HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-1-11, Page 5teropessionai yard*.
DA G. F.
Meznber of "the Ot-Onterio a.nd
BOttor Graduate or •Totouto ,tativersity;
iarrice--oror ruoitkion .4roCO,Xlip'14 law
ctosta,-vrediliaslay ze.fternoOris..'
a. F.. iiiNdataal, L. D. ii., D D,
Benoit graduate of Toronte
OetafixtreetedwittionasoY painor any Oade ileGto
%lei 090 ri4la4inet ,st Stanburria office, Stein street
. "seller
SORT, M. D., M. 0. P., &3,EioNoR,
1.4* Grsduste ot Toronto University, 'kero yeara
aslant physician Royal „klexertdra etc,
outce And Residence „hr. Amos' Old Stand Andrew
eet AXETER ^
INIORSON 4 OARIANG, sAnnurszas, soxinn
on, Notarise, Convoyencere Commissioners
Solleitorefor Ifelsoss Bank. etc
4**0)„ te t...oess et lowestrateso Maros
°ekes, mem Atv4et,Exeter,
Oe, B.A., L. IL Diem
RifOlciltY TOLBleff.
• havS stove amount of private funds to sin
Rr tarot nd villagepropertleaat law- rates of inter
Barristers, Sella& tors„fials4a..Exete
Agent Oen federa,tiOn Life AsSura
OomPutty. 41-50) Vire- Insurance in lea
in Oartacilau 40,413ritiali OOMP11.111e
'414141"'St.* EXeter,
PUPILS., Accsmn,
ANDER', /N. 1.1caos. el Auctionster
or Huron CountY, Tertn9 reasolatIple.
Dates can be made 33 the Advolate.
'Exeter. or Henry blither's Office, Cred-
Fre, Accident And Plate Qe1
Insurance, Collecting accou 9. and on
4duetina auction sales. Ureter, Ont
VeterinarY fed -
11 dtaeoses of do-
n scientific
1115dern surgery a ancelaltY. OP-
eratione on Lump ./aw guaranteed sat-
isfactory. a-t1is by day or night
pronipti4 attended to. Office--Main-at..
-Exeter, Dr. Ilatimars old stand, Phone
in connectioo.
lege ; eber aol
teal Society ; trea
ruesttested animal
That choice ram, a 1041 acrein Oa tbe
End -and. ard conCense.cosi of thisherno,
being one and, a haat usiles from Exeter
On the prerakees ls a largo brick house
slate roof, andfres-Cis barner and
Atatil4nfit,WiIL be eold se-Parately or
together to •53 t I ,UrCve, 15 acres in
full wheat, 40 acresfa11, piowth done,
ba1anc ngraa4. APPlY t'
'MOS, VISHAR, Exeter, ,
- ,
armers institute
The regular aneet74,ngs of the South
'Huron Earners' Insti,tute will be held
as follows,—
'TAN. 10, 10.1%
.Spealtera—D. joules, Thornhill; B. L.
Mootehouse, Cairo.
BEtIoEFIELO, 110Sa.' HALE,. trHureq-
DAT, jAlT. 11
D. James' Afternoon suloject,—Grewing
and Curing- of Alfedfa IM3rellg Et tibit?.Pk
—Some mistakes made IA Para -zing,
R. IL. forehouse's Afternoon nub-
j._ect-r-The and Feeding; of, Beet
cattle.- Even:42g suibieet—True Detainees
End or Farm.
Local Sneaker, Robt. G'ardIrier---Sulaject
Tito allenhOen ineetIngawiflcOmMeitrct
O'Clack sharp; eve4v,ng meetings; at
7.30 sharp, A,
prom will be given
at, the everting reoetings. Alt farmers
and others interested in Iustituld Meet -
eel Are cordially invited tcy attend.
5 PHILLIPS. 5eeretarY,
The undersigned otters his fine form,
,co.iiii9tinx or about 145 acres. adjoin-
ing the town or Clinton, .for sale. The
-farm is in a good state of cultivation,
nd 1ms good belicling,s, brick house,
bA.olt barn, ,drtving house, Pig P911, etc.
corriaarativelY now. Afirst-clase
youn.7 otchard, containingnfl kinds of
r1eand also small fruits. The farm
is well Ztriced and drained and Is a,
vary deSirable home. Far further par.;
alAllY on.' the premises or ad-
dress JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton.
