Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-21, Page 3MARCH WEATHER RIIEITNIATIC WEATHER Victims Can Cue Themselves With Br Williams) -Pink Pii With the, coming of March people who are afflicted with rheumatism begin to have unpleasant remind, es of their trouble. The weather is ehangeable—balnay and springlike one day, raw, cold and piercing the. next. It is such sudden changes of weather- that sets the pangs and tortures of rheumatism, lumbago and sciatica going. But it must be bore in mind that although wea- ther conditiontart the pains; the trouble is deeply rooted in the blood and can only be cured ..,through the blood. All the lotions and- lini- ments in he world can't mire rheu- matism. Rubbing may seem to ease the pain, while you are rubbing, but there its value ends, Only through the blood can you eure rheumatism. That's why Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have so many thousands o mares of this trouble to their credit, The new, rich blood which they actually make drivee out the peisonoue add, and rhea- matisra is vanquished. Here is an example: Mr. W. 0, Douglas, Weblawood, Out., says: "1 was at- tacked with inflammatory rlieurtia- tiam, which spread through my en- tire eysteue For two months I was not able to go abetlt, 411(1 seemed to be hovering between life Arid death. My joints were swollen and any legs and arms twisted, until X expected that they would never re- turn to their normal hape; The doctor seemed to help me, but net to eure me, aacl I would bp better elle day and worse the next, At this time a, friend strongly urged mo to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got a dozen boxes. Soon af- ter beginning the pills thee was a, ehange for the better, and T con- tinued using the pills until 1 was quite well again. The swelling din - appeared frena the joints,. 1,11y limbs returned to their natural ehape and I feel as H Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills have saved me from be- ing 0. rheumatie cripple. I hope my experience may prove a blessing to some other sufferer." If you suffer from rheumatism, or any other disease of the blood, begin to cure yourself to -day with Dr. WilliamsPink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont, KEEHN G IN PRACTICE. Irish Peasant Could Keep Up - to Duke and Duchess. Probably one of the heartiest laughs which the Duke of 0n - naught, mow Governor-General of Canada, ever enjoyed, says the Tat- ler, was that occasioned by the re- mark of an Irish peasant, who one day, -while the Duke was -driving in Dublin with the Duchess, ran along- side the carriage and kept up with it in an astonishing .fashion. So persistent was the man in his en- deavors to keep pace with the car- riage that at length the Duchess had the vehicle stopped, and asked the man what he wanted. He said ,. that lie was anxious to get a good 1,:idk at their Royal Higlinessei. The Duchess was much flattered, and ask -ed him how he"managed to keep up with them. "Oh," he said, "share, haven't I been cha,sin' pigs ell me leife ?'' • . 11E11 SO:BAD BABY CAME NEARAYING ,..Head Broke Out. Spreao to Arms, Legs and Entire Body, Itched So. He Would Scratch.Until Blood Ran, One Box of Cuticura OintMent and Nearly One,Cake of Cuticura Soap Cured Him. Has Had Ne' Return. "When' my boy was about three months old, his head broke out with a rash which was very itchy and ran a watery fluid. We tried everything we Could but he got worse all the tiree„till it spread to his arms, legs and then to his entire body. -Ilegot so bad • that he.cano• near dying.. The rash would ,Itch. so that he would scratch till the blood tan, and a thin yellowish stuff would be all oVer•his'pilloW in the morning. I had to put. mittens on his hands to prevent him tearing• ' is skim' ' Ile was so weak and rundownthat iWas almost a`skeleton and his little hands, le.took fainting spelfS as if he were .dying. Ie tvere thin like claws. - • '' -, ' ' Ile was bad about eight monthmwhen We tried Ctitieura Rernetlies.'