Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-14, Page 4Sanders & t;recoil, Props. .Y IRTRSDAIr, 711Ait. 14, /12 Witten }ota, W, `!'. White brings el)V.:n budget he Will be a,>aler., to announce ls,rg.est surplus isn the ,history ref Geta it Nil' : about $3a.000(10 tiv,r 41a :_;sc:3. year, an, inetreaee ct.t Hanle lt,,000,000 over the surplus 'w1:c Ho4 !Fielding announced a ,"`ear ago, The financial staterrze*a„ : or the past I rt rnthe shows that the country :s sits'tie ttvta tide of prosperity, eaxd !hal - ns`a.ess ray ever expanding, The revenue "e,r isle eveii xnoatas was ,1,*0,015,e I c, 4,r,fd 4,,;dthe exp.•t.diture was' $ x7,145, w •eonSOlideted fund. The Increase ',la the reveantle fon the eleven, months e, . ie4 ¢3.!' 000 and et e rpel.d°ture dea:l'tb of It' n far the work of "_ , Z.4',4,stry is a ?ae which all de- :aFx"-aliatt, ;is have ie face, Ill the An, .t..7.4tea.4 Meese ,o+ Huro,t it le evident " the fact that &bias year there, aretwo graduates tram Koren a..r .1 ;cua;x raze fact that the college has the est etarolnietat (Ph record augurs well. 'ing nears, ixr:ita shortage et oleo e r Huron College i in aitlai;ilor sa Ana!4; kty tat the eater tt eo9 ges. 'btat;rl; tzt the ,Aztglieat and tr:.,at.Qi; e, ria Q t wall :tQtu 1 f eaaetat Metiredle e have voted ,; tic " »o" 4t. than have fixe; butt , ie deubtfut lY *lithe' eater pa;oTaoratjof than seats Abe fleece* state merits nl° -, t elteral Modoratio Tte .,ale Chores), .and ftev. Lr, sulneriilntendant elf 't! )lntho, xtvnthiy last, with straa.s and Order CEiltTRALI. Tne funeral ot 3frs:-jylt2 atle to Place of Sunday last t'slom, the home of' )fr, TOIL 1?eripseyv Mrs. HTcE'aUs had been a sufterer for Inaaly years with acute tteunxatitatn arid bad been eolzl::tned m the house for more than a •, has one ,son here, Alea,4 clerk t ease She. Out- house, c atthG Dui. Rev. Powell `<DY Exeter assisted Rev:, Blatchford at the services, on Monday evening' last. The ladles ofthe church held tiler annual quitting at the church on Tues- day afternoon, A large attendance was present a n d n alt?; ttu; tits: 'were complet- ed to be sent to the ria:satonarzes. Be.tt\fou?ten Of Dresden a eat!: a few days dura; t the p a Past Meek vis- iting his elate'', Mrs. Jams yzltchelt,' kiss Mabel Sceli of T;.uean le visiting with. „Mr. and Mrs. S, Andrew. Mr, W. Colzv.31 shipped a carload of eery fame- cattle to 'Par to on ON Saturday r:ss Kate Mars:hail spent a fe?a date the guest of friends- at.V',;nchelaea. 'firs, Anderson has returned to the "village again after a couple tnppntbs vl - with her dao;: titer at St. Thomas. LUMLEY. aft•, and iffy. Ardy,e nyckn1aan o ' yloaeejat'. Sask., who have spent the a 'titer relatives here have returned to tF;o't' t:o-,-ne,—Mrs, Albert Seanxore and +:iter; of rolllleck. N, Dale.. !cave re- n to t2:e_r home, aftee spending the pasc. three •'months tbe former"s razor e^. _Errs Mat -v Rycnaa, i fas €D-rstl: of, Se. o_th -who has beer; a,t*. t tt her cous.i ,'£ asset' Jatyle$ Broad, °tturated to _tits hgne'= or; Saturday._. Nan %Iorton sT1;,:t the week end r parents at F£iarpurheS*-•Mr,' f M'`tctiell and Mtss .Bell Sad f Staffs were eecent vias tore at Jas. Horton Jack Glenn a have returned from Master Willie Horton ixad the anti to l4we his awbene broken wta:le p1a3^_'7 foot 'trail.