Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-14, Page 1See :: Our
Local Items
But a vv f otcal joke ,sn t ii you are
the v;et;axt?
Tee weather condit'r°3ns !lave been ideal
tete 'week.,
Lawyers would Probably starve --to
death '_t the, Nei,k list wasn't, eo Sar
beard with his work:
'Ertthus'ra,Fta s. one of the inost Power-
ful entg:nes or succea8, 'Nothing great
wee ever ece eyed without enthusiasm.
3.' ,3. Wlafte. who vela too Oa:
Ifree:, Seek., about two. Years age, lean.
leen aPpoe need inapecber of home,
steads fez ees. d street, by the Domia£oa
,Gov*cyreree:tt. A good salary goes with
De, ',ti";ll4.a , $,. rGt j.rn c'd I
sty, from. Ted :a„ gotta a seise£ °11I.
¢and.:atterestit1: talk lit tied , re
church on. e r"day evening tan the'' waait
t the Church and, the life oft' i
( zrdia, It was. ;resrettalala
was slot a, larger number Pre8etlt.
Tee British 1rseheage hotel, Goder
:elf, the peoiteer !hostelry of .Muter£ Gem),
ty, w'th fts many functional, events date
e - It.aele MON iieen dteif a. £:eatery;
Cheng d handy than week, Mr, Brawn
o> 'Windsor, being the .purchaser; T$
Present. prope'eter, E. R. Swartz, «<
tends to go west,
T,Ifi.. surveyor. Of
tIu esu
And t aaa;e a e) IIIuR11
Ceet 'ot a #a°a
'loll,; would 'tae of n5acat to¢aveodMn a,
pally to Meaars fltarvey roe. boat .z
dewit-town chtei is. w e t woaa9.t1 O
#taste, the bt ger bittit of £data altlrs#?ta
trade from alt's :8eettcru. 'Taw' £hat t
r jt et 1e+ 'on the foot a anon efts
»llt3itld lee put forth by "£tress ,nteareut
to y�eau rtt t#a' much needed IgeFp of xo,
eneYour Sul
seri ti .
RN 'ENG AQE ENT -The Ti ue.
tees of the James street church have
!secured the Royal. English Hand Bell
'Blazers for a return engagement fere'
oF, erci1 ay el -Wet next, '!laree 18th. The
eetertaments gtaren by them en Tues-
day ege.e last was highly pleasing to
everybody present and the church was.
`t1Jed, Bony wale heard tient wild, be
p1eeeed to, hear 'them again, but :t you
rslessee,, 4t last time, do not miss the
second opportun`_tye The pro'g'ram will
be d:feere xt frem tett last, !tut the piece
w:41 tae the same,
. c. :.ate printed several lots oe eta-
t'al:e -y fo; farmers recently.. We are
glad to eece ve these .orders as it shows
a-peereress've spit and le aaother-in-
die.,!.;- of the (set that farmers are.
begionPag sea lZe that, their "business
1equ;reu the same up-to-date methods
any other, Not only' this but yetti can
•e Ore hundred sheets' of writing pap-
and envelopedzt vr' b! your name and
dress ateel5* rf?t:;lted on them '-tar less
at yalt sat) boy the ;sem anntuat et
nk tati+Qnery Trott had better come
Pi X41 see us' about 331 to ter yourself
,nee t t=an. Sot? .are Rt),
tater a
It a s
:c "Aran
e r It)ate1
3aciaelora and !£stay. Wtttaw8 was r.die-
£lana, whteli t necosaary to a gootl
Iu leanue, e.nd, n feet, the whole evela
ng was one ref xaletlm ire, But deet of
utnted to Alin £K.0
The ice
eked Ret
Ilslrlea. 'were
is w
lee i tela
Pill the rete pts amo
wlecit veal 4o at te4nt5. third 'ot the ed
way towards buying the un ieernee for t1
' the band, wh'-ch fa the object. aimed at, pa
with other good NOW, who -a really vir tt ten g
suz,estion?r Keep tho (bail a -rolling fp
V711110 the rolling is good, fo
abler for the departmental, ez
(aaued. and ter,
l�tua schools lel
Thea senRor high school en-
set +r public school grad
el se eo1 Pete:Wee, and )ow.