.I had net laid him • lloWn is his cradle' in the daytime for, a long' While. .1 Washed WM with'Cuticiira Soap 'end put on cse application of Cuticura...0Intrrient,: and lie was so soothed that he could sleep. Yon don't know how glad. I was lid felt better. It tool: one box of Cuticura, Ointment and, pretty hear ono calte,of Cuticura Soap to cure him. 1 think our boy would have died but or the Cuticura Remedies end I shall always, remain o firm friend „of them. Ile,was'cured' nrare than -twenty years ago, and --there has heen no 'return of the trouble, I shall be, lad to have you:publish this true.statement bf his cure.'' (SigriOd), Mts. M. C. Maitland;, , lasper, Ontario, May '- eriar tiolInothers•liav is FO'r zn°re than 31.4.441i'deconcintical -- jourid a Reedy, agrees, , , lrelitinent,for'their"sitimtcigtitgfi . little ones in Cutieura Soar', and ,Otritrnent: --Although - they are sold by druggist's 'end:dealers every,„ -i „. whero,a liberal eartipleof eitchicay,hgobt aittedc,,-.. freel'il OM•the Pcdter,',',DcliV .v'. Iii.' "‘''';.'' 10100 '5, .c6-'14: 134 li C ONI! S RUMOR Gugilielmo Marconi, the wireless vvi.zard, who bas been much in the public eye lately by reason of the part he has played in the • war be- tween Italy and Turkey and incense of his reported discovery of mastlesa wireless, had an Irish mother, and naturally possesses a seuse of hu- roor. The. first time 1Warconi 'visited To- , Mr, G. Mareogi. ronto, some years ago, he was given a laig banquet. One of the speak- ` . • • • ers, a prominent eittzen, in heap- ing eulogies on the guest, by a slip of the tongue, asect the word "done" wharf. he should have said "did," Signor Mil's English is exeellent, and in the course of his epooch he' remarked, in refer- ring to a. phase of, his work: "I scarcely know how I did --I mean, done it." There was a twinkle in his eye, and everybody roared, HIS TRAINING, "Well, boy, what do you know/ Can you write a business letter? Can you do sums'?" "Please, sir," said the applicant for a job, "we didn't go in very much for those studies at our Eohool. But I'm fine, on beadwork or elay modeling," BABY'S OWN TABLETS COLE CONSTIPATION No ailment causes more suffering to little ones than does constipa- tion. Hardly a little one escapes this trouble—naany of them suffer from it Continually. 1;ho surest cure and safest, remedy --one that is absolutely' guaranteed to be free from harmful drugs—is Baby's Own Tablet. They never fail—they have cured thousands of cases. Con cerning them Mrs. Lev. Blanchct, Ilacine, Que., writes "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for con- stipation and vomiting and have found them an excellent remedy, and I have recommended them to several of my neighbors." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The sun never shines for a man whose only joy is money. Running the furnace can teach a man about as many swear words as anybody can learn. The Best Liver Pill.—The action of the liver is easily disarranged. A: sudden chill, undue exposure to the elements, over -indulgence in some favorite food, excess in drink- ing, ere a few of the -causes. But whatever may be the cause, Par - melee's Vegetable Pills can be re- lied upon as the best corrective. that eau be taken. They are the lead- ing liver 1:01s, and they have no su- periors among such preparations. FEW ARE ABLE TO RESIST. "Bosworth apparently is a man of great force 'of character." "How was he ever•shown-it?') "I overheard him yesterday re- fusing to sign a petition for some- thing that he didn't know anything about." As a safe -guard 'buy nothing in the baling powder line unless 'all the, ingredients are printed ori the label. The nianufacturers