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Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-21, Page 5
PROFESSIONAL, CARDS -"IDEI3TAL- Dr. , G. F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., 'D.D.S, DENTIST, YS,,ena'ber o1 the It-C.D.S. of.Ontaria and Honor. Graduate of Toronto University Off 1ce•—Oxg>i• Dickson & Caxling's.: law office;, Wednesday ednesday afte afternoons. DR. A, R KINSMAN, L,D.S., D.D.S., I-onor Graduate sir. Toronto Ve eversity' DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or an9 bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Qfg:ee, Mala Street, Exeter, LEGAL DECKSON &. CARLING, BARRISTERS. Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com ereeeleners. ,Sollcitrors for the Molsons Davie. etc; Money to Loan at lowest rated of interest Offices—Main-St., Exeter I. It. Ceel;fg, B,A., 1:, F; I. Die ,son 9IQNEX ^FJ LOA I We have a, large amount of priveto toede to loan on farm and village prop. ernes at low rates':ol: interest. QL-4,DLT. I`l & STAI`tBURT Be resters, $oa.eiters, Exeter. a,aealt Calafederaton Lore AsieueaaQ of tpanyx otos Fare insurance 'n lead gonad aai slid ]3ritielt Companies. Maa a -St., Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER ANDERSON, Llcaneed Auctioneer frac Hurtle Dates can Exeter, ory iron, T. B. CARLINLI Lite, Fire, Accident and Plate Giese Insurance, -Collecting accounts, and pen riucting auction sales. --: Exeter, Ont. ' fERTIHZER WHY NOT USEFE.RT'ILI?,�EE IN- , STEAD OF 'BARNYARD MANURE It ;s' easier- td apply to the land and gives "better sat'ietactio;a in every way. it is used to all grain; cropd and alscea good.catch of plover On _pRor meadews,, Give Year land ,o. good top dressing ei Fertilizer 'heroic planting your potatoes and it will double your crop. It is good for beaus and for all kinds of Toot crops It l:as .been tepee*, and £,oufd to ba bet- ter et ter than 'other fert`lizerea Give it'a, tr:'ai. Over three hundred tons sold ale ready. The National Fertilizer, which is plac- ed' on the market by the National Land, 'Fruit and Packing Company, ie the +only organic fertilizer made. and shoves the tallow eg analysis 'compared witle ba. rn- yar'd maantreh5- Nitrogen 3.50, equal to 4.0 anmon#a. Phosphoric acid 5.75, equal to 12 solea` ee peeesphatee. Pe anti, 3.50.s1 FRANK W, "NS, Cl -Ilton, pole '. ht for the Ceulaty of Ifuroat. Geo. Moir AGENT F'OR EXETER Gettet9'. Tertr•s a=eeeelir bleu' Ai, motion : ale be made at rte Advocate, Ile nr Eilber's Office, Cred Year Teerreeng I'°olsular 1.4.1011. a Olaf. mat place st Canada for i3ustnose Education. Enter t till year. rratalogne tree, for Qr Sale Horses I laavo a number of first-classhorses for sale. Call at the atatales and .glee -them. r Wo are also purcbaalnl ' Horses that aro sound, and in good condition from 4 to 10 yeaxssi o ago, Parties having horses Lor sale will do well to call or write the undersigned. Piens +1:1. 51:, M. DO1 LE. Exeter. OS FARM STACK AND IMPLEMENTS on LOT 9, CON.. 2. STEPHEN, Dasa TUESDAY, MetlICH 26, 1912, at one o'claek, sharp, tbe following property. ITORSES.--1 draft mare rising 8 yrs. old in .sal to Tltonsae Carlyle, 1 draft Oeldiug rising 0 ;tea e old to Clralgavar 1 draft snare rlalle G 'y'eara old ghat by Premier 1 1 draft gelding, rising 3 yr. old ; 1 draft '*eld -i rising 3 years old hot by Lard Sharp ; 1 draft filly rising 2 year old ; '-e. filly rising 3 .'eases old gat by Southport ; 1 general purpose teerse rising 0 years old. CATTLE -8 etteers rising ttareo yrs, old, 10 steers rising 2 yrs, old, 4 heif- ersa riserer 2 Ws. old, lefrL. TENTS --i, lumber wagon and box. nearly new; truck wagon, 13fcCor-i m ek <binder, McCormick mower, Sulky' rake used one season, disk harrow, cul- tivator, aced drill, neaa•ly now; apt of tour section diamond harrows, 2 walk- ing plows, Perron riding plow, twin. plow, fann5n,ars`il, land roller, pulper, busks, 2 gravel boxes, 2 hay racks, grindstone, 2 sets double harness, -set leelet_double harrles'e, set simile lutruese 3e sap palls, wheffletreea3, neckyokee, pttch forks and other'nrt.elea too num- erous to inention. All must be sold ars the peopr'.t'tor has sold li:u farm, All stuns of t 5 and under cast.; over that amount 8 months' credit on turn - felling approved joint notes. 