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Exeter Advocate, 1912-4-4, Page 1
dee Our Clubbing List. TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR Local. Items T11e early aprtng :ob si Woad$ Its ay,- pearance last -week and: has been seen and heard by numbers of people. HISS SELDQN SfARRIED.1 , quiet pretty wedding was solemnized at the benne of Mr. Richard Seldon, Ingersoll. on March. 2s, when; tea youngest daugh- ter,, Emma. Grace, was united •in math; age to Jahn Pigerton Waltir son ref Maley Raver, Ont. Rev. II. B;, Christie offici- ated ;Rt the presence of the inurrediate A.:ends at :the bride and groom=Tho bride, who was unattended, was given away by her father, The wedding' mach was rendered by Mrs, A. R, Seldon; After the cererliony a,, dainty lunchean wvaa Served.. After a hOzreymoen trip to ZZetes and :other points Mr. and hire: ' IWI/►son lett fox Rainy River, where. they W11.1 reside; meter friends will ex- tend best 'dashes, DIED AT . OLD PEOPLE'S HOME, LONDON. --Another old and farmer resi- dent' of I titer paused away at the, Old I'cople'a home, London, oat Wedneoday of last week, in, the person at 31r. Jelin Wamaley. The deceased was well and favorably knowli here, having resided tot: several year$, 'with the late Samuel and Mrs. 13uckingam• Mr. Wail- elegy• ward among the oldest railway Wren of Ontarie, and was the. t• rst conductor is run a train up the L. H. aid B, ; 14„ the property ,ot, the Great \%estcrn. e Sad was afterward taken over by the• lGrand Trunk and he continued in beefs sertico and on the saran branch up t 'wilt i about tenyears ago, whenn Ile retired owing to 111 health, rhe.'rtatisnl being Ills. trouble, ' He has since lived °n London and 'Exeter, but the, greater Part of the''tiQrie here a I -Ie ^was over 80 Yeast/ ot age, Tho- funeral tool :place on Saturday -afternoon, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1912. An Scour of ad; reading' may save you six hours of looking" and perhaps, six dollars ,more or less' in the cost. et your purchase. Mr. W. W, Tarnan's store has been in the hands of the woriunoee. for two or three weeks and now presents a very Heat and attraet',ve appearance, The tailoring department has 'been transferr- ed to the ,rear and the wholes of the front part has been, transformed into! a Men's Furnishing Depaftrnento-wjth new floor, "inetalte ceiling, neat paper, and new shelving and furni'shirr,ls. A tine new staelc of Men's Farr/ sl>fug Is now b-ing, opened up. BANK MANAGER :TARRIED -The Tor onto Mail and ,Banpixe of Thursday last contained the following, which has re- ference to' brae newly-appotnced manager at: the Canad;.,an Bank of Commerce at Exeter. Nr, Waugh, whowith' his bride,; will fable Lire best wishes 'of the peonle at Exeter, :and "will be theartily weleo na ed to Exeter,- The residence ot M:. and Mrs. William t Johnston, Brunswick Ave, was ilia scope en Wednesday last of the znarria o of the° r daughter, Minnie Christina, to 'idr. Gordon Leigh Waugh, The ceremony was peerrorined by the Res, Mr. Winchester, pastor of Knox'Presby. ter'an Church, is the drawitig-rt3aaas witch was decorated with pink roses, The bride, eavho: was given away by her father, was attired nn white, satin, las and pearls. 