Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-28, Page 61'I. I .IT though her carpet were endeavoring towinasILEx1 it l h t. i IN BLOODaze of hue- dreds ofacritical under eyes, must be the OF O.. O'. ItAILWAY T- reverse of gratifying. Turd eIioi a la a Namity at Tela Semi Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale :People aro an all year round, tonic, blood -builder and nerve -restorer,' But they are especially valuable in the spring when the system is loaded with impurities as .a, result of the meteor life of the winter wont e. Tbere is no other season when the bleed is so much in need of purifying arid enriehin ,and every dose of these . pills helps to'. snake new, rich, red bleed. In the epr ee one feels weak and e.ired- Dr. Williams' Pink Palls give Strength. In the spring the appe- tite is often poor—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills develop the appetite, tone the stomach and aid weak di- gestion.. i-gesti n. le is in the spring that psa,sons in the bleed find an. outlet n, disfiguring pimples, eruptions and boils—Dr•, Walii;fn''-s' Pint: Pills speedily el -ear the skin because they go to the Net of '.11e trouble ill the Irked. le the spring anaemia, aIlea mlati:lcdigestient neuralgia,' erysipelas void teeny other troubles are laa;rst persistent because or. poor, weak blood, and it is at this time when all ea cure takes on new life that the bled most seriously ,uceds attention, Some. people dose themselves with purgatives at this season, but these only further' weaken themselves. A purgative merely gallops through the system, emptying the bowels, bat it does not eure anything. Oa the other band Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actu- ally mato new blood, which reaches evc:xy nerve and organ in the body, bringing new strength, new health P.biti vigor to weak, easily tired men, 'wome'n ami children. Try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills this spring—they will not disappoint yell. S a1d by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 30 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wil Tiaras' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, 'I:IYI COURT TRAIN. ()BP 's Regulations Not So Seer as at First Reported. The rules and regulations regard - lug the exact length and bre:oath of Overt trains recently issued by the T ord Chamberlain has again called forth the manifestly absurd state- ment- that those who purpose at- tending these functions must be- ware of following the present fash- ion too closely if they would avoid the risks of being turned back from the doors of the throne room, says the Pall Mali Gazette. The >so-called new regulations dif- fer in no way from those which have been in force since time im- memorial. That the Queen does not approve of the exaggerated f uehions -of the present day is suffi- ciently indicated by. her Majesty's own style of dress, but between that and any definitely expressed opin- ion on the ,subject, except as re- gards the ladies of her household, there is a wide margin; and the statements that the Queen has set her face firmly against this or that fashion where the general public is concerned are incorrect, and gave so much offence in high quarters; some time ago as to call forth an official contradiction. It is to be hoped, however, that the majority of the ladies attending, the Courts will avoid that mons- trosity, the hobble, skirt, even in its modified evening form, as it is an absolute impediment to grace of movement. When passing the presence, every woman leas, so to speak, the stage to herself, and to have to proceed R W xIWA3;1, .I'. Welsh miners' agent, and veteraa member of Periz<•ament, POC:C.1%1`IN TO KITBRIT SH. llallaw 'Handle Carries Cleallsiing Fluid, to Bristles. No longer will it be necessary to carry a• bottle nr box of teeth wash, or tooth paste, when you go away zn fr 'i aa+�ed will 1 you will home, Ail be goer tooth brush—that is, if it is the tooth brush devised by a Geor- gia;`man, This little implement has a hollow handle and a hollow brush frame with slits on the under side. The haedle,'which has a screw eap at tile outer cud, is designed to contain the cleansing preparation, whether fluid or powder, and the flow of this stuff into the brush frame is controlled by a valve. When the fluid is allowed, to run the frame it trickles down the bris- tles and the brush is all ready for use without