HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-4-4, Page 4Ozetter Ativotettr
Sanders & Creech, Props.
• ..
1\r:Sth that cosst strike" ons
States we are mighty gieSit. a
EOR SALE•.-ir,f,liage property, consist -
sig of one -halt acre, on, which
,trame house and stable, hard and soft
water, fruit trees, etc. Apply tc• Nish-
, .
,os Howder, Dashyrood.
fj4iloct - Jacob., Zeller's sale -on Wednesday
4.19,kt is Was well attended and everyt.hing sold.
RI, E. Sesseriberry 'wielding. the ham-,
hier -The annual business oteeting or.
the Evangel:tat. church was held at
"Tuesdas, aftertioaras when the usual
routine of business was transacted, Mr.
George Kellen -nano, tIse. retiring trus-
'tee, was again elected for a term, of
three years. The morning ushers are
Daniel Welber anti Ezra. Bender and, tbe
evening ushm's 'Samuel, Oestreicher and
Henry Kraft The sante P-117.tOr, r.
Hst rv Ehlers -was re-enguted for
Te hotel licenses Ohta rreiaed fiCsn over. 6,000 in 1 7-
860 how. At intervals of. -tivesyear.
:oda the ntunber of bars iri:,Ontario haVe`
been. as folloWs..--1.8713, 6v18,,5li`-'' 1880,
14.,020; 1885, 3,970; 1895, 0,151; 19..
66, 2,950 ; 1905, 2,86; 1012, May 1st
Ths f'rst sesston of the first Bor-
den. parlament came to a close Mon-
day afternoon. when H's Royal High-
ness, the Duke of Connaught 'delivered
the Progrogation speech, amid Ue
thunder of the royal salute, Ses-
sion Ss /is -Irked for the 'great aniount
oZ constructiVe legtislations besides the
settlement Of the Mareitolia • boundary
question to the satIsteesison of alt,
la the soPPleMentarY eetlft'AtesOE
1"fe Dentiniorr 1ouse, the town, ot Miteneli
ts an additional $2000 for pular
buildiogs, Wand Bend tor a pier ;3000
Goderica for harbor improvernents "$r;0,-
200, ; artd Iiiisteard-ina for harbor $1.0000,,
We are hePirig to PM EXOter h4ve -
share 9f the pulal;p risineY next year.
and *re believe theze le every reasen to
emPeot that this town wL have a rh,,,e
new Post ert:.ce 'atrIlt next year'...
During the dying how's ot, the eetusiOn
majortty io , 411.4S" -Senate'
slaughtered no less than four Govern-
Illeasttres, three of the* 'bills' et
more than Ordinary intlioCtance./ The
411eastaree Wit:Rh the upper chanshor,
tbe roi ot U' Wtituid •Ltturiera
schlarofornsed •the tariff conijnisei3On, the
filighway Act, the bill to!" "give a •eula;.'
sidy of nearly tverr,; millioris to the !I's ,Ks,
isl, 0. Railway, and a n4nor rileasure
Arnetsding the Weights and Measures Act
which was intr4xluced by Pion. tr, 'Fos -
This "..s an uriPrecedented 'action °a
't.e Part of the Senate and-correng t'rOm
bouvb of aged and worn out
lleuld not be cole-rated Canada
VAC0vER. 29 -Cor eked re -
%teal electien Tiltur,i-
o BrXett Coluntbia Leg
ttt two Socialiets wer
Conservatives, leaving
1.11 the next 1-rous
Newest1e was doubt until today,
tag luere Parker .1liants (Serialist) IS
. decia.red erected over It. 13. 1):or (Con-
se:vat:ye), hy t-sttle votes. Ja.cis plant
t'Seciallat ) rete1nod, Ills seat la Narksitno
lay 200 majoritYk r
Vancouver and Ylotoria went oVerwhel-
mirtglY Cortserva.tive, the former select -
_g• GoverruriOnt SuPp0401.74„4 p.nti
latter our. 10 Vancouver the, it:ghost
onserva.tivo reseived 1,180 over thq
highest Liberal.,
Thirteen Socialists and three Liberals;
possibly six, lost their deposits. Seven
independents shared the same fate.