=)Ir, Enoch Parker has purchased the Imery ere, The gree pard was $1700. eleanxe the t'a' 'tux^ neighborhood. Maude Glenn Is visiting relatives rrta.)faster James Broadfoot :s •l'in'e ins. NN art* glad. a 'report, --Mr. Robert McArthur )gnat a clay thele elauftltter, ?airs, 5,, W. N, Glenn had they an's-, bTeak some Pt' 11:a ribs White W. J, Vane; utas itat t o a antawhat from a strOka - ;a'; r, Tt cktnan sold three -Year -91d her s,z to Mr, John Traquair for ~ar:dso"00 Pilate. Tids colt ;s bredl n tl e noted Colonel hunter, owned Thomas Murdock of Itefasa3t John Glenn. Sr„ dellve;ed a One Alex. Innis oC )reit:' Clara- goad t'sa'r,—•Mr. Jas. Horton • veered a .tine anatel:ed 114 -air to 1a. John McLean of Transit, ,Tor which c '+acd the long 'pI"ce. J:m don't a"aytl'aatT else but the good, Gleed spent Senday at tee v, Andrew Dune:itl near Varna. oaf the *nag people attended :la I3elnsall ata ZS'cOtiesd:ty and report ,a a; a oil i;•nnr, It Star of 'eft.. and Mral, A. IT. BORNE Gpt,TICIL to ilii rltl tits eta m.b e: utast oe tic a :anei •approved. ee cal.:a;dcr ibie :semi to: tlnc xttal a ;JLIrehael. g a stems crusher wa o'er until next meeting. ta. ;ltavd;e rusts ngaI n engaged tge t e raid x; radtar at 84,00 a sn,aik done ria." statute Labor Tc' day :or roan°tact work. tzv ,aecounte were paused andorder d at payttacm. Count:1 then o.djeur > asx^et sipr% Gtit. at otar, o'clock. F. etoRLEY, Giork: 4t th 'TAwt ere present. wet:11g were a a87CTLERS' EXCURSIONS TO TIIE WEST VIA THE POPt L 111 ROUTE, ae Grand Trunk P.ailway System to and thence connecting lines. mraxet,c.,ny Tuesday, March 1.2th and t':acuing every Tuesday thereafter un- April 30t11, to principal paints in , takatchewah gan.itoba and Alberta, :,rteMyna and N rtes Dakota, including rtfs on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Me:E.:Grand Trunk Pa.c_''tc Railway, short - eine, fastest tame, finest service. czeween Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Ed z,- ht•on. Before deciding on your trip r .rsiit any Grand Trunk Agent 'for revel -particulard lit to 't 411.4 FARQ UHA R. John KeY d:sewed ot his farm 'eeeday of thee week to \tri Tiles. I dor :i gaod :gut- e. T1r a tan ie m )eet the 'beat :n the neighborhood, Mr. DaviF,1 Cottle eeel a load of 11:e cattle to '¶T m onto :tnazket last week. eleasrs. W Bray and Norman Pass- more else visited the same market this week having gone with cattle far Mr. I 'eka of Central:a. Our tow:neleip .`s bese:d;ed with Rural Mal advocates these day's, and we under .,d :t es to 1 ams general through tie Tnvnsh'p en the near"future. Mr. and 11rs, Joseph Vance have re greed to their Home' en 13riton, after a' 'eek spent ht attendance on Dtr, W. J, ;aee , who is, we are pleased. to know, tt lrov tri iaverAbly. acs of Michigan, brother of 13+a;try Francs, has been vis;tint, here !le latter part of the past week. ;lir, and Mrs. Ed .Campbell are thus weak mor,ng 'onto the'r new home, re- cently purchased from Wm. Stewart. Our churches voted strott 1y Ln favor of church uon. The vote :n the Presby- terian church was 205 for and 2 against and 'in the Afethodst' church 05 for and. 2 against. Another ,ef the old landmarks d'sap peered last week when Mr. Ed. Fanson took down and :moved away the 13r'_ma- combe barn, whish ha is using in con- struct`_,ng ,'hes new one to be erected the s an z era re, or write corneng summer. a:., E. Duff, D'strict Passenger Agent, mc,rauto, Can. rhE .'blockade of