a drop of the prepara- tion being wasted. With the han- dle ef this brush loaded and a clean collar a man is ready for a trip. DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS WORR WONDERFUL CURE. ;Fits Ed. Lloyd, Weak and Wool and '4'4'raelced with Pain Found Relief and Cure in Load's Kinney Pills. Ancibeg, Out,, March I8 (Speeial) --"Dodd's. Kidney Pills have done wonders for me," so says Mrs, Ed. Lloyd, wife ilf a .well-known farmer living on the line of the O. N. O. Railway near here. "I was so weak I could hardly walk around," Mrs. Lloyd can- tinues, "1 suffered from, female weakness and kidney trouble. My heart troubled me so that at times I would almost pant with the palpi- tations, I was treated by the doc- tor, but he could give me no relief. was sick all over when I start- ed to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, Rheumatism, Lumbago and Neu- ralgia adding to any sufferings. But Dod.d's Kidney Pills helpedme almost at once, After taking eight boxes I was completely cured." Naturally Mrs. Lloyd wants other suffering women to krrow how she found a cure, and Dodd's Kidney Pills wilt do for other sufferers just what they did for Mrs, Lloyd, make new women of them. } WBE BPT SECRETS. They're ainly woe bit secrets My sweetheart telt tae --me, An' so they've a' bin rooted '- Poon deep in memory: The wail' no cares fer greetin' Aboon the little grave Whaur sleeps as pure a lassie. As iver eecrets gave. Hooch ay! the w.srr no cares. They're ainly wee bit secrets,, An' yet nae but or ben. O' ouy rnem'ry,, hes yin:' That'e half sae prized as diem, They're wi' me when, I'm lonely, An' loom up when I'm glad; There's naethng else sae eheerfu' 'When life's nights are rnaist sad. Hooch ay! the wa,rl' no cares. They're ainly wee bit secrets, An' yet any heist kens weel Hoo aften they've bin, needed Tao licht some gloomy spell; They mak aa sold man hopefu ,. Though ivery time fer years I've placed a nose on dean's grave It's leaves were moist w%' tears.. Hooch ay! the wary no cares. LIVELY WEDDING- GILTS, Exciting Honeymoon. Caused by "Used" Presents. No one ever "received a more Buri- ous eonignm.ent of wedding pre- vents than the famous lion -trainer Bidet, "We spent our honeymoon at Lyons, France," he onee told a� friend, "and we bad some queer', presents from the ordinary point of view, as a!1 my fliends were, anxious to give ` methtng useful.' Among ABY TDI —DIAD NO APPETITE Mrs. Ulderio St. Georges, St. Mathias, Que., writes : "I am writ- ing to say I am well satisfied with Baby's Own Tablets, My baby was ill and I tried several remedies, but the result was discouraging. Ile became very `thin, had no appetite, hardly slept at all and was extreme- ly: weak, I got Baby's Own Tablets and they soon. set him right again, till at the age of eleven months he was able to walk and was a strong, healthy child. I do not think there is anything to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones." The Tab- lets arc sold by medicine dealers or by mail, at 25, cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicines Co., Brock- ville, Ont. a. trade of France is said The lace c f o afford employment for 200,000 persons. Som. isthing Extra (Good For Breakfast, Lunch or Supper ---- Post sties Served direct from pack age. with cream. 1 prises ,leases SatisE. 'The iii ory IJngers sold by Grooers Cnuxdian 1't°iitC i oa'turn Cereal Co., or, Ontario, C;u ad Ala r=, To Men Who Live Inactive Lives. --Exercise in the open air is the best tonic for the stomach and .sys- tem generally; but there are those 'Who are compelled to follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy action of the digestive organs and sickness follows. Parmel.ee's Vegetable Pills regulate the stomach and liver and restore healthy action. It is wise to have a packet of .the pills always an hand. Many a true , word is spoken by mistake. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. They're ainly wee bit secrets That keep life's ingle bricht, They mann be winter.', fuel An' simcr'n sunshine licht, I've keepit them free neebers, Nan frien-' hes iver speirred,` I ken they'll a' gang wi' me Afore a soul hes haird, Hooch ay 1 the, warl' no cares. --Mac Mactayish. BABY TERRIBLY SCALDED. 