HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-4-4, Page 3A rtsOOD MEDICINE FOR THE SPRING. Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives -- A Tonie is All You Need. Not exactly siek—but not feeling quite well. That is the way most people feel in the spring, Easily tired, a,ppetiter fiekk, sometimes headaches, and a feeling of depres- sion. Pimples or eruptions may aopear oft the skin, or there may he twinges of rheumatism or neu- ralgia. Any of these' indicate' that the blooa is out of order—that the blood is out of order—that the in- door life of winter has lett its mark upon you and rnay easily develop into more serious trouble, Do not dose yourself with pur- gatives, as so many people do, in the hope that you can put your blood right. Purgatives '''eallop through the system and weaken instead of giving strength. Any doc- tor will tell you this is true. What you oeed iu spring is a tonic that will make new blood and build up the nerves, Dr. Williams' Pink Fills is the only medicine that can do thie speedily, safely and surely', Every doee of this medicine reakee new blood, whielt clears the skin, etreagthena the appetite end makes tired, depressed meta women and childrea bright, active and atrong. Mre, Maude 13a,gg, Lemberg, Saske says: "I ean unhesitatingly recoils - mead Dr, Williams' Piok ?ilia as a blood builder and tonie, 1 was very mach ran down wilco I beg,art using the pills, aasl a few boxes fully restered my Imelda" Sold by all medicine dealers o by mail at tit) eeets a 1/Q3 or six herxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Wil- liams' Afedieine Co., Brockville, Qat, RULE, "1 hco made it a rule through life,be said at the table the other elay mon to his left, "never to with another man's husi- That's right—perfectly right," was the reply, But I see you have tt BOW C010.6., dential vim*. "Yes, sir—yes. "Ile's a hard-loolong case. 1 h een him intoxicated a dozen times, pie fevers and all stomach and and 1icouldn't trust hint out of my; bowel troubles. Concerning them sight with a. ton cent piece, Took Mrs. Auguste Blicr, $t. Damase bon out of charity, eh'? "Well, not altogether, you know. He happens to be my eldest eon." There seas a period of silence ect painful that both wished some one would yell "fire" to break it up, Sir Frederick Treves. LUCKY SIR ellARLUS. A good story is told of that Taut- er -us English society surgeon, Sir Frederick Trews. The story deals with <toe of Sir Frederick's distill- entished patient, Lord Cherlee Beresford, Lord Charles fell ill and at for the great surgeon. "Tell pineee into the lives of so warty me your symptoms," said Sir Fred, women ae Dorld's Kidney Pills. Title eriek. His lordship enumerated ie'because nine-tenthor the ills to pains here and pains there, with winch womelt are euhject come an ache- and a stiffness somewhere from, diseased kidneys. No woman else. Each item was /greeted by who use Dodd's Kidney Pills call the doctor witii a greet chuckle, have diseased Iddneys, They el- and at last when the catalogue of ills was completed he rose and turned to Lord Charlea, "My dear fellow," he said, "let me eongra- tulate you; you have the rarest dis- ease or the eeatury, You lucky (log! you have a disease that was thoug.ht to he extinet." Lord 11011EN IN ALL PARTS• OF CANADA TELL OF TILE HEALTH DODO'S KIDNEY PILLS BRING. They 'Made a New Woman or Mrs - Eli Amirault who was a Victim.; of Eidney Disease for over a Year. Amirault's Hill, Yarmouth Co, N.S,, March 25 (Special)--‘4Four boxes of Dodd's Kidney pills made a; new woman of me," Thos d are the words of Mrs. Elie Andrault ef this place. They are words that have been used again and again by women in all Parts ef Canada who have zuffeeed, and who have found relief and cure in Drodel's Kidney Pille. "I suffered fer over a year from kidney disease," Mrs. Amirault continues. "Nothing I tried help- ed me. At last some one told axle try Dodd's Kidney Pills. Before I had finished the first box I felt better.