HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-1-4, Page 6111 EP 0 11E. FOI NB Il ll tl I O D'S IiIDItEV PILLS, rota. Swanson, Qf Saskaateliewana' sends a Message of cheer to those who feel the weariness and dis-. eouraal entent that comes from broken rest, Macklin, Sask,. ,Ian. I (Special), --Those who suffer from sleepless. nights and get sap in the ,morning feeling tired and diseouraged will And renewed hope in the statement ;isnade by Fred Swanson of this. pace, He ceruld not sleep at nights. He discovered the cause, u was Kidney trouble, Be diseov- ered the cure- It is Dodd's Kid. ney- Pills, "Yes,," Mr. Swanson says in an interview vegarding, his case, s+f was troubled with my kidneys for +aser a year, so bad that I could n sleep at nights. After .using or box of Dodds Kidney Pills I found great relief, Fonr boxes removed Bill my pain and now I si ?P w614 and .1 aux as strong in my l .khiey a anny iT plat." If he :Kidneys 1-trf,t wrong the blood lbeeowes clogged with im- purities and natural Fest its an illy possibility, Strong, heathy Kid- ney s mean pure blood', new lifer all over the body and that delightful rest that is the sweetest thing in life. Dedd's k1iriaacy ihl i always snake strong, healthy :Kidney=s, FX ALI N N S I i i It, Tu.iioy: l4 Evean f Tripoli weribless to Italy the eerved the purpose cif elierwanitar tna £fighting quality of Tt%atu soldier s. The fishermen of hapless acid Sicily who aro serving in gine navy ..nisi the peasants from se ll adl- sages scattered; between the Alps naiad Sicily who arir snrvin xt the army have d'UUculties which might have stem] etc'an soldiers.A Soldier on outpost duty had: lass helmet pierced through lay ai bullet, He took it off and ezlosely examined the two holes. dose ehave, eh'? remarked his CiifaGer. "What -dad you feel?" ind through my hair, sir,ri the mananswered, and went on firing at the Tarim. A war eorrespendent came across ai, mule driver whose beast had been shot dead by aTurkish bulla. The -driver was eahnly taking off the load from the mule's basic, and in so doing he, muttered "I am sorry feit4hee, but better thou than I, Many of the soldiers write to their mothers at home, sending them the money they save from their small pay r.i saying that they do not need it, as they are get- ting extra ;rations. Their unsel- fishness is on a par with their r:our- age. ROY 1J Y ON SHIPWRECKS. A Spanish Prince duel His Wife Cast .itslaore on English Coasts, The Duchess of rife and her daughters appear to be the only royalties of r=ecent years to under go the ordeal of shipwreck, with the possible exception of the Arch- duke john of Austria, who,, accord- ing to one theory, lost his life at sea,, says the London Chronicle, Prince Henry cif` Prussia, however, who circumnavigated the globe twice before he was 20, has on two oceasions brayed a water* grave. When he was a lieutenant his ship was caught in a violent squall and oixe of the sailors was washed over board Prince Henry plunged af ter him, and despite the heavy sea, succeeded in affecting a rescue.. Some years later he rescued another sailor from drowning off the South American coat at a point where the sea is infested. with sharks. The Dorsetsbire coast was. once the Beene of a royal `hipwreek. In 1505 Prialee Phillip of Castile and his wife ,l'uaana were sailing from baa aders to Spain when a violent rm; cast thein ashore near Poole: slip was prevailed upon to ac rt the hospitality of a local mag- tca, Sir Thonaaas `l'renebaard, jlut lie aia 'irk, invited the ?;'rinse to Y4'inds(rr, acldi n; that he would take a t etitsal, The Earl, of Are1ndei, a i rsiap of 1OO horse, escorted i1.