Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-28, Page 5PROFESSIONAL CARDS
Dr. G. F. BQULSTON, L.D.S.,• �D,D.IS;
Member of the R,C,D.S. of, Ontario and
Honor Graduate of Toronto University.
Office --Over Dioksot & Casting's law
office. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
Dir. A. R. ,KINSMAN, L.D.S., D.D.S.,
Honor Graduate x," Toronto Lan'-rieratty
Teetx extracted„ without pain, or any
bad erred,. Office over Gladnnan &
Stanbury's Ofr:nce, Matin Street, Exeter.
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Conn-
tn:saioners. SoIlcitaora for the Maisons
Bank. etc. t
DSoney to Loan at lowest rates of interest
Offices -i& 1n -St., Exeter
I'. R.`Cariing, B.4.,, Lf; H. Dickson
Wo have a Iaage amount private
funds to loan on farm and village prop-
erfies at kayo rates of Interest,
Deatesters, Sbldetters, :Exeter,
Agent Confederation Fite Assurance
ComPany, able Fare Insurance no lead-
ing Canadian and British rlomnanies.
Aram -St., Exeter.
WM. ANDERSON. Licensed Auctioneer
tor Huron. County. Perms reasonable.
Dates can be made at the 441voate.
Exeter. or ilenry tvliber'3 Office, Cred-
Increase your Earrt'ing We by al
tending the, P'opulai
Toronto Ont. I3e t place n Canada for
1:I'xnit Grade I3usineas Education, Enter
Now Open all year. Catalogue free.
Horses for Sale
I nave a nnaube: of first-class horses
for sale. Call at the stables and see
We are also purohasing horses theft
.aro sound and in good condition Prom
I. to 1) yeaziel o1 age.
Partles having horses Lor sale will
do Well to call or write the undersigned.
Phone 41. M. M. DOYLE. Exeter.
Life, _Fire, Accident and Plate Glass
Insurance,, Collecting accounts, and con
ducting auction e$Ieas. -- Exeter, Ont.
It is easier tc, applY to the land and
s:ves better sdtistactioa in every way,
Ti a used for all grain cro_and: also a.
good catch of clover on poor meadows.
Give your land a good top dressing- of
Fertilizer before planting your potatoes
and '_t will double your crop. It is good
for beans and for all kinds of root crops.
It „as F'tseen tested, and foist to be bet-
ter than other 'ferializers.: Oboe, it a
trial. Quer three hundred tons -sold ala
The National Fertilizer. 'hien, iaMae-
ed On the ;Parket, to, the i`latoortal. Ltnd,
1'rult. and. Paeittnn 1Conipan7. !s. the only
organic fertilizer r;Lade, and slow, s the
foll'ovrin; analysis compared with barn-
Yard nlatnurea
IN -
Nitrogen 3,5% egna.l to 4.4 ana:tnerda.
P°tospintarie acid 5.T5. ,goat to 12.
soluta'bte p2aaapttatei,
Potash 3,50.
FRANK W. EVANS, ,IGI,".•lltl n#
r girt
tor the County of ifurrin.
Geo. Moir
David Cantelo'n leaves shortly to reside
-n Toronto. .Frank Peart will conduct•
.the bus-:ness at this end: --Andrew Latta
of Eeilev111e ,s visiting xelatives41n thlet
section. He lias; been away 25'years.4
Mrs. C, Hogarth, nee Vera Murdock,
with her son, ie her from Calgary, on a
visit of seine 'weeks. --Mrs. Currie, after
a Pons v:sit, in this neighborhood, last:
week returned to the west, --She "was ac-
coniPatz,ed by Mr. Redmond's daughhter,.
who will visit her, uncle for sometime
Mr. V. Darwin, who'has been staying fez
town for sonxet ne, loft last week for
Ottawa, where he has secured a Position
1x the Publf.e Works departtrez t,. -Chas,
Redmond, wlua has been living; in the par
sonage for soon months, hap returned.
to b:sfarm, at 1Lansvills=ltev.. S. B,
Rohold, superintendent of the work
among the 3ews sal Canada conducted
atuaversary services in Carmel Church
on Sunday last,
SEALED TENDERS addressed to thse
q_ndera fined, and endorsed Tender for
WbAr1 and • hada prig at Sarnia, Ont..
will `be received at this. eater. until 4.00
'NM,. o Thursday, Apr.1 18th. 191;
for the contruetic% ot a Wharf alai
County S.
