HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-1-18, Page 7tITTLE WORIIIES 111 TIIE liOftiE It 1° These That Bring Wrink:es anA Yale 'Moen Look Pre- maturely Old. Almost every woman at the head of a borne meets daily with, malty little worries in her household' af- fairs, They may be too small to no- tice au hour afterwards, but it is these same constant little worries thatmake so many women look pre- maturely ad. Their effect may be noticed, in sunk er nersous head- .ache`s" fickle appetite, • pain in the back, or side,sallow complexion, and the e.oming of wrinkles, which every woman dreads. To those thus afflicted Dr. Williams' Sink Pills safer a ,speedy and certain cure, a restoration of color to the cheeks, brightness to the eye, as healthy appetite and a souse of freedom from weariness. Among the thousands of Canadian women who have found new health and new strength through the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Dills is ;yrs. W. O. Daerr, Loudon, Ont,, who gays; "About two years. agar I found myself sobadly run down that it was unloose impossible tea perform my household duties. I ;toll off in flesh, was weak and; very pale, had no appetite, feet` con- stantly cold, and to further make ztry life miserable. I was afflicted with those other ailments from which so many- women differ. I tried many kinds oaf xnedieine, but sit no benefit, and began to fool hat I was slipping irito chronic in- validism.- I w$,S advised to try Dr,' Williams' Pink Pills, and although l felt SOmerwv'hat hopeless, decided Q do so. To my delight, after= tilt- ing the Pills a few weeks, I felt much better, and a further use ef' tboni brought me back to oily sold' time heath. I have since recent mended the Pills to znaltyr others, and Ow who have used them ltaawre always been benefitted," Sold by all niediciiie dealers or by nail at at outs a be or six boxes for $2,00 front The Dr. 'Wil- liams' Medicine Cot., 7lroekville, Ont. QUEEN VICTORIA'S WEDDING. house without leaving the word outside was a 'breachof friend- sbip• He, whose position justifiedthe a,eeompaniment of an attendant in- variably left the sword in his charge at the entrance, or if he were alone ,it was usually laid down at the entrance. If removed inside this was in- variably done by the hest's' ser- Tants; ex'vans; and it was not touched by the bare hand, bat with a1iU nap- kin kept' for the purpose. The sword was placed upon a sword reek, ib. the p1aee of honor near the guest, and treated with all. the politeness due to an honored visitor who wouldresent adiaeour- tesy, To exploit a naked weapon was a, gross insult, unless when a gentleman wished to show hia friends his collection, To express a. wish to see a. .sword was not usual unless the blade in question was of great value, when a request to be shown it would be a compliment. The sword would then be handl- ed with the bask toward. the guest, the edge turned toward the owner, a BID HOT HAVE A TIMELY LIGHT. cs 'French inter telln of an, in-. oidont during a, voyage to India. . l THE D1 To ""One dark evening I sat in uty cabin feeling thoroughly unwell, as Ta'EOAUS1+: SHE TRIED DtODD. 11D�dd.l' PILLS FIRST One box of t'lmu oared Mrs. ]Isar A . Cook's Rheumatism Iron which she had suffered fQi four- teen years, Mannheim, Ont„ Jan I (Spocia —How quickly and easily Rheunaaa,- tism can be cured when yolt use tiro right means j shown the rare of Mrs. Mary A. Cook, well known and highly respected here. In a;i interview regarding her cure, of which all the village know,, Mrta. Gocak .says; "I bad Rheumatism so bad that sornetirees I would eft -up nearly al! n=ght. "I first thought I would try the doctors, but luckily I decided tea ftrat try Doald's'Kidney Pills. d the hilt to the