Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-14, Page 3A OTHER'S DUTY TO HER DAUGHTER iler Nealtlr Must Be Carefully Guarded as She Gomes to WalnanlioocE Every mother who calls to, mind her Awn girlhood knows how' ur- gently her daughter is likely to need help and strength during the years between early school days and womanhood. Then, it is that growing girls droop, becomefra- gile, bloodless and nervous. 'Nature is calling for more nourishment than the blood.. can supply, and signs of distress are plainly evident in dull eyes, pallid cheeks, weak and aching backs, a languid step, fitsof depression, nervousness and a dis- like for proper food. These signs mean anaemia—that is bloodless- ness. The watchful mother takes prompt steps to give her girl the new, rich blood her weak system is thirsting for by giving her Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, because so many thousands of feeble, anaemic, un- happy girls havebeen transformed into robust worsen through the rieh, red blood these pills actually make, No other medicine has ever sueccededik them, c t leirl, incl thousands of mothers have proved their worth. The case of Miss Marguerite Bois" Clair, St, Jerome, Que., proves the -truth of these statements, 1<Ziss Boiselair is sixteen years of age, and says that since the age of thir- teen ox fourteen she had been af- flicted with extreme weakness, and seemed to bo going into a decline. The least effort left her weak and breathless, so that she was unable to do any heusehold work. She hnd no appetite, suffered: from ter- rible headaches, dizziness and some- times fainting spells. She 'was un- desr medical treatment, but made absolntely,no improvement, in .fact seemed to be steadily growing weaker. When her case seemed most hopeless a lady friend advised the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, After taking a few boxes she began to gain new strength, and after the continued use of the pills for about two months she was again as well and strong as ever she had been, and has since enjoyed the best of health. Sold by all dealers in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. from Tho Dr. Wil - limns' Medicine Co., Brockville,; Ont. .4� Mother—"""boar have accepted; George? Why, you know very well that I dont approve of him.''' Daughter --"That's all right, mo- ther, Neither.= does he approve of you," A simple and good rule t a remem- ber and to follow is to buy nothing in the baking powder line unless all the ingredients are plainly printed: in English on the label. This infor- mation1 is statedon every package of Magic Baking Powder. All. Gro- cers sell it, A COLD WELCOME. A clergyman in a small town was deploring the fact that none of the couples that came in from the coun- try to be married stopped at his house for the purpose. "Well, brother," said the man addressed, "what can you expect with that big sign on the tree there, Five' Dollars' Fine for Hitching Here' fr, Cured of Shingles and Eczema Mr: J. H.: Jarvis, inc gston By Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Chest Raw, Bleeding` and Itchy. °'I just want to say a -good word for Curie cur:;. Soap and Ointment. In November, 1909, I had what the doctors call shingles and eczema. My chest was raw and bleeding` and itchy. I was that way all winter. It was not so bad in the summer. In ;September , it got worse. I had the best doctors treating me, but did me no good, and I' was ail run down in health. In November, 1910, it got worse again. I sent to you for a sample, cake of Cutieura' Seap. You sent it to sue and I'got a box of:Cutieura:Ointment. I have '1 used two boxes and on the third one it,has '•` cured Inc of shingles and eczema. I am de- lighted with them and < do feel pleased to think I have something 1 havo,confidence in.. Should anyone be suffering as' I did, I hope that they will do as I did, and I am sure of the results. I am,recommending:them from: experience." (Signed) J. H. Jarvis, 7 Ann Bt„ Kingston, :Ont., May' 30, 1911. A.HAGGARD STORY. Mr. Rider Haggard tells a good story about' the premature publica- tion of an obituary notice of him- self. Hearing that a ballet based on "She" was to be produced in Hungary, he wrote asking for pro- grammes and photographs. A reply came that the manager was shocked at the request, for he had believed the illustrious Herr Author to be