- Four boxes made a new WOroan of aut," No remedy ever given to the pablie has brought health and hap ways (rare the kidneys, ,•000000.000,000. 0,000-0000000.0 THE ROYAL PAIR Ob.' RUSSIA. A Glininse at the Crowning Of the Czarina. The widow of an American (Ratio - FLOOD AND FAMINE: Awful Steries Repeated From Lower "Volga, Russia, An appalling account of the suf- ferings of the faaaine-stricken pea- santry on theelower Volga coulee from Tzzaritzirt, Russia. To give but one. instance, in the village of Gavriloff an. offieial inspector dis- covered that most of the inhabitants were ia a state of terrible emacia- tion; many were affected -with boils, and their teeth were falliog out. Seyeral families were living in one house, and the abandoned cottages - had been pulled down in order to, use the wooden walls for fuel. Even this aupply was almost exhausted, and ie some houses there were ici- cles on the top of the stoves. Twelve hundred pounds of ;corn was sent to the village, and eeveral eartioaals of fuel. The censequenee of the present widespread famine are most serious. The Governmeat, is attempting to deal with the evil of eupplyiug food, but the corn for sowing an the spring has been long ago earteunted by the hungry peasants, and they have been obliged to sell at very /ow priees or to kill of their cattle and horses on account of the lack of fodder, It is to be feared that the &scone tint bred by the famine, may result in excesses such as took Place in the revolutionary period. Perhaps this fear accounted „for the sharp pun- ishment jaet inflicted op forty pea- sants, who were copalernaeal to terms of imprisonment at Saratoff for burning down the house nobleman, and milting down his forest. ea, ZA3I-131.7E IN THE HOME — Read Row Useful It Proved in "Charlie's" answer Is 11Qt reeord- mat, who has PuhliShed her Inertl' These Widely Different Cases. .1,1MMTNI,T14‘,..01,•,,,,,,,,'", irs of foreign courte in "Intimacies ed. of 0000, and Society," deaeribes Zeal -Butes strongest point is it MOTHERS RECORMEND 1 the royal pair or Russia as they effectiveness in all kinds of skin :iurs OWN TA1LETS1 looked at their coronation, eases and injuries. Just note bow aby's Own Tablets are reeom- deal by thousands of thankful' mothers who have used them for their little once and have found them a safe and sure cure for con- etipation, indigestion, worms, mm - In its initial stages a cold is a local ailment easily dealt with. But many neglect it and the result is often the development of distressing seizures of the bronchial tubes and lungs that render life miserable for the unhappy victim. As a first aid there is nothing in the handy medi- cine line so certain in eurative re- sults as Biekle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the far-famed remedy for colds and coughs. WELL INVESTED. "Seven years ago I landed in this town -with only one dollar, but that dollar gave me my start." "You must have invested it very profitably," "I did, I telegraphed home for money." POLITE First Tramp—"After all, it pays to be perlite, pardner.". Second Tramp—"Not always. The other day I was actin' deaf and durabs when 'a man gave me ten cents I says, 'Thank you, sir,' and he had me arrested." Specialist Did Skin Trouble No Good Very itchy and Disfiguring. Got a Little Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment and Was Cured. "For two summers I suffered with -skin trouble bn my arms, and on my legs from my knees down. Ary arras were badly disfigured, and I kept them covet -ed. It came hke tFfe hives, and was very itchy. I consulted a specialist, who gave me medicine, as well as an ointznent, but seemed to do no good. It was beginning to appear on my face. -I got a little Cuticura Ointment and some Cuticura, Soap. The first touch of Ointment seemed to relieve, and