'u -Bek b u Hese v 7F , Relieved Doctor Agreed Zana-Bulcwas "Best Possible Treattneet. , Mrs, Albert Sawyer, of Midland (Ont,), ,say : "While living in Brantford last winter say little son spilled a 1°essel. of boiling'water over his twin., He was terribly scalded, and we immediately called in 4 doctor. The treatment did not giftsc a - neem to give the child ease or heal other were three lana constrzc torsandfive alligators, I shall no- the terrible scalds, so after a week's g „ a - �o sone -Bele sal d a v o a P tl- l t om m ver forget how annoyed I was and.. la al - h w .frightened m wife was'when Plied it. It gave the, ehihl ease o`y during the night two of the alliga- tors broke out of their boxes in our bedroomand began exploring. I could not find the matches, and my wife and I remained on top of the bed canopy . till morning. Luckily my wifedid not think of the thing that was worrying me. I was dead- ly afraid that the alligators would waken up the boa -constrictors." GOOD MARKSMEN. A Yankee entered a hotel in the Highlands, when he overheard a party of gentlemen speaking about shooting. "Gentlemen," be said, "I guess I have seen some good shotting in my time. I have seen a fly killed on a flagpole at 300 yards." An Irislunan, who was one of the party, said : "Begorra, it's purty good, but I believe I've seen better. When I was in the army the major used to roll an empty beer barrel down the hill, and every time the bung hole 'turned up we put a bul- let in. Any man who couldn't do it was discharged." A SCOTSMAN BLOWING. An Englishman and 'a Scotsman, both commercial travellers, were bragging about the firms they re- presented,. "You may- judge of the extent of our business," said the 'Englishman, "from the fact that we Spend 2215 a year in ink for our correspondence.". "That's nothing," said the Scotsman. "My, firm saves twice that amount yearly by not dotting its `i's' and not crossing its `t's.'." CLINCI,IED. Lawyer—"You are, charged with steaming the chicken on Thursday night." Prisoner—"I kin prove an alibi on dat night." Lawyer -"What were you do- ing?" Prisoner—"1 wuz eating de chick- en.'' Bili --"How's his business going?" Jill—"Like clockwork." "Why, I` heard he'd failed?" "So he has. They've just wound up his busi- ness.", An Oil That is Painous.—Though Canada was not the birthplace of Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil, it is the home of that famous compound. A WISE MAN. She—"He is the. most man I know.". He—"Yes he never truth about anybody." A Remedy' for Bilious Headache. —To those subject to bilious head- ache, Parmelee's ' Vegetable Pills are recommended as the way to speedy relief. Taken according to directions they will, subdue irregu- laxities of the stomach and so aet upon the nerves and bleod vessels that the pains in the head will cease. There are few who are not at sometime subject to biliousness and familiar with its attendant evils, Yet. none need suffer with these pills at hand. popular tells the most immediately, and after a. few days' use the scalds seeaned to be getting along finely. "To make quite sure, that all was right, however, we called in a sec- ond doctor. He said everything was going along splendidly, the scalds were healing and the little one would soon be quite, recovered. Then we told him we were using Zam-Buk, and he said we could use nothing better, Zam-Buk worked a complete cure." Mrs. S. Smith and Mrs. J. H. Teat le, of ne Brock St., .Brantford, who knew of the above accident, and what followed, write : "We certify that these facts aro true in every detail." Mothers should know that for burns, cuts, scalds, bruises, eczema, piles, and all skin diseases, there is nothing to equal Zam-But. Zam- Buk is obtainable from all drug- gists and stores 50c box, or Zam- Buk Co,, Toronto. A BRIDE'S TRIAL. One sof the greatest trials a girl has to encounter when she marries is that she has to discharge her mother ancl• depend on a hired girl. From here its good name was spread to iCentral and South Am- The merits of Bickle's Anti -Con - erica, the West Indies, Australia and New Zealand. That is far afield enough to attest its excel lence, for in all these countries it is on 'sale and in demand. Sister—So Willie Jones kicked you, did he? And did you kick him back? Bobby—No,' I didn't. If' I had, then 'twould have been his turn again. ON•THE PLATFORM. "Don't you see that sign `I,To smoking' ?" asked the car conduc- tor., "Yes," replied the .inconsideratd and obstinate. l,assenger, "And a!] have to say is that she male whcs Grote that sign was no prophet," ]i Why buy mixtures known as alum baking powder when you can just as well, and at no more expense, get Magic Baking Powder? The ingredients are plainly printed on each package. See if this is on the others. All Grocers are au- thorized to guarantee than "Magic" does not contain alum. GOSSIP. "I heard themissus talking about us," said the cook. 