coal cars at the ez:agara "border has now been relieved arstd. the Grand Trunk Railway is bring- tfcoal Onto eastern centres of the Do- rc n3on freely, 'I have just got :a wire sone. Black Rock," yard a`:Toronto off_ ceOse of the G.T.R. yesterday, "sad -1n„ that thousands of cars of hard and far.it coal awaiting delivery to dealers ia,tv on the ;Move. `IE the weather remains ..fid, the pulbl::e need not worry for,in mother week, the situation will be t"selc to et's normal cond'i'tion." Have you expended cbnstdeeable: money and energy to make. akiw.dinb r e, Y attractive to_lo.dgers and boarders and /lien : been disapperiht'ed ;: in your setronage. " There' will be room for clis't .R- ti % Mtnent if you use oeir' Ve nt Ads,-' 'Theywill brie you .i ! .: g Y oc cps and f''kearder of a desirable class. WI ALEN. Mr. and Mrs, Geo, MillsOn, J. V. ;wfillsot and J. Wreig;ht spent Saturday in London. Mr, and Mrs. •Sethi Brown of Central:a visited at Mr. Phillip Here's; on Sunday Miss Ida Hern gave a party to all the younm people of this vicinity, and 4.eedless to say all spent a pleasant even Mg. Mrs. Ernest Pa:"'tAnson, wtaa is about- to leave for a her home :m the west visit- ed friends in London last week Clarence Milson started Mdnday on a see months' term at the Stratford Bus:-. ness College, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gunning gave a party to all the frilends and associates of their lean,Walterr it being the occas- ton of his 21st b-trthdaye An oyster supper vias served, after which a 'splen- •did evening's entertain lent was given, also a chlaice present was made to Wal- ter as a token ot the esteem he is held by ;sins many friends GRAND BEND. Mr, Robert Dnidds of Seatorth '.s, vis- 'tri ; around litre.—M.:. Stanlake of the 2nd of Stephen was :11 our' burg Monday Johnt Hoffman of Dashwood was; `dere ' en busenees Monday.—Mr. John Torrance ,Df Clinton was at the Bren- ner House last' week.'=Mr, Cornish. of M:o ui an -visited here Maeday.— Mice Mame Crawford was takersuddenly 1 ill Sunday, but .s some better. -Mr. Jos: Lawson and Ma-. Kere Were in our tell aye Monday.—The retnai'n.s ,of. ides, Bets - teed of Slefpka were laid to rest here T„tut aday.—The social on Thursday even- -ng a1 the P esbyeer an church was Well attesti d. .Pro eed ,$3 :170, Mon (r, `-=',,t•Y,who has ;been visiting at Wm, CtVe,.'s"'left 'Sa"tttrdayt; it TRICKY: ART, DEALERS. Astute Parisian Scheme For Boom"zr. "New Master." For the booming of a new artist ars astute dealer is necesary, ] (+ rotrilt'• his artist as young as posstbleN prelet' ably as an exhibitor of ,crazy otinvu:it•• at the autumn salon of the indt>Pend eztts''eXhibition, and commissions hit' to paint 100 pictures a year. Qne by one, occasionally le twos and threes, at judicious intervals the deal er,sen4s the pictures to the flute, Drouot for sale by public fuetlon There he bas confederates,' wha rsbn the price at each, sale. and he buy them in himself, After a few months. the young air tist's canvases have a certain marhei Value, 'and the next step Is taken tc, turn their painter into a modern Inas ter. The critics are attaeke d. One of them is asked to toot: at some daub and when he cries"out with horror tlari deader says: 'What? You don't like it? 