before the Cut-icura Ointment was finished I was cured. I have not the least sign of trouble. I think it would d. have spreaover My whole body if Cuticura Soap and Ointment had not cured me. am, delighted with them, and de feel pleased to think I have some- thing I have confidence in. I tell all my friends about them, and I think Cuticura Ointment is the bast I ever saw?! (Signed) M. 3. Boddy, 73 McCaul Toronto, Dec. 22 1010 Cold -Sore Began to Heal With Ficst , . Use of Cuticura Ointment... "Cuticura Ointment cured a vary . bad cold -sore that gave mo hours of leycke paia end loss et. eleep. I tried lots of Other Fdiitecligg pittin ,nog. dic4. me any good till I tried Cuticura Uint- a:tent; and from the very first ' tion it began to heal all iao there is Met even Sear left. (a_gne ears. W. voyce,INIerrnaid Farm, ,For more than a genert ton Cuticura ;Soap and Cuticura- n merit ,hai3O . afforded the speeclieSt,'safest_and most eecriOrnical treatment for .skin aura kb./ troubles, of young wad old 'Althong they are sold by'dry gi.atiaapttg.deatOs Izerywhere, ilber lopicto varbe,obtalrieti fft rug tt. Chein. Co*, et, olumbuf3' AVO:, 130# . . 4,* Que., writes; "Please aend me an- other box of Baby's Own Tablets. I have already used them and have found them an excellent remedy for little ones. I would strongly recommend them to all mothers.' The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 emits a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Breekville, Ont. MAKING PROGRESS. s "How are you getting on a school, Johnnie7" "Very well; I'm second now." "Second Good! How many are there in. the class'?" "Mo and a little Revive the Jaded Condition.— When energy Rags and the cares of business become irksome; when the whole system is out of sorts and there is general depression, try Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They will regulate, the action of a de- ranged stomach and a disordered liver, and make you feel like a new man. No one need suffer a day from debilitated digestion when so simple and effective a pill. can be got at any drug store. Some -writers have a wealth of thought, and they all have a thought of wealth. Requisite on the Farm. —Every farmer and stock -raiser should keep a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eelectrie Oil on land, not only as a ready remedy for ills in the family, but because it is a horse and cattle medicine of great potency. As a substitute. for sweet oil for horses and cattle affectod by colic it far surpasses anything that can be ad- ministered. Too many People mistake, nail for • genius. Minard's liniment Cures Burns, Etc. The woman of the hour is the one who says Ishell be ready in min- ute. 1 Corns cause lnuch stiff eying,' hut Holloway's Corn Cure offers a 'speedy, sure, and satisfactory re- lief. MODEST BLACICSAIITH. Shortly before hit departure for , India, King George was visiting at count ho-,, • II f Ione of Oliver Crornwell's battles. Strolling out, one 310Orning alone, hci met the village bliaelsmith. E.ay, my good fellow," said his Majesty, genially, "I understand t,liece was a big battle forreht here," staminered the 131aeksmitlil, recognizing and salut- ing the King, "I did 'are a sound . . or two with13d1 the otman, but I didn't 'know your Majesty 'ad °card f it." - ^ b,acheler as a ,spintter wllsh Repesies Neuraf "The Czarina was easily the most excellent these persons proved it in eau . t atidely different direetiena. hwoman to he seen, and many',Voice of her as- the 'vast ',:..; Sore Deele-4Irs, 0, A. Campbell, iaefa (if the queentn 'queen. 13114 of Powasarna, Ont,, writes; `,'One of her lovellness had nothing of the my heels was very hardly blistered vanity which seeks a pahlie homage.; by a pair of Ilow shoo, and the 4..t had rather the ormealing gentle- poisonous dye from my eteekiag got mess •which made her mother, under 1 Into it, and made a bad'SOM.'