Is reco,snIzd throughout Canada as
, g•Caoel of the h'glicst grade. Its record -
proves -it. Write. for catalogue. Enter
an tine.
asrnulnouotutis, croaPi or m37
mchtrouble,11.5eVapo,..ermient. AilDnIggiSts.
"The Brew
that Grew"
Selling fast becau,so
made right
Tim 'inn FLA.VOlt--Atai
blarle.and matured in
the old way
° rat.iljED
orses for Sale
4 I haie a nut -fiber of firet-claos horses
-ter sale. Call art the .sta3ales and ,eee
them. '*
Woare also, purchasing horses that.
te sound and in good condition from
4 to...10 years of age.
,Parties having, horses 'fiar „sale -will .
'deL well to call or write the undersigned;
" phone 41.. M. M.,,,D011.,E. Exeter.
' -
The undersigned is offering fet.,sale
,that desirable, 50 -acre farm in 4,J,,,sorne,
beg the South half Lot 10, Can. 7.
There is on the premises a: good frame
house, bank baro and out buildings:
-tWo good- wells water and aei ever run-
ning spring at back of farm- This farm
'is in -splendid condition and is nearly
all seeded down. Win b?.. sold reason, -
'able and'on easy terms. For particulars
apply at Advocate C)fLcsor to Jas.
Efird, Eihnvine:,
That most desirable farm property be-
ing 'Lo -t 3-5, .9. -an. 2, Stephen, In the
aunty of I-Iuron, on :whfol-C is situate
two good bank barns and a eommod:ous
frarne holue Thj jand'iswell draincd,':
and fenced hos' twO .r,00d wells and a'
ring.. creek, .and , is COnVent,Ctilt tO,
chnrches, .school and- 'markets: Out -
10 'acres sewn
wildkit',';'1,4-'aC,13,3 OfneW mead6W.and '
.does aI IteeeSSary- gang plowing and,
e3p plowing. T',.3:7 further ,partieulare
poly.. tO, a, .LEA. THORN Este". Exeter;
'ese to"-Le,P.Feter.
a t4 -1Y 6
‘'tg. •
Li m ited
All Our
uarantee all -garments to
e satisfactOrY... Icause they
are, characterized by superior
quality, correctness of style,
and perfection of fit.
Eacharder is executed on the
premises by skilled, practical
furriers and cleSigners undeor
our personal supervision.
We have a style to fit every
fancy and suit every purse.
This is the headquarters for
people who want the best when
they buy.
Everything in Furs obtained
of us will bel,found of the
highest quality4d right up-
to-date. "
A Strenuous Task That Promotes
Lova of Walking.
Ridin$ a camel Is hy,,no means an
eanY or enjoyable matbo(s.ot locomo-
Mort. according to the deiscriPtigiviau
by Mr. M. L Rutdall
"Sinai in Spring:"
elf a*ed 'Row 'de Yeti Ode a valuelr
I reply, Invent as tnany attitudes as
you at and emP1,0Y tberu all in tnrn;
adjust and readjust Ow rugs Iliad <All'
Ions on which you sit: ride Straight;
ride crooked; rid, waft stirrups made
of tope; rMe without then); hitch first
Yonr right knee round the front pom,
mel, then your left knee; streteh our
Self wide legged over the saddlebags
regardiRsS of the Gre-arms, dates
erotkery, etc., Which they contain un-
til nature commands you to make
less obtuse aliglet ride side saddle, if
you can persuade your Bedouin that It
is possible to do so without prejudiro
to the camel, Ride how you wilt and
when you will, but. above all --walk
Not only Is the sheik himself glad -
at your suggestion. but not otherwise--
tomount for awhile, but it is a lesson
la gmeeful riding to watch him
perched up there. heaven knows bow.
In some oriental way you have never
drealried of. Slid it Is 4 lesson la coUrie
to tuark hoW at ovory tarn of l'ak
rend he offers fn f0113g0 tO Di PO t
istotiook -mot post (4 comfort
and, descend to the sand, tearing yolt
o inClineber his beast of burden."
