which was
beautrfat.11y decorated for the occasion.,
The bride was attended by her. sister,
Mlsa Florence, and the groom was
suppofted', by has brother, George.l
The lbride was 'henut fuuly' gowned in
cream 'silk, prettily trimmed,and car-
ried a beautiful bouquet of orchids and
lilies of the valley.! 1 -
A` large number of guests were pre-
sent.. Follow`.Ing the wedding ceremony,
a reception. was ' held in,, the drawings
?ng-aoom. -The .wedddlug• dinner Was sera
ed ,thee dining,—room, which was Mao
decorated with flowers.;
Mr. and Mrs. Dauncey left on the 8
o'clock tra:n from Lucan for Detroit
and Chicago. On returning, from their
wed'd:nig' 'tour they will reside in Clande-
bola , c
°, Mr. L•: I3. lMaraliall' of ,Mealin was the
guest of his daughter• SLru. E. Zeller—
Nara w. L. ,,O'13nesa lett last week for
Criswell, R?ceh, owing, loathe serlous
alihesa of bertrnother.—Mies Ada.bBrown+
Goshen L:fie, who'`'' s lib �
ha ten conf-
to her bed , -for a. number of. days;"' as
slowly recoveringaaa r, . Thos. Johnson
was at' Gacier:eh last week, attending
'the jury. -Rev Mr.; bt1l1:yard! of Henson
gave has illustrated f lecture on; ,.Ten
''aan ,l4 ghs.i'.,tn theuq'�; aitarona i °and-Y'The
„Rase, the :Shamrock, and' the Thratld•1
etc.,, ander t Kaaaaap ooe, leaathe
n too n ,.110,0,:r:,:allvrah en Monday
X (ever ari tear, 1t'opp':-and
`.• '
Diel m ecY,
Yto' towns
,and' 3`wr, 9a 1800rn be `c'ontteit ,bty settled.
.11 tb how hems.'
O f DANIEL KERN,ICK, late of tiie
Townsiri,p Krf tJrs'berne,'In, the County of
Huron, Gentleman, deceased.
Pursuant to Sec. 38 pf Chapter 120 of
the Revised Statutes or Onta' q 1697,'
notice s hereby given that ali-aredittors
and others ha ' M
v>;ra<; cla.aras aga3nat-,, 'the'
estate of Daniel' Kernk, late '",of thee.
To;vrnsh„,p of Udbo,rne, in. the County of:
Iluron, gentleman, who died on'or about
the ifith day of February, A.D. 1912,
are, on or before the XSih day of April,
A.D. 1912,, to send by post, pre -paid, to
Messrs. D cksOn & Carlixag. Solicitors.
for tie Execuirors of the said deceased,
their chr etfan names and surnames,.
addresses and descriptions, the full Par-
ticulars of t -e.r claims, astateMcgit Of
their accounts and the nature Of the se-
cur:ties (If ally) ;held by them, and that
after the day last aforesaid the said ex-
ecutors will proceed, to distribute the
assets of the said deceased among the
Parties entitled thereto, • having re-
gard kko. !'hese clahtu only of which
notice shall have been received .ae above
equired, and the execute: s: wilt not be
liable for Oa said aiassseta or any part
thereo/ so dtetrx,.bted a,e aforesaid fa
any person or pereoare`, of vrt`,ase, claim
or claims ncitice shall, not have 'been re-
ceased by !hent at the time at. such: dib-
`Dated at Exeter thea 25th day Qf
,feel, A. D. 1912.
Soli !tors or Elzecutoraa
, ?fewart Metallee]i, We are sorry
say, bad the first finger of thel
r=gal hand arriputa,ted an "bfonday even.
:rig by Dra.:A,kenlaead et' Hensalt and
McKay et aliertaaa—Gat;te a nuns' a
from this 'locality attended the sales ao
the Chieelhurst.' store this week.--s#I$a
Enuua Dickson of Seatorth spent a:104 -
day evening at Tames llrQadfoot'a,--'
Master Glenn Broadtoot is visiting hie
krandtnother at Brucetield.--Mrs. 'SF, N.
leenn, bas returned from a visit to her
parents an Sarna.
Ilei' `D:ek 1 a.s .taken a..position at thq.