1 eyau ::nateens for entrance €x-
alta! aoltoQle and faculties of
a? v 11 held. ft,ont, Dunt' Stu'
"i'tf+s1 tWo weeks eartler
uteri neltpett entrance
Ohs, the upper school
tea gat czlurat¢.an peso
t3Qr and eeltolar'allip
lsaaltton, 'will cons-
ane fila!;, one June
dust tu'R weeks earl
ora, "iIa twat wea,th
a to goad work, and
e decided to get the
ions naves
1ostesl : u #
ewe, t;
AXE LOST, --Between Huron street and
the Ross Taylor Factory, a. choPpir-g
axe: Finder Nen cotter a Favor byre-
turein€; sante to Taos. Brock, sr,
The hockey ,fans load a eeYfut t';Ale on
Tzursda,y night • Xhen Heneeli acct -Ex-
eter played a great ,ga n� on local ice,
the locals w:other ire. extra brae ler a,
score of G. to 5. Considerable interest
had been worked up prev,�ouslgr saw a
to ti%e tact that the hockey teams of tate
two £,owns fid Pocked' horns with eutnte
d:ssat stactioa twc or three times this
enter, end rte's game was brought on
to see Wale' , ttalwa head the best £cant,
and Eseler denwnstrated t; o fact. that
tete, were en. tap, It- tool£ eeeree e°t12C1
4or the boys to ;et. the.: eePr•
on, ."taut 'when they did thins a
we some, -and thele: some More. The
(vet were was fi' Extter'a favor, but'
ter $D2ne , eaepn was' d'.�aalloyed ny the
e r tt,'tt� '� it tesid s tat €!coral!. lien -
call tdaefs o 't` o' 'he (trot hate, and
wo n d)e :a '£tie ae4 £and halt berore e-
el 'ltsd £tote;
HORSE Got -Magistrate Hay !£card
scree caao"„rll the Town gall en 1.I
»y i;ltat aaetwcel) Dr, Houao ot ,Exeter
1,d fr, �T„Ytokl 1raoi'er of Alanshard.
e latter sold: the ter -
!MUM claiming that
.tint had guaranteed the art..
sound and, With nq bad habits
!0ral+. ltdty ser. proved to be a
tlnd sucker"" and Dr.
ieze pt)tered tlaxs alcttlon to force the
:fendatit tc £alto tno hoose back, ,After
2hlibt the enoothe magistrate decld
horse should 1)0 retur)led
tc pt ce refunded. and • the defendant
y the court cost; each:Man to, pay his
' o a eared
own lawyer; L. H. D.ckff rI PP
✓ the platneife and . F'. W. Gladreare
e the defendant. , -
lied 'tl
r tt,.cgi
ayecl tit » nutet%
dean$ to kreak ids
they pisyc to
t 1a atttexttertt scam one
Verdian?nt Gatti#at”
' t SUCCeneil1tat-
lowed with one,
before, Vane was
idle setare, and. the!•
sae a vav in an
• Failing • in
death, and
in a minute
The play
aud. iON
tike rota,.'
in. canOld°
ht :n; or -
4 sla.S
w1314`h was
est gatnle
:. lar the
sand}: A !feel£
g« tris, and the enthwt ae
both a'des, The Ptaytue
brudaes, and ' o2nmyr' Car
black eye, but no tuners;
Tttc rue;
w' •
rang ioppers
Spring is nearing us and you will be wish-
ing to get your sprung sewing iinisned up so
e prints -'and in hams
� il], and. see• our new call i ging
neatest patterns ever shown..
ladies ladies
Any piece of Tress
Goods to be sold at a
greatly reduced price.
Come early.
Ruffs - or Stoles
Get a Ruff or Stole
while in the swing all to
be cleared
out. also Lad-
ies : Fur . Collared Coats,
Regular $23.00 for 18.00..
