HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-2-29, Page 5PROFESSIONAL CARDS DENTAL Dr. G. F. RcItJLSTQN, L,D.S., 'D,D.S',.. DENTIST llfember of the R,C.D,S. of Ontario and Ho Gr war adtra.te of Toronto University. Office—Over Dickson, & Carling'a law' office., Closed.Wednesday afternoons._ DR. ' A. R. KINSMAN, L•D:S,., D,Ds, ,Horror Graduate lot' Toronto University DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or any PAd effeets. Offive over Gladmaii &: Stttnbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter.; LEGAL D. CKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Conk- nx:ssioarers, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, etc. on£y toLoan at lowest Tates of interest Offices—Main-Bt., Exeter F. R, Ca:l:sem, 13 9.:, I. FT, Dickson MONEYt' TO LOAN We Lave a-laar+ge ainount of Private Lads to loan fen farm attd village prop, rties at low rates of interest. GL, DMAN' & STANBURY Barr;;sters, Solicitors, Exeter, SENIOR :,,gent Confederation Life Assuran,^,e Coln arty, also Fire insurance ;n lead - tag' Canadian and British. Companies, iwl'a,in-St" Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDERSON, Livensed Auctioneer ter Huron County. Terns t•easot,able. Dates can be made at the Advo,ate. Exeter. or Henry b;llber"s Office, Cred- tton. T. B. CARLING Life, Fire, Accident and Plate:: Glass IneurahCe, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auction sales. Exeter, Ont. C. A. I•IOUZIJ, V, S. Graduate 'ot Ontario, Veterinary Col- lege member Ontario Veterinary Med- ical Society: treats all diseases of do- mesticated animals on scientific prin- ciples ; modern surgery a specialty, Op- erations on Lump Jaw guaranteed sat- istactory. Cans by thy or night prClninly attended to. Oftice-alaln-st,, Exeter, , Dr. R;ftmsay's old stand. Phone in connection. :110,11 I A uxurmATED Ladies CATAtAGiu£ (PLLEGE pa an St. Thornas,Ont. clts vg increase your Earn=ing polder tending the Popular ELLIOTT lameddi by at- Toronto Ont. Best place in Canada for Ti(;,II Grade Business, Education. Enter Now Open all year. Catalogue free, Horses for Sale I,ltave a number of first-class horses for sale. Cell at the stables and :see them. Wo are also purchasing horses that are. sound and In good condition from 4• to '10 years of age Parties having. 'horses Lor sale will do well to call or write the undersigned. r i Phone 41. M. M, DOYLE. Exeter. am► EXTENSIVE AUCTION_ SALE OF DAIRY COWS AND HORSES: • at the: METROPOLITAN 7=IOTEL EXE- TEE, on SATURDAY, MARCH '2, '1912, ar .Dale .o'clock, 'p.1n• sharp, Ln choice. new ,mlichers or springers,. Holstelr and Duurham, Grades. Alec a Sew offset -class young lhorties' • These cows are an exceptionally" fine. lot . or. dairy aows, ail young and an good ,, condition, and should col ' nma 1 ndtle attention n o the best f ,. 3rillera 3114 da«. ry- m:en Parte es' wantrtng choice cows .ou,lYt to-attendr<th'is;_sale. • Term's—Six months credit on furnish .ng •approved joint notes or six per cent per annum 'off for cash. _ T. 'CAMERON & B: S, PF1LLIPS;4ucts: CAMPBELL "& DOW, Proprietor Tenders Wanted For the erection .of a one story con- crete pit:Ildialr; 22 by- ss- ‘feet,- at -tole gaol for --keeping coal etc„ Plans and, doer°t'ications one -be. seen at:the .Off - tine o" ', etre . County Clerk.` Tenders re; ceived up;'to March 15th nest and inose be addressed to Dr,. W. 'F. Clark, God critft: chs ritlail of committee, The "low' esi for any tender not necessarily W. 'LANE, Dr. W. F. ci ARIL Clark - c• Y:a'ima • -.Dated Feb., 12th,. 1912:. CENTRAL STRATFOi3D. ONT. Our classes are now larger than ever before but we have ' enlarged •oue' quiarters and we have room for `a' few more:, splay tudents:. You enter at -any t Fre We ..have a ;staff of ,n'_ne :evper_ meed lnstructors and our courses ar'e, t,hej l> st. Our .graduates "succeed. Th's week' dha•ee' rece,nt<' graduates' :uforrned us that they have 'positions paying $65 X'O- and $1`25 per, month W,o -" ha•"e, three departmentsCd- #. , 14aiiX k C ,a1, Short , hand .and-• :Telegraphy Wt4F;a" LqT t; .our free catalogue •now fi°;t a, 4th (OO: 1ne1PP,I You will be proud e; • the bread you'll make with PURITY FLQUR AFTER seeing a batch