Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-7, Page 8L
' 5- -~ ----
Cheap Clothing
For a Few Weeks
This is. the Clearing-up.seaeou for
Clothing and those who desire a
;March has conte but clear and
meld -ideal winter weather.
Mies Mabel :Miners, who has been
quite pt. Is improving siowty,
...A.uyv,ra, the roan who buys trouble
has no Wiek ba/m.ng of he tails to get his
chap :MD. and Mrs. D. Braund, of Exeter
North, have as thelr guest their grariel-
Overcoat , soa of ItrarfordJ ,
Snit or Crediton hockey boys put it over the
Exeter team on Thursday night on
Trousers local lce to Lila tune of. 5-tL,
gOods, TON is the off.season and dth. . centlak7.;
sbtoula eau pick out your Prntin
early and g, was 6namtrodew,itlicedth ioCbtoinaBnigniatnhde
we can do your work quickly. about 1474, in America, 1536,
Pot, wedding Presents" ,g-IVE) a pound et
batter, a dozen of eggs or a peck of
potataes--both useful and costlY.
W. vv TANI arnes Street cnurch. The subscriptions
Last Sunday was Missionary Day in
are expected to be fan advance of la4t,
Merolla -at Tailor,
Ontariomr- moved with,Cam-
. ,
Mr, and Mrs. Canna who bought Mn'.
D. Mack's ,house, are vng oi tins
ween frons TjabOrne. We welcome theni
as cftizens
,A, man nnot d'a.twd 1.1,4ngs, At a time
A woman wfl larva a steak, and see
that the coffee does not boll over, and
watch the cat that she dos hOt- steal
the remnant of meat on, the kite:11bn
table, and dress the. )ottigest rosy 4116
set the table and .sao to- the &oast, and
stir the 4oataneal and. give the orders
to the butcher and sae can da it all at
once and not half try.
The .Bro.ntforti Couters of 'Tuesday con-
tains the fo116?ving regarding an Exe-
ter Old By, Rev. Q. W. Sanders, -"The
largest corogregation during a. period of
two years attendedSt. Chun -oh
on Sunday evezfdig. The rector preach-
ed a fame Lenten sermon, based upon
the prodigal eon. Ilaa treatment of this
otherwise well warn topic was elletractlY
new and certainly unusual. The Rev.
gentleman is analung'a name or himself
as a preacher of more than ordinAry ;Tier
lL and, swthile thoroughly 'orthodoz, le
elf:neci to break away eomewhat from
the beaten track, A large confatioa
class was held at the close4 ev.errs
Mr. T. E. Handford went to Ingersol
:es',Flobbsofart', Is visiting at
thz rectory.
Mr. H. Parsons oft, London spent Sun-
day at is home,
Mr. L R, ar1g was In London on
aioaday on business.
.mr. wgnano Lucan spent ve,,
day with his parents here.
Nr„ John Snack/man returned Thursday
front a v:set in $t. Tamales and Talbot-,
W, D. Clarke accompan'ed Mrs.
Clarke and son t3 London on Thtulaz,
day last.
Mss 'Bdua Follicle was in St. ;Nittry$
last week taking part in The Temple
of Fame."' • ,
jr. Jahn Baker, after a, veeks et
here, rFeriturcian;d toles' home GTow
reY ,1a
:nrp. Zeller last week 'arrived here from
1..ond;an to J07-11 her husband, -who is em-
ployed with Mr, Frank Boyle,
Mrs, Silas Johns
eter 'waiting on her nee, Miss Mabel
ners. who es still on the sick list.
Airs N'ehols 'who' has been visiting her
:nto the residence recently 'vacated brott:er, ;Mr, Fred. 1„atxton, returned to
by 'Mrs. Snell, opptosite the Man street The following taken from the cross. her bonze Bay•Uty, Mich., Saturday.
methcadfst church. welt. MiCh., paper, has reference to tl't Mr, Ilerl*rt ol te CanadaMr.
ROW.ri Verity of Toronto Under- death of Mrs, Camm, who `recently died So?. •spent a ev,- days due,.ng the week
went An opere,tilmt New "or1e last Sat- at the home or her daughter, Mrs, wfth his brother, Rev, P. W. eOlUIIPrs
ClaANGED EACE WEI)NESDAY trelaY for stomach trouble. The opera- PleIc'hor,--"NrEi• Callun /c/-410t5n114, R Mr. and Mrs. 'W. klarroy, have
Barley, ...••••••••••...
