Exeter Advocate, 1912-2-29, Page 4tete btturcate
Sanders, & Creech,•�I'rtsp;
,---fitlf,TRSDAY, YET 29, 2
Hou. G. P, Grattages Was elected to
Saute. Renfrew ,ou Tltssrsday last by a
th4jar ty ,o" 2,s4 o'vez° 17r, Ealoney, the
woiascrvatve candidate, The elect an Wee
t' e to Lite rea.lgnatton of `M1tr, Low., the
Nuccessful L !uel it can teeete by els in
'Setae/Abel' last, .sir Lova assigned, to
give. res seat to M:•, Graham wh''). was
deeated, n ±teat oven cotlstettleney;: and
s paaently` an agreement was made .be-
.Ns :e,n ker;a' ,n conservatives and Liberals
of the riding g to allow a Coasservawnve to
stetted to tete QttteMe'a House, and M.
..=at: a..n to the >: orcin oa House. Such
..:orf:.,,' acts are rotten, a rObbarY of the
c ;ire of the ratite and f_ics of the elect-
ors, a1,4 ia'taatlsl, never he reeoeu'.zed ov
e liter party. But :;f' the LiberalsMd
„e agree ewT .
rtrfi4i`-,,x � .TER rzt. and ,:t 1 as.td
n) pt a. s ttsey tl".d as Metxarry 'was
eted by :ace9anat:ocr t'a the, 'Taronta
{"3ltsf'."."st"": �Mr^k inbu`ld have.
se, and -flowed Gro.?:urea to
tar vac ted lay Low' ;., tits
ase. „tw ti In 'pa
l r.orlse asp oRt I ikerssi Slaws.,
a,Iiet e ta,, tato L1Rt Lege result 'af tete
art eta#
i 'C 13ordtn Governnieut, The Cermet.
Cti cQa1dtR"t t!al> t0 "8 ,,tett Gra-
* is
e aalit4n l; x oulad' ilr tea ° lace eta
alale, w contrasted w th the
rraann ealelnt .,or the late Gat:-
s Shawn lately in the G. `'F P.
r�gqGrapata 4t persort/atiy :s cava
AQnd' MLR.'r:sl ilt to r',.,Itt1
melte es well as t ,a teext
1trtaugh a gewepapez tsto.s"
t,tatently a real Seen fellow,
vc,^ Shewn such extraerdeta: s
that the .go>d' Menge sneold
nr vt Khout ,sza effcart, The a-
$ rsamlway pit:rS do trot szf:ova
ae'avorable k light. it I.
tr d, ta(awever, cleat
We wile be
ti euekt atxrcpnaat^t t s ixatrrc^R the
:her pa rtae°tn «sway raazstitueney.
lark ,..end li:itr leave t:slat
Roe. ,1, .�, Iaua , .Sl,aas"ster ai :1.dr:c•ui-
�'tr(rodsteed R hill its the Clete
rca t e#�ialaturc to Ttro9siknit tate i=lacst
cstiiivatlttfi or selling' of the bar
b under a penally nod
t. The bill also provides that
of any municipality may
I e merles or gem/tent of any'
erWebi a hedge-oi fence fat'med
phear is geenving to _remove aand
destroy R. If the &wrier or occuant re-
moves and destroys it 'Lynette thirty days
4f, :-eee:ving notice, he shall be "entitled
fo cozapen:sat`{on for the value of the
-'t11aett and the cost or Teanaval. In case
or eceelect or refusal be do` so •w:then
:ere menthe the gaanc:1 may cause 'it
e be removed anddestrpyed, and the
owner or occupant w:11 not b2 entitled
La cempensateon.__
*Col. 1?;aosevelt has 2-glee:ed. hie in
't:entices :a: allowing his name to go
before the Republican F,anvent_on for
nom'.nat'.•m as candidate for the pre-
sidency or the United States. When.
Re_sevett threw }tis nla.ntle over Taft
and secured :hits election they were very
great °sands, but something seems to
2'.ave gone wring with •tbe works, and.
now Roosevelt its up .n arms against
= Taft. It yr:11 add to the excitem?nt,
the election, and tbte split in the Re'
publican party should spell success for
the Democrats.
They Always Treat a .Stranger With
Generous Hospitality.
