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Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-28, Page 1
See Our Clubbing List Renew Your Sub scr ptiox ! >,'S` NTY-FIFTI3 'YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, TIMRSDAY, MARCH 28, 1912. SAlp: S . CREECIT, Local Items Mr, Cdtas, izndenfelt last week pur- chased from i LssaPally F2sher the, hand: come treeidenee on William illiam Strutt. Ile gets Possessilan on April 22nd.. The Second and Thad Degree Teams of the T.O,O,F, visaed Lucan Lodge on Tuesday evening and exemplified the work of the two degree -W011 several can- d;dates. The work of the other degrees was put on by Grantoal, Lodge. The v e- dors -here t;,}ally entertained by the Luca Brethren,. Sir Charles Tupne>" only A'etzlat»s cel' the Fathers of Ce nfederat:on, Senator' Andrews Arcia„haid Macdonald, the last of the geoup or men who fathered the tenon of ttea Canadian provinces, having Passed away oat, Thtlenu14ylast at hie home in Ottawa, Ile was barn in POMP Edward Teiaaid dat 1829, There s raoth.ng that calls atteltt:-a: aAt:d draws people. to a townequal to a ipOod newspaper., In order Lor a ratan to Make °a t; and newspaper he Must have the patronage Of the people among whoiir lelieee. 1f hP has halfway sup- pert :t stands to reason that he ;oust. Make a Peeaer •,paper, and la doing tlrafl every man in the town, and surrounding country has to tear, ;a. paxt of,, the loss. VOL' tine reas:ott, it for no other, the man who 'tries to make a goad neer- paper Should have thea support or 1€:a tOwn people, allof whom reap ;!tally as .1r2ue . benef ,, from 'Us effort as he does �:.'ranaelf. n lila\ISE s ktM, Fast week Mrs. d'.:ero- lemilw Case of t'se Loudon! Read, 4'44111,ta,3 the rt safortunc tro talk "when about to sit !town ou a e ,fia,rc, and broke her rat, above, the 'wrist; Althauglt, ower oil years Ox age eitaa, 'r.e doing nicely. nor son, Mr, Gea:'C.as:w or Toronto, was licca foo a row drays t:o' y:stt, bor.. Thee are many signs of serinng,, but DEA'PE OF DR, IIANNON It's no tnauble lar a slow undue to 4 •keeps very cold all the while.- e;et-ed the speed knelt 'when he starts, own bial. Mr. John Hunk`_n is /leaving into the ree'_dence recently purchased frons. , Mr. A, Mebonell. Mr, Geo. Crawley Inas moved into the res:dernee he recently purchased from t'.:oe Misses Cudmore ,an Albert Street, Te two F,,:sble Classes of Main Street c ward are holding a union banquet in church on 'Friday evening next. 11re. Daniel Schroeder Of the 3111 Coneessien of Sten en has been von- f:aced to her bed for several days aped :s at present tin a.. critical conditlaorn, 'Kee Ju,2,ea' ° rsan7n MOO of .lames Street church eory za del',ghtrul Seelal axId program n lll'clrrday evening. A large taunt ser or tito eZd+ r PoaPle attend, ed t . affair 'With Urea ehitd ren. bkrntl f,uaic4rt• Will be .given in tee ; `Qutad at 4.11 early date: The : ob- -s ter caP Plete the raising or suf•- t nt4ney to "bug 'uniforms, "Wait for and be ready to ,attend when the date. p+ta�•%n, A ,4Tr'O lcsPatela'to thrp ,I oltdon I'`reca sday stated. -Thomas B. arlttg of Exeter, 'alae ;::sued a wilt niatst George A. Case or Toronto fou ile2,90, alleged to, ;nava been received the defendant for the use or the ntif;t". of J. W. Asn ee. arfo;, foraaer1Y eae©d t' learn. that 4ed front the Burford of T'aronto, fihvra past; year, iia the an exeMplsary :earthy of the (at'P- deur„" ttra:laClt, (% EASTER MONDAY ORGAN RECITAL AND SACRED CONCERT CA.VEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MON. EVENING', APRIL 5, 1912 PROP, tL". 1 O\''N. of Knox Church, Gtat, Arsa'i�:st. arta TUE CHOIR ass cd by MIS S N. KINSMAN, :Soprano Soloist, Exeter. Mr: L C. FLEMING, of Galt, Bass. Sol-ean, Duett.sxt.