Exeter Advocate, 1912-3-7, Page 1See Our Clubbing List steeess,,,s. Renew Your Sub., s.er*rition TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR 04.41.4.esowamoomosmor EXETER ONTARIO THU SDAY, MARCII -7, 1912. SANDE S QJEIEF.oa- Local, Items When an hotel quotes its rates, at a day un, that Means up as near as the roof as it is possible to place the guests,. The rdral nada delivery boxes o "dIeSsre Pd Fliankt1 and Peter Moir, Hsborne, 'were ruthiessly torn frOsh their posts and ;thrown into the diten by one miscreants on Tuesday night of ldet week., after which the destructive Curet damaged ttaa weigh scales and, lowad erg of Mr. L. MeTaggart at,Exeter north, lt Will be a serious, jeb far theen if theeT became krwn. RIMAWAY-Twe, sons of Mr,. Samuel Parsons experienced a rttan,VMY l'74‘idaY afternosne Te Y wee driviag a eon hitched lb entter, and were ps 411,g east on the Thames Bead when the bit broke, and losing central of 1,11,0 terse they were throWn eat in frond Mo'hds gate. The norse ran On ad strut* plam-bang into a team driven by Mr. Fred Ellerington'S hired an In the minreup' it got free from tha eater and turning' into Fred -Huns ga.tgway ,r1t. TAO 130;w11' ath0 lane gn and lover the snowb4nxe kint,ta .e.ctehed'ibe v,zOsels at tho back of ‘the Tholboys ter horse Were not injur ed, but natter and narness Were eiones what damaged, It was a ',Tors" sUrpris- neg thing neither of the team Was eejured by the cutter shafts. BAD MIXEP-Mr, E. M. Drake:tate:re Tteiso. HAIlledb of Dashwood , most unpleasant experience on • • to t`own about neon en just - Just as they erased the :wytrack on Um Lake Road. They ed for the tra-n pass In frnnt era anti :lad, just proceeded on their when a runaway team or horses ee up behind the and separating t:vemy passed one each, side the tongue passing betwee tcaIii of the occupants4 Tho whiffle topped tho team from, gOing far - d then ono of the team, fell,ovcr on the i.yw and:the othert fell partly on thcste horse' and partly on. the cut- ter, Tie occupants scrambled out of the cutter. 47141 immediately the horse rolled over the single: horse and eutter and felt beside tits mate. The drivOr oZ the team Mr. 41rthur Glanville, had by Lids time arrived on the mene, together with others, and the tangle or ha.rneas and titoreee wan righted. Strange lia 1:aY neither Mr. Bract/shire or Miss Ilarkloil/ was injured in anYway, though the latter'S' hat was totally de tteled and her fur coat torn in several places. The cutter was considerably damaged and one ,of the team' Was some- what injured. I Morrs. Thos fr Cornish has returned om COMMUNICATION EXETER, COUNCIL. six Edit - ARM BROKEN -Miss Hannah Isear, donor Mount Ca.r.a* met with, a paenew ei1/1,17 an 9.14 kV -Adman and taking a/ actitielst yesterday afternoon by slinPing, some ice an. the s.idewalk rn front of J. Carling's store, breaking neer arm ween the west and elbow. DEAT31 OF MRS. pERR:INS-Another f our aged and respected residents haa ..aeeed away, sinfthe person of Almira Willains, ye1it. 'of the tate Charles Per - tens, who died On Mareh 1st, at the age of 73 years, Deceased lened becn. en fail - 'deg health for.' qotne year and or tato had ,been eenfthed 0 her reotn, her be.