5 percent. Per annum off ter cash on credit. amounts. JOHN COLWIZ,L, JAS. STANLEY ProprDetor Auctioneer HOW. TO PRESERVE YOUTH AND BEAUTY, One great secret of youth and beauty for the young woman or the mother is the proper understanding of her womanly systerrt and well-being. Every woman, ^young or old, should lnow,hsrself and her physical ,make up. A good way to arrive at this knowledge is to get a good doctor book, such for instance, as " The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," by R. V. Pierce, M. D., which can readily be procured by sending thirty-one cents for cloth -hound copy, addressing Dr. Pierce, at Buffalo, N. Y. The womanly system is a delicate machine which can only be compared to the in- tricate mechanism of a beautiful watch which will keep in good running order only with good care and the proper oiling at the right time, so that the delicate mech- anism may not be morn out. Very many times young women get old or rue down before their time through ignorance and the improper handling of this human mechanism. Mental depression, a confused bead, backache, headache, or hot flashes and many symptoms of derangement of the womanly system can be avoided by a proper umderstanding of what to do, in those trying times that come to all women. Mts. G. I3. WLLLraaus, of Lynnhaven, Va., wrote: "It is six years since my health gave way. I hadfemale trouble and all the doctors (I employed three) said I would die. I was not able to do my work. had to hire someone allthe time. Finally, I read in the papers about Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription, and decided to try it•• I had not taken but ono bottle until I found it had done me good. I took, in all live bottles`' of Favorite Prescription' and tWo' of Golden Medical Discovery,' andnow I am able to do all my housework, and leave gained fourteen pounds. I advise all women who suffer from female trouble.: to try your Favorite Prescription. It's the only medicine on earth." .21ingWierevues. VARIGOSE VEINS CURED Oir NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. " lleavy work, severe; straining and evilhaiiits in youth brought. on Varicose Veins:. When 'S worked hard the acbin;',a, would -become : severe•and I"was often laid up for weel.r at a time. My family, physician told me an operation was my cnly hope—but I- dreaded it, I tried several -specialists,, but soon found out all they wanted was isy money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better there. rogues.- One day my boss asked mo why/ /was off work so muoLand I told him my condition. IIe advised tae to consult Drs. I ennedy & Sennedy,ashehad t'.ken:treatment from' them- himself and knew they were square and striate'. I wrote thorn and got reeeNEW ffinraoDTsa;ATunNT.--Myprogress vas somewhatslowand during the first month's treatment I was sorneahatdiscouraged.'However I' continued treatment for three' months longer and was,rewarderl with a complete cure. I could only earn Sae a week in a machine shop before treatment, now Lam earning $21 and never loose a day. I wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. ` HENRY C. LOCUST. HA YOUR . BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? POISONS he most- esy d most seriousdiseases.:'Theysap.the very life -blood o'the,viatim and;unls autiroleradicated from the'systemrill cause scrious complications. Beware of Mercury. It may suppress the' „symptoms our eseDw -DMETI{OD cures'an Mood diseases, ea have lircicen YOUNG OR>IdIDDLE AGED MEN -Imprudent acts or later ere ses and toins s'�e_lin OV,er SpA. 