•wuartettes, Choruaaos,-A. full program of Faster music, 1Joln°t miss ?A As Flair .lfus:c always' has its charm. Admission 25e. , REV, S. P SHAItP, B.D., Pastor. CARLING'S PHONE 18 Spring Shoppers "..vTo�v that the time is so near for housecleaning you will be in need of several necessities such as Wall Papers, ers Linoleums, Carpets, Rugs and Lace Curtains. p r Wall Papers Wall Papers We have something new and up-to-date in this line in all shades and designs. Lace Curtains are of the latest designs and - are well worth your while to come and see them. Carpets in union' and allwool . in ver neat de- signs. Y signs. ugs in union and Brussels in Brown, Fawn and, Green grounds with floral designs: b ba um hole S and.Oilcloths; t�for-in are now in insPec - tion come and see them. r We. are giving a special discount. of: 15. per cent. n week on all the ":,article mentioned one e above. loci Highest prices paid for all kind of f?i g . , � . tR Y s JN TJIE MOTHERLAND. � At t1a:s ,d=stance we hardly realize the tre'anendous effects of the great coal, ate:Ice six? England. but the following ex: tracts from °a.despatelt from Landon on Saturday g"iYcs a faint idea. of the cond:lfien of arfalee in: the, motherland Bngland s spendeg one of the gloom ie.st Weekends re her history. In every:' town, v Mage and harmlet throughout the country w'h'ere pl� ted workman are us- ually engaged ,n tete great industries unentPloynte nt is on the t•.aerease and he faa?x°1: s of tlhe workers, who have b;ett rendered 'idle by the Strike, of the millio:a coal miners. who quit :work on March, 1st, are sufre'riing want and in i't3nay eases lac;ria starv:.t;on. Only • ie stnnost e'ffarts or eharltalAe societies and private' Indb(1411414 aFe able, to xel„etr,e value of the terrible d . tress , an th-a of wltfelt May he gathered: frena the fNurc+ Of tho 'employed alone, which, besides the .lntners, reaches al- most 2,000,090. Res:dentel of the ee«tUe,s who usually spand the Saturday a,fieraual'ns and Sung days :7a the country are 'unable to -day to leave t=a ernn, as the r�altwaya, Pleadin; a shortage car coal, have cancelled trains by lino hUndr'eclk The eet-tun An Its aro' nearly all closed down, and feuatdr ea and factories a'af all kinds ar cloning up. The fishing vessels are tied uta and even the Fork ,a't the naval docks °=s bang decreased, St, Marys, Marche 23 -Rev, James Har non, D. D., one of the best-known ?Steil). oast minsters in Western Ontario, died stere this evening at the home of his son -in -lax, Rev.. F. n Manett; alter a lengthy illness: ' was 75 years of ages The late Dr. Hannon Was a widely known; and;highly honored nn=ulster of the Metrnodiet church, having held some of the Mast important ehareee ira the Toronto, Fanncltoa and London confer enees. At ti..a0 a ;0 of 20 he entered the mieistrY, beginning his elericaI' career in what fs now Toronto Conference. Alter ordination he was stationed: sue- cess veiy at Newcastle, Bowl-nanvilie, Toronto, 1.14414ton, Lotndon, Dundas, St: lalarys, 1 irtcarddlte, GuelP.h, St. Thentas, Stn.-U.3rd. ta,tha1tt, Exeter (Jartteu street). Seven years ago Ile :retired front the active work after 47 yeatre of al, Most continuous to -1, He was a Man or -fine Pb rg=clue, su?eri'o:r tuenta.i pawerg kindly nature and broad syrnpathive, tie was president of the :Guelph Coan- terenee for , a. terall and wa,s elected a ttxnther of every_ general conference exce}�t tho gest, ae. Ions' as ilex continued set the, active 'work. 1Jr.` .11atanola ';a survtyed by his wife and one son. Judge J. W. kiantton, of Regina. lids death: will be lamented by a large circle of friends who were sire rely attached 04' haat, A serviee for the family was !WO at the parsonage. St, Maryut, on Tues- day at 9.311 aure and t public serve ee ;rt first Methodist Church, Laltdor1,, the sa.rna day at 1.30 P.m. after wllrett the rerna.na were inte<:x'ed at Mount Plea- t cemetery, EXETER COUNCIL Tho wine l' met daythe Town Hall t: day, dare 22nd. :llcrtabera all Present, Minutes of the !dolt rrtttltf were read and approved, Scott titivers -Irat the accounts be paid an read, -Carried. G. Iantic, coal 85.82; Qu.en City (?.l Co„ gasolinne,10. 