dead. Long obitalaries had appear- ed; in the Hungarian journals.. Mr. i Mr. IL Rider yard. a`r and a H then wrotel t, and asked 1 �,tr ge a a O c ntr•atiiction might be circulated but the manager reported that the editors p e s re£trsed to insert it, as they believed it to be an unscrupulous attempt to obtain a free Advertise- ment far the ballet, .74 VOICE FASTER TITAN SOUND. The difference in the ;speed of sound over a telephone wire and through the atmosphere is illus- trate( by the experience of a man in, Paterson, N',l-, Ho was talking .to a alas n a factory.two miles away 'wthen the factory whistle blew for 1 o'olock, He heard the soured very distinctly through, the tele- phone and five seconds later he heard the salve oaund repeated, this time through the open window, AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE FOR ALI LITTLE ONES Mrs. Ovila Lamarre, Malviba, Que., writes: "I have found Baby's Own Tablets an excellent medicine and would net use any other for my little one, 'I think all mothers should keepthe tablets in the house." Thousands of other too - tilers have the same praise for the. tablets. They are absolutely safe --being guaranteed by a govern - relent analyst to contain no opiate or other harmful drug, They break up colds, expel worms, cure constipation and indigestion, in fact they are good for all the minor ills of little,ones. The tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail. at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams', medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE GROCER'S PREDICTION. "`I am, going to start a garden," announced Mr. Stubbs. ""A. few months from now I won't be kicking about your prices," "No," said the grocer, ""you'll be wondering how I can afford to sell vegetables so cheap." Faultless in Preparation. -Unlike. any other stomach regulator, Par - melee's Vegetable Pills are the re- sult of long study of vegetable corn - pounds calculated to stimulate the stomachic functions and maintain them at the normal condition. Years of use have proved their faultless character and established their ex- cellent reputation. And, this repu- tation they have maintained for years and will continue to main- tain, for these pills 'must always stand at the head of the list of standard preparations. A ship called the Seal,; built in 1810 at Southampton, Englancl, is still in' use;and 1 will shortlysail. from m Bideford, Devon, to Durban, South Africa, a distance of six thousand miles. a� Whether the corn be of old or new growth, it must yield to :Hol- loway's Corn Cure, the simplest and best cure offered to- the public. BUY SALT AT TOBACCONIST'S. If you want to buy salt in Italy you` must go to a tobacco shop, to get it; for both salt and tobacco are. government monopolies. ;- In France you :can buy stamps and postcards at tobacco shops,:'which - are under government jurisdiction. there as well; In - both countries you: can send- telegrams at as low a' rate' as 4:cents for 1.0 words, and sp'eeial delis: cry letters will go for six cents rn Paris if, you remember to write across your, envelope ``Pneuma-:: tigie," which means that the fetter will be shunted.' through a pneuma- tic tube in no time at all, and deliv- ered almost ars soon as a telegraph. For more than a generation Cutieura Soap and' Cuticura Ointments have afforded' the speediest and most economical treatment tor' itching-burningg'scaly and bleeding, skin and sealp humor�, 01 young andold. • A single•eet is often sufiiclent. - Cttttcura' Soap and Oint- ment are sold throughout the world, but to those who have suffered rnuch„lost hope and'. are without faith in any treatment, a liberal. sample of each with 32-p. booklet on the skin will be mailed free, on application. Address Potter "Drug' & Chem. Corp., 15 Columbus Aye., Boston, U. $, .A... "Dead” letters' in Australia to tailed 2,573,351 last year. The sand of the Sahara: is 40 feet deep. Hair Liniment Hai tdeuralg it., RINGING TII ON SPLENDID WORE DODD'S RID NEY PILLS ARE DOING. LOVE MADE IN GERMANY. �,, ONAYENTUBE Cj0 Haw Courting and Betrothals Are o Conducted. Mrs. Norman L Dow Tells What They Have Done for Her—People `Talking of Them ore ,Every Side. Port Daniel West, Bonaventure Co., Que., Mar. 11 (Special). Bonaventure County is ringing with the great boric done by Dodds Kidney Pills, and on every side people are telling' their neighbors of aches relieved and ills eared. by the great Canadian kidney remedy. To the great mass of evidence already published is now added that of Mrs. Norman L. Dow of this place "I can recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills as an excellent remedy for. rheumatism and palpitation of the heart," said Mrs, Dow, "After using one box I was greatly bene- frte-d!' Dodd's Didney Pills cure rheu- matism and palpitation of the heart, because they both come from the same cause—impure blood. Dodd's'Kidney Pills leek° the kid- Heys right, and when the, kidneys are right they strain all the poison ;, and ' r .> rrt„e mp r s out of the blood.' Cure the kidneys with Dodt1's Kidney Pills and you can't have such diseases as rheumatism oi• pal- pitation al-pitation of the heart. PLTROLE1IML The Total Amount alit Production Is Increasing. A reod,it publication shows the present production of petroleum and gives some idea of the relative heat value of the eoal and oil, pro- duced, Thus in tll& United States about 27 million tons of oil were produced in 1910. Russia produced a full third of this weight, Rottman - about a twentieth part as much as the United States, and the rest of the world together not quite as march, The `total production is not 50 million tons, Let it be assumed as such, and even then it is not more than one, -twelfth the tonnage of the coal produced by Great Bri- tain and the United States. But the amount is increasing and the equivalent heating effect was esti- mated at about five, per cent. that for coal, so that there is progress.; The greater the production of pe- troleuzn the more it will be employ- ed, for at present the, uncertainty', of a supply often prevents its use. The future of oil fuel is pertain if the suply can he assured in suffi, oient 'quantity. .Nobody to-day; doubts the ability of liquid, fuel to do either steam :raisin' dutyor g metallurgical work. In fact, in me- tallurgy liquid fuel is so economi- cal, efficient and cleanly in'opera- tion that it can be well afforded even .at a price., per thousand heat units, greater .than the price of. coal. It is merely a matter for suitable furnaces and apparatus. Shfloh C STops mums HEALS HELUNGS PRICE. 25 5 CENTS More than half the persons killed on the railway dines each year are trespassers. Minarcrs ^Liniment .Cures Burns Etaa, In 1911 the number of British ships built was 1,492, with a ton- nage of 2,092,884. If a cough makes your nights sleepless and weary, it will worry you a good deal, and with good cause. To dispel the worry and give yourself rest try 'Biekle's Anti- Consumptive Syrup. It exerts a soothing influence on, the air pas sages and allays the irritation that leads to inflammation., It will sub- duehe t e most stubborno< cough or b cold, and eventually eradicate it from the- system,; as a trial of it will prove to you. THEIR ONLY USE. "What's the- matter with you?" "Got dyspepsia." "Don't you enjoy your meals?" "Enjoy, my meals?" snorted the indignant dyspeptic. "My meals are merely guide posts to take me- dicine before orafter." ISS Iii'. '1 Dlopenrentts are nevem heard of in Germany, and yet there is no such thing as getting married there: without thea consent of the parents. Certain prescribed forms must be gone through, or the marriage is null and void. When a girl has ar- rived at what is considered a mar- riageable age, her parents make .a pointof inviting young hien to the house, and usually two or three are invited at the same tine so that potheinted, attention may not seem' tori No young loan, however, is ever invited to the house until after he has called at least oeee, and thus signified his wish to have social in- tercourse with the family. If h.e. takes to calling on several occasions in rather close suee'ession itis taken for granted that he has "intei- ti01rS,'' •and he may be quest'onetd concerning them, . Seb are thing ing to you. In Germany the man must be at least eighteen years of age before he can masse Proposal; hilt when it is made and aeepted th eproposal is speedily followed by the betroth- al, This generally takes place pri- vet*, shortly, after which the fa- ther of the bride, As he is then call- ed gives res a dinner or supper to the e most "intimate friend~* on both sides, when the fact is deelared, and, Hai turally, afterwards becomes a mat- ter of public knowledge. f IllIEU.11 FOR 6 TEARS. !Maine -:Bark Hass Cured. Ilial. d"or ever six years Mr. William Birt, of Pisquicd, P,E.L, suffered >,in salt Ammo, He says . "Th tense "attacked Ply arms ante haands, and the fore -finger elf my right hand was the worst, "1 WAS engaged as ni blackmail by the Bruce Stewart Co., of Ohara lottctown, and sometimes every stroke of the hammer would cause the finger to bleed freely. I tried various ointments and salves, and then went to several doctors in and around Charlottetown, "One medical man, after treatin me for some time said he did 71o think I could ever be cured. Trying one thing and another I :.pent over $50,00; and all in vain, "1 saw an account of some of the, great cures which. Zam-Buk has workedand decided to try it. The first box died nee a. lot of geoi, and the finger showed, traces of healing, so 1 ."kept up'the Zam-Buk' treat- ment, and a few' boxes' worked a cure Reader, if you have any skin (Rs - ease, cut, burn, cold sore or skin injury, try Zam-Buk. It is abso- lutely unique as a. healer. Drug- gists and stores everywhere, at 50e box, or post free from Zara -Bak Co., Toronto, for price. If you don't know, say so. It's eu sign of strength to acknowledge your. weakness. Ignorance is trans- parent—you can't hide behind it. Own up before you are shown up. An Oil for All Men.—The sailor, the soldier, the fisherman. the lum- berman, the out -door' laborer and all who are exposed to injury and the elements will find in Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil a true and faithful friend. To ease pain, re- lieve colds, dress wounds, subdue lumbago and overcome rheumatism, it has no equal. Therefore, it should have a place in all home medicines and those taken on a journey. LIVE ULT We will pay cents for choice heavy live hens. deli ve r ed Montreal, The Farris Abattoir Co., Ltd. nonsecours Market, - MORTREA olrraast;* u dein Torg, IIr h, 'what Learning setae- -0 , sir-, I'm listen- Inxpuritk€ s of to Blood Cou. ated. Inz1=a:1 ties in the Irloa(1 'me from tdu leets in the action of c ,r., ie lar r . 1 e, .z revealed by ru r pees and llrrsigirtle blotches on o skirt. They must be treat -ed 1 - Itrdly, and for this par;dose there, rao more effective eorulpound to be t100 d than Parmelee's Vegetable ,. Annte Sirtthtre n ills. They ant directly on the ' akoittan MUM SOR' f EftT Alin STILE H. W. HAWSGN, rlatlety Colborne 'trees, Toronto, 1 sll PWF,D Ali. it tlto'It, tkat ss Bat sit ala rsr - eot1 a sage. i, . For ��l;Iu tt crop t tl;,t8 1 i pi'iy - 14svar4 a"ount', e sp; xrlatlxl* n �t0it> 3 reit. Nl R I It ;lhfr , Y i, L �id � I�IFf Fax'sra v, ttIt, fine hotse; 1;00«:! oath: i?lril+tin 1 orae Dnriita t€Sn; St, )' T Iv e: he. elim and by setting up healthy prom Farxxd. near .t.reeangt ti $ have a beneficial effect upon' 100) so so that impurities are , u.$Du n , CRIis NEA j noted...IL geed and price very lots; He ---"Do you know that you ; r c,l'Ioolciang nee through and through)' She— -'What an ideal I 'was ga ziu it,1 �rinaird's Ialuiment Ca.. used MINd11p'9 found nothing eou In the past forty years the popu- lation of France has only increased by three and a half millions. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your drugg1,ist will refund money if 1'AZO OINT- MENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind,. Bleeding o Protrudin Mei in i to 14 days sec. Newfoundland is the old British Colony,' and was discovered by John Cabot in 1497. Canard's Liniment for sale everywhere. BEADING BY SHARIZ-LIGHT. Since deep-sea dredging began, more than six hundred species of deep-sea fishes have been discov- ered, all of a more or less wonder- ful nature; but it is ,.very rarely that large ashes are taken. The net on the, bottom, dragged along by a wire three or four miles long, catches only, the very sluggish, forms; the large and active animals dart away - and escape as the strange object; comes bumping along over the, bottom; ' or ploughing through -the ooze. Off the coast of Scotland a curious' ribbon -fish, with. a length of more thaiiz forty feet, has been caught—a beautiful erea tine, of satin texture, with scarlet fins.Thal this fish comes from the deep sea is almost positive. While the larger creatures of the deep sea are not well known, -the conditions in which they live are well 'under stood. Tile ocean: -bed has been reached with ,a net in about six miles of water, and that there are valleys and depressions of greater depth May -well beimagined. -There i are 2 practising las,, over' thirty' worne in Paris. - White -"'Have ,rou alny trouble in making both ands meet'1" Green " "N'ot a bit. The end of my money and the "end of the week always come at the same time. 