In Br'ttteny all; peasants carry their
own knaves, mad, as for forks, they
have ecuse for them. George Whar•
ton Edwards tette in ";eritta i r and the
Bretons" at a visit to an inn Where he
met with the proverbial Dretou hospi-
An old: 'withered Bret W omau sat
at the &reside busily keitting at a Jer-
sey o1 blue wool, and three teen sat at
table playing some sort of game with
dominos.. The risen gave no apparent
treed to our entrance, ,but 1 knew we
were being discussed in their patois.
We asked for bread, butter and a
pitcher of cider, which was forthcom-
ane, but no knives were br teght. Not -
3g our predieement, the three men at
onee produced their knives, immense.
horn handfed affairs, and after wiping
telt ni very carefully and considerately
their coat sleeves they opened and.
sobered theta to us.
"And tow, madame,"
saidid I "what
-feel 1 pay your
'Five sous for the elder, m'sieur".
here is to cherge tor the bread, fee is
°QFt that the gift of bee Dieu?"
Thus It is throughout this strange
lzUnl of Brittany One may travel
end to end away from the large
trigs :tied everywhere Meeet With the
eine Tine peasant Will:
+s;lltittgls shore with colt what- he has
the t•upleetrd and will not ask; for
I left an offering of silver upon the
mdow ;r'rnotie tine 'balls of woolen
,trtr 1 ale:tined that tete 'act was not
i ,.t swell t he old Bretoltue. who when.
-fu+ "ghee[ cry eye gore rue a ehertu-
sttp" t•arurtt=;ry and a smiling "Mere!,
Once more we would ask the. business
men why they do not form' a Business
VLen"s Assoc a• tion? One would think
they could not trust each other. In the
Meantime they are trusting everybody
else when they ought mat .to be.
"In_ the 'supplementary estimates for the
present year presented to the Legisla-
'ture Monday $2,0Q,0,000, was' 'tneiuded':
for the constructdon' of the Hydro -Elect
x r transmitss on lines in Fluron, Druce
and Grey Cou'nt'.les.
Olde, bulginess man in this :toiwin sajy's;
'he has X12 Opo ,Cliargecl on his 'books,
.and naig'7 tY,i..few'-:payring up. The credit
system• ash. �Ovely th;ng.
. Tee ,`
GODERICH—Fred W. Doty; sr., f'resi
'[lent of the Doty Engine Works, Limited,
of Goder.ei'and'Wdcnipeg, dropped dead
at his residence', herec Monday morning,
o?" heart ffa=:pure.' Up to :the hour'' of
death he had apparently been :n the best
of health..
bird of Storms and lce, Raw Mists
artd Bleak Winds.
In order to refine the stequaletnnee
"f iht' lttarsuigau It is neeeeeary either
jottraey into the snows nand ice of
;9t(+ far north or to climb up to the
t,"'y h#gbest glacier valleys among the
rt:zen peaks of the I oclsles or Ccs
chit•:, where 'circumpolar conditions
tier reproduced. While this curious
tatId b essentially a subarctic type, It
es occasionally found among the iso.
:heli fields of eternal snow as far
'tutu as Colorado and northern New
t1 deco,
Phe rock ptarmigan is a bird of
sturms and ice ttnd raw mists and
bleak winds. in the summer gray as
dta• rocks, among which be lives, In
.rioter white us the whirling ,;nuWs In
the midst of whicb be survives niter
every other feathered living thing,
:eve only the fearless eagle, has fled
un the lower vnlleyS.
Fels brother, the willow ptarmigan,
Ives lower down by 500 or 1,000 feet,.
among the dwarfed shrubs which
marl; the upper edges of tree life,
and, while simitar in size and struc-
ture, is of a less somber plumage
and more friendly disposition than the
ghostly gray specter of the upper
world, the rock ptarmigan. The males
of the willow ptarmigan especially are
beautiful birds, brownish gray upon
the backs and wings, with rich red-
dish brown throats almost chestnut
In color and dazzling white breasts.—
Country Life In America.
Money .Well Employed
are opp, orlusalutea to
ut:o7otsrsurplukfuzida.to profit-,,
els '�:sae '9th
it , w a7vzt
grcaQre mPmcekltat'taaasm„
ad- { al, s?, -Algaut
Coterie wirf put :i;6aa2r�'�sc®
J ,
-genies berm, with h9779Werra wtaw,
Izsaver good security:" easaei- whe
'z°are'willing to pay got d Ieb*creat
yeas ,ccmrr,usoerm k"u
Vrolina Old and New.