87'; Sidney Sanders, labor, 4.95; Vic. Creech 480 T. Sanders 5.40; W. Weet- cott 1,20 Jr. Gl ouchor 00e.; J. Kidd 60e wen. hatter 00c.; C. Atkinson 1,80; T. Brock, oar., 4.80:' T. TUoulden 7,'10 D. Bussell, sr,, 1.50:. 750; Total ;140.79. Lovett-ll.vera-That the clerk bill tIo Gralnd Trunk Railway with. $2.00 for loam of water in depleting the water In the etandp:'Pe, and to draa.w their attee- t'ior to the tact that such loss might prove a very serious matter ;n the event of film. Levctt-That we adjourn to the call of the reeve, T. B. Carling„ Clerk. FAMILY OF AGED PEOPLE Mr. David Miller, a pioneer of Uaborne Township, and a .korrnter coresident of Exeter, writing; frons Spohane, "Wash., where he is nnaleing lnka lnorne with his daughter, lira. , T. ?Morrison, ,gives some ineterestinng .infermatlon regarding the advanced ages of his family. There are five sisters still living, on the Thanes Road, Usbarne, who have resided there closeneighbors to each others ever since they came'to• this coun- try ;n 1853, in which year the family left Scotland and settled on the Thames Road, and with the wr;,ter, their unit- ed nited ages average eighty years, a record witch is very exceptional, and which we doubt a it can ba equalled in any other part of.this provinces The several members of the family, taken according their ages, are, Helen, widow of the late Charles Monteith: aged 86, the next s the writer Mr. David Miller, aged 83 ; the next, Mary, widow of the late Jaynes .}lackney, aged 79 ; the nest, Jane widow of the late, Robert Monteith, aged. 77, • and the fifth, Ann, wife of Mr. Alexander I-Iackney, aged 75. There were two tothers en the family, James tine second son, and 'Elizabeth, wife of Rev. Robert Foley, botm, of whom were the youngest :members of the family, ' and died 'some years ago, It will thus be seen that the meted, ages of the surviv- ing rrnem'bers of the Miller fam- ily average 80 . years. When first I noticed' on the breeze the perftun,e of Limburgencheese, in my h,ot haste I sternly cited; Sonia animal has surely died"" Tob . often .thins we judge things by externals greeting nose or eye. and often does the vain galoot skip luscius dates far Dead Sea., fruit. The Lknbur'g cheese' for maty years I held ;to seem with .ribald jeers, ai.d. when a chunk ofcie was palssed I , put army nose in plaster east. But all, that glitters; is .not 'geoid, and ,handsome feet are somest:n-1e•s:c'ald, and blushing roses have their thoi•ns, and lovely girls con] plain of corns. And, likewise, on the other hand, 'the cheese thatsmells to (beat the band belies its loud; aggres- sere scent and comforts you to such extent that you (or any 'either duan) ee- come at ,once a L:lnnburg, fain. 'It, is a MP - ping, eager cheese that warnns you up from neck to 'knees and cheers 'your stomach, t:dl I:t.Seels Moo kicking up its joyous. ,heels. Its fragrance once I did detest, but now fnem- Araby the blest there comes no :nerease-laden air that with ,Linnburger can compare --And thus we see, any friends, and foes, we cannot trust our eyes': and nhtee, which deal `'n eaarbaelcs day by day, and lead our t�vinklin-_ feet astray: OTES Foil, UNION Huron. Pres:-'terv'm- retard on the :re- cent' C'nYion vote ie.a, ,follows_:-'" Elders' for 115, gai:-'r ;t);• \lcnnbers for 2158, a;.1i',nat 1113 Adhereets 4-;n for and -'agannet. 231 :'Total for 27'4, u g a' net �r1��i�3�di �� 09 �ia•���^�&w�k��. l S6 i{• Dashwoqd Beanember tlo' auction sada of house mold el' ,E1 or Fred Goadxr,att on Satur- day, Maleb 30, at h,s residence at 1.31) o'clock. Ed. I orss€t berry, duct . Mr. Rueben Goetz spent a. row days n Saarati'a, t hls week. AMr. ;IL T Dunlop rnove4 his family to Clinton last wweelc. Mr. Jacob Zeller was ,n Stratford .last week where he purchased a house, Mr. Zoller intends moving down shortly, Mr. 