Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-21, Page 1See Our
Yours Sib-`
' '1rL7h.SDA.Y, MARCII 21, 1912.
SANDIsitS +ilii
Local Items
,'.i.Tarria; a is a. ;Tottery; in which soave
people :are never satLsf- d tilt, they
take three or four chances.
itylaat is the good of holding the key
to the Q` -homier if you cannot find the
e r hole.
11APPI1.X WEDDED -=,A gains 'but
very pretty wedding was sole"l'mr.'zed oG
the Man Street Methodist parsonage on
Wednesday al ctrrn t?,d. last: wi.en Rev,
Powell, united. ;n Marriage 3fr, Al-
bert Walla Etheelegleao€ Usbo„ne, a'd
Mies Bertha Lillian Cobbdediek. Haugh.-
ter of 511. and l+frs. David Ceobleelick,
Exeter Muth, The ee: e }ta y was Pea --
fat -Med a%baut e:;al E o'clock tie tap lemons-
"h..4, after which tate happy coeple toter.?
tl tra:et Por Detr ,,t, Dread” Clay, rdxcll„
Chicago and other Beings to spend tires
Nelle ,Abon, On talo:a^ retests they will
settle devin ate tee talo nl'a fine Carta »n
Us'boree;" Tap .advocate is 01c—La to
'4'.0!1/ +n •wle,•ll.ng that advereity may 1never
cast a anadew edeas their pathway,
ACV'S was rcvetvesl Alert= an Saturd,J.y feet
by Mr. and Mrs, Lancelot Zhtardyof tats
death the prev;aaus day of their Solt,
i'ercy Lancelot, at Denver, Colorado,
Death Was due to pee-anion:a or which
the young ratan had been :11 only,; an feP,
days. Tale word or his demise was
first aelit to his slater: Sirs. James
.1( kR^anleas at Duluth, Wbe gave itletr^uct
is to haw the Magna is seat to llxe
a1 ,alte:atlentS Tl.e late 51;-, hardy
xeter Pc4eral ae4:s'age, awl atter
elid:alb four oar 'Sive years In the
rs and Pr:tie /1 Cot
Wier, where • hp had
1t suanmer !',+r vtelted,
�veral weeks, arldz
eat,h only a fowl
lea later carte as a great shack to;
elastica. wl.to leave ttact s<nc re
o o sync
f aL4nv d ,enDeceased
rca'R3°n , here was a Scleral lav-
rat ;fa co panlana, wlto greatly
re;,rtt b early cicadae., Flo was 2t3i
Yearn o= ase. The remains arrived here
on Tuesday even ng and the funeral.,
which was of a ,private nature.. book
place from the parents 1'ea:dew:4 Wed-
:,csday afternoon, :aller:neat beingmade
a E.cter cemetery r air. and Mrs, Jae.
Wanlelas of Duluth atr.ved Tumaday
merntnt; to attend the funeral.
The ";tr us'c as renderrti at : Reale: tide
:a beyond dalibt the most tender yet'I
beaut:Tui of all the apcc:al eeaaons of
the year. The choir of the Cavcn Pres-
byter:atll.°clluren ;tire arranging for avers
attractive Pro;,ram both' for faster Sun-
day and the tollawing Monday evening.
Aas:atancc ]las been secured In Prof,
n t Galt,
Brown and
Mr. L. C. l�'lc nt. s o al ,
who will take part, in all services.
iaxeitoi'i, we;
s:ICC fee 1
us parent'.
the stews
t»e la
A LITTLE LATE—Owing to the nen-
delivery by the Grand Trunk of our
paper 'supply for tats week's editions the
Advocate ?es of recess ty a little: late.
These unavoidable delays are even neore
an/lay ne to us than ; to our subsQrbera
but we lmve to; grin and bear kt .
Judge a mint by w'fiat he does: rata
er than: by what he threatens to de.