3fisa Catharine 3icalurrielr, Oswego. was 'bridesmaid, wearing palest yellow, roiled with yellow ninon, caught w th¢ gold' xosea and wreath ,of. gold rosebuds in, her hair, illi. Harold Waugh, brother of the bridegroom, waa best mart. Mrs. Johnston held a re-, ,. celst:oil atter thou aerenion,x y, i*ar;ng a" Down of golden brown s,'tt:na, ve~',,led °with minion and gold rimming. Later 'in the stternoon Mr. and Mrs. \aaughleft for New York and A.tlanrc City, the bride cravelntg 3n Alice blue cloth, black hat acrd ri=nk fur$." a, EASTER MONDAY ORGAN RECITAL AND SACRED CONCERT CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MON. EVENING, APRIL 8, 1912 PROF, 'lir, BRO)YN of Knox Church, Galt, Organist, and THE CHOIR, assisted by MISS N. KINSMAN, Soprano Solxiet, Exeter„ Mr., L C. 'i."EMING, of `Cult .Bast, Solea, 'Duette, Quartettes, Choruses, --.,N. full program of Easter music. Don't miss ot as Easter Mualc always has its charm. Admiekon 25c. REV. S. F SHARP, B.D., ' Pastor. CARLING'S PHONE 18 Shoppers .. Now that the time is ,so near tor housecleaning you will be in need of several necessities such as Wall Papers, Linoleums, Carpets, Rugs and Lace Curtains. Wall Papers , Wall Papers We have something new and up-to-date in this line in all shades and designs, Lace Curtains are of the latest designs and- are well worth your while to come and see them. r.. . etSzn ''wool union and all in very neat signs, Rugs in union and Brussels in Lrowu Fawn .and Green grounds with, floral ,designs. unoieums and Oilcloths are now in tion, come and see them. for inspee We are giving a special 'discount of 15 . per cori r one "week on all the . article nientioued .above. e,st p id: for all land of mai+ The D. Y. Ws of Ca.veri Presbyterian Sunday School: wa1. eye an cntertan- nient, conaisting of a. Cantata, Ye are the I2ght of the World" on Monday, .April 29th, : Mr. B, W. Fe Beavers has rented ors,{ D. johns' Store, next the. Post Office, and will neve therein on April 15th, In the meantime the store will ba re- novated. Mr. Beavers'. increasing busi- ness demands enlarged premises. SOME OF Q13Fi CLrAIM e dott't b¢ t:eve that you, can f2nd a better.• all round plaea to fiat out t:c_e homy THAN RiGI-IT AT THIS STORE, iYe den't believe -that you can 'Gird a,:. place that will deal more fairly w.t" yelu thee v,:e 'veil- We don't 'beireve that dollar for dollar 37o4 cando au -4e as veil any, 'where else, Thoee are our claims -.s, to prove iheni iia our airp, ;Vi11 you', give us an'opportuniiyT, *.- JAS. BEVER- LEY, the EVER-LEY.'"the leading funeral director and fur» tare elan, oppost,te , Comnluotat Rotel, BRtNTi''OP,t AFTER TOM CARLING -Exeter's clever hall tease:', Tammy Car ling, has received a contr et Irani' the Brantford p etesa oral baseball team, with a request to sign and .report on May Int, at -a Sood salary,, Toni has Orooe►l' ir'rrtself to be agood Ocher and s wort117 wet a place a the Canal. d'an League, IiC has been working with the home team for some yearn and with good support he has always been a winner, Pat t'r°anl •with fast eon/Pat/Y. and he wail undoubtedly arieaaure up with the best. To;,ry, s a. steady ;nap, a. goad sport an4 :,t he Accepts the offer 'w ll be. p uaoi missed, as he was :li rt/': xv of r i s n 1➢9#, the Exeter ,e, t. E e team.. 1fr, Jo,° tr Ford was' -n Marlette. Alicia„ last week. 312, Wnr, Blatchford a '..n Toronto tttZe week: ttr. Geo• '.doer waa :n London Tuesday on 'bus:netts. Clarence Creery at l;sborne left s,s 'week for. Tianley, Sault. Mr. and Mre. wt. H Lovett a s vera= 'ting friends In Toronto Ove_ Easter. 3fesurs, NMI. and Ricin. Atkinson leave to -day for the West to spend the 1 summit, Z,fr Sher3riari tivr:llis of Stephen lett Monday for the West, where he will' Renew Ys .b scrouriptio I}ERS es CRE,ECH hedge Hall's Judgment IN THE JAMES RYDE1t vs. x`1;11•: US- -BORNE AND HIBl3ER'T FIRE IN- SURANCE CO, CASE As ,received by R. N. Creech, Clerk o the Fifth Division Court at Exeter Til:s case waa heard before me at the last e:tt=ngs of BO'S Court, and I with- held the giv lig of judgment until alater SL -10 'xx order to enable counsel for both parties to :.and in any cases they swish ed to bearing upon th.e'peats in issue A'- the close of the.evideace 'expressed myself, as of the /opinion that the case was one that perhaps -right properly try settled, Sznce then I have delayed giving jtda,'nent that the Parties ni'-6ht have an opportunity of arriving at a aettlent-nil Nothi,ag. however, scans to have beeni doaa in this adi ect- n and I shall no ->f proeced to d spase of the matter. Tho p1a,;nt!tr upon the 13tP day of J ust last was the laald- er of a poly ,n -the defendant company and upoai that day Oda policy, No. 4951, Esh°,; A" was is duo force and ct- and t th'; 'drf,.ndants e reed among oU r things to trisere the I,Iair►- t'1t agaCnst loss or damag to certain animals- caused by 1::g1-1,tarig, such loser o; damage 'beog lrlutted to a certain amount rr each case. The, piaitrtitt' on. the 13th of August Inst was and had been for acme time previous thereto the owner of a. ,mare wla'eh .he valued at t109. and eviyrch mare was 9'nclede 1 as one of the ap..anata in than said Pol- soy. .Tzss . Sat°nrai tli.. plaintiff saw al9ve and well on the afterlaope of ttac laths orf Au;; uat, and on the feliory:ng day one of hie Iaatlily told him the mare was lying dead an the Held. The plaila:tiff went over to where the maze was lying and 2t48 sa;a Followed h;ira,; The Imre waa found Irleg,on heir s'"dq and there wore 1)P .atdicatiorts of any struggle, acid the pia:nett in his evidence Said at ha then clad no thought of her bw'dig killed by lightning,; and that the so:a calm; w tit a tear. to draw the an- al away, They then ;ot a ]fr.l3rock, a d'rcctor of the defendants to came ov;;r, and the mare was examined, hut. Itothing could be atacovercd velgeh would ind',eate that She had been kilhxt hY :tPhtn;.ng. Tay "by-law naunber t1 of the policy, endorsed ,on it ,In red ink, It :a provided that within 21 hours after the lose or injury the claimant 'Shall notify a. dirretor acid shall on oath, (Ie.,' Oars that talc ar►,mal was in, gad; health up to .We"i nue or. death or Injury, and that inert waa a thunder storm at the t'rni and place, and to the event of the assured and thte'di`rector not being able to agree as to the cause of death or injury of the animal or animals the ASSURED shall have a veterinary sur- geon cranz'kao ; the anrsnal or animals, and if requl red by, the director shall file the statutory deciaratioi ot the veterin- ary as to the pause of death or injurY ',' I don't think a can,'t/a:successfully con- tended that fat the tame Brock, the dir- ector, calm over to:see the mare that he and the plaintiff ;agreed as to the cause of her death. They, perhaps, and .n0 doubt did, think'she might possibly have been killed .by lightning, but I am un- able to come to theoconclusian that What was said by Brock upon thatoccasion in any way absolved or relieved the plaintiff of his manifest duty, namely, to have the an_inal examined •by a vet- erinary eterinary surgeon and the cause of death it possible, ascertained. , This not having been done and the mare having then been burred, it became practically im- possible for ,any witness to testify what really was ':tilt$ cause- of the death of the mare. The night, of the 13th of August last was not, according to the evidence, a stormy night, Some of.the witnesses testify .to it having been a beautiful, fine, and clear night, with hardly a cloud •[tithe sky. The`evidence adduced