Otlit•S• • • • .1 • • /4 • • • I, • • •
Rotatoes, per bag
Viosr, per cwt., family
TA.Qa,r, low grs.de per ow 1 00
c t'„oa was success/ ui, andt the pateent la Church when she was 14 yeare old aral been Ir'45tttrtg.' 11-er0 tittrIpg thg wtragz,
95 aSeured or 3 speedy recovery. always lived a eliristian We till the ra-juraed ttho,;4. litarne. in Harwell, Sash,
5- 60 A Denver wennan, 47 year aue, blst. She 'WSlovittig mother.
5 She to..ilay,
44 4recently b•ecarm.', a great grandmother, iwr left 56 grand cliallialren, 66 great grad anal grg, c G, pawden, who haw
00jj rand -daughter baring had a child. This 5114 `71reat-great-grarA been 113e114'1174. 131e' vil2rIter
00 115 rnag 1-41Tat-urantImptriez• was marred drell• Califoriata. left that: PlaCa last Week Vor
Itrve hogs, per cwt..
Shorts per hors
Bran per ton
Sugar Beet meal„, ... . .
is 00 .11 Tennessee when 14 years of age,In 3I.Elit'r!a-ril.
2 70 The South IsIuren Agriouitural Societ7
„ 'Mother has only sone before,
To g Wile the steps of those she loved :Mrs. Chas, Irind_.enfeld and sent Neel
10,5 Spring' Seed Showwas held at Bracariela Md viined t2t, barqw, vailted days with the former's
$1 Pa Friday last. and attracted, a very
6 55 and potatoes was a good one, and an peace to those wile weep ; durilng the wcek„
s not dead Mr. W. H. 'Trestle, atter spending the
27 00 unusual latereet was shown in the var. -031y 2:sleep.
and know our mother !
w:/iter with relatives in this aeighbor-
aa 00 itus exhibits.
no, ret -urns ttrl,s -wrcelt to his home
25 00 School te,achers would confer a favor BAND BENEFIT. -Iii aid of baying ua. n Last.14uro,
2,3 re4/:r attendaucc,, The filsway ,ot seede Now Gad obaal up awa, broken lwaruzi, sister, Mrs. 3, 3. Merner at uricla
by letting us have their reports inuned- "forms the Skating Rink has been lite- xisn Kato 1.'eals:,444. ls,:ho tap beep
,.,,, 'ately after they are .4estied, so that tired for Monday evening, Mar. 31,, for a clOg'ag0 at Perrios factow. Louttort. W55FAll.' FX1-.17t WAN -4-''''' we nEt\'‘ 1.t Ottr reedef-s knew the pro. Grand Sloting event A Burlesque Hec- compelled to return to ''ocr,' home hero
gress scholars are malting DA the ditt., key Match will take place between bach-la,at \welt tts.,,rough tlineas.s
ed znatied mail to, work 0,a, ereat schools. School reports are •al- elors and ,,ferry "w:11,ria* at 8.30. Tile MrsClarence opota, and child arrivtAd
farm _Howse furnished: YearlY en- ways welecsilie.
gat'ement. .A.PpIT to (r4"4 Mardi -wIll 'be Tiede a 813CTIal here from Brantford on WedrilesdaT c -Y•
event to take place at 9 o'clock, Shat -
3):`,. I .t....,i. CnuaroftidnaEttn, cataTetavasoronmioefriy"Rtevor. r 411,0n:ties 4.taollele0:3ta .4; ft;111 Ix d ,.,,,,, cathg to vhsit the former%) Parente. ,Yirt,
5bLlau;ucrrnt (disa:,zte) Herald.staft, has\ve iv,azlhe;larti:tiod la, na tci,,encourageapee or et the band.