. For the happy freedom of English skies, a week I enid not put on a shoo, the 'most. hek'ved princess of her and suffered great pain. I applied day, and to me she was mare the zeraspeer, and an 4 fow days it type of the sheltered woman to .he healed the weund." mated to a Brutus of lofty aoul., . . . mei eue-soars, ja Virgint, of Her face upon her eoronation day ;Doondnge, Ont.. '1V rites: "Zarn- was eherged with profound emotion ,Bok ;healed n, had ea which / sus- -it has haunted me ever elate. Ib woe& 1 was hurrying. itorost, my was like the face ; of Umartyr walks yard one day when T ,supped.. and ing with measured stens to . her ilm°1 fell heavily, my knee striking a . , , • . "And the mth an who was e Centre net realize how badly I was hurt, of the gorgeous pictures, whose au- lint I found I had a bad cut about tocratic atlpofness and sanctity et two inches long, very jagged and person were. proclaimed by every very deep, We bathed the cut and possible accessory of pomp and ea- applied Zam-Buk. This stopped ered ceremonial, produced in him- the smartine very eelcie, and in a self no illusion of royalty such as few clays it healed the wound may impress and thrill even the eonipletelyd, most democratic when. face to face -.11,:ezeIna, c 'med.—Mrs. Antoine with a king who is really kingly. seriault of Maxiamville, P. E. I., His narrow forehead and receding writes: "I had eczema and was un - chin, visible even behind the beard, der doctor's treatment for two years spoke little ef intelligence and noth- without any geed; result. I then ing of power, while the insignifi- tried' Zam-Buk and in the end it canoe of his small form was empha- ,cured Inc.". sized beside the tall men of his fatn- zena_Brik. is jest as good for ily, splendid -looking fellows, allpileS, blood -poison, festering sores, over six feet." pimples, eruptions, cuts, bnrns, bruises,. and m all skin 3uries and SLIGHT DELAY. diseases. 50c. box all druggists and 0141 pyle. Sharp etoote At the mon-tent I did okl millionaire en ose stores, or post free for price from verge of the grave wanted to marry Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Try Zara - you, would you throw me ovcrl" Buk , Soap, '250. tablet. She -"Not necessarily. Still, you might have to wait a year or two." ALL DEPENDS, Teach el ---'Row, children, here's a little example in mental arithme- tic. How old would a person be wire was born in 18877" HEALS THELUNGS STOPS COUGHS 25 CENTS Pupil—"Was it a man or a WO- , If a monis honest, he doesn't have to use a megaphone to advertise the Why persist in being imposed up - fact. on by buying poor trashy alum bak- ing powder when you can just as well buy Magic Baking Powder, the health giving "No Alum" brand at the sante price'? Sixteen Onnoes for twenty-five cents. At all Grocers. A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves' Worm Extermi- nator, and "there is nothing better for driving worms from the sy,stem. And too little Self-confidence is as disastrous as too nmcli. PILES CURED iN o TO 14 DAYS. Your ilruggiet will refund money if PAZO OIN'1% MSNT fails to cure any oaso of Itching. 131ind, Weeding or Protruding Pilot la 5 to14 days. 000. "What nonsense all this is about men getting on their knees when they -propose," said Mrs. Parslow to her dear "My husband didn't do iany such absurd thing." "Re, did when he proposed to Me,' Said the dear' friend without think- ing. • ED. 7 2F '4'K rThe, way to get a reputation for goodness is to be good. - tlinard's Liniment tor sato everywhere.. LIPTO OVER Z LION PACKAGES SOLDWE,OiLY pp .