of the brands (f baking powder in which large quantities of alum are used, are afraid to print the ingredients on the label. as no person wouki buy it at any price. Magic Baking Powder is pure and gaaranteed not to contain alum • - • • HIS FAVORITE:PARABLE: ,•A country cle,rntncian:on his round ef:yisits'.:interyietyed:a,youngSter. as to.hia,lacquaintanee7, with tible stories. - ''My lad," lie '$ae.e ''you :have, ,-.)f Gott ' heard of pal ahles V' sir,''"Yes, shyly answered '',•he boy, whose m oth e r had 'instructed', hirryin Sacred history,, “yes, ''Now,which of "G d " t::14'teii3orie.,cio9leyi'of2,:inialincee',I „. the • 0 keno, c the:t, one where 6 ,o B.8hes e SHOUT TIIE NEWS • 110'W '1'0 HOLD YOUR JOB. Factory Cominandments Co t. FROII TRE HOUSETOPS Good Advice. a in A maaufaeturer posted these meeeninatndments in. his large: establish - 1. Don't lie. It 'Wastes DIY time and yours. I nt sure to catch you in the end, and that's the wrong end, 2, Watch your work, not the clock, A- long day's work makes a long day short, and a day'a short „. work makes my faCe long, PRAT DODD'S RIDNET PILLS CURE SUFFERING IY()111EN. Mrs. Savard Tells llow'They Curet' Rea" Kidney Disease Front She had been a Sufferer for Mny Years. St. Simeou, Doriel, Charlevoix Co., Quebec, March 11 (Special).— Only those who have suffered know the blessings of perfect health. The joy flat it brings into their lives makes them want to shout the good news from the housetops. They want other sufferers to keow the road to health. Such is the, case with Mrs. Alfred Savard of this place. "1 have been a sufferer for many years with Kidney Disease," Mrs. Savard says, "Beading an adver- tisement tellineee what Dodd's Kid- ney Pills had done for a, similar sufferer 1 deckled to give them a trial. Six boxes cured me com- pletely." What, Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for Mrs. Savard they have done for thousands of other suffer- ers in Canada. The daily' papers tell of cures made by them every clay. They always cure Kidney Disease and Kidney Disease is the cause of male -tenths of the troubles frem which women suffer. CHURCH OF HID 'TREASURE. Its Walls Said to Contain a Chest Full of Money and Jewels. A small building popularly known as "The Church of Hidden 'Prez, sure" etand$ in the little town of Barelas, New Mexico, During the Mexican war many of the riehest families in the neighborhood hid their gold and valuables in. all sorts of curious plaees. Senor Sandoval, a very rich land- owner, chose the thick walls of the village church as his treasure vault; according -to a -writer in the Wide World, and tradition says that the precious hoard has never bean re- moved, Only a few years ago several groups of men, armed with pick- axes, crowbars and othe r imple- ments, beseiged tho place in search of the fabulous wealth said to be concealed somewhere on the prem- ises. The treasure is believed to be contained in a large wooden chest, such as most of the wealthy Mexi- cans formerly possessed. It is claimed that the ebox contained thousands of dollars in gold, he- -sides emeralds, diamonds and pearls, set, in pure native gold. The Sandoval family, however, guard the place most carefully, while, they in turn are jealously watched to see that they do not dis- turb the church property. Bold and daring plans are sometimes laid, but nothing seems to come of them, and the ancient building still guards its precious secret. —.a minara's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Each year 3,000 foreign waiters find situations in Great Britairr. An Oil That is Prized Every- where.—Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil was put upon the market without any flourish over thirty years ago. It was put iija to meet the wants of a small section, but as soon as its merits became known it had a -whole continent for a field, and it is now known and prized throughout this hemisphere. There is nothing equal to it. , Astronomical observations. in China were carried on as, far back as 2353 B. C. --when Try.Merine Eye Remedy No Smarting -Feels Flne-Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, 1Vealt, Watery Eyes and UN Granulated EyelidsIllustrated Book In each Package. MOIGNE is corn- ves pounded by our Gent Isb.-nota "Patent • Medielne" but used in sueeesoCn 1 Physt- Nee' VtIniC'aL7Cgillf0)rPTbil'i 2.told in`; Careprugglets at 25c.ii0e per bottle. Cl urine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 250-505. Murine Eye Remedy Co.,'Chicago • I won't dcfond a man whom I believe to be guilty:). ,eNo.w..,my boy," said the older lawyer, "you mustn't set your juelgin-ent up a,geinStthat of, the. majority. haveldefended plenty of men. whom I believed to he guilty, but the jnry decided 3. Give me raore than I expect and Pll pay you more than you ex- pect. I can afford to increase your pay if you increase my profits. 4. You owe so much to yourself that you can't afford, to owe any- body else, 5, Dishonosty is never en acci- dent. Good men, like good women, always scorn temptation when they 121e0.M et itind your own business, and iyeoueion t i.elevyeuo ild, willhavea businee of 7. Don't do anything here which hurts your self-respect; the em- ploye who is willing to steal for me is capable of etealing from me, 8. It's acme of my business what yen do at night, but if dissipatiou affects what you do the not day, and you do half as much as I de- eloaeet,,you'll last half as long as You hp 9. Don't tell me what I'd like to hear, but what 1 ought to hear. 10. Don't kick if I kick; if you're kweoeipthina, correcting, you're re worth A FIREMAN'S PERIL. How Zaindlut Delivered Riau, At 215 Fraser Ave., Edmonton, Alta,. lives W, P. Mahy, a former member of the local fire brigade, who has wonderful cause to be tbaukful for the curative powers of Zam-Euk, He says: "A serious skin dieease broke out on my face, and :spread until I was an a terrible etate. The spots and little ulcers were frightfully irritating, and yet when scratched or rubbed they bled and emarted. Shaving caused me. agony, and sometimes I would have to go two weeks without a shave. I tried home-made remedies, herb salves, and various other prepara- tions, but the sores got, no better. When. Zara-Buk was mentioned had little faith that it would be able to do me any geed. 1 gave it a fair trial, however, and the first box made eueh a wonderful Change for the better that it gave inc encour- agement 'Cc continue. I did so, and to cut, a long story short,, Zam-Bula in the end, quite eured Me." Zam-"Buk, cures eezema, blood poison, ulcers, chronic sores, piles, ringworm, cold sores, cuts, burns and akin injuries. All druggists and stores at 50c box, or past free from Zara-Buk Co., Toronto, for price,' Refuse substitutes. Tommy—Huhl I bet you didn't have a good time aeyour birthday party yesterday. Jimmy—I bet I did !Tommy—Then why ain't you sick to -day? "A Grand Medicine" is the ec- conflux:a often passed on Bickle's Anti-Consumptiee Syrup, and when the results from its use are consid- ered, as borne out by many persons who have employed it in stopping coughs and eradicatine''colds, it is more than grand. Kept in the house it is always at hand and it has no equal as a, ready remedy. If you have not tried it, do so at once. Minard's Liniment Cures earns, Etc. TOO TENUOUS. "There is only one family line in this country which can bear the burdens -which are put upon it." "What is that'?" "The clothesline," CRIPPLED WITH RHEUMATISM, 83 University Street, Montreal, ".Inst ward of praise for GIN PILLS. About fifteen Menthe ago I ooukl not waflt across MY room, sufferiog, severely with rteumatisin, 1 teolg INN PILLS and be- come (140 well." SAUTTET., 1,0NO32ORE. Write us for free sample of on Pills to try. Then get the regular size boxes at your dealer's, or direct from 115--50e. box, 6 for $2.0. Money refunded if GIN PILLS tail to enre. Natienal Druz 4 Chemieal Co, of Canada, Limited, DePart- talent W14,, 'reroute. VERY WELL PLEASED. Collecter—"Say, look here! I'm tired of calling here about this hill The Debtor—"Well, I'm mighty glad to hear it," Comfort for the Dyspeptie.