HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-1-25, Page 7AN OPEN LETTER From a Well Known Clergyman Chewing Hqw Ind�iges�ioll flan Be Dura; ltev, T. A. Drury, Beamsville,, Onto writes as follows: --'"for eighteen years I have been increas- ingiy impressed with the wonder - fin effects for good wrought by Dr, Williaws' Piiili Pills. .For some years L had suffered almost con- stantly ola- st tly with ehroniei dyspepsia, of the must stubborn type, attended by different other troubles which variably follow, or accompany it as its results, prominent among which were kindney trouble and pales. Against this complication of dis- ease I waged a vigorous warfare for several months, using many differ- ent remedies, none of which gave permanent, relief. In tx y: diseoer.> agement I was about to d s'o. ut nue treatment altogether when I was advised by a friend to iry Dr, Wit limns' Fink Pills, the nse Of which though stn»fez very unfavorable nix., ewiistanees, soon revived racy droop- i13g cepurage, The nieditine sta:aacl; at the riot of my weakness and the different troubles of which dyapep- saga was the primo cause released, let go, and disappeared. In one Iztuntll I increased fifteen pound;,• weight, and received at new lease of life, Only sax boxes of pills pro- drre"ed this wonderful change ru Iny health, which Wati]bralezllcxu zly permanent. Litter my sister became so re- duced by anaemia (though under the card of our family doctor) that she could scarcely wank. In this dangerous extremity D. Williams' Pink Pills were resound tea and, in aw brief sluice of time restored her feet heath, g a 'minister of the gospel test eases line, come under y notice, in all of which. Dr. Wil - )s1 Pink Pillshave fully sus - led their nnnrld-wide reputation, This is \Ow I call COD5c;umticiusly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as being superior to anything known to nm in the treatment of the many diseases for which they are recommended." TRITE SECRET" OF SUCCESS. IClymer-What is the secret of success in business? Selling the people what they want? Aluntoburn---Not not exactly; educating them into wventin the things you have to sell. g A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. --The seeltxled life of women which permits of Tittle healthful exercise is a fruitful cause of derangements of the stomach and liver and is ac- countable for .the ; pains and lassi- tude that so many of them experi- ence. i peri-ence. Parmelee's Vegetable 'Pills will correct irregularities of the di- gestive organs and restore health and vigor. The mast delicate wo- man can use them with safety, be- cause their action, while effective, is mild and soothing: LOST. "Well, Tommie," said the joy - 'Otis Slithers "you must congratu- late me.. I am going to marry your sister." "Oh, thunder !" growled Tam - I" "Why, =, e . Tommi !" protested blith- ers. li h- ers. "Don't you like me?" "Oh, yes,. I like you well enough,"i said Tommie,.:: "but I' bet Mabel a pound of candy you wouldn't beo0 f 1 enough to ask her, and she e betyou *ou'w would." The BestTreatment for, Itchen Seal s ': orad Falling' Halt) 2osilay itching and irritation'of the,'scalp, prevent•dry; 'thin ;and felling .hal; reinJvo :•.lusts, scalessnd dandruff, and Rlomote_th, . growth and beauty o1 he hair; fire foil wing special treatment is.most effective, "agreeable and ,economigal On retfrind, comb the'hair oat straight all;siround,then be in at.the slag a,and nifakc a pasting gently rubble Cutieura ointment Into -the Partin with a pit of soft iliiiina@"lheldowaztboerid oZ the Mager. Anoint ddltiohai artingsa'about halt an inch apart', l' itirthewholeacaiphaa{been treated, the oalpar-r ebeing to get the Cuticura otate/eat on tl e,i alp°(skin rather than on the hair. It Is well. otibblace s liggh_t cov'eritig over the hatir co aroiecI tale phew from.,poseibl ,stain , •jho. eiiti,,moritnacHshampoo,•with Cuticuraf land hot water. ° Sh'apnpooa, AileintAf b.., nuked . as often at, sgrejeablei but on or; Mice a month ie genes lly sarBctent "` t is s ectal treatment