There is a general impression that
t'ery old violins and violoncellos are
much. superior in tone to similar anstru•
stents of modern construction, The
point was debated by a number of
Paris musicians, who decided in favor
of the modern .instrument. Six ancient
violoncellos were chosen. including a
Stradivarius, a Tlaeekler, a Cappa, a
Pressenda and a Guarnerius, together
with six modern Instruments, These
were played alternately by Senor Ca -
gals, who was hidden from sight, the
instruments' being indicated to the jury
by a number and marks awarded
according to beazty: of ; tone. The
modern instruments aggregated 1,484
marks and the ancient instruments
only 883, althoughthesix ancient 'cel
los represented a value of (6,000 and
the modern ones £160.—London Ex-
press -
A Chinese Columbus.
According to a Chinca' e'bronichhr,
Elul Sen, wholived in the 'sixth cep -
fury of the Christian"er"a, North Amir
lea wast'kno*n•'tee >he' Chinese under
the name of F'usang or Fusu. It was;'
slid to be a=continent, tying{6,500 miles
to the east of Asia. The chronicle states
that in the year 453 five Buddhist
priests sailed from 'China for Fusu,
landing In Mexico, where they taught
their religion to the natives, built tem-
ples and set up enormous statues Of
`their; gods all over the country. Traces
)f a Mongolian civilization have been
found in Mexico. There,exists in par-
ticular statue of a :god „resembling
tot the Aztec god, but one o1' the gr&
;esque deities 'i• of the Chluese.—bar
Tis a cowardly and, servile 'humor to
nide and disguise a man°s• self under a
sesor -and not to dare. to show ;Himself
what be is. ,By, that our followers, are
rrained up to treachery. Being brought`
1, to speak what isnot "true, they
tnal.e no conscience or a lie.—Mon
1.1 l gate.
1�' P u
,. "•A.
ant i .i • 13 .e an ` is `n Articl
e , d tor Pr.
-nhlnit"ted by a convict In the, eniten-
r'. r •a
a as ( ` n Sl ter le, with his ri..on'
who f,n9 tsz ixp .
ttt11 E. di l tees that's' his
anerie City. Star.
ttsa more iuiapletety bsifii sronar.
l)lnli +rt rrl-l; road dupilc:itw than
Itforwwurcf and sI a ile "integrity
It Helped the Captain: Out of an Em,
berraseing Situetion.,
in the good old days the revenue cue
ters carried small rifled cannon. but
they were only used to Bre salutes with
and eery and the break up a derelict
The grinners were sever expected to,
hit anything, When • they. used ti3e
guns on floating wrecks the cuttet
would be alongside, and the master,
gunner would bang away until he'd
smashed the wreck or used up his aur-
muultlon. No one ever thought of
tieepiug tab,
C.tptaio E. P, lierthefe told a eters,
the other day whieh illustrates. the con
dittuns which formerly prewaiied on
the etrcasnry fleet," When it is a mat -
running down :smugglers or pu't'
ting au end to poaching or mapping a
bad channel or destroying derelicts the
cutters average W0 per cent of eitl
"Few gunners could hit a target," he
said, "Really there was little need.
They didn't use a loaded shell once In
lifetime. tnow and then tiR.
a tett }3u
board of inspectors came oa board, and
then every one was worried end eery
ous until the ordeal was over. The in
specters visited the cutter commanded
by a friend. of mine. He ordered pet
the Sting sggad.
"'leaner west the ride. The proiee'
tile bit the target squarely tat the yen•
"'Cease firing,' ordered the captain
happily. And he turned to the inspect.
ors, pleased as Punch, 'There's no use
wasting ant.munition,' he said, `Out
gunners 'Can; do that every time. "—
Herbert Corey in Cinetnnati Tiwes-
Many of the Smeller Ones Merely
Walled Farm Villages.
In old Bavarian districts many of the
smalie'r towels are Merely walled farm
villages. These settlements of agrlcttl-
turista reproduce the ancient latter
for all, .Each is built to the form of a
parallelogenue the shorter sides bav-
ing each a gateway, with double gates,
over which rise central square watelt-
towers capped with conical, red roots.
, narrow road or street rams tram gate
to gate, with old bait timber houses
set back close to the Inclosing wall.