• DISTEMPER alk end Ceierrbel fever. Sore cure and positive preventive, no matter how 11015CS any egg gra infected or "exposed," 1.iusid. gkEenon the tongnei sets on the ,Blood and Gt,eds, expels the poisonou s germs from seay. estas Drstatanstr Dogs snd Sbeepi ale nd Chora in Poultry. Larnt. gellingelive stock Totn4-th'. Cot gs Ls. Grippe among human beings and is a fate kidnuY remedy, Suc and t boto,;%6. gud grt a dezell. Cut this ont. Eeep it, Show it to Yoor drangisa., lt 'Ao win get it or you, Free Sookiet, "Distemper. Causes and Cures." DISTRIGoTOBS--ALL, WHOLESAt.g. PRUGGISTs SPOYIN micsucAt. Co., cbemists and nactetiolocists. G0SHEN 10.5 CARPET DYEIN And Cr.TVs inn speeility with the E3Tittsh Arnricnt't Dying 00 0, " *4141 ortieidats 7;0and no ore sure to Satistp, AddF055 BOX /SO. feleiltr#AL WAY OE "Don you think a husband has a right to open his wile's letters l" "He has the rizht, perhaps, but hardly ever the courage," A Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic,- Through lack of consideration of the body's needs many persons allQW disorders of the digestive apparatus t endure until they become elm- , filling day e and nights with mattering, To these a. course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is re- commended as a suree and speedy way to regain health. These pills are epecially compounded to combat dyspepsia, and the many ills that follow in its train, and they are suc- cessful always. ouerit "Are you afraid sp ,rs Gay I" "1 wes until I married o To whom it may eoneerzt: 91118 tr) CC17:ttfY that I havo used MINARD'S mvsclf aa vett preseribed At in my pra.mice 101(.1'1, liniment Wan required , and have never failed to cot the &aired oifect. O. A. KING, TO FIND A NEW 'CRAZE. The fashionable world of London must lead a quaint existence. The dearest object of every one's life seems to be to find a new craze. For 'a," time it was bridge. Now bi'idge, is a capital game, but When y011 aro invitca to play bridge in the mor4ting, in the afternoon, in the evening, and nearly all night, bridge becomes a form of lunacy, Heaven knows -many erases have had their day' since bridge, began to wane. •Everything ftoni cara- vanning and skirt -dancing down tO appendicitis and laundry ,.work had its turn. But society has now found a new fad, and, wondef•ful to' say, it is as old as the hills. So- ciety has taken. to ,sowing. • WHY HE NEEDIEb MONEY. 'Little' Elmor—``PaPa, give seme money. `P.apa.‘Th'iNVIAY de. E)mer 2' ' •Li ttl e E1n1or= robber Was tc.tsto 'A.To u r 4-42 hadn't; ail' nk. sripp(-„ise, •e. Inf.t. say, loitit life, , and I "Solomy," said the pretty teach- er, '`what is a kiss?" "I can't ex- actly put it in words," returned the bay; "but if you really wanter know I can show you." ifirr"-lien. Try Marine Eye Remedy Nottinarting—FueleVine—Autegnirkt.. Try1`f!'11`IYeu rigael14t E,y ineiell itaINE cOnt- pounded bp oar OetoltAt5-notnut'nient 1,15(11017)0" t 11$4,•a1,. suesessfulnri, Ne d eitleil'it's.L7i'°1'.1>ee'LlIfe50Paillirg1111(fr!(14Vy'. ttruggho-a per. botito. '1,11,urino Care Eyo Salve in ASCptiO ,Murine Sia Remedy Co., Chicago Many a young man is rather fast about everything except settling his bills. Only One "BROMO QUININE." 'Vint is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Loot:: Lor the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c. Hunting for ------trouUle usually gets a full bag. MI -lard's Liniment r•ures Dandruff. HIS PROFESSION. FA.RTAS FOR SALE OR "New, Robert, what Jo you in- tend to do when you become a man?" questioned Aunt Ellen, as she looked approvingly upon her small nephew. - goin' to be a soldier," re- plied the boy, promptly, "'cause then 1: can fight whenever I want to without boing spanked for it." el I 5 'IRIS is a NOME ihat ANYONE can lase !dyed ALP' these DIFFERENT lig&IDS of Goods with the SAME used ALL KINDS0FG°M9 t CLEAN andSIMPLE 40"USe. NO ulinneoof the:WRONG Dye for the CoodS ,04101,, 5 color. All colors frroo your Dt-to;.giici or Fi:10T, Co 1 or C.nrd STORY Bookl0t 10; 'ThC JoimttooltIchordson. Co.. 1.,inOi0.0, Mot-art:RI, H. W. riawson, Ninety Colb e Strecti Toronto. Nitt•ga iftzer, sicti in t TlePTLY thirty per ee ou aerrieda aertsi OI? TWO HUN, tired and ninety acres on