HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-2-1, Page 7'HER DAUGHTER SAVED Stricken With Acute R1ieu atieni — . Recovery Scarcely Expected. Mrs. poling 7 Lawlor, writing from Oxbow, Sask., says: "I would be lacking "in gratitude if I did not write 'you and' let you know of the wonderful good your Dr. Williams' Piny Pills have done for my daugh- ter, Belle Lawlor. -Indeed I think I may safely say that they have ben the means of saving her' life. For many years my home has been in Bruce Mines, Ont. Something eta r a year ago my son and daghter,. then in her sixteenth year, left for the. west. Wheu leaving here my daughter was in the best of i:ealth, but in the following spring •>he was stricken with what the doctor said was inflammatory rheumatism in its worst form, After a few weeks she was able to get up, but her hands and limbs were so swollen that she could not dress herself, She con- tinued in this way, for some tune, and then a second attack, wors3l, than the first, set in, and my son telegraphed me, as she was very low.. While I was' getting ready to make the trip of eighteen hun- dre;l, miles I got a. second message to come at once, as they feared she eould not live, When I reached her I found her even worse than I had expected, She was so weak and emaciated that I would not have known her, and shot could only speak in a whisper. Her bands and fingers were all twisted and her limbs swollen to iwive their natur- al size.The doctor hast then been attending her for two months, arid she seemed steadily growing worse. We did not dare move her an bed. for fear of her heart giving cut. She was as pale as a corpse, and her lips and face always cold, We had to fan her eontinually, and if wo teased even for at tattle while she would gash for breath, and ,no one who ,siRAV he thought it pas ° Bible she eould get better, She suffered slacls pain that I used to go out of the room and shut illy ittlgnrs in my ears ;to shut out her ,gasping6 and moaning, I had h:nown before of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and as we could gradually .see her sink- ing I- told my son I was ,going to give, her the Pills. Ile Vas opposed to my idea,, for he thought a change h fatal. ni t iovo in the medicine g p however, ,it was finally ' decided to give her the Tills. In a week's time :she showed some improvement, and felt like eating, From that time on sho began to gain steadily.' Gradually ° her hands and fingers became straight, the swelling in the limbs went down, and her llesart beats became regular, and the color returned to her face, and soon the euro was complete. Slio is now as strong and .heal :lay as any girl of her, age, and.. to see her you would never ;hila, she had noshed' through an illness from which none of her friends thought elle could recover. You have my "sincerest, thanks for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for my daughter, and you may be sure I shall always -warmly recommend them," TO THE RESCUED.' "I suppose by this time you have more money than you know what to do with," said the odd acquaint- ance. "No," replied Mr. Dustin Stax: '`"I haven't more than I know what to do with. But I might be a little puzzled aboutit, now. and then, if -didn't—get a lot of helpful advice o the subject from mother and the girls." Some men only keep their prom- ises because nobody will take them. Eczema 25 Years Cured by "Culicure Mme.n - Renz UCL Montreal. tt qq��r-eRaw Fleshfrom Knee P.1K DOwM1 ii "I have been treated .by ' doctors' for twenty, -five; years for a bad case of eczema on my leg. They did their best, but failed to cure it. :My, own doctor had advised: mo to hive, my,ieg cut off, but I said I would • try?the Cuticura Remedies 'first. He said. 'try them if you -like -but I' do not think they will do any' good.' At this time my • leg was peeled from the knee down, my foot was Like; a "piece 'of raw;,`flesh and bad 'to walk• on.crutches. "1 bought'P cake*of: Cuticura Soe,p, a. box of Cuticura Ointment ands, bottle of Cuticura. Resolvent. After the first two -treatments the swelling went •down and in two months' use: of the• Cuticura Remedies my leg was cured and the new skin grown on The doctor could not, believe his ,own eyes, when he saw that Cuticura.had cured me and said that;' he would use Cuticura for his own patients. Taut .for,the Cuticura Remedies I might, have 1ost my•.life; •' 1 am': truly grateful 'for' the • wonderful cure that Cuticur wrought sand I always recommend %t'mosthighly•'asa auto. tend;-$econommire re• for' akin, troubles.° '(Signed) Mme, J. B. Renaud, 277 Henan® rij:Idontreal' , itidor more than o genorationf dtieura f oap tdunihn1 al treatmeen 1 tor` Films oFs OBbld^bj dr dealers . ��F'ot',1i��ra s+e' pl�hdf czch. th' a2 p r hank, t31?.4 A„c dry, 99 Coliimbtik GASTRONOMIC enunS. "Content the Stomach and the Stomach Will Content You." Nor is it enough that school girls and boys should be, taught to cook;. they should alsolearn how to _eat, Few learn' this. at home. They are usually taught to eat silently, and not to 'take' soup off the end of a spoon, or to put the knife into the mouth; but the more important art of ;mastication is. ignored.. It, is a branch of physiology and should be taught by experts in the schools. If it were, the next generation of mothers and fathers would know that it is a crime to let their chil- dren swallow food, particularly milli: and cereals and vegetables, before it has been kept for a while in the naoith to be mixed with sal- iva and made digestible. If it were indelibly impressed on school -children that gluttony is a vice which defeats its own end, that by eating slowly much more pleasure can be gotfrom. one. Mouthful, than by bolting a whole plateful, that this pleasure eon be vastly increased by consciously ex- haling through the nose while eat- ing, and that these who eat in this way will escape the pangs of indi- lesigen-if' these truths were. inn - pressed on every child iriind, two- thirds of the minor ills of rn:ankind would uhsappear in two genera, tions, and most of the major mala- dies also; for the stomach is the source of most diseases. As Tho, inas Walker wrote nearly a century ago, "Content the stomaeli and the stomach will content yeas" ..,..air-.. BABTS OWN TABLETS CURE CONSTIPATION Mrs, Albert Barrianit, St. -Al-, plionse, Que., writes; I have used Baby's Own Tablets for any baby who suffered from constipation. They etiiiip letoly cured her and I van stvongly recetlnnend them to all mothers." The Tablets not :Only mire constipation,, but they eure all, other troubles arising from at dis- ordered state of the stomach and bowels such, as ealic, colds, simple fevers, indigestion, "etc. Baby's Own Tablets aro se+ld by all mall - eine dealers or by mail at :o cents a box. from Tho Dr, Williams'` Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. EVER 'BOP FU1.. "What ive want," said the em- inent philanthropist, "is to ,estab- lish a. system ofuniversal. peace." "But aren't you likely to have some quarrels over the best 'way to establish it f" "Of eourse. But they will 'be useful in their way. People must have some outlet for their activi- ties. And while they are quarreling they are not fighting." HEIt MANAGEMENT. Mrs. Colinle—” lt2r . Gabble—"Do Do yowl over permit your husband to have his. own way 7" Mrs. Strongmind—"Oh, yos, oc- casionally. Ile is sure to make a fool of himself and that Makes him easier to manage next time." The Foe of Indigestion.—Indiges- tion is .a common ailment and few are free from it. It is a most dis- tressing complaint and often the suffering attending it is most se- vere. The very best remedy is Par - melee's Vegetable ;Pills taken ac- cording to directions: They notify the irregular action of the stomach and restore healthy action. For many years they have been a stand- ard remedy for dyspepsia and indi- gestion and are highly esteemed for their qualities. The Abors swear their ;most bind- ing oaths over a clog, which is then killed and eaten. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. A healthy turkey during the fat- tening process will 'daily consume half a pail of meal mixed with milk. TO CURE A COLD 't Al ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE '13PO,1loQuinine-Tablets. Druggists refund money it it fails to cure. E. W. GRAVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. If plans glade one rich, then loafers -could ride in their 'own automobiles. For over fifty years" Rheumatism an,cl Neuralgia sufferers have found great relief in lamlin's Wizard Oil.- Don't wait for inflammation to set in. Cet a bottle to -day. ANVIL STROKES. The pessimist forsees a storm in v=cry weather sign. Ideals must not.be so high as, to be entirely out of view. When meekness becomes self-con- scious, it vanishes. - Who hungers: for 'praise never gets his !stomach, filled: The contribution box neves sags, with the gifts of the lazy. Misery loves company, but the; sentiment is not reeiprooate. Who .,spends his sympathy +ltpori himself ,deserves great pity„ You come to a knowledge of .Got not by investigating, but by lovin SR` :i iAlan number$ Irta NEW BRUNSWICK' iIfARD FROM AGM AN OTIIER ` SPLENDID CtlltE BY DODP'S'IKIDI\NY PILLS. Mr. Igen Gauvang had Bae'd.relie so bad he hall to quit work --Dodo's Biilney fills tined fling grit.. I'uellering Settlement, Kent. Co,, N. B., Jan. 29 (Special). --Every corner. of New Brunswick tells of eures made by .Dodd's. Kidney Pills,; and this settlement can contribute its share. Mr. Ben, Gauvang is one man who without hesitation states that he owes his good health to the great Canadian Kidney remedy, "Yes, Dodd's Kidney Pills cer- tainly did me good," Mr. Gauvang says in an interview,. "Before I started taking them my back ached so that 1 had to give up work and I Also had to be careful how I' walked and moved about, I took nine boxes, all told, and they =hied.' me up. They are the best medicine for all diseases of the kidneys," Dodd's Kidney Pills aro no Me- al]. They only euro the kidneys. But they always euro the kidneys, and with cured kidneys you can't have backache, rheumatism, Bright's disease, diabetes or dropsy. CORRECTING THE PARSON. "In your sermon this tuninin ,Fou spoke of a baby as `a ne''' war on the ocean oaf "Quite so ; a. noetioal figure," "Don't you think `a fresh squat ' would have bit the mark better?" FOR A LINE OF GAS, SiR GEQRc,,E ASKWITH, who prom ' ises to add to his reputation for ergo-: ing industrial wars by arranglng d. settlement Q;t' the great eotton lock- out. : p CO1l; U$ ) A :'TOMN, , h. Tl excite ,t. elcpllada.t never fans to wonder in the person who bebodals Binh for the first time. .A writer quotes the remark of u19' Small buy who was visiting a menagerie. "0, papa," he exclaimed, as the?'. passed before the elephant,. Yelook at the big cow with .her burns in her maarth, eating' tiny With hen tail!" "What is the best fwd. for aerial. Rights'!" 4(00,601ine, "What is the best fuel for torical MOW?" COMFORT, Mr. Plubdub—You women are mighty slow.. During the time .it l 1 wen took you to select that hat I set out and, made two hundred dollars, Mrs. Fluhduda P:'m so glad, dear. You'll need it! WHY SUFFER ALL WINTER. Rartfielt Its rt. "It affords rub great pleasure to tan- vey, not only to you, but to all surllg. 'era front Ihaekaclio and Eloumattsrn, the roat relief I have obtained from the use. et f1in Pills. 1 feel thankful to you, I recommend Gin Pills to everyone safer. Ina' las I did. "RO21A1LT 11i, WILSON." Write us for free satnlila of Qin Pills to try. Then get the regular also boxes at your dealers. or direct from us, hoe. it hoz, 6 for $2,50, lifoney refunded if Gin Pills fail to cure, IJiational Drug Chemical. Co.. of Canada, Limited, Dept. W.L„ Toronto, QUALIFIED. "Some detectives ought to make good sailors:" "Why so?" "Because they're so often at sea.°" A. Sure Corrective` of Flatulency. When the undigested food lies in the stomach it throws off gases causing r pains and oppression in the stomachic region. The belching or. eructation of these gases is of- fensive and the only way to pre- vent them is to restore the stomach to proper action. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills will do -this. Simple di- rections' go with each packet and a course of'them taken systematically is certain to effect a cure. "I understand that old Billyon- air made his fortune out of a sim- ple invention." "No; out of a simple inventor." No matter how deep -roofed the corn or wart may be, it must yield to Holloway's Corn Cure if used as directed, Last year over 6,000 tons of beef were disposed of in the 'London. Central Markets. Minard's'Liniment Cures Distemper. A CALM ASSERTION. "This train is an hour behind time," said the fretful passenger,,. "Yes," replied the conductor; "but yon ought not to mines that. It's a heap;pleasanter-..on this train than it Will, be in the townyou're going to," STOPS 011 D�.I�GI {«It's n. grertt triaubdes to si We have yielding .6 mendatic n. Pifer severs r cent_ net. C._ first.cllse hie' 4 investments I ing; star xit.cl al'C'esl recent D' ADA :303 rdettin URIT1E 17P James Strut; n tiilltdtng, TORONTO tbi U N i7tatatrVint„ 4 tKa .itill.'L41! liifi #, 1TE 3 a,.M1 ill i.i xis -w % cS I ltpby, 01% o:i3 o,.enrnaa1taaxan; i.n get iilairsfh to liarisi ant wires (ram- rail tt ax t tetarre rust 1prtit iced axurk and a,, po�itien tt iw'i quailfiad. Fret tool. is eaclttains, Wr-ate P ru taian tightest`iO19 �a'alih i"<tn�tttn; 0 a5 HEALS THE LUNGS Il,ICF+. a5 GE,NTS Q S PLAN. comfort to tell T oua aaebotly," <SIt dap xhct 1 whom you s ' Telling to to a dentist only alters waorse.' nuniisher o Chet beg +'ar'ne*'a ,. it I i r. ithcl,ari( QI'Qvtie nw t w r lest ntap ill s;atcai "1 WQuld sal' that T «er not now of a nratdeino that has stool _the test of time lithe tI;IABD'F LINIMENT. It ]tag been an unfailing remedy in oar honsehel.d' ever since 1 can remember, end has case. lived dozens of woulitbe competitors unit 'I imitators.' illnew arrivals are wasbod,' explained the warder of the pra- sohn, "And if they male :a fuss i" "Then they are ironed, aaaaaaraaa The Oil: for the Farmer.—A bot- tle of Dr. Thomas' Eelectrie Oil in' the farm house will save many a, journey for the doctor. It is not only good for the children when taken with colds and croup, and for the maturo who suffer from pains and aches, but there ire di- rections for :its 'trio on sick cattle. There should always be a bottle of it in the house. London possesses '7,418 licensed taxi -cabs and 8,105 drivers. dttnard's Liniment Cures Dlphtheria. Cinematograph pictures of the King's doings in India should be of good photographic quality, on ac- count of the clear atmosphere of that 'country. Bielde's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is the result of expert chemical ex- periments, undertaken to discover a preventive of inflammation of the lungs and consumption, by destroy- ing the germs that, develop these diseases, and fill the world with pitiable subjects hopelessly °strick- en. The use of this Syrup will pre- vent the dire consequences of neg- lected Colds. A trial, which costs only -25 cents, will convince you that this is correct. eine 0 q,GlrfiTs WAtiTEn •-:6°5 PER WS= SES' and t gg•Ileater Sarnitea, ttarttcv refiditaded if utUAt little SEER+ COMPallY CO WANTla;- I►xrk evar3 ht3,Ine„. tyrittl rzs fQz ,ot1r aMbt3i tanks supplies: wiTir Iaar9 til a agetacy prepatilt,git Iii Qrinud u outlay necessary. Iap t1y 1 filbort St.,Otto, , WQIl,K.•'^w*1 WANT iliee (aa operate our faiiaii•rr eci1 iatic 1'+s4tdirrs Marbii:es ,.t l:tasne. .or taro time knitting for the iso wages,. 'Qr all particularsa. ,bite ('limas !tan IVItolerale puntri• W..:Orilliai. Ontario. AViha 4d b Yourand 1 Awa ITS x to i i. 9 rkt !ler ea t Qile v, 1 t ' irtap aet Saded costa wear rteem writs dt qct 4 st trL il=ior7'tei tll:rttiah Arnctrrq*la, Dyatritt; 00 irT G 'PRE Ilktallif. ««Mrs. Brown's ahusband tells hi wife everything." she makes it eftsy f(i him. You won't give mo tr< eliaiia to get a wend in edgewise." a rerrnicide .there is nig bra paration that.equals Mottle Graves'^ Worm ; cterriainater. I has saved the lives of ctlhtihtles children. Of the fifteen aeroplanes owned by the British War Office, nn he are of British and sin of French manu- facture. Of the six million children regis- tered on the books of thepublic elementary schools of England and Wales ten per cent. suffer from defective hearing. When Your Eyes Need Gore Try tt[nrine Eye Remedy.' No Smarting—Tcels Fine—Acts Quickly. Try' it lar• Iced, Weak, Watery Eyes and: Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book in each Package. ` Murine" is compounded by our Oculists—not a' Patent Med- ieine°— but.usedin successful Physicians' Prac- tice for many years Now dedicated to the Pub- lic and sold by D, eggisl s al 25. arid. 50. per.Bottle,.. rrfurine.,iBye Salvo in Aseptic 'Tubes; 23c and. 5Uc. Edict-ftte Eye Remedy Ce., Chicago DREADNOUGHT' S GUNS. An improved rifle of 13.5 calibre is to be .used en British super dreadnoughts in place of the gun of the same calibre introduced not long ago. It :is more powerful both as to';range and weight of projec tile. Me , older 13;5 gun, which is to be used on some big ships' not yet completed, throws a shell weighing 1,250 pounds, but the im- proved gun will carry a projectile weighing 1,400 pounds. The new super -dreadnoughts will have also some improved e inch gune. for pro- teUion; against,torpeda' craft: Un- til 'very recently 6 inch guns were regarded gas big enough for second atz 'PILES CURED 1N 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your gist win refund tuano' If PASO OT`T. wlI:\'r faiii t, cum any 'rata of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 0 to'h'l days. Ser. EX PLAINT D. "I am sorry to see you here again," said the judge. "You're not half as sorry as I am, judge," said the prisoner. Bad company,, my man, as I told you before, is sure to brine you back," said the judge. "Yes, judge," said the prisoner. "But I can't help myself. I tried to avoid this viflgar cop, but he just reg'larly thrust hisself upon me,'' ANTI. of a Fero time, geed fdietawe. Oar;es as ttli artieatlnrta, ItattI Q, iontrea.I. ps ar Q 9 WiI node. Tot i. 0 ear tergal incl �au.trr ti' aur glen L6 of),,,, .ti Nom: Pfl, eta. In* 1. 'oared WfCltoat aut. D }Writre us leo Monte 1 twalAdsAli nklin t 6:nplalttada 'lot tat .iTs e'l`ls" .x? otlxar Agcuay pr it none can Q+inauors. Xan wilt al«. regret It if yoit don't apply for par- rs to Travellore Dent-.. MU Albert St.. ;Q. fo 1 ECIALIsTS ADVICI b`11I'11, Conant' es in regard 10 any 4.1acae,., Lewes* prices in druCS or all kinds. Trusses fitted by mall. Send measure meet. Classes fitted.b age. Write today for anything sold in fret,class drug ttores to Ar. Batman, Collitinwood, Ont. CJVE YOUR BUSH A CHANCE AND MAKE MONEY WITH iT. You souls not thins: of cutting down Your bay or grain with hand scythes. and you should .not use old pots and Pans. Install a "Champion" and, make more and better syrup with less time and fuel. More revenue at a reduced cost. Why not try this? We have one that will lust suit you. Yon are sure to win. Write for free booklet. TEE GRIMM MFG. CO.. LIMITED. .%50 'Wellington St., Montreal. Que. WEIEREAS five years a®o the word Zoon-Bu.k was unknown in Canada, and Zang -Buis is to -day admitted to be the finest cure for skin injuries. and diseases; ANDHEREAS it has been represented to us that there are still some good Canadians, and even some mothers ' and heads of families who have not yet treed thiscat balsam we hereby Eby f „ . E3 �er WRD ®f one free tial box Of Zam- 'lisyet � . s o everyperson who has �®t tried this wonderful balm; • FR®VED they send by mail t proclamation together with one-cet stamp t pay return postage of such box o AND FUR.THEIZ. O IDED that;. ,a f ccs address such application Toronto. Glen sender elir hal th e da y hey 4L; ,9