for5ipte, it's'-baiir.p 5� gni landiq Cuticura oa nd ohltment td :everzytwy ere. °thoa hitt& uto try thiaj, tat " east �rtia t o: eo,; itout expenra' .IT" a� stele: cfa.gas eppta4M,`�BonWn;t i4¢+Y;Yolri .eithl'p bu h eoa ism A RARING PRINCE. SHEsTRuckAT Arnold White, a prominent Con - ROOT OF TROUBLE servative publicist, has gone out of his way to commend the Churchill changes in the British' navy, and singles out for special praise the appointment of Prince Louis of Bat- tenburg. as Second Lord of. the Ad- miralty. Prince Louis, he declares. to he the ablest official in the Brit- ish navy, yet°he has been atta.cked, P1'inee Louis of 13atfextburg. with amazing virulence by a section of high society, who efanten 1 that his German birth precludes bim from c,attr,'ii-ag en his. responsible duties in the British navy satisfec- tority. 1'li truth he is more Eng- lish than the English, The Prince's/ handling of warships, say arse Iwo)," officers in the navy,makes men hold their breath at times—it is so brilliantly daring, .cis the ' Wel of the lower deck, and the ere those who en:pea him to work miracles in his ways, in Bourse +nf' time, f r lU Cce'a>ad Lod to Vtrst Lord of the Admiralty. WOULD NOT BE 'WITHOUT BABY'S OWN TABLETS (others who have once -used Belay's Own Tablets for filch little ones always keep them in the house. They realize the value of the Tab- lets in banishing baby's illness when it comes, or better still, in wyarding off illness by giving hill en occasional dose of the Ta lets; to keep hisstoln:ueh and bowels re- gular. Concerning them Mrs. Isaac McDonald, Nappan Station, writes ,--- I have used Baby's Own Tablets and would not now be without them as they are the very best medicine I know of for little ones." The Tablets are sold at 9.5 cents a box by medicine dealers or by !nail from The lir, Williatlns' Medicine Co., 'Brockville, Ont. ° THAT'S'DIFFERENT. "Are you a friend of Willia*rl',. I3l {ggins? That ne'er-do-well I should think not, indeed!" "Then you'll hardly be interest- ed to hear that he has inherited $500,000." "What? Dear old .13i11 !" There is no medicine on the mar- ket that ,eon compare with. Bickke's Anti -Consumptive Syrup in expel- ling from the system. the irritating germs that colds engender in the air passages. It suicide, toneg- lect your cold. Try the. cheap .ex- periment of ridding yourself of it by using Biekle' s Syrup, which is a simple remedy, easily taken, and once used it will always be prized as a sovereign medicine. :Any girl .can.learn,to love ,a man if she thinks some other girl wants him. Try Murine Eye Remedy NoSmartlnq 17eelsline--Acts Quickly-, y® u% r Granulated ryelfda 'Illustrated Book '1n each :Pat1e, e: 1d17R1NE'.1s ma- n a s' pounded ' by our Oculists -nota "Patent 3tediclno" but used In succoserul Pb st-- r J 0clan'' Practice for many years. Now 9S W dedicated to the Pubile and solei. by Druggists attnc-Ker per bottle. Marine are Eye Salve In Aseptic Tubes, 011e -Dee, Murine Eye Remedy' Co., Chicago It's the worker that -achieves success, not the workee. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Anyway, a bass drum drowns a lot of bad music. There is no poisonous ' ingredi- ent ' in Holloway's Corn Cure, ,and' it can be used without danger, of '1U,IfirYded ANVIL. SPARKS,. Trying to get' even , is always lo;v4 A grin' is aa,cross between a smile and,a.frown: The Lord doesn't love: the cheer ful giver ;of offense. . You can keep 'cool-headed with- out` being cold-hearted. The man who gets rich quick may not stay rich long. THEN HE WAS QUIET. usbanid You'r.8 always' making .there ever a ;trine' 51; MES. CtEllEAU CURED IIP. KIDNEYS WITflr DODO'S IiII3li:Y PILLS. And her Read Trouble, Backache and other ailments tlisappe rred--- Says she owes her good health to Dodd's Ilidney Pills. Petit. Rocher, Gloucester Co,, �"- 3., Jan. $ (Special).