'What did she say 7'' inquired the chambermaid. "She said we was neither of -us any good." "Ain't it terrible the way ladies talk about one another now -a days 1" .7 FILLED WITH MUSIC; "That eat made an awful Iaoisa in the back garden last night," "Yes, father. I suppose that since be ate the earary, he thinks he can sing:" sumptive Syrup as a sure remedy for coughs and 'colds are attested by scores who know its power in giving almost instant relief when the throat is sore with coughing, and the whole pulmonary region disordered in consequence. A bot- tle of this world -famed Syrup will save doctor's bills, and a great deal of. suffering. Price 25 cents, at all dealers. When a man wins $5 •on a huge race he is apt to tell everybody he won $50 -except his wife, who would want to spend it. Vitnard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eta. 44 GAMBLING MANIA. IN POLAND. Marion Bridge. 0. BL. Iia' 30, '02, I harp handled AMINARLP'S LINIMENT during the past c. It is always the first Liniment asked =. • 'aero, and no. questionably the beet seller of all the different kinds or Liniment I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. NO SUNSHINE° REQUIRED. Botts—I see that electricity is playing a ,part in agriculture. But what crop would tourish most un- der ,electric lights? Mutts — Wild oats, No child should be allowed to suf- fer an hour from worms when prompt, relief can be got in a simple, bat strong remedy — Mother Oraves' Worm Exterminator, a Many a man uses a crowbar for the purpose of prying into the at- fairs ffairs of ethers. TO CURE A COLD iN ONE PAY Tulle LAXATIVE ilfOMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money it it fails to cure, EL W. GROVE'S signature is on each box, 25o, NOTHING NEW. "I am disappointed in this seed catalogue." "As to how 4" "I don't see any improvements in beets' or tomatoes. These look like 191r models to me." When Your Eyes Need Care Try Marine Eye Beale ty, Mo Smarting—Feels Fine ---Acts Quickly. Try it for Rod, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated. Book in each Package. afurCne is compounded. by our Oculists—not a "Patent Med- icino"—but used in successful Physicians' Prac- tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub- lic and sold byDruggists at 2.6O and 50o per Bottle. Morino Eye .alvo in Aseptic Tubas, 2,o and 50a Murtne Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Mr. Crawford—Keep the kid quiet! Mrs. C. All right, my dear. I'll give him his drum and tin. whistle. Corns cannot exist when Hollo- way's Corn Cure is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kills the growth. Even a forgetful man seldom for- gets about that $5 you owe him. No matter where you go, you'll find some one maximss to separate you trona your harcLcarned wealth. Minard's Liniment for sate everywhere. H. W, DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. oRTY ACRE FRUIT FARM - NEAR Niagara Ricer, well planted. Revenue 1911 nearly thirty per cent. on price asked, LFIATTTIFUT FARM OF TWO 110N. dred and ninety acres en St. Joseph's Island. with Ane house, up,to- date barn and outbuildings, Owner wishes to devote his time to other business. ao will sell cbeap for Quick sale. Full Par' titulars-rlrrnished on application, MInard's Liniment. Cures Dandruff. Matrimony transforms the poetry of life into an itemized expense ac- count. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your drng5ist will refund money if PAZO 0 N'r- SM1NTfails to cure any case of Itching, 'Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to it days, 50e, MAKING HOME HAPPY. He' never grumbles at his wife Nor has to hook the waists she wears' ; He lives a peaceful, happy life, Absolved from all domestic cares; When he gets home at 1 a.m. No terror lingers in his heart; Contentment dwells with both of them— They live a thousand miles apart. Doctor Rose at Four A..i4I:' to Evade Wife Who' Kept Him Monne. The trial at Krakow of a Polish doctor named Steinfeld, who, has come to grief through gambling, has been the occasion of some curious revelations about' the hold which this vice has en