> to the royal residefice, where tt.as emtertaixaed for about .aw ight. Henry took advantage in enforced visit ted V ttort some ions from the Prince on art issue between thein,:, and Spain b: way of Lim Nor is the patriotism of Italians n,t home leis marked, than the pluck of the soldiers at the front. Poor people are saving money to contri- bute it to the fund for the wound- ed in war and everybody is buying presents to send to the soldiers for Christmas. .An old woman hand- ed a package of cakes to an officer and asked him to send it to Tripoli for the soldiers. All she said by way of explanation was , "I intend- ed to send them to my soon, but he has been killed, so I' thought the . others might have them." Why Should Use Cuticura aa "There is :nothing the matter with my skin, and a thought Cuticura Soap was only for skins troubles." True, it is for skin trouble`s, but its great mission is to prevent skin troubles. For more than a generation its deli- cate emollient and; prophylactic properties have rendered it the standard for this purpose, : while its extreme purity and refreshing fragrance give to itall the advan- tages dvantages of the bestof toilet soaps. It is also invaluable in, keeping the hands soft and white, the hair live and glossy, - and the 'scalp free from dandruff and irritation. While its first cost is a few cents mare than that of ordinary toilet soaps, it, is prepared with such care end of such materials, that it wears o a wafer, often outlasting several fakes of other soap, and -making '. its use, in practice, most econom- ical. Cuticura Soap is sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, laut the truth of these claims may demonstrated without cost by, ending to "Cuticura," Dept 7M, osttari, ; ,J 5 Pe, for a liberal'sam;, ecaCgethcr with a thityNtwo's' ale l�the Kirin and halt; vy; x14 Raalan�a�al<b. EG U' AR`:S mum:, FAqt. Wo,,, , n Was Torn to Pieoes by Fierce Mastiffs. pitiful tragedy occurred re - 41y in the beautiful gardens that ttrioncle Prince Ruffo'.s villa on the .lt'la;nninian Way, outside the gates of Rome, Italy. A poor beggar woman on the verge of starvation ventured up the ni,ain walk to ask slim: atthe brilliantly. -lighted cilia, inside which • Prince Buffo: wasgiving a grand dinner in Floo- r of a professor newly nominated to the International Institute : of Agriculture, adjoining the, princely Property, 'l.'hraset away with harsh epithets by merciless attend- ants, the poor woman was wending her way back towards ttho massive iron gates, when, overcome with hunger and fatigue, she appesrs #,.o have fallen, into a swoon just inside the entraue<e. About midnight piercing shrieks and the barking of dogs brought the prance and a body or retainers outside with lanterns and revel\-- rs in the belief that burglars were Peaking into the place. Soon, owcver, they sauce upon a some f horror. A couple of furious; astsffs, let loose .earlier . in the evening, had scented out and de- nuded the body of the wowar , which they were then ferociously tearia+g to pieces. The nnfe rttaina etim expired in thn hospital 'toe il+ wrong day. She WAS 11 yeara Fiat ccs bird's seed - d'sh afresh w ith the, send ,Ya4; have boon vsi*C.. thea ,net so;no,of n*toc vS 1t htn ✓ es^,h, and see hour anidtr nsek nicks oat ". Feed him for a mon. h n ceeleE's Dird Seed —tet hens ass y the arks :u tiles 3ise Trent tba ca' -r es to ovcry9lz,— and noilge the imprevemena in hs p:umage,, health and ;one,, Lot ''J ick try this Bird Tons at aur expense,. elan a the =pop ,below filled la, «rdwowin Soidies. la ute:y tree, two fa -size cakaa gf Brach's s B rd Treat. 45. NIcHO=SON & BROCX. 9 -at Frasca;is St., Terortto,. Fcr thi3 ct7=4.txx F •rase s a,, me, free cf charge e' en:Zrattart 04 m p:xt. ts( f.4.1 = e r„ ,as of i.'.aKk $ixL,'rreat, nna Gb,k;e. S OOD AS A DOCTOR ITr T HOUSE a,hy'.s own, Tabios slbeulr lien apt in eii=eery home where there tare the otic se They are ee zood as a, aoteaar:, are absolutely eafe and can kwsays he relied upon to hive ivay auy^ reale arising from' de- zageriun4nsite of tae stomach or travoI s:. "mice item `Ntras, O. hienelerr, ?' `ortIa1ands, Sask., `I hzaro foatnnel llaby'a Own st itrs>aaluuble medicine. I town and li n ace so xe- says Tablet live two uiihexa #rQ doctor, so am glad t liable a medieino a ,eider the Tablets a r in the home and a without therm. They :a r f eptmy° baaby_weii and have made him .a bonnie baby." The Tablets azo sold by medieiue dealers or by snail at en eenatss a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co,, J roekville, Ont. Newedd--I hope these eggs are ass fresh as theones we got laaist week. Mrs. Newedd—Oh, yes, dear. I telephoned the grocer to be sure and send xne some of the same lot. A Corrector of Pulmonary Troit- bles.--Many testimonials could be presented showing the great efficacy of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil in cur- ing disorders of the respiratory processes, but the hest testimonial experience and the Oil is recom- mended to all who suffer from these disorders with the certainty that they will find relief. It will allay inflammation in the bronchial tubes as no other preparation 'eau. Give a small boy a piece of chalk and be will proceed to make his mark in the world. Warts are disfigurements that disappear when treated with Hol- loway's Corn Cure. HOW TO SHOOT STRAIGHT. Very few people, even accomplish- ed shots, `know how a revolver ought to be handled. Troops are taught, in aiming, never to look at the weapon at all, but to keep their eye on the object to be struck. In quick-firng, and especially in. shooting from horseback, ranch better results are obtainable iii this way. A man throwing a. stone, sloes not look at his hand, neither does a billiard player sight along his cue. The same rules apply to the use of sort weapons. Men have been trained to shoot excellently, at, a mark when they could not see their pistol -sights at all. Pieces of pasteboard were fastenerl just in front of the cylinders, which effect- ually 'prevented 'the men from us- ingtheir foresights, and greatly in- creased;" the rapidity of 'their fire. Nearly anyone can sight a':pistol correctly, the inaccuracy .of the aim being due to' the,' --trembling of the hands before the trigger is press- ed. By hiding the . sight, the temptation to 'hold too long is re- move, and the first aim ---generally the most accurate—is; preserved. She ' (flattering ; citli "eyes . and voice)="Arthur, dear, 1, find that we still needa few things to make our little household more service able." He --"What is it now?" She—"Well,for instance;, we need a, new hat for me !" th,ere's one thing "You're ai(at do lug as Weil iai y is athnmataas ui3 you; ought to ho, Johnny," said rs.aapsliaig; "at reser ago yeur cousin, Horace y through elf fferentia; minout We have to oi?'er several first,ciass bond inyestments yielding 6 per swat, net, carrying our unqualiled recosn' mendation, WRtT* FOR FULL 'DETAILS A 1APA SECURITIES CORPORATION, U Bis! James '.Strset. Montreal. on#?i:aa, LONDON, L4tcieinnts?t ftulidlatvt I^ta43'tQ. i,� Gar. T ANC An Always Ready Pill. To these ri regular habit is of little meern, but tho great majority of nen ;nre not of regular habit, The roraay and cares of business pre-' •esfat it, aaxd; eat of the irreenlar'tty,' ai lifer e oaiics dyspepsia, iadiges-< itlnr, live and kidney trembles as protest. The run-down system. le`iaia ads ai rreet`ive and there is ni Parniehee's Vege le villa, They are simple in tip ecrxir,rsition and sada be taken' bye tln(n most delicately constituted.' c 8 OHI) PRESSER. tr leasband alwa,s ex not. You en he loses at A Boon frac fano Bilious, The hivox is as trer,v sen sativc organ and. cosily derang"hen thins occur there is undue see ion of bile and the acrid liquid flows into the sto- mach and sours it, It is a meet dis- tressing ailment, and many arca prone to :it,. In this e+,audition a imnan finds the best remedy in 'Par melee's Vegetable Pills, which .aro warranted to speedily correct the disorder. There is no better inedi- ble in the entire list of pill prc paratione. Over 11,000 women are engaged in lace-nnaking at home in the city of Nottingham, England. Minard's Liniment Cures Carpet in Cows, The Tailor—"I can't make you another suit until you pay for the last." The Customer—"Great Scot! I can't -wait that long." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BR41110 Quinine Tablets, Drug;..acts refund money if it fails to cure. E. 54.'°ROVE'S signs tura is on each box. 25o. The Goddess of Justice may be blind, yet she dioasionally winks the other eye. Sore Throat is no trifling ailment. It may carry disease germs to any part of the body through the food you eat. When you feel sore throat. coming on, use Hamlins Wizard Oil. "What did you say last night when Jack asked you to marry him ?" "I shook my heed;." "Side- ways, or up and down ?" ,r Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c, • HEADACHES VERY COMMON. "Mary, if Mrs..Rich should call, tell her I'm not at home." 'Yes, mum. But would you mind telling ine"what's the matter' with Mrs. Rich ?" "Nothing. I have a hes daehe this afternoon. But why do you ask?". "If you please, ,mum, you're the. fourth lady `,I';ve worked for as hasn't ever been • home:- when 'Mrs." Rich called." QUICKLY OTOP4 COU0140, CUR COLDS, "Why do, you a ya carry yeur umbrella?" remarked the worst nt' town. "Becauee," mewled his victim, "my umbrella Cannot walk.'" And purple sileuee c oped the landscape for a short Thousands o to OW virtue know from experience • stify aelui 9 oto, Alto - FARMS CQ # Ra;NT AN SA LE, TAKE tiOT We publIsh simple. straight testiment, als. net Totes% agents' interviews, from Nrell-kpown people. Lorton all over A.rirerdea. they testify t there any one we woul like to impose upon, ib is the that), who is forever tiying to get something for nothing. minaret's Liniment Cures Biplane I It is humane to put some things out of their mieery, shattered ectees, for instanee. While more prevalent in winter, when sudden ehanges in the wea- ther try the strongest constitutions, colds and coughs and ailments of the throat inay come in any sea- son. At first sight of derange- ment use Eickles Anti -Consump- tive Syrup. Instant relief will he -experienced, and use ef the medi- cine until the cold disappears will protect the lungs from attstek. For anyone with throat or chest weak- ness it cannot be snrpassed, "I should think," said the wo- man of the house, "you would have -too much self-respect to make your living by begging." "Lady," protested Ruffian Wratz, straighteniror himself up, "self-re- spect is wot ails me! I wouldn't do this fur no <ither man on earth." ken Tom Eyes Need Oars Eine --Acts Quickly. Try it tor Red, Wcalt, Watery Eyes aud Granulated Eyelids.. illus- trated Book in each •Package. 'Marine is lelne''— but used hi suceesstal Pbysicians' Prac- tice for many years, Noir dedicated to the Pub- lic and sold by Druggiiits at 25o and me per I3ottle. Murine ,Eyo 4alve in Aseptic Tubes, 250 and 50c. fflurine Eye Rerneoly too. Chicago What busy men need. is a .scheme that will enable them to avoid peo- ple with se emes. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. your druggist wili refund money if l'A7,0 OINT- 1EN'1' fails Lo cure any case of Itching., Blind, Bleethug or Protruding Piles in 6 to 3 I days. 50c. • He loves best whose love lasts. ‘‘.4 funny incident ,occurred ma spends -a- bit ef- his 'time- abroad. !,`A certain, stolid Tenten , had, assigned t.o , a, seat in; e corm -that obliged hiM to ride backward through the Black F,or.est. At the #rst stopping place' , asked the postma,ster 'pursuant to German seat, saying it made hini ill to ride bac,kward. :‘"Ask the, man opposite,, to change with' yont,„ said the lao,St' master, gruffliAik,' received, expresso mid man otto•rgoi as a 1 shipment* paid by 4/. n . Adamant too lame And eorre.P ,Paenne*,dicited. 01KPT,i: York, Oa arid Prince Edwa Conn - John Hallam - TORONTO ties, li CONSUMPTI Ave., 'Ramat tau y(!rara. hate able rained), wine et cored A number of or Urn*. One. a Teraina nalhva elm), was gtvon ten days nnly t INC by two doctors, ore of them lung, interoSts,ti. pantos. will be tboao who have been oared- Price, nea,rest. express *Mee when erderirg and CHINESE CO 0 it YO T -O ACENT ?ANTED RS W e cry boat ageote ▪ Na outlay. 'The exquistt ten 'clung Chinese N is due no enamelling, as I been euepee but to careful manipulation of face done by expert masseuses. They begin by a gentle pinching of the. cheeks between the tips of their fingers, which, teats fully ten minutes; then apply lotions on absorbent eotten, then an unguent, and finish by kneading the cneeks with an extreme delicacy of touch, always proceeding from the nose And cornmisurcs of the lips toward the ears. This is a harmless and physiologically correct process which can be recommended in cases, rarer than they should be, where the physician is consulted concerning a faded or otherwise unattractive complexion. WA or 0 a am, money refunded ItiPs:t1 • t'ellette Utz COMIC/4/17, Ont. no3t oNtyy day; let US 'Leath $00. barber trade; expert tuStruction; etiontant, prim, tgee; tools free, WrAto for catalogue. ,P.Iolor liarbor College, 121, Queen East I I Seale Works, 9 Esplanade. to. before too late, Dr, Boilmun Iliniseal Limited, Coll itigwoo4." Oat - I.) Seale Works, 9. Esplanade. 37oronto. XI- other AgeneY propositions convinces us tlint none tau equal ours. You will al. ways regret IL If you don't apply for par. tieulars to Travellers' Dept,. P.,Its Albert St„ us in regard to any disease. Lowest tn.tees in drugs et all kinds, Trusses fitted by naafi, Send measuro. meet. Glasses fitted by ago. Write tri -day for anything sold in first-class drug stores to Dr. Reitman. Collingweed. Ont. FEATHER DYEINO Cleaning and Carling aud Rid Giores.a These can be sent by pest, le per es, 1.2C1. The best place is „ BRIT1611 AltiEDICAN DYEING CO, That when you put a salve onto your child's skin, it passes through the pores and enters the blood, just as surely as if you put it into the child's stomach? , You would not put a coarse mass Of anima.' fat, colored -by various mineral poisoes (stich as many etude salves are) into your child's blood'hy way- of the stomach? - Then why do so by way' of the pores? Take no risk. Use always the , no trace of any animal oil or fat, and no poisonous mineral col ,r- ing matter. From start to finish it is purely herbal, ' It will heal sores, ulcers, absces- • cuts, burns and bruises rnt.re quickly' than -any_ oilier ir,,.0-arn prepar\atinrio It, is a: ti„eptic, sore or cut, cures piles, inftatned , "The Most Beautiful Loorition in New York City." H TEL SAVOY Fifth Ave., 58th to 59th Street Affording a delightfUl residence, so fefietfah rejorFerta,rdri,1:Tapsiesinsniab:eer. p.50. or larger solte-s Upon Application. Spa - large irarl or, alcove bedroom and bathroo.n upward—double $i. with bathroom 54 And nibearth _Beautiful rooms: Sinele $2, Vi Ith bathroom $3 anti • Lxternal application for man or beast. Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities in the 011 of the STTJRGEGIN ior ,praris lameness, etc. - Dr, Dow's' formula has it in its be`st form., For Rheumatism, etc it, cannot be equalled Try it °rice and you wi satisfied. Price 25 cent SELLS