—When as. Pierre I. Comeau, a •e]l known and highly respected resident of this place cured her kidney disease, her heart trouble and other aches and pains also disappeared. Sho eurred'. Pier kidney disease easily and wick- iv by using Dodd's :Kidney Pills,. "My heart troubled me all the true„” Mrs, Comeau sta¢esr rand feared for the terrible results that might follow. My limbs -would swen, my back ached and 1 was al- ways tired azrd rlervoits, "Tilose symptoms led roe to -. beve that kidney disease :w; -as txre refit ell, ;all my troubles, F o I turner ttw Iodd's Kidney Pill, I.lcfore. I lar{d finished the first box. the swel— ling was gone, my bade was wen and zany heart no /anger troubled' we. lam now in the best of health, a.rld I ()we it all to DudU'S .ci,iey- Always htr:"ta:e at the wet of t'.axaa-. trouble. And in mine cases out of ten all women's troubles start with the Kidneys,That's why Dodd's, Kidney Pills are avoniallnrs best friend, MANUFACTURE . At a time when everyone as ilagout about the price of xrxitl' a'rtiele of food, that we canon ; without, whatever the price•--- ww•ortlly of note that ai.substitutt long ago evolved. In. Japan ea are not very tirlimea'ous, but ,laps are zoned of milk, so 4_ thing had to be done to meet demand for this important ILOn sustenauce, Couseatueutly, oil>r Sapatlncse brethern put their what together and produecd a substit.rttoi that few people would be able to distinguish :from the real article. it is manufaetured from the soja- bean. These are firtt soaked, then. boiled in water. ;After to time, the liquid turns whiten, when sugar" And phosphate of potash Are added in proper quantities. The boiling in continued until a substance the thickness of molasses is. obtained, In appearance this is very like ordi- nary condensed milk, but when wat- er has been added to the fluid, it can scarcely be tont from cow's milk, Hubby—I won't say marriage is a failure, but genre are more for- tunate in what they get than others. W fie ou are quite right, dear ; for instance, you got me, but 1—got only 'you. 5h/!ohs STOPS COUGHS 1?R CEras CENT$ There is nothing new under the sun. Even our mistakes have been, made before. Worms feed upon the vitality of children and endanger their lives, 1and effective cure is A simple eff� v Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator, It takes a, pretty big man to say just what he thinks— A Household `Medicine'.—They that are acquainted with the ster- ling properties of Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil inthe treatment of many ailments would not be without it in the house. It is truly a household medicine and as it is effective in dealing with many' ordinary com- plaints it is cheaper than ,a doctor. So, keep it at hand, as the call for it may come most unexpectedly. It is much easier to find fault than to lose one. Minard's` Liniment Cures Diphtheria. STRANGE, FOR SAM. F rank—Sam, whenyou an' me was out at de party las'• night you acted awful strange. Sam -I didn't know it Frank.' How olid I, act strange?, F'1 ink.=Why';-' you ;was ';actually spendin' money ! TRIED POISON ON III?tiSELF. A Swiss Professor's :L+'„ ,perimeni: With Nightshade Be .les. Not since the famous "cholera, breakfast" many years ago, at Odell the German professor, Pet- teukofer, demonstrated on his own body that certain bacilli supposed to be those of cholera weren't that kind ;after all, has so much inter- est been taken ,in atoaicological experiment as in, that made the oth- er day by Dr, Kannegiesser, of the University o f Neuchatel.. ii set 'himself the task of test- ing the process of poisoning by ber- ries of the deadly nightshade, from. folio- to ten of which, .according to the age and strength of the sub- ject, are commonly supposed to be fatal dose, Dr. Kannegiesser had the courage to swallow ten berries. Seven minutes afterward the chief poisonous elemen of belladonna. atropine, began its work. Dizsi. 31ea , dryness in t e throat, and an hoar impairment of sight waved ill Jue ea e experimenter' in dusts made notes bat when he felt a ae,ipdent sl'm4r"� on ereep.ng over lam, 614 ➢d rvlter? 11 lrrnbs re as'e 1 to reeve oat tlae Fiiddlug nr t e lz •eirx, !Al tttoazt ht he lr orlc d rz e1touyb alxld tarok ra; powertut emetic, Notww•;tlr. sta "ding this `ti a yaluntt xals ci _r +1 I1r te. The ale ;t seIf fill a, of memory Lill convulsions 3t1 fire arelS It was wet'k lz fxare, egierser'5 iron cunstzt11 tax no the poisonous cilects, bser:ations ' aro spoken of pry highly b* traplredieai profes- ail, halt he says that he wouldn't an, +at.ar expriarreart of ibis oar all 't.,he yeah l at the nd. liinrr ory bass 9r, io Q ' 3 u e: y la xve ta> oPSer several first-class, poral lovesn s; i lzinr 6 per eenE„ net,, amyl na even„* unqua&4<ed recon- mendation, WRITE FOR FUEL DETAILS CANADA SECURITIES 3Qft ftleGtnee Sutldtt?? 1"`Tla Curnb1U. 1.0n 5 la ARPET DYEfN and Vleanlin,, Tho to a speclatltz;wa,na tht tfeh Arrierloi w Dyalna d: voile -Alai, by pot". Ind as Aro taro to +at AddraAs Sox 155. Montreal, Tho Hemta Action, rn�.ED c fesr RES tIOOla WEICTY,I, I YE, 3Ci i 1I Brio* Nonoil lard Goo catharrrtaa5. OTTO AGE runt oulrl ntat have belleveri th. ulei calve so quiekl atxicl t the wino tixrp+ a`Q oflfective1y, cured me. Ixeea ire covered with h,: which itched and ir- kris rash then turned tea llieh +discharged freely and a 17 reaid. I first tried one thing and thon another, but nothing seemed to do me any good, and the eruption got, worse and worse, un- til my face ,was just covered with running sores. "Apart r a1 t from the `1ti(whichI naits vary bad), my face was such o. ter- rible sight that I was not fit to go out. This was my state when some one advised ane to try Zarn-l3uk, 1 got a supply, and marvellous as it may sound, within little under a month every sore on my face was. healed. nave no objection to your stating my experience for the bene- fit of other ,sufferers." Zein -But: is purely herbal in com- position, and: is the ideal balm for babies and young children, for whose tender skin coarse ointments are so dangerous.. Zam-Buk is a sure euro for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bite, blood -poison, varicose sores, piles, scalp sores, ringworm, inflamed patches, babies' eruptions and chapped places, cuts, burns, bruises and skin injuries generally, All druggists and stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon re- ceipt of price. Refuse substitutes. The fellow who patronizes the races doesn'talways go broke, but he is apt to come home that way. kind ritarted, sores, began 1 Minarci's Liniment Go.,Limited. Sirs, -I have used your MINARD'S 7�Ti7I- KENT kr the past 25 years and whilst I have occasionally used other liniments I can 'safely say that I.have never used ' isn't it a good idea to have it ready to take the moment you feel the cold coming'? A. LY LYON & PLUM'f.. Q'ui+araaborStgovaltu Stam Bich! t, 4liwarla 20d driniat stocl;sUatag n eonatrnitxiOn. footers In ()Wensl tunlcepaar scuurit4s. . . . 17igFrtl tfie atrTORQfyTO Twls,Ar. 737a.c Cawhis; "nonplum" s.l.MI$El' OV GO0r?. .anti nary1'araas''. Oaa=ar',o ant Print r F% H• 1A 3nir If. Yf !AT Nil t ;v-s:a se Awad F:tc-1 m>i ?«5c, Money ra vey. Collette 1,lfa,•, ezoti, Ont. CI E YOUR Bt1S}1 A CiuA11a;E' All MAKE MONEY WITH IT,w down You would not think of rutting t e your hay or grain with hand seythea, rand you should not urs, old pots and paras Install a "Chstru131ou" and make saatarti. and better syrup with less time and fuel, More revenue at a reduced cool. ww'lty nob try this? We pare ono that will 3ust in yon. >i au are cure to win. Write for area booklet. TMF GRIME MFG, co.. rmuT m. 55 Wellington St.. Montreal. Que. EASILY EXPLAINED. Visitor—"Aly good man, why' you here?" Convict- Chiefly 'cause they hain't jined the open door move- ment here yit." A Pill That L1ghtens Life.—To the man who is a victim of indiges- tion the transaction of business be cozies an added misery. He earn not concentrate his mind upon bis tasks and loss and vexation attend him, To such a mall "Parmelee's Vegetable Pills offer relief. A course of treatment. according to directions, will convince him of their great excellence. They are confidently recommended because they will do all that is claimed for them. Ships will be towed 'thr lugii the Panama Canal by electric locomo- tives running on either side of the waterwa r. If a dose of-Hamlins Wizard Oil taken at night will prevent your having a bad cold in the morning, any equal to yours. If rubbed between , the hands and - in- haled' frequently, it will never fail to cure cold in the 'head in twenty -tour hours. • It is also the Best for bruises, sprains, etc. Yours truly, J. G. LESLIE.. Dartmouth. Some men run for office and others 'win' in a ''walk. PILES CURED 111 6 TO 14' DAYS.' Yonr druggist will refund money if..PAZO OINT- Ml fails to euro any case 'of Itching, Bleeding or Protruding Piles.in 6 to 14 days. ,Ric, • it doesn't take a fest young man long to run through a fortune. 1llnard's Liniment Cures Carget In cows' HER PRIVATE PLEASURE._ E.` He made his wife keep a cash ac- count. Every week he would go over it, growling and grumbling, like this: "Look here, Hannah; mustard plasters, a quarter ; three teeth ex-' tracts i, .$2.50. There's $2.75 in one. week spent for your private plea-' sure. .`Do you think I'm made of 1a0 ney HE KNEE ; IIs --A woman is ales} She --Ito 1v You F e --She Y" slwaw+s' her birthdz' ;i:but never'. A floating debt is a poorlife pre- server to keep a man's head above water. Only One 'BROH10 Ql1iNINE.' That is LAXATIVE 3-3RO140 QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c.., VERY PAINFUL. Flim—Halloo, clear boy, you look very sad' this inorning. What's the "trouble? Flam-4.'ve'.just undergone 1cst annoying 'operation. Flim—What was it? ,, Flam--I had my _ allowance out off. Ont. Eer. Sa%til deer it ttta.l ttatna?aani^, :lvrrt ww 11I'EI?. -, A. LIS1 I"glt et'' 1,0010, tiVrite usfor our cltaics _ i rai eats aupplirao. We bare tail► alit aaileney proposition In Canada 9 iiaay. ;o outlay .necessary. A.nply 4. 3 Albert St., Ottawa. Q311: rw ORIC.--WR WA= RSLIiu bit fa auil ell tet operate ,oar laigh,speed autaruattlo 1Cuittira Machines at :lauaaaei Wade or spurn time knitttapt for ",'ire tratdrls goad, wva.:etl. For 811 particulars attitiress, The Can 'Wholis 'l?lctri. bating Go,, Dept. V., Orillta, Ontario. HELP, WANTED. A T 07,'1011. -NEN TO LEARN DARIISh1i 2I► trade: expert instruction; constant ' Praeticea toots free; airways sure employ. utant for 'a barber. Write for ca+ta'loiiue. :doter Barber College, 2=1 Queen Enst. Toronto, MALE HELP WANTED. 1 ` PPORTUNI'i"Y FOR YOUNG MEN L a' front- old country to qualify for positions in railway station service. btatclies may bo taken up by Dome -Study and also in the Day and Evening School. Call or write for partioulars. Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto, MISCELLANEOUS. TAY and FARM SUALES. Wilson's Scale Works.' 9 bspaanade, Turonto. ® TUMORS. LUMPS, oto. 10- '�J carnal and external, ;cured witbou train by our home treattnent. Write u, bef,9re too late, Dr. Hellman Medical Co„ Limited. Colhngwood. Ont. • rex SOALE GUAILA`TEED, 'wvilsonn Scalp Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto AGENTS \P.V.CTLD A. STUD]' OF other _ Agency propositions convince, us that none can equal ours. You will al- ways regret it if you dont apply for par- ticulars to 'rragcllere' Dept., 223 Albert St,. Ottawa. I'EOIALISTS 'ADVICE, PRE>;. Consult as in regard to any diseases Lowest ;Aloes in drugs of alt r kinds. Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure- ment. Glasses fitted by ago. Write `to -day for anything 'sold iu - first-class chug ;tares to Dr. Heilman. Collingwood. Ont. FARM HANDS WANTED rote Alberta for eight months, 15th March to 15th Nev, for:1820 and board. Apply by letter to. Box 127 Toronto P. O„ enclosing at least two references from last iotnployers, state age and farming experience. DOs , i„ ® S External application for leas or beast. Everyone'' knows -of the wonderful qualities in the;', oil of the STURGEON .for sprains, lameness, ' etc. Dr° Do' s' formula has it in its best form. For Rheumatism,+ Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings,:. etc., . it cannot be egalalled. Try it once - and you will itlsiied. Trice 25 cents ASKV-OUR IDEAL HE SELLS The Brayley Drug Cor, Ltt Sole Props. J' 1a' 15 it