The members ot the Ontatio •.„1-\,g,ricul-
tural and Experimental Tinion are
pleased to state that for 1912 they are
prepared to distribute into every Town-
ship of Ontario unaterinl of high quality
Tor experiments with grains, fodder,
'crops, roots, grasses and clovers, as
• ws,-
3 vari-etics of Oats 3 plots
D.A.C.No. 21 Barley and Branner 2
2 v.srieties two -rowed Barley 2
" 2 varieties Hulless Barley 2
2 varieties Spring ,Wheat
2 varieties Buckwheat
2 varieties Field. Peas
2 yareties Spring Rye
2 e'er:let-Les Japanese Beans
3 varieties Husking Corn
3 varlet:es Menges
2 of Sugar Beets for feeding 2
• v.aricties of SwediNh Turnips 2
▪ varleties of Fall Turnips
2 varisties of Carrots 2
3 of Fodder and Silage Corn 3 ,
3 varieties of Millet 3
2 varieties of Sarghum 2
Grass Peas and 2 of Vetchess'.3'
Rape, Kale and Field Cabbage 3
"3 var!atdes of Clover a
2 varieties of Alfalfa, Lucerne '11
• <I varieties of Grasses 1
- 3 varieties of Field. Beans s3
3 varieties of Sweet Corn 't
72 varieties_ of Farly Potatoes t„ :2
of Medium Ripenin,g,Potatoe'a
varieties of Late Potatoess,s
grain mixtures for grain prOd.,2
13 grain mixtures far fodder ,,6, .n
'soother term at tho satil&salarY. The
finances were in a fair conditsen and
all ossissations will he .Mat.-liss Ethel
K,elsermano, who bastbeen attend-it:1g Nor
mat school, has returned to her home
Iscre.-The lieletes Lillian and 'Thes.
Hartleib, teachers at the Bronson ahd
Babylon line, xesPectively, are, spending
sh-sia.- Easter holidays under the Paren-
tal root.-iitEss DUnloli has PeYered her
cenneeti on, vritis 'the ,schOPI here arid, the
trustees have engaged Miiss Stock of
Ta-vistock to take charge or her ream.
to take effect atsEaster
HqVirder sOffeg Ms place for
sale. Ile fInteTds seturritiag with his
tO gerrranY---Mr. F• ElOodatan's
ale on Saturday was lardely attend-
ed and good Pricest were realized. He
will leave ein. 4 teW 4.4Y4 to tnalro his
future home 'with his sou in the State
over, Als3e,Alfalfa, Tint-
ntucky Blue. and Orchard 0(•ass
--specially selected for seeang PurPoss
4,1soa quantdy of clean Alsike and
Tirothy Seed mixed at very reasonable
Paries 'tstulring- should buy
arlyas th l4ter 47.-44.4' Ve,11 tY,!-
and higher aesasoa advances.-01-1AS,
correspondentat tathor, 1)
()lattices the follow:ng e g
.m,er well-known rea4et ol:to
Pt, quiet nsaresaXe tOC"
vabyter1an Manse, 1.9.t,
Wednesday, March, 2";th. wheO Afr. Wes -
Clark Aral Miss Elener Kenoody
re un'rod •;',,,t) tnarr,:age by th4 ROi, C.,
CENTR.A1_,IA $1,00 Reward $100. 1 THE CANAN BANK
Ve.m mapte rsYrUp has arrived again rhe' readers °t this PsPerwin pleased t,a • ikI)I-
that there i at least one dreaded disessetlia Science
and niany in this section na„ye tapped, has beerlable_tp cure la ratite St,ages, and that i
ut s
hthe run so far has not been' very Catarrh. alto Catarrh Cure is the on y tive
tre, handa t.eva. t 1: La. 1: 1. nee, tiua
ngt t 7. (4'7- 'ilueoP'Isi6aitgar*ecaliisi.94111,11.14allal n7 ad-blartlFrre 8r:ti radr4:11,44T1a4h
ea trees tapped on the , patsena.gts ternallY0Mtbig directly Mien thebleort and arligena,
'grounds and a '''revr- on, the side of thi. ife7fre4d,ti„,fit orrit,e4i:?kte418"e4Zarebg2ivid: ;hT21144te.hu;
road.7-,11r, Wnr.' ColwUl ShiPlied a, cars Strength bYbaildirigiiP the eonstitatiotiand4sSiSt‘
load Of horsers and tarrIal, Machittery to
the West On, Monday. The. etteSic Was
in charge of Poyle, Col:will is,
leaving on Tuesda,7 merning to meet
the stock in Terglate,--M17;' Wax- Beyle
