Exeter Advocate, 1912-1-4, Page 5I roreostort 1 Card', r. Cl, F. R.tX131.,2.TON, L,la,cu„ 11);13, k]=k7NTI ST Member of 'the R,C,13.S. of Ontario and. lienor Graduate of Toronto University Office --Oyer Dickson & Ca:1ing's law office,. Closed"Wednesday afternoons. Dii. a. Lt:. kiiNsyl4N, I,. D. ci,. D. It. 8... Honor graduate of Toronto Univeriaty, D,NTI:ST, Ws,hextracted .without anypain, or any bad agects Odteeover lladroan ABtaabury'aodice.11ait,street; { toter Mod cat 'iiBIOHT, 3f D.. U., C. P. &S.. irowo I rR Graduate of Toronto University, Two, years pi dent vhysiciap Bo_ya) Alexandra Hospital, etc, Odiceand Residence „Dr. Amos' Ofd Stand, Andrew r est,ESETEB t.miyttl . IQSSQN & .tjABLINO;SAREJ$TERs, SOLICI.' I' tort, Notaries, Conveyancers commissioners lolicitprsfor ldoisons $ink, etc 9i411py to (,oast At towestEstes° nteree, Ogces,'lain street. Exeter. " S,,Qast<u+o, &A., L E . D1csmort ONE TOIDOAN', Wehaveatargeamount of private funds to oaq n farm and vttlaxe'Properties /Allow rates of inter est, GLADXAti & STANBUBY Barristers. Soticitors.tiakn st.,Exete. On SENIOR Agent Den €eaera.tion Life Assurance Company. also Fire, Insurance in lend- ing Canadian and British Companies. afvtt-St:. Exeter. MISS LILLIAN E14$OTT "CONCERT SOPRANO PUPILS ACCEPTED. ,. A.Di< RESS-CR'ii+TTlitALIA, ONT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANI)tit ?Pl, 1...tec„4,,d Auctioneer for Hurort County, Terms -reasonable, Rates can he made at the 4dvo'ate.. Exeter, or Henry Ellher'q Office, Cred- 'ftoo„ T. R, CARLING' lfw Rise, ,tec!dent and Plate Ghana ut'ance, Collectins accountcr, and can- 't ttz zFucVan safes. - iatzeter, Ont, C. A, HOUZE, V, S, t rarivata !sf Ontario, Veterinary Col- El4;e ; mr:nber Ontario Veterinary Med- teat $wlety treats all diseases of do- tslestieatcd animals on scientific .prtn- olpies : modern .surgery a specialty, Op- °eratt'rns on Lump Jaw guaranteed sa*- lattetdry, Calls by day or night ,pronaptl • attended to. office -Main -at., 'Exeter, Dr, RatnaaY'a old stand, Phone to connection, FARM FOR St1,I.E, Tree utndt',ais^nod offers his fine farm, consislin4 of about Urs acres, adjoin- -1w; the towel of Clinton, for , zea -le. `The tarda is in a -goad state of cultivation, and has " good buildings, brick house, ';heti: barn, driving house, pig pen, etc. all comparatively neve. . fivat-clans 'arc'lard, containing allkinds of ^frul`a a +d also small fruits. The farm Is w^fl fie iced and drained and Is a, very desirable home. 1For further par= ticut,n:rs apply' .on the premises or ad- -dress ` JOHN TORRA,NCE. Clinton, JIM ILLU ` .L a dies' c COLLEGE St. Thortias,On'L WINTER. TERM FROM;JAN. 2nd. �RELLIC�TT���, Toronto, Ottt.,.:stands'-n a class by it- self when strictly first-class work is awerl.'Sti.sto for catalogue;_ .Horses for Sala I have a nunnber- of •first-class horses for" sale. Cali at the staples and see We are also purchasing horses that are sound and in good condition from 4 to 10 years of age. Parties having horses fear 'sale` will do welt' to call or write the undersigned, Phone 41, M.. M. DOYLE. Exeter., FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned is offerin' for sale that desirable ,'50 -acre'. farm in Usborne, being the South half "Lot 10, Con., 7. There is on the premises a" good frame house, bank `barn , and - out . buildings : two good wells water and au ever run - "fling spring at back of farm. This tarm Is in splendid;,coed,tion and