— There is no alhaent so harassing and exhausting as dyspepsia, which arises from defective action of the stomach and liver, and the victim of it is to be pitied. Yet be ean find ready relief in Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills, a preparation that has established itself by years of effee- re pills that are as the greatest but not ene of value with Par- tive use. There a widely advertised ever compounded, them can rank in melee's. ITS MORAL. "The thermometer is much like men in one respect." "What is that I" "\Vhen it once begins to take a drop it falls by degrees." Marion Bridge, C. B.. May 30, '02. I have handled MINARD'S LINIMnNT during the past year, It is always the first Liniment asked for here, and am que«stionably the best seller of all the different kinds of Liniment I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. A girl knows by the way a man looks into her eyes they ought to be just the color she thinks they are. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS: ItriZrrianitt to wiulrioreafttiTdcamseonoec iltP21.Z2 otNT- Bleeding or Preetrucling Piles in 6 to t4 days.n50c. Did you ever hear of a woman giv- ing to charity the money she had saved up with which to buy a hat? The bigger the sign a man has to Ilinard's Liniment for sale everywhere. put up the less there is behind it. No man or woman should hobble painfully about because of corns when so certain a, relief is at hand as Holloway's Corn Cure. • — Some of the spankings children get Might do more good on those who give them. Only one "EMMA() That is LAXACIVE 13R0510 QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W: GROVE. -Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c. KITCHENE'TTES.. A cook who keeps in the damper deserves a kitchen that keeps out tehe damp. Treat your ,seryants• well, for, in the case, of good ones, finding is not necessarily L' coping.s. A maid goes out to service before marriage—then she goes into it. A good mistress may be born—a geed servant must always be, made. It is more pleasant to give than tQreiv2-'ethis true: of notices. Give your servants a °veld table, and they will be less apt to eke out the same with the family skeleton A Maid shouldn't try to dress like her mistress, for if she fails, she only loses her -temper, and if siie succeeds, she only loses her place. if yea talk before your servants I as though they were deaf, you :will I soon find out that they- are not . On the ipay „70 nia, paseiignr. .„. 51 HE WAS DEAF. •' Olcl Lady—"I want you to change that parrot I bought from you -:he doesn't speak at all, and you said he'd repeat every word he heard." Shopraan—"Yes, madam, and so he would—but you took him in such a hurry that I hadn't time' to tell von he was deaf" Man is said to be subject to over 1200 different jiseases. • _ Over a hundred thousand pedes- trians pass over London Bridge in one day,while the number of ve- hicles which cross this bridge ex- ceeds twenty thousand, , The cheapness of Mother Graves' Worm Extermieiator puts it 'within reach of all, and it ran be got ati any druggist's, 11. W. DAW$Ott, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. VORTY 4CRE iIuUnP 'An* NiiiM Nlagara fUvor, tvo.1 planted, Re. Ulu. 1011 nearl thn.ty Del Cent on prieit ashed. BEAUTIFUL FARM OF TWO 21, drool and ninety acres on Seseph's Islaml, with fine house, up -to. date barn and outbuildings. Owner wishes to devote his timet to