left on -MiorldaY to aCeePt a.' effuettnen
With the P4Ylee 00, .og MUT
hgeeTreraaltlr rri=41;4; teb;PeCthlablIcr w4hIel stewsrt a fossner re-
the baseball Sa3-S011, C041,1,41e4ces,gr, silent of Clinton, died on SSIldaY last
Blateaferd of Esseter spent a eouple
at the hone of her"datissliter, frs,
clays visng at parsonage..-711ev.. „ter frosim send 01: Th-ssetse,,,s0.- Ilse de_
Blatohtord attended the temperance con,. '
vcntren at Clinton, on Thatraday testis -
Mr, Thos. Patter 'Of IFOreet. aPent feW
daya the Past week trisliting- Ms broth-
er, idr. R. 1•Atite•E--rMr,' John, 17.arrY has
rented his farm. south Of the Village
to 31, Anstin of Maple Lodge,-Mrs4
Wes. Tetodgins and children. spent a few
days with her father at Olande-
lsOye,Thres earlead tine, cattle
were Wilmot from here On Friday for
• tire Tarpate Enster markets. -Mrs, John
Colwill. swp.t. few days last week at
St. Johns. ben 'Called there Owing to
the death Of her sister, •
ingsature cleingits wo4. The proprietors have
80 much faith in its curative #iowers that they oiler
One Diundted Dollare tor any. case that it fails to
eine, Send tor list of testimonies:
Address F.,. J. CHENEY /lc CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents,
Taken's/0's nosily pins for constipation-
On Tuesday* March 19, ttae gabel
Qta,Y44, Passed a'way at the age of
yeara, 2 months. The little one has
be 11) since. November last.
The C,QC,P held thca- annsal 'ban -
(wet Beanessey'S Hall „one eVellior
last week. After supper Selectiona
Ornate Were rondared W. J, fled -
n& phenegraph. he attendancewas
arge.r-a. Meetiing t thc Tr:vetoes of
Scheel NCt;4 'and 12 wart held.sea
- evening' for the purpose 'of cen-
siderir the various ehartges that will
havito be made before the insPector
apProve, the new Strtrattre,S--. 'JONI
Scales sale, which was POIldaetqii on
'Friday as was tamely atterided4, Mr,
Seale has rentewl t fans, to Mr. PuY
Harr:son, and tsrmev,ing to MS village
to ret(Ae,r-Mr. diehn Ciii,listour, a wells
itoWn fence dealer of Ws Vlaire,, /tau
nted"the Ural. or :Nirs ;JO/nester* Atkins,
y has slahvado ZurSeh striterle he Will
Thos. Flynn, atA, lrge sl)ent
Sunday under the parental roof -Mr.
Iedgite almulPita a feW daYs with
daUghter, w149 resides ln
tr. Harry Shoff Of TOr0411;4' ,T,ta OPendittg
ew weeks With "Arr. Eslie lledgrien
gr, short has taught school in TOrant
r a number O1 years, but has been
advised by doctors to gitNY0 upttNtelltiM
oh account Ot 1t. ltealtb.-Mra., Ira Wee
for a number of 'years a resident o
London, moved here Saturday and will
reside fall ller new home, -The 'roads in
th,:s seouon or the countryait at Prete
sae in a bad ceudition ea account OC the
resent thaw. They are lett Imre in seine
places, Whille In &Mod placer( there is
a. great (luantiity of snow, 'making it,
unfit for tither tho buggy or thecutier.
foore. "Mies Ifornson of 13
PlaYell the wedding` itlarch.
Lie 'bride 100%4 daintrY ha a •dress el
organd.1.e, her only ornament te-
r:more 'blossoms( After the ceZe-
ibe lioness, Mrs. Moore, served
re and the newly lalarrid
bIt for their Irenta sovito flli
oi*U..ost et Mather, Mr. Clark earne
0 Man(0,43. a COY' years ago from Cred-
1, °Marie, and secured a hall sec-
l'on of 'g(te4 wat land, which Is now
sroced state or cult:rat:4)414 Ile Is
one or the many Ontar:o young men
who have coma west and prosPered-
One" et LUeare$ Proenerotta hues
es men took unto 111,msel1 a. bride on
vednesday last. when Mr. llarrY H.