is nearly alt seeded down. Will b- sold reason, able and an easy'e_nns." For particulars appiY at Advocate Off_ca or to Jas. E]art;E1 nt, elle: Fall :S,1LE OR TO RENT That moat Sir-4bl, FOR SALE BY WINE 1.ND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVER C <4 YWHlaRE a nnnnn,�nnh�nnnnnnrt�,rnnnnnnnnr,�nn`. nnnnnnnrar;it: PURE— PALATABLE °---- NUTRITIOUS - BEVERAGES LOCAL OPTION --Residents ih the local option dstrlcts i can legally order from this " brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHIs,l LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANAIa?A. :eep Your Bath Roo Spotlessly Clean with Gold Dusk Soap will not do the work properlybecause soaponly cleans the surface—it does not dig'dee after pater ;germs and hidden impurities like GOLD DUSTthegreatest of. all sanitary cleansers. To keep bath tub and lavatoryshiny-whitei . and Ir!'Y1t113g` —To keep metal pipes, fixtures and taps 'brightlybur- nished—To urnisted--To purify metal bowl— To keep tiling and woodwork spotless and beautiful--- Simply add a heaping teaspoonful of GOLD DUST to a pail of water. You will be surprised at the ease with which it does the work. GOLD DUST sterilizes as well as cleans and saves you ' one-half the labor. GOLD DUST is sold in So size and large pack- ages. The large package ohers _greater, economy. ' "Let the GOLD DUST TWINS do your work"" Made by :;THE N. K. .FAIRBANK COMPANY, ' Montreal Makers of FAIRY SOAP, the oval cake. TUCTCERSr rTH-I.t was with, feelings orsorrow and -regret that we heard or trip death _ti - 'St. Joseph's Hospital, Landon, of Mr, Sohn!' NCgih, an old,,time imited London and Edmonton WIANUFACTURINGFURRIERS A satisfactory, purchase is not necessarily one that commends self'; t h r e u'g h cheapness alone but rather upon the value.' you receive or your money. • It has always'been and'always_ will be our principle t o "offer, our patron; t h e . highest grade of f ur _obtainable a lowest' possible:! prices,,; Qulity4 �, .� kW, tie or mans, and: Fit ;.a. important features ur4,garnent etai ane''e"�5tryc; dl; erSoIi ( teIl t• resident of Tuckersmith. Born in the ttiit county or Yoirk 02 yeaa°rs ago lee Cant, to the second concession of Tuck ersna tin : when a child and where he spent hhts boy -hood, day's. For a great many Years ho was travelling* agent for the Cathol',4 Record, London, and was esteemed and trusted by his emp- plovers. ST bIARYS. =Thee planing trill owned by George ° Brown & Co,, situated on Water Street, was gutted by are early Dec 27th. T,he rachtnery and contents were r entirely destroyed, and the walls of the bulldlog damaged,; The loss is about ;9000, partly covered by insur- ance; O¢tiga n, unknown. ST. MARYS-ldr. George Spearin, died December 31st fin London: He was 65 years of age, alndt'itaad spent many years London. Be was formerly a restaur- ant keeper; .,n St., (Marys„,, 1 -lo is survived by a yr fie and, thee sons, one of whom resales in St. Afarys'. andthe other, two i'n'New York. Bright's :disease was the the cause-; of,; death, SEA FORTH-]1Ir`s, Rosanna Dorseyy, who suffered front' an ,attack of par- alysis a,.short timet ago,; had , another stroke on Monday, ' from the effects iot wh'ct she. never: recovered, but passed away to -day. She was :'21 her.08tit` year, ,aldd leaves • a fiannay of grown- up sons and daughters. CLINTON'-After , a pleasant the c5tizens,were awakohed..by the: fire belt on Tuesday m;ora!ng. When 6,t