Onto 33.n at Sarnia, Lambtoiz.
Plans, apee':ftea#tons and forum or cox-
act can be seen and terms Qf tender
ailed at the ott:res of H. J. Lamb,
a q., District Engineer, Windsor, Ont;
G. S:ng Esq., District Engineer, Con-
federation Lite Building, Toronto, Ont,..
-0:t# vn, applie'ateon to the Pootra aster
Sarna, Ontario.
ersona tendering are anotifled that
tetnders wilt not be considered unless
made on &ho posited forms supplied, and
signed with their actual signatures.
stat5n then- occupations and places
of ,eeeidence. In case. of arms, the
actual ssl;naturee, the nature of the oc-j
eupat oo. and place of reside:tee of early
member of the firm must given. .
EaCh itcnder must be accompanied to
aan accented cheque oa a, chartered bank,
payable to the order of the klonourable1
the Minister or Public; Works, equal to
teal Per ,cirri (10 P.c,) or the amount
o° the tender. which will be ferreited'
;t the Person tendering decline to enterj
into a Contract when called upon to do
o, or fail to eomplettn the ^worktcontract'
cd for, It pee tender be not accepted,
the cheque. trill "be roturncil,l
The Department doen not `bind itself
to at`c.ept the lowest or any' tender. -
Dy wrier,,
IDeftertment of Public Works,
Ottawa, :March 22, 1912.
Newspapers will not by paid Sr tlIfs
tdv,:n•t'.eernent .;s inserted ^without the
ehor.ty ter the Department.,
Local Representative Wanted
Permanent employment and a a Iilend'd
eem, assured .re at n3,411, to act ae mer
representatvq ;in the sale of our fr.ult
and aarnaarental Nursery stock, Dormer
e[p. ;enc,. unnecessary. Alt that. we Tc-
u:re ^.s honesty. ambition and a. wit
:ngtneaa to 'work A !tandem= outfit
turn»shed faee. Full inetruetiona given
as to ann.a•rhagemeet ''4Y 'bee:twee. Write
at once t'or full particulars,
Acreage Contracts
We are prepared to contract wittt far-
finers tq grow peas and corn for the
Canning Factory for the seaeonn offl
1912. Seed corn and peas will bo turn-
:ol.ed by the company as usual. We
would ask farmers to attend to this
us early as poste.'ble before, the busy
season opens.
S. M. Sanders, Maa'r
I't1RICHILL-Jaanes McPherson died
on Tueaday fast sa.s a result of "breaking
his hip, by falling clown stairs a. few
evenings before. Ito did not know until
noxi morning what had happened to
Are the Fly and Mosquito Dangerous?
The fly, with spongy feet, collects the invisible germs of diseases, spreads
them over our food and poisons us with typhoid and cholera. The mosquito with
its bite injects • into our veins malaria and yellow fever. The bacteria of consump-
tion, or grip, are everywhere present for us breathe into our lungs. The blood
which flows through our veins and arteries is our protection. It should contain
healthy red and white blood corpuscles -capable of warding off these disease
germs. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Disc
Query is a blood medicine and alterative
shade entirely without alcohol, a pure glyceric extract of bloodroot, golden seal,
Oregon grape root, queen's root, mandrake and stone root, which has enjoyed a
good reputation for over forty years. The refreshing in-
fluence of this extract is like Nature's influence --the blood
is bathed in the tonic which gives life to the blood-- the
jjj vital fires of the body burn brighter and their increased
activity consumes the tissue rubbish which has accumulated
during the winter.