of big, golden -crusted, snowy obits loaves, that. you have baked from PURITY FLOUR, you will, , indeed, be proud of your cooking -ability - and proudof your : wisdom in deciding to pay the little extra at costs to procure such high-class flour. You will admit, too, that we are justified; in the pride we take in milling , this superb flour, IT; FLOUR "More bread .and better bread" PURITY FLOUR is milled exclusively from the best West- ern hard wheat—the world's finest. More thanthat, PURITY FLOUR consists entirely of the high-grade portions of tae''whetxt, The low- grade portions are separated and excluded during the PURITYprocess of milling. Such high-class flour, of course, expands more in the baking, It makes "'pore bread and better bread." It makes lighter, flakier pastry, too, if you just take the pre- caution to add more shortening. On account of its unusual strength PURITY FLOUR, for best results, requires more shortening than ordinary flour. Progressive dealers, evermhere, sell PURITY FLOUR and take pride in recommending it. :laid PURITY FLOUR to your.grocery list right now. las 1 Sold in EXETER by R. G. Beldon Tenders Wanted H ENSALL, Tenders win be received, by the under.. ders'gned on behalf of the Township of Stephen, yup to Monday, March 4th, 107.2, at 1 o'clock p, n,.', nor. the con- struction of cement abutments and floors for one bridge ,90 :foot ,span, and four others frorn 14 to 16 foot span. Plans and spec'lficatlons can be seen at the office of the undersigned. Low- est or any 'tender .not necessarily ae- cepted, Henry •IEiliber, Clerk, Crediton, Ont. I-Lszry° Ingram de home from Toronto. -Fred Busch lett Wednesday ,for Tor- onto.--lZ:as Ethel Fulton is at the millinery oPenink's In Toronto.—Robt. D'nsdale has purchased the Cooper,pro- perty 'London Road.—Moore Bros. has fitted up the froth • of their shiap fo'r a hoirdware.—Tile assessor W. Harburn ,'.'s on hks rounds.—Mise? Elia Ortwetn loft .or Tenanto, to attend; the, millinery open_ngs.—Mrs. Shtirray and daughter Miss Ag,g-e are In Toronto visiting H. J. D. Cooke and, wee. The, council held a apec:lal meeting and unanimously elec- ted J. Lorne' Scott, Clerk for 191.2. As Auction Sale the -council had made up their' minds CHOICE YOUNG HORSES & CATTLE The undersigned auctioneer has been• -nsbructed to sell by public auction, on Lot 7, South, Thames Road, Ueborne, on TUESDAY" MARCH 5th, 1912, at one o'clock sharp, the followi,ng stock, broad mares), 4 and 5 years old, Agricultural ; 2 mares £, years, old Agri:cuIttural, 3 geldings 3 years old, Agrcultural; 3 geldings 2 years old Agrle.; 2 dglljtlos 2' years old, Agricultur- al ,• 1• sucktn , filly.. Agriicultulal ; 1 general purpose Triatre• 3 yrs .old. ' CATTLE -1 a-enewed cow, 2 cows due at time of sales, 5. cows due In, inarch and AP il 4 heifers,' '3 yrs.- old nearly fat, 4 ' steer s 3 years old 14 he• fete s 2 yrs ; old, 10 steers 2 yrs, • told, 5 calves, 4 brood stows • due. ,ail • March, April, a, 31d May. , The ' above rnentiioned hot ser are an ,exceptionally dame 1ot and Vie cattle, are ail an line cofditio4T. All' wiTUgositive- iy - ,be sold vritfhout , reserve: as' ' the prepr3etor ;e short oaf' winter • feed and TERMS OF SALE' , 8 months r e i the cr. _dJt" on r _urn eking ap: proved joint )otes. 5' par cent •per annum -off' fori'. cash.`. ` JOHN., R ATCLIIrI'E -T. CAMERON' . Proprietor ' A'ucti'oneer • W HN GH A1V1—P atys'.ciatis are. i;reatl:1 in- terested lu ;tht . s'trani;e• casc'or iM''6;. Barber, a woman 74 , w ' eah-s f ago, Y a g ,oto: ret tred as usual 'on Saturday :eve 3'ng, sand never awakened:a.,ga'n for 6'> h , .tetra. 'After sital.: had, been awake for about an' houz, '211 wh.chUm.e she Was 'apparentl y all,rz4t8t, she went -to sleep again, and alt efforts -to lacks •h,er .have, <bo n stir successful. Mrs. 3ntber Inas 'been . ':n excellent health, and the reason for , h r lolls sleep .,us puzzlilvg` th'e':doctors. ' I1TCHELL.--lI`ss ",Mazy Rosenbur''' c.au;hter oc Mr.° and Mas. red 1t!osen berg, 'North' ward, d'ed.,suddetnly P1»;day afternoon at the a,e of 24 years,• She had 'been-',n,p«ar health_ for, som.. time, hut was.lup and •ar undee e.<h;nue the last. d,ay, anf]t alntap,:i'tt ant'l t 3 'last': M T.C1 1fT.