'Mentally; physically down ygor are not You e y the symp vitally; you aro not tine man you used` to be or should. b©.. Will youheed tlaedanger signals? , Are ouravictitii? Have` you lost hope?'hroyou inteudin to marry,? Has' Y d' een disoao_cd? Marc"You'any we Lnes3? ,Our= NEW hirmnoD,:, READERyour iliac 1ankratc r cure you: What.it; has done'ror others it will do for Yoe. Consultation Free -, l' o matter who has'treated you, yr ite for an honest opinion`Fr'a of Charge. Bsoks-Freo—"Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illusteated) ea lliseases•of .leen. NO' NAMES USED' WITHOUT WR''TTEN, CONSENT. PRIVATE: No names on :boxes or rnvelopeT..Everything' Confidential. , Question' lList and Coat of Treatmotit iichiga `Ave.. and Griswoid'St., Detroit,; ten. All letters from C uaclaust.iaeaddreS e ., ■;:■ to ori ,Canadian-Col^respondencee ep wi luent in Windlsor; -Ont, If' you desire .too Detroit as we`rsee and,, rte in , xcalI ttstrtli a :a iia' tad ee-us ersonall c 11 t o P Y ��ao`' attentsi�n o,�C �4ltidso w,0 cps Wwhich are fad, Correspondence lat�1 t Laboratory 4orb Canadian t faits% "kat a Address all Tetters as Eolith it; Our ClaimHied Want .Ads, will pilot the ship of business to the caro harbor of commercial Rroe- parHY. People read the a Articles. for sale" ads. If you have soma► thine -to iteii toil the tl about it. ' One *Argo`rneehlnery firm in Toronto hag built up lte business by uoing Oia5el1ie0 Want Ada, ex' ctuelveiy. Auction Sale 25 CHOICE HORSES 25 There vifii be sold by pubic aucteen, at Dia'kLE'S HHQIiSE EXCEi-MNGE, Es- titer, onr. S',ATURDA,' ,,. 1/ARCH 23, sat one O'clock P. In,, thee foliow,n?g Valuable horses,-- 5 tone year old u'old°:n a, drat snares ffa fuel ; 3 til' `gca'r-old tjlli 3 dr;veras ; s1 'pavr grey, geldings, match- ed: 4 font year old tallies, draft; 3 three year old, seldinga ; 2 'st`arlrina taorae*; 2 Yearli=ng colts, 2 sets Single learnees, The. AIX/ve: are a eh „ce lot and every t:aorse v ll be sold to highest bitider,a as was dobe. o Saturday last, Terms -7 months' creak on furnishing approved Saint notes, A diseQulat of 0 per cent, per annetne off for cash.. JAS. STANLEY, DOYLE I3ROS.' A uettoneer. I?'r'apfietors. For full pert epta..s,plemie M. M. Doyle 41, Exeter, 1yINGI-Lk?e£--tiers. Jolla Cului!-ir harn vete of the innnger of the Western, Volta dry, dropped dead to lterr home last Wed- nesday Stiednesday evening train heart disease. She was preparing supe at the terve, alio had been !.n the best of health. She was 47 years of are, ^Besides her hue. brand. the bereaved are two beetbere,, who reship °et 'Toronto.,, SEAFQRTII-Owatg to their Ina, baety to fill their orders trent their Seafartlt factory, the Canada Furniture Company are prcared to enlarge tlsc premises Provided the tsrwn shoe them the elle, The towns las put at the cos- pany'e d'.sposal enough land on which, to erect an add:tan to the north of the present factory, with -a frontage at 00 feet and a depth east of 180 feet, On this wotald be erected an addition three stories liege and enpleying In the. ne'.ghborttaod of 00 additional ; hands. SilTC}TALL.—Oar Thursday .evening Rich, Rogers, who' ea well-known about towel. iell dawn ata,bra at the Royal Ho- tel and en exhinitudieei Dr. Atkinson Lound that he had broken his left. Ieg beloaw'the knee, fractured his collar bone and'receetved some bad cuts' on the face. WINGHA\L-Wm. F1a:Ines, student of W-nghaln high school, 18 years `of age was presented rrvth they medal of the Royal Ilumane Society. HIe saved Earl, Johns from, drowning, while skating- on Christmas day. ' !' , CLINTON—Rev. D. I. Grant-v,ees in- ducted into the pastorate of %trill's Church on Tuesday evening, Rev. Mr. Fletcher of Thames 12pad presided. Rev. Mr.: McFarlane 'of Bayf'e1d preached. Rev. Mr. Smith, of Hensali addressed the minister, and Rev. Mr. Small of Dlyth addressed the people. Local Representative Wanted