= lergelY due- to a genera); eakthg up of the SYStenn She, Was a nitin ot many excellent parts, a Pen - tent ciendstiala and menlber of tilo 3,,tinee street Methottet Chutott, d bY'her fartnaY and highly esteemed by ',1/4,0 knew !WI% She married her tate band in Iralton Connty fiftY Years re ' tq his death' which occurred in ne. 3.000. Shortly after their marri- theY Moved to -Osborne Township,, where they settled on the 4th coneession, They retired to Exeter over twenty-ftye, :td--d.trs ago, Since the death Of Mr, .Per - the widow bad resided the, greater pef the time at the hams of ,Mr. S. X, Sanders. She ts survived. by one son and six daughters. Chas. ILMrs. T •oeRarvey, Mrs, S. M, Sanders, and, re. S, we of. Exeter ; (Rev.) uchanan of lbolleo.u. Sask., Mrs. John adman ot Rattieford, Saalt„, Mrs. Al- t johnston of st, Augustine, all o Itwom have the sympathy or their inellY de. 7310, ux-sPral Wale place from the ree:deace ot -Mr, Sanders on, Menden in- terment being made in Exeter 'cemetery:, Bev. assisted by Rev.'Salton St.' Johns. conducted the service. STEP/IEN COUNCIL, The coneit of tile Township of SM nvened 1Iall, Crediton, the 4th of March 1912 nt p.m. All :nen/ben/ were present, The Lb e previous meeting' were and aPproved. diter's reptart was adopted. Bobert uteininson was awarded the ontract 4or Aux Sable bridge and those en co. 10, 14, 21, and L.11.14, rOdra wero passed tor Wm. Finkbehr, shovelling snow, 2,,C5;Wn.Ntellol to road 2.00; C. Finkbeiner and otbera, vtark on. road, 4.00; Switzer and SRes Broken:Mitre, auditors 8.09 eath: 3. Carruthers and others, gravel 60.00: J, Hotights and others, gravel 3.50; ixtto., gravel., 24.75; T.. rsaac others, gravel 2 Z0 The council adjotumed lo April 1st, at 'wbeh date pall/masters, poundkeepere r.d ence viewers will be appointed. 13e.nry ELIber, Clerk. CARLING'S PHONE 18 --Spring Shoppers Spring is nearing us and you will be wish- ing to get your spring sewing finisned up so call in and see our new prints and ginghams The neatest patterns ever shown. Ladies Ladies Any piece of Dress Goods to be sold at a greatly reduced price. Come early. Ruffs or Stoles Get a Ruff or Stole while in the swing .all to be cleared out. also Lad- , ies Fur Collared Coats. Regular $23.00 for 18.00. Room Rugs Brussels rugs in green and fawn grounds to be cleared out at a price that will astonish you. Men's Fur Goals Only a few left to be clealed out regular $23. coats for $18.00. Regular 25.00 coats for $19.50, Winter Caps All mens winter caps to be cleared out at a price. Reg 75c, for 50e. Reg. 50c. for 39c, Ladles Skirts Only a few Ladies skirts left Regular 3.50 to 5,00 skirts all to go at the one price $1.75. Ladies Fine Shoes to be cleared out at a cash dis- count of 20 per cent. o Dinner Sets, Lamps, and Chamber cleared out at vormlmi deep interest in the young band So re- cently organized, 3 thinIc the present time an opportune one to laed their con- dition before the people tat Exeter. The boys have made a wenderfni progress dura g the wthter, and, with proper encouragement to keep them to-gether give every promise of becoming, a first lase band. Now, would it not be nice ; they Mad contest out in the spring:with niee new uniform, worthy' the (ought to be) town or Exeter.; You will ail say, *Of coarse .it would," We, 2-eoW are thee' going to get it? I kneW MEE' tow- fathers gave thell) haldietnne grant, but by the time they pay their leader and hall rent, to say nettling of music or an oceasienel thetrantent, that V,111.1.)3 more titan used up. Nodvs it 3' might Make a suggestion I 'would say that we have 4 nulltber af ladies of wonderful executive. My. Could they not see their way clear, together with settle of our men folks, to get up a concert oat er home talent to be held d, the ()nerd, HQU,SC: at Boras near daic the Preeeede to go toward the suits.. I anifiturc every one 'would ho patriotic enough to attend. And then the ones that did not attend WQ couid hold u Cor a subecripiien., Again, eould not the nie be secured' for one nignt for the or the band, a small admission chard for sPectators and lttle extra Tor skatersi I am , here are very few but would drop to ltvaX the band play a select:4ot/ tWe.But, 1 moat not trespass on your would be pleased to hear front any ne Who thinks the objet a wortilY one and wilt belp push the etaod work aiead for the honor of the town am) ugernent ed the band Yours respectfully, A, E. PINCE E. Bandsman, T 1.91 ROYAL 111Id As you are alt e.waro the atorml 0 two weeks ago prevented the Royal English *1 Reit Pingere from aPPea-ringIn ,Tames Street Metildast church, Exeter, an the date arranged for. HoWever, „ a new date has been made- TUESDAY, MARCH 12,- and you Will then have the opportuttUer ,,t4 hearing this high- class entertainment. The Guelph Herald of Feb. 2.7th eaYS, - 'Norfolk Street Methodist church was tilled last negbt to listen to the Hand Bell Ringers and all were, 'delighted with the excellent Music rendered. The Work of the ringers was at times marvellous, their rendition of the musical classics being especially appreciated, while the vocal part of the entertainment 'wan highly commendable.' 11. C. CreAvford or Port Elgin' writing to Miss Bradley, says, that although the night was stormy the house was packed, and that athee the entertainment im had heard nothimg but good words ot all and on all, Mrs. 3. P. Hockin of Guelph saYs,r- Our church was felled to standing,-4much to our delight, The 13011 Ringers are wonderfully 81,r:tiled muSicians. Every- body' was delighted and that to us is just an good as making money. We were Pleased vreth the appearance of the men on the platform. Their uniforms are neat and attractive. Remember the date -Tuesday, Mar.12 HICKS FORECAST S FOR MARCH - A. reactionary storm period is central on the 10th, and llth, Involving the Oth and 12th. March the llth, each year, is the central day of a four l to six. day period, lii which the Earth passes a Maximum crisis of electric and mag- netic unrest. Electrical storms, streams of solar magnetism, earth -currents, vol- canic outbursts, auroral lights tele-• graphic thterruptionts, and seismic trem ors are all quite cionunon and natural at this annual crisis. Rath turning to sleet and shoW, will return in force on and touching the loth and llth. 13e pre pared for thnsr, and for the change I'd much colder, which well most likely foll- ow, up -t o about, the 141h. regular storm period covers, the llth td 19th, having !its denter on the 1.6th. The bar- ometer will begin falling ire the west about the 14h, with cloudy and threat- ening conditions. )3y the 1510 and, 1610 these conditions will bring rain, across 'naming eastward, and on the 17th, 18th, and 19th, a marked low ba.rometer will pass the central Mississippi, vaney attended by decided storms of rain and wthd, with possibly tornadoes asid, hurri- canes southward. Snow ressng barome ter and change to Much colder, well push the , western flanks of t hese storms leaving cold, fair weather .0eer most parts 1701' Beveral days followeng storm. The new' gamy on 18t01 and an equator 19th, will hold the culmination of this high period hack !until those dates, A seis ride perldd is central on the 18th, cove,r ing the 15th to'' the 21st. Watch the Vdorld's Record. .I...,'.'Sti)Aii,:t.i.ilS't'- C. til'iR .41e:P46tli::1::2l.'r,cae:b::97ess714'::1 fe:ii:,.,1e:enil:rakhl:::blDt4e L,ji,;o4LI:g:,d8paIener 1U'049e.;n04s:A:leae% t sheldA eem oyster , up - 1. 6 ,;It o'l., .pro '. 1. ti aW.4it. ' ' i " 1 ' ' id, , i Fli 44: , E 1.0 C011101 Znet tn the Town Hell, Friday the 1st Exist. Members all present. Min- uses of the last meeting readnand a.pprov ed. Scott and Ford -That Inc following accounts be paid, -G Cuelmore, labor, 3.117; D. Russell, or., 2.85, EU ,SueU 2,7Q, G AtInson 2.70, W. Creech, 1.93 T. Brock, Jr., 1.35, Harley Sanders 3-1.5 I' Brock, i3r., 10.05:T Sanders, 5.33, Sid Sanders 3.51, Iloulden 2., Rulnehr 1.05 A Anderson 1.05, J 'Cookson 1:95, Ed, Harness 1,20, R. Horn 1,18, .1 Ogde4 3.50, F ',!.1•33Z8 75e., T Cookson 75.^„ Hy. Kestle 1.27, T. Creeeh 1.15, G. Corn- snn, sne., sere. White, cleaning Ilati,50t Jno, Peord, pt. salary 31,25; W. J. stlt 37.50; T. B. Carling 25.00, Ceare Hr., Pernane TDArVil Hall 175.00; V. Coats, registering Wateres'orits by -Id 2.40; It Hasten, fillaurance, 10,001' 11,:nrcd.YI,4,40,10,k,, 8. (1,90.0. elsobutl.hae.00) reas,, 'nand, Part grant, 50.00. Electric Inglit Co., linhting, .$119.71, Tend- 481tt9' 1.,et-Rivers-That the Reeve 'an Treasurer botepw $500 it required. - Cartded. The Hydro -Electric Power Ogralitteeitto whiten was aneaunced to Meet at Olin. its)1 Cite 293 Ult., 1,0 Whit:4 meeting era, Ileaman and Scott were deputed to attend was postponed owing to the inens of Mr. Southarn, engineer .for e distrt'et, s Tenders vmre received for the $5000 debentures for the extending or the watetworlts as follows - C. H. i; s. TenOnt0 d4046. Brent NoXen u CO., Toronto. $493,6- ^ Ontario Securities Co. Toronto,4937 Ste5.sQ3 & Co-, Toronto, $4965 W. A. Macitenzee 4: T,oroato $ 19113 ational 3,‘inance Co., Toronto :1491, L.,4ikfuenlrici5n,ItIn6. ct.,CtrTonortoo.nt;X,829.1 Wosn & Stanlyury, Exeter, $5096, nal1=5,S c. sot '.'-DM. 13{,1,N,1;007 rtatt.0 01411:11-, pted as per waterworks by- law as advert'ned„-Carried. Lovett and Ford -That the vont:Waste/a- s have ail dead ^staves withers the limits ot the corporation removed as seen as practicable., ---Carried. itivers-Teat wc adjourn to meet on PrdtlaY evening. the 23rd inst. T B. Carling, Clerk. 13x4TE11. SCIWOL. REPORT 'Department FOrin .-Honors, N, TruOniner 90 L, Stewatu 85, 3, Strang' 85, G. 7.51orleY 84 • I, McDonell 81, .7. Allissen 81, di. Case 87, 'IL Rivers 75, J. Munn 75, LI. McArthur 75; Pa,sS, I. Sweet 74, 3. Hoggarth 74, A. Fprd 73, D. Harvey 72, B. 'Walker 71, M. Hanlon 70, A. IroggIrth, 69, A. Beverleyi 08, L. Taylon 68, D. Hall 67, E. Brooks 65, A. Hab- kirk 05, N. Parsons (33,0. 14adgert GO Sr. Commercial--Honers, B. Atkinson 78, I. Rivers 77: Pass, I. Irardy 60. J1', Cornmercial-sHonora, P. Hell 79; Pass, M. „Acheson 69, E. Neil 69, E. Nail 69; n. Day 69, N. Jones 65, ,33, Baker 65, C. May, 03, A. Willis (12. No. on roll 41 average atteiniance 38 Form IL -A. Willis 73, M. Hanlon 73 F. Triebner 72 A. Brokenshire 72, L. Boyle 70, L. PIL.rvey 67, M. Allergen 66 3. Davis 62, J. Seldon 61. No. on roll 21; average attendance 20 Form III. -S, Petty 73, N. Amy 72, E. Case 68, C.< Copeland 67, E. 1-Ituskin 65, C. WOod 64, R. Dearing 64, G. Passmore 61, A. Hearne -Lb 60. No. on .roll 24; average attendance. 24 Weidenhammer, B. A., Prin. P. S. Department Sr. IV.-Ilontors, C. Powell 85, 13, Elodgert 77, W. Ma.nson 75; Pass, 0. Davis 72, A. Knight and R. Rowe 71, Id. Senior 69, G. Penhale 66, A. Day 66. Middle Glade -nen 73, M. Vin- cent and 3. Follick 69, A. Bell 68, le,f, Huston 67, L. Zuefle 67, F. WOod 63 K. Weldenharnmer .62. C. Vesper, teacher. Jr. 1V.