'and Mrs. John Sidt and chldren visited frieatds in Zurlclt Sunday lane. The biseaes Luenda and Dora Kraft of Exeter spent Sunday under the par- ental root. ° eel', \\'ettdel Brunner lefty Monday for Pattuburg whore' be will visit his anlld- ren far o- wit2,.ee_ T11e-Lad:rea' Aid of the Lutherans church 'neat at the. Innes or Rev., Thun on Tuesday ,last. :ant rent"k"+it Service will be held in tho Luthe an: Church here Sunday next wham a class or fourteen will be con- firmed. From.Another Source Mr. and Mrs.Ernest Gett:ans'er or Cred- ',ton were visitorsat the hone of Mr, and :qrs. Thos. IElunipp on Sunday last ;lir. Fred Goodman accompanied by Mrs. Johrr•Goodittan arrived here Satur- day night and will dna,ve ah auction, sale of, Mr. Goodmans household effects on Saturday next a,t..J.30 o'clock p.m. Mr. Goodman Will valso dispose of Ins real estate privately, Mr, E. M. Brokenslilte made a busi- ness trip to Honasall on Monday., Mr. Thos. Klumpp has placed a new. Bell pinnno an Cods home. a Miss Lily Davis who spent a Sew days here with her 'friend, Miss Susie Wambold, left Sunday evening for her hone ?n Exeter. Miss Ida Goetz has been confined to the house through illness the last few days. , E. M. Brokensihire has completed the auditing of the books p2 the Dashwood Planing' Mill Coe' far the past year. Mrs, Fred, Macrea who has been very Tor some time, is, we are glad to report, getting op fE'cely. I-1"rr many friends here will sym- pathize with ,Mrs. Sol. Martin' of the" Babylon Line, she haying slipped on Tuesday morning and broke her arm. There was no school :n Mr. Shores room on Tuesday-, he having been sick. Me, Henry Willett shipped a. carload', of hogs , from the Exeter depot on Wed- nesday. ednesday. The pr'ce o'f hogs seems to be so'n'g up ` a little: Crediton Last Wednesday- night a Dress Carni val was g^i've'1Z in the s1ra,ti'ng rink. ' The attendance was very large and all en- joyed then nselves very much. There were mare in cosltume. that- in ,the, previous carnival. Main; y were` very pretty while others were co,nnrcal in the -extreme. nz_le race was fast and interesting•: and was won by Herb. •Falhncr lst. Ed. An- derson 21id, of rxeter. • Jacob H. I-odtenean made a business trip to London on Monday. Fred Hess,` Sr., +arils Mr. ; Haberer of Zurich inspected 'our :school 'on Tues- day. They are appointed on the bu:lding coninnittee to examine schools to ceder ito 'get an, idea•, for, their new one. Alban• Mbn•loek, Chao:r' leader of the Evangelical Church, Was surprised by the members .-of the choir last Friday evening -a pleasant evening, was spent by all. A handsome winker rocker was presented to trim as a b:mthday gift. and 'an recognition of his 'services as lead- er of the choir. Wm. 13.' Wenzel and Bert Clark are puttinig, the fini.shuig ;touches' on the in- tea:or of the Town I -fail this week, • Chas 7/w:ekes .made some ;brie; stitp- mants Of seed this week • to out- side points. Jos. `Edwards '1,10,5 been b,1SY ,',,1w wood _ln towrYSYt It hds gasoline out- +„ The funeral' o,f tha late 1 Uza1xtPn ls'ee'_nn relie�t,'0- tive�,1ai u7,o t ' met took• plaice, aV The Dressy Mere Men who are most particular about style and and,- quality always have their clothes made to measure The name of "Taman" is the best guide for made - to -measure clothes. `There is a guarantee behind.. every Tamanarment that means ns you canhave="' your money back if you are dissatisfied. We are - showing the Spring lines in Suitings and Over- - coatings., Come in and have a look. Men's Furnishings. Our store is now being renovated and when-. finished in a few days we will open up a brand new stock of Men's Furnishings that will be com- plete in every detail and right up-to-date. There --- after, you will find us headquarters for everything - in this line. W. W.Taman Tailor and Furnisher o- xeter' on Tuesday.; The deceased has been Alvinston, Seaforth, London, Kincardinee 111 for some time but was making splen Rondeau, Beriiia,. Saslcatcilevran,_ E1`eter e did progress when she took a severe and