IWSI£ T e sudden death occurred fro
Goder_'c€r o11 Monday raight, of last week
of 3!re, Ja res Ishak, after only a
day's illnees, °,the result of m r r.;lyt o
Deceased -Sas tee i'. j:'P,er of Mrs,
fro', C. efastoa of. m11c:xx_ngs_de, Ales,, for
-is- -of Exeter, vdrea _N have ;i:e synA-
her 31"*',a yy old f r:ends here.
daughters, titers 3lrs. EdSw._• is
Hid ilii, ]tall of Calitern•':a
alnsl ilereecee
LLN, E1SHQl:+ T413413- optl
to°:eaado ':.ere e'c;'~i4t to Hear ofla
list t of farmer resident of )~:Peter, +lr
raleay B'shop, eldest s^an of
ISa1^r S' Bishops at the bane QS Isis tafimer
n io . Angeles, Callfzrnia, Deceased
was well and favorably known by the
Fdeeple of Exeter, when 1'esidana here
iteral }Cars ago, 4TH, W00 141 h '1 fieta
Interment tools place :n 1-.Q4. Ari -
A reaciionlary storm period falls at
t11C Crllter of Earth's vernal equ'-llax—
=sad. 23rd and: 24th, Should
me t1a ol11ater tail tro 'itcry !ow read:aage
fie aauttt eaasts and Kelt
s per:ed, with high tera-
porature and lttlna d atntesPleere, gore,.
die stoma. Or West da slits, 414:1'1cams
should baa appreliCnded Rani, turning to
anew, wilt visit irn«alay Interior parts,
followed front the ttortanwest by r,al-og'
barometer. c:akd wa-.c and tales trent the
norefl west.: aA, regular storm period: ;a
saton the :lith, praCl,cally
the asst wee}c !In 'March.; This does
lncan that C' 'rr»ll be ste la!}3g' over5`-
9 pr p, all tilts time—only fools -'can so
t,a tri;ue. Low, barometer and
ou'J An: and, storms nms of rain, 'turning
sago" w, l start t.tx the wealearly in
o period, will aaaove eastward inaue-
ecns:ve days, preceded by talthig baro-
meter,: tea and warmer weather, and,
followed frozen the westward, by rising
barometer, colder and, clearing weather --
al within the lin to of, and days; framed
:.-ately reliev11ng the storm period, Equln
get".ol Ot.01111O are due at any stonn Per -
'rod during this month, nr.d one or more
aucl'1. storm$ maybe recheseed: as a cc:-
to»t11ty„ The barometer should be Watch-
cd at the olleoming of every period, and
its faithful xnonttions caretu 1y noted
and heeded. Such precautions would
save life and property.
pring Shoppers
Now that the time is so near for housecleaning
you will be in need of several necessities such as Wall
Papers, Linoleums. Carpets, Rugs and Lace Curtains.
Wall Papers Wall Papers
We have something new and up-to-date in this
line in all shades and, designs.
:.ace Curtains are of the latest designs and-
are *ell worth ;your while to come and see
Carpets in union and all woolin Very
neat de-
tugs in union and .Brussels` in Brown, Fawn and
Green grounds with floral designs.
Linoleurris and Oilcloths are now in for
tion, come and .see them...
pec -
We are ivin' a s` ecial,discount of 15 per cent.
g p
weekon Tl
onea th `'mentioned bo e..::
fore article above.
to t rk �pai or 411
It there T"s any otae thasg in Canada
that should 'be recexing the atteat''o t
of G,overnnaents and experts, .t is the
marriage la'vrt If there was as little
care e'1 the rl'atin ' of beasts as there
to fn the mating or llumaan beI_nge 1�re
would aave a much leferlor grade of
deaneaCie animals than 'we have today
The marriages of misfits and feeble,
minded, draankards and ediets is dolt,
Mere- to tilt our m' b5Iums than any' other.
1);-, 'Forbes Gadfre ,c> member of the
Leg:data,*e for West kaa-lc,
tro:luce a bat tla amend,the tatarreagc let.