'igen Your Eyes Need Care Tr Jit r. ry llno Z o Iteaae" �.. • retro �-- K S � �l'obtnt t. Fccl a'lntl—.•'ars 4nirkly, trey f6 for Itedrwcak, watery Eyes nand Uranutrtte"t l.ycllde. Ilipu,- trate4 Book In ench Package, .lrurkia re gt�omtwundod by oltr tlrnitvt;-Hata "t'ou' tt Ma'd- Sclno"--hue ustwl. in suecossfnr 1?DSsiti,tn5 1'tac• rice ter thanyXhats. NOW deuirated to ttw r'ub• no and sutd by inneelgt s k' rind Sate jeer 3inu'1a. Marine hyo Strive Iu .A',ep1"eT,5,es, 5,o and W. MVlurin© Eye Remedy Co-. Chicago Britain's National Debt was com- menced in William III.'e reign, in 1603, b �Ta t,B A GOOD 1450 OI Ras in sttarlitobtl, Sash tit tat r ai 'matte rte buy Weetei '*148 eeswlxlt me. to. MALE MALE HELLP 4Eii DIONE sex; tauerioucr florrul sureeas, don't he, slompcll addressed envelope inrim, The "Quit," -Co, 4114 Toronto, 4lt ttry;S d artieu• MISCELLANEOUS. 'STAT and .FARM SCALES. Wilier Worii., 9 Esl'1uttrsdn. '1'1 x ANcszt, Txlhtoxi9, 14vuP8, ole4 lttr terniti and external, curet( wwlt touR. in by aLomeW treatment. rite n1M broecfore ur too., late. i)r., Reiman Medical Go.' Lltnttird f rttltnem 'norl. t'lnt, (a TON' SCALE oiiltii,AN'!`nED. Wilson's ,) Seale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. 1,(`i o0D POSITIONS WAITING, FOtt 71• 3,01314.7 men as Telegraphers, Station: ,Arosts, Freight and Ticket Clerks. Wo gnnllfy for any (Canadian railway. Rem. lar railway hooks and forms in school. Free Book le explains. Dominion School Telegraphy. Toronto. DV EINQ I CLEANING Furtho Tory ]rest, sena your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING: CO." Look for a4ont in your town, or sand direct. 61ontreal, Toronto. Ottawa. Qunbeoi P R I FI WRITE FOR, PROOF Minard's Liniment: Cures Dandruff. In lieu of fresh beef, rabbits may now be supplied to the British troops once a week, provided no extra expense is entailed. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. h. W. GROVE'S signature' is on each. box 25e. Over twelve million square miles are embraced by the British Em- pire. Many mothers have reason to bless Mother Graves' Worm Exter-, minator, because it has relieved the little ones of suffering and made them healthy. Mark Twain was standing in -a crowded car holding on to a strap. As the car swung round a, corner the strap broke, and he was ;deposited into the lap p of a stylishly -dressed lady. "Madam," said the humor- ist, "this is the first time the tram- way company have conferred a fa- vor on me." For regulating the bowels, invigorating the kidneys . and ,:stirring up the lazy liver ! o o se's India.n. areas of fl1 have proved, for over half a century, in every quarter of the world, absolutely safe and most effective. . eE 25c, a box everywhere. 27 CURES CANCER AND TUMOR Canadian Branch Purifico Co,, firldgcbtlrg, Ont tl Send for our Catalogue of SEEDS I r d , � N d With over 150 illustrations nal Velanbie CULTURAL DIRECTIONS Free for the Asking DUPUY d-: FERGUSON .38 Jacques Cartier Square, MONTREAL GETBETI2E11 LIGHT l~rotn COAL OIL (Kerosene) Reeonttestsby1'rof•btXXergotx,tico n UniversIty,wontrenl.' on leading ell•bu ening iamys chop^tbo Als,ldln Mantle Lam KK1 •ea over twice rt. Innen it •ht as -thou. 11- IRayo.and other loin,,, tasted, and betas lead than one-half as m4eh ell. It 1e odorless, safe, CI an. noiseless. Better dghtthan gas or ClaS. 5. c. Fully guaranteed. Our burners fit your old lamps. Asirf r mD o CatalogSi loam taIto ,v to cot -ONE LAMP or BURNER' FREE AGENTS: redBrbat guarantee;nt onpt .un sold SEW In 15 days. Ask for,libetel agent, Proposition. Sample lamp rurnisht d asarLE Leas' CO. ordm., Ica,145tIoddi¢ ld� Jfofitro,st,tZ Eternal application' for anan" or beast. Everyone'kllows of the wonderful qualities in the oil of the STURGEON for sprains, lameness, etc. Dr. Dow's formula .hasit in its best form. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc., it cannot be equalled. Try it once and you will be satisfied. Price 25 cents. ASK OLik DMALMR. The Braygley Drug; C€z., 1' ltd.; Sol© Props. St- John, N.1.1 4