"About forty years ago while in Newark. New Jersey, I had chills
and fever." writes Ma.'MrcrrAEL MAcunrs, of National Military Home.
Kans. I went to Kansas City and in the spring of 1877 the chills and
fever returned. Doctors and everything I tried failed to do me good.
Finally I saw Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery advertised. I took
one bottle of it and the chills vanished. In about a year afterward
I felt them coming back so I got another bottle and have never had
any symptoms of fever or ague since- That is all of twenty years ago.
for I had the chills about twelve years before I started to tako :Golden
Medical Discovery." "
M. MaovmE. Est. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are for Firer Alis.
How. ,many young men
can 'look back on their
early life and regret their
misdeeds. "Sowing their
wild oats" in variousways.
xcesses, .violation of na-
ture's laws, ''wine,. women
and song" -all have their
victirus Your have re-
formed but what -about the
o seed you have sown -what
about the harvest? Don't
trust to luck. If you are
at present within the
clutches of any secret habit
which is sapping, your life
by degrees; if you are suf-
fering from the results of_
past indiscretions; if your
blood has been tainted from
•- • any private disease and you
dare not marry; it ou are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking
out and exosin past; if you 5 p
p g yourpast; y u are'suffering as the result of a misspent
life -DRS. K. &. K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. tay your case before
thein` confidentially and they will,tell: you honestly if you'are. curable.
easea and all Diseases Peculiar to Men.
CONSULTATION FREE.. Free Books 1 eon Diseases of Men. If unable to call, write
for a Queation Blank for ]ROME" TR1REA'PI'JENT -
Cor. Michigan chs AHl Ave. and "Griswold St; Detroit', xc
NOTICE' All letters from Canada must be add sed to our
esettemeseletteme Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor,
Ont. .:If you desire to see ,• us personally call at our. Medical Institute in
Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are
used' for correspondence: and Laboratory for Canadian business only.
Address all letters as follows.
NEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont.
.w� aAFiA
445.040 14 �Ytet;add tcs
tteY1 :
j 4iy j' • t a +e%'•i+,:
i ty
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the
undersigned, and endorsed Tender for
Extension to .Breakwater and Dredging
at Godcr!ch, Ont." wd11 be received at
this office until 4.00 P.M. on gentian',
April 15th:, 1912, for the construction
of an Extens:ion to the North Break-
water and Dredging at Goderich:, Huron
County, Ont.
Pians, specification and form or con-
trnct dan be seen and forams of tender
obtained at this Department and at the
offices sof J, G. Sing, Esq., District
Engineer, Confederat!fcn Life Building,
Toronto, Ont„ 'i. 3. Lamb, Esq., Dis-
trict Engineer. . Windsor, Ont., and an
appiicatdon to the Postmaster at Goder-
-ch, Ont.
Persons tendering arc notified that ten-
ders w:11 not be considered unless made
on, the pritnted forms- suppled, and
algned with their actual signatures, stat
:ng their occupations and places of or
residence of 'each. member of the firm
must be g ten.
Each tender inust be accompanied by
an accepted cheque on a. chartered bank,
Payable to the `order of the 'Honourable
the Minister of Public Works, equal to
ten per cent (10 p.c.) of the amount
of the tender, whitch wide be forfeited
f the person tenderfn{.g decline to enter
into a Contract ,when called upon to do
so, or fall to conxiPlete; tthe work contract-
ed for. Ii the tender ,'be not accepted
the cheque will be returned.
The Department does not 'bind itself
to accept the newest or any tender..
By order,
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, March 15, 1912.
Newspapers wall `not be paid for this
tdvert'sxnent f:f''they insert it without
authority from. the Department.
Of DANIEL KERNICIC, late of the
Township of Usbotrn.e, an the County of
Huron, 'Gentleman, deceased.
Pursuant to Sec. 38 of Chapter 129 of
tete Revised Statut'6s•of Ontar'i'o, 1897;
nat»ce de hereby :gaceni,that all creditors
and ether's having claians agalnat the
estate of Daniel Ivernijek, late Of the
Township of Usboana 111 the County of
Huron, gentleman, was died on 'or about
fhb 1.6tth day of February, A.D. '1912,
are, on :or before the 15th day of Apra,
A.D. 1912, its send by post, pre -paid, tc'.