Norio ef ItOons AntraY iSecate.e,
Propin Ars All Vary Hens“,
erin0 strangers within 411ir
have been womb-rtint at our denting
With 11.1$ -setting', tit„„....ige-- how mu,
hotter the systeM of other comarles„
- nor,. you get n rete„pt 81;0
the bag goes :Wray the edictal Issureq
roll it o in;., 0...4Int4 to'cot;Se Mete PA
the receipt. so you go to 1.-d an0 get
8hddre- In your bit or paper.
our toot:wit l insular and oa the
14" or it cliamie We throw our lug -
rhe mercy 4,1 ,tiOnihil unknown
timer Al no. end of the journey w
thuia orl iij lu k',,r fhb of portable
ersy plied )11 iho. platform. and
• polugtabout and pick out wh.tt
wt. want Yon know the scene a
sired people who have only tO sitY
"That's mine" to n trange porter In
ort.ot to get it.
"I nits tautly stated the system looks
twos and tile Invitation 10 a,
seratahle for other meit's
In preettee it works ont wen,
VOVY one. from porter to passeu
.1 Is Int his honor, and--thls Is to-
nt- luggage In England is sato
1,14.4) to any other civilized country
inInster Gazette.
. Airs,3. x. .,n7v:inz, and da.4-146-2-
13-ert;r4 are. visiting With'. Mr.. .and 2/"Irs
PILP Hauch,-,',Nrlse Josephine Howaid
of Berlin- trisibxii, hen paztemAs, Mr. and
Mrs, Jacob Howald., last week.— Mr.
MrbaU F.,ellar left/cast' 3,v,301; ter -Per.'
rat wherehe is atl.,eading, h4tt schoo)
—Mr, and, ,Mrs. Goetze 10:0 'ontortaln,
notliPer g. PeOPon NeK Tear!e Day
tt being Mrs.. IC.,,octtkat7 5oth birthday.
:nstnien and sieteraMisSee
Ahria and all a.f. Der1p. speot
the holidaye, at hoine.--Mien. "Plorehee
X.,aloorte at DeoItspenk tiOw year's
w;th bier •Porertts r. ri,, John
44Parte, Saohle LY -454
Drown '.1.tas returned home this ".,fesk
atter an extended vi:cdt, to friends in
ttla vicinity of Walkerton and [allover,
Fred Southgott of ,Californla, who
'whos 'been vIsitfag 4Ihts ester,
Snacloneoatpicgilleplt waS o:gpest at
the home a Mrs. Rariaie last week,
The Steamboat.
Fulton himself' titild one day: ",xf,'„I
tiler Id. Desblaues nor I invented the,
steamboat. 1 f that glory betongs to
any one It Is to the author or the es
orlinents Lyons.' -of the expert.'
...Alms made in 17SI or) the Saone."
'The one Fulton had in tuind and to
whom he thus generously rendered the
"glory" was the Marquis de .lonffray
horn fu 1751. fourteen years before the
year of Fidton's blrth. .louffray's
clailn to 'be regarded 'tis the Inventor
f the steamboat stands thus: Elis res.,
bnilt in 1'783. notwithstanding its
faulty construCtion, ernbodied till the
elelnents essential to siteeess. in it he
ipated \l'atts' invention of a
eeam engine having a cOutant nml
,;-nreinitting, action Lack of funds
wzts the only thing that stood In the
way of his gettng all the hOnom that
came- later to Robert Fulton.—New
Ydik American.
wEs'r McGILLIVB.AT—Mr. 3. WrIg
of our burg has threoliosthialsikei over
agaltri and was viol -Priam. ror bin work
receiving thitte'pn wen cleaned bushels'
cge seed. Quilts., a number here , are
thinking of do Cng the same.
The Lso7h on Edison.
There are mans' stories of Edison
Me of .1113 early childhood is recorded
,11 the; authority of, his only sister
-Ylinn. he wits about six -years old hi
mit' that. a. goose helonginF to
the family was -sitting. Later he s.aw.
'the surprising result In a number of
Isoslings. One day he,was missing fle
was sought everywhere. but no one
could dad him until at length his
rather discoiered him in the barn
-tirled up in a nestilie had made and
filled with goose eggs and hen eggs
ile ,was sitting, on the'eggs and trying
to hatch" thenal --London Tatter.
SYnourTlYa;. •
'• The 'French Canadian' always has
trouble with:the aspirote-"th.". At a
debating club In the province of Que-
O'er members , were 'required to draw
shin from ri 'hat and debate upou the
subject they ,received. A your]," coon-
ryman.'arose. '
have drew the word'hat._ I,must
told you -dere is two, tree different kind -
of bat. Dere' is de bat, wot you. play
1 he. baSeball wit, 'de bat. wot fly in de
,,ir at „night and also 46., bat where -
von take e sl.vIm."..—Succesa Maga-
. , ,tl,
AIL$A, C11A/0.—MIss „Sadie, 5foPher-
son who Naves this week-fOr New Tork
to etudY nurti%ng wo.4 agreeable ear -
Prised TweedaY„aftern.004 1-Vaw.4 the girls
or lter 4ur1daY Sohoel class Preaentsx1
her WUa be,1*%t401, Ugt.t,
c se umbrella, ettitAbly engraved,
14INTON--4 ci.voett 7.0redaz., was cels -
braked "reesdnY atternocal:whetl-?Mss
Atinie D. Cook becantn the*hrldo.of Mr,
Wm. $, 'Atkins a Toronto. Bev, Fprd
.ed the kriot. T;Ile YOUng, couple spat
heir honeyMoon Ira De tot.
AILK4 CRAIO—A q.1.0* but pretty wed
teok oaco at.tho ..renitlente Of It.0
Wm. O. Noyes on TinutraclaYw,Ixen her
daughter Appolene v,lats, married to Mr.
John Sq,uiltes, Rev, hreldrum officiated
and the happy couplcelett on a trip to
Sarnia and. 13(41.1t8 in 'giehlgart.
FULLARTON—WedneadaY noo 8.
PMtY heron woad:ma' toox place, at tho
reSiderice of gr. and Mrs. wat.
Fultorton, when their daughter, I.,ugy
Effie, waa undted in marriage to M11.
Coorge Glaistor„ at Wellesley.
After 'Hie' Honeymoon.,
"Anyhow,- Jack, you cannot say that
I' ran.' after"., you at. the time of, onr.
nartiage,7,, ' '
"You' never Spoke a -triter word Ma,:,
neither- does', the :mousetrap.'
1:'uni 'after the mouse, -yet -, it '.cittebei
it all•the.'silrae,":
"MISS, Ell a,'our bazaar a Silt'-
'41101'1011SP ,
homer —Meggea
CLINTON—A very Prettty ev
ace at 11,13;ft ThOon, -4p.1Z. 3 atth41 reh
of 31r. and Mrs. George Cttrane
their daughter, =as wa
uurrled to M. D011ae. Ephraim Butt,
ot 8astato0n. Tile ceremony 'Woe per
ormed, Itev. T Wesley Cosens, 4
the Presence of about twenty relative
and friends.
DERT—Rev. Idr. :sleKay preached
b...o to:rowel' sermons in CrornartY ?roe-
byterian church. Sunday to two very
largo congregations. He will be titles -
ed vary muh lii .titie vicinity, and
our best wishes go with hint—The re-
sults OC theHibbert ntunicipal elections
's as toile:vs; Roovo, A. McLaren
y acclarnat:on; councalors, 3; John-
Si:one 210, Williarrt Oliver 210, 3. ;N:orri$
n.. Noggartts
.MOORES1111,4,4 fjrt 4nce of
the Year Iteld lierS • enjoyed
. _ -
by e.hout cPurles fr,OF1, all, over the
district: An execl,lentMUsical Pragram
way, rendered'pFe.:, .0u3 To4y: Inta
obsstra of Loridon; Duringt-':':the even -
dant a°lunttbn wao served by
)n1n1c1pa1 etect
ions in StanleY,'Were''verY Otis
year. Mr, Winiam• Gleno ^Wae. returned
as' Tleevc wtuth a(11-(aloritY, Or' .10. over „his
opponent , hfr. Alex Jones, and the
thre d eounclliOt's 'Messrs Keyes.,
HAT—The following is a stp.tement
of the votes east for ee,veral candi-
dates at bile electIonsf In this township
Monday.—For Reeve—D.-albite:sell 397
Neeb, 300, a majottliy of 97 ,..,for Mr.
R.-ttlhficisch. Councillers--Cbnaltt 399;
Willert 356, Schabe 303, Datars 292,
Northcoto 284, Batter 209. The council
wltl be composed of Messrs Eatibfleisch
reeve, and Contat, Wtlbert, Sehllhe, and
Datats, councillores.
Dewar and
POLLARTON--FrifitaY mOrning iast, at
eb,f7 2.4^C of 88 yeare„ gra Aaron Buck
Passed away after an tilt/sae of \four
n:Iate. -Deceased was 4orb. 4,, Ireland
.and when a yokeng garl came to an, -da
with, heir Parents in; tater years she
utarried .A-a-rott Ruck, Who died rWerdy,
one yeas agia. Twe „ eons and„ oar dau-
511'terg 84r-v!v-e-; aron, WEI11:1311, Marti'
and Mrs. Scott' , 4itc4heit; Mrs. j.
W. R,e.Ifour ;HIbbert and 'Kra- Datrid
gt(r, Fullerton.
There are unhappy married lives, but o large percentage of these untuippy
homes are due to the jliness Crt the wife, mother or daughter. The feelings of
POrY011$1104.5A, the- befogged mind, the iii,temper, the pate and wrinkled face, hollow
and circled eyes, result most often from those disorders peculiar to Women. Ffar
the woman to be happy and good.looking she must naturally have good health,
Dragging -down 'feelings, hysteria, hot -flashes or constantly returning pains and
aches—are too great a dr-ain upon a woman's vitality and strength, Dr, Pierce's
Favorite Prescription restores weak and siok women to sound health by regu-
lating and correcting the local disorders which are generally responsiple for the
above distressing symptoms. '
sua'ered steady for a somber of years and for tho past three
Years was so bad that life wallas raisers, to 1rze, writes Mas.
OVag, or nom Oblo, Relate 4. -The, doctors told nee I would have to
gote a hospital before I would over be better, A year ego this winter
4r41 sPrizt4I 1 was worse Pule- ever Were,. At each pericd /suffered like
Dna in t.enricht, 1 run the mother of six Waren. 1 wee se bad for
- Ave months that I blew' something:nazi'. be done, so I wrote to Dr. R. V.
Pierce, telling -him as Dmrly as I could hew I. soirexed. Re outlined s
eta:weer-of .treatrzeat which. I followed to the fetter. I took two bottles
ofa`Favorite proscription" awl one of *Goldam Medical Pscev'erY'A...5,1
f.fty,.cent botttoof Smart-Weed,"andhavell4Vet StlaEort.d ranch since.
Iv/Uhl osold tell every saiXering weman the world over what 2, boon
-Dr.Pieree's medicines am. There Is no tzse wasting Moe arid money
dootorisg with anything else Or slay one else."
The lirfedical Adviser by R,V. Pierce M. listfaio
N. Y. answers hosts at delicate questions about which
;even' woman. tango or married ought to know. Seat free
on receipt of 60 stamps to pay for wrapping and ortailing only.
Wonderful NenrottlF„r)te
nerVes control all actions et the body so C;at any
tbiUgthstdehilitatss them i0 weaken 4 :1 (
the SYStflT3, Early Indiscretion.* and E.,-cao.;,* .h,rzvo
lel tIOlis.144-3 Pt proad,lar young =ea. Veraturt,1
Drains sa
tu1r s-,gorac vitAi.ty and the.. :Jr
to a pro7nr condi:lomat maahood. They rema.a
314 tu,tstallr. 7 Ilya:a:11y and sexuallY. How P;RS. iCOV:
Are yea liezvota and "tc:tak, despondent 4.4
spect;sbeforetheeyes with dar:z ctreles lilik.er them,
weak hnet), k.'dnels irritable, palt.itation et the heart.
bp,OfuI,debilltating dreams, sediment In urine, pimples
on (bo taco, eyes annhea, heliew ebeeta, ..taxeworn ex.
Prvssion. poor memory, lIteless. distrustful. tICk energy
rt I strongtli, tired rnorn:aga, restless
r.41•4 moods, prematurt)decny.hona pains, haw toose, eta
Thix is tba coo45tion cpur New Mc Mod TINALMCAt
Wu bare tr,11,1 Di.f...ace3 of lien for
trn rn.I 1.‘..) not. b.eso to experiment. 1)5
rn,t7 or CHARGE
:43,1 we ISM, 1.a..;tb.e: you ars cars'..lo or st;.i.
Wo zuarcaltec currible CA;e3
Veers CooLiat on Diseases of Man, if unable to c4.1
wt -Ito for
, N
Cor. Michivan Ave. and Griswold Ft., Detroit,
...) :
orlocgot i All letters front Cada must 1.,,...,._ -...ctl
Cto our Canadian Cerrespor.der,.. r . 1....
.- . ---031 =ant in. Windsor, Ont. If yen ('' :re to
see us peraorially call at our 111edic,t1 Institute. in Detroit as we Ea.;
no patients in our. Windsor offices which era fzr Correspon. „
Laboratory for Canadian business only. AddresE,^ all letters c..: .
Write for eur private addrer,s.
'"Qs' at.
tockandPoultry Raisers
We will send, absolutely free for the asking; postpaid, one of our large
p. sixty-four page books on- the common diseases of stock and peuRry.
Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares
mikh cows, calves andifattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry
so that they will lay as well in winter as in.summer. No farmer should be without it, "
NOW is the time to use Royal Purple Stock Specific' 1 airs., Wm. Burnhain, Of Sandford, Ont., says: 41 fed
At a cost of only two-thirds of a cent per day per animal ,..your' -Poultry Specific to 32 hens during' the winter and
It will increase it 25 per-centin value. It permanently sometimes got As many as two dozen eggs -per day in
cures 13,ots, Colic.. Worms, Skin Diseases and Debility.' February, and March." ' -
Restores. run-down animals .to plumpness and 'vigor. It ldr., Andrew Hicks,,,of Centralia, Ont., says'. "1 used
wilt increaie the milk yield three to five lbs. per cow Per your -Stock Spehlfic on 2ff-rank cows. They havelncreased
day „and make the milk richer. Royal Purple is not a 30 per cent. in their milk and I got even better results
stock food. There is no filler used in its manufacture, from your Poultry specific. We had 60 hens lay:ng age.
and we import --from Europe all the seeds, herbs, barks. When we commenced using Poultry Specific we were get -
etc., and grind them on our own premises. Therefore we,. ting five or six eggs a day. In less than five days we got
can guarantee it to you as being absolutely pure. We do 150 eggs. These were the coldest days last winter." You
not use cheap filler to make up a -large package. We give'', can see tho results at once after you commence using this
you the best condition powder ever put on the market in material. When farmers get acquainted with Royal
a concentrated form. A. tablespoon levelled oft once a 'Purple brands they will never be without them.
day Is sufficient for a full grown animal. It prevents ., .
disease, keeps your animats in perfect health, and Is ab- , Royal Purple Cough Specific
. ,
solutely harmless. It makes six weeks old calves as large
as ordinary calves at 10 weeks. You oan develop six ' During the last four years there has beer: an epi -
pigs ready for market in Jtist one month'w less time than,s;,'detnic„' cough going through every stable Canada,
ybu eau posSibly do without 'it at a coat' of only ;1.50,whicir, `1.-8,3 been a great source of annoyance to
saving --you a , • hOrSeMen. Our
month's work- and
tad. -A soc pack-
age will' iast a
horse 70 days. A
..$1.50 pail or air-
tight tin containing
tourlIrnes as „much
as ti` ,5pe,- package
will last an anim-
Royal P.44,r p 1 e
Cough Cure
,absolutety,.. cure
this cough- An 4
ftys, will break up
iiind cure distemper
c per tin, by ma.
lutely gtaaran toedn:
havanever used- it try it on the poorest animal you have oyal PurPle Gall Cure
better .results than anything you have.eVer used or give wiu cure ,.....uu.spris of open sore.. on nian beas,
on your place and watch ,results. If it does not Produce —
absolutelVAr.y.'nP rind cure' s cratch ell ,in a. very. few days.
, , ,,.
You satisfaction,. we will ;refund your money. Andrew
Wegrich, of Wainfieet, Orit.,t,says that he tried it on one Mr. Ss.ro Wen, Coachman for the Hon: AdatnEsek, says: '
ilc!,.7.'gr.,:eig12.12edlb.'hs'.e'r Dmainikm°011Ewtlieen.16ctila'nLials)sg"rea°ntetshteli2o9rsthe - 'C're,na-make-,,the ,,scab,, Pr ...
By folloWing, directions I A
And your Royal Purple Ga
trainer, 'says: 'I -have led Royal Purple to The El I a d
, fectly-dry an about four or five days. . Price 25c, by il ma '
, ,
niy racehorses for four yearS. `They have never been' ' ,,
.off their .feed. 'Your cough powder works -like magic." -'' "--- ''' -"' ' r- - -
, Mr. Tom ,Sriiith. ,
, trainer for the Hon, Adam Beck, says: - ::Ro'fal,Purple Sweat Liniment , „
Wo.had„a, mare in our Stableslast fall belonging to Miss ,-, . 4,--. ,,.
CleUStb11, Of Montreal; We could not feed her 'any'bren„ Win redu‘cq]any,larneriess in a very, short time. Mr. Sno„
on aCeount" of- 'scouring.' ,We--- commenced -using ,your' ' IVI. Daly, Coalman in tondon, 'says: 'We have nine ,horsesi'
Royal Purple Stock Specific.,. The 'results were wonder': '„ ,cOnsfantly„,,,,leaming, coal, . 'an,l have all kinds- of' trofible, -
fut.. We found after using It three Weelts we could:feed“,,,..with therni,:being lame at times. ,I haVe used your .Sweat
.ilr bian or any other .soft 'L feed, and she:actually took' om.., Linlment Or ,a year bvack an.c.1 have never, .k1:- -81 to
'2k,lbs.„.durIng that. time,'.„.L. - , ' , tail to aur all sorts of spra,ined tendens. e' e 50
Royal Purple Poultry. Specific .. '8,...thiri'ee,, 156ttles, by mail 6Oc, . ' ,',:,,.,, '
r- ' ,..` . • r
,Royal. Purple 'Lid
will , make your 'hens lay in winter as wehl as 10 5011)',This )'I et r sly 1Iftere.-1,, ..ro
^Mer, and ,yet•a. .50c package will last 25 hens 75days er ,- markrt.-, 5-11.: 0td6r 'for you to under„,
.po lyili or Ll'it",- tight tin contains four times as mildh:,,.,,,mannfa.c.& ,ttnt,of 11-..s.. lice izillsr yr..1,1kV,
asbac package, .will test 280 days. It prevents poultry ';,- one of: op:nsbook.lits. os We givi,., Yob:
Joni losing flesh' at.,, moulting time, cures and prevents 'all .'there. '' It -.3.,,-ill entirely , extermMt# I
lin, ordinary diScaseSAtna.lces their pturnage bright and -..'aiiimals with not more than 001' n1
.keeps themin prinial,p,ppdition. ' , • .:,,smo...tliors them. Price 25c, by,Ma
An assorted Orderamounting. to . $5.00 we will prepay. '
What we wishAe.,,,iinpress on ,your mind is that we .ntattufactare nothing but pure nuaduP crated goods
akiet, gives,toe4O0, recomlildn 4tIons for our different•IllleS'; from .people aiLoygr.,...a.oana.,.. While we ,
t u,a eve thtlt,ir4ofra.fewAvho,have usedit, ,our bes ,.recommentlation-is., o ..ask any parson '
nufafture..,;.„ .',
hi'4gtn the
rocess of
to send for
t1kls:ory of it
t,_ -fowls or
ta(1i0ations. It
bb seenred fr
rien, Centr*'''