business': men. in Austrian Poland. Dr..Stein'feldys wife, iii her. endeavor to keep her husband out of -temptation, tried the plan of never leaving him out of her sight, evenwhen a practice of going, to bed early and, rising • at four in -the morning, 'before his wife; was awake, in order`te•hurry off to the so-called'. ``Monte Carlo''-- at Krakow, which he would find still in full swing at that hour. When staying at hotels during the sum- mer he would arrange meetings with other players` in the bathroom, and play there" for hours, while; he told his wife that he was taking a cold water cure, -London Standard: 'The- longest canal la' the worldis in Russia. It extends from St. of China, Pet-. rab,n:'rg to the,frontierc and its tetal length s c1ose,on 4,50,0. I,SSSUE 13--j.2 mi1eS ',f'r� ��4ta k '$�fixa' i ly THIS is Et HOME peg, can use RANNEt' r UNDRID AND FIFTY-SEVEN' ACRES in Norfolk County; six acres fruit; tto-to-date house; new bank Hare; a very desirable property at a bargain. laT DRED .4.1,71) FIFPY ;WEBS—WITIL 1 good house; two bares; ten acres orchard; in County .feel. i1, real snap. ONE HUNDRED ACRES—GOOD It01.ISE and 4.anthulldingu: near Teeswatcr. A first-eiass farm worth the money, whit' PETTI:DA 1 dyed ALLLthese \ DIFFERENT KINDS ofthe G®OdSAMEsS wath 'Dna I used LE, to use. NO.chtincc of ndngthe WRONG Dye:forthe Coos onc`hks to chlor. '.11 colors from your Druffs.dst`or Dealor 1 ni,G Color Card und STORY no l let la, The`r70�inao,i-IUcha, dso n: Co..- Limited, MOntr,.:, I, A N IDr 1L i'<lltat or TWO HUNDRED 1'1 acres in County of wellington, with find brick house; good outbuildings; can be bought on eaar terms.. TO OUR HUNDRED ACRES IN COUNTY of Simeoe, with hundred Acres Good Timber; 20 acres apple orchard; good Frame house; ito Barns. Can be bought right. rilwEN'rr-FIVE ACR1O FRUIT FARM - IL Near St. Catharines; Briek house; Barn; twenty acres planted, Can be bought very reasonable. (INT.; OF THE BEST FRUIT FARMS IN St. Catharines District -Fifty woos, thirty of which are planted; Elegant Mouse, also Cottage and title outbuilding. Will be sold on easy terms. 12.71ORTY ACRES - ST, CATHARINES a1 Bungalo and Cottage and good out. buildings. Thirty-four• acres planted in fruit. and a money maker. The owner wishes to retire and anxious to sell. IIAVE MANITOBA, ALBERTA, SAS. ltateliowan and British Columbia lands, both improved and -unimproved, in Quarter, 'half or whole sections, also in .. larger lots up to five hundred thousand pores. 'If thinking of investing in West- ern lands it is to your interest to consult Inc. 'Phones: Main 6910, Park 527. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. rti HREE ACRES, PRIME COTTAGE. city water in house, stable, hen-' house, orchard and mall fruit, two blocks.' from 'London street railway, soil gravel Y loam, good buildings. one and a halt miles to London market.- Will exchange for farm. The 'Western Real Estate, London: MALE HELP WANTED. OOD POSITIONS WAITING FOR Young men as Telegraphers, Station Agents, Freight and Ticket Clerks. We qualify for any Canadian railway. Regu- lar railway books and forms in school. Free Book 18 explains. Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. UIIMPOLDT, SASKATCHEWAN, WANTS this Spring, settlers for 4,000 free homesteads: Best mixed farming terri- tory in West. Also improved farms $15 to 530 per. acre: Write ',commissioner, Board of Trade, Humboldt. TAY and FARM SCALES. . Wilson's ILL " Seal (3 Works, 9 'Esplanade, Toroutq, �ANCIi:IZ; L`�i 40IiS, LTIMiP% ate. In. ;. ternai and ext>,,r':.1, cured without pain by our hnlne, t.r=atmont. Write us before tcb late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. f :olli ngvood. Ont. f+ TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's lD Scale -Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto rinconsnuroc FREE As a special introductory offer we will send a beautiful band-pain too. view of Niagara Falls with each 10c. packago containing 10 Easter or other Embo cod Post Cards. Send 10e. today. overland Merchandise Co;,. Dept. 202, LEAN. 1 N1 G, en WRING' GSUITS Can Yio dorso Rertecfly by our I''rencli proeees, •ls'v$ish'-ADlSr'aoaaf Dyain; 7llonttcal, Toronto, O,itawa and Quebec. 1FIuO VVRITPR®or n ANGER AND TUMOR Canadian Oration: Purifies 00,;aridgebur ,Oak::` cazzosoTE Protect---- Prem.-rve— -- Beautify Samples and Eooklet£an Application ,r1V113E3 Ltralteti l3744..Bathurst Street r TORONTO 3