_ r
Room Rugs
Brussels rugs. in green
and fawn grounds to be
cleared, out --at "a ' price
that: will astonish you.
Men's Fur -Goats
Only a few left to be
clear ed out regular $23.
coats for $18.00. Regular
25.00 coats for $19.50.
Winter „p
Ga s -
All mens winter caps
to be ' cleared out at a
price. Reg 75c, for 50c.
Reg, 50c.: for 39c.
Ladies . Skirts
Only a ,few Ladies
kirts left. Regular 3.50
to 5.00 skirts all to go aat---
the one price $1,75.
Ladies Fine Shoes to be cleared out at a cash dis-
count of 20 per cent. :ff'.
All -Dinner Set3 L4nlh sr and Chamber Sets to
cleared out ata price.
l; �f•. "I�IrFce
all'ids , . 1t1• for
. FZ '1''t, • rids:.
n 11
dean!£ rk1
r. forward
c, forward k
1•, -forward
}v x �ieta earia; event took
place ce on
\S edlust he. ornof th
br:deraneaday parents, lirat„,tand •.h\11'sS tiMatltcwe
Flnkbeiner of the 7th Concession of
Stephen, when their daughter, Mies
Rose, became the happy bride -of Mr.
Edward Feltner., a, prosperous young
tanner of the 13th conce ls:ton of the
same to 53L'.. The ceremony was per-
formed at tour o'clock by Bev. Burn
of the Evangel:cal church, in the pres-
ence of about seventy ot t11.o relatives
and friends of the contracting parties.
The bride, who was given ,away by her
Lather, was attired in cream silk, while
Iter a:stet', .Miss Mo udy, the bridesmaid Bend.
wore wlute mull. The groom Was as- Watt Jessie Baker is visiting at her
abated :by ;his brother Albert.Mia. !£cane '.n thE,s place.
SDAY,. MA :CR 141 19
tnrx,)y french "i.ope he3 w
to.resture 3t$a business.
3i r. and Mrs, PobeZt ay1.oc and,
_Pave returned to leendon after
an ort 'visit here with Mrs. Hayl1ck' ,
Eilber, M.P.Pt, attended the
rectors eneeteeg of the Hay Tee, Co..
:n Zur:;ca, last iiatu-day.
Josef : Edwards h"aa beer, In tPwri the
Past few days eutt;jrcg weed, w'e'lts,
gasot ne cossets- Tar.in is away ahead of
the. old buclesaw.t
Itlrftte*tire .tluatatt:,ea - off tile and 'brick',
itawc b fat hauled through rte' v`dgag..
tee X,tst week fa,r.,:rr Eying' to the
west of us. It ,'s laid :-.c traffic to<',
-i-. east i#r tt:e sa.-tt'. Our ,'.ie z -.d', iy nely '
4170 stats' y t;ow, a+ d w=1t be; a nNfims.
ter: start Ow e es t)' worx:s scat
tree ihe. Weatl,er peer£.tts:i
G:«lr:s. F .i cr t' sc ;xtv• ee," coal
entrap the 'pact week to' £sill
NOtleeleg is tie loctt;tlg
e?t9:it)y Ta another eo,d ,trap.
ad es and Te`.1eiglite 'ei the I ..G,'p,
at t' c, l art.0 Cel Tr- and Mrs. Geo.
refs1t oat s a.tday r4.014, tt1 the t Uraberr
pP ataant, ? 411d spent a very pa-
,ul+.fit: )l�ta`?;.e.:Ml:•"
rt5i4414., rr itations and spetle,:;eta
ONO. fir SLtae Ilro10een141re oils-
tiro citaax 1tI an able Manner, Atte.:
tat all vela read to the 'well.,
ii,rainr mengand sat dow,a to a'
hared by. the !,:dies, The table`
4tc�1 ;Ia the eolere and emblems
loge wasp )Istat etaod'
• lepresenti e'. ,a beer Wet'.
soon be able
tall s
supe "1
was 'deem
et the rel'
nn the .p
s Liee'e Yilalebeieer .lett Sat
s It Seer ee.ater. r9. "elaa” hk.
a aur a xarantb tar, aa,
l a, 1tev. t
1riwt1 8,2z ^e:ve
p, ogress
t1r, Gio. 'Wes rareld'et 13e rlin, es at isms
tr rtr tier..,;' t1?e illness of hie neet1Vor.