It Would pa: eat:et aa:y clergyman (rem
soleml2i ng a marriage if he has 7.-e
Son to believe c:a.t either of the parties
the Pentreet Ya a., ,diet, or insane
or t either of theta s$ trsldee tine' lr;.
lluenrc» of liquara
ally of :_.=e"':tu:adar'd dellars ;^s
t.".e .1!^action Of this law;
A o csaurt any,
s alta
ern) tip
Id at ik c d'
:ap;stee viola tilig tll'1a statute
sale forllprl3 intent for any
twelve years, Respn s:billty is also
placed upon the cantracleava parties and
place l epai) the ,asuer of lice nse5, 1x1
appt,eant =o'= freated,Age fiat 1,8e,., wider
the Godfrey bill, valeld ba "required to
tltrIt o a statutory deeIaratlan as to'1lis.
rltental a olad°t:yau,
1t issuer of l:cetlsea should have
reason to suspzct that the applicant
^wore a4 :imbecile, an ealleptic. idiot:e
er ,slear,e. Ifo °must refuse the liecnee
u,ltl: the Certiacaate of a duly-cluailtl€d
p;aet'-t-oner !s obtained eleclaeln r that
t`14 Applicant ;s net, MI ally at the
grounds named, u1a1:.tted far nlatltnnoay,
In case of tate ,11e,r age license beg
:'asued Cal SP to o: t,.0 Issuer flavin;; mea
oft to suapeet t11e appl:r ant's soundness
and not hale.= the a;fit? In not a stied
cat ce!rt:Tieate, tate Issuer shall be 'liable
to a ace at $still.
i neer boy carte MO our officet,
sca'rl a `+rheplcsale grocery me:Mutat tet
alis wv:fo tat lata supper table, *Ile was
atrcl by the (trait .at the request of
the senior member„ who thaug1t the
Cloy ;gave alla ae 01 good: doings. But
I feral envy; that Ovaoy w.11 be out of
sIre office ea less than €a week,'"
*What makes youthink ,ka2" :aquir.
ed xt,'n everN,
'Because the very teat thing that
he Wanted to know was lust exactly
ltow 24011 ba was expected to do."
'Perhaps you w:11 yet change Ysur
and about help..," e,
'Perhaps I: shall," replied the me:=
'c11.1nt, *bet ...I do not think so,"
Threat clays later the business Milts
said to his wife, " About that boy you
remember, I mentioned two or,,threc days
ago, Well, ,he is the boat bay who ever
entered the store,"
' Hovf dui ylou Iliad that -out?"
' In the eas:,est Way in the world. The,
f:,rst morning after the bay began to
work, 11e pertiormed• very faithfully and
systemat:tally the exact duties assign-
ssignecd lean, 'which he load been so careful
to have explathed trot hien. When he had
finished, he carne to mo and said ; 111r,
I have finished all that work
Now, wllta.t can I do?"
'I 'was a little surprl'ised, but I gave
eam a little job of work and forgot all
about ham'untii he came into my xoom
vista the question, ' What next?' That
settled It for rte.. Fid was the first boy+
that ever entered our office who was
willing and volunteered to do more than
was assigned Hurl;. I predict a, success-
ful career for that boy as a business
AILSA CRAIG --The -funeral of Mrs.
William Thompson, aged 85 years, took
place from her teen's reseuefce In London
Township43 Monday afternoon, inter-
ment being made at Car13s1e,-The re-
mains of Mrs. Harper fiormerly, of Ailsa
Craig were brought from London on'7,Ion
day and enterment took place at Nairn.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the
undersigned, and endorsed ' Tender for
Extension to 'Breakwater and Dredging
at -Coder: h, Ont." ;will be received at
this office- until 4.00 P.M.'on. Monday',
April ,15th,, 1912, foe' the construction
of an `' Extension to the North Break-
water and Dredging , at Goder;chl, T-Iuron
County, Ont.