St. je.F.placf.; Tsieua, with fine house. up -to. dute barn and outbuin tidgs. Owney wishes w devote his time to other busmess, so will Fell Olean Tor ettielE sale. F411 mAr- tioulars furnished on appTlication. ENDRBD AND VIFTY,SEVEN ACRES 4. -IL in Norfoll= (!ortotY; E1ix St ares fruit; mum -date home; new bank barn; a verY desirable property at afE barga-in, LTNTYRED AND FIFTY ACRES-WITTC goTi house: two barns; Ten ACTOD orchard; in County Peel. A real snap. �NE 111.7NDRED ACRES -GOOD 11011SE arid outbuildings: near Teeswater. A firstela farm worth the money - DEA FARMOF TWO DRE acres in County of Wellington. with brick house; good outbuildings; can bought on C4$r terM. Forn IfUNDRED ACRE.% IN COUNTY Simone, with lIundred Acres Good l'inabort 20 aeros apple oreluirdi good Frame House; two Barns Can be bought right, TIIWENTT--FIVE ACRE FEVIT FARM- / Near St. Catharines: Brick House; Barn; twenty acres planted. Can. be Vonght very r.asonable, INF.' OF Tur. BEST FRUIT 'FARMS III ..." St, Catharinea Distriet-lilifty acres, thirty of witieln aro planted; Elegant Bantle, also Cottage and fine outbuildings. Will be sold on easy terms. , 'Ida 0111')' ACRES - ST. CATHAB/NES - II . Bungelo and Cottage and good out. buildings. Thirty-four acres plante1 in frult, end, a money maker. The owner wishes to retire and anxious to sell, T/VANE MANITOBA. ALBERTA, FiAS. katehowan and British Columbia lands, both improvtd and unimproved. In quarter. half or whole sections, also in larger lots Alp to five IAA:mired thousand aero. If thanking of investing in West. ern lands it. is to your interest to eanfilitia 111P, ,•00000.0f 'Phones: Main 5990, Park 927. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. oot. M'ILES'. rorNTS.- OF MIDDLESEX; CI 4 son street/ad (dor Iola; good haild. bit.S, a N.-. Tork to Zitarlte.,. Railway Stn. lion and Post Office. 711 health reason for selling. Anson 'Matthews. Denileld 1'. 0.. or We -tern Real Estate, Loudon. MALE HELP WANTED. T EARN TO BE A TELEGRAPHER OR 10..1 Station Agent. -Big demand for men. Free Book 18 exnlains work rind wAgc0. , Dominion 14,013.0ol,'Wlegra ally, Toronto. miSCELLAREOUS. 14 TIMTIOLDT, SASKATCHEWAN, WANTS "- this Spring. settlers for 4,000 free 'homesteads. lie$,t ,"mixed farming terri- tory in West. Also improvod farms 815 to $30 per acre. Write t>ommissioner. Board of Trade, 'Humboldt. 111TAT and FARM SCALES. Wilson's :Li Seale Vv`orka, 9 Ls -pinnacle, Totooto. el ANOER , TrilifORS, 1,1.7.),IPS, ete. T. l j ternal and external, cured wi..hout Pain by our home treatment. Write us before too lato, Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont. lie TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's Vii Scale Works. 9 Esplanade. Toronto. 7-u ,allii- ME Of r MOK 'ET IE CREOSOTE Sg,liajlx-z-E;M.,teo M'itimjiant_ti3 Protect— Preserve-- Bea citify S MI :as and Booklets on Application dAlitIES LANCIVitilil & CO" Limited 13741 Bathurst Street Toltowro ReirldpafgicuTarrese REM F10 Cure . en-ric - .$ ,„7 '41; L. . TRENCH'S 107 St. James' oPo4EZIPE EUY, dui world-famous for Epilepsy rind Fite. Simple home trea tanent. ..,l, "T,,-zIons,,aIrTi.... Parts of tlie world. Over 1,000 in one year. REVIECHES LiMITED chambers, Toronto. • . When buyino your Piano ... .. . . tri5Is1. on havmq &I% 0 1 b T MgGE, Piano Actlon, ' , Fl. o • Ur7S7in'cFeb7:13 ' 1' - , L13,lSe 6=1.,.. as,. -01vMSMI,M,SWIZZI,T.,'7,13... TWO U 0 1SES ON i Cr ORIA LUISE (56,510 Tone) , FVra:New l°liivl 31'!,2, 2 \Ci1 v1ti:1teira, St l;Ft , lai,, Caplan, Strait: Settlemeth Java, Philioolizeg, Ciiina, Japrah Stakvielt Ettac6s, with Overland American Tom. INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL 17 Dap. in Indio TOURS 14 Dn3..t in Altura Duration 110 ays Each _ ‘,r .i, ,,,,i i, -,,',„(tri., A .ec. - enney el: pcntee " aboafd armi lohoto. 'Ale, erIere who pas raar/ ihc for ,Boo741e1. HAMBURG - AMERICAN 1 iNP , DWAY, ,antship orentri, Caaaffa