'rake 'i' home with you as a favor to Me. live with,, it six months and then"'- " in due course an art anaal e ur vale; Upon the critic and cannot contain hie admiration for the new artist's ltir tuge. "What a masterpiece: The uaost modern thing In art I have seen for rt long timer" he exclaims, Dout begins to mind, band 'when one ordtwo moree the en thtxslestie amateurs have vi:ltt'd tibia he IS worked "up to, writing, an c•otnuat• of pattegyrie on the new tzlMtater The amateurs are, of course. sent Iny^ the deader: One or two articles and the booth:[ In full swing. Wealthy and simple Minded collectors, remembering lone.' other painters have been deeria=t1 lis their early days and bow their wnri,'v later have commended fancy prices rush in. The new master makes about 10 per cent of the profit and the dealer rho Other 00 per cent. The new: [easter is at the mercy Of the dealer, If he rumbieS the dealer floods the suction rooms with a hundred ar so of bi-. Izaeaterpleces and orders ills agents til" to bid, the result being, that the 'nn vaua„ea Sell at rubbish prices, and tit' bOonY is. burst,—Gil Bias, "Mad," but He Knew it. :Fitzgerald, the author. was once tvaWing down Church street. Wood- bridge, In company with a friend on thetheDeben n way to to go aboard his yacht, The day was hot, and :be walk- ed bareheaded and barefooted, bis shoes slung by their laces across his shoulders, his clothes untidy and ill fit- ting, At the four cross ways, where the postotIice now stands, was gathered a party of yokels; who made the strange figure the butt for coarse wit. "Ah, bor," exclaimed one in the sing- song Suffolk vernacular, "e's as mad as n bare in March." 1•sitzGerald turn- ed to his friend, having overheard the remade. "Tes," he said, "tho follow is right, but I'm sane enough to know that I'm rand."—T. P.'s London Maga- zine, Love and a Breakfast. "John," she said to her husband, WTliO teas grumbling over his breakfast,' "your love has grown cold." "No, it hasn't" ho snapped, "but my breakfast has." "That's just it. If your Iove hadn't grown cold you wouldn't have noncar that your breakfast had," Legal Lore, "As a lawyer how would you advise' me to see for agirl's bandl' "Take the case to court and ask for, Immediate trial:"—Baltimore American. Incongruous. Little Alick—What is an incongruity uncle? Uncle William—An incongruity, child, is a divorce lawyer humming "e➢ wedding march.—Satire. Hatred b tike tare. It make P213 light rubbish deadly.—George Eiio The following salaries are paid to the St. Marys Mown ofttcials; Clerk •, 550 ; treasurer, $325 twol auditors, •$25 each.; tax collector, $100,; assessor, '150`; cemetery caretaker, $550; chief 'con- stable, truant officer, and health ,` en- ❑peetor, duties combined, $575 ; niglat constable, $550 ; ': town stenographer, -S1 0. Wise men matt their lova letters in a waste basket. Mr. Ed. Anderson sb:, home visiting his. Parents, Mr, .a+nd Mrs, G. Anderson: ow -'s This`d we atter One Hundred:DollarsReerardter an7 else of Catarrh that: cannot be Cured by Rail's Catarrh Cure, F...e. CHENEY 4 Co., Toledo, 0, We the uederaugnedhavo known P. J. Cheney for the'last 15 years, and believe hire perfectly honorable in all business transactions and ananciaile able to carry 91st any obligations roads by his firm. I7iAnntxo, EISSAs k 1tfAavax, buholesaIe Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hell's Catarrh Cure is taken inearnelIy, acting di rectly, on the blood and mucout surfaces of the system, Testimonials