Tho Roane Play Moue., "Mother, what eau I do this after noon while you are in the kitchen fls '.ng dialler?" So So ;❑any metbers are centronted by this question that the following sug' gestions may satisfactorily answer year child the next bane she confronts you with such a demand. Try making vegetable furniture, In preparing: the vegetables give the child a thin slice of potato or carrot or any vegetable of that description and. allow her tq hold it up to the light.. She wilf be amazed and delighted at the beauties, it eontelne. Sho-W how the apple sliced horizontally through the core displays the star, widch she will at on connect with the blgssoDL Wonderful sets of furniture may be constructed from slices of vegetables and patch sticks- A Piece of carrel .with four anateh stielite Inakee a ehare4- ink table. iwblle two slices of Sarcot cut lelagtkwitie may bit converted Into a s•orfortablo were, the baeb' fastened e wilt') match sticks and four legs added; lnuwaerable other forms 'will suggest themselves to the child, and always en, courage origluality and inventiveness- There are many poeslbilitiee in a handful of suaall grain, each as rice, hcsuitay or barley, or„ beat of: alt. lentils,: f 1'ot2 have them. Spread these out OP be table, and many objects, may be 'aide in mass. Melt OS circles or ails' °ales, or any vegetable and fruit- These :will then suggest' different "animal form; or trees, Another way of using lentil$ is to .make the shape of the de- sii'ed object by putting one grain ❑list to another and then filling in tbe out- line with the rest of the seeds, Another ;gasnle growing out of this orae may be played with n piece of sitting. not too heavy. Fix it allow the chilli to experiment with it and then stggeet laying a circle One dent in the outline will maize an apple. another opposite will suggest a butterfly or a spool. three dents a three Teat clover and four dents a liower. This will suggest straightening out the curves into points to form a star or into lines to make a square, or a small circle With a string Is a toy bal• loon or is modified' Int° a late. Besides' these the outlines of vegetables or fruits or kitchen utensils are tirade, not to mention serails and other conven- tional forms. Until 'row no mention. bas been. made of the delights of baking day. Oh, the joy of a piece ot dough and the tin lid of a baking powder con! What deleet- able pies and cakes are made. What sumptuous feasts are served to dolly! Permanent employment and a splendd :nose assured regiht man, to act as our representative en the sale of our fruit and ornamental Nursery stock. Former experience unnecessary. All that we re- quire es honesty, ambition and a. wil- lhrgness to work.; A handsome outfit 1urnesired free. Fuli instructions given as to management of bus`ness.: Write at once ear full partrcularrs. THE: CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY OF ONTARIO, LIMITED' COLBORNE. ONTARIO. ESTABLISIiED 1857. Acreage Contracts We are, prepared' to north -act -wail far- mers to gnaw peas and corn for the Calming Factory ,tor "the , seasonn . O 1912: - Seed corneand peas will be furn- ished by the* company an usual. We would :.ask farmers t'R attend to this as early as possible, before file buns season' opens:'. • • - EXETER' CANNING & PRES. CO., S. M. Sanders, Man'r AITCTION SALE PIANO; IOUSEI-IOLD EFFECTS, ; ETC, • There wase be sold", by public :auction at Wm ' borate toT the unless! neo V7-711.- am `Street, Exeter;.on FRIDAY,. MARCH 22nd; .1912 .At one ,o'clock„`the following valuable property, ylz,-1. Wtlliedns piano, 2 oak d:ning rOiDnn tables,- 1':'round <arid square bt,rft:t, half doz. Irathet bottom dating room' cbaies, 3 'bedrObill suites, "A ward- robe, number;ugbiolst'eaed chairs, couch,„ 'burc,au, oval 'table,. 