left, the guest "Tiley cured me, and 1 el d:?'t, 'ageing the hilt, either in the Et- have to try the doctors. And last le silk napkin always carred 1?;e i to think that after fourteen year oz sobering one box ' of 1),-d<I's Imo: lacy Pil1e sshoulal cure i T wtiT11 recto ?need 'Doddd's Kidne;, Pi'ls tea arty; ¢diet• who suffers from Rheic [l tisrn s' ;t iti e,2 > Fo oil e. I'ls vetlemen in their pockets er in na aoet,of clean paper, Tlle'wveapon was drawn from the eeablbard and admired incsh by unit, but not to the full length un- less the owner pressed his guest to do so, when, with much apology,. the sword wvas entirely drawn and field away frons. then other ye oxts being admired it w nidd Ile eaarcitally wiped with aspeeial: cloth, sheathed, and returned to elle ovalis er as before'. The short sword was retainea in the girdle, but at a long visit both host and guest laid it aside. e l 1 t the' new volume oaf Lord 3roughton'n reminiseenees 'there'i>* rl tdeacriptiext: of Queen, Victoria's' wedding, the writer having been ono of the guests. ",Her Majesty=," ho says, "°looked handsome, but pale, and the twang() bio. sonts in her head shook violently. 'glut She performed her part with her usual propriety and presence of rlaind and prompted Prince .Albert. during the reading of the lessons ore than once. She' once beck- oned oned to him to approach` nearer when he put the ring on her finger. and pointed to the finger on which the ring was to he put." r,A{ Externally or Internally, it is Good,—When applied externally by brisk rubbing, Dr. Thomas' Ee- lectric Oil opens the pores and penetrates the tissue as few lini- ments do, touching the seat of the trouble and immediately affording relief. Administered internally, it will still the irritation in the throat which induces coughing and will .i1..- _,f"e4`"affebtiaris of the bronchial 'f' tubes and respiratory organs. Try it and be convinced. JAPAN'S SWORD ETIQUETTE It Is Expressed in a \'lumber of Minute. Rules. In Japan until within recent tines the. sword was considered a badge of the aristocracy. The etiquette that regulated the wear- ing of the long and the short swords was expressed in a number of minute rules. ibreach f these lv aI o The most trivial was often the minute observances , ca use of mutterers brawls and cause of murderous' brawls and other's. weapon or to come into sol- lision, with the - sheath wase a dire offence, and to enter' a friend's CURED OF CO S11PATU R9'te' Andrews- pr. iaee Dr. Morse'Sr Indian Root PiSIS. Mr. George Andrews of Halifax, N.S., evrites i • .. `'x'or.many years I have been troubled, ;with: chronic Constipation. This ail- ment never comes single-handed; and I ;,have been a victim to the many Illnesses that constipation brings in, its;. train. Medicine after medicine y have taken in ". order to find relief, but one and all left me in the samehopeless condition. It. seemed that nothing would expel from me the one ailment that caused so much, trouble, yet at ;-last" I read about these -ludianiRoot ,Pills. That was indeed a lucky day for me, for` I was" so imppressed with the state- (ments made that I determined to • give" them a fair trial. They have regulated my stomach and; bswels. I acured of constipation, and Iam I claim they have iio equal as a inedi-` cane•'.' : . For over- liaif a century Dr, Morse's; Indian Root Pills have been curing ,!stipation and dogged, inactive kidney,8 with all tlie'aiiinentscwhich result front u; them, They ciea.nselthe whole system;+ }nnd purify the blood.