IIarlletra, w:» IS at:tenein;
or :meet Su ldrty. at her
lfr, 1.1F r s a3 c i'ar tt;;d tant:ty !save
itxiave<d to 11:e:, fame .1a the Tewlladtip of
lc Y.
lie ;* �t°;e aFel : a 4ntdlapoeed ttdc
pelt t�t,l �rr;rlx from Jab`s cotrifo te'r
1‘4,4thio pl;tec :t v
ti:sa Ma�da outledge left xltanday last
a £stk c i iu cat: o. nb',Ildneryr business
, ur
at Nov Dunnet
The ManY
11, be plea
atletlt :n 3. ea lth
s of hiss Nora. Siebert.
dt^Ar of her inpravo-
ltr. Qeo. sena'oede., sr., left Tuesday
Morning :or London where he winull-
dere° all operation on, Wednesday for a
growth, at the aide of his neck. Ills
many friends trust that the'operation
may prove successful, and that he many
be nbl'c to' return; to h s locale£; in a short
timtc In goad health,,
?lira, Jacob `'lralper is reported to be
dangerously' ;11 at her h'oni.e west of th:s
dr. ratan 'ache left Sunday morning
to spend a week with 'friends at Grand
Mildred Klumpp played the wedding Mrs, Sohn IId1st and. Mrs. John' Mor -
march. The ceremony and congratula-
Eons over all partook of a. sumptuous
supper, served by a bevy of adept and
charming young ladies. . The evening
was pleasantly spent in various amuse-
ments. At 10 o'clock Rev. Burns ,,per-
formed the cerenieny of christening .a
granddaughter of :1vfr. and Mrs. Fdnk-
be:ner, being _Dorothy 'Irene, daughter that had formed in the -head. 'Phe opera -
et Dir. and'Mrs. W. J, 1iaave of eat t,otl was performed on Satuirdee- by Drs.
stet, Mr. and. Mrs. Pate t have the best `Y3sh art of Lpndarr, Ca3npbeli of °Zur-
wishes of the Adeocate fora long and
!!appy Wedded life.
:eh,' and McLaughlan, the local, physician.
as well
Mr. J. G. Nein, wile resides north of Mrs. Waanbold Mrs 'deirig' , as can
here, had the misfortune to lose' a val-
uable mare last week.'' It appears the
young talks had druvenl the mare to Mr,
rd. Palmer's of the same township,,
where a gathering of young folks had
taken. place. The mare was put In the
stable vale. a number of ether horses
but when the young folks returned they
were sadly surprised to fend their driv-
er prostrated, weal) ;the right hind leg
broken and etherwese badly used up by
another horse laiokfbg it. The mare was
a good one and valued at $160,
A )lumber of tour people attended the
Bel' Ringers enterts'IilnlanticJa:nes Street
Methodist Church, Exeter on Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs, George Lawson left Iasi
week for theer hone -x11 Artland, Sask.,
Thea, many ,friends wish them every
success _ht •the Weste
lock of Cred?ton visited their friends In
this plac' : on Sunday.
Mr. and 'Dir.. cbrIst:an Finkbeiner at-
tended the wedding of Meer niece at
Crediton on Wednesday. . •
Mrs, Joseph Wambold, who has been
s'.ek for the past week, is still confined
to her bed, it having; been found necess-
ary to operate upon her for an abscess
be expected, and rt 3a[ believed that event-
ually she will be alright again,
Death of Mrs. Wambeld.-The "cold
hand of -death, which has been busy in
our anelst see, late, -has .laid hold of
another of our esteemed, and respected
lea:dente. We refer to the deutiise of
Ars. Joseph Wambold, who passed
away about four o'clock yesterday (Wed-
nesday) artorneig, at the age of 48,
Are. Wambold clad been `n very poor
health for 'stun:: tans, and on Setwrday
underwent an operat:oa) fee' the..reanoval
of a growth, in her head. The operration.