sent tree. Price 75e. per bot- tle. SoldbYeaUDruggist, , Takeliall'eFemily pills torconstipatiod.. $T. MAR3i.5--The Wheiihan Block was destroyed l,y Lire ,on Tuesday trsorniele, tyro :ee's barbel' re11.bp and Mrs, Mc- Da'm's grocery store were destroyed, Mr, and Mrs. "i1e}., Whh lave above the state, escaped :n, thelr night' clothes. Mrs McLaren °has kept the grocery store for over fifty years. "FUTLLAI;TON-,fir, and Mrs. John Rtatz of Fullarton, announce th,e engagement of their daughter, Ifargaxet K., to ;tfr. William P, Bo!tfreftsch, The wedding to take place Wednesday, March 2011&. Lji AN --John )teMehenn died at his re, s'denee here op. Saturday, The remalas were taken to London, for "interment,. the 'funeral being uatder Masonic Allele- ices. uspices, G'7 ANDRBOYE 14aaa Myrtle &enopson, school teacher' of Nvo, 9 school Ridduiph, is recover - 15g from her recent 'Illness 'and wilt likely' be able to conunence her duties at tate fist of the week.0-Mr. .Troy Me- Rann :a busy 'caul:ng gravel for Ed, Simpson. Mfr. S=lnpson intends putting up a new barna do the coning spring,— Mr, Stewart Roser and wife, of Don,'. eld, spent tt few' bays with Mr_ McKee,- : . cKee:e. of tl.fs plane. `Sr. Ed. Simpson has returned front Exeter, where he made the purchase of an excellent driver,. firs. Thomas Hennessy :s-serously w:th an attack of la grppe,-Mr. EaTI Iiarlton left :on Tt ursday for Newbury where he will leave for,,Belle Plain Sask. —liregley Hennessy spent yesterde} with old friends in E:cetez —Mrs. Eli.' Bice :s recoverilw slowly Prone, her re- cent s'ciimeas.-,Mr. Love, of Ilderton was '4ere recently, nxeasur<ng logs wh:ch t^.•e been hauled to. tbeIG; T. R. iep;ot nern the past two months, 'Ilea :mends shipping therm to St. Tl>lonlas' as soon as poss"ble, )1r, Ernest A.:Scins,'who h.as,been stipend :ng the Past few months with his uncle gr, Johnson •,t.I.:ala, of Afoores- v:tle, left for Its how, in Manitoba to day.—',Ir. Gerdoll Bant:nr; ltae sold his farm and farm stock, and tn,Sve to the West. In a few days, where he has purchased a, farm. SETTER THAN SFANtCING Spanking does arat, cure children of bed yvw;ttitng. 'there is a conetitutl'onaj cause for th',a trouble, lira. M. Sununers, Box W. 840. Windsor, Out., will .send free to any mother her successful home treat- ment, with lull iastruetions. Send no money but write bar to -day If your children trouble' y,,au .tut #lira way, Don't blame the child, Vie chances aro it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with untie difficulties by day or night. FARM FOR SALE ORBENT. A first-class 1n0 acre Tama,, with; good buildings, convenient to school and church,. about eight miles. from Exeter, four ,utiles from shipping point, Small bush, and orchard, never falling supply of water ; and land well undordral.ned. Possession at once. Wdll sell or rent. Apply at the ADVOCATE OFFICE. Electric Restorer for Men restores everynerve in the body PhospLltlnt)1 to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphene' will make yon a new man. Price $3 a box. or two tot S5. Mailed to any address. The Scoboll Drug Co.. St. Catharines, Ont. MAKE YOUR CARDER 'YIELD ITS LIMIT Piant thoroughbred seeds. Thor. ; ouebbred seeds do not happen. Theyresultfromlongand intens gent breedinu. They produce A big crops of the best vele- tables. Use Ferry's. For sale everywhere. .1912 SEED ANNUAL FREE