� �1d eryr�he t s i'n '19$• 25O. a bAaC x . , STRONG 1'R t Mrs. (Rev.) W. II t Sfirdixtg, Ont writ! wish to give this tons testimonial: to the great, w=attic of Yaby's Own Tablets, Our little' girl, horn last Febru- ary, ary, was at first very eonst- pate,d. When other remedies falecd wsa tried the Tablets and in a week she was sono- pletely cured. By the use of the Tablets she bans been kept well and happy ever since.'' pP. It is strong praise like this that has made Baby's Own Tablets so popular. Thou- sands of other mothers have said t• --"Once we gave thea Tablets a trial we had no- thing but praise for thele." The Tablets are sold by me- dicine dealers or by snail at 25cents a, box from The Dr. Williams" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, lashesy, " a i.. "liurrah ! Hurrah!" cried a young law=yer, who had .succeeded in his father's practice, "I've set- tled that old Chancery suit at last." "Settled it!" cried the as- tonished parent, "why I gave you that as an annuity for your li.fe." "Pa, will you please tell me what a financial genius is?" "A financi- al genius, uiy child, is a man who can spend money that he has never had, and which the people who think they are •getting it will never see." • CRIPPLED BY RHEUMATISM. yes, s elms ;rte' when yoe go the Held; way tout it, Itbeurnatisni is caused law• io acid in the bleed, If the Kid- sy=s are working right tit av will ram all the uric acid out of the act and there elm be no Rheu- issrs. Dodd's Kidney Pills al - the t1e Kidneys work right. 'fnako A l3IODEi:N MIRACLE, the sea was rising fast and I was but a poor sailor, Suddenly the cry of "man overboard' t made mne. spring to rely feet, I heard a trampling overheard, but resolved not to go on deck lest I should in- terfere with the• crew in their et. forts: to save the poor mail, 'What can I do V I asked myself, arid, in.- stantly onlooking xray lamp, I,held it near the top of my cabin and olose to ply bull's eye 'vvixidow, that» its ligula might shine en.. the sea, and as near the+ship as possible. In a half minute's time T heard the soy- ful eras, ''it's all right; he's safe." 'upon; which. I put my lamp in its place. The neat day, however, I was told that my littlf,'i lamp 'Scar the scab, means of easing the man' life. It was only by the timely light which allone upon him that the knotted rope ootlddd l thrown so as. to reach hi;;n."--Ohristiau Herald. THIiY ARE ENG AGED. "She aeeept-e rine on one con �'. 44 l t at s doesn't get as better now and sexing,." 11ie gar— man 1r - Haan ww a large Sympathetie Bak children have "op, Too Beggar £ale xala;'am, bow should can't sera, 'ern.l 'fOR' YOU CANT BEATlc .- LIPTON'S y• a poor blind',; nily, lids . The And how many My poor man nplussed>--.Lor, 1 know, when 1 gta ANG MAN'S DIARY. nlinu#a Reeerels of His Sxlf� 'w Written by Himself. A v. -year-old tailor's cutter wlio tcausmiffed suicide at Lyons, by ;labeling eharceal fumes left elle following Wary of hisex perienee ahs death approached .:• .4Q—Wind sap watch ?IVA begin ;t rote impressions, 3,50• --,;Already feel e,ains in the Ilea 1.00 Teed my icnldiles throbbing. •1,5 --stn sliii)ing breathe with cist ticnity. .3 ' -Head confused, and am turn- -hag giddy. 4.40 -Sight going. 4,.50 -Can hardly sea now, and nly, body' iaf becoming numb.' 4.00—Please say good-bye to friend o1 16, Rue, de i'Epeo.- Al:d the entries with the exception o the last were written in az! ftrxn eloar hand. 85 University St., Montreal. "Just a word of praise for GIN PILLS. About fifteen months ago I could not walk across my room, suffering severely with rheumatism. T took GIN PILLS and be - carie quite well. "SAMUEL LONOMORE." Write us for free sample of Gin Pills to try. Then get the regular size boxes at your dealer's or direct from us. 50c. refunded if `Mono d d a box, 6 for $2.50.y re Gin Pills fail to cure., National Drug & _Ohemical Co.. of Canada, Limited, Dept. W.L., Toronto. PBIIIITIVE TELEPHONES. 