The ground floor ox these houses If -
fords stabling for cattle, and rroln
these stables the cows are driven out
through the town gates 1n the Morn-
ing and brought in at night. Town.
ships like this are merely cluster's of
houses intimately connected with the
farm lands that ile beyond their gates.
The peasantry, whether `peasant p ba-
prletors or allotment Leaseholders. go
in and out to their everb.
In eastern Bavaria, toward the Dan.
ube, where the better class farms are
to be seen, one finds farmhouses of
wood, a great shingled roof covering—
as in Holland—not only tete large liv-
ing apartment, with muni bedrooms,
but also the stables for the horses
and cattle. On such farms murk of
the farm work is done by girls, who
usually wear short petticoats, tight
bodices and kerchiefs on their heads.
Most of tbe men are eitber to the army
or working at trades.
Chinese Music.
All Chinese music is weird and
screeching. They say their pleasure
comes in exciting, not soothing, the
nerves. They have flutes, horns, vio-
lins, mouth organs, guitars and table
harps to be played with a loaded
feather, which last make a delightful
music akin to our mandolins. ,Every
business house bas its musical corps
(just as we orgfrntee company baseball
clubs), who in the evening are sup-
posed to amuse the master, who lives
on the story above the comprado's
house. Seated on the counters which'
at night are also their beds, thefokis
essay with a vengeance discords which
are unquestionably disturbing to the
occidental nerves, but for that' reason
the phlegmatic Cbinese find them ex-
hilarating, --J. S. Thompson's "The,Chi-
A year old baby- in Walkerton,' whine
tits cradle hhd'one +ot its fingers al-
most entilrely elbowed. off by tabs, ,Nand
is t n a very critical, condition as a ,re-
sult of blood•paJsonihiig.
SEAFORTH-Dave Stoddart, ati e ii.-
ployee of the Egunondvilie'brewery, vans
severely burned about the face. tide' had
gone''snt'o •the •acetylene gas 'house to See.
what was wrong waif the machine, and.
thoughtlessly lilt a match which 'caused
an es
ploadoe 1 --Its burns, ns, tihough pain
ful. are not as ser/ous as they were,
thought sit Tirat
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with. %CCAL APPLICATIONS, ss they cannot reach
the seat of the disease, Catarrh is ablood or conati,
tutionaldisoase, and in order to cure it you must
take internal remedies, hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally and acts directly on the blood and mtiocao
aurfaoes.FIaU's Catarrh Cure is notauack medi-
cine. It was preseribed by ogre of the beet physicians;
in this country for years and as a regular presdrip
tion, It is composed of the best tonics known,' corn•
bined with the best blood purifiers, actin directly:
on tbe mucous surfaces. The perfect combination
of the two ingredients is what produces such wonder.
Jul results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials
1', ,T, CRE TEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0,
Sold by druggists, price Tic.
Takertall's FantityPills for constipation.
After an illness' of twla months, Meg
Anne Casey d at 1;er hosts here If(5b.
21st. She : suffered from, inflamruatery
z3ieuan.at`ts,n,which turned to creeping'
paralysis. `For, nt,Onber of years Miss
Casey letved with her brother, Patxicir
Casey,. about one m*tz`le southrsoutiat or Ciande-
beye. She Was ?"n her 47th year.(
MrsWlge'af Detroit is here: atte2ading.
ter ester, Mss Ann. Casey, who is dais-
gcrausly .11,—Mr. David Collins who
Ile 'heen very is recovering stead -
E ,--Mr. and Mrs, it in. Abbott and
c.tF.acl ett, wbao have been eta Winnipeg,
i aneouvor and. tin: Western States linea
Outohe , have art ed hoine.—Mrs. te'
'Williams, who !o' he past three na`ooiha
i:aF, leen very .1t, is steadily inaprhYlfq,
mfrs. Fester of itfaost- Sttty :s visiting
th s vleltaaty.
Wo are pleased to report that Mr, y,
Turner -,s' 'recently puttered 'a pa;'rleul
operation '-n a London lieePftal, is int -
moving, ---Mr. and Mrs. G, Sanders ated:
teanely of Wetrous caste,, loft tar Breit
hetne this week (11' ter spending a few
eeke vi,sttins friends and relatives here.