was a success .4i" 'every way, but the.
el7;ocic pnoved too 'great for her already
weakenedconstitutiloal and she peaceful-
ly passed away. The deceased was a
daughter' of Mr. and Mme. Lawrence
Weigand o'f this place, by whlorn she
Norman Holtzman, " of Saskatoon 'iia', ;s `survived, together with he+r• sorrow -
mailed ',his father an excellent snap -shot '.ng lelsband grid three children -one von
taken ' of the tra.:n 'which went throug'li and two daughters, "all wheel :w ll have
the 'bridge a "few 'weeks ago. T.a look the sympathy ,of a large c;xcle' of
at the wreck t seems a miracle that fr.'_ends.. Tile' funeral 'takes place`- Fri -
more didn't los, their lives.,' day- - t
Mrs. Hancock of 'Strathroy v -:ted her
,aunt, Ma's. Brown a few days ago.
Frani Snel1 had a. leap Year carnival
advertised' for lits" skating rink oh
wednendar. `T'here was a good attend
creme sof 011(11. 12.-a-1 estate cPeoulatora'
have received igoed : 'taws of the.:r in-
v'eetinent :u Vaetoria, It's shout time
there'' `','vas isozne return made for, all
the hard earned money wh?eb has lett
this tawn the past ten years.
The Ladies Aid of the F,vangelical
Churc11 held a suiting, bee •at the ho ne
of Mr,': and Mrs. Jos. Heest on, Tuesday;
ti:ssr Elia. L_nk left on 'd•,onday ,far
Zurich .where ,she will Kaye ;charge of
then JiBnery departnielrtt of Mr. John
Preeter, ,
Fraser Brown had b`t4ness tri
Berlin on 'Tuesday,',
Tuesda -
We aresorry to
Young has been quit
He s sora l bettertr'
yl r,t xa
Cl Young o Yaoncibri�.iRt reacat
Tlr'_s -week'' anus:, eeca d the death
bt' ,one of aur .oldest residents, in: the
person ,of. 'Vali:TO:: ie Eater,'who passed
away on Wednesday Miorn:aig, a few
,rn:nut0s after nitkdaipght, at'':tire great age
of <88 • years and 10 nr nthis. Deceased
had• been En hila usual health and : was
around as Usual until Sa turdaty 'Iast.
when he 'becaanc+ and,gradually graw-
:tje; weaker -,he passed awaj as above
stated. Irite'rtn,elit, will be ' made ir1
the ` Goslien !line- Cemetery The friends
of ;the decea0sed "will' have .the ,::iipa thy
o: the canlnun•'ty n: £firs ,;sad trial .2Te.
leaves to m2-aurn ht0.. departure has ag•-
erl Widow," wiles i 4 t' of North; 1)a j 13Iwri-is
he Dress
Men who are most particular about style
quality always have their clothes aadeto meas
The name of "Taman' is the best guide for ma
to -measure clothes. There is a guarantee behi
every Taman garment that means s ou can havw
your money back if -you are dissatisfied. We a
showing the Spring lines in Suitrngs and Over
coatings. Come in. and have a look.
Men's Furnishing.
Our store is now being renovated and when:.
finished in a few days we will open up a brand,
new stock of Men's Furnishings that will be com-
plete in every detail and right up-to-date. There --
after, you will find us headquarters for everythin g;
in. this line.
W. W. Taman
Tailor and Furnisher ®.tges aeter
a patient. Els finger was pierced with
a needle, but for some t'-3na it did not
bother him. The arm, however, began
to swell, and et was necessary to lance
two abscesses, one at the elbow and
the other under the shbtuder, Dr. Stevens'
is well known dn. Dashwood, being a
Stephen Township Old Boy. Last year
he commanded the steamer Forest City,
running from, Port Stanley to Cleve-
land. ,
Miss Pearl ,Wurt2 of Zurich .visited
at the home of Mr. and Dsrs, Jacob Ke1-
ler,mann on Sunday last.