3 CANADA liav t offer se a g �. peC cent, net, aeon,, Innen #lultdt cal t. -s hood investments c,2rr?inS our unqualified recCanti- ITE FOR TAILS aUR T ES 00 A1iION, 'CI i7$ ,lamas stmt,. Monti -54. tt cgs TORDREE1, r t4 gels ill, t Q i.tltalit . , aLAND FARM BA i S ' ANTED ' to op Alhart& far eight 3a0ni#s, "181/ hfaieli to 4` aY far 9i1:1- and beard. Apply b7 let:or t9Teronaa P. O., enciesing at lfpiAt two eferesee* trent .loot iemplaiul'n, Malta xZa Ing exporlinco. lies Iiael Eeze;ua 25 Yearn. and Dot- tars: Said ":No Care." Zam-Ituk Ras Worked Conan ,Norte Cure. "This is the experience of a zna-'a of 'high reputation, widely Iruow in 3lontroaal, and whose ease can iWily he investigated: Mr. T. M. an'rsh, the gentleman referred tea, at let Delerimier Avenue, ea!, and bus lived there for For twenty-five years he ltad eczema- en his hands aa,ind STRANGE "She .holds peculiar �triews of xna- trinaony," "That so `t" "Yes. She says that even if her .husband shouldn't make a. fortune in Ave years she expcets to stick, to him until death A tribe. of Indians who have a - primitive, and at the same time a. very effective, system of .telephone has been discovered .in South America. The Putumayos are the tribe, ,and they take their name from one of the affluents of the Amazon. Suspended from a beans they have two blocks of weed, stud- ded with a stone. peculiarto the dis- trict. The stones: are st.ruck'';with a baton with india-rubber, a,t the fip. The. blocks , give musical' sounds with sharps and fiats when struck. Communication • is made, by a certain number of taps, and tile 'wordsare varied,lay- tiae time'. lapsing 'between s1 'n., taps. ' .It' is said rnessages in ti -lis way can be heard, a distance 4extending over nine` miles,-Londoz`d Globe. 8hilohi C GS STOPS COUG S PRICE, 25 CLENTS A little outside assistance might have improved some self-made men. Time tries all things, and as pickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup has stood the test of years it now ranks as a leading specific in the treatment of all ailments of the throat and lungs. It will soften and subdue the most stubborn eough by relieving the irritation, and restore the affected organs to healthy conditions. Use will show its value. Try it and be convinced of its efficacy. But if a man thinks he knows all that is worth knowing, he doesn't. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money. if it fails to cure. E. W.GROVE'S is' signature use oneach box. 25o. s The trouble with the people who have taking ways is that they don't al ways have brill ins' -back ways. w y g Nfinard's Liniment Cures target itt Caws, TRY DOGS AS SENTRIES. The R:ssian army is trying the experiment of using dogs instead of men as sentries. The wolf dog of the Ural mountains is found the most suitable for this duty. . This anunal does not bark at the pres- ence of an intruder, but merely growls' and ineites.the other dogs in the camp, to do likewise. '`Piave you heard`7thai,•yowing Mo - lard has absconded with $3,000 r.f, his 'employer's- m ley 1" "From that old ,yew i . a, ha ! What a jokel'z Heal' took your'ini- brelIt0..0,',*itli hat ,,=, "The meaan, 3aaGtTe1 i'r wuduld, n tiekJ i• a sandbag all knock the cell; uict raf�; C/lwFEl fl-1X1'k ACR} prick Ploure ansi Catharines. . NUMBER OF GOOD STOCK. and Dairy Parma ."ri Halton, Ontario and Prince Edward NTA s�z OEN 0 ,s th t time four eatineut rrlclli- a en tried to cure him, an awes up the vaso as hopeless ally, Mr. Marsh. tried tore- f all kinds, but he, also, at wit sive it up. For two }ears he had to wear 'gloves day and night, stz terrible was the pain and iteh,ng wwlten the air got to the soros,. Then came Za>n-Buk7 Be tried , dres t, just as he had tried hundreds of omedics hefere. But he soon found. tut