Plans, spec:dication and form, of con-
tract can 'be seen and forms of tender
obtained at this Department and at the
offices: lot J. G. Sing, Esq.,` District
Engineer, Confederat_tit Life Building,
Toronto, Ont.,'' 11. J. Lamb; Esti, Dis-
trict Engineer, Windsor, Ont., and on
application_ to the Postmaster at Goder-
:ch, Ont,
Persons tender?nu, aro notified that ten-
ders 'villi not be considered unless made
on the rented forms supplied, and
sagned'_:waetih, their actual signatures, stat-
faig 1110-'r occupations , and. places of or
res'dence of €. t' member of the fl 41
must 'r e g:veli:
Each tender--nrust be accoinpan:ed by
an accepted opaque' on a chartered btl k,
payable to tl0 Order of the honourable
the Minister of ` PubliciWorks, equal to
ten per cent (10'p.c.) of the amount.
of the tender,;'wIsiah will be: forfeited
eef the person t0 der:m' decline to enter
onto a 'contract 'When called upon to do
so, for fall;to complete+ the work; contract-
ed for. 1f t'�ee •tender, be not accepted
the 'ch" ,''w ivtai ba returned. 1'
Tne• .r ' nt does • not bin dt.• G lf•
to 'ac "'tr
a .
wv. t r ` e
la es o an n
r, y
order a.
,xIY Si20C1iE;.
3 3ti3
ave veleta; tl'=at Masa Ora, 1ttofilnan, who
wrote on''bar 1nusicaT examinations last'
M,01101, was successful, We heartily 0111
gratuiate her and also- ale,; teacher, 3Sirs
Mrs. Gotfred Nfade e,'- ea visiting ?ger
dau titer,. 31rs. W1211" Henderso:', :n
iter, GMorse Sc3)r, eller, who was oiler
�teal on :n London Hospital last week
tar ea r.d4 a his s neck, :s delay as Wel£
ata; eaa he expected,
art# 3
ti Beit,
.d 3£rs. Jean 5'Y` v d a and Mrs.
Zcadee were the'c uests of Mr,.
Fred Paeeter a few days last
t1 ,'a }*ilio DS1t o: Stratford is
v 6't.1i3. a t t° f 130 31 ' 'a1 M1, 1105 Eads,
Mrr, Fed Macrae of Detrto:t ':s dterx
veseteng evlth his family,.
r, aril :Ire, Sanmel 13a,ke, lett Sat.
urelay to y'Isit friends ill _'rlilverthli,
ATessrs. 11cnr3 Nvgiert and Gec?rgG
I cltean4tnn were naTorento last 'rid323
11r, J11;C?b 2411er I;ae rented his sarin
1-4 aides saut:n;, of here to Mr, 'loa?;e.
or P:ttshurg whte aa2'i^red seers last week.
Mr. Rudolph St;adeof Zux ell visite'd his
parents south ,of here Sunday !sat,.
1'3olt Anja'
1r, R. T, laultlop•
j t:".a.: Rank that :s ltT;
been traaefer.--ed to: 'Ct3nt,mn,
rlK 'a.1aeg erased to t'ly'',busine a
drf,15 tQ a gpoA opening for
ow 5tprIr.1 on F;r:41ay last w,as
t err Ia 1 e: had tsar manyYeArs,
r \4'eblcry and Chester Ca:aor
tie sat F r:daY attending ties~ Tun
tr.Cr Grandfather Mr. Valentines
, Campbell of Zurc1a. was :n slid v11h
Monday last?
:Iy Davis who Itis been visitleg
ft sew days tett foe her 120nae
r dol Monday last.
:tar. ii.iltpson lrelaaul and (amity left
fol' 111L.'s- Marla to Stratford on 1t'onda
r'11';. Jaech 2erlIcr Stasi leaued his falatlr
for `ternx of Fivo years to 511-. ,;Angus
5lore. 5Tr., Zeller fl tench' ho'old:triawr a sale
s'iortiy atter which Ise ww11 resew to
51 �aiAr's wile on Tuosdlyatteerrec't
vela hi -melee attended' and prices were,
Mr. Chr:tet1an Falmer at Crediton 'mores
Ain 'Lite vtllago Tuesday.