Mr. Geo. Warn,bpld. of Berlin. was -called
home last £week:ovreng to'ihe illness of
lis mother.
Dirs. S. Ireland of Stratford !i visiting
her sister, Mrs. Wambold.
The directors o!E the Hay Storm and
tis eather Insurance Co, islet at Zim-
mer's 13o!tel here, on Tuesday last.
Messrs. 1-I'sranen Z:trmer and 'William
'c'Viilert spent Sunday Le Zurich. r
Miss Lydia Sci-eroeder left last Mon-
daylar London, where. she Will remain
for Pomne time. -Mr. Beeler of Detroit
and Mr. Zonis \Weeper ,of North Dakota
were hero last week attending the fun-
eral of the latter's beether, the late
Herman Walper:-eless Bertha Brenner
of Parc : i visited udder the parental
roof Sundayr11!r. and_Mes Wee
i' Fleeter were veset cl s iii town Sunday
---Mr. Henry Schroeder, who Iirtes half
shoe west of the vEllage received word of
the death of hila bwoehere Aifsed, in Chi-
cago last aweek, he being „Wiled by the
- d e
train!. fell. SohToeder left We n sda y to
attend the funeral,.
That well -knave i hostelry, the London,
Rause, London, Inas'ag'ain changed own -
c.? ail),
wi-c.?'".rip, Herbert efeCell, formerly hetet:-
otelk eper, at Ae1sa Craig, having 'purchased
till place; and wali.take passe se ton
tw<a weeks,
kota and V111ee`{ ttghters> Dire. J. .
1•, Mr's.
t to�ii.
'Vierw' I�atlsa.s, s>
.citrase el ,. ;, Maciae
Ezra Ottebet rty, and> Mt e I r ed Macrae,
both 31' 1h;8 place.i ;
coda e..
arclu•- 5th
to a
day M ,
Cased -••Ori Tues �>
and ltla's, B. J. Case, 5J Paul ne Ave.;.
forSterl , of . Exeter, a daughter.'.
Faust -In ZiMe , on the' 6th, iris t., to
M and Mrs.. S la^,. leauist, a son,
ile°wkereeIn MCG:tliniray, ,on Marc_ Wn✓1,
-o••Dlr, and Mfrs. qtr. Do'wker, ';a song.
IICNaugartan In Tuckersn-ir:' h, on '/larch.
4 io &Ir, and Mr .Jvi i1 McNai'riiton,'
Fahner-Fink'h'einer-In Stephen, on Mar-
ch. 6th, at the home of the bride's par-
ents, by Rev. Binh,Edward: Fahn
to -Miss .IBpse, daughter of 4ir.- ani"
Mrs. Mathew Pinkbei'ner.
eloore-McEiibbbn-At the residence or
the bride's parents Mr. and firs. Da.
M. McICIbbin, Temente, on .Wedfiesda;r
Marcia 6th, ilefess Elizabeth Doro-
thy Mcleeebb3n tot Mr. J. T. Tobaston:
Moore of ,St. Marys.
Ritter, --In Dashwood, on March 13', Val-
Calentine Better, aged 88 years, and: /01
Wambold. -In Dashiwiood, on elaxch
Mrs, Joseph. Wambold, aged 18 years
Funeral Friday.
Young -In Corbett, 'on March 4th Lloyd.:
Lavern YoullS, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbert Young, aged 8 -years,. ftp
months and 4 days. Y
Steep -in Cl'_'iton on Meech 1st Her0Id?
only son of Mr. and Mrs. James Steetr
Ili his 31st st sear.
R3 -'on -I12_ eVillhdpeJ, on Feb- 29, J, -
Renton, forllierly.. of Exeter in hie,
70th year.
0. nee
pig business; is
ling for .the want of
IeY i -h'nd i9tt
i � Or afe
tlxjore_cdp1tai. Meda with
nI noy_,and men
brAin real this papier;.'
VO,Y R"resp. It the
our C1assi'ia