13 sma1l facy tables 8' carpets, numberelp'Ctures,'2 dinner scats and 'other d?shes; 1 clock, kitchenn cabinet, k`ttch:en table, ' 8 dor,. gems, i 1 rater , .parlor; strove, coal '1 wood stove, nldwe% stand c'urta n Poles and Nee,' x revs leather beds to ” snlower, lawn settee, step ladder, tart eeete wbsa, tfh ware,x..quantity of coa `1ioer',a eats, and many tld'o numerous to mention• { o4d t the- prop i for ivup tit . l J, cDONE'L,L, Paw prietor. CLINTON-One of the pleasant ,events .0f the. ,eea.eien tools place ,at the. Ontario, Street elethodest pargonai e on Saturda; eyes -1.'41g,, when Mr. Oscar Ernest Teb- bett was untied Irl rnarraaaa'e to Miss Katie ` Eleanor Perdue, by Rev, T, < Wes- ley' CoPetels ea-leyCoes Tia piY wedded coup" -e will settle near I-£onie8Yilie, }5' ST; ;+YARYS—Messrs. Wear & Wer _an parted last 'eels a. carllaad of hay from, welletlester'at $18 per toe. This, ie ' the +"3t L.aythat St. ;Marys, for pori„ ;a.ur'aya :has been great hay centre. x. sported- hitt pt`.on, as it tram tit s Dr, de Van's Female Pills 'Are—Hattie French regulator; nevi;r fails- These pills are exceediegly powerful in,cegulating the generative portion of the female system,, leeiuse all cheap imitations. lIr. da Vai 'rt are sold at tee box,, or three for W. Melted to any address. Titlk iSaai>ell Drug Co., St. Ctstharines, Ont,. Water. WithoutWater. The school children of Germany are taught to swim without the use of water. It is claimed that the proper stroke and mofions of the arms and legs are mare readily acquired in this manner, thou in the water, as is they more general way of teaching SWIM' niers. The student is suspended by a wide belt from on overhead rail, While the feet are attached to a pair of ropes running over pulleys and adjustable to various requirements. The pupils thus suspended are then taught how to perform the movements of the breast stroke until the action becomes almost instinctive. The advantage in teaching these movements in such a sway is that the pupil is not distracted by the fear of a ducking. ii ALE --_ STOUT ---- LAGER PURE --M PALL.TABT3F.'^-' NUTl fflTtS BEVERAG FOR SATBY WINEor SMUT RRiI 6 NTSEVERYWTIERF 81 can legally order ' or TEL�uire for personal 411 JOHN LABATT, itsl the loeai option districts this brewery whatever they family use. Write to Dunn, . LoNPON, CANADA a.. nnnnnn rrnnnhfAIN. taleheeefloterlitA. ANA .4s Chewing Chewing Gum For Children. After all the sarcastic comments on the chewing gum habit it is interest- ing to note in a recent issue of. American Medicine a good word in ate favor. Dr. La Grand Kerr wrlteg .that one of the most trying problems in infectious diseases of children is to keep the mouth clean and that many 01 the secondary infections which olee. cur as a result of infectious diseases iu childhood occur because the mouth has not been kept clean:; Be adds that children rebel against "the cleans Ing, process while they are ill. and be advises .the use of chewing gum at offering the easiest and best reeler. Training Child'en. Obedience, order and ,cleanliness are the three most important points to in,. stilt into a child's- mind. When baby Is old enough, to under, stand simple nursery rules he should be taught that rules are made to be kept at all times. "Mothers' and nurses who are not skilled in the science of 'medieines.-and children's diseases should never give drugs to youn ..rehildren without the advice of a physician. When the Baby Doesn't Gain. 11 a child is delicate and there is. a question of his not gaining in weight. be- slrouid be weighed frequently. When he does not gain in weight his food is not nourishing ,hire properly, and a change should be made. But if he is healthy andhearty and shows no signs of waiting there is no object in weighing him, every, week un- less it is for -the satisfaction ofhie fond and admiring parents. • i Nlending,tiint to td n 11 best,, wa'gaiit't tob reduOne cer siseno-idins g 19 g> lu mw hy; chiidrth s clothes :rip 1s : because: the sear ' ewed ,�sith cotton,threed{ "switiat>- f Anv $r'es9 whila-,;wit Icashoe]d ` 'tl l bpm ..'