—A •terve drys ago. `' 'Albert' JAolr ns on wimp ijc tcked on' the „head by a h-orse and a- g•a;sh was; made when had ,.a "lave,soc'ght, stitches tb,e lose. 1118 eyse werebad,ly"svro]len'tihat they., were! Closeci i sa rr 'days. lead ,t err aih'rrlal j Ybe n wear na'sho,ys t as;laltjog t7ake- lY that the killed,,. 'J4; ,Ver to make a change they could nlot have made a better select:ion. Mr. Scott's ex- perience xperience _,n tba'nking, insurance, and other clerical and m'atllemat:cal work parti- cularly fits brim for his new duties. The fact of hits haveng a public office right :n the centre‘o:?'rthe; business street wilt be appreefeted by those, having to do business w,;,t'ht ili¢n, In'the selection the Council cannot be accused of pol- ft:cal ib:as as "Mr. Scott -is a strong Liberal, so says the Observer.- John Parsons who has been vtlaitiag in this distract for soma time leaves this week for its Noses ah the ;W tst.-Wel have beep' informed slat William Welsh and his Sons contemplate g{o' hg to Toronto short ly.—D. y Sh>erra y and oafs celebrated the eat t 11 al3h.,VEr' a a their 3'Y of t e1r nlarr' 1a e g at the:lr home on Mtonday of last week. A number of ttlt,eilr friends and net h - bars w r e ere ' se , P nt:: ZURICH., Mrs. -Dan -,Koehler vi8ited her pair,.rtts Mn. rand Mrs. Wfttiwer rine Exeter.-Missels Lottie Galster. and Celda CHess are at - lending' the"2ndilinery openings in Lan- don.— Erra" Koehler has, purchased the Baptist cltiutrch,property from John Eck- stehii or $1200. It "conszits -of tour lots. -Mrs. J. K. W tng, after a visit e'v th, her, mother Mrs..P. Hauch, leas re- tut'ned home' to Berlin.-1Mee and Mrs. 8'. Sehluchter and -Mose .Brown of Pigeon, vfisit'ed at -the home of Mixt, J. yTeetwr.—Mi :Jae:-Wthayte'.s-,mo'therdaed recently. 'in •the •'Canadian West. Peter' Koehler has. sold his residence to Rev.- Peter- Rapp of tM'ehl:gatifor X 2 900 hr,' 'pu't'chas'er to get jlosses'sito'r oil Mat c, i 'Ilan raczexi widow Of LeviW..Haunache- died suddenly -'on Feb. 13th at'; the sesldence, or, her son, Charles, Sa.,:;new Midi,, of heart dis- ease. She was born in Germany and cane to th s country, de, 1857. Levi or Dashwood ;!s"'a sols; "seven other sons and one dauy ter .burv':ve,besides 20 grandchildren. The remains of ,deceased were 'brought here fol interment. FTJLLARTON-1vlr, and,Mrs. John` Rob- nson. Fuilarton,, announce the maid,-. 'age of thslr daughter; Ev'a,;toi :Ml, Fred er cic J _;vhitchlll, oil :'Feb, 28'th, at four o clock: in thtaifternioon. ' CLZIZTON—T[tie . Bernie, o ' Mr. 3. Fc - r Buser: a . fez•mer ,r -ea dons: ins Mullett Towns hip, was coanpletely ,destroyed by, re. "Ms Forgusail had .gone .to' I31y- th, to wieklt his''slster; ,and was unaware or w-h>&ttliad happened tint,' ,some tlrne. JI 1 later. t.'.'.n t BOSTON HARBOR FROZE, But That Didn't Keep the Britannia Pfero Sailing on Time. Boston harbor Irate over-th January of 1844, and the advertised sailing o the $rftatanIa, then _in geek. sm eeed surely to be i;;npossibe. But the Inner- chants of Boston would not have it so, They meet and voted to eut e way, at their - own expense, tllrpuglt the ice, that the steamer might sailpractically on time. The contract for cutting the ne ees- eery channels was given to merchants. engaged, like Frederick Tudor; in the export et ice, but not lee cut from the harbor. Their task was to cut within the space or three days a channel about ten miles long, For tools they bad the best machinery used in cutting fresh Water tee, and bors+'pawer was em- ployed. The ice was from 'six to twelve inches in thickness. As the Advertiser of Feb, 2,1844 de- scribed. the scene; "A groat many per - eters have been attracted to our wharfs. to witness the .operations and the curl, ons spectacle of the whole harbor free 7.e+ta over, and tine lee Maas been covered tt gaiters. mos red even sleighs, rents and booths were erected upon he lee, and some parts of the harbor bore the appearance of a Russian holt, day eve1re," 1>n F t). 3 the werk was done. and ttte Itrlratania, steamiug slowly through the Lane of opert water, Tined on either 'itje by thousands et 0lbeerieg sl)ectfn tr,rt, ,made her way to the sea, THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. Has Feequentle Expelled Members Legally Qualified to Sit., The twsurnouort wade in more than .,tie daily journal that the house of . o,ntuops cannot expel a member whe "legally" eitaalificd to, sit is not wart ruttier) by preeedent, the only author!. V ao which the eoulnions bow. $0.ts aril r.ng]Isb writer 3n the eighteenth eeuturc the meth ea bubble eauset3 many e'xpels:0 s. tot 't+ttugh the wetnberK' defense incl not been heard in the talcs %entree One or the victims was Chancellor of the lex chequer Aisiable. credited with itttw•i11, bagged 4250.000 from tbe public, in sdditiou to expuisign. he was sem to the Tower and ordered to refund Ills ttoory, An Irish peer 'W38 expelled for directing a lottery. while for orgdn'z rug 3 "ehnritable nseociatiou" of shady baths Sir Robert Sutton Mid two oth ere were shut out in 17$0. Steels; of the Tatter was prohibited the hnnse for "Mnliciously tnsIu titin„ that the i'rotestnnt succession in the noose of Barterer is In danger "under her maj e;sty's administration." Rut perhaps the oddest reason for elo::ing the doors of the house ot tuna mens upon a marl is to be found in the r'nse of Mr. Asgill. whose sin ons that ,ot',- writing a treatise "On the Po:tvl talky of Avoiding Death."-Philadral phit Ledger. An Odd incident of War. In the Philippine portion of his book "The Memories of Two Wars" General runston tells of a unique instance at the siege of Mfalabon: "Company L was tiring a few volleys, and one of the men. having just discharged bis piece, felt a second blowy against Ills shoulder, it being almost as hard as tbe kick of the gun. Upon trying to reload it was found that the breech of the piece could not be opened, and it was laid aside to be examined by dayllgbt, which was done in the presence of a number of ns otileers, Upon forcing the breech open it was found that the base of the cop- per shell ell of the cartridge that bad been tired just before the weapon had been disabled had been shot away, while mixed all up in the breech mechanism we found the remains of the steel jacket and the lead tilling of a Mauser bullet. There was a very pronounced dent on the muzzle of the piece. What bad happened was that while the man had the gun extended in the .;',ring po• sinew a bullet had gone down the muz- zle his; weapon is now in the Army Ordnance -museum in Washington." - ' The Wettins of England. If the king of England were to re noun c e the throne and resolve to be ome 'an ordinary citizen he -would be ended George Wettin. How does the name ettin W cometo be the king's t Flu surriaame? i 'This is the answer: h Queen Victoria married Albert, duke ot Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, of:. rhe •senior branch of the house of Saxony rite. family name by which this house, dat in;; from themiddle of, the tenth cey. tury, came to be known afterward tai. Wettin, andthis: wasand is the siir name of both branches -the Ernestine and: Albertine-of the house of Saxony The name comes - fromthe castle o1 tZ'ettin, near Magdeburg, which claim. eld Wittekind' as the founder of the mice• -London Answers. Preaching- and Practice. 'I'he college instructor should take "- ains'-to p practice wvbat ae'preaches. One member'oft a cia'ss` in English composition; brought his'theme to the professor after' recitation hour in order that the professor - might read- a mar- ginal correction which Lie had- written end which the pupil had:, been entirely unable to make Out. Why," explained the professor, 'ellat says,, 'Write more ';plainlyl' "e - Youth's s Companion. - An•Eye to Business, "i watt to marry you,";sald• the rise tng young author, bluntly. "Why'?" etryly :asked thegr. eat heir ess, 'preparing .to listen to ••' his impns. Honed confession, '"Well," be `replied, '"'it would be a Rreat.advertlsement fore e:`" Flim an foresi ht>: o 8 .. Iter leavens <itt1, proudest !?o spsg0 o ly ' hoier'' of -t4olton. Il tt it. Nrturestaws ores_ 4cct-if duty' we obey them, but disease follows disobed .t twee. Go Straight toNsture for the oat*, to the forest; there are mysteries there,.' soiteof ar Which we can Whew, for you. Take the bark of the Wild -cherry tree, with .aminate rent, Oregon grape root, stoup -root, queen's root, bloodroot and: golden seas root, make a seierata'iio,; glyoerio extract of them, with just the right, PrePortiens, and you have: DOCTOR PIERCE'S COLDER MEDICAL DJSCOVERY, 4 It toot ; 04 Picroe, with the assistance: o£ two learned chemists and pherrea erste, many months of hardwork cxperhoontiug to perfect this vegetable alterative and tonin extract of the greatest eciertcy, tie . Q. W. PAwzny, of ltSillviile, Calif.,writes: "1 wish #tell YOU that I have used your 'Golden 'Medical Dis- covery' in n y family fpr twenty year's, We have had a doctor calied in but once during that time. T knave a family of ten children, all well and ltesrty, fpr which, to a great extent, we owe thanks toyou and your ; Gulden. Medical Diseoyery',and ` Pellets,' whlcla w e use when sick" Dr. Pierce's Pleasant i'ellets regulate andinvigorate stomach, liver and bowels«, Sugar-coated, tiny granules, C. W. PAINIXY. F..s4.. PUREPALATABLZ*...,. NUTRITIOUS --- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE .azar SPIRIT MERMANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OEVO Residents ki the local option districts oan legally order from tills brewery whatever they `requite for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LS D, ' LONDON, CANADA rilvZt. /AA tlGitlZIihftieltl NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of voungand middle-aged wren are annually swept- to a premature w -are through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and,Blaod' Diseases. If you have any (:: le e CA - lowing symptoms consult us before it is toe late, Aro you nervous and warn, , .a::n-. dentunu gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark circles under them,we ' kidneysirritable,palpitationof t eheart, bashful, dreatns and losses, sedient : i •.,r.. . pimpteson the once. eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor 1' " +• lifeless, distrustful, lack, energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, r,' ' moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore ti,ro...,,, , YOU WILL BE A WRCCK Our New Method' Treatment can euro you and make a man of you. tinder ins i ..fai- ence the brain becomes active, the blood purified, so that all pimples, blotches a... n, urs disappear, the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, basbfulnest -al il, s - pendency vanish, the eye becomes' bright. the face full and clear, energy return, r , a Yl•e botly and the moral, physical andsexual systems are invigorated; all drains t - ,s..—no more vital waste from the system. Dont let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. We will cure you 'or no pay. EVERYTHING PRIVATE. AND CONFIDENTIAL READER: No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charcc. Books Free—"The Golden Monitor" (Illustrated) on Secret Diseases of A. -z. QUESTION LiST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST RS m :ENNEDY&KENNE;I Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must (ye addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in ,Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and iilimeneitummum Laboratory for Canadian business only. .Address all lettersas follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for :ou rerivate address. ru■ Keep Your Bath R om Spotlessly Clean with Gold Dust Soap will not•do the work properly erl becausep p y soap only ; cleans the surface—it does not dig deep after' germs and hidden impurities like GOLD DUST—the greatest. of all sanitary cleansers. 'To keep bath tub and lavatory shiny white and inviting To keemetal"pipes, pp p s, fixtures"alid taps bIi "htl` p g y ilr. niche d- To' purify- Metal bowl— To keep tiling and woodwork spotless and tea: xtiful - ' 'Simply add a heaping teaspoonful of GOLD' DUST to a pail : la ail ..,of water. You will- be surprised at the ease with which itdoes the work. " GOLD-. DUST sterilizes as well as cleans' —and :'saves; you one-half the labor. GOLD DUST is sold in 5c size and large pack- ages.' The e lar package g a t; offers greater, ocohbmY ' Made et'the GOLD DUST TWW?IN' S'. elo your wcrk" b THE N. FAIR ANS, Makers of FAIRY ; SOAP, the oval ea 9t it 9, `at