-lionors, B. I-Iorney 77, D. Kuntz 76, I. Delve 75; Pass, G. Ford 72, A, 'Jams 69, E. Daves 64, J. Brick- w‘cld Sr. G. 1Vells 85, NA Fckard 85, G. Ortesein'Be, E. Powell 81 G. Carnog 80 ; Pass, G. Moir 73, M. Walker 71, d. Davla (39,11. Hardy 69, L. Walker 66,,5f. Day 64, M. Sharp 63 No. on roll 32; average attendance 26 J. S. Murray, Teacher, jr. III.-Honers, a. Hervey 91, V. jones Zuefle 77, V. Hartleeb 77, I -I. Boyle 76; Pass, W. Davis71, W. Knight 72, A. Delve 71, C. Harness 71, D. Marlton 68, 13. Rivers 66, V, Marshall 65, V. Mallett 61. Sr. 11.--E-tenors, V. I -Ell 92, M. Mar- chand 87, C. ,I-learnan ,86, 'C. Morley, 83 E. ,poyle 76; PAss, E. Taylor 71, F. Brinnecombe 63. Noon a•oll 38; average attendance, 33 I -I. N. Kinsman. Teacher. Class III.-11onors, A. Vincent 88, el. Harvey 88, Y.: 1101WeilitE.1 87, IN/X. 1-1ervey 87, P. W-eidenharruner 81, G. Harness 80; Pass, E. Dar:, 73, T. Control', 73; M. Wood 73, P. Collins 71, ddr. 13(1108- 7 1, J. Davis 70, E. KnIght 69, E. Yellow' 69, I. Davis 65, S. Sanders 64. Class II. -Honors, E. Russell 77, L. Hartle:lb 76; Pass', 'K. Iledden 73, M. :Webster 69, C. Salter 68, H. Kuntz 64, BO:-.)\-dch(elVil.M7,41'djoirr. Cy'°°6k,38.°11 Ca' W. 13e1- .47,),C.:*()..,1Dia:us.v:otszir.i69H26c4.,cink:ocir..ts*1), 1607Ny,, ,66 D, Mallets 49. til.a114.40,Yrialeusds ,,A71,RidO.Wcsla,Sfnfricer7i3a ,7,01t,ETttlyralorf ,vey.,68, 'I. Moir '67,, C. HeywOod. 62. 80, V. V. 1, -ale 77, W. Webster ,74, rt. I. ---G. 37, O. Iledden jr. Johns 98, 'D. Balkwill 87 'Stathl 64 N,;. en roll 41; as/el:age, attendance 36 Irene Cluackenbush, .Teaeher. 0, :411c1:1147.111tnn'eNreis7r8Y1' n, .t,ade„.34).ee, ,‘;13 Etrinsacomb 0 • ssznt."' 3)1 Dashwood Mrs. Henry Callfae entertained a nun - of bets frienda one, etrening14st Week tit being a surprise Party 701 1-1.011 or her b7rtrday, Little Nettie 13roken83'Jre celebrated her'berthday on TuesdaY evening by inviting a number of friends to spend tne evening: Oa See -den eve neg at the Closeof the evertthg service, several. new Inelabers were taken. LIP fn the, Evangelical church. nit of the recent revival meeting't •-•heencpoallaog; ntgo inttt:oeseela wl4etreelytit:tuwoLltigs • e nevr course of :rife. sees Jacob Kellerman and IrtiO'hard each deleveresi hOrse on Mort- at4lYilloQui,34Pr'arAlthcl(r" Alien who "411).' E. 51. Brokenabire and Miss P. Ilertieilo had a rathe,r unpleasant ex ience on Saturday last while &tyingto A. runaway team of horses CQ 41 be -Ned were neither seer) nee heard until they plunged upon them. Luckily they escaped with only p. few bruises, torn clatteere and a badly broken cutter,, Mr. Henry Erenw,e hua.tiy m0v1of,- 4)-18 effects to the farin ho recently pm.' chased in Stanley Township, Several from here attended the ea tle pale at Exeter on Saturday. Mrs, Jonas Ilartleith is laid up 1 rauacular rheumatism It is said that pro long wedding bells to sound forth: in our quiet burg. Irerman Walpar, who has been e etalne Vane, succumbed 10 Ilia '.1ine on Sundae' niglit, It was thought of 1.tt(' titat he inr,ght sureve, but clur- 4/11;,,^ the last few days his 3Ii.s be - .90 sutlh that to thoaa of ilia I'vtende becartn apparent that it was only a matter or tirno and he passed as above elated. The bereaved farniiy bare the sympathY of the entire community in this their severe trial. Ti:is community was greatly surpris- ed on Tuesday nlat, when a was; learn- ed that Daniel Messner, ,second son of ",:r. and Mrs. Paul lliesener had paseed away after a :0700 'illness. What make$ 11. fie= harder is the fact that an el- der brother and the father had left rebaUt 1.‘513 weeks ago for the Peace 'River District to iacate on, soma land in that settlement; The, young man, who Ilas pet passed aiway was to have gone with ,thern, but not feeling ttst well at the 11223ft1 tliat ha, home for a Vine and Jettn them later; but his illness terminated In death, thus then, plans have be thwarted. The be- reaved family and friends havamc sym- pathy of the ent4re community In this their severe Rise. Mr. and Mrs. Rhellip Hartman of Park h11 were in town last Friday, ,Mcsers. Dick Canning and Nelson, RD -V- ella of Grand Bend were in the burg on Saturday. Mr, Dick Jennison of Parkhill was in town ton Monday. Mr. Jos, Melt was' dal Exeter Saturday on business. Mr. Frank deloseenbean'Y of Berlin was here a few days this week tuning Pianos The many friends of Miss Sadie MS:Is- aac be pleased to know that she is able to be back in the met office again after her recent ellness. Misses Katie Styer and Katie Giallo'. of Pariduell visited under the parental roofs on Sunday. This 'week tik is our sad duty to re- cord the death of one of our. young men in the person of Mr. Herman Walper at the age or 24 'years ;which sad event occurred on Monday morning- at 6 o'clock at the home of ,hes parents Mr.! and Mrs. Louis Wolper of the Bronson Line, two miles north of Dashwood, after a lin- gering illness of about two years of consumptilm. The funeral will take place this Thursday afternoon at the house, enterme,nt lin the Lutheran Ceme- tery, Bronson Line. The family have the sympathy of the entire community: Crediton oc. Hockey players -Went to Exetier one ,night last:week and won out. Ttte Lucan team was here on Wednesday 'fight and they top met. defeat. The boys are well pleased .wl,tb, the results of the aneet of the Bank 'staff 'is back oll duty agaon affter a ,Short eVIrs. Link, Iles,s Ella. Link, and Miss. McNalb have returned from Toronto where they have been attending the sprig Alillenery Openings. Too Township council were obi: `god to have their meeting In Hall on Monday on aecount of the Town' Hall being rep.ainted., Bert Clerk has the contract 'and es making a 'first-class job ot Mr. and Mrs, Robert Idaylock and sons or London, are spending a few aays, in our anedst visiting relatives. Weenie -1g bells an del eur ittidot yest- ertlay. We refer to the marriage, of Mies Rose leinkbeiner to Mr. Edward . Fulmer. More parteculters we' he given , neat week: We extend to' the happy aotiple raur hearty congratulations and good W5 ,S. 541r, 1T kr. Paget, Manager of the local branch, o'r the Bank of ,Commerce spent last: Sunday vritth friends in St. , Cetharthea. 'edlbert Morl,Ock makeng , a sawing al-Lace:the for Frank. Sims. A ,gasolthe • 26 +3110 t,'',1-14 and the whole.' frande will be, mounted on ;a Sled there- by alleviting to'`,b haillednanywherin 71,3 liol°11.4t'4ii'W'bales' busy daylor our Tow-Ash:Ail tCosincias Qtiete . narateral bridge aii melii.,7al:ocreol.440':11;102:1.abnel4c9ten7dering.. , Le 4;fe°101311 Sr Einber, M. P. P ;of Tieronth sent Stenday At hoine, Mesern 1101 ,f,-; Co. of• Mitcholl who &Put uP the •Ilron ',e`lork 'fOr the Other Sakdole Dridges were aWarded the cem- tract for the iron w0/4.- for L'eseny's We are Pleased to' report that 'Michael Finith,ether's eanditien is aerne easier and it is expected he will, eetan reeerser from hs illness. With batters eggs petatees awaY uP Pnice, coal a. searea and zero vteather, really the iot of man es teed:eine; bat a eneerftli One these days The rv...Tmer should, be, weti satisfied 'tenth the 1,:',..arket these days, ea Myr/ Clark Wet* nes been LI is rapidly redeye -Time, Front Azeother - On Wednesday evennre: 'ef Ind e lady end,creelx-res with their ether hal- 'drove to ine home of Mr. leobetl: irtneY, the occasion beeng to :Tie - e soma 'or the birthd,/ys. enhe vcn3rg was 411 that could he se -felled r and the steighinr, grand. Arriving at ; Masslteturey;s all were made welcome - The evening wan anent I...P. rndneste, gaffteP, tions and speeches until about '11 when all repaired to the. dining -- fa where the table, was rp.f.Tly loaded hgood thin.gs provided by the lad - a. Wilett all had done ample justice, flanked Mr, and Mrs. Mawilkitlelr fcer ir kit/dr/pee, and sang 'OW be With Val WG .ag'atn," thoY re- ed to their hotres well Pleased with everritigi they had spud. You encouater i 3134 ' deep -thinker that ble ttuibts ran to the surface. CLINTON-A former resident ot C T, krolmvs, eted or. PrIday 1,13 St. Paulls, 7,49art., aged 47 years. De- ceased was a, brother of Robert uoi9e5 formerly pltapattetbr of it:4 New Era, B1R1'1.14 N'aytte-In Whorne, on March ard, to Mr, and :241.0. 1,V;Jnarn Frayne, a dau- ghter. Beebe -In Ridgetown, Mar, 4th. tto Mr - and Mrs. C. Beebe, a, daughter,Matt cline Prior, Pethiek-In Seaforth, cii,,,,Feb to Mr and 'Mrs. Lorne- Petheki, Exeter, a Aon. Crystal City, Man., on Veb, SNI; to Mr, Wm. Eissett, 8021 Ot 5(71 011, II, Bessett, formerly of Exeter. and Mrs. Masett, a son. INTathens.-In Stephen, Feb. 23. to Xs. Mid Mrs. .1, Wesley Slathers, a daugh- ter, Lawson -In Stephen, on Peb. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Lawson, a daughter. Iderslake-th Blanshard, Feb, 26, toMr. and Mrs, William Kerslake, a sem MARRIAGES Pride -Bee -1n Masa Craig, Feb. 24, by Rev. Geddes, Mrs, Bessie Bee, to Mr Seth Pride, both of Ailsa Craig, Hannah -Keys -In Stanley, Feb. 28the Phoebe, daughter ,of Mrs. Robt. Keys, to Samuel Hannah: or Yellow Gra.ses, Sask. Reid -Keys -In Stanley, Feb. 27, Annie E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W L. Keys, t* James A. Reld or Co.rndulf,. Man -d Mitchell-nRobinson-In Fullarton, on Feb 28, Afess Era, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. John, Robinson, to Fred Mitchell, DEA.THS Perkins -in Exeter, on Mar. 1st, Almira Wilkins, relict of the late Charles Per kins, aged 73 years, Menealls-In Bitidulph,, on Feb. 28, John McFalls, aged 88 years, 8 months, days. Milner -In St. Marys on. Feb. 26, Eliza Ann Relax's, relict of the Iatd_Jos, ner, aged 73 years, 4 months. Johnston -In Clinton, Feb. 26th, Chas. Johnston, aged 75 years, 5 months Carpenter -In Hibbert, Feb. 21, Charles Carpenter, ,aged .81 years. Lamport -In Stephen, Feb. 25, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Lamport. aged 2 days. Walper-In Hay, Mar. 4, Herman Wai- ver, aged 21 years. " Messner -In Dashlwood on Tuesday, Martel 5th, Daneel Messner, son of Mr. Paul 3/Tessa-ter. FARM FOR. SALEI OR RENT. A first-class 130 acre farm, -with good buildings, convenient to school and church, about eight miles from Exeter, Cour Miles from ,shipping point. Sinall, bush and orchard, never failing supply of water ; 5.1111 15.041 well underdrained. Possessilon at once, Well sell or rent:. Apply at the ADVOCATE OFFICE. TheWheeis .of Btnsitte,sq , . . ,Our Classitied ‘Vant Ads, furnish. a 1 ' - lubricants la Is good or any • In , of ..ph)Yre„ Nave yoe sometteng to ..011 or Is bythouous'rr:DbesO73',56tins...70*Yiun°e'eltshiciwihnuiagr':.:y:t No .,matsteirs.hco(%),11 I,arge o wil deded Ads. 11 prove, m.eimliwAf a, w Xt• 11 •h•