Lanlern was married to Nfiss Luey
daughter of Mr. Sohn Young, London.
Rev. Whetting- performed the cortmonY,
and 7:M1ss Weida Bain of Crediton play-
ed the wedding march. The bride was
given away by her father, and looked
charming to her travelling suit of navy
blue broadcloth. The groom's gift to the
bride was a beautiful pearl necklace, to
the pianist a gold signet ring. Atter de-
Jeuner Mr. and Mrs. Lanks'n, lett tor titer
new home n Luca, amid hearty con-
gratulations and good wishes of all
present. The bride was a former resi-
dent of Orel:Eton and has our very best
A sp,eial Easter Song, service will be
given in the Evangelical church next
Sunday evening.
„Miss Mary Bertrand, who has been
irns^ her brother in Detroit for the
Watts:, returned home on Saturday.
The many friends of John Finkbeiner
are pleased to see hlrrt on the street
ass.",n. We hope -Ms strength will grow
front day ,to day sb that ha vs21 be in
good health aga.in.
The interlor of the Town Hall has been
painted. It is a marked improvement.
The Ladles' Fable class of tho Evan-
gelical church svill entertain...the Young
Men's Bible class to a social evening
in the Tolwo Hall on Friday evening.
The Counc3 held their regular meet -
'mg on Monday. The Pathanasters, pound
keepers and 'fence -viewers for the year
were appointed.
Monday was April Fool's day. -All
kinds of Snnocent pranks were played.
Same made some needless. trips but ti.ley
promise to ,get ,even.
-- Mr. J. H. Holtzmann has received word
that hs son Arthur who is attending she
Western College at Naperville, Ill., Won
fikst. prize in an Oratorical ' contestnarns
wcdcula bons vral soon ring here. -
Rev. Fr. Foster net with a, painful ac-
cident last week, whew ho slipped ry.nd
broke his vntst.-Mr. and Mrs, P. Han-
lon. of Centralia visited friends here on
Sunday. -Mr. Jos. Gu;nan is visiting
friends in Seatorth this week. -Mr. Jas.
Quarry is busy these days making
maple syrup. gidn says this is not a
good season for Symp.-Mr. P. Buck-
ley and mother visitedfriends in neigh-
borhood on Sunday. -Mr. Michael RYan
lett last week for Gravenaurst Hospital
to visit his brother Hugh, who Is sers
fously 111 at that place. -The
Dunn and "ISIcOst:a.o left this weelc for
their homes to spend their Baster hells
days. -Mr. Patrick Boland and family
of the 1.4th of McGalivray left last
week for Parkhill, where they intend
to make their home. His son John will
occupy the farm.--3,Ess Nettie McCarty
is vilaltIng friends at Shiplca.--Miss
Maggie and Mee Patton' returned home
from London, where they have been at-
tending the Normal school. -Mr., and
Mrs: Daniel Coughlin, of Centralia. called
on 'friends here on Sunday, -Regan Bros.,
shipped a carload cattle to Toronto. on
Mr. John Shen -11N, who went West
with a carload of horses, has returned
home. -Misses Grace Murray and Ger-
trude McLinchey spent the weak end
vrith Miss L. Manseillodg-
ins was h.ssising his brother, , Mr.
R. Hod,ginet to move hiss household ef-
fects ta Centra on 'Tuesda.Y. Be iti-
dentla making- lit,s home at Petrolea for
a ltisne.--l3o6ling sap. is the 'Order. , of the
day with those that haVe a sugar bush.
Thos. Kenny of Parkhill has crnav-
ed into the vacant house belonging to
T. Love for the summenc-On Sat.'
- •Is , •
Ong the classes of the Co, ilege arnounti.ng urday ,morrs1ng last a couPle of Shipica
Each plot s to be two rodAangby,
ArthurInairiing good and lite lad es started , for 'Parkhill Via Harp -
sone rad vricle, except No. 28, Which la
cont.-m.1.A success is a pleasure tonear.
111. Ontario, may. choose any. ONE of
-I* lie one rod squal:ej, AnY "ttt Pc'rs°1/ • Tont Treve thich and 'AloriV.,o 'Hods -ins
di • rna.de a business • trcip to Wing -horn.