Messrs. Dickson & Carting,- Solicitors
for the 'Executors' of the, said deceased,
tiie:r. christtan names and surnames',
addresses- and descriptions, the full pas.
t culars ot theirclaims;a statement of
their -accounts and the nature of the se-
curities of any) held; by them, and' that
after the day last aforesaid' the said ex-
ecuters 'van 11 proceed to distribute the
assa'ts of the said deceased among the
Parties entitled thereto, havilhg re-
gard., to those claims only of : which
notch shall have, been rece ived as above.
required, and ;Bile .esc-ou:toas will''n-ot to
liable, for ehc. said •assets( or anypart,
bliersoC so `dlstrdbuted as afores's,t'
any person of pexsonsi,' of viae,, clalnid ot
or.•cle:mas',p It ce. shall not have `been re-
e-c ived- by intern ;fit"the t are of, such die;..
trS'bui on. -
' ')Dated at Exeter ib s 25th day of,
March A D 1912
olitei iters for; E teeutore'
MissIda Sppie left last week for
Detroit, where she intends malting her
future lzorne.,--M'.ssos Carrie E;senbach
and, Myrtle Horner, are visiting' friendis
Detroit, rhr a• Yew weeksz-Itis. and
Mrs, Fred Kelm have returned to: Ber-
lin after a hrie •.vjait: with.. Dir. and Mrs
Brown.. --Mrs, Foiitz has purchas
ed Phd S,ypppe's dwelling for $1500,90
She evil take posseseiog shortly. -Mr.
i5 Jlam Wagner of the Goshen Line
North s laid up with, an attaeln Or pa,-
alyss.- fix's. Rudy Sci1,wart;zentruber of
the Brons.aat L:kae,: visited relatives in
New yiardburg and v..canity last week.
-Mr. C. E2ber v sited, In Toronto last
week for a rev days. -Mr. Charles Slice
nnsaker, of Gsiesn I411e, was operated on
last week for rupture. He is pnogreas•
inn favorahly, 31r. :,,ries Geiger has..
purchased Lir, E. Appel's dwelling for
$2160,: This Cs the property ftormerly
awned by the late Jacob Ort.--. 3irs.. Bea-
ver of the 14 cion, who has been an
invalid for a number tat years, is now
suffering great pain from Rang`rene',t-fi,'
Mr, j'o'hn Erb has purchased from his
tkelghbor, Mr, Michael I3. Jantzl, his
sere farm for $33'00,00.
No 'matter where you go You wall
'ways, find soarteone anXnous to separo(e
you ftaam yR'ur hard earned wealth.
tit, R, S'mpson es conducting, a ryes
four -weeks' sate, Seo ad. elsewi'Fore.
Preeentataori and Address. --The how
of 'dr. and Mrs. Thomas Atk'n' eon,con,.
2. Beldullet, was the, scene of a pleas-
a";lt event and Tuesday a i nt, Jiareh 19,
tits occae.on ,.bane thio gathering tit
about fifty 'et teetir neighbors and
friends to de 'hone and show a worthy,
appree:ationtor the good qualitea of the
host and hostess, °prior to Attar leaving
for the^r new ,hen s fn Londonr, Shortts
atter ail had sot nicely settled 31x. and.
A. Kitson and Cet>her were called
when Mss Rase e1eLeed read
address. and 3tessrs.. Wilbert McFalls
B'odg:nn presented them with
o pot shed oak'rackers and table and
Cepttc a ..gnat. ring and pair of cult
links, Mr. and Mrs Atkinsoaa, 'were ea
rarely taken by surprise, but :1r, Atkin
sea' en behalf' of Wanselt and worthy
w»Ce. made a suitably and 'weaning' re-
ply, foliow.ng which a. shoiee ,Frog,ram
was rendered.
Dear Friends and Neighbors,-
It ,' s with feelifga of syi neatly and
regret that .we are assembled here to-
night ' to spend anther evening with
you before your departuro front among
ua. It has ?been '.nnPressed upon our
minds by that sense of ,loss, wb ell we,
all so soon undergo, that int e our duty
some slight way to allow Out' aPprecia
t:ot, or you 'both, as friends and rnetgb-
bars, We eave need tpgether front child-
hood to the present, many of us, with
the very closest feelyngs of good fellow-.
alh:p, and those ties w11!ch are 'Fund
the more closely by years tot intercourse
wait one,atttother aro scentugly bard to
sever, We have always round you ever
ready to lend a :helping hand i. any of
our dally tails, and also share In our
sorrows, whenever you found us burden-
ed watt. the 'greater trials of Iifc. WO,
therefore, askyou to, accept these small
tokens of our esteem and good will, not
for their intrinsic value, but that they
may refresh. the many pleasant .memor-
!es of the years we have, spent together.
To you. all eve extend our best w.Iyhes
for your future happiness and prosper.
',ty, and also trust tba.t God's choicest
blessings snaY be strewn along your
pathway.1-Signed on 'behalf of all, by
Wilbert McPPalls nod Mark Hodgins.
STAP I AHE7. Joh Allen, the oldest.
rea:dent =n tibio Township of Hltl7i?ert,
d.".bti at :lids hems to Staffa. on Tuesday
at the age ot 97 'years:. H5's intellect 1
was ;bright, and he enjoyed good health
up t4 a few weeks agq, when, he began;
to fall. Deceased 'Was born ;n England,,
.liatCFIELL-A quiet wedding took
place at The Pines" on bfareh 20,
yr u:xx Wee. Maud Taylor was united
wedlock to Mr. Arthur Smith; of Wats
tauter foundry, The cerenaony was per-
formed by Rev. 'John Benner.
FORST--.A. very sudden death oecurr
ed, last week, wh i fat, Robert Badley;
of t^own,dropped dead wh le. drinking his,
tea. afr. Ba'Tley•'„ . been up town at,
fi 30 and reterned home where the faux,
fly there having tea. The later kr. Badley
was bas 6tltla yeari a44 is survived by
his widow and .eche son.
Dr, de Van's Female. Pills
A reliaiale,Freach sezinetor; never fails.. These
lalil9•are exceeding!v p werfut in regeletiag the
geaeraliveporttoaofthefemalesystem, - lEtefuss
Chula imitations. Kir.dsTais a aro gold at
Ifs box, or three for $i9' Mailed to any aderess.
rem Imbed d Drug Co., Stet at.thtarinei, Unto:
Try the flour that hoi
the confidence of
thousands .nd
R present huge denlst :ld for PURITY FLO'
€ "d +ti i.
1,. is ,
t� he :: Ilii 11 tit.
� e c ilei. �€, held bytea sI la•
ot, 1 .
of haler, -cooks,
'Phase Who have used PURITY FLOUR have colas to
believe in it, They look on PURITY as a friend..
feel they can trust it implicitly,
because cull and every lot
always beeit uniform --always
up to the high standard of quaa-
ity that has made it famous,
Wouldn't you, too, like to use
a flour Wouldn't
could always rel,
vela ��ouldn t you like to feel
certain that your bread, Cakes,
�t1xd pies were going to turn
out exactly right ? That's just
how you'll feel when you
become a user of PURITY
FLOUR -�- the confidence -
creating flour,
PURITY FLOUR gives high-class results, because:it Cornrists
exelusix'cly of the high-grade 'portiont' of the best ',Astern
hard wheat.
On account of the extra strength of PURITY FLOUR please
remember, when making pastry, to add more slierteiails
than an ordinary flour
.'thd when making
breadadd more Water,
FLOUR will expand,
into more loaves than
the salve weight of
ordinary flour can
produce, thus making
" more bread and bet-
ter bread."
Make your next flour order spell. P -U -R -I -T -Y P -L -O -U -R.
ft costs slightly more, but it's worth the difference,
Add PURITY FLOUR to grocery list right now.
" More bread and
better bread "
Sold in EXETER by R. (3-. Seldon
Commencing Monday, Mar. 25th, we will offer the purchasing public for many miles
distant the
that they have ever seen. We quote the figures to show you how we have slashed the
prices in two. We have bargains galore for everybody, and we want you to take advantage
of the opportunity to buy at these money -saving prices. Read the prices below.
Ladies Dress Goods:
Bloc and Black. Serges Reg. 85c. for 68c
" " 1.00 for TBc.
Tan Serges 1.25 for 98c.
" ' 1.00 for 68c.
Cotto-n Voiles Reg. 50c. for 39c.
Chambrays 123 c. for 10c.
Dimity 15c. for 12;4c.
Indian -Head Suitinigs 12},',c Lor 11c.
Damask Rasa 75c tor 68c.
' 50c. for 39c.
Linen 50c.. for 38c.
Japanese Silk . 50c. for 39c.
Black, Silk ,1 yd. wtide, 1.00 tor 82c.
Black & white Allover Lace $2 tor 1.48
Vole 45c. for 32c.
Wall Papers
Reg. ,7c: For 5c.
Bc. .Sor -5 2,c.
9c. for 6c.
lOc, for 63c.
11c. for 7c;
12c:for 7jc,
hoc. for Sc.
_ 15c. 'or 10c.
17c. for 12c.
18c., for 131.0`,c;
20c. for 15e.
21. far 16c
24c. for .17?4.c.
25c. Sar18c.
ii0c:: or 22c, -
Per Sing -le
Do. ra
lien's Wear
Walker Train Overalls 1.25 for 1.05
Few winter caps at 20 per cent off •
Firem 50e. to $1.O0
:hint Sht'rts 1,00 for 82c.
Black work shirts Reg. 1.00 for '82c.
Underwear Reg 1,00 for 75c.
75c, for, 62c.
65c. for 52c.
50c. for .iSc.
Boys' Underwear 40c.for .28c.
35e., for 26c.
3Oc. for 25c.
Men's Gloves and ]blas 1.50 for 1.28
1.25 for 98cr
1.00 for 78c.
75c. for 62c.
65c. for .52c.
50c. for 33c.
25c, for 1:8c.
Cotton Gloves 8c. apat`r or 4 tor 250:
Overcoats,only a few, from $12
to 13.50 far $7.75
Women's Wear
Black & Tan K'.id;Gioves 1.00 for 78c
Black and White Silk Gloves 41.00 for 78
Undersktixts,' 1.50 for °.1.:28
Wrappers 1.00 for 78c.
Underwear 25c fo • ],Sc
• 50c for 38c
Household Needs
Table' Linen Rag. 50e for 3So.
Table Linen 75c. for 69c.
Table Naplo:Ans per- doz. 2.25 far 1.93
Towlings• 10c. for 8;,sjc.
"D:noleurnns 4 -yd. vrdde 2.25 for 1.73
• Do, 2.00 for, 1,.68
`,Do. 2.50 for 2.08
Every day Needs
Duck -
Gc nghants
Rock Fast Di;11
.A.prO,t $i a'tt11'l5•."
15c. for 12}�c.`>
15c. for12%c.
12}(c. for 1.1c.
12ylc. for 11c.
15c. -for 1.23:0.
15c, for -13e,
123c. for 110.
15c. for '12;5
Prepared Paints
U herva Bari; Roof and Bridge paint
per gal., Reg. 1.25; for 9d
Mnerva, Pure prepared paints, per qt.
Iteg.< 65c.• fol 5;5,E,
oi,n,,,, •hhuerva Pants 10 per cent, od
aii:otns pain£, per qt. 55C,
� the
. r `:; int cash` payment we will re t .
pre$031,t With every X25 p Y p fin customer s with ISP
raxis of 12 and
•.a half cent print
Highest 'ices paid for Produces.