D„pot—aliais i3„ Cudrixore rias peen visit
frrg as Seetortb,}--Alt Clark is at pre -
an v s<tlaa friends In Toronto,—Abe
Ca sc moved .bail turn:ture into towns on
W d; sda} -•rhos, La'ang has void his
tern ?aa Hay to M. W. Coleman. —
lira, Ailicaltoad went to London 'to
t inrr parents.—Tho farmers of this
action are very anxous Lor than arrival
of aprin,, as feed ds getting very' scarce]
and eepenslve.—We aro pleased to learn
that Archie „;Blatchford :a recovering
fromhis long tllneas—John 7,uetla has
been laid off tlu•oush illness for a
few days Las recovered. -Mass Carrie
Macartla,er left Thursday to spend sine
tintime in Toronto, -Nate 'Wnrrener Inas
purchased the fifty acre tarns trona .T,
Coleman, .and 'w:ali use itt for produe-
lag the hay and oatet.,for hie livery barn.
Council' mat Apia lst. All members
present. Last minutes read and ap-
proved. Robinson—alertly—That the ac-
counts as presented amount ug to 22.15
be paid,—Carried. Mundy—Robinson L.
That ly-Iaw •No•. 4 of 1912 dividing the
Tawnsl2p alto Road Divisions for the
Performance of Statute Labor, appo'.nt-
a:nl pathmasters, and defining the am-
ount to be paid for ,the comniutat?bin; of
Statute Labor, as read a first and a
second• time be read a third time and
passed. -Carried. Council adjourned to
May 6, at 1 pan. when gravel can/
tracts will be let.—J. D. Drunimond,clerk
CLINTON—One of .the oldest residents
of Clinton, tin the parson of airs. Jas.
Shepherd, a. haahly' .respected citizen,
died on Ma'roh 30 in his 52nd year.
He Ieaves a wife, five sons and three
STANLEY—Accordinag to the new as
sessinent roll. There are in the num-
fcipality .1758 persons 'between the ages
of 21 and 60; 376 between the: ages
of 5 and. 16, and 512 between, the ages
of 6 and 21; 18 rb rth,s and 12 deaths
were reported durhg the year.
AILSA CRAIG—Postmaster J. Mor -
'an has'' been recently d.,smissed at
Ailsa Craig. Chris Walker of London,
who was dasnxissed by the Laurier gov-1
ernnteiit some years ago, has been of-
fered 'the pthartton, but We understand
he Y'efusss f o'wrng teal]. health.
BLA? SHARD—Mrs. Hugh, Thompson,
for rrlany years a. ¢•esident.'of:Blaaishard
and vrho 1,eft St. Marys' about twe weeks
ago for' 'Cason, Sask, d ed in the West
on March. 15th, She was 90 years • of
CLINTON—A pretty wedding took place
at high noon on' Saturday at the • re -
residence: of Mr -and, Mas. W. J.- Pais-
ley Mary street, when the'."• youngest
daughter, Ruby Jean, was unrated -fn
marriage toa.Mr. William. Bryan Buck of
Jackson, ^'M'mhigan,.
T17C'KEIISMITI%-The • death occurred
on Monday of Michael Williams at the
age'of 73 years The deceased was born
Sri Ktlkeiinp-. Ireland, ,alndi' came -to Tuck-
ersmltlh. -64 years ago, where has sinxce
made his .hotn'e, The surviving: members
of the fannl.ay'are: Hiss widow ; Patrick,
of ,Hibbert, Delta' of Chicago, and Thos.
and Miss'' Margaret at ,home, A Mrs.;, Par.
trick Flannery, br?'s. Jornii. ig6Grath 'airs,
Joseph Waters, sof Hibbert. andi Frs,
Thomas Geary, of Seaforth
"SE•AFORTTT Mr, Fred 'Rgbinsen re
Delved a, telegram fr., itis laughter
Mrs. Ildbert Hanna, Yellow Graso, Sask.
that her 'husband had d led suddenly:
Mrs, Fianna . ihad spent the winter with.
.tier parents- hero 'and had returned home,
hut short t:nw ago -her husband be-
ng,_n, good health ,then. The telegram
'was a. great shock toy the relatives of
both part'nes' here.
