Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-7, Page 6Vie offer, on: behalf of the owners $250,000 7% Cumuiative Preference Stook • THE ARENA GARDENS OE TORONTO, TE tat soI,nn share of $1,00.00, with bonus of 40% of par value. in Campeau ' Shares, App kation Lists opeeed at the offices of the' undersigned on.Tuceday. iareh 5th, and: will elese not later than threat o"eloo]i• ou ':iueeday., ?`arch lath- The right £s reserved t(z allot only such anplicatione and. for such amounts as May be approved, e,nd to close the aknlieat;on list„ without notice, sidd;tioeal application forms 'trill be eutrplied on request by the undersitened- ELLATT & 11.31 TT Members. Toronto tool; E.echaege, Trader*, Bank, Building. Toronto, THE W OWN TRUST COMPANY, 86 \acrbfae Daatreaa,tno 54reot,.. eery Branch of 14.,4, BAN'QUF. INTERNATI(IlesaLE DU CANADA., Head Office,, MONTMEla 0 ped on Monday, March 4th, and WIII Glove on or Refer* 344 P.m. on Monday, .March ffth, ISIr Wo Own and iD G1", subleet to prior sale, at Oft and Aecrucd Interes$ $1 250 000 .First Mortgage $% GuZdd. Road 2 of the. ons Costruotion Co.y Ltd. ltttoorlJOratezi under the Laws of the aloznintoft of Canada,) BOND ISSUE Authorised:, Issued. 6% Ronde.-- ,. ;61,254,644 3f,2.9,C6a corms tad Pett., 1st, 1812 Due Feb, 1st, x632, ao nebee,, l3avtnts and 'bast Company,'S Montreal, February ret and August tat, DENO1LI , ,TION'8: $1000, $500 and '4100 Fazll uart3caltars �conceraaln the Cod any, ,,as also copies of the Cor,apany's. Briancial statarf(eut, the appraisals Mud, estate report)", will be faund to full in flee rospeetus. copies of which, along with additional application forma, may bbtnek e �c 8 In the undersigned and all members, .of the ! ontreax and Toronto gr BEC SAVING, ,4 TRUST CQ1lII'..\Tr5 Notre :Game strleet, W , ant, f'lantrt:a TUE L$E '$ 'BANK, NONTRIAL, OR ANY OF ITS $RAF3Cll S. t;, GREENSHIELDS •COMM t F, ,'+lembera tilontreal stook t;,xctiat10si SACF,AMENT STN ET, MONTREAL, CRY SETTLE MAKIYG SAFE INVESTMENTS PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS uses 'PREFERRED" AND COMMON STOCKS DIFFER, A Very important Medium of Investment —Comes Ahead of Common as Regards Assets' and Dividends—usually No Vot- ing Power--Onty an Ettulty, However, Net as nigh Class investment as Bonds —Classes of Preferred Shares: The articles contributed by "Investor.' are for the sole Purpose of geidiaig pros- pective investors, and. if possible, of sav- ing them from: losing money through Piecing it an. "wild -cat"" eeterprises. The impartial and reliable character, of the information may be relied upon. The writer af° these articles and the pgtblisher of this paper have ne interests, to servo in connection with this matter other than diose of the reader. �., (Ay "Tureator. ") To the uninitiated the distinction be. Owen shares and bonds ;is coifused by a Minority of terms, In ,l?ugland the term stock:' refers to what we knots as "de. hentures" or '^bonds "—usnaily those is, sued by a municipality or government, although there are several unimpiortar Pointe of difference. Time teras "ettek' here usually refers to what the Epulis anal "shares"—whieh term has been super, ceeded in the States, and to a large ex• teat here, by the former. Then, to add to the confusion. there is a security known as debenture stock, and there are other rue more calculated to confuse than cidato, Last weelt. the expression, "'i2refer ck: " was uses!,',; 'Tats is a :f urity 'which cannot be .Dossed over i of investments. While "ordinary:" or "row,' nS been Jsnewa to fi- ar "preference." iv/Ay recent toren- of rye They !tad. no property �xau merlgta„ at sand 16titte dreesest outman stoelt capi, `4"7 tow/, ergo and selling ;zt ?make ,lt w(artli avltt0et abo dEPORIS FROM TJU Ia>o A DING TRADE E CENTRES OF AMERICA, Prices of trattie, srailx, Chhee.5e arid Other produce ztt Uwe And Abroad. BREADSTUFFS, Toronto, Mar. 5„—Fleur—Winter wheat, 90 per cent, patents, $3,80 to $3.85, as sea- board, and at $3,90 to 94 for home coat, sumption, Macaitoba timers—First patents, $5,50; second patents, 95, and strong bah - era', '54.80. on track. Toronto. Manitoba wheat—No; 1 Northern, $1,,' 13, Bay ports; No, e Northern at $$1.10,, and No, 3 at $1,05, lay ports, Feed: wheat, all -rail. 74 t, -2e, °Atario wheat—No, 2 White, red and mired., 95 to 95e, outside, 1.'eee—Good shipping peas. 51-20 to 25, outside. Qate-.,ear tete of No. 2 Ontario, 45 to Sher, and of No. 3 at 43 to 44e, outside. "o, 2, 48 to 49c. on track, Toronto- loll, W, 0, feed. 491-2e, .and No. 1. 31-2e, Bay ports. rleye-4$ Ilia. at 95 to 05e,, outside, Corn—ado. 3 American yellow, 71 1-2o, To' aght, re i?o, 2 at $1.05 to $1,06. outside. Buckwheat 70 to 71; nlztaide, n•, -Manitoba bran, 925, in '.bags. To onto freight, Shorts, 525,50 to $27, tTI NTi tr Apples .I3 'to $4 Iter barrel, Means Small linea of hand -Fiche o $240 per lataslzel, Itoltey^a°I.xtracted, in tins. lr. Combs, 5240 to $2.75, Haled Vey^ -No, 1 at 9t5,52 to $16.59, on track, and No, 2 at 912,50 4o .15.50, Bated Straw -910 an track, Toronto, Fotetoes -Gar lots, in bags. 91.65. and llelusrrarns at SI;I . Out-eNtare, 91.26 t FOR A I SOAR, SOFTENING WATER, REMOVING PAI N DISINFECTING-SINKS. CLOSETS, DRAINS, ETC. SOLD V gfiX w -tEiai Ftuuse 5VB TITIJTES TROOPS MUTINY �I ri i Experiences in. 'e i .-- : ission- r` rIes Holdina. Out in Compounds 4espatc;h from Pekin $ati`a; Itat?nv of Yuan Shi Kai's soldiers in Pekin at 8 o'clock 9n. Thursday night, Many of the, na- tive's have been killed or wounded,' but so far as is l:t o`vn an foreign - axe ;}axe. The Legation Quarter rowded, but the missil?]1aries are JI in, forth in their QWt-I* cow - minds. When the outbreak 9C - red it was estimated that x,004 soldiers took part, but since then the mutineers have been augmented' by large number's of the police, coolies and loafers. The Legations know i o reason for the utbmak. toresxed haat )..`flan. hhipinie74:evole:s began tlio trouble l that be intended Pe le nrtees w ala, 12 tsl 15 geese. '13 tsa 15e; dues, A. 28 to t 1c. 74ive poultry, ef? titans the above. � e i uey Announced Tens o Dominion Government's Order ii^:tzla�c Whitney announced a he results of an ,or- the ,Dominion GioV- ernirltnt, giving the Province .run- faille°..rights through her sister Prov. inti,, and certain parcels of tax- free land on the Nelson River and alone the Hudson Bay itself, Sir James Whitney briefs explained lained y l� the Federal order before reading .its text. Approach to Hudson Bay is grained by a. five -mile stripof landrunnin Prem the $ proposed new boundary of Manitoba to the Nel- son River, and terminating in a 1 half -mile strip of land along the eastern shore of the Nelson .Biter and the Hudson Bay. Provision is hereby made for railway terminals, docks, and elevators; but the tent of these strips along the river and bay must not be greater than ten miles, Access is thus given to Hudson ttar the Temisl,;a.mirr illern Ontario Railway ,• alai 004 this railway desire to extenf) terminal facilities: to For irchill, an additional right Elf, EGOS, C1LEESF, r, in wrasapera, and /uteri(' ed ant 3 for solids. pe This security. llit(s eo n nqulty coralaR after, the bonds, but It preferred as to assets caul dividends," hernfazle comes ahead of the nom inx othea slags of stock. Gen , preferred steak carries lad, which, in the amajorll s does not vary much front 7 pc cent, (seldom higher, but In litany ens es lower). , s A rule, however, preferred shams iso not --as do the Common shares of n, eompany--carry any, voting power. That is, the preferred shareholders has'o no vote for dircetors, and therefore, zfe sae in the menaipenent, or in '.shaping the policies of the company. When this class of stock was invented a took rapid bold, and now almost every joint stork company has for convenience of financing a certain part of its capital in the foruz O Mt.Cal. ital for ranking. The tse die8's arta etely where 1ootmg.. .from llclue to Mouse. They have not lipared even the foreign red. sett 9 Rhin one :block of the Le- er. s' froiflt tale Fcarbiddt2Dt City GfiltliUg off tlfe, GlailAes�t For. clef! Board, whore Illaan ren Bidets, t�lte #ilatfuea reaching within, halt a mile of the Legations, The quarters occupied by t110 Nanking delegates who came here to notify Prt";ll1OF Yllstn Of his election as J, rebident have been envelopecd in flames. Much reckless shooting has: cu ed, and elle shell which fell:` compound of,th0 American ion, tore through .a tent of e of fain soldiers of the recently- attved cede#o raexuvnts, but diel not lllcdo, Refugees at the American gallon had thrilling eNperieuces reversed ersed the street* in Cleuese troops were en- leo l R S t 1 i z . The Bald s did � dt' pt to interfere with them, was great danger from !lets and fire brands, which l hed in• all directions. rad Mrs. Straight, saved lie and valuables, but r ichla .turnisht d house, even over to the loots, to 38e for colla, • llz, Eggs—Vase lots y dozen. r Cheer.,a and twi tvay X00 feet in width front Nelson "ivelr to the nearest available point, x the Hudson Bay Railway is d. anted. The T. and N, 0. would then be granted r d a t tlaaplalg ,rights .,tio Fort Churchill for the remaining distance over the Hudson Bay lin' by the Dominion authorities. The strip from the boundary to the Nielson River will be transfer-' red to Ontario either by grant or by statute upon the Provincial p n Government making known the lo- cation preferred, providing that lo- cation is not more than fifty miles from the shore of Hudson Bay at any point. 1!'or the selection of these lands Ontario is allowed a period of five years. 0 MAP SHOWING BOUNDARY SETTLEMENT fT CUURCHILL LVArc 'MILEF.ROh7� 1 HUD O N. • 47ILEWIDE -- BAY HoN. ED VAR1) BLARE DEAD. Ontario Loses a . Distinguished tive-Bor11 Son. t tToronto .l 1.s3 espatc_1 tram �m �.oroxrt-a t>a,y..s, Hol. Edward Blake, ZC.G•; died at his Borne. i49 Jarvis :street, shortly before 7 o'clock on Friday :night ' after a lingering 711ness. About two weeks ,ago Mr, :Blake's On i1t7. �. { on tcolc a change�• for the llaient that, the enc! was -, n�ea1 �` Goldie, who- ' was in 'attendance, F the summoned ti_„ 1 o n'1eticers: of ifamily;,te, the bedside of the db corse.' He sank rapidly, and Fri- day afternoon it raceme as h talie{2 Canadian Mr.. ,ac,. sG coinsciousne s about' :half an f of preference stook. This class of steels has now became a favorite toren of business mor,'s laivest- ment, Involving, as it does, no premise. to return its face. value at any 'time, and with its dividends depending' tvlyolly on! the ability of the company to caro .� them, preferred stock cannot, as a class, rank as high an investment as would a bond; but 'there is always more chance of an advance in price, just as there is more chance of a break. However, preferred shares cover quite a variety of classes of themselves, and so the above description can be taken only as a very general outline of the whole. Por example, the dividend on preferred shares does, of conrse.'depend upon earn- ings, and in the case of the usual class of preferred shares, if the dividend is not paid that is an end of the matter until the company again gets into a po- sition to Day a return to the preferred shareheld2rs. Such shares merely involve a promise—if they are say 7 per cent preferred shares—to pay seven per cent. on the preferred before anything can be paid on the common. Where the shares, however, are "cumulative," it means that not only are they preferred, but that if the dividend is not paid in any one' year it is still due the shareholder, and if, 'as in the case of Dominion Steel cumulative preferred shares, the dividend were not paid for six years, there is a small mat- ter of 42 Der cent. of accumulated divi- dends coining to the preferred share- holders before anything could be paid on the common. This feature, while most pleasing to the preferred shareholders of the. Dominion Steel Company, meant that: until the $42 a share was "forked out" to them the nommen shareholders would receive nothing. And they had no chance of receiving anything until not only was thio 542 paid, but the $7 for the year then current was earned, as well as hour before death. As he breatieeel sufficient for. any small dividend—it has his last he' was surrounded by.his ibeir.n hut 4 Bier sent. so far in thecein- wife, Mr, Ifti.tne Blake, K. a see, Pavy s history—which they plight receive. Mrs. (Pt'of.)"G. M. N ong, a (laugh= Sc the eumulative Feature is a very lin- ter, and Dr. Goldie. .2'Ir. Sarnuel portant consideration for the prosper, Blake, another son, is at p pre -Sent itt, five investor in Preferred � i shares,:: but England,- i e I and was � .� 'LS ,.dv_s,ed of h, should be I . � colt<td at- askance by anyone' fatli,3r`t's•decease hy'?cable.' considering 'the common stock of suck a company unless they are prepared' td- h tale ,,har;ees. 1l abash semena1.i:atla have N're ,rill ter feature `> i '1 eq -;l;{ s of est.I'erred- been placed on ` an _,�t�t�� .�. with _, ere .:'- �,taken ,: - - � se ay..L be ia�cn up try tar esi.ar': G.P:;� ireine.l 1c, tzlding ray an l } ., I has l_ 7.tc. C.N.I'. l_as , sold b lac.,; o" The , e _)t11,-,10 Good P�rads is5o�' • .. `.1a land behind tale mountain tion d cidee 1 at 14fo e 1 to a_•1�-'�U:UOU,COU t_ �' o.m real to �:, ra�str:,rn s n{liertte +' the Dominion Oovernnaent�for road for three an 1ripn la1Iwt�:. improvement. . The, TFi:1tl..an;, �.G'LOIlc ,. IJ1l�Bra1 n1 em The 1.eport of Lhe t�7za e ,ra 1 .taste. of u£ i;lte; 1<<aniroc�ba, 3 c g i.:lu%11re ails a _ . c., i y i S {. 11 e, f,ion lt.l ✓ � S. G Cl Lila, )' 7 , t i c Pro S1 h d ce r , r, Satf;er< ? � , �� zte elle c t c s,;irltl el the �S�c,st; in s from 1e lc of #cache s, rp t ch .in the House. laid,. 36o ft. quoted at 163.4 to 17e, to 171-4e per lb, 1800 PRODUCTS. 33tzoou--..I,ong clear, 11.'1.2 to 11;3.4o per 1i. In c1Bz loin. hark -chart oazt, 52..50• clo., mess, 19.50 to 590. Banns- afedlum to l9ght, 16 to 161.2; heavy, 14 to 141.23; rolls, 103.4 to lie; breakfast bacon, 16 to 17o; backs, 19 to 200, Lard—Ticrces, :12o; tube. 121,40; palls. 12 1-2e. BUM/NESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal. alar. S.--Opts--Canadian Western, No. 2, 53 to 531.2; do., No, 3, 51 to 511.•2e; extra 1` To, 1 feed, 52 to 521.20„ No. 2 local white, 301.2 to 51c; No. 3 do„ 491-2 to 50o; No. 3 do., 481.2 to 49o. leyMalting, 91.05 to 91.10. ;Buckwheat, Mo. 2, 72 to 73c. ]!`lour 3faattoba spring whoat patents, firsts, 95,60; do., seconds. 55.10; 'strong bakers", 94.50; 'Winter pat- ents, Choice, $5:10 to 95.35; straight roll- ers, $4.65 to $4.75; do„ bags, 52,15 to 92.- 25. Rolled oats—Barrels. 55.05; bags, 92 lbs., $2.40. Bran—$24 to $25; shorts, 526 to $27; middlings, 528; mouillie, 930 to 534. Hay -No. 2, per ton, car lots, 915 to 915.50. Cheese—F.lnest Westerns, 151-4 to 151-2c; finest Easterns, 14'12 to 15o. But: ter—Choicest creamery, 33 to 34c; seconds, 321-2 to 330. Begs fresh, 38 to 40o. Po- tatoes—Per bag, car lots, 51.70 to $1.80. UNITED STATES IIARI{ETS. Minneapolis, Mar.. 5, - Wheat—May, 51.06 3-4 to $1.06 7-8; July, $1.08; No. 1 hard, 81.07 7-8; No. 1 Northern, $1.067.8 to $1.- 07 3.8; 1.073.8; . No. 2 Northern, $1,04 7-8 to 51,05 3.8; No. 3 wheat, 51.03. Corn—No.' 3 yellow, 62 to 63c. Oats—No. 3 white, 49 to 491.2c. Rye—No, 2, 86 1-2c. Bran—$25 to 925.50. Flour—First patents, 55 to 55.30; da,' sec- onds, 94.65 to 54.90; first clears, 53.40 to 53.75; do., seconds, 92.30 to 53.70. • Buffalo, Mar. 5.—Spring wheat—No. 1 Northern, carloads, store, $1.16; Winter, THIS is a NOME DYE :files Amy NE can use 2 red, 91;01; 1\at, 3 reit, 99e. te. 51. Corn—No, 3 yellow, G9o; 1e, 4 ow, 671.2e, All on freak, Giarxnu*b.' Oats ---No. 2 white, 563.40; No. 3 t-4 No, 4 White, 5+511•4e, Barley !ting. 91,20 to SIX. LffiE Ifottr0 a1 5 Dut acor ' cattle,'tt1eTOOK sATK.£9. Ctt i 0 00 7 to do„ mcdinzu, 55.50. to $6.50; do.. comuaou, 94,50 to 55; bntchers' cattle, choice cows, 95.50 to 9545; do., medium. 93.25 to 25; do„ bulla, 93,75 to 95; milkers, calcite, each, 975 to 980; do., eom. and medium, each, 950 to 965; Springers, 530 to 945, Sheep—Ewes. 94,75 to 55; bucks and culls, 94 to 94,52 lambs, 46.75 to 57. Bogs--1!',o,b„ 98 to 98.25. Calves --$3 to 510. Toronto, Mar.. S.—Fairly good butaher- ing steers and heifers °housed hands at from 96 to 56,50 tier hundred pounds, tvhiio common to .mcdlum loads sold at was coffee poisoned, "So I began fo drink 1,, Postlun, and gained 13 pounds in the first few weeks and am still gaining, but not so fade as of first. My head- aches began to leave, me after I had used Postum, about two weeks --Long enough, 1 expect, to get the raffee poiAon out of my system, "Now that a. few months have passed since I began to trio Pos- ttiln, I can gladly say that I never know what t neuralgic headache is like any more, and it was. nothing but Posture that relieved me. "Before I used Postum I never went out alone ; I would get bewil- dered and would not know which way to turn. Now I go atone anti" My head is as 7le:_r__as_..a_bell. My i` sin and nervre Stronger than they `have beenfyears» Name . given by Canan Postum Co., Windsor, Ont.' `•There's a rn," and it is ex- plained in thele book, "The Road to Wellv" in pkgs. Ever read the aletter? A hew one appears from timtime. They are genuine, true, and of human interest- . w "ltlr;ll�t \`*DO+( `i"tllt, it'k ie llistttvec Who W Doing the liisehief, A lady tells of n bad -arse of .of.. foo ;,poisoning (Tea is equally loran, ul,: because it contains caffeine— the same drug found in., coffee) and tells' it in a, way so silnplo and htforwnurd that literary skill OUId not improve it. all had neuralgic headaches fol •ears,,' she says, "and have suf- fer untold agony. When I first began to have them 1 weighed 1.15 pounds, but they brought me down to 110, "I wte11t UP Many doctors and they gave me only temporary relief. So I suffered on, till ono qday, a 'wo- man doctor advised me to drink Postum. She said S looked like I from 95,25 to 55.90. Choice butchering cows Bold at from 95 to 55.50 per hundred- weight; good Cows at from 94 to 54.75, and common at from 93 to 94. Canners were 52 to $2.75. American yearling sheep sold at 9750 per hundred pounds, On -tario yearlings were steady at. $7 to 97.50 for Choice, and at .from 96 to 56.75 for culls. Sheep, ewes, sold at. from: 54 to 55, and bucks and calls at from 93 to 94. Veal calves changed brands at from $4 to $8.50. Dive hogs ranged from 98.00 to 87 per hundredweight for selects, fed and watered at the markets, and 16.60 to 56.. 70 per hundredweight f.o.b. Gars at coun- try points. INFLUENZA IN ENGLAND. Queen-llIother, Princess Royal and Princess Louise Victims. A despatch from London says: Many, thousands of persons in Lon- don are victims of influenza, among the latest sufferers being Queen Alexandra, Princess Victoria, and Princess Louise, all of whom were prevented by the disease from at- tending the funeral services of the Duke of Fife, whose body was placed temporarily in the Royal vault at Windsor on: Wednesday. Z• Ireland has fourteen thousand acres "under fruit cultivation Anaemia can be successfully treat- ed by fruit diet, especially with. ba- nanas. 1oyed ALL fhese IDbHFERla11T 1111111)§'. of Goods ' with the SAME Ce- e Y�s�2ril.� 9l'? 5 or 600es' x>�ST 4: to 5 `?ct,nnoo .alt:d. rags, ho,Wkr0i1O Dye for h Go cnn from:r,. G 1sC Dealer, 7•� nI< r -C “rd ?itii.fr t 10, John-tt1cr�lisvoft L . ,1 Th.oreld township passed the by: law to give fixed assessmentto th.c big paper and p .alp an 1l' which is to be established near the town. Alfred Lossett of -Marchand town= sihip, Quebec, has been arrested on the -charge of lnui!dering ills young daughter by throwing her bodily iLC1.C)So Pb l'(�U117. W a..te r zs r-- 1r U R , �� Ir r, C. �j Western Canada First: SIO 5,Mortgage e Bonds unquestionably nfull �''1 considerably ;in value during the next' 2 or proves appreciate Public Utility Bonds of -this nature are the 3 years. ahveeormOf !vows nt-- f rinstance—Winnipeg ' ,a � gnoat �,-•ofitahle folin'of lnvesianeitt--. 0 - Electric 5 /„ Bonds sell now at 104 ; Shawinigan Water and Power Co, 5,e at 703; British Columbia Electric Co. %i r The city and suburbs of. Vaucouver are �� , Wands. at ana da g1 owiti�; very rapidly. lowai Co.planus]ocatcd35:milcsfrom Vencouvea and New s 3. Western Canada . ands:irrotmdingterritory with electric ower. 'Th +etas perpetual atertlietsfro cities P gffi company has large, holdersrrfgthese bo the Canadian, government. uernni uc. Many,of Canada's leading .financiers are lar e;'holders oft .r Directorate ate includes Sir Max Aitken; . Mr. 7 .7.' Drummond ; sir. A. R:.chat; Secretary, awe tank ef hlonireal; eir.-Campbeli Sweeneyi Manager Bank of Montrt I, Vancouver: If have mon v for investment we.stronglyrecornmend'Western Canada Power Comp:nr Bonds in ever 51e Detailed inforrnatidn and list ef,bondholders will be willingly9 Lt5 yielding over 5i sent on i�egtipsi. le OF r c S .y 1 rDING 7 R b �"999 9� YOeIGs. ANL) Qt1FEi•: STPEETS '€ OR0NTO N7FZEAL ajce5c-iiai_ir X-orrav✓a; m.a-._,,,.... LONDON ( CNG-)