ON REQUEST PARRY tRedsarOaL 711 ost .His- and Mustache air; Beard TERIt1BLE:'PLIGtIIIT ;OF A PENNSYLVANIA MAN REPORTED BY A PRO M,INENT CITIZF.Nt : "About ;two ye'ar's ago zn v hair,, beard not; ‘;d.ol just ' wltatt :h:a ,)writes ;it did. rid '1 nustac'he started to come out ”' n' .Pelt''t_me':14ftc 'C,,aldur came into ,Puts. These oypatst' l ' b my :store after Pwrsta. c smg ,the ,PARIS- o were en ' re Y are SAGE," lw !te}a; aisle dirt gg,_sts who sold h.un, 'h',s appearance was so Chang ed I did not know ,able: 'PARISIAN SAG.i`e w;,t,1wut doubt the I110:4r; a f_tt.ant hah eiower, beautifier and t'danetruff ‘cure =;in, the world, and people tx;.110,axe wast. .ting,with inary' ramme'rc'_al:-'tonics "shou;d`vrake up. PAIC .ISLArPT= will] ba. ' na,sh. d,.e n- druff, stop;I.al1thg hair and itching;tcralp w 1l pu (riffs, lustre' and I a,ity 'into ,ba'rr tdr. '.tames; ' backs Tt Is, i• •• a:. r.1•oit ' `l: tful bbd''siresil ii t f'for idle t oaa r tea( women and. cb;tdren'. &.a; Ott bottle Ilhet ,est W. :' CdLE'S and rlztis'rais IQ 111 ata country : over, Seeing PARISIAN SAGE advertised,' 1 rurchased ,d `bottles And after using two 11 the tbot:tle,s, -the ::h`aitr, came 'az '.1,now Ihavlo las geed!, a head of hair is I -had before itiirite trouble started. I , can tru wufaitly recommend bliis Pre- .,aratnon ;to ',any' One tor ' wlitlut it i rec= tmmended for Saha'' Gelder,"Jamison Co., Pa. Get„- 11; :1811..' •Piease••-bar On "rend that PAR.XSIA-N 1AGE, is nqt guarar,tieed to grow tta r ,,>n=.'bad C . h' de.d. , roo t. i caa ,. ibis dli a 'na a'rak "'e'a R,o' • Bo'od esooni Yrattzy PAItiStlN E„CANADIAN OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LLD., D,C.L., PRESIDENT' ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MAN4nGEfl CAPITAL, _ $ LO,QOO,OOQ REST, $8,000,000 MONEY ORDERS. . ,... The Money Orders of The Canadian Bank of Commerce* are a safe, convenient and economical method of remitting small sums of money.; They are payable without charge at every branch of a chartered bank in Canada (except in the Yukon Territory) and in the principal cities of the United States. The Orders and full information regarding them may be obtained on application at the Bank. In theevent e eat of loss of a Money Order the, Bank will, on receipt of a satisfactory guarantee, make arrangements to refund the amount of the lost Orde . A232 EXETER BRANCH --W, E3. COLLtNS, Manager, Brandi also at Crediton.. The M lsons Bank Incorporated 1x51; Record of Progress for Five Years --l00 —153 1 Capital - $$,040,00O $4,000000 ,. Reserve - $3,OOO,OOO 4,6OO,OOO Deposits 823,677,730 35,042,311 Loans andvest t 2 5 I'l, dlteil S a.a7,4 .7,090 38,84,301 Total Assets $33,090,192 43,237284 Uaa$313ranclles in .itauada, and Agents and Oorrespondentsin all the Principal Qities in the World, A OaNRRAL SWUNG BUSIDIRSS TRANSACTIID, SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT a.tal Branohes. Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARI,ING, Solicito s,. N. D. HURDON Ma or, Low Rates To Pacific Coast From :EXETER, ONT MARCH 1st to APRIL lath, —TO— Spokane, Wansh. Seattle,' Wash, Vancouver. B, t . 