ether business. wijl ien deep for quiet= moo, P‘111 Oar- tieulars furnished on apiilteation, up'totC. di:np-WiNt:Q01.1)14:Qtell;S: Den°e '411 lb77t k.581x117a4re Ft); AA 19r7121 desirable property at 4 bargain. IINDTtED AND PIPIT AORE6-WITIt good bonse; two barns; ten seres crcbagt0 in Connor Veal, A real snap, O,CINE HUNDRED ACRES -000D IIOUSZ and -outbuildings; near 'reeswater, 1.fi.r s t,v1 4gF. farm werta tee motley. N IDEAL FARM OF TWO lifEN'DRED Acres in County of Wellington. with ti brick liouso: good outbuiliiiiizai can, be bought on easy tortas, IfUNDIIED ACRES IN COVNTY Sitneoe. with lInutired Acres Good Timber: 10 acres apple orchard: good Frame /louse; two Barns. Can be bought right, rillVENTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT PARM- A. Near St« Catharines; Brick House; Barn; twenty acres patted. Cnn lie bought wry reasonable. irk NI; QF TUE BEST enrnr FARMS' IN ‘..." St. Catharines Distriet-Fifty aeres. thirty of whioh are planted; Elegant Douse, also Cottage and line outbuildings. Will he sold on easy terms. ▪ ORTY ACRES -- ST. CATIIARINES nuneafo and Cottage and good out- bnildinga. trhirtY-four Acres planted in fruit, and a looney moter, Tile owner wishes to retire and anxious to sell, T. RAVE. MANITOBA, ALBERTA, S. katehewan and British Coln:tibia lands, both improved and unimproved, in quarter. halt or whole sections. also in larger lots up to Ave hundred tlicamand, neves. If thinking of investing in West- ern lands it is to your interest to consult Inc. 'Phones; Main 6990, Park 527, H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED, GOOD SALARIES EARNED BY STA - tion Agents and Telegraphers. Great demand for men. We qualify you rill'elt)Y. Best school in Canada, Free Book 18 ex- PlainS. Dominion School Telegraphy, To- ronto. SOUVENIR POST CARDS. END 10c, FOR 15 BEAUTIFUL POST Cards', all different. Agents wanted. Smith Card Co., Parry Sound. MISCELLANEOUS. 11AY and FARM SCALES. Wilson's Scale Works. 9 Esplanade. Mount to. 1 ANCER. eto. In- ternal lll exr...r-.-1. cured without pain by oar one rmiatment. Write ti -.1 before too lutc. Dr. Beilman Medical Co. Limited, Colliogwond. Ont.. i•-• TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's. 113, Scale Works. 5 Esplanade. Toronto. If*ftir Overcoats and tatted suits would look better dyed. If no agent of ours in your town, writ. direct to Montreal, Box 115. eritish Ameervoars Dyeing Co. The Soul of a Piano fettle Action. Ensist on the 6 6 Y/0 HIGEL" Piano Action R. A. LYON H. L. PLUMMER 1.-41(0 N & PLUMMR (Members Toronto Stock Exchange) • Stocks, Bonds and Mining Stocks bought ansi sold on commission. Dealer.; in Government and Municipal Securities. 21 ittliincla Street, TORpINTO) Tels. M. 7978-9 - Cable: "Lyenplurro" rT 44. Cure for Epilepsy' and Pits. ' REMEDY, the World-famous THIS is a HOME DYE ,11?af ANYONE can use .§jasple hoine treatment. TRENC S REMEDIES ' LIMITED 1 1 '; IP , a0 TOr 0; . ss ti ni 0rn -2 inl :theei a I yS worlde a fr r. ( 7 ° V alle Over 25 years H:.,, 107 St. Jamas', Chambers, Tiirento. dged ALL these DIFFERENT If°11DS of Goods' with the SAME Dye. tormamminsarrannrarnasisionismoneamo TWO CPU1SES -ON Tan- + (16,500Tona) ViCTO IA LUISE FromFiroraNew SanFrit° Fra Nov.scoFe12,b.271912,11 13 Mialaira; S5515, Italy, Egypt, India, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, JAN:81, Chine, Jae,,,, Sankwieh isla5d5 with Overland American Tou;, INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL 17 Days 00 India TOURS 14 -Days in JaPall Duration 110 Days' Each $650." aboard acd ashore. e.i.iasy ea peni,e ineludina -all Dee-. ISP an1,00e who iras, made the HAMBURG-LONAEMEPLICAN _ _ 11'4:e for ,Dookird , BROA or tl.'enan Steamship Agoncosi 61 yetIge St., Toronto, Canada; AL , A net' the . Good.; of Itt}iitiskreCiai,itiinCtiiS,TQRY. Book: ti I ' Mon,reni E-to Use, 1 4 I 1 „a