b dale a ai=nd the sutatmer. Miss Etna. McPherson. Is 1)01110 front Stratford Normal, and Lies Maud Johns frons London Normal. Mr. Itob . P.'akard left last week, tor, t Frobaher, Sask., -while his two sons tett thte week and DLrs. Plekard and oitughter will leave Saturday. ItRY N.1IOON KILLED Mr. Geo. Anderson received word on Tuesday afternoon of the death: of his son n-lavr, Mr. .I-iarry N. Boon, who; was killed ,at Thorold about one o'clock that day. He ,, a. jar e andw ' ysak sman ani, standiRrg on the cars of a freght train which leaves Merrl>tton at 1 p.m. going through the bridge at lock tisenty-five at Thorold .when hits head came 3n con- tact with the iron girders, killing hitt ti stonily. Deceased was 28 years of age. Two years ago he married Miss Florence Anderson, and; she, with one child, survives. The bereaved will have the sympathy of the community. Mr, Anderson left on Wednesday morn - :ng for London to •meet ;the beady, and t wall be brought to Exeter for interment. It is expected thatithearemaains will ar- rive this Wednesday evening or Thurs- day . morn!ig. GOT TWO YEARS. Ernest Lusby, a young .man of 17 years, from the village of ` Centralia, who was charged with assault by a young farmer's ,daughter, living near here, pleaded guilty to the charge be- fore Judge Britton at the assizes last week in Goderich, Mr. Gladman of Ex- eter put up a strong plea for the youth who was a Barnardo boy, enlarging up- on his 'birth, education, and environment and pleading extenuating-circumstances Judge Britton personally examined the girl in the witness box, and sentenced Lusby to two years in Kingston. APPLY TO THE ADVOCATE FOR FARM HELP. • I -laving been appointed Canadian Gov- erement Employment Agent' at Exeter for this district, ant in':a position to secure and place+ in situations grant farm (help and domestic servants. Farmers Wand ,others wishing to se, "cure bclp:. of, ft his kind should call:at the ADVOCATE OFFICE' or commuai'_ Cate` • with r the undersia Wed. C. H. SANDERS, Exeter. LOST HIS HAND.. Seafcrth, March 20-A serious accident occurred to Mr. Thos. McM:llaat, stock breeder of H ullett,. tide miommnea>g.. While criashtlng grain at his barn' his left hand el:plied inrto the cog wheels and was so:badly brureed'. that Drs. Scott and Burrows, who were mr`araetdjstely sent for an found 1t necessary to anyputate ':t' at so the waist, One of: the bones above the ati1 wrl;st was broken also, be y t'h plaintiff as to there beo .ng lightning at er near the vicinity in which the .plaintiff :resided, is, to say, the least of It, of a, very meagre char- acter, and no witness other than per haps one world say that there waa.sanY- th:`.ng other than sheet or flash, lights n'ing. I am now asked by the plaintiff upon the cv dence to 'find' positively as a fact that there was not .only light- ning upon that night,' but in. addition to that to find. that this mare was kill- ed by a stroke of lightning.. As I take it the Plaintiff must prove, in order to succeed En this action, and the onus is undoubtedly upon ham to, prove affirm- atively that the.an`pnal was lcilied by lightning. I11 view of the evidence .ad- duced I feel :that then only conclusion at whilch I can arrive is that the plain - Off has £a:lted to:prove that, which is essential to his. right to recover, namely, that the death ot£ft.he eluate occurred from or through a stroke of'bightning. Should I hold' otherwise it would be upon mere conjactu}•e and •,-rot upon proof. Several quest:ens were ;raised at the trial object- cny' to .the proofs, of claim; filed by the pla.ntaff, but having regard to•the views I have already expressed .upon the mer - as' of .the case it :becomes quite unnec- essary .for mne:to ,dacai. with these object- :ons. Ti'.le I may say, ,however, that had I .been able tot corne\to the conclus- ion t!'