• ,e experiments .for 1.912, and iipply for,
'lithe same. The material will lai3it1ritish-i:' MeMass'ay and son Laverne, who
'hays been ,frieruis'bere for a few
'W,7elcs 1-1a3;,e txtefUrnetd „tor,lheiir home
,Weithurn. '
.0.eath-Our -people were 'shocked to
learn on Fr'sdaYsnet"nsing that, Mrs. Mich-
ael hirtzel had died quite suddenly the
1-1/er 7husband had been ta
town n the evonling and returning hotile
soot tin4 Ms 'wife in the houSe, and
he hadspoken,of ,v1S,Iting 'the neigh-
"lcf ne,hebttk..aithbngo1 her ab-
be.' LIO'rotirecict&hisi bed and awoke
Not'"finding his
she Made an7est gatien and to
,Asu pi se fonther kneel:mg, in his
detttd• appeared' to have been
east for csornseitsnebetaret he -retired, but
erica unit of no Iligist bei01,- in the r orn.
".d,id. not notee her. Th.,..A.-ed
nd then got 'the asslstanee 01'
,,,ssssess' The :dee:eased although suf-
f,,rns from hear' trouble d -d not appear
ta ' her' ill and her sudden -demise- can.
Idly, be realized by the.' faarrly. Her
sj s'-rvt was held en t0
eident pastor
qd in the order in which thesa.pplica-
lions are received while trie supply
• lasts. It Might be we11. for each applic-
ant to- Make a second choics,elfor, tear
• the first could' not belgranted. Ali Mat-
.ra1' will ,betarnished entiil • freLe'',
t '
ot charge to each applieants ,and the
froduee will, of course, become the pre-
arty of the person whoconductS. the
-experiments Ttach. parson - sppily-ing „
;an experiment 'hi/sand 'write ihrk /la ss,
and address -very carefully andehaVida
ssive the names' of the▪ he Ives.
County/Sin nwhiCri
Jo s t ph NI de a rt hy ''ntoVed
:Lie* ,hOinf.t recently sEurehaseci-gif
-L.,`,stkinsan near MooresSille-SM.
sissel Ogden who has it:1141:1.0.
€!Cin at the London 1-Insril,tai7
.„.s.in Well as can ho, 'eeePeeted--IVIe
'LL"tte McNaughton Spent:a, few da.ys sla st'
,'.7;t'ecic, the, gneet....3i,fis s""jsp,c4-speSsMarley„:
'isle' Ida Idierh ;Hai ben 'spending, the
we,cis ",,SEiseterS.,*4
creeks that tatlAessetista'.,gsse
. , .
iie flood has been lacking around the
atag'o, b:ri1...,C1: result., 'scirhOlat ahislBr1nt..„, . .
'fed foarrilY,. A
'ens; r p. 1-30.,N;£ 'noirix ;two feet :;e1P-swater, . . , .
. ens' 10
nhenan.,-Onsing to the, ' cendi tl, ` 8
oasts - and Wet weather I -there
. '
hIvcet here .on , S'undaypf
-, -
ley„sbut unfortuna'telyUs.ck, didnZt' go a.nd
they .waited at Harpley tdIL a rig drivr
en by Mr. R. Pollock.' took them; back
hams. ,
rs, George gaup')
"I I/ad.'s-bad case of dandruff. My
scalp wtas full of dandruff and lt .came
out, thiek and scalpy. My hair' ca.me
out !badly ; often I nearly cr!ted tC
count of losing, MY pretty head of hair;
I aleard of PARISIAN SAGE and only
had to use twits botItlesl,'llieflare the:hair'
stopped corning -out, the scaip became
clean, an d_all tlhi dandruff di ea ppea red.
The batir becarne silky and one big von -
800 that 1 lilted PARISIAN SAGE was,
that it 'kept the 'hair smooth, silky, and'
clean, wilth no ' traces of st-ictklnessi- '
' I 'beDeve this tonic to be the best on
the rnamrket as, there thas ' been no .
turn Of ,darisliniffs•--ar hair- falli,ng. out
ceased lady ,had been aSling for some
time and she speot a few weeks fo,
town th's w'nter In. the hope that the
change would benefit her. She did not
-regain lier health, however, and 'returns
ed to Brantford early this month and
front that tinie gradually sapk WW1
<leant claimed her,
by New Absorption Method.