was discovered' that the ,harness '6 hop of E Johnson; was on f: °-e and, also the Pastime Chub, rooms. ° The , fireman were on the scene 'in short order and q a after a, short ckc fight'lh'ad the fire. ander control, but the stocks' of .E; Jo`hhnson and, Mr. 13eat 'We1vs ruined by, f'"re and water, ..,,v,hthe J, Scruton had a smoke out "!n Was butcher. shop'' and ,aTt o '1-4e stock -Of the Morr sli Cloth 'a rk Co , was, aisly damaged' by }water; 1tA NTON qu t ,et . wedding , wasi- !fed at , the home of D.H and ny.; Granton December '95th. Jain -s 'Abary at f g,h "zebor. "only .datIghter;'." Agnes' :L11- rnn hna.eVittr Maxwell I)a.v.t Algary »Oni,y tt% ilmrnediate $`ii!? gCat aC 1i part cis gen erla Church al}a tWas?ttryt}rn�nn awal 'atyx'i • to: d g� to t2: tT, Vte e !n4 •k=at. a .lt4i: tut �,ali�k�ti { l`IENSALL Ono of fitbe Prettiest of .Chri"stnias weddings was solemnized at trio home of "Mr. and Mrs. harry Pfaff, when. the,r daughter, Miss Anna Ma gue ite, was ;raarr's:d to Mr, W. K. Sfara+halt, Only the `.°tnnedtate relater a were present at the ceremony, which was performed r,y Res E P. Sii"alt, of Car diel Fresbyter Ian Church, HensalI, The bride and Cgroom were unattended. Following t . e ceremony a dainty wadding breakfast was served, after wh-ich Mr, -and blzfsrR 31.1arshail left for Port Huron. The bride wore a travell,ir cult) of nary blue. On. their return Mr. and Mrs. "Ia"rsieall,: ural reside Sn: H nssaau,- at t.`:ve ,_orner o' queen and El:za(bet'h streets, Tne groom, is a son° O 71tK: and Mrs. James: Marshall, of Greenock, Scotland, McQueen -]i .ununeston-A very Joyous event took place' at tri0 Bonnie of Mrs. Bummoston on; 'Queen Street, Dec ,&. at 12 ,earl., when, her second, daughter LUCY was un',t,ed in marriage 'with; Ed,. gar ?kicQun one Of ,sur popular young men. The bride who wag unattended was sivi away by her uncle,Mr,,,Edeiuy of St. Marys, IMIsst Ytelgplutt, "Pla7ed. the `n arch , About 40 guests, graced the occasion. Atter congratulations the conlpax2y Partook of a eunaptntous, re past Tne bride received many beautiful presents. The Rev. J.. E. M,llyard tied the nuptial knott. TrieY left on ' the evening train. for Detroit. On flheir re- turn the young couple will take x up *souse on Nelson Street', WIratrIclo- lark Tho horde of T., Clark, King Street, was the scene of la oyaua We114:etg when. Ms seCOnd claug',ater Myrtle was united in marriage. h David Kilpatrick of Near Is IPP -en Tsae inarrta„a took place on Wedneada7 at 1 p,an.:fnLprresion6e.of a larger,:Wether or ev fed, guests. The Rev: 7. Ea Mill- yard of tel ted, Nten afelit:ci Ortwek'n Or Berlin Is bonne, -Dilly Glenn of Toronto was home for the holklays,-J s, ;4facarthur was 'in Toronto last vrclk:.-..°I,fra, Ellin and daughter Matto; are' visiting in Goder 'ch. -Miss Walker of Detroit visitecj, bliss Margaret Bontbron,-Laurie Hag. - aa was helm front; Chicago -Miss Flor- ence Reynolds o; Toronto' was horns ,.. Wss Edith. Me -Ewen or' Bath holidayed ihate - 4tr, Orass,ek of Tavlstecit is a-, mess, the hol'id y vteito; a here,- )Sias. Do erty oP London has been visiting her brother, Rev, W. J, Doherty. -lits, Cry- or -of Metro%t was trti gnel,t” of ser a? -s tea` Ura, Fred blcDo:sell.--Mrs, ;,Short etr Woodateelt v sited her father 1'fir. Johnston, Mr, and. Mrs. Clarks, of De- trot are , ,ueste at the i:oir,o of t1;aI latter at Hialsgreen,'—Wm. Maunders of Preston holidayed hero last Week,, --Leo- nard Ctidanore of Detro;:t (was the guest of his uncle here last 'wcele. Thos,Wood. of Stratford was th,y ;lit -est of his sister Mrs, A. McPherson ---:dire, Johns of Guelph sPant the holidays, with her MO - Mrs. Beier}. Coale.- 13:tS'l 1EL13 -Our Council was elected lay tie laan:tt:on with, some, changes. The reeve is George. Lindsay, Councillors, T Cameron, J, Thomson, C,. Parker, R,Blair -The vers, Pretty weddin) or titan Lulu 'Weston was duly celebrated by a grand ball in the Town gall or Tuesday eel ht. The affanr was a very brilliant one and. the many Who enjoyed it wished the happy couple all, good wishes. A BLOODI WITHOUT0uoii, Recently it Ina nein defiaitlY'Proven byexperunents onanimals that alcoltod lowers the,get5nicidal power of the body and that al -collet paralyzes the white cor- puscles of the blood and renders .them unstble to, take Lap ,and destroy disease g"ertns. Disease germs cause the death, of oyer one -hall of the ;unman race, A blood medicine, made entirely without alcohol,; which is a pure glycezrlc but of roots, such, us. Bloodroot, Queen's root, Golden Seal, toot, Mandrake, sod Stone root, hes been extensively, sold by druggists for the Past forty years as Lar. .T'ierce's Golden Medical l}iscoyery, The refreshing influence et this extract is like Nature's influence -the blood is bathed in the tonic which gixes fife to the blood - the vital fires of the body bunt brighter .and. their iiuereased ,activity coasataes the tissue rubbish which has aceunaulatted during the win, Dr. R.V. Pierce, the founderterof the Invalids" klotel: and Surgical Institute, and a physician of large experience and practice, was the first to make up an 15S1)113"11V13 Exra.Acr of.. roots, without a particle of alcohol Or narcotic. "itis with the greatest of pleasure„ that I write to let you luso of the great benedt.I received izam the use of your medicines and self- treatmeatathomee" writes Dim Vittg:$ S,` of Ladysmith, LC. `Isuf- fered for three years froma running sore. Consulted four doctors but they tailed to mend or give relief, T'inady 1 Nattold" Lira, as cens.arp bion and would lave to consult a svecialist concerning my oar, that the dead bone musk, be Cut out before the wound woald heal. A kiwi friend advised me to write to Dr. Pierre, which 1 did,and after •sevet*ruonths' use of the treatment the sole i3 healed. and (enipy better health than ,. ever did, 1 cjreasec4 the •wound with, Dr. Pierces All-Fleatir,c Salve and took the "Golden Medical Discovery' and `Ple„s^ant Pe„eta for ay troubles, 1 shall always re onizoend year medicines, Dr. Pierces` Pleasant Pellets regulate liver oral! hr -zeds. 16iiais SExss.. the Sir Mather! Treatment NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USER WrrBOVT WRITTEN CONSENT - NERVOUS DEBILITY 2'hoveagds of young and middle-aged; men are annually- swept to a premature „rare through Early. Indiscretions, Excesses and Blood Diseases, It you, have any of lowlugsymptgiras consult ns before it is, to late. Are you nervous and weak, dt pen-. dent,suu gloomy, specks before the eyes. witt, dar circles under them, k1daeys ri�hle, palpitation of the heart, bashful d esrf a and losses, sedinnen t In t"r r. ,. pP pies n eace. eyes noshes, hollow chee,cs. careworn eapresstoa, poor r r r•"", IrfeIess, ctiseruatttd laek energy atpistreagth, tired mornings, restless'ai„hts, moods, weak menaced, premature decay, bone pains, lrakr loose sore here. 4 YOU WILL