.1.,t the mare was:: kE11ed by light- miog these objections so far as I ,,an- at present see, would not .ha.ve created' Y form:dable .`barrier to the plaintiff,' cceeding Theis, will 'be . a non suit, d follow ng the usual order costs will to the defendant, :if they .see :fit to act costs_ • (r,gned byj nabs) .Holt, •S' 30 March, Y 1L, ' rser under stand than Mr. " itycic.a h,as ec:ded to have.; the" case tied to tide Count:' ,Court slays' a jury. --Editor_-. '{q l tc d i ;tender$ ' fob ext,;:+ ons r 4 ^mnd'far D eAreUg Ess, cancelted. y order, 11 C DES1OC'HER.,S.e, •, . ,,... orkeC c 14, Vr+ s a A "C.TNIQT.311-,,I,P tESEIiiT;-Rin. II. E:lber,. Abt1'.P. four SO UI1. Horan, as''present- ed to :the 1eb_slat Na Library, his cols` 1e4t:b11 of $cCa, p hoelcp, i 1nta'nitlg , •tlhd repute of the debates of the Le sleture "ah yeas s' ] 698 T 91i thirty -0)1o, e 7,' ilia tOho 1,ifbrary s colloctaon; d 14Jbat ere S as,. . .. 14.r i;. EXETER WHORL REPORT FOR MARCH H. S,,,DePa tment Form I.--:rionors, G. Morley 92, L.Stew art 91, N Truernr,er 89, J Allison 84, B Walker 82, A Habk:rk,81, D Hall 81, H iiivers 79„ lei Case 77,E McArthur 76, A Jlogarth 76, J McDonell 76, I!. Taylor 70,E Brooks 75, I ,Sweet 75; ass, 3I Hanlon 74, J Hogarth 73, E R'areish 73, A Ford'68, M Blatchford 64, R Persona 60, J Laing 60. Sr. Corauner c`al, I Rivers 75, Jr. GRinn'zere,al, hen - ors, F Hill 87, 31 Acheson 83, F Me - Paull 74, Pass, El Neil 73, C May 73, E Baker 67. No. on roll 41, ave -age 3$ Fora. 1L -Honors, J Walker , 5,2, Pass, To !ir;;.ebtter 74. L Boyle 78,2, H. Qu<ncit-rabusn 71.5. A Wmll:s 69,8, A i11rokenaige 69,2. In Morgan 68.5, E:. Caine 68.5, dl Heaton 63 .2, 3, Davis ti3.2 N Carrntichai'1 6:3,3. No. en roll 21. ave erase 20. korrrr IIT,- formal Eniralice.-i{o.; t-5, S Petty 84.,2 c Copeland 83.8, E CAW! 81, N 3.niy 78,7 • Paso, 0 Passer/tore 72,8, E Eunk.n 7`;,w, L.- b'.*a.Yale 68.6. II: Fuke 07,2: I Grieve 02.4, 11 Quack- vr,buah 61:6, II Sweet 61,4, No. on roll. 20, average 23. W, 33 Wcldcnbamtner. U. A., PrIn P, S. Department Forel IV, --Sr, 3, ;honors, C Powell 84 V, ganeop82, 0 Davis 81. ?,l: ;,fad - rain 79. 31 '1,',ncent 75, A Mack 75, 3L Heywood 75, Pans, .A P,,ott, 74, El Iifod- geert,',I, F` Wood 71, 0 Pen"•alcl 71, 37 Ilustto.i 70, 1. Zuefto 70, ,7 1' oltek 67,. A .Macdonald 86, M Swrlior GO, \% May BEI. G F;'tton G0, 1:. Weidenham tier 0 U. Pardons ,(i4.A Day 62. e, `'riper, trAcher. For. cr: - Jr. 4, Oaoriore., :D Kuatz 6© 13 Iloraiey 77 firs, A. Johns 73. J. 13r.ckwood 71, 3f Kydd 68, F Dewey- 07 O Ford 67, % E:po't 05. X Q>lve 00, Sr 3.: honors, 31 Pickard 811,E Powell Flu, G Qrtwar'.:n 82, 0 Cairnes' 82, 0 Dells 80 Pass, 14 Welker 74, L •Walker 73, \f, Hardy 72, az Shnrlr 68, V Wish 67, ,h1 Day 00, L Eatti gs 61, R Fletcher 60,. No, cm roil 29, average 27. 3, S. Murray, Teacher. 13ooni VL,--Forir 3, jr„ 1ronora, V .Tenet 98, I Zuotio 88, V Hartic'ib 85, 1•I Boyle 84, It lIcdden, 70, A. Delve 7S, ✓ Sweet 77,C 3Ia11ett T6, W. Davis 76 13 1' vers 70, C Heinlein 75; Pane, V Marshall 71, G Harvey 67, A. Cornish 07, A Snight GO. Form II. Sr., bon - ore, °C Ilew:rnan 87, \l Marchand 'Stl, C Morley 83, V }L71 79; Pass, N 'Norry 74, W Harness 64, W Brown 64, 0, Sanders 62, E Taylor 61, F`l3rmacombe 60, 3f Camm 60. No. an roll 30, ,aver.3 5 H. N. Kinsman, Teacher. Room VII. -Class 3, honors, G Harn- ess 92, A Vincent 00, E' Davis! 