41(1 Victoria, B. 0, 0 Portland, Ore. Nelson, B. C. San 1,'FraneSsco, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. Sara Diego, Cal. .,Mexico qty, Mex. Proportionate rates front otherpointe .fen Ontario. $41175 The popular Route to Western Cana via Chicago The Grand Trunk Pacific IRailwaya shortest lime, fastest time, 'finest ser- vice between Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton. Full lintormation from J. 3. KNIGHT, Agent, Exeter. Fresh Gr oceries We are now well establish- ed in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam- ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and pr r ivin b t . the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto,— "Fresh Groceries all the time," All kinds of produce taken in exchange, JAS COULD. I e, FARM M FOR SAaTAla That choice raz7u of 3,0S' acres on ttie 2ctd and 8rd concessions oC Ueborne, being one and a half rnrilea frozrt :lllxeteii On the prembse.s.is a. farce brick houso with, slate roof, and frame barns ru siatalL ,;., Fill l o .sold separ'atoly or {.together to suit purchaser. 15 acnes fall wheat, 4Q acres fall plowing dhine, ,' balance in grass, Apply to THOS. FISHER, Exeter. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY SETTLERS' TRAINS --TO-- MANITOBA, ~ALBERTA SASKATCHEWA N The only through line LOW COLONIST RATES For settlers travelling with lveatock and effects Special Trains Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCH and APRIL 10,20 P.M. Settlers and families without livestock should use Regular Trains Leaving Toronto 10.20 P.M. Daily 'Through botanist and TourlstMoopers Colonist Cars on all Trains No charge for berths Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Ask any C.P.R. Agent for copy of ' `Settlers' Guide" CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. O,ur classes are noire 'larger than ever before . but - we have„,enlarged our quarters' and we have room for a few more students. Fou may enter at anp' time. We have a staff of ,nrjno exper_ 'enced ,dnsti'uctors and our courses are the best. Our ,graduates succeed. This week three recent graduates i•nforyxed us that they Have posit ons. paying' $G5 $70 and ,$1,25 per rnonttn. W,e: have( three departments, -Commercial, Short- hand and Telegraphy; Write for aur free cataldgue noW. , D A. McLACHLAN, Principal. It Is TO' protect your family from the ravages of- disease and 'infection;) and, the rigors of winter; to make your homo thae abode of Health and Happiness. Statistics tell us that there were over 250.1100 deaths in North America last yearfrom fever and Puetxmonia; Over 90 per cent. of these were cases traceable, to out -door closets, and all were the result of insanitary conditions. 'Are you gong to allow tbuis terrible death, rate . to centirtaie. Why not Insure, Health' by installing a "PA:RKYTE" SANITARY CHE- MICAL CLOSET, Absolutely: Sanitary and .,Odorless carries .the endorsement of Physicians and Health Officials, wad our own' Iron -clad guarantee, Ttequires do expen- sive water -system; no plumbin ; no sewage •::can be installed in any ;part of your home at, 'the c'o'st oY a,few minutes p _ {notes mf your spare tin -13; lasts'•.:. ):litre time and cost leas t•hratv:,a CENT a day "PAR ICYTE .,; .Chemical „has- been • ,'r , proven :by, i3actextoIagzcal test bo be the,„ most powerful Oluinfec' ntant, 'Deodorant acid Germicide known to: Science.' The "PARICYTF" SA1`1 ITARY CI-IEMICAL' •CI;i,'y,SIIT Is' so d:. p ec`I, an Exeter Ont x .. 7. t calltt,e< t ^e will clause 1203 McART/li3E Branches 'TORONTO you. Nofse ,ler ar u ra r' t willx MONTO iJ Leeary., IPrif ,i MAN, Aildo:uviol