Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-7, Page 7)fIL WEARY SMILE
'1y,piuen are Themselves to Blame
for Much of Their Suffering,
Women are weak, yet under a
mile they will
sm'try to hide pain and
suffering that any mala could not
bear patiently, If women would
'only remember that their frequent
failures of health arise from feeble
or impure blood their lives would
be smooth and they would longer
retain theirnatural charm.
When the' Blood fails then begin
those dragging backaches and
headaches; unrefreshing sleep thae
cause. s dark lines under the eyes;
dizzieeee; fits of depression?; pal?D'''.
tation or rapid fluttering . of the
Heart; hot rashes and indigestion,
Then: the cheeks grow pale, the
eyes dull and the complexion blem-
'4'4' uncal slivuld know that much
of this suffering is needless and earl
be promptly romedied, Purify and
enrich the bloedxthrough the use of
D. Williams' fink Pills sand ,eah
st fferieg will vanish, Thousands
of women knew that Dr, -Williams'
Purl Pills hew, brightened their
Jives by Mak-341 ' the new, good
blared of health, ar-d 50 toaddrag up
all the vital organ�ay into healthy,
vagar'ottS aaetitan. Wee is ea in-
stance from ?nnong the many, hiss
Cora Cornell, St, Catharines,
Ont„ says "Ever.' einee the age of
fourteen I have suffered terribly
with pain in my back, and severe
Incatdaches, I was also much- troll -
with indigestrol And had . to
be e ctremely tearefalt as to ray diet
1 arzitl
dimes did not feel liken
eating at ail, Scene two years ago
the headaches ]aeeeme so bad that
I had, to give+ up my position, ml3ieh
teas clerking ID a atore, where, of
!eurse I was eons;tanCl OR MY
i fcctt: I teak .a. J 91tiQHa; 1n an et-
-hem coui''°cl be seated most
of Clan time, but even theca ;f a ult-
ferod terribly !nest ;et the time. As
e eclieiue I had: bean tel:ing
snot help me I finally deoided to try
aim;a �" zsk Pills. I got a
at $R 1 e :and Soon feat the: • were
eel p iaig me ,and 1 eontinued taking
klxea pills for saavoral months 111ni.l. 1
Telt Iaerfectly well. Althoughmy
eioeto advised me not to go back
to Cal;}* old .position, I decided to del'
so, and have not felt any fIl effect.
, I xiever have backache now, sill
cions a headache, and all traces of
the :indigestion have disappeared.
1 earknnot speak too highly of Dr.
Williams' Viuk Pills and I hapax
thiel letter will help s4am11eon0 who
aaaffors as I used to,"
Sold by all medicine dealers or
by maaai. at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2,a0 from The Dr, Wil-
liams' Ledieino Co., Brockville,
Olt t.
Edith—Whom are you writing to.,
clear "i
Ethel—Jaack's written to me that
hie girl
hasthrown own hi
m overboard,
so I'm dropping him a lino.
Uaaless worms bo expelled from
the system, no child can be healthy.
Mother Graves' Worm Extermina-
tor' is the best 'medicine extant to
destroy worms.
"Have you finished your shop -
pin tour with your -wife V'
, ` the shopping has finished
I4lnard'a Liniment tor sate everywhere.
"Do you a]ways do as your "mo-
ther tells you'll" asked the visitor.
"Yes," answered the five-year-old,
"and so does papa 1."
A v
Tr t}
of Cuticura Soap
to Skin
if you, or someone dear to
you, are suffering the itch-
ing, burning, sleep, -destroy-
ing torments of eczema or
other cruel skin eruption, .
with its ' embarrassing, un-
sightly disfigurement; if you
have tried all manner of
treatment, no hatter how
harsh, to no avail, and have
all but given up hope of
cure, write to -day for; a lib-
eral sample of C>,iticura Soap
and Ointment. Thousands
of skin -tortured sufferers,
from infancy to age, have
found that the first warm
bath. with . Cuticura Soap;
and gentle application of
Cuticura Ointment bring
instant relief,- permit , rest`
and sleep, and .prove the
first steps in a speedy and
successful treatment. Ad-
ress "Cuticlxx
1 � Boston'
Some indignation has been, ex-
pressed iD Great Britain at the
sentence of three -and -a -half years'
detention 'in a, German fortress
which was passed upon Mr. Bert-
rand Stewart, a London solicitor,
at Leipzig; on February 3, after as
four days' trial before the Supreme
Qourt of the German Empi