that. Tann Euk was different. Vithin a• few weeks there were dis- -ince signs of benefit, and a little >arse:veranee with this great her- Qenttntnen,-vast winter z received treat benefit frum the usn of 'tttr:i.t1tD'H adnl resulted in what he hadIrllx'ENT in s. severe attack of La given. up aft hope of—a complete 'OriPnte'rarnd r1i a freque in tl of am cure! : ,And the cure ww'a,s no tem- piation poraary auto. It vas permanent. He was cured nearly* four years tzrtcrvzewcc t to other ray Fi£tb Ave., .5Sth to SMIt, .Street QrerIeekbnd Centro?. P ra ifoxcdzrs$ a deli$hl£ui, reaideni e, frritss wa�Es;vit a l'the prier sst:wl cents of the +city* care readily uccoat:ibtr. Haat spa ^m .is.`s ssasea$$A r i" u'>�7sra.' 'it'shispta;.araafear«, W74--ard" lutr er, addaxe s ia; i anti imih +*s;� lbq!r. Fr i re er fws%ktR rf al ai Ina= . '£2 F C3�.IIF RtYitir.�.tit. tFt & ".tC&i, t ,a a ra.•r,iw, 5r c iarFJfia11.'et. 1iJaifs S', RIEF, iT It ager qt 0. #T THE I1AS1EST WAY.. •"Yee, ww^en fllrat°xeille d because tit, w antes! '. twvaiatyr-Live-dollatR` hat.' c'13ut von seem. to have made u ww°l vt I bought her a fifty -dolga ago d l tl d , Mr. Marsh said: "The euro which Leen-Sul worked has been abso- lutely permanent. From elle day that I was cured to the present mo- ment I have had no trace of eczema., and I feel 'sure it will never re- turn." If you suffer from any skin trou- ble, cut out this article, write across itthe name of this paper, and nlaa,il it, with one cent stamp to pay re- turn postage, to .Zam-Buk Co., To- ronto. We will forward you by re- turn a eturn'a free trial box of Zam-Buk. All druggists and stores sell this famous remedy, Sec, box. NOT GOING THE WHOLE HOG. Father (to young Adonis who has begged' for the hand of his,daugh- ter)-"But, my dear sir, are you able to support a family?" Adonis (softly)—"Ye-es, I could. But I am only asking for the daugh- ter." s8 Yours, A. iUiTCJLINSC.N. The Pill That Leads Them All.— Pills are the most portable ortab e and compact of all medicines, and when. easy � to take are the most acceptable of preparations. But they must attest their power to be popular. As Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the most popular of all pills they requirements. ,, urements. must fully meet all 9 Accurately compounded and com- posed of ingredients proven . to be effective in regulating the digestive. organs, there is no surer medicine to be had anywhere. When a. manhas money y to burn some other fellow is always willing bo • match him for it, For your own sake, don't wait until it -happens. - It may be :a headache, toothache; earache, or some painful accident: Il:amlins Wizard Oil will cure it. Get a bot- tle now. A POLYGLOT. 'Mow many foreign languages can Jolles talk?" "Well, he Bays he atnderstands everything his baby says."' Worms cause fretfulness and rob the infant of sleep, the great nour- isher. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will clear the stomach and intestines and restore ,health- fulness. When some people do tell the truth they ought to label it; 61inard's Liniment Sures Diphtheria. She—Kind words 'earn never die. R_e—Maybe not, but 'a whole_ lot of them sewn laid lip and not work - o 'sup ca1..op + nary m r moving orn' Curr ration is rie�i corns if H01 be used. Some people waste alot of time talking about the value of silence. at end 0 n• [se ENTS WANTED. ^- A very Belie. Write uis for our eltoica rC al;rnts '15upplies. We beim tbs sit sieneP propowitllon 10 Canada „ No oatht s accessary. ry. PP Co. 228 Albert FL Ottawa. VC a eb Deft LP -YO TE er Co. • tl a MALE HELP WANTED. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. Lots of men are willing to tell us just what to do, but, they nevei have time to show us. When Your Eyes Need Car Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting --Feel Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak watery Eyes and g=ranulated Eyelids. Il1ue Crated Book in each Package. Murine 'i compounded by our Oculists—not a' Patent Med. 'cine"—but -used, in successful Physicians' Prat Tice. for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub lie and sold by 'uniggists at 25c and 500 per Bottle Marino Eye Salvo in Aseptic Tubes, 2,"c and 50a Murine Eye :RemedyCO. ,.ClIIOas It's easier to talk women out o 98 cents than it is to fight men ou of a dollar. PILES CURLED 9N 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OIN'1 MN,\T fails to cure any case of Itching, Blin, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to -13 days. so Bearing clogs for their skins is :large' industry in Manchuria. Minard's Liniment' Cures Distemper. The'world 'is -slow to recogniz Genius principally because it has s little practice in that line. Clean Stomach, Clear Mind.- The stomach is the workshop of tl vital functions and when it ge out of order -tire whole system slogs in sympathy. The spirits flag, the 1 mind droops and work becomes im- possible. The .&rotcare should bet to restore healthful action of, the stomach and the best preparation for that xmrtwose i.s Parmelee's lTegetable Pills. General ase for years: has Ion ; them n; tt d,;;z;^ place in lnediebie• A trial will at- test their valu cw v ri A ' 1VAX ` POSITIONS AS •STA'T'ION skgonta. Telegraphers, Prelfight and ct Glcrlis, nay ,goad wages. IVO trate quickly. Send for re Booklet wr rrtt nnri lrnit. {Srrurri.rs-. Iionoto.. ' 1L son Se.'liool l'do graapliy. 'Yoram,{. Minard's Liniment Co,. Linn tad, 6 o MibUEULANEOUS. -- Tend SAILat SCALES, Wilson's Scale Wnrke, g l:aplauade, Toronto. I l ANClait, TUMORS. LU.litt'S, etc. in. '.1 tcrnat and external. cured wtthous nun by our Lowe treatment. Writ. us before too lata. lir, liellinau licdiCat Co„ Limited, ColI1norood. Ont. rr TON. SCALE GC1.AItANTELD. Wilsons 3.3 Scale Works, 9 I splanado, Toronto. AG'EtiTS \'ANTBD. — A STUDY aP" other Agency propositions convinces us that none can equal ours. You mill al, ways regret it If yoit don't apply for par- ticulare :o Travellers' Dept., 228 Albert St.. Ottawa. PECIALISTS ADVICS F1t5E. Consuls us in regard to any dioeas0. Lowewa. prices in drugs of all kinds.. Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure. stent. Glasses fitted by ago. write today for -anything sold to firat•ciass drug stores to Dr. Reitman.: Collinrwood. Ont. DYEING ! GLEANING 1 Fortin: very best, send your work to the "BRITISH AMEEIDAfl DYEINC CO." Leek for agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal, Toronto, O.tawa, Queher. Trappers, ritin[e•u r i= and Healers In any land of Raw ,Furs. e , cannot afford, to dis". pose of their 001150. tions witi3Outlimb .; obtaining our quo. ta,tionswhich we cheerfully furnish upon' C following specialize in the f ,� We _e� s request'. we P RIGHT PRICES. LIBERAL. ASSORTMENT, ' And remittance forwarded scone dayj goody received, exprois and , mail Charges on all Shipments paid by us, n:s shipment too large • or too small' Canada's Largest Pur Oper- • ntor. There's a Reason." Your bnainess • and correspondence solicited. 1)li:PT.S John Hallam TORONTO y. � ' External or beast. the wonderful oilof sprains, :Dr. .ti+ F, a Aldi: 'CEOILk . the lameness, Dow's Yi ry,� .tea_ . ,�.{ s . i application for man Everyone knows ;of qualities in the STUB:GEON for etc. formula has it.''.in its best form. For Rheumatism, Lumbago', Neuralgia, Swellings, ete., it cannot be equalled. Try' it once and y rii . will be satisfied, Price 25 cents. ;€tSrf(,V'OU.R,bEALE . $OLI...S IT. The I3rayley Drug Co,,, Ltd St• -Jelin N. 13