':1Tessrs E, 12. and ),Tart; Brokenshixo
was •:en Erecter Wednesday on bus,-
lir. Henry Wellert shipped a carload
of ihogs from the Exeter Depot on Wed-
The many friends of Fred Young w 11
be pleased :to learn that he is rapidly
recovering f¢9an1 ills recent attack of
Mrs. Sophia Fahner visited friends
in London last Friday, •
Miss Kate Zwcker of London is
here assisting In the afillinery Dept.
of her %father's store'
Last Friday's blizzard was one o1
the 'arorat rot the season,, There was
no mail at night and as ar result some
of the passengers were obliged to re-
main in Centralia over ,night. On Satur-
day morn'_pg, the shovelers: got busy
and got the streets clean. If ever the
snow plow was appreciated was then
as the drifts .were high, Since then a
thea`v has Beet phi -and naw our, people are
busy choping off the snow and ice.
Crows have made their appearance so
there ;s some sign er spring in sight:
Clias, Zw'ecker made a Business trip
to Toronto en Monday.(
August E. eIsuhln 1s»ent a few' days,
town iast week, _august, Whoa has been
one taf the Staff or the Balk of Com-
merce irl Dunnville 11,30 past two years
is now transferred to the Bank's branch
_'n Cobalt, and"left for there on Monday
.1=I_s many friends wish, slim every' suc-
Mrs. August Ewald has returned home
from London where she visited her
dau,ghter Mrs. Telfer for .a 'few days,
An Inspector of ,the Bell Telephone
Co, was in town the past week in-
spect.ng the company's telephones and
giving them; a general ove Shaul ng.
Jos. Guinan, . the 'Tlownsh p assessor
has lbeen in this burg' the; past` few days
assessingDuel you have your dog as-
sessed ?
Constable R. Phelan of Goderech was
1I town MJa1iclay an business: We un-
derstand it cost a nunjber of persons a,
neat little stun.
Ow:Ring bees ,have; been the order o1
the day, '.they' say it Usually aiti an ea,
d ead:on of 'a weddi•ll.ga Sonia of our
bachelors had better .take the wool off
their eyes. Remenrber this' is ,leap year,
Miss Brown Lis still unable be attend
to her duties at, the:, store', of Messrs,
TO 3r May owing to illness.
At the fifth' annual tournament eoC the
Duart Gu,n Club at Mu'tr 'Kirk', Ont.,
Mr. Fred. Tic x of Cred.ea
71 W044
the high average honor, fi:niahing with
an average of 90.14 at 200 birds, ,er 193
lut of 200. Rowland Day,; of London
proved a 01108e ',seeoird ' avcragey agett.ng
18'3 out, of •200. 1
lr A 'ather_Y2g of friends' and. neighbors
taiok place at tile home of &Sr, Thomalt
"hanilbers the latter part of, last week
d„ enjoyed a very pleasant eveei43
and Mrs. George Veale, who have
4dithyg with, :his Chambers for a
turn to their gonia in, Hazel
t41+.¢aih rareto clay .i'Illursd4Y"s�,.t+r,,k
authei' ,
The Dres
'Tien who are most particular about
style and
qualityhave their c
always �" lathesmade tomesu
The name of Taman is the best guide for made-
to-xneasu e
r Clothes. Th, re is '
a guarantee behind:
ever Tamangarment t mea
ms had z�ae�ms you can have
money back youra k if you are -�dissatished,. We are
showing the Spring lines in Suiten gs. ,' and g � a d Ov®wcoatih s. Come in and havew a look;
Men's Furnishings.
Our store is now being renovated and when.
finished in a few days we will open up a brand
new stock of Men's Furnishings that will be com-
plete in every detail and right up-to-date. There-
after, you will fins i us headquarters for everything
in this line.
W. ` W. Taman
Tailor and Furnisher Exeter
By means of the -excellent Home Study
Departmentconnected with, the Spotton
Business Colleges, thousands of young
people axe learning while they: carp.
Many study entirely at home and others
study part at home and finish at. the
Business College. This chain of colleges
with tits Horne "Study Department train
aver two thousand young Canadians .an-
nually. Tts graduates are to be found
.n.Teading ;positions . throughout Canada
and United. States. Any 5oun,g person
who is des'enous of bettering their con
cation should write to -day to the near-
est' Spotton Business College. .These col
' leges are situated at Welland, London,
Peterborough; Walkerton,Orangeville,
Clinton and' 'WEenghano, and have been
established during the past thirty years
' An Experience 0£f the Coast 01 New-
foundlaaid Iiunt:hog the Ilair Seal"
opens the March issue ,of Rod and Gun
:n Canada, published by W. J. Taylor
Limited, Woodstock, Ont., and tilde in-
terest of this article is, a criterion of
the interest of those that follow, which:
include articles descriptive of :outdoor
life from the .Atlantic to ` the Pacific..
An -pas these es the f3.rst sof a, series
of articles on the Culture sof Black and
Save/ .Prices, .heli should prove of vaI
ue; to the many seeking 'practical inter-
nterr St an On tees subject. A neer :feature
th'Is month es • the ',c1..011 n of a' Game
Conservat:Ion • Department edited by bei,
Frank Hyde, wherein matters 31ta: 1: 3.g
to the subject of game co'nservation will
be freely d:iscussed.l A.' tains eubje.t is
1_;ve one at 'the present time and e's
likely to be ear some terne to conte, for
until the ft ipee:wed':laws for \ ilicq 'good
sportsmeneportsmen are agitating'
have been
acted, tires department should 3ld prove of
except:oral interest.,
3124211.—in '4i `mnpeg, on March, :12, to.
Mil and a2 1 t Aqu 110` J: Snell, toms
erl3 of Ek ter a a d �u tete, ^.
Ciin-:st o --Ir. 5t harrnes, on Mar 14
to Ma ' +as'id 1,,,Ti ±� J Citltfc-t4 bf
Eget r; • a dau0.1 l't
McN44,§).—At Fai•'quhar oft'3lar•ch.13 til
'33fr ' ,ted Mrs, 3.61-11n.3037 c0bml, a sons
Carr,'�r% Detr& t liar. 11':ea air and;
a icernee Lett le I3ool4, a on
z awl '`E'1"
Ethcrington—Cobbledick--At the Mair
Street Iviethodiist parsonage, on March
20th, by Rev. Mr. Powell, Mr. Albert
W'I13s Etllerington, to Miss Berthta
Lillian, daughter of :lir. and Mree
Dav`ld: Cobbledick,-E'eetcr North.
Hackney—I3db3 span -3t the home of Mr,
Alex. Hackney, ort; March 20th., by Rev.
Fletcher, Mr. David. Hackney to Mss.
Emma Robinson. '
Hardy—In Denver, Colorado, an Mar. 15
Verc Lancelot y
y Lan lot Hard,. , tier of Mr, and
I Mrs. Lancelot (lardy of Exeter, aged
Harlton,-In Biddulp-1, en March 7th,
Jane, relict of the. late Thos. Hart-
ton, in her 84th year. }
McMahen—In B'ddulph, an Idar 9th," Jr.
McMahen, aged 8,2 years, 9 nlonths.f,
Bishop—On Tuesday, March 5th , at the
residence of 5Elijs parents, 71.0 California
street Los Angeles, Calefornia, Phil-
ip Lindsay Bishop,: eldest son of
Mrc 'Tasry'Behop, in his 37 year,
0e ,.
�t � ,
l< ycu are teookla4("maim stt0443onr
A lbisu^st3ictt' ?b'atai 28.3. 1stth .key
which Will unlock the eloo tp the
prlvateofficgbfthe bue.ne�telmato,
3.50 0 too ,busy - tb iniq�ew ala
peltrin�srietes' Cairn' bu ` gun
aSa'1tch -hist. ttentilah nY1"at.a urm
nha +oltit itop* ratti'dr+