.:: sl? re nit . etirely oi`' The sun an lot'eotto0,'but d� riot eftectih�e» ii FREE TO YOU --MY SISTER. Rug To Y©U ANO EVERY SISTER BUFFER. fN4 FROM WOMEN'S A l.MEN-re. I np2 a Fomatt. I knhave ave found WPm.7f 8tha3 snffercaro.fal a. I Iwil mail free oat any charge, ray heps* treats snot wfull rtatittr�yy fYr woven s aaUithasent&tnstI reesaot tos teleollarl tisu� c inen:aerefrorplsouG tato cure—you. MY reaider. for yourself, Sour ghter, your hoot ler, or Your 815 c r. 1 watet to you note to euro yoatrselt at barrel without ?elperaosoetor, Mencannatundcreetedrvoo- ra;u lereags. 'What, we women'kee-e from ex- tenet. wekasnvbet ter t,h zt uy'vitae r 1Reeve ttaayhome treatment isasate orao5.. pure for corrhseaorWhitish dIScbaree,t.ics- teon,Dis- meet or Falitnrof s-mentorFatltnrot t1tiWotpb, Prete. se, Scam fu11'crlods, Uterine or 4+verran Tumors or ow:be, oleo pains in the bean. bsci +aa a bowels, be.ringdatt nfdeiings, ncrvou>snesat, es , r.pinit fed. legup:filo spine, melancholy, (tesiie t`t try, hot flashes, -w arine$S, kidney and blec.1 r troubles Whore tausdd'by weakness peculiar to aur reeve Iwaanttosend yea acomp:etc20 day$ treatment entirely free to prove to you that yc�i can euro yourselfnt home, easi(y;qu ckly and serol . iietnetnbtor. that It will cost you nothing to lva: tietreatmentacsmtplototrial;andityoumould►wish to cont;nue, it,wI11coatyouor;l;abo t. cents a week, orlese than two oeutea day. It will not interfere with your work or, rxupation. Justsend rneyour name end ad dress, tell me how you sutler, if yea wieb. an d 1 will nd you the treatment for your case. entirely free. inplebe wraPpor.byreruraituetl, iwill also sr you free ofeost,7nybooi--”WOMANSOWN MEDICAL AleVISER"witie explauetoryMee .t,iono�haw 'Ina whywomerg suffer, and how they can casllymire themselves athome. Every war ori should have le and, learn to think for herself. Tlumwhentltedoetorsays-"Yaumusttett eunopsera- tion, you can decldofor yourself. Thou San deotwomen ,have cured themselves with my Immo remedy. It oures all, old aryounst. To mothers of Deuehters, twill explain et simple home treatment which speedily and etfeetuatlly cures Leueorrhaea, Green. Sickness, and Painful. or Irregular elenetruetlon in Young Ladles. Plumpness and health alwey'a resultfrorn tie use. Wherever you live, 1 eau'roleryea to ladies of your oewnIocality who knowam? willgiadly tell any sulTaror that this Homo Treat nreut read' cures alt rvomon'a dlaoasteand uaakea rxomtan well, strnug;plump end robust. Just send itteyour addresa,andthe free ten days'treatment irt yonr$. also the book. Write to•day, as you may ?tot see this offer again. Address: MRS5 M. SUIVIIVIERSk Box $40, H WINDSOR, ONT CURIOSITY i'YOTT1pteQ any en To dry PURITY FLOUR THEY were carious to see exactly what re- sults would be produced by flour consisting entirely of the high-grade portions of the best Western hard wheat. - They were curious to know more about a flour that contained none of the low-grade portions, which are found in every wheat berry,, but which are separated and excluded' from the high-grade e process of milling PURITY FLOUR. URITY F4`011 pa • PURITYeteleeeeleceetereeeeeee you to try PURITY • REMINDER : O. -account of the extra strength and extraq Y uality of PURITY FLOUR it 'is necessary, -for. best ' pastry- results, to add; more la: . , shor�tenin than ori are `ossa 1.�t osed;- to use with an ordinary flour. Add more water when mak- ingbread. TI-IEY were curious to ';;now whether an ALL HIGH - GRADE hard wheat flour w as really.su erior to a mixed harcland. soft wheat flour. They were curious to see and taste the kind . of bread, buns, biscuits, _cakes and pies PURITYy. FLOUR would make, Curiosity P Yuriosit prompts you seek the knowledge they ,. discovered. It's urging FLOUR. o r, dist right �L.+C��1R to '. your I• ce now Add PURITY� � � l� .rea-i ea f�s tie t1 A i�.