HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-1-18, Page 2scarcely touched by the. huma hand in the wh le course of'' it. 0 % `E U 4 R S n CLO 'w YART 9 pr paration so cleanly is the process OR, TKE KOU$E IN THE RUE 3ARDETTE g 3 x4d iTTII'Gre: 3- Qcf AP`Mt,, X7111—(C VO e'd ine as t'nat , t a I -man \Vho w3l Ewa" nvae 'i ar-mind a-drair CEYLON TEA Used in MiMons of Tea, Pots,'V47" "ccus"Ouled tio SPea!: er"d de was a "bout Xny R orily 06 -V; %qj weuldgu2ss a"LiAt -V,'en01 it not Packets eigit w"d mfl [Z B1 Mixed or Gie-ew—Sealed the ane wouWl not, -onto it, That pie NX, for his Lwovol FREE $mn.ple wvilcd on enqui Mdra*s 'SALAIDX. Toi pri2_ , .1, , Ic a Tur- have T111garldied V1,01 0- 's f p3L, 0i Lj- ,Q was deeply searrei R ;S mcomllorWble wlth a wwov.71 cut, 'but, ii IYI-111119, one, ` said Tai*ot. "My jo nts re this 46 d nOt detract from his %P, at V- - mere. recalb ct' aly as, peara-ace, an P R 1 Z7 WINNERS 4 it gav4 , 4 ina of T *-, I 11ave lailk ill tha t way, M-, - an otherwise (-ff`cmi­.atA Oe- Brau, or cc,_ 1411 IN o brutes wo,1114 Brett eozi'W no, help smili 7, M4 to C 4y"ge My postlure, but, , i ar wy one cmne to the door, ww, ,,IrApqod ilp ia an i:i,,tait it AVAS a :and P. Pg slipwwd into Ims alouth. C,. ,4,zn.tly 100Awd ukeo"Quo.", to jnaL-41 %J fjT.r Ot j E L A What nsr . so "I ­ -41. was 4";v that, it Amlv 1 "A.-_ h", Skl owle'44 0 AM A got the ch4nN k of a sccond 1 coullldl "04, 14-ideed it, Nv4s4l shwic- 16 U o! most Twk them T , I have soe,a vel wyof Al A 4", t4ev Are, TEA'' ND COFFEE CONTEST Nvife always took such prevautioaajth ,ugh lbertv to .10., 10ftPA , pallid elloaqh 441. realitv, am that I never had tho I de exiQu ls zlu , Ie P Moh .-t4 j, 4,tu­ t4ei ep,buc,, ViUPI -ipleted u- tne fOr w1lich V rizes . a, a, re th aa .. r c T'lle con 'i ell It'; the t'h 0 Toe lilope to, ihi *m Waqk h4ir and 0'.Po- p, ,at t ff 6 a`v I were offered is llinve"rw I M-ust liot. interrupt." braws than, to the, mere, color ot "I yeally liave ilot mueliAwre, to the $kiwll 'Brett sralle.4 iigaia. 77 -00)wwV8 "T oil "I thh*," he % d. "I will 413ow "Cd_%NNA1J"HT" ine, you j "'ie r e i t l ljf 4) 1 (r)t'Ot.'a0k c, the same, gentlemmu 1,11 a- piolue- The arch was CoMtructed in Bombay eiitirely, ol 40cr, of cotton, T I t, ji I I I M V a '' if aspgot-- Bat 'Pro- 'Whiph is the 5taplo !a< ty, India produces -nearly OPO 1 3 , ouL ut t'do y jjj tjry tlijuk his,firbt -word's cccd," "E'n0lion bales qf icouvo 'gniival y. awA10- 11 . -----1 --1_1_-______ - - ­­­­ _ , __ _-, Pxiza slowly fsit 111) ;q bed and triod, if "The, OXV'L , M 91VOTItIO :me, his, would IVA47" XvImulet Ali was both extraOlrdi,"l- tboy hit, Alpo..j '41, cannot Sizess," said Brett. gry an Wately4 it -'—Als c4b, 40d I eall explain mlich t;lat, I Mrs. 94tiq, O'Rourke, 60 Burris St., Hamilton .... ..... $25M d Me 'at 2 11. G. Robertson, 115 Spadina, Road, Toronto 15,00 comprorfi: c. The whc le partV is at, pmseat Ili Ion., 'U I ortunate- "lie 'Rate the"y got 010 At suell, 'a late hmM 110 told We would, refflMn together all ni,,gbt % ly I fell ;4 with , his stir, t1lat the three J*,entleyllevl to whora I f gestion . 3 XrA W. 1). ATutch, 269 Brunswick Ave., T4oronto .... 10-00 I A sort of <Iual control, and tbwi the 'We orossed the diningroo Ves.' tr ftged --I aw sorry 1*1 nuawvred ll -14 been !n to, 4, X iss, L B. Carry, 1,10.9 Bloor )St. M1,crit, Toronto .. ..... 5A0 or 'Chauge of 'Won1d takt, gethor. We Nvore searched, by tho ti Mr& A. J?oe., i!3 Broadview Ave., Toront* 'But it was lulpossibIt", 1w, F'4.34. 0, W, ay, that I =not remoxabor %it 3T a, in a "a the, h ajj, much toh a ap- f X place, next, 4, -V ccorda"00 with F41W rs, Sib, Dandas, Ont. .... .... .. 2,50 Vould not liave Mastered all vllolftam"' lii v views as t4 urhat r"'As right Aud V 0Q, ind then ve droNo. -I s gpent surpri awa, Olit. ...... h22" PQ Icemea. baulftleds, or Rasur , Or lbra, I ImUrit Admit I was in. 0 -ough St., Qoorgo's Place. 7 mr- jr*hn, Clyne, 77 cobourg St., Ott, 2. 4 0 W." 1 roplx'4, and a 9' or a Urs., Thos. Stoplionson, 01%rom But thev 4'. ad til,* -3raplatic VTvIt .A tho 11r.11 - 9 thl ont, Ont, M. Wtjg lo' he jV'Ould )aight drove them, tonse, 'tied 01 theu and, W relieVW V-11len, this agas. ", 0 01 (To be Natin 9 P Lalolaw, Caledonia, Oat, 2 0 01 f6al Illy Wlafl-hU4 heen rest post lon 8vas arrlvQd at. Looklog back 30 Jos. Walter Powis,'uo rNizabeth St., Toronto .... .... -.50 01 budgm an, inch, he suado me, toll "*IV over the .01'ents kf the rey, 42 Sophia Sk, Ottawa, 2-60 bira ihe , jja$t j jrjnA, CQn.1-tjUt1Wftj11V *ll 4 wuole story. Just as I bad I ean. Perceive that, from that 'aw. 'atrice' "'ab 5 crWed we board i ecuffle !a the paa- Special Mi5stw'i Tltvv had onlY 12 Wl , Carry, 770 Dufficiia St., Toronto ; ..... .... .... 2- 0 ang who effecte4l ti"o 0 -%R(i nieut the 6 1 -13 31rs. C. 11, Sciber, '77 P 11*1 44,50 's a g out, Though Jack. r.,4CW $1,111044 C *V , ro "e. We -,vvnt Lnadon tbat nigbt. . Feml) ge St., Toronto Aras hardV able, to walk at;Orst. It they Wavrwith'them a special manw Murders an i the , roblbeirr had, me Q%A1;;KXY I%T*,P.% :*Vqlfa, oungs cot"Ps. 14 Mrs. Thos, Bennett, Uavolock, Out. 0.50 'for the), had vom- OgWi Toz. TtIAOAT A1407604, 120 "NTS is U r,6. 117. J Chambers, 03 Waverley Road, Toro Sultan hi-aself, in, their. power, , nto ... 2,50 was Smith rvN- -tllirls with tile, wo- date, signed by the ly succeeded in J141119 my n I, directing Xeh W.QtAli %,Q 14914 -Mr 16 rNleen 1 4,,Sunnysjde Al, , "T r nto, . 2, O o '00 WIN. %rllo wns a regular wild cat, .1,11d suspictous, and I can only ple in I 5.00 hoW.0 ad 17 Dorotkiy Hirlohey, Bradford, Out, uld, epon the,% haw dole tile crjam nda to their ohai;i, . CRINESP, PRINNIU11W. I eXtonuation of nly shottsighW . (Nlext to last answer.) as ally misebiet W her power. There at, ollee to rqtura Vith W5 av jist- I . noss that Mehoillet Ali- himaor, i was notbing for it but to 'tie her ants to Tild'z XkA. " Nodera 0.11100 Will Cost 01111kese " IS Mr. JT, E. Xq ,%rton, 1,213 Danforth Ave., Toronto M00 8,44tho Wler gelitlemen, with whoVA "T'here tould be.no q rnmcnt $,) 0 - fiande Cehind her back, and then lies dt ring th 040, (Last answer received). I had boon acquainted A ie fasten 1 hor securely ill. a, c1lair. t autholiticlU *1 the,.Sultan's in- Ve, tho, ii-ndorsigne Ito past month, wore willixi$; agoessor. A IQ-sv o Chinese d, having acted as judg ill the recent After this was done we took i!oun- structious. T& doeument N8,45 in months ago tb ies to the arrongement.", 111clagama" contest, hereby certify thab the saMe was COndaeted Sol us to our next movements," his own handwriting, was end,)rsed 491 Government Wgan to erdat a in. a perfectly fai I r manner, and our d"ision is final, tle'" hiS riw.tte aoMl, zrld 00Ayov- do not ece,"nid Brett., 'Ithat modern printery that will require "Wait & lit You hV0 010 slightest CallUC to TO- 4 total eXrensQ of $2,000,000, The MR, NV, 11, MILLMAN, of _31essrs. W. H. Millman, & Sons, stior manir rooms wore there in the, Ilatl ed other,tfi ptishilig marks w1lich You'llave aecounted, for fo=', rendered his B I %collorley assured wl * roach yoiirself. You,aW,, "Amito present monetary systom of China is 27 Front St. E,, Toronto. 49 wilporly throu h I fbrgot, " saxt F airbolme. "The lis important p*inl. Re, told Me It, and 41 , sure. s 0 npliented that it is real) a AIR. R. J. GAY, repreconting, the Canadian. Grocer, 143 that Nyhe'q all the facts are knowai very emphatic hindrance to Loll g 0 t 'm co, pi ace had six rodum. The Sinall that he NV 18'COMPC'lled to <ibov ini- atus at the rolgil Office University Ave., Torinto, "TIP be 1 prove- rather than. di. apartment in whicli Jack was ozon- plicitly. aild were it possible lie st, deAlopment of trade and industry. vil' this System We -wish to thank all who participated in, thi-,'contest, and. r `" -room, would havo Ltarted from Londo-fl NV'jtjj fined was, a Fort of,dressi Alini"be by this Lnej(jont." every#jUdividual province omitsits hope that y4ou b&vo found T4cm and Coffee, so good Th s, however, was out ond look,,24out th -lie standard.of you will insist on having "Molagama" always. and the bedroom boy "I Ill "Than IV0111111 110, replied simply. own currency, aliil,t that luto the well of th block of ef tile qgullot,;tion, but he luid vot lost t, L valuels different in overy province. "I cert&jj1l\' took every precau ion The, . had carefully nailed t1e. blind a moment In sending for me &3d Sub - i that suggestcd. itself to me, For a long tinle. consequently, a of ibis dressing -room, so that not acquainting me with his Majesty"s persistent effort has been. made to to olvelx -0. obanco " ff of wi4d could IV i, 0! c a. sequently I was the victim of eir- devise and introdlicoL P. uniform 'blow it aside an"inoveal its secret 14nat will readily Mrceive that cumstanees. The Frorlch speaking standard of value f*r the whole M n B o .9. Tu rk, as I have -told you, took no to any *lie in the fl-ats on the op- the affair placed in in an amlo, a-rd ,r in the 08 empire, and the construction of aart whateve Ot'at'Onl, the printery in Pekin b ns tile posite story or higher. Tho ronm'vi- was, so to speak, I are And - i6en he, became aw , of the transformation. of tho lon d c, British (1,overa- eg, ing room was empty. Your fri rpf ',i ie is' n t i cotective TORCONT""k =.dus opera-ndi eieternlined upoa- tile policeman subsequently oearch- ment in, th matter, and tile For- I t( nionetary systern of China. Two I By the AVIV," said Art -tit ) ed the Mace from 'top totoe 'but eign Office haa pledged itself _Toars ajo the, Government sent Dr. 4, lie become ovare of itV, Chon to Europe and America *to he founa nothing. The only docu- through our Arribasgador at- Con Oh, Mohemet, Ali told him, in study the niachineryand its instal- mont of ally, importance wis an 'to undertalm 011 Vile 'st"t'nop'O' F nch, lation, of the most efficient print- ald-dress on a eard which lie, discov- precautions for safeguarding the re Agi,111y, y "Didn't that strike S-ou as curi. cries. in these countries, and in ac- ered in the Frenchmans pocket.'" diamonds with -which you are ac - <)Us 71, cord.ince. with this report the Gov- e, at as quainted. It seemed to me 0, 11 AN, "Ali," said Brett, "what w. Most certainly it ffld. But, the ernmental of the United States RN It is that address V notwithstand ing the urgency of the t e, terwards was selected as a model. 4 "Here it is." Sultans order., I should. notbe do- scoundrel explained i 414 -that the Imperial Chinese v telling me that although a Turk- hoped The esrl produced a %--midl Ixece ing, my duty to permit the transfer of pasteboard on which was serlb- to be made in such an irregular Ish -ubject, be bad lived in Algiers Printery may be finished within two child, years, so tbiLt it can begin- work bled, "'Monsiour Jean Beaujolais, manner. So I said quite plainly and France since he was a , -in n I Itfieverilickeirs and had quite forgotten. his mother when.Parlia ent opens i 913. r chez Monmeur Henri de Mile, 411 that the matter could. uot 'be set- Besides other experts to supervise Rue Bonnerie, Paris." tled that night. They must all tongue. But lie was employed Ju The long winter even- onfidential position in the Tu the installation of the plant, and "That is, import -ant," said -the walt until the itiorning, whe-a I " c to inatruct t6 Ohinese in the art ings give a woman a splen- ba.r NVOIJ14LI Consult rOy D4'- p &rtbment and ish Fmbassy at Paris, owing not of engraving. rister. "Whv A -.'.d you not wire 0k. did Aance for sewing or Mehemet Ali, t,) -ether with his only to family influence, but to his it to me last night'?" T "I had a ' asa kies, could leave. for Co iti- t'loate. acquaintance with, the embroidery; but her eyes re, _n," zaid the earl ai nstal 11, . '4 - . F '- ch ]an- age." CONSISTENCY. suffer from the strain unless "but that c4om-es in with nople by tli4a evening train, after Fr n "Xi eagerly, Jack'spart of the story And h -e y . superiors had been acquainted "Ab!" said , Brett, "Monsieur she has a good 1i supposeyou always say exact- ight. Henri Dubois has a ready wit. - "What!" The Rayo i iurned to -wards Talbot, who. thus with Vn,- Sultan's wishes. cried Edith, -who na ly wbat you think?" S the best summoned. to the stage, began to "Turks arp_ alifficult People to un- I try to, " replied Senator I me tb turally enough -was following each explain matters. derstand. It sememcd to -it Sorghum; "but I also try to lamp made. sfact 'I word with the utmost i avoid "I understand, Mar. Brett," lie my deciskin gave some sati i4o ntere8t I "do thinking anything it would not be It gives a stTong,'dioused fight that is remarkably easy to diceyes. -bu already know his name 7' amid, "that you are accurately ac- to Mehemet,, Ali, who -was undoubt- Y ` oxpedient for me to say. There is no glare to it; no flicker. It lights up a whole room. quainted with all that transpired edly very much upset -by the queer Not only Ili-.- name," replied "i Brett, "but his identity, Miss Tal- e ayo, is an economical lam' until the moment when I entered manner in which lie had been de- Th 'R pi too., oing You get the most possible ligbt-value'for the oil burned; and die Rhyo itself is r, hot. You shall see him in another "Bromley, I hear you are,g the Albert Gate mansion on that re- posed from his important trust. At low.pr6A lamp. Yet it is a handsome lamp—an cmament to any room in the,house, markable night?" once an animated discussion took kin and without the sword -cut. It to start housekeeping?" 'Yes, t, The I!= Lag is easily lighted without removing shade or chimney, easy to is possible, however, that before we Dalinggor." "What have you got r &. c "That is so," said Brett. Pj.a4,,e." clean and acle, of 'tolid brass, nicW-plated; also in numeroui other stylcs meet, this distinguishing mark may towards it?.' "A 'wife.'j and finishei. "Well, -when Inspector Sharpe "In French?" interrupted Brett. my ai-rival be replaced by a fractured, skull or Ask your dealer to show you his line 4 Rayo larnm; or mrea, (cr dacrirta-m cirrtur met me at the door on "No; in Turkish." to imy asenty OE he told me that his Excellency Me- "Did the gentleman with , the a bullet w ound." The pessimist seems to take a hemet Ali with tbrce strange gen- sabre -cut on his face take ;any part Fairliolme suddenly clenched his heap of satisfaction from being on The Queen, City Oil Company, 11mifted right fist, and -examined his the losin- side. tlemen and the junior members'of ther ein V Not in knuckles, his unconsciolls action the commission, awaited me in the the least. He sat an d ca-lising tho'others, to ]all dini-ag-ro-om. , I went in and was smok ed cigarettes in the most nn- 9 surprised to find the three visit -ors, conscious manner possible, leaving . "Is h -e a Frenchman, then!" H'T LETJHAT COUGH tor d-uring the preceding month 130' his t-wo'associates' on +,b (3 ya bot. U to carryL "Unquestionably --a most modern 630.0 YOU .,OF -SLEEP a single stra.-nger 'had ;entered the nnv6rsation. HEALtH IN PURE SUGAR houge,'save a, member ol the Gor­ - As the baxrister appeared. to,have produc.; an mo t W,dG (C A-hd his,,n=6 is Daboil"O" You lirobably knovV all too well Sugar is one of the'best used' ' foods . ernment and one or two importa;nt no 'furthc_r question, to ask at,the V 110NAr it go, S. justas you doze off,, Lhe Would ybu risk your heakh for ihe sak6 of a few cents officials of: the For igi Office, who uipment Talbot continue -d— e I will al-, tiplding starts in your throat. Agentle on a, hundred Pounds'of sugar 7 ne with me 01A of sheer cur sity In s ' 'All right. In futur Buy only can io 'Several id e kebemet Ali ap- co gli still asleep. Ahardercough,and markable PC,? I 1 11 ej I to me to, , ch ity mind 'pother. Ill -de to him' by his proper ihu tliiiig yoa knoiv, to see a colltetion of r1e ou're wide awake, coughing your head -Well Monsieur Debois, stroll.Qkl to - J,. and formally r atify the transfer At "The strangeys bowed politely once. i I Was quit6 firm in my re- W&rdS,'Mo . with the offi 'Ln )f A few nights of, that and you're so wben I was intmduced. Two of fusal and id, not hesita,te to d,,-. o 'I a man ivh o was himseJ t. id Worn out aud weakened that the cpl gli. 'Thi aff-air bores h4_ -,I, r i -nd thein spoke neitlie F). ench nor sex b A -he Sillta l's dema a's rl-' takQs a fight'grip oil'yon. ho an-, in re seemo.reas, why 1, Av, E XTkA GRANU'LATED SUGAR, English, but the third. man sPoke ("C:Jotl I was eudere o Bat W"lly endl re iij French flj-,entj)7, no way. conceilned with the d He hirl,,,bv tht dete.Haitled, if,anything, in tb, 8 at- Na-Dru-Co Svrup pf Linsee its piiiit d'Quality tann ot questi d. C6rnppare a somewhat pe6uli,,:ir acce-.at titude by a gnowinq cert ,Lintv in my (10114octioh of preciolls"stones, shbuld 'ce an' l Chlo odyne will sootbe that y an -one it,with :4ny other and note sib iij) all night ke6ping guard, ovc r e' qjsperating ticklin , loosen the phlegn! tho differ different from that to which I was mind thit Is Excellenc), himself in Pob6r. cureth nf1ajn;!tion6fihe 11111C1111ts Ulti- them witli'these ver, earnest gn- and el accust'arn'p-j in the Turk, It was ap-proved of iny r#itude. 1 inellibratle. It 110't oply stops theconall, PARIS LUMP,-,, tIenic-nhere.. Ifam. gfAng,­_)n1.1,7' I()- qiiickly, allolvink yo io, get' sotl id, buylng' Loaf A TI A 'l.have senl' mv,'portmiu otre- When Sugar ask lor RedrfalA 1'co q sold in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pouud t6 0,e ca me -"'Kin- sle p, but it goes to the r of 7 Will V, 0 Ybu rannot -_ffor brair -bqfbgging headaches. the trovibleand dlives out the cold 'pni­ y ng ' ner , Chik"._6Tj la, c 4\-, The, C V tE ', 7 ­­ ­ NJA DMU-C-0 Hew-lache V ag anada 'S And f -n-Co Syntp ot. Linseed, 1,ic_ U lzi 11 0 s,o about' yolir, w lia. hey stop fhcr In quick t zr,-_,,nmd clear -yolu ,hcad, :T g, Ualoro,,Iy tic, becatise'it ltastossogoo(l, d o,jipt contaii, acetaT";j d, rpflinc, la. r can,qllickl y IS -14 bY John Red1pnt I t t f 111 J 'i 25e. and 50c. boti s. ioM j op um,or any "irgerous drug. 2Z a, a NUTZ;lNi onal, Drn--,,,&_Q 41 a 0 Fk; 1110 41 31, X -p- -A. wfgnqng, g Vg S N N I ON %