Exeter Advocate, 1912-2-29, Page 2LA GRIPPE'S YI TI1S ,felt Weak, Iiserab13 and Prey to • iliseaso in auy P'a1uls One of the must treacherous dis- eases atllieting the people of Can- ada during the ~anter months is la THE FIDDLER :ANO '11IE I�IN Frederick villain L of Could Tate a Joke.'. SSiit, The severity of the Prussian Icing, Frederick William I, especially to- ward the son who became Frederick the Great, has given him a perhaps undeserved reputation for stern- ness. Anecdotes that reveal gentler grippe, or anfluenra, It almost in ! qualities are related in "The Rouse variably ends with a complication of Hollenzollern,'r One anecdote in of troubles. It tortures its vier Partieu?ar shows that: Frederick tims with alternate fevers and I William coula even take a rebuke, good-humoredly. In Berlin assemblies and dinner - parries were often given, and the king was a frequent guest at the houses of the foreign envoys and at the, houses of his own subjects.- He was always most amiable on these oceasiens,; and, with his jokes and gaiety, quite the,life of the evening.. When the King of Poland, Augus- tus the Strong, visited Berlin, he was accompanied by the famousvio- linist, Lecatelli, Although Freder- ick: William hated v^irtuesi, he was obliged to listen to this artist, who appeared, in a Boat of blue velvet embroidered with silver. `'The fellow looks like a minister of war, at least!" the king ejacu- lated, But wishing to be civil, ho sent him twenty +thalers by a ser vaot. The artist sent the kiug his hom- age and thanks, but handed ' the money as a gratuity to the servant who had brought it, On hearing of this, Frederick illiam vas indignant, and com- plained to Augustus of then i.1u- ) g l0 <lexice, of his fiddler, Augustus, however, pointed out that anartist of alio emineuee of Loeatelli was ac- custoined to receive presents of gold watches, Isnuff-boxes and diamond rings, Frederick William, therefore, de - chills, headaches and backaches. It leaves him an easy prey to pneu- naoni=a, bronchitis, and even con- sumption, Indeed, the deadly af- ter-effects of la grippe may leave thevictim a chronic invalid, You can avoid la grippe entirely by keeping the blood rich. and red by an occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. If you have not done this and the disease attacks you, you can banish its deadly after-ef- fects through the use of this salve great blooddbuiidiag, nerve; rector- ing medicine. Here is proof; of the wonderful power. of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills over this trouble. Mr. Emmanuel Laurin, St, d'e- some, Que,, says: "I was seized with a severe attack et la grippe, I was obliged to stop work and reM main in .Ivy bed for several weeks, and while I ,appeared to get over the first stages of the trouble, I did not regain,my usual health, I suf- fered from lieu/ay/les, loss elf ap- petite and extreme weakness, I dict not sleep well at nights, and. would arise in the morning feeling tired and worn out. This eontintl- ed for about two months during which time I was taking treatment, but apparently without avail. Then I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink.Palls," and I got a half dozen boxes. By the tinge 1 had taken j aided to have, a laugh at him. A three boxes there WAS a decideelisectand concert was arranged, afoot. provenient, arid aetually before which the prussian Kin.- himself I etauilileted the sixth box 1 was :ave the artist a ;snuff box. filled ling my team -ti ue health. I was with ducats, and added, "You are S e -eaM„ ecoid sleep well and :so magnificently :lavish that I. should lounger aufe;red, prefer, on this occasion, to earn the that their prenzatrimenial right was 1 8leaduelae„s. 1 gratuity myself,” originally secured to them by a sta.-• .iT . England, ,II11e of Dr. i.But t to r s u) e ul' artist was not': tate .law et England, enacted in the e() o f t st fur the erniiciT00 under ,Tames L 10o3 -1o25). 31 #,o bl� +aa oLiiiattclled. BeHe replied that f la 'gr .9Pe, and such a present from such a king was which n•eadef�h thus �i , Albeit it is Intllllt'lad them to too weighty too banjo part with, now become a part of the common QUEBEC TELLS GOOD NEMS POUND COMPLETE CUItE .FOR CRAMPS AND KIDNEY DISEASE. Suffered for Six Tears, but Fount health and :New Life ni Dodd's Kidney Pills -Warne Praise for Old Reliable Beuieily. Marie East, Bonaventure Co,, Quebec, February 26 ,(Special).