BE A 'WRECK n Oar stew nutlsad: ieatment can euro you and utas at you, t1tdrr 1e tr,.lu> tsalcat;he brain hewn esact, e,,the blood: puriliod,sothat ell plruplo.blotcluil1 1 ao,r.rra df zn pear. the nerves becorrye strong, as sseel, so that aervousaest, ,itasltl tdsicss au.a nes. ndeaac • vanish, the eye bei•ont s bright` the acv: full and dear, eat return, tot e a t}`ane the merit, Aay'steal Aad sexual syystems are lnvi;"=erated, alt rains e $so .au. raaare vital waste frons, the system. Don't let quacks and fa'idra tan yell 64 yratir b.41.0, oaraad dollars. We will sue You or'no'pay. EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDE: AL "* D "2 P matterwbobas treated y ou, ,trite for an honest opinion Frey cf C Books From -n -11e Merlin*" (Illustrated) on Secret S Cr t Assesses of QUESTION LIST FOR HOME, TREATMENT SF,NT ON REQUEST as.KENNm7&KENNEL Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Si,, Detroit, Mich NOTICE .Al1letters from Cana amustbeadtlresseci ■ to stir Cattadiau Correspondence Depart- xileltt iii WitldSor, Ont. It pan (1,Q1"`!:: tq see us personally call at olir l4ledical Institute in Detroit a;; we see and treat no patients in our Windsor (Ores which are for Correspondence "i: Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as f91 -'ass DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for oats Private address, se this coupon and The improved Preston Spec& tion assures you the 0 N :. roofing which is actually COMPLETE as a proteci;at,:n against ALL the elements. Not only weatherproof, waterpi-o f;. windproof, rustproof, fireprcci, BUT —actually LIGHTNING PROOF.' Your buildings will never suffer damage from the electric blast that causes so much destruction. They will be safe: if roofed with Preston Shingles as we tell you how. Make Your House, Your Barn Really Safe Against Lightning. Adopt Preston Shingles and have �ep no fear of the weather. Once on. rn they need no paint, for the thick galvanizing on the heavy metal withstands even the British Government acid test. They • won't work loose in heavy winds; about the improve comp\iete metal roofing Postpone your intended purchase of ANY roofing until you study use. that coupon. For the facts . it will bring you about the new Preston Lightning,- Protection Specification and. Guarantee . will almost certainly induce you to roof with for the four-sided Preston Safe Lock holds every shingle l-if'd;y in place. Fire nor water e G n't damage them. And with the r cw improvement, LIGHTNING WILL NOT HARM ANY "BUILDING THEY COVER. - Learn About our Guarantee Against L.ightning Damage. The edition of `TRUTH ABOUT ROOFING is limited. You need to act now to be sure of getting a copy. :;Use the coupon now. a', 3ach- improvement in metal shingles has de .evecheapest kinds Inti n the cif other, 1rnds roofing matt',.ria1 costly by comparison Now comes ':the t`"reston'Specification and.the °im- proved `Presto ri< hltlgle the ONE really COMPLETE roof. You cert alil 'should learn all about it at once - and the Ibook the coupon' will bring youinfoi 1 fou fully:on roofing facts tivox th` rrloe+�e 4°Else , the coupon, an tet; Irl AF ¥1NG The FREE,bwe ask ,the' privilege`of sending you eM ltis p NEW roof -facts of much'im 'ort p arise .to, you, whetheryou inters to eree�� l€'c/70,01 bu idin{{jy s or' re : and' triiiprove e:ones. Yoli,,t?i 1h e seedily, convinced. that Pres--: OprlkiilgleS are the sooi'ingl: CLO.:: B yf h1”