GODk7RTCIi.—fin ranquest ,waa held on
Wednesday afternoon fon.,the bod ':, of
Carrie, Graham he young girt who;,
'took Strychnine at .the home, of Mrs;.
Gregg •w!wre', she was ;a;�c,t�customed to
alae in z}t3tay lut}2 '�^'- er, found a
note an; F uree, vary ` a cs was tir».
ed rPf nd,was gaxiv"taxi ,commit'
ellcxlta igw�upe can ,i>y§ ascertalned
for tratt,a than. she has:. -had,
reigibti "rndariia lately and; thought
sae was :going to be lost • ° i'
VARNA, -The Sterling Bank' naa Or. de Vup'ss Feri1ale Pills
bratkeh a at Rayfield and Varna e¢ tire- A teliabla French reP.' dater; never fails. These
ly eeperate, a rcraxca ler beinpg a po,tated Illus arae racoodiagly. powerful In regulattlag the
' aaafiratiYe portion of the female system.. Refuse
at each pia cel Mr. Robert. Beatty -;,4511, all cheap. Imitations. D. tis Ysi
s's ark said it
. s abox. or thrallfor VD," Milled to any address.
he rn charge, , he lea<iloll Drag Co.. fit. Catbxrf e1n
LOCAL OPTION --Residents' ille ioest option districts
call legally order from this ` brewer/ whatever they
require for pereoual or family use, Writ. to
al:onnaI Vf AAAA
A man cannot understand the torture and suffering runny women endue
uncomplainingly. If the majority Of. men suffered as much pain and endured with:
patience the vreakeaing sicknesses that most women do, they would askfor
immediate !sympathy and took for' a quick cure,
Many women have been slaved from a lite of misery, and suffering by turning
to the right remedy I3r
to take u - Pierce's Favorite Prescription --a remedy which is safe
t e beca se containing no narcotics, alcohol or injurious ingredients, It is an
alterative extract of roots, made with puma glycerin, and 6rar't given to the public
by that famous wpecialist in the diseases of women—Dr. R. V. Pierce, of the
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, l"l. Y.
its, Lizzrn ZS. Eirssmmiar.. of Lincoln, Neb„aaa"Oa :aa:,
sayys; ' I send a testimony with much pleasure, so thtat, some
suffering woman may kutiw the true worth of your rrr:nndiea.
1 was a great sufferer from female troubles but after taking
yin bottle cf Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Which
lend advised me to take, 1 'found mysself very xunclr
roved, After taking three ore bottles, and nr•;ng two
ores of Dr. Pierce's more
Lotion Tablets, I found mynoaf on the
road to recovery. 1 was in poor Aealtb for five 1",ars but.
now 1 aur cured. ,,
"1 hope all women •suffering fromfemale we:.l...as will
give Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription a fair trio;,
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate
stomach, liver and helves. Sugar-coated, tiny granules.
it m
V SIL JL M �7ir,
or barrel before judging
OME people have attempted to judge PUR-
ITY FLOUR before mowing the facts
about it—before using it. So we ask you
to be fair and to buy a sack or barrel of PTJRITY
FLOUR and give ,It a thorough try -out before
attempting to arrive at.
a judgment.
Look at the beauty and
loftiness of the golden -
crusted, snowy crumbed
loaves, fit for a king.
Count them and see how
many more of them PUR-
ITY yields to - the barrel
than ordinary flour does.
Taste the creamy, flaky pie
crust, . and the deliciously light
cakes PURITY FLOUR rewards
you with. My!
yourmouth water i
Such high-class
results can only be
- `/ obtained when
using a flour con-
sisting exclusively of. the
high-grade portions of the
best Western hard wheat,!,
And remember, ,that; 'on
account Of its. extra •-.':;,
strength and extra qual- •
requires more water when makin bread an more .
q bd . ,
shortening ` when makin , *astr. , ; than you are
accustomed to use w it<h oreinarY four.
More bread
BY �,lI abag�or' bar el c�f�<�I't,E
„• ' - 'Yg
pit or a�'weel; `t . �1e31. i�as� l�l��,naeni:.,
. dd
<”, ocer';1 st rl
olt� in EiETER 3
r,,Rr G. gel ou,