— Mr. Peter Bernard, a prosperous young farmer living near .here, is spreading the good news that helms found a complete cure for his kid- ney troubles, "I suffered for six years from cramps in the muscles and kidney ,ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY. Old Eocksey—"It seems to me you could do better than to come' here for my daughter's hand.." Imlpecune—"I don't see how I could, sir. I wouldn't earn, as much money as she is worth if I worked a hundred years." ALWAYS THE WAY. Mrs, Hen, having performed her oviparous 'function,' took a eonsti tutional around the yard„ Return- ing eturning to her nest slie found it empty and clucked angrily. "What's the 'trouble, ma'am?" asked the rooster, "It's mighty funny," she grum- bled, "that I can never find things where I lay them." n Oil of Merit. -Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil is not a jumble of me- dicinal'•substances thrown together and pushed by advertising, but the disease," Mr. Bernard says, "but result of the careful investigation Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me cam- of the curative qualities of certain pletely. Yes, I am feeling so well oils as applied, to the human body. that I want other sufferers to know It is a rare combination and it won just how easy it is to be cured." and kept public favor from the It is a good old saying that it is first. A trial of it will carry con- easy to do anything if you just viction to any who doubt itsower to repair and heal know how, And Mr. Bernard and p , hundreds of other's are telling you just how to cure kidney disease, KEENOBS Z'I ir R 1R , Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure itAndaskin diseaseLittle Eva observed tL flock of kidney is direct cause of rheumatism, lumbar- noisy, chattering birds; "iliam- o Bright's dis a e heart disease aha," she said, "I' guess they are g ie s, 'T haying sewing ng' a soeiet ,a pain in the back and urinary troll.: y bies Dodd's Kidney Pills cure thorn by removing the cause. If you cl Dodd's ''d haven't = I''lls haven't use ngin FREE TO BOYS y n Bplondid magic lantern (with 12 elides); Yourself ask your neighbors about steam engine (nearly one foot high) with them, whistle. Sy wheel and everything complete for running; solid gold signet ring. or LE L, TEAR PROPOSALS LEGAL guaranteed watch free to any boy. Send - your name and we will send, you 30 sets 'Boman Originally Given lt[ alt 1)y of beautiful Easter and other post -cards, g Statutes.,each set). When sold, send us the zueuoy Altliotsgh moll women are, will and tea will send you whichever prize gots ehonee, ;For (is 40 sets we will ,aware of the' great °paivilege which gi,,q tau a: •`Simplex" 'l'ypowritei, - We they may enjoy during leap year, it T , �, to sell at ten cents a, set (six cards in er pa;a aP charade,,, Address lIOMk�R is not" to be presumed that they are WARREN, CO., Popt. I22. 'roro uo. all equally conversant wit,b the fact hams ,,oafs aft eau the other su Dr. Wil Pink Pills eure by going to the root of the trouble in the blot'd, which they enrich, and make red and pure. These pills eure all troubles due to had blood, and if you are .ailing you should start to eure yourself to -day by taping this great medicine. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 59 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' 'Me- dicine Co., Brackville, Ont. ra THE BRAND. K.-nicker—What sort of a rcfor- mer is he 2. Rocker—He wants other• fellowsi to abstain from food to make the ;price go ilo\c.1 while he cats it. One of the commonest complaints of infants is worms, and the most effective application for them is Mother Graves' Worm Externiina- tor. Sillicus—I can truthfully say • I never forget a favor. Cynicus—No- thing remarkable about that. The fellow we accept a favor from sel- dom lets us forget it. 14finard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. . NOT HIS FAULT. Housewife --"This milk is awful- ly blue." Milkman --"There! I told the boss that he didn't put enough shalk in this morning-" Toronto Man Cured of iraolerable Itch Mr. T. E. Hooper, Toronto. ByCuticuraSoapAndCu6curaOintznent "I just want to say a good' word for GutI- cura Soap and Ointment. Four or five years ago I was iY Port Arthur, and I Iliad an attack of the itch. It certainly. wasan intolerable nuisance. :The itching was principally at nights before I went to bed. The thighs were especially affected. '1 went to two doctors about It, and tried more than one remedy. " Iwag beginning to think the complaint was incurable, when I was telling my trouble to a barber, and he said that,he would guarantee to cure me: Ile told me to take a hot hath, use Cuticura Soap, and then apply Cuticura Ointment. I took his advice, and, sure enough the itch vanished. Lhad probably.been troubled with' the itch for two or three months before I tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and they completely cured me of that intolerable ' nuisance. After one warm beth with Cuti- eura,Seep and use of the Cuticura Ointment I' Was never troubled with the itching again. Anything inthis testimonial I' -would be pre- pared to swear to in a court of law " (Signet) J.; E. Hooper, 265 Parliament Street Toronto Jan. 19, 1911, For more' than a generation Cuticuratif A SAFE MEDIUM FOR LITTLE` ONES Baby's Own. Tablets are a safe medicine for little ones—the mo- ther may feel sure of that. They are sold under an absolute guar- antee of a government analyst not to contain narcotics or ether harmful drugs -they cannot pos- sibly do harm—always good. Thou- sands of mothers who have used. them.: can vouch for this, and once a mother has used them for her little ones she always keeps them in the house. The Tablets quickly relieve and cure all the minor ills of babyhood and childhood. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, expel worms, break up colds and make baby healthy, hap- py and fat, They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. : E AR -MUSIC. "Did they have music at the en- tertainment- ?" asked 'William. "No," replied Ethel, "just ac- cordion playin' " HE WAS ON, I. M, 1'. eunious---Lend mo a dollar, old pian, won't you? 1'II have 10 to -morrow. Mr. Holdtite-•--I'll wait mit," the neat day and borrow a fiver from laws, in regal'de to the social relay- y o11. tions of life, that so oftena,s everic besextile year doeth returns, the ladyeshave; the sole privilege, dur- ing the time continueth, of making dove unto the mon, which they may doe, either by words or looks, as unto them secmeth proper; more- over, no man will be ;entitled to the benefit of clergy who clothe re- fuse to accept the offers of a:fladyo, or who Bothe, in any wise treat her proposals withslight and contume- Many patent medicines have come and gone, but Bickle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup continues to oc- cupy a foremost place among reme- dies for coughs and colds, and as a preventive of decay of the .lungs. It is ' a standard medicine that widens..its sphere of usefulness year by year. If you are in need of something to rid yourself of a cough or cold, you cannot do bet- ter than try Bickle's Syrup. The £act that beauty is only skin deep isn't much consolation to a homely girl, Illlnard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Some people who tell everything they know don't'have much to say. Corns are caused by, the pressure of tightboots,', but no one need be troubled with them long when so simple . a remedy as.,. Holloway's Cern Cure is available. THE DIFFERENCE. An avenue business man was taking an employe to task. "See Aiere ! You wrote ,a per- "conal letter ;yesterday during busi- "mess hours Yeti used your employ- er's time. . Tha.t's stealing.':';' The 'em. loye'flared back:. Well sir he said I have werke'at least, 100., times a year for the past 10 years.'' "Ha! I-ium ! That's business.',' ly, A Scotch statute of 1225, under Alexander II. (1214-1919), however, preceded the above, and will appear to be even more stringent; "It is statet and ordaint that dur- ing the year of his moist blissit ma- jestie, ilk fourth year known as leap year, ilk ;maiden lady of both high and low estait, shall hae liberty to bespeak ye man she likes, titbit, if he refuses to take her to be his wife he shall be mulcted in the sum of one poundis (21) or less, as his es- tait may be, except and anis if he can make it oppear that he is be- trothed to ane woman, that he shall then be free." oe iIohCui QUICKLY STOPS COUGHS, CURLS COLDS. HEALS THS THROAT "AND LUNGS. 25 CENTS QUITE' VOLUNTARY. "My good man, how did you hap- pen to be thrown out of work?" "I got out," replied Weary Wom- bat with dignity. "I didn't have `to be thrown out." ?foPEruL, "Now, my lord," exclaimed a guide' at a famous Welsh glen, "when the.ladies stop talking you will be able to hear the waterfall we are looking at!" ,1nxio1.S _voice over the' phone— ``Doctor;- ple<aSe hurry ' over to our house. - ,One 01 the' family has sud denly been ,stricken ' with • a;faint fit Is there ,anything you want qtI y when you get here, .so that and Ointment ituv.l e afforded the s*leediet t, simplest and most economicai''trc at cent.,•10t;l1e e will s rIL10 Lhme :last le' ekiri and sealp humors, £Joie °b5 clri.g<ests r: r and dealers everywhere.• A. sem ie e5�t " ' 011wrllay rac'r with 32-pag ` book sent free to any tee reacly't' s, d cess, by the Potter Drug;� in o s; i.initnent, tures D n 52 Columbus r v{7, Iloa eii 0'. nx STALE HEN FRUIT. Waiter (observing diner's dissat- isfaction) -Isn't your egg cooked long enough, sir? Diner -Yes, the trouble is it wasn't cooked , soon enough. PILES CURED IN•6 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if PALO OINT heti',' fails to euro any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding fila, in 0 to 14, %UV, 00e, NOT EATING: "How do you. like the new oat= meal soap?" inquired 'the biirber, wielding.. the lather brush with ex- taordinary freedom. "Seems nourishing," the custo- mer replied, with a splutter, "but I have had my breakfast." Elderly Lady—"It's.very good of you, . sir, to 'give me , your seat.". Pat—`'Not at all, mum!' It's a clooty we owe to the sex. Some folk only do it when a woman is young and pretty, but I says, `the sex. Pat, and. -not the individual!' The Bowels Must Act Healthily.- In most ailments the first care of the medical man is to see that the bowels are open and fully perform- ing their functions. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so compounded that certain ingredients in them act on the bowels solely and they are the very best medicine available to produce healthy action of the bowels. Indeed, there is no other specific so serviceable in keeping the digestive organs in healthful action. WHICH Mother—If, you're very good, Edith, I'll take you to the circus. Little Girl—Do ' you really mean it, mother, or is it just aprom- ise? CURED BY CIN PILLS.. Bridgeville, N. S. "For twenty years, I have been troubled with Kidney and Bladder trouble, and have been treated by many doctors, but found little relief. I 'had' given up all hope of getting cured when I 'tried Gin Pills. Now I can say with a happy heart that I am cured." DANIEL F. FRASER. Write us for free sample of Gin Pills to try. Thou get the regular size boxes at your dealer's, or direct from us, 60e. a box, 6 for $2.50. Money refunded if Gin Pills fail to eure. , National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited; Dept. W.L., 'Toronto. SIDE-STEPPING PNEUMONIA. WORTH Ten Cents a Pound More GOES FARTHEST FOR THE MONEY. RUBBING IT IN.. "Why do you always go out on to the balcony when I begin to sing? Can't you bear to listen to me?" "It isn't that, but I don't want the neighbors to think I'm a wife -beater !" An, Easy Pill to Take.—Some per- sons have repugnance' to pills be- cause of their nauseating taste. Parm.elee's Vegetable Pills are so prepared as to make them agree- able to the most fastidious. 'Tho most delicate can take diem with- out feeling the _revulsion that fol- lows the taking of ordinary pills, This is one reason for the popular- ity of these eelebrated pills, but the iinain reason is their high toni- cal quality as a medicine for the stomach. THE GIVE AND THE SELL. "How much milk does your cow give?" "Eight quarts a. day.' "How much of it do you sell?" "Ten quarts, Miss." Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited. Gentlemen, --My daughter. 13 years old, was thrown from asleigh and Injured,ber elbow so badly U remained staff and: very painful for three years, Four bottles of MIN)R)'S LINIMENT complete+lY cored her and she has not been troubled (or two years. Yours truly, J. B. LIVESQUE, St. Joseph, P. 0., 16th Aug,, 1900. MIGHT GUESS. Heck—Docs your wife get angry if she is interrupted whsle talking?" Peck—How alking?Peck—How should I know? When Your Eyes Need Care TryMurino Eye Remo y. 1 o Smarting—Feels Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it fdr Red, weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. 1llus• trated Book in each Package. Marine Is compoundedby our ()collets -not a "Patent Med- icine—but used In successful .Pbystelans' fine Ileo for many years. Now 'dedicated to tho Pub. Ile and sold by Druggists itt 26c and 105 per Bottle. Marine Eye : tlatvo In Aseptic Tubes, 21,e and 60c. l!furine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Every man's credit is good when it comes to borrowed trouble. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eta. Mettle—If Miss Larksbur made no rej31y when you proposed to her, on what grounds is she suing you for breach of promise? King—She claims her silence gave consent. A cold on the chest weakens your lungs. Tubercular Germs attack the weak spots. Keep your lungs strong by curing colds quickly with Hamlins Wizard Oil and, you will not get Consumption. She (at the piano)—How do you enjoy this refrain? He -Very much. The more you refrain the better .I like it. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY' Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets: Druggists refund money if it fails to cure, E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25e. LOVE'S WAY. Chicago Health Bureau Tells Row to Avoid Infection • Rules for "side 'stepping" pneu- monia are offered in unique form by the Chicago department of health in a recent bulletin and causes of the 'infectious disease made plain. Un- der the caption, `'Sonne things you should know about pnetimonia,"r;, these conditions which render infec- tion: probable are : listed', "Contact with a pneumonia'' pa- tient. Working in a dusty, poorly; ventilated place. Living in rdoinisl that are Unventilated or ±oo hot and .dry. Sleeping in an, unventilated room. Eating more .or loss' food than the systenv needs in relation', to ;work, ,exercise and. <_expo5re. Drinking alcoholics ;.o h;cessive- work. Lack of sleep?'ory uandyy grief. Other • diseases able 'o,l,othl.ng "Li o, can . snde , l I' hem pceu e atw?yt not'get-y.,.' 0 She ---``Pm afraid, Tom, dear, you will find me 'a mine of faults." He—"Darling, it shall be the sweetest labor of my life to correct them."" She (flaring up)—"Indeed you shan't!" FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. H. W. DAWSON, ninety Coiborne. Street, Toronto. HUNDRED ACRES - ' COUNTY OF iiato �7 tn, that is asnap. Ask for Particulars, SEVERAL GOOD FARMS IN PRI?�C L7 Edward County, cheap. 11UXDRED ACRES :NAIL BRAST; ton. A N IDEAL TWO EIJNDRED ACRD ,t IL Farm. with fine house; good„ out,. buildings; pear Burlington, • GOOD FARM, WIT.II "1,'IIIi?TY.ACR•l? Apple Orchard, near Port Perry. A N EXCELLENT RUN DRI:D•ACRRI Farre, near Teeswater, at a bar, gain, J'IJNDEED AGRP,S NE tR SP..YNER-- Worth consideration; buildings good and price very low,' RAVE A 000D LIST OF IMPROVED Fame in Manitoba, Saskatehowan,. A?l2erta, If ygil wn,nt, to buy Western Property SOU $ltoltld consult mo, H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. H.W. DAWSON. "Phones, Main 6990, Park, 557, Toronto. HELP WANTED. 1 05111 WORK, --WB WANT RELIABLE families to operate our higb•snee automatic Knitting Machines at ');ons whole or spare time knitting for t trade; ;ood, wages. For all partionits address, The Canadian Wholesale Di&tri bating Co,, Dept. W., Orillia, Ontario, MALE HELP WA? i 1WENTY TO FIkTY I3AU1)1-,RS AD. rertised for in Toren,,, papers alone almost every day, Let us teach you barber trade. Expert lnstruetions, con. stout practice, tools free: Write for. rata - !ogee. Meier Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto. PICTURE POSTCARDS. lf3ICTURE OF MOST WON1)1iRFUIs AA Postetf7eo in world with 24 asserted colored Post Cards. only 25e. Also 104 Cards free. All postpaid,- Wilson Em', poriutu, Beebe, Quo. MISCELLANEOUS. AY and FARM SCALES. Wilson's Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. 'Toronto. • t 6Ir'CFIii, TUMORS, LUMPS, oto. In. i ternnl and external, .mired without Hain Iry our home treatment. Write us before too late.' Dr.-Bollutan tledleul Co. Limited, Collingwood. Ont. GTON SCALE OUAILANTEED. Wltsoa'ts Scale Works- 9 Esplanade Toronto. DYEING I CLEANING! Fertile very best, sand your work to the, "ESRITISB AMERICAN 'DYEING CO." Look for agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, ' Quebec. PURIFICO "'PROOF R CURES CANCER AND TUMOR Canadian Branch: Purinao Co., Bridgeburg, Ont, { Send for our faiogurd e of i - G e r n a SEEDS With over iso Illustrations and Valuable CULTURAL DIRECTIONS Free for the Asking DUPUY & FERGUSON `38 Jacques Cartier Sgyars,„MONS lR'I:Q 16 In -Ostrich Plume' Aii Colors Jost the kind of a.Yu herostrichtoPlumopay ao.00 for at retail stores.. Fully 16 inches long, extra wide, willowy Rues and larce, heavy, drooping head. Send 5,.00 today; or - ,unity far a limthisited dineop only. Also it largo, hand home 57.50 plume at 5''2 50 Dfones bock 55 not entirely pleased,, NEW YORK OST'RiCII FEATHER CO., Inc. Dept. II fifth Avenue and 23d Street, New Yoeti 'THIS is a HOME DYE I that :Ar lYONE r1 , can use I17 ST'CA vrTno�r OTTON ''t�si+las: DR. lir dyed ALL obese \\ DIFFERENT Ilit&DS of Goods --,with the SAME. Dye. used n 0`s 14, IPl4OS E;i't S tt I:,cT. tienccofusinR theG', da. haste color All col x, frSnt`your D u •i;i,t or. 6rt3airsCokrGtrfandSTORY nookip'tt9, 10 ,1son Richardson Cot. Licn,i d=1Monirei< , ✓.7 UR External application for'.manzr or beast. Everyone knows of the wondeifoil qualities in tie oil, of the STURGEON'for sprains, lameness, 'etc. Dr. Dow's formula has, it in its best form. For Rheumatism, I umbago, ?leuralgia, Swellings; etc,, '„ cannot 'be egtialletl'.. • Try; it once and you wills satisfied. Price 25 cents, ASK'VOIiR ba,LEE:R,, Hi~ SELLS IT, 'fate Ilrayley,Drug, Co. Itil 9 Stile Props. St Joh 4: