HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-2-1, Page 8head Clothing �ora Few Weeks This iL the Clearing-up•seasoxt for Clothing and those who desire za cheap Overcoat Suit; or Trousers should call early and pick out t our goods, Ttiis is: the off-season end. we can do your work quickly, . A:11..., Merchant Tailor, ever, -. Ontario EXETER AR S,. t EACH WEDN SP4 42 eras. . . 85 1 00 Potatoes„pox bag ,.,.,. trapppert on, 'Flour, per OWL., fatnily InOur, tour grade per^ etv tivre hogs, per Shorts per ton. .,,,,„,„, Bran: per ton Sugg Beet seal 1 'r0 »a 1 10 1 15 1800 2 50 / 5Q 0 talc Or; .14 •?:ia�t 24 00 Astrachan Coats for Ladies We have a, few left. These coats sold for 535, and $40, we have priced them for this week at S19.50—Stewart's LICENSE. -lea yr,ur tea; al .sae liver«.s r at tM' c Ativ;:cate Oftico. ilea vy Rubbers and Socks. We sell the celebrated Stub Proof They are the best t'ou'can buy. --Stewart's. ext raw „,'ou^ titxlasc::pt«o:a xu tare tilt' x3a9l1es with us. G4*e will atte d to tl o ati'a}> cfor you promPtl5, a 1 saae fou t«me and money: -----+ Leather Leggings, In :split and grain leather. ^t The very thing for this weather. Boys' and men's at $1.35 and $1.50 —Stewart's `aosa1 Fe'bru ry 1st! to 24,th my otf:ee oPeri '-rax). 11 to 1 a.m. and trent. 2 to 4' pan. for rag making: of arpointinvnts ret 'work on m7 return from ?Culaa.-DB. KINSMAN. Special values on Ruffs,. Stoles and Muffs, and small furs. You can save by buying. now.—Stewart's :iteral correspondents cw_]1 kindly let us know Whein tbe-, reed 'note sta. goner!. Tri is is the tlane tot tate year when .Popple ve tame, to read and will ePpreciate all the ,news from your !section. 'fou can gest clubbing rates on all the leading newspapers and magazines by a`des:ng, at the .1dvocate orrice. WANTED.—Fifteen thousand bushels 'beets -wanted. Early crop preferred. Pa's ties vrislting to contract address .Minist- er i'arm. Roam 61, Bank of Toronto Chambers, London, Ont. SINGER SEWING .MACHINES FOR S.471E OR 1tENT. C'.a•'cc a ahnes Singer S wing Mach - nes, all '' good 'repair. Will be sold or rented s"_eap, MARY A. TOM. A debate on "Resolved ;^a:t the Ira -, • should be extended to women will be held in Main Street League on Tuesday_ riCg-ht next, when members of James Street and Ma'n Street' Leagues will take part. EONSPIEI., aT IIENSALL.—The euri ^era of Bensall are a:v_'7a ' abensp:el at Hensall on February 6th: and 7th. There. are two competitions with, tour first and four second pr:zPs `_n each, valued In Fall at $60. Ex.e s. cu^lers nave re- ceived _nv'.tatio,'is. a. E. Anderson of lExeiefn ,:,a named cis one of. the umpires. HICES' FEBRUARY FORECASTS. A storm no -'sed prevaas' from the 0th to the 14th. Mout the 9tth the baro- meter w U begin "fallirie, in western Parts, change to 'w'aran,er and cloudinelss! al ensue, followed ley rain, turning on wtestern flanks to snow. During the 1i th, 12h, an 4th these con- dAlgons wi'il' n,ome' steedity; eastward a- cross the country,' preceded on the east flanks by warmth! and rains, and follewerl on tete west by e1n1.w, cold and: clear` r g. This . be the law of storm and weather movement and change -- a ,law that all should -understand and remember. The p"er'!ods of ,fair and cold 'weathth 1,1e between the periods of - low- baromer,ler'e.nd storms', and are progres- sive 'fron1 rogres-sive'fron1 west tot' east, the same as the steiau areas. Delaware, Lackawanna. and Western goal onipa,ny's urns'to a shite as est hard coal mined . LEY T g p COA N A: h THE EXETER AIIITHIIATET TTIcrli.SMAYI LOCAL DOINGS ss Murray, teacher,, was part or over Sunday., - Mrs, Jos iStittion went o Landon on Prido.y to visit, l‘fes. Fred WItwer is nesday to v11.4,1 her" daughter. Mrs. Mr. Wa-rren ROS,H Of Minnesota e here ow n, to the. illnelsS of his father. Mr, and .Mre. Geo. Bawden of Lucan vvere the guests of relatives here dar- ing the past week. Mrs Frank Sweet left Saturday for London, 'whet* she wIll aPend a few weeks with treads. Mr, James Stewart has taken ttie po- sitton as engineer with Messes, Ear- s' -x lots of land 4Folo, Rev, ltlr: and on Steeek and will erect Goa tio.the annual ftt-herne of Baron. Old BoYie lAssociation. or Toronto to 'be, 5stald el/ Friday evenSag, Feb 23rd, itn the Tentple pumaing Tor, onto - stalled the Boucefield officers on an Friday evening. The Grand Master , 13r0 Poplestone, was present and a.n. enjoy Ira• nott wi.41. be Zurich shortly. John Elellett. 'while engaged, in cut - 'rice on the Taill pond, last. week, eZe-, APart from the unpleasant cold, b John hap since exp-ienaed Slats- Uttacilo aunt to, and made Pti.Ift* es and ar7TiP the result might !pug, no, however, taanag- vey Epos, in the ,E,4ttifit I drivers should be careful - during celd weather to warm the Irtm rite '-'9.t.ses' bridles before slipping thtan the animals' mouths. ,**It ls wno has been :used. 10 slip cold h:ts mon„.„11* with the r that CHURCH UNION DEBATE dtbate W21, be- held ea Church 1-414:13"ste:.-to of, Mitchell. el:air- :it he Stratford Dls,f,irl, rt, afg,rmativet, and Bev. J. :1..e ghoul District will lake the zat‘Zat .0 debate should ,1,2 the )(otters nave already decided what cowl* 'WOW takp in the matter. CA:a-red last 'week the serious illness oc mer resident of Exeter. The illness ter- nfaated fatally en Sunday, jan, 21st, deceased being a.bout itftY Years ot age. Mr. 1.71103 waP martried twice and is sotsv:ved by Ws second wife. He was a tailor by trade and followed that oc- cupation before he lett ,Exeter some :IQ onto, Besides hiS mother whtol resides in I.00ndon he is sktrvived by one slater, al took place tin Tor:onto on Wednes- day- IlOCKEY,—Excter and Crediten hockey teams played a game oit the local ice on Thursday night, resulting, in favor of Exeter by a score of 5-4. Title was the Arst a the season and was a fait exhibittlen. lor the' game. At half time the score was 3-2. At full time it was • t1e, but the locals secured one in the overtime; Harold Bissett refer- eed unfil John Snell of Exeter and Frank Snell of Crecliiton acted as goal umpires. The l'ine up,— Exeter position Crediton rover Sheardovrn centre 13rokenshire Atkinson left win.g Irish Grerg Caxlizig Southcott Southcott The TRqst and West hockey teams had a good gatme Monday evening, the 1atter Late of Clandeilxr ye, who has rented Mr. R. N. Rows's farm, Landon Bload $00Hth has found thab fit ;1.4,.a..a, his aged rather, Hen,ry Pardy,, Who was round dead in Port Huron an Saturday evening last. Upon 'the finding Of the body in home on Sarnfa. street', ',where he had 'Ned alone foir Many years, Corpner Al- bert Falk happsppd to learn that he had relatitves tin Canada, but*Just where he did not knot,w-. It was finally discover ed. however, through! a news itern, and the son/ in Exsteer was notfried. The body w113 be mid unhil the two daugh ter -a ,c,an arrive fa Port Huron. One of the da.ughters is located atithe Canadian Minnesota.. Mr. Purdy formerlY resided at Grand Bend, aad previolus 10 that he worked -for the late Thoma.s ,..Ittovve near Exeilar. ers v.lsited the Exeter Club On 'Wednes- day evening of last week, when a pleas- ant time vvas spent on, the icp, after which all partooile of `an enjoyable ban- quet at the Corarnercial House, The vis- itors and home Teamts won, two gal-11CH each,. the ranai score shovrtrig Exeter feu- points,. 'up. 'The score is as follows, - 1.7 Curls L Can -el -on Rev. Collins Eurnford S. Sweet Boyle • M. Fenn • Pazd, skin A. Taylor; k.f D. Russell, visiting with Miss Elva Hobbs, who :is visiting at Mrs John. Swoe,t and her daughter Mr. Thos.t Ellerin-lg./On returned to the "west Last weelc", aAter with relatives in ta.,48, 'flekt,aborliood, Mr. A, p. Downitag of Brandon, Man.. tr7a-t'reller fetr the A. E. McKenzie Seed v:aited this uncle. Mr: O. F. Hooper last week. Mr. and ,,f,rs„, Sanvuel Rowe and fain- arnved here Saturday from Wallace - burg', Mr, Rowe littv"l'ig. sold his business in that tnwn. Mrs Igorntan Lloyd, who has t en, vts F.:Wolf, here, lett SaturdaY for her t\Ir W. J. Ern:IVA of Detroit has taken e'fects front Detre:rt about March 1st, Rev, Mr- Livingstone of was ue s t ast the,' James Street parsonage stfd, has accepted a call to \V4111iPeg. Rev. Walter ,Millsen. of Stratford,twiy spelte at the Epworth League and Stn.-, day Sebool Convention at Centra.%4 en spectien of an oraug plan men am interested. gentle wri4t.h. they and other Wylin, who has n visiting Mr her home in Toront.a Saturday, She NMZ',I accompanied by Miss EAU:ice:1 Stewart, Wire, visit In the clty fez a time, Mr. R. Cudinore, and wile of Cry- stal City, Man., are visiting relatives land zr:ends ?..n and around Exeter. ,Mr. Cudraore is a eon 0-4 Mr. Aaron Cudmore of Crystal C-1°;ty; -and a. former restdent of Exeter, but wino left 1.hcse parts many years ago. Mr. Thos. Laivrson Det.rplt, ac - (0111k anted by ,Itts brother, Eli of Creci- :tom -East, was a pleasant caller at 1,1,1e 'works fn t.hat pity, states that 1-012 vrill `See the lamest output et autoniebtles that .lamenica. has. ever seen, :Ntre Emma Huntlely, who has been other fri/ends hero, lett Saturday for Chicago, Nvbere sde will visit prior to Wash. 1',Ire, Huntley travels consider- ably, and hgtir present trip covers sev- eral thousand int3es. 'We are Indebted, Paper, the Skagit- County 1612 ELECTORAL DISTIIICr” rn.ent of the eleCtiten exPenses of HENRY EILBER, a candidate for the- election, held on Monday, December 1.1.th, 1911. Personal ExPenses---meals, beds and horse feed 26.10 yostage, Telegrams, „and, Express 11,57 Livery Account 22.75 Hall Rent . 42,00 Speakers 35,00 Printing „, 41.55 Totak $178.97 Ileturaftig Officer Rio. Agent Exeter, Qat, HOUSE lzpn. SALE The midst -signed fa offering, nig, fle- uateti, On Atal„r4 Street, south. of 'Huron. - sale. trlwre,, is On the Preirktaes e brIelt house and kitchen, with rame w shed, brick stable, a number ef ap trees, hard and soft water, and other convertietuee£31 PriCO $2,200 easy terms, APply to ,MILL, Exeter or JOIIN KNIGHT, Exeter depot $11 E1NG DAY CHANGED Notice 40 -given that Willert Jones have ehanged hof- shippIng (1Cy $17O211 Tuesday to Wed9nosday eh week. All interested vrill govern temselves accordingly - SALE REGISTER usehold late Itob nuct b, Central:as ts ,ancl Teal estate of MEETIN rip aim :al n of the Winehel- sea Cream '11 heldoin Aberdeen Eitrkten, 41 ThuradaY, February 8th, 1912, commencing at 2 &elects h. tn. Program--Audifters' report and addresses on varied talXes. See hand bills Mr pardiculars. Bus, Drayland Teaming Business Your orders in our line will be attended to quickly and satisfac- torily. We are here to please the public needing anything in our Foe, and we ask a trial from you. Orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE 25, will receive prompt attention, T. G. Creech Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Oil Should be in every home. To break and cure coughs and colds. Excellent as a blood builder, when you need a tonic. Delscious is taste, aids dijeation and promotes nutrition. One of the most useful preparations on the market. Weak, pale, puny, children. Adults below nortnal weight. Who contract a cold readily, and have weak lungs. Aged people with feeble dijestive powers should all take Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Oil and have their strength renewed. - Money back if it fails to do what we claim for it, Cole's Drug Store The WE ARE READY FOR THE -- Jewellery Trade You will be surprised and delighted to see the great variety and excellence of our stock of alasevrare, Silverware, It is impossible to do better anywhere than we can do for you. We ask yet: MAY tO visit onr store and seefcr Your$elves- A. Marchand, Exeter Jeweller & Optician Undertakers And Furniture Dealers Our Home -making Furniture Thspla Our Furniture Stock is complete, There is nothing - better than furniture for presents. We invite you to see, our stock. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leadinz HOMO Furnishers and Puneral Direotors. PHONE NO, 32 We have just opened up our New Dr.ess Goods for the early buyer. Everything that is new and up -to date will. be found on our counters, All the new shades of Blues, Tans, Greys, Greens, Peached and mixed, The early shoppers will find us ready for them. Store ek End ecials 1 PDX CARBOLIC SOAP' 35c . 1 JA.11 MEDICINAL JELLY' 25c 7rue TWo, 60c. for 'ONLY 40c. NO MORE CITAPPED HANDS IF YOU USE THIS 6C)MBINfATION. GREAT BARGAINS ,ALL THROCr . COME IN OFTEN New Prints We are -ready with the New Prints for the busy sewers. All the New Pat- terns and colors are here ' for you. New Ginghams They are here in the New Colors and Designs Wash Duses. See them all. Stock Taking Over We have someWinter Goods to clear out, All our gain Prices. Now is your opportunity foit a snap. 1 4 Off Furs Only a few after the iggest fur season in our History. But while they last you will get 14 off. Remnants After Stock Taking we have a lot of dress goods. Remnants suitable for skirts or Dress or clail- Headquarters or the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clo hing