• if you suffer from bleeding,
itching, Villaor p-rotruding
iles send nom your address! and
will tell you how to cure your
self at home by the absorption
treatment ; awl will also send
some a this borne treatment
free- for trial, with references
from your own locality if re -
guested, Immediate relief and
Pernlatt011t it assured! Send
no Inoue)", but tell 'Others of
ths offer. Write to -day to Mrs,
M. Summers, Box 840 Windsor,
Electric Restorer for Men
phnsphanni re,toTe3 Crory mervo kr the body
its proper teuslon.• restores
vim and Nttality, rl'eM411,17t decay and allsexual
weakneas averted At °AM riamtplumot
malts you A new mart. FOCci sa ibz. or -two for
s5, Mailed to any address, The Seobel1 Drug
vo..st.cAttukrtnelo. oat.
oltario Liquor License Lot
Ucena District of South RUA-
‘Ivgn that the Board el Ides
AM; ler the Lieense Distriet et flout
I meet at
$ATLTRD.&r, APRIL 20th, 1011
AT 10 .t,
for the purpose of considering applications for Liquor
Licenses for the Licenie War leltt•IS.
Ali persons interested will govern themselves a
License InsPeetor.
Dated at Clinton on Mareh et7th,I1n2.
Notice is hereby friven that the Persons whose
IVII)1e8 appear In be following schedule are Applying
for Liquor Licenses for the 1400111e Year 191245 and
that the SAM are not now Licenses ;lacier the Act
°rare applying for licensee for premises not now
under license
Name of IKInd of
Applicant License
Jos. Ziler ITavern
Oesermtionot Nemec!
Premises Municipality
Shiva Hotel Shiva
Tp of Stephen
Ont, House Mt. Carmel
Tp of Stephen
For the current yeas there were fourteen tavern
and no shop licenses issued.
The total number of applisations for licenses for
the ensuing year N sixteen tavern and no shop
Any petition against granting License to any
applicant or promrses must be lodged with the
undersigned at Icrot four days before the meeting of
the License Duni.
License Inspector for South I/uron
Dated at Clinton this 2009 day of March, 191t1
All farmers interested in the stand-
ing Field Crop Competition Fall Wheat
are requested to forward their names
to the Secretary ,or P,resident of the
Exeter Agricultural Soety, not let:.
er than ltfay ist, 1912, Prizes offered
".120., $15., $12., $10., $.8., $6., and
President Secretary.
Allc loll S 1 c
General Merchandise
Exeter. Bargain Store
CAPITAL, - $10,000,000 REST, - $8,000,000
Issued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce are the most convenient
form in which to carry money when travelling. They are negotiable
everywhere, self -identifying, and the exact amount payable in the prin-
cipal foreign countries is printed on the face of every cheque. The
cheques are issued hi denominations of
$10, $20, $50, $100 and. $200. A23
and may be obtained ort appiketion at the Bank.
bi C9nnection with its Travellers' Cheques Tbe Canadian Bank of
Commerce basissned a booklet entitled "Information of Interest to those
about to travel"i, whch will be sent free to anyone applying for it.
B7,CETZR- 13
ch1so at Credltou.
The Mcilsons Bank
Itg°C0ta Cof P',t0Kres4 for Five rear4-30es—I9u
ital 4P000p00
Resevve ppool000
Lons and Investments - 27,457,090
Total Assets $33,0908192
$3Brancheu P ,danada, andAgente alad pottVapPlUlet401n allibe
Wirlaiptia Cities in the World.,
At al Branches, Interest allowed at highest current rate,'
Agents at Exeteorthe Daxniniou Gloyernteent,
rots round trip. ".N1lnimutn
eetween stallons to (an-
d VP:1;g Apra 4, 5, 0, 7. sad
17.2trlt April 10. 1.012.
pr2 2n0, 161.31, and. 30th and every
econd Tuesday thereafter unt'.1 Sept.
1709 'inclusive.
WINNIPEG and Return ;34.
EDMONTON' and Return $12 .
Tickets good rot, 60 days, Proportions
ate rates to other points 219 Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta. Tickets wil/
0180 be on sale on certain dates via Sar-
nia and Northern Navigation Company.
Tickets on sale daily until April 1.5th.
To ltlaniitaba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
on sale every Tuesday in March, and in
When go'Ing to Buffalo, New York,
Philadelphia, Montreal travel via Grand
T,runk Railway System -the only double
track route.
Full information from
J. 3. KNIGHT, Agent; Exeter.
We are now well estai)lish-
ed in business and we believe
on the best of authority (nam-
ely that of a daily increasing
business) that we are meeting
a long felt want, and giving
the best of satisfaction.
Remember our motto,—
"Fresh Groceries all tfie time,"
All kinds of produce taken
ei", •
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday
Apr. 1
AT 3 P. M. AND 8 P. M.
12 & 13th
/JENS' surrs,
r 33' .E; Bend, Sts''',jilarrit
ebewo •rty be arnustag, but h
agOr et the elreas.
That ebolee rnzn 1 108 oerea on
and ard ce3attoa or traborne,
(ine and a halvilc Croat raeberl
Oa tho premlses Is a large brick housin
WItIt slate roof, and. franva barna and
stabling. Will lse sold separately or
together to fault purchaser. 15 acres in
fall wheat, 40 acres tall plowIng done,
balance in grass, Apply to.
Out. classes are DOW larger titan
over before but we have enlarged °Ur
quarters and. We have ream for a tow
more students. You may enter at any
time, We have a sta.ff tot mine oxPer-
!eased iinstrtictors and oUr ceUrSes are
tho best, Our ,graduates succeed. Thre
week throo recent graduates informed
us that they'have positions paying $05
$70 and $1.1.25 par month. Wo haVilt
three departments, -Commercial, Short-
hand and Teldgraphy. Write for Otto
tree cataldgUe new.
D A. 1,1cLACIILAN, PrinclPal.
PAict FA C,
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Mberta
• Special Trains lime Tor:ento ZOO p.m. on
APRIL 2,1S, 30 NAY 14, 21 JUNE 11,15
JULY 9, 23 AWL 6, 20 SEPT, 3, 17
,Seeond c1u tickets v;iiloita,,k; stations to principal
Naathwest poiats at
Winaipes and isani ;34:00; Edrionion-and rerima
$44 tu aid to other lioiali is propattioa. Tkkels
460d 10 return within 60 flop tram coke date. '
duso to Um too "la Sdaiatoon, also toVroolipelt
*viaMain L4&E oil all partials. Com-
IUIIT maimed vull beddin,ca610
,cCaned aersaderate rates throushlocalagent. •
• Early appliaaticin roust be male.
ASK rot
Ostskiss mkt sad NU isiosaatioriS
s •
aearott.C.P.R. Aleat et
I. G. MURPHY. Dist. Pan,Aatilrotoste.
99cDit411' NO. 1111AiI8E
' --
te,,aottavt' A ValiWMaill mit
I w I! it e .5*WIL)Wk — , ,
....42,1 'Ii7,_1111'-
' .88112/F.'• '
1 ',VII 10111,
• me 48 IPS -
. .
. -44,---- dea:
ia. • '- O
VI aft. 12111,140, t
• stoma 48 8 ',.. MUIR 98iNE.
ration! . - .
a lutataLeav .\\I
" " 'VelleSsel
To protect protect your family from the ravages'of disease and infeetion;i and
he rigors of winter; to make your home the abode of Health and Happiness.
Statistics tell us that there vvere,over 250,000 deaths in North Ameria,a
last year from fever and Pneumonia; ••, Over 90 per cent. of these cases were
traceable to out -door closets, and all were the result of insanitary conditions.
Are you ging to allow this terrible death rate to continue.
Why not insure Health by Intas limg a l'ARKYTE SANITARY CH E-
Absolutely Sanitary and Odorless • carries the endorsement of Physicians
and 1-lealth Offielals, asul our own Iron -clad guarantee, Requires • no expert -
sive wate-r-system; no plumbing-- no so -wage can be Installed in any ,par
of your' home at' the ciSat of a few n-dnutes of your spare time ; lasts a life-
time and cost less than/ a CENT a days
KYTE',Chemical -has been proven by Bacteriologkal • test to be
the most pervrerful Disinfectant, Deodo-ant and Geraticido, known to Science.
The "PARKY'TE" SANITARY crImuioAr. oLosurr is sold by,
W. ',T. Heanctan Exeter Ont.
, call there , Will convince you. No further, argumeflt will • be necessary. "
' " '
MON,TOS vAtioouvian