88, 3 Harvey 86, 'V Row -ditto 81; Pass, T Connor 74, B Senior 73,,P Weidentantim er 73, F Vincent 70, E Yellow' 69, Co Ford ar 68, J Davis 65, hI Wood 6.1, P Collins 62, W Grldespie :61. Class 2, honors, E Russell 85, C Davis 81, L Hart/alb 79, 3 Webster 77; Pass, Ii Kuntz 72, 11i 17edden 69. Class 1, hen - ore, V Walker 91, B Acheson 86, Pass I Norry 72, 11 Cookson 62, W. Be11 wood 62. Na. on iioll 40, average 36.6 Irene Quackenbush, Teacher, Room VIII -Jr: 2, M Johns 91, D j3alkwill 78, II D gnarl 77, •af Kuntz 76, WGHind 74, A,'Rowcliffe 73, I Moir 72, Webster 70, L :harness 70, P Sanders 69, :C Heywooda 68, V Vale 66, R Taylor 62; Jr, Pit. II., G Powell 88 W Ortwefn 80, G Redden 74, R Davis 73, M Elwortity, 68, R W1twer 65, D. Mallett 43. Sr. ,Pt, T„ M Weidenharn- mer 89, G Hatter 77, B Brown 76„L„ Statham 70, {C Ford 69, F' Norry 68, C Brhnacombe 55, E Cookson 40. No. on roll 43, average 36. 0 F. so. Howard, Teacher BIRTHS Bacon -In Elirnville, on March, 30, to Mr. and Mrs Fred Bacon, a daughter, Mernerr-In Zurich, onApril 1, to Mr. and Mrs. 3. 3. Merne,r, a, son. MARRIAGES Dunkin-Richardson-ln. London on. Tatar, 27th, Laura, daughter of the late J, Richardson, to Herbert .Dunkin, all of -Stanley:'.. Dauncey 13od1ins-At Mooresville, on March 27th, Mr. Percy Dauncey, to Miss Pearl, daughter o[ Mr .and Mrs. Samuel Hodg_ns.l Waugh -Johnston --1n Toronto, on Mar. 27th, Gordon Legh. Waugh, new man ager of the Bank of `Commerce, Exeter to 341iss Mcht,arie Christina Johnston. Lankfh,-Young. In London, on March, 27, Mr. Harry E. Lankln of Lucan, to Miss Lucy, daughter of Mr. John G. Young of I:oardon, farnieriy'of Cre- d:ton. _ ' Wrlloinson-Seldon-Int Ingersoll, on March, 28, Emma Grace, daughter of Richard Seldon, tornyerly of:Exeter, to r. Johan E. Wilkinson of Rainy lii`ver, Kennard c,I3eatlh,--I,i} Stanley Tp„ on April 3rd, George :Kennard to Miss Isabella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Alexander McBeath.i: Nutt. -Reynolds. -In St. 3Iarls, on blare`: 26, 'Wesley J. Nutt, to Lena; Mae Reynolds, both of Blanshard. DEATHS Boon -At Thorold on April 13oon; aged' •28 years, Young -In Sudbury, `Yiaarcl::21, Nicholas Young, faasnerly o£ 131y t'h, in his .73rd ye2r. " 11 la arias -In 't-- keremith, March 2;>ttt I:chacl. Williams, aged 78 years. IJ:rtzel.-In Stephan, or AiarcL 29, .Mimi Michael i7,rtzel. ', Harry N. ar a :abbe- , s a "Ilan o 'ah -.rges you a dollar' foo-' an. article;', but who would lieu 3>educcei': the price, to s lty fclv'e : cents +hadyour made a Ready for your inspection. -Our tore1ia been nicely ren- ovated andour stock of a s.. Furnishings is nowo petted up. and ready for your inspection Every article is new and up - to date in every` respect.. And our aim is to keep : ever . thing`list in 't a i 3 la t condition-, f' always new, always in style always right up -to date. Old stuff will find no place on our shelves. The list of Furnish- ings consists of - Ready -to -wear Suits u u ct Overcoats r Fancy Vests. " Odd ants Overalls, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Cuffs, Underwear, Socks, Gloves, Handker- chiefs; Hats and Caps. C tt Clothes t Kee Tainan made -to -measure- clothes are shape ;`retaining.. Every yard of cloth, the can.: vas, the, haircloth,, the w4 .),,..an _N- adi.. the .lining that goes in the in- side is all thoroughly shrunk by special process before <be- ing made up. That is why Tai fan garments retain .. i their r, ieir style points until worn out-- andthey cost no more than ordinary garments. We are now shote', Hire Spring In Tailor s s Anel "Fu-iti.sher-E-eter