3d1C1:08m:io: ll'ece:SeellhroYatbstcsdrg'1; .i°1:;re::1;1:19,,c41-; t'll..118,1•14RIeSscle41:1011;-1.4, '.:4•?witii-offIS.:clteelitil. v"1":":.
n tsars, having purchased the Wey-
may he never Bel (be bottom ot 11;13,flour tbae‘kvalet:s'a:tv7a:c: teu-dni:'"nis' Rnleniter reamtnr:ce'n;P•r'11:4:Wutniets*, %.;71itareel:orlli:
abundant success tZ1 his venture, and the date March lltia, at 8 pan. Season atruetor at 13ellevIlle' le" /aelt "Fr14"
barrel er higi 'lasses jug run dry. n P—.., well qunlfged for the duties he 4Ilder-
Bev. Adam I. Snyder or St. George ATTEMPT TO 'WORK THE "SPANISH takvs and '''31 do c."1" 1'3 the /1°8111°n'
W. r),1 SANDERS,
MARRIAGE LICENSE. -Get your mar-
riage ricettee at the Advocate Office.
Now 1 912 Spring Shirts h ave
just arrived. They are right up
to date. Big range of patterns
at $1.00, 51 .52, 1.54:I.-Stew-
Rural eorrespondente will kindly let
us know when they need mote ',staa
legionary. Mit is is the time of th'eayear
when people rave time to read. and wI
appreceate all the news from your
New Wall "Papers. The Sea-
son's 'newest Patterns. We
have papers suitable for any
room in your home. Prices
range from Sc. to 30c. a roll
Marriage Licenses issued at the Adv -
este Office, Exeter.
Lace Curtains, Bungalow nets
ltila,dras, Plainand colored
Screins, Cretonnes and Art
Sateens. We are now ready
to supply your needs -Stew-
"SELLS LOST -On Huron Street a
string- of bells. Finder will be suit-
ably rewarded by leaving same at this
SALE. -A House and Lot for sale
or rent; also good reaper, hay fork
ropes. fence wire stretcher, plow, light
wagon and a. few -other small articles
Linoleums. The new Pat-
terns ofthis ever popular floor
covering are here. We sell
Materna. They are the best. -
You can get clubbing rates on all
the leading newspapers and magazines
by orderise-, at the Advocate office.
PIANO FOR. SALE -A first-class'
pano for sale at a bargain --Berlin man-
ufacture Apply at this office. ,
Wanted, at once, a nurse maid to go
to Coibalt-ca.re of one •baby. No house-
work. Goad -home. Wages $15 per
month at f;rst, and if satisfactory $20
a month. Apply to MRS. W. H. COL-
LINS, Erreter,
Wilt thou. take her for thy, pard' for
better .;or for worse ;to have to hold., to
foudly guard, till: hauled Off in the
tearse. Writ thou let her have her Way,
consult her many wishes,' make the Tire
up every day, and ''help her with -lthe
dishes? Wilt thou give her -all the stuff
deer little puree- k b.
rickey boa and rntuff, 'alittle Seal skin--
sacq.ue? theu toailEort and support
her father, mother, Aunt Jerriirna, Uncle
John, thirteen Sisters acid a -rIbrother?
and' his face grew a11 and blank, -11
was to late :to .31t a through the
chapel Boor he sank he aa dly said "1
it,"• ,
Delavrae, Ladkawarata
and-Worstern Coal
e besthard coal mined.
, •
'-.*Thite ash.
tly re -
ar. old class mate of Dev. R. Hobbs, PitISONED" GAME.
occupd. the James Street pulpit on
Every once n a whilone hears of an
Sunday, and preached very interesting attempt
to work the 'Spanish Prisoner"
and ;Instructive sermons, His mannMDi
er, game. r. 'James gno.n. last :week Te.,
of 51)50511 and of presentation Of his ceiyed
subject matter vme unusual and logltlY the customary letter and the
Pleasing to the large congregation. printad article. ho printed article, ar•
angel so as to appear as though a
cupping from a newspaper, contains a
The cntertairunent given in the James supposed account of the arrest of an
street Method:et church on Monday night absconding Ruseian banker in England
last by the London Male Quartette, Miss for the theft 01 the money, only $4130. -
Edna L, Smith, and Mr. R. Phillips, was 0.0,0, and or the murder of a man in
greeted with a largo patronage. A pro- Spain, to which place he is about to, be
grant consisting of seventeen numbers sent for trial. The letter states that
having heard of, the honesty et the per-
son to whom the letter is addressed, he
asks him to advance the amount of mon-
ey necessary to cover expenses of his
trLal, the re -ward to be, the third part of
the fortune, that es, $100,000. The
reply is to be 'sent Ita an address , in
oge ter with several encores, was ren-
dered, and many of the numbers were
much, appreciated. The pl.ano solos -by
!gr. Phillips were admirably rendered
and were highly pleasing to all in at-
---,-.z -
A junior hockey team drove to Hen- SPaln.
time the score stood 1-0, 15 favor of and Is well-known as such, :3, hat'
a fraud
sail on Monday evening to play a game Of course, the whole thing is
with the team of that place* At half
Exeter. At this juncture 1-lensall want-
ed to substitute two fast senior anon
for ,,twlo of their weak chaps. This, of
course, the visitors would not stand for
and the game came to an end.: There is
no comment needed, and th.ere is only
one conclusion to be drawn. If that is
a sample of the sportsmanship of Hen -
salt hockey club the quicker the -y quit
the a,Tric.: the bettor.
Died in the West -Word was received
here last week that Mrs. Walter Whyte
had passed away at her home in Hernia -
on Sunday afternporeafter a Lingering
illness of five pr six months, Mrsi
Whyte was a daughter of ,the late WM.
Sillery, of Hibbert, and was twice Than,
:ed. Her fa'rst husband was the late Mr.
F. ackell, of Staffa, by Whard she left
three children all grown ,,up. She also(
leaves a sorrow:husband, two broth-
ers, Robert Sillery of Exeter, and Rich-
ard, of Hibbert, and seven sisters, Mrs.
R. Sadler, Mrs; W. Sadler and Mrs. 3.
Livingstone of Stolle: Mt -s. D. Hill, of
Hibbert and Mrs. 10d4 of Winnipeg. De-
ceased was 52 years of age and was
a very htghly respected resident of
Staffa, for years, where the news, of her
death was received with sorrow by all:
-An exchange says, -A man whce was
too economical to stibscribe Tor a paper'
sent his little bay to borrow: the copy
taken by his 'neighbor. In his . haste
the bay ran over a $4 stand of bees
and ten minutes he looked like a
vrarty summer squash. 1115 father ran
to ,frira assistance, and failing to notice
a barbed wllre 'fence, 'Tan, into that, mit-
t:rig a handful of flesh from; his an-
atomy and ruining- a four dollar pair
of pants. The old cow took advantage or
the gap in the fence and, got into the corn
field and killed herself eating green
corn. Hear.ng a racket, the. wife ran out
upset a four -gallon churn 1 ull ef • I
cream. ento a basket of little {thickens,
drowning the entire hatch. In her haste
she dropped a $25 set 'of false teeth.
The baby having been 'left alone, crawl-
ed through the spigled milk and into the
Parlor, ruining a brand new $20 car-
pet. During the excitement the eldest
daughter ran away vrala the hired man,
the dog bsoke up eleven setting hens
and the calves got out and chewed the
tails °int four fine shirts oh the cloth.
es line. (Now Is the time to subscribe.)
DIED. -Word Was received here last.
• , ' ,
week ,of the - death in ,Winnipeg 'of a for-..
rner resident- of Exeteri'Mr.lehn Ranton,
Who with hisr.brather Ranton
of :-Thantiford, Conducted' a general stare
business here about
ao ,*0....•114n411; s400940,4040.ll
has. -.en eurly brdod dr,"-0110K41).4.;;:•TWO';'
weeks ago 15 was
a----burieh' Of fine
,7 •
there is little danger of anyone being
taken In on thn game., Although there
must be some dupes or the game would
not be carried on 'so long.
A circular letter from, the Departnient
or Education 15 in part as follows -
"About 1100 legally qualified public
school teachers will graduate from the
Normal Schools and Faculties of Edu-
cation at the endof the current sessions
Of these about 200 are holding second
class certificates, with at least one
Years exPerience, v411 be available im.4
mediately after Easter. The remaining
000, holding first and second class
certificates, will be available after mid-
summer. All of the 1100 have pledged
to teach in Ontario' for at least the first
yeas of their teaching experience and
under the regulations axe entled to a
preference over teachers with lower qual-
Miss Winnie Huston has gone to Ham
iJton to resume her situation as mil-
liner. •
Tale fonitly Val IC,IVC, axis 'Melt for that
lace where thgy Welt Jltalte• their future
home. The best wishes of their frfea.eis
here acccunpany thern.
Thu undersigned its offering MPT dc-
sirablo village property in Exeter, sit-
aated on Math Street, south of ITurson,
for sale. Those is on the premises 5.
fine lariat hoUse and. ldtchen, with frame
wood shed, brick stable, a number of
applo trees, hard and soft water, and
other convenIonces.
Apply to E.' MILL, Exeter
or JOHN KNIGHT. Exeter depot
Bus, Dray and
Teaming Busines
Your orders in our line will be
attended to quickly and satisfac-
torily. We are here to please the
public needing anything in our
line, and we ask a trial from you.
Orders left by phone Or other-
ICE, PHONE 25, will receive
prompt attention.
T. G. Creech
One of Eastern Ontar:o's High
.plass and popular Business Sch.-
ols which keeps open through -i
out the year. Young people mayl
enter any and comPleta
there course without interruption,
of midsummer holidays. You
may study all at horns or partlyi
at home and finish a.t the Coll-.
Mr, Richard „Tennison of Parkhill was ege. Thirty N'ear's Experiences
a pleasant caller at the Advocate office Largest Trainers in 'Canada. Af-
Monday. .fillated with the Commercial
Miss Addie IlforlOck arid Miss Velma ucator's Associa.tion of Canada.:
Easterbro•ok, anfilineat, have returned Write for pasticulars.1
from the openihgs, Cinton Business ColleCe
Mr. Billy Russell and Mr. George Se- GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD
cord pi Stratford are visiting friends President PriliCiPr4
In and around Exeter. 6111111k.
rriportant Facts
For Careful Shoppers
30 dozen pieces of China to be given free with our Drug Pre-
iaaratious this nictetli.
300 dozen clothes pins orirsale next Saturday at 50 for 5c,
(Coronation Souvenir below cost -to clear)
20 dozen Small China Plates (Saturday) 75c. a dos,
20 dozen Cups and Saucers (Saturday) $1.00 a doz.
10 dozen Tea Plates (Saturday) $1.25 a doz.
1 dozen Salad Iilowis (Saturday) 40c. a doz.
New stock, St, Patticks, Comic and Birthday cards in this week,
13 views of Exeter too, Full stock of Edison and Victor JE'liono-
graphs etc now -in. One price to all.
Step in and look around
Jewellery Trade
Yell Will be surprised and delighted to see the great variety
and excellence of our stock of
Watohos, ame1117,
alsonrarel SilvervrarN
and Ohinaware.
It is impossible to db better anywhere than we can do for
you, We ask you only to vis our store ad, sefor yourselTes,
A. IVIarehand, Exeter
Jeweller & Optioiart.
Furniture Dealers
Our Lines of Furniture
are beyond a doubt the finest ever shown in Exeter. All
we ask is that you call and examine the stock, which is most
coxuplete—parlor suites, bedroom suites, couches. rockers; in
fact, everything in our line.
The Leatlinc Rome hers and Funeral Directors,
NENO. 52
Ladies SpringC oats
Suits and Skirts
We are paying particular attention to our Ready--
to-wear Department this year and have a beautiful
range of garments to show you. They are bought from
the largest fashion centres and are right up to the
Ladies Spring Coals
They are very classy
for this season with the
large shawl Collars and
a pointed or square sail.
or back. Nice Serge or
Panama Cloths in Fawn,
Tan, Whipcord, Navy
and Black.
" Misses & Girls Coats
In colors of Grey, Red
'and Navy trimmed with
Red. They are real
nifty for the Girls and
are sure to please you.
They are real swell with the
short 24 inch jacket and New
Collars, Grey. Brown or Navy
are the leading colors and we are
showing some nice Ones, See
Beautiful Black Vohs with Braid
'ling or fringe. Grey Tweeds, Navy
or Black. Panamas. Every skirt
tailor made. '
$1. Yard Wide Silk , $1.
The best yard wide Paillette or Taffeta Silk on the
market. We are selling a lot for Dressesand Coats.
Good 2 .yd wide hesivy bleached
she tfilg.: 0,111Y 3 pieces to sell
25c. per yard.
In Catrami, White, Ecru, and
ored Real dainty for all'
of Curtains Iron), 15c, to
per yard.
From $1 tel $5 each, Black ..Sat-
in, lilaek and colored Regal Taf-
feta and goled Black silk.
kinds From 50c. to $0. per pair.
the New Patterns In White ores44).,
Efeadquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing
• .