--Thu many friends of our former finer=
chane W. x. evelson, naw' of Wiidurzn,
Alta, deeply ere ret. Lo Siear oP irc,s ser-
ious 'liness and are praying for a
speedy recovery,
'Its eomenuette has last another os
.ts lt,ossowa s its the person or lire,
Ilavid Dr(dttour of the Base Line, Eliza-
beth ellen" wag horn near 'Montreal in
1Seel at fresh parents and at R years of
zt:re moved: 'w;ith. lair father's tartly to
the iownsh'It Qp1' Brock, There :n 197;s ,
she was uaa`ted a:n 'anarriage to Daelve
B.retilour and .it 1I03 they nteved to
13lanshard malting Utter hole on tits
,ase Lae. To them were- born three
ons and :sour daughters, s:x of
vhonn self lave. Mrs, Erethpur' was
ever peatce' loving and, industr:,aus, and
tier hotua was the: ceutreti os goodwill and
generous 'beep:eat-1y. She was anable
supporter .pt her bustb nd in hes (' pub
.t: l
t i.
a(aK.vlties especially 15oneetatlaSt
with the Orange Order. She, was bless-
ed with good health and was eseltioata
:tic .a ofd age. Ilcr end came peace-
fully in the early .morning 'of Vete.,
loth. The :tunernllservkco was held at
the horse let Willett she lived and died.
ora lit=onday the 10th" 'zee,-ai'td was con-
ducted by the Rev. W. It, Vance, as-
s`.sted by Rev. G.W. Facey, I%irkton.
Xnurment took. place in the 1' irltton
Cemetery Mrs. Bretlruur was a Mc -
long member of Methodist church. Ilei
husband preceeded her ell death by
sever: years.
A lt'ormer lt'ftount Carmel 'Lady Dead
At: 70 years o1'' age, tars. Catherine Mc-
Lellan, wiICe of Neil . McLellan, 't,ormer-
ly oe '1'Isaunt Carmel, da:led at the rc
s:dence of her eon -in-law',
Burgess London, on Sunday. The deceas
e3 ;a survived by her Husband, two,
sons, Salm and .',:lexander, Mount Car
, and Cve daughters, 'rs. Sadlior
of Leaden; Mrs. B rgess of London;
Mrs. John, McF,alls'; Sf Lucan; Mre. B.
Teeple, of McGillivray, and Miss Bella.
McLctiar, at home. The funeral was held
on Wednesday to' t''he G- T: R• station
Interment made at Nairn Cemetery.
CAPITAL, - $10,006,000 REST, - $8,000,000v,
rof branches, and corres .ondents The
With. xis lame numbs r t agents1 .,
Canadian Bank of Commerce is able to effect collections throughout
the :World promptly and at reasonable rates. Rates will be quoted on
Cheques and drafts onall countries of the world,drawn in sterling,
,marks, lire, kronen, florins, roubles or any other foreign currency,
can be ne otiated at The Canadian Bank of Commerce at reasonable rates.
Branch also at Crediton.
AILSA CRAIG -Mr, Samuel Robinson,
who.t a h(xine front, the west;' for a' short
Eine, met i tih a painful accident while
helping Mr. D. Witherspoon unload
steel girders frorrr a car, ,he lost his
Valance and tell ;' on the ice breaking,
his left arae fin ,tyro' places.
• To All Women I will send • free,
with full, instructions, my,izometrdat
'went wliich positively, cures Leucorr
hcea, Ulceration, Displacements,'Fall-
ing' of the Womb, Painful or Irregular
Periods, Uterine and Ovarian Tumors
or ,,,growths, also' Hot Flashes;;.Nery-
,Dueness, Melandl oly, Pains ;in: ,the
Head, ' 'Back, Dowels, "Kidney and
Bladder •' troubles where caused by':
weakness peculiar to our sex eer'You
cnn continue treatment at home at a
cost (if only,,about 12 cents a week.
My book,` 4 Woman's Own Medical
Adviser,"; also 'sent free on request.
Write to -day. Address Mrs.` M. Sum -
users, Box. sae'' Windsor, Ont; .
eat h to
11,:'s ..s free eounbry.• 'It':
r'ght, your pr:v:lege to use
tonic you desJre,
Bub vvh cont_nur. to use a' ha'_t tonic
t Y
a t s` 't o w a' at ltoit, t
e.t... doe n h t a ld S
., !''f
bi•• •s) •'n16 fife a'll 8 d
h'�ilr�s�lee? . ,.
v v
y"IPrrlyatil haves dandruu13-1 ;y014.
�ettee.g thele, and natlt'R ata "
scrip.: tech s 'ar(d you ltafr t
and lustrous_jbeat .11 rn nd this
An r (a, us,g;uaraateed by '
FAL X; IAN SAG'l1 OOW sold
+,r,'frthe Idazn tG; fie satfafactaat� ,i
y hair
of ,tae �a,bov-c hat's •or„seal
t kf1��0tra1fnt0•SuC
'dbn ariSaceeAb
rr;tGeinEcde(1h arcrebt�hc
y eIldlr�hlior,`
eg n
olua7eniad si1r
", tnl�a mottle t'ol!a AR( ,e1 ce
e 1V[olsons Bank
Tneorporated 1855
Record of Progress for Five Years -1006-1911
- 83 000 0O0 $4,000,000
Reserve .,
Deposits -
Loans and Investments.
Total Assets
3,000,000 4,000,000
$23;677,730 35,042,311.
274557,090 38,85001
$33,000,192 48,237,284
Hee 83 Branches in,.)anada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal pities in the 'World.
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
,Agents at Bzetes' for the Dominion Ciov'erument,a`
DloEsoiw & C.&uLING,, Soll'eitQra, . i uTfi oN' 1lft utsga
anodes art
s That choice rn of ens acres on (lie
�'+ �s 2nd and and concestalone of Uabor le,
Q lftl73 IC •beim, Rate and a hart trues tro,Tn Erets'<n
. on tete pre;nisee is a. largo brick house
Lyne witlt, elate roof, and frluno barns and
stabing. Will leo tsold lseparately Or
together to suit purchaser. 15 acres es.
fall wheat, 40 acres tall plowing, done,
balance in grass, Appty to
Low Rates To Pacific Coast
bf�112i71i 1st to APRIL, lath.
Spolcaee, Wattle:
Seattle, Wash,
Vancouver, 13. C; $41.60 n
r; f�jj �y(�
.eto .a, C. C. tii�t r V �.
)'ortland, Ore.
Nelson, 13. C.
San Francisco, gal
Los Angeles, Cal, $41,San Diego, Cal.
Mexico City, Mex.
Prelinidionate rates front other pouts i0
The popular Boute to
Western Canada
via Chicago
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway,
shortest line, fastest ting, finest ser-
vice between Nerennipeg, Saskatoon and
Full ?'information from
J. J. KNIGHT, Agent, Exeter.
We are now well establish-
ed in: business and we believe
on ,the best of authority (nam-
elthat of a.claily increasing
business) that we are meeting
a long felt want, and giving_
the best of satisfaction.
Remember' our . ' motto,
"Fresh Groceries all the time."
,All kinds of produce taken.
In exchange.
The only through Ilne
For settlers travelling
with livestock and
Special Trains
Will leave Toronto
10.20 P.M.
Settlers and funilies
without livestock
should use
Regular Trains
Leaving Toronto
10.20 P.M. Daily
Through Colonlet
and Tourist Sleepers
Colonist Cars on all Trains
No charge for berths
Through Trains ,Toronto to
Winnipeg and -West
Ask any C.P.R. Anent for copy of"Sealers' Guide"
Plant breeding and selecting
has been our business for ybars.
We market the results in the
shape olthoroughbred legetable
and flower seeds. They grow
good crops.
D, M. Ferry & Co., Windsor,Dnt.'
To,proteet your family from; the ravages of disease and infection;leand
the rigors of -winter; to:make your home the abode of'd3ealth and. Happiness.
Statistics;; tell us that there were over 250,000 deaths in'L,North'' America
last'year from fever and Pneumonia; Over 00 per cent. of these cases were
traceable to.out7doorclosets, and all were the'result,of insanitary conditions.
Are .you sones to allow"this .terrible death rateo
t contiai�ue.
Why' not; 'Ilusure;:Health' by in atalling,a "PARKYTE" SANITARY CHE-
• Absolutely San:Lary and Odorless carries tile, endorsement -. `
e ns,ent, of Le
.and, ",`TIeaeth Officials, and, oar own ,Tion -clad' guarantee Re uirea no ex en-
°ve water-sYtitezn ;- no;.. plumbinit ; 1 0 saw'aee:: can ` be 9aetaile art
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