elsewhere, sat down to fa. sumptue- cold which later developed into pneu ous wedding feast, after which a. pleas` monr.a and on account of her 'weakened condition she rapidly grew worse un- tit death relieved her of hex- sufferings: on Saturday, the 23rd Inst, at the age of •75 years; Mrs Eirein was well thought of land before moving to the village resided on the 10th Concession; two nudes west ofthis place. The be- reaved family ihave•,the sympathy of the vicini't . The neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Falmer, gave them a: surprise party one evening last week. All had a every njoyable time. WINC1-IELSEA The many friends of Mrs. Win. Del-; bridge, who has beennsuffering front a sore ankle for :soma :t10-10, will learn w:ith regret that she is not improving; a. nd other complications setting in it has been deemed adv lsable to procure the services of a trained nurse,Miss+ Par- ish of 'London, cams 'Tuesday. Double 'Wedding. -The tome of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clarke of the 10th con -e cession of TJsborne was the •sce'ne of joyous festflvtities .on Wednesday after- noon, March. 27, the occasion being the apart ase of thieir two daughters, Mag- g':er'Percilla, to Mr. 'yYilson, C. Hawkins, and Laura M. to Mr. Sohn 'Sienese/1; both of the same township.• The home was most tastefully decorated for the occasion and the ceremony, which was performed -day Ret. T. A, Steadman of E1ixnville, .took place about six o'clock in the eveniang under an arch of .ever- greens, suspended from, the centre of which was an artistically arranged flor- al wedding hell, The brides, attired sin cream diagonal satin, trisn.xlecl :. •.'ifh fringe and :,all tritianinig and. carrying bouquets, enter, ed theparlor leaning' on tine":aranns f their father,', to the sweet stra-ins of'` tine' wedding inarq'n, played by`M! lss, Goldaa ,Mt.11a, cousin of- the brides. The 'brides were unattended, save that I-tu'be,rt11,1 1. r- and Ernest .Prout acted ae page boys. Tine groonte',g`fts to the kir:ales were Pearl crescents`, while the. page 'bays were each presented with a ivatc: and charm. The cereanony` ever and con -1'atulatieons extended to the happy couples, about fifty guests , itt ant evening 'was spent. The wedding;; presents formed a magnificent arraye testifying to the; esteem in 'which Wet - brides are held by their many 'friends'i. The young couples will have, the beet ' wlshies 'of all with, them :in establlslninm • thie:1r new harms. BIRTHS Brethour-At Wtoodhanne, on March 20...;• - to Mr. and Mrs. Michael 13rethour, a. Buswell -In Harwell, Sask., Mar. 18, ern Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Buswell, a daugl_ tor, , Horton -In LTs'borne, 021 March 15, to 1Ir. and Mrs. Harry Horton, a'son. Ca2nnn-Ili Usborne, Mar. 14, to Mr, and' Mrs, Cecil T. Canna, a daughter. MARRIAGES Simpson -Clarke--At ' the home of the ' 'bride's parents, Lot 14, Cion. 10, Us-• Iborne, on March 27th, John Simpson, to Miss Laura M., daughter of Mr and Mrs., Thos. Clark. Flawkinis-C.la¢ke-A.t the home of the bride's parents, Lot. +14, Con. '10, U borne, can March 27, Wilson C. Haw- kins, awking, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Jos. Haw•- kens, to Miss Maggie, Percillae dough-, ter of M'r. and Mrs. Thomas .Clarke. Thiel--Robrinnsrn-•At the residence of thee - bride's parents, o11 March 20th, .Mir, Benjamin J. Thn,el, to Deatrice Ellen, , only daughter ter 'of Mr. Win..12ob:uson, or. of Fuilaitlo*n, Piper -Brown‘ --At rhe Jaanes-St -parson age, Exeter,' on bloc. 25, by, Rev. E. Hobbs, Edwin Wiper sof Exeter to Mis©:sa Margaret Adel',,, _ En o' 'n o fParitivill,_ • DEATHS Eider Ir Us'bornie, at t.nel home of he ,daughter„ Mrs: Andrew 1\Iois,,,ori Afar.- i`it , .Helen Shirley; relict of the late' 1V:fllaarf Elder of Tucke1sn lith, aged 81 years and 5;'month s,' n ` Rhein -In -Credii:on, sopa star: Tom John Kr 'Sn, aged 75 years., 1.amaraa4.�,r�ratr�:rc d, 'klr8: