HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-1-25, Page 8hea
ot to,r
or a Few Weeks
Mr; Harry Trlebner i.as accepted a pes-
nia;1 as tea.c?te;: est Auburn.
'-w1t':t3cr,j, U'' artx.1,2: $4 So'-),- fare re ov-
a,,:n faitetior o. 'their store.
ii rqtby 's relieving Mr. Ora ?ane
at the Ila- k or Cortanierc rA Or'ed:ton,
Two rinks Of Par1tk?411 curlers are es-
pected an i ?l s`\Vednesady evening for
riu, tern o: the ' itc'eear people . at -
'tended the SC`? n1*al wa S enaall Alohday
evening 1:`C,:g y
A. bees :Acolzineel, tc .tie house
and sex; gusty :d1 v+" -+c .alis old complaint
-heart trouble,
haven't heard anyth:aid yet. about,
Leap Yea. -i• Club beng farmed. Ap-
parently the 0.411s do:z't seem to care.
1). VV. W'icl<el'nian, orgati.1er of the
C:sose24 F7. -:;ends', addressed the J'allies
S r et Sunday School o;i. Sunday after-
soalz last.
Tsie f2rst Mt,et.ing.; o. &ares 6year of tea-
I.td".>e Gu: c3 of Tr?vitt Mentclr'Sal churCb
veil be held at. the rectory th,iss atter-
oa;, T'i;•: sd3.y.
Toffs zs the Clearing -up -
thing aaattthose who
Slat or
sboulci call early and pick out
goods, This is the off-season
we can do y'wur Work quickly.
Merchant Tailor,
fir, Ontario
S J, `J. a1 . e 1 ,> yef S..aht Spec
+a �t �+v a3,sst, w ; '-E
1 to wi t= ere itereial Betel
WOW c* r W c awTDl ri:�MSt?AY F,Yeee., on 'SA'rUE.P"AT, :,AN.
00 00 hours 1) mail. t > qrn.
82 "Mrs" 3, t=. $1.174b0 4/1" gave a very
434 ter t'i.; haloes on the rteligmous Teacl;_
42 42 ' z3s of Te,x ,;'s' <t at the James Street
t 1 00 Leagu„ \Lienal ea Tuesday everdog.
1 00 1 15 31r. ' .ea. Stoazersr or Ashfield arae
Io 00 been . elected warden; by the County Coun
2 0 c'1 of Theron. In ZL,ddlese» J," T. Bet -
l. fig rr«„a o S'cratala1.ay Teas b3eo elect+^
2 \Z a; den.
Mt -r L. bays' dee w ry !aarae Fester -
0 05 day nlorrn°:xu 'made aLively `c u:n down
2. tIU \Laid: Street, and tu,r4`na (alto James
24 t)e $a:eet stopped 2i't is stale with no
24 00 daslaagca.
.+w.ey ..<r.•
Bt•Cimheat,. , ., , . <
Potatoes. per bag ......
Flour, per mt.} family
Flour, low grade per ew
lave hogs, per cwt., -
Shorts per Gan .
Bran ;per too . ..<,
Sugar Beet ureal , .., ,
Astrachan Coats for .at irss
We have A few iei't." These
Ooaats sold for $35. and 40.
v e have priced them for this
k at .$1 $.50 -Stewart's
LICENSE .--Get your mar -
at the Advocate Otfice.
biers and Socks. We
lobrate4 Stub Proof
Th are the best you,can buy.
1dr, and Mrs. Toltn awkshaw v.sf:
their son Fred rin'Iooxonte last *✓,:eek.
Leather Leggings, In'split
a rsd
grain leather. •.M Thee' very
thing for this weather. Boys'
and men's at $1.35 and $7.50
MISS S. J. 'MAN, tlEyeSpeC-
tallst,: w111 bo at tl* Commie e al tel
Exeter, an SATURDAY, ;JAN. 27th.,
Hours 10 n at. to Cs p.m.
Special values on Ruffs,
Stoles and Muffs, and small
fears. You can save by buying
now. -Stewart's
Rural correspondents w ii k?.adly 'Tet
us know when they r<eed meta ,pta-
t:onery 111s is is the time rodthe year
when people have time to read and will
Lipp:cc_ate all the ,news from your
-rota can get clubbing rates
oz all
' the leading newspapers and magazines
by ordering at the Advocate office.
Mrs. Joni Sanders and, daughter, Mies
Nora returnedlast week frog. a. v.s t
xa '...fronto.
Mrs. WTn. Bass of Clinton :s here
owing to the* :Briers o: Mr. D.A. Iibss.
dSl:sa Heist, 'who, Bias been visiting her
grandmother, Mrs. Dearnig, returned to
ber home'in :Marlette, Mich., this week.
Messrs M:.a Tell 'and Statton have
just c-ompleted the wet -Kc o: fishing out
the told pu'iv 'E_a•ter Silt well.
The task ras.s teal a d • cult one and
had been abandoned, by, one set o= men.
Messrs Mi wtchell and Stratton certainly
,und,e.:stsnd t'hte`ir work and have pulled
through many difttult propositions of
e s:tmlasr 5nafkoTe
From February let- to -24th alai' ofCce
v:Il t? apen front 7.7 to 'L'rt a.na., 4.04
a t,7r"kY' •2 '4P- 4 p,xta,:.f.Or t itta'rc:n, . �aM
There att'e few shade taees in
give -age mat's f`.eitd of, labor.
And one )touch: of fashion ,makes a
Tot of women look like -freaks -L.
't'ne e rias seldom any money r the
helping heard ,z mora to willin 7 to • lend,
,Few nieri'car goyei themselves,, That horses tgiCliapl Scar Mr 141, 11L. Moyle
Hast Meek.
Mr. S., Powell is on a business trip
to 0331erndale 't'h'is week
Wes Mabel aFollick has returned to,
St Marys,'after k;. v+:ast^,t with, her par-
ents nue le. 1
1+1a Geo. 'Sanders accompanjed a caret
:s whv s' ninth' of thetas „et niarr,!.cd
Give a small, 'boy a poisa. c chalk,
and Cze w;l1 pp•ocet i ,lei make his. mark
:n t;: woad,,
fin,a defeated, caul -date iks, surprised at
the nuna'ber of tn,^sg`u ded men who fail
E!d to . vote for hx'm,.
Doubtless that Yearn nt widow meant'
well when she erected a. monument' to
her late husband bearing. g. "Rest rn
peace unt11 we meet a.Sacn. '
pffic a £guises given out In Winnipeg
show that 120;000 settlers trona4 the
rn=tied States came to Canada last year
bringing' property -valued, at $20,000,000.
The God,er bh Board of , T ade ;;s start
ia:t a rycrvernent 8w;th a yew to giving
the niu tr,ipalittes the right' to tax the
bt; Mail Oirder° Iloltlses that do- an ex-
x-ten;, 4r 'utas-;t1es's tt thb enlaller tewris.
We ,:,re fat receipt of a copy of the
Calgary kHe old co; a -n th' a ten-p+ag$
ttown. or.Ras-
iano, Alta. Fossa: o ts the ,home of an'.
oId bad- of 'Exp t=s, Mr 'harry Bucking
tiara, and his ..fa.rni.Ly, and et seems tote
`»ski=t9 Rgburg
next', Icy mantles $10,900
from a -•e ,i ;uat Governnlentt grant tQ
ricultural *=ii Tot expended Art a-
1, ants Varying front $100 to 300 to
those agr:'cultural soctetics in Ontario
h:zere the tall rains ser ously Inferrer -
z -ed, wall the gate receipts at their 'ran
Each auto 1A.lrcnse coats ,$11, so the
Motor c£u Owners w 1L pay about $50,
RUM to tho prove lop thous year for lice
eases, and about $5,000 ito dealers,
C'.xautfc'ra mus; .per.% an ,annual fee of
fox t.''.ek? license, and there were
2,*2O0 chauffeurs. Last year there
were 000 motor cycle licenses issued.
Tic fee :for those ,A ; each.
See It a'at the boys end, gtris attend
schoot regularly. A tleaeber cannot at:-
coaipl:s»: 'rnue»1 with' a pupil of, the, nit-
rtx 4t1 .FFA: 1<toa:' call nay :etul va and "A'•s', vattI ",y. and it is oftei as.';.
tlba. -Olio XI S.1 AN. d:acc+ur tag t the pupil no ca tele
er tende4 " ala x t Order cat atistl-actor. Varelats ea„�a dei laxucts to
'.r4t+rrds, " m11 ilei to the 1.0 c'h its ?a. speaking eneoui:,a „ng words to
ll On -.R a lloy. Jt,1a Jost; rite aClaola^ 's ofte;.t "cep a1,a:,nst
ons. ---.Ry order, It TJe, ;nal df:calttes aid alxilglx father or
A. R, N. Rowe, Recorder, zatot3 er Lraa"', not "4X+ able to unw,nd the
'Tho I e, er atr'et CeU ea>Iticr;t of the tam ?e a kvord of rcld cheer ix i our,
auntta S011,0010 and Dpwu ;1 1 eagvee Jen 1 a hand ove Ute hard aaaaeas.,
of the I 1.04*.st c1A"alreh weal be Heldsolid kiss, S Fey �S"estu ray, o=
't1 Centralia church ohTtiux'sday Qf Loudon wale gravel been n ss;oafs;es in
t1 .s week--rtac9xraaak, afternoon Mid ever.- Caw:hat for niure. than fails yearn, have.
stone. been, panted a furlougjir by the. Meth-
A lead'of young",' 1100P10 bd have. out to od,st Miesionasy Spelety, ,and will
t v home' *o: Mr, ;and Mrs, ,La;ehartl, 'leave fee Itonn0 tit once, It ;s expected
Coates on ;M1Sa1da , a;Fht ;and enjoyed a oat khey -veal axr0'v1e about, the middle
plcasaaaat evenittrg. ;r1 sumptuous 5unlscr Af I•'ebru try. Under ordinary .eonditions
or o'Y 8it18 0114 turkey Was served by they would leave, had a furlough next
the t;eai al host 5,nd 11Oste,ss. year, and the boe,'rd dec',detl that ow-.
Some ev0. disposed person or porsocts 'nag to the c5rct ntstai c es it would he
tools alt into ,t'hetir heads to break down aettc,r toCtive tlaesn leazvc now', so that
loft of la'kct fencing 41z trent o1 they an' ht return to C1i'na when mat -
different properttea on Huron Street tors adjusted tliernneives.,
Sunday' ^right: ?The ,act is no gentle + ^
manly one cod, ttcflects no eredat on ANNUz1L ;\IFERTINC--T1ze conilreg at
those dc"ng it. on of the Ilressbyterian Church' held
A far- number of the hien of tovrit at- thte r annual lneeL`ng ort 11iondaY even
tended the Layman's lkt{ss:onary hove- Ing,, when a goodly. huan'ber were pre
nient prayer nzeebIllT, at the Main Street sent. T11e: ,nieepais was opened 'with de
church on Sunday afternoon, the chair Yot+onal exorcises by the Pastor, at-
.tbeim., occurs:.td b r lkf . '.ID McInnis, An Ler whinit +41x. John H Scott was elect
hour nomas tslXera't Yet .prayer far the ad- ed chairman Satisfactory reports
ranee. rAteio clause,. Were reserved from: the various or -
Word or. the church', The retir-
' or tL has ^ etz received here that lir. Lam. members of the Board o -f Manage-'
lYnn "Lynes. a termer well kaiowlz res'
debt of FA4tet!, to lying dange' ously anent *etre iiT Df Nirt+e'Kes, D.; McInnis
G anbu ' Air. Stasibury 'de`
no. at Toronto, with! Inc, Mope whatever andj. , d h election, and consequently Mr.
a£ els t recovery.. Four specialistsewere W. D. Weekes, Mr, Mcixin'�s' 'and Mr.
called in cessultatLon last week, but G. Dow• were eieeted`f The other mem-
could suggest ndthLtag to relieve hie bars of the Beall, are Messrs. R. G.
condition. SaYnes Jeckell and the See-
1lrs James Si'anless of Duluth ar- �+etjareldenY Mr°acid1SJos: fSelrbr after' seven
rued her 1 i-1day', having- been called teen yeslrs of serhl:fce as Secretary -Tres. -
home owing ,to the V.11ness of her myth- surer res!{gned fall did also Mr. Es J.
er•, 3 es
L. E a'rd;y, 'whin, 's suffering lehr:atie+, who was assistant secretary.
.`:o.•n an attack of pneumonia. air; lair. Joh,h IL Scott was elected to fill
Hardy has also teen `01 'with a severe the vacancy caused by the resignation
cold. 'We are pleased to ata te, J 0 wrever, o" Mr Sen',o'r? Tie auditors elected
that both are itnproving. were Messrs. -V e:denharnzer and Grieve.
Iter. Dr. Hannon in cc;tically 'i]1 at Tho appointment '0.1 ushers was left to
the szome of his son :ci-Taw; Rev. Z`: E. ia a`. Mana,,gea>,e',nti4 Nirl. bytery
Ifallott br St. Marys! Since September Stran-'gtave °a rep The
uY ttla Presbytery
nLsulan budget. The financial report
^e leas then pronounceed tta Ibis, roam showed the total 'contributibns ` '*.1y be
Pie doctors it a case ofmal- .2372.6;: and the.expend ture $2349.42.
fgiant 1tiv and,.tie hype af'recar At t`he'conclus'on of the 'business the
ery. It wti1 be remembered ;that only a
few years ♦ago Dr. IT.Sizlon was : the led'•ea sely-ved a lunc•hzwzl,.
Pastor at ;Jambi Street 1CYturch, Exeter. -I,ss , N. K nn:a5iilnta was in, London op
In a letter :to the Advocate from Mr. Wednesday.
Uri Cunni'ingiihm ot Ca.mmose, :Alta., he Mr. Jones ?off 'Regina :is visiting his
states draft atter a cold snap theweatn Coils''"n, Mr. ri. 0... Jones,
ea- there how„ ,,is just pato spring. Mr`. 31r and Mrs,''.Nelson Beal and fam-
Cunnt¢ig'hhnt who T1s engaged ih the real
estate and Insua.atnce business was
The un^tt o? representattora ,in the
forthcom ;ng redtstalbuti0 i bill, based on
the census of last June; accor'd:ng.to
the poputabion o: Quebec w[,11 be :30,652
On tit's bast's Ontar_o will be entitled
to 81 seats i,ristead, cl'1 86, as art present.
' VOW 0 ar;0 will enttled t o three
ada't"Joaa1' seats, a:idt Taraatotlwill have
eight seats .`;i piece of five. This will
mean' the 'e1'mi at.o.-j, el 11 seats in the
test .or Ontar o, Nott::hg can be more
ce. ,a'z. the is that Huron County 'will
hIay.'-. two •Istead ' disci seats as at.
,pr asent
Messrs Frank and T'o'ed Walters of
E)eta`a,�t r�sl,'ted their parents here a
r p
o> last 'wick.
Miss Mabel' Walters has returned to
tendon after spending a few weeks at
her ho1ne 110e.!
Mr. Frank Handcock and :sister -;n-
law, Miss Jbnht1e Proeech: spent Sunday
t,r Wi tielattryes in Londp z t
1,l'ss Hattie 31un,tet" leaves thl^s,
morning fa:. London Voile she in -
ends remaining Tor a ,time,
3di- and drs, John E, Kerr of Outlook
Sark„ ane Mrlstt,ang Mr: and Mrs,
Arey and /ether £rends n town.
Mrs. Warren glif.O. of Talbotville, and
her daughter, Mrs. Frank Groat of Se
delina, Alta., are visitors at Mr: John
Messrs, tD`. Chafist 0, Wv.. D.: Sanders,
and Thos. Russell attended the South
Huron' AgrdeultW i1 Saciety at Bruce -
geld on Friday Last and were elected
County Councilors Sr < J. -ldearnaal,
reeve et Exeter* Frod I unk°,n, reeve of
Usbortie. I1ealry w:nert% reeve, and iv111,
„Lfl1 'yerr°1gy. deputy -reeve et Stephen,
IQft Tuesd.ai to attend the meeting tar
the County Council' i' at; Goderach.
Mr, Jackson iliawlr ns of Lo ` Mars,
Iowa, and s siatetn, Mrs. Brown or
Calgary, Alta., who have been visiting
with th'e!r la:Atter and +sister, 4S1niCoe
Street, lett Monday morning for Alm-
yra, N, 4„ where they pill visit their
s stir Mrs, Jeseey, before returning to
tars,.^ respecttvo 1.on.es`.
Mr, Goias. Sanders of Gilbert Blaine,
'lean., arrived here last woelr, and is vie-
tai with friends len and around Exe-
ter, the guest:; or hlslbrotiaer Afr. Thos..
G. Sanders. It tb over 35 years since
Mr, Sanders left Stephen, and :t :s over
twenty yoara a'noe' be last visited here,
Consequently wne notices Many changes,
particularly i•',i the faces. Mir. Sanders
rums 480 Acres :tt the west. •
Mr, and r.:,. It,e�aard Hunter returned
last Week "from a three weeks' vieewt,
-:tlz thr r daughter. Mrs Divine, in New
ark C:yy- It was Varstir first visit to
the World's second largess city, and
needless to say they thoroughly enjoy.,
eti their trip. Mr. Hunter is possessed
of inoi..o than average ab it,, ty to notice,
nieniber and dasorale 'what . he has
seen, and hr'is talks on the sights o: the.
Anv:Ir:ealt Metropolis arrow very interest-
•Ily of 'WYa'ulem,, IL1., ,ares visiting Mrs:
among the successful .candidates seekinb 3 A. Munrbe.tals week:
01031icipai honors tni Ca¢nrose^ at, the res T's- 7, A- Stewart 'w'ent' to :London
cent teiledt_lans and: ill - nor.P a "member 'Tuesday, 'acconnpaned 'by Mass Veai,w!to
of the C -e ,,.3n Board: was ret!wrnr:'ng aster a. vcsit
T,iie last r aLar, etot^:n per'o- of
a[•,ta''=Y e`rte-1 ,a to; thv est`,;and 2nd or
A: „
t0rse' .dates atornns� 11
i7,11S3a.' into. th¢ eastern eci, {in;
dold ani clearri.g weather it east
g A 135 3 :oi ry 4
'rod C OO T CONC]
•m 4. iv '111
T1 C die Gazette 1 i t• Mr. IA.' GI 13a)'1N-C wlgo has been coni
r o :11-1;to - a ':var nl 'ronin; for a few
ni nu,t s prdaJily 't1 da you ne .Harm
To stay ,ttiicr'e throu;gl cut' the day may.
do so 1'Yltud hat"n1f %hat .t cannot; be no-
t To rttay there,,:days >m `SUCCI. ei0,n
v 11 2:_Jt erpak 'you 'largo d; then below
phyy'_cat par r4 iriall,� sack. The basic
t, trrouble. s bad vencttlatx4n.'-If some of
"#.�i1C e7 ' g' arer�li .L -ceMp1a7niny ofrflat
I were spent Sir .nxowiaig;, up the win-
dOWS e,ccais'Onally eiv'crybadY Would be
yang:e.:. No amn{aunt. of ai¢' can entirely
cepiac5 sunsiLne.
The ane ; n aze a ia,s given notice
oY the t iebtr•potrattpe of 'i he National trading hoar Ingersoll, ret&ned ' to
Tube .Company Of Guelph iw°•t}h capital ;town Monday, a¢id will remain' for
stash of $500,00 and 'headquarters' :n t_laie "
Fort V jlf int.• T:le incorporators: are
Frank V. Sam'wwe11, Henry WVestby; Wal-
ter E. 'Bucatingihant, Sara McCrea and
Margaret N_a',rn, ,all of Guelph, .A : bonus.
to the eixtcnit or ; $50',000 Wes - recently
granted: t'hqs company' by the vote : of
to people;_ ef: Fort W Ilcanv. lMlr , Sant-
well ,s an old Exeter boy, :though. young-
years, and we are pleased to hear err
,11:33 success.
The. 0: arto Provinc:al Legislature nal)
meet on ,4-tntr3s4y I'rb. 7th. It ,i e.
erpecteld That ,, .e sessioi1_ vial' be .;ev;
crag weeks longer than,. that' or last year
Or.e .of -the mast' •_anportant bilis to
come bef(- - the Flouso wi11 ,be the,:.oVark
anion's Coinpensat:en •Ac't,:'.upon w!ich!
S1^ Wili:kani • Wreath, tra, is : stow gathering
data. Tho b_-L:31ual 'school qizestia33
a' so • vt:11 " be . dfseussed ` a + aim es whin
L3 „Serc''ianti's reTlo«ift .'s presented. T1ie
eYten s.o is to.t. hydro --el eel. system;
w 1','recr,ve cons`4eration;'ar' well as tiie
maid rat�i i
and-gOod road seYienie%,�
xp C,ei a01 heta>:'wei'iu ,I out. • by the
l�t%t " izi0t 'anal Piro Rrecrral', `"ovcri333.'r a
Every person in this vicinity who
suffers from disordered kidneys 'should
come to us immediately and obtain a
These pills nro usually so certain
and prompt -1 nthife;lxc action that we
unhesitatingly recommend them to
you with tlio , defititte understanding
that they will prove. Iaezielticial In treat
!thg your case, or we will promptly re-
fund you any nloney;sbaU have pa33d.us
'Besall's 'Kidney Pills are, sold at 50c
sixty pills 3ei a box only at our store
Cole's. Drug Store.
Bus, Dray and
Teaming Business
Your orders in our line will be
attended to quickly and, satisfao-
torily. " We are here to please the
public needing anything in -our
line, and we ask aerial from you.
Orders left by phone or other-
ICE. PHONE 25,, will receive
prompt attention.
G. Creech
You will be surprised and delighted tQ see the great variety
end excellence of our stock of
'Watches, -Il'evrellry,
1asswaro, Silverware,
and Chinaware.
It is impossible to do better anywhere than we can do for
you. WS ask you only to visit our store and seefgr yourselves.
A. ,r°anal, Exeter
Jeweller & Optician
Furniture Dealers
Our Furniture Stock is complete. 'aThere is nothing
better than furniture for presents. We invite yotl to see
our stock.
The Leading Bome Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
'HONE NO. 32.
ew :Spring
Tress Goods
We have:just opened up our New Dress Goods for
the early buyer. Everything that is new and up -to.
date will be found on our counters, All the new shades
of Blues, Tans, Greys, Greens, Peached .and mixed.. The
early shoppers will find us ready for them.
New Prints
We are ready with the
New Prints . for, the busy
sewers. All the New Pat-
terns and colors are '. here
for you. ^
New Gi- harm
They are here in the {
New Colors and -Designs':
Something new again for
Wash Duses. See thein
e AtlS, 5tki �r`TivejjMan ' r, - 1
,glQar"isr egos come
tock Taking ver
We have some Winter Goods to clear out. All our
dies Coats, t�hilt� ' s Coats, Ladies Furs,- Furlined
goats; Blankets ^' alorter s are to be offered at Bar
gain Prices. I � 'ir oppertunity fol a snap,
1 BOX '7'.RBOL C":SO'. ' 35c..'
The ,T.Wo 'Sac "has ;ONLY 40c
Tei STORE. ,,
-4 Off Furs
Only a few after the
est, fur season. in our
ut while the
will get 1
After t
ocK : Taking
v-\ a lot of dress
�nants suitable
Dress orchil-
Jc ty'
ll.. a '4' I,