HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-12-28, Page 5Proteetelestastl efletle, . G F. nogn,,arroN. ,D.D.s. Member ot the R.C.D.S. of Oratarie and Honor Graduate of Toronto UniverifitY, Offece-Over Dickson ee Carlisg's hew oftice, Closee, 'Wednesday afternoens. pa. A. a. KleselaN, L. D. $e, D. a Be nor <radiate of Toronto Untearatv. ' DENTIST, extreettedwithout azay paineot qy hatelfteete , Wks Orr rEadmenet etenbary's,odice, Main street Seater Medical 11. BRIORT. D,„ M. C. P. it El,. EfON011 A -Le Oradaste of Toronto liniversity, Two years aidentphyeklan Royal Alexandra Metatipitel, etc. Oleos and Residence Attie Old Stand, Andrew eet ,EXETER begat , -D,°4a()Na, GeBLINO, flAittehermatea • 80LICI tone Notaries, Conveyancers Commiselonera Volieltota for Meisel:a Beak. etc., etollee to Login st loweet rates° nteres Olacee, Main ureet, Exeter. R. Osseo& B.L. ' L. R. Dicesoe y[0151SY TO &OAS. Wei have a lerge amount of private time* to out n none and village properties at low rites of inter 4et. GLA:DMAN 8c SUNBURY Rsrreathea, eolicit-ors.Main et.„Exate .0n S. SENIOR Agent 0011f ederatian Life. Assurance 00tiapatty. also Fr O Insurance in lead- Oartedtan, end 'British Companies. 44,ifs-5t„ Rioter, ISS LILLIAN 1111,,L4OTT CONCERT SOPRANO " * ?UPI/A./ACCEPTED. ADDRESS-CENTRALIA, ONT. ,LICENSED. A. °CT I 0 N WM. ANDERCON, Ltreneed Auctioneer for Heron County. Terms reasotiable, fea.tee can be made at the Advoeatee Exeter. or Henry Either's ()moo, cred- t,,,,, T. Fe CARLING Fre. Accident end Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auctioe eales. Bizeter. Ont.. C. A. HOLIZE, V. s. Graduate ot Ontarki, Veterinary Col- lege; member Ontarle Veterinary Med- - leaf Secrecy treata all dIseasete �t do-, Meetleated aellnale on meleetifle prin- ciples ; modern eurgerY a specialtY. OP- eretions on Lump Jaw dua.ratiteed sate iisfactory, Calls by day or night Premiltly attended to. Office -Main -se. Exeter, D. Rameale's old stand. Phone In connection. :FARM FOR SALE. The endersigned otters We fine farm, eonsisting Of about 135 ecres, ad.loln- ing the town or Clinton, for sale. The farm is in a g-ood state of cultivation. and 1-tas gaitt belldlegs, brick hOuse, bank barn, driving house. pig Pell, et. altcompexatIvery now. Afirst-cla.se you re mehard, containing all kinds of fruPe end also smell fruits. Thefarrn le well feeced arid drained and is a very desirable home. For t urther par..; tieulare apPly onthe premises .or ad- dress JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton. A, Ladies' COLLEGE St. Thomas,O.nt WINTER TERM FROMeJAN. 2nd ELLIOTT ded-Meid,' Toronto, Oat., .stancls in a class by It. sett when strictly first-class work le considered. Werke for catalogue. Horses for,Sale I .have a nurriber of 'first -crass horses for sale. Call at the stables and see We ae•eealso, purchasing horses that are sound and In good condition from 4 to 10 year's ot age. Parties having- horses for sale will do well to call dr write the undersigned. Phone 41..' M. M.• DOYLE. Exeter. '7 -A -111‘f *FOR SALE,. The tuidersigned is offering for, Sale that desirable 50-aCre farm in 1,e,shereee • being' the SOtith half" Let 10,-Ceer. There is on the premises a good, frame house, 'bank, barn and out betide:1gs : two good weirs water eine an ever 'run- ning spring at bock of farria. This faern Isri splendid •conditioe and is nearly all seeded down. Will be sold reason- able and on easy terms. leo- particulars apply at Advocate Off:ce oe to Jas. Earl, Elirneille. FOR SALE OR TO RENS • That most desirable Sarin property be- , ing .Lot 15. Con. 2, Stephen, In the County .of „Huron, on which Is, situate two. good bank barns and,a conimoclious. frame ,houSe. This land is ;well dialned and fenced, •has two good wells, and a spring creek and is convenient - el -lunettes, s'enoel and inarIcets Out , teaves 10 acre's F30"Wil with "acss of new rneadywand , does,'A eee'ssry' garlig-- plow:ng and, deepA , .„••F:or further Partieulars. r--EkeTHORN- Ese , Exeter : :CA 1ZLING D.arrl stet's, etc., ' -01J FOR'SALb.`, . _ . • satisfaction. FREE TO YOU MY SISTER"1"tiTtAYF°RuditNvIZZ:VIIVIC:1:71*- I am servile:an. - 1 knew woanan'is entreating& 1, have fotitel the. cure. „ ' eillestron . mole any sufraree freea iviillialaiVe°,01. 4.116. ehergeentY /We arsine met with womteas aihneete, 1. want to tellnif wonien *bout t4ta.,enre-11;14.111, reader? or ft;Oureelf. your daughter, year snot et*, oz. your fals ' r. e.waut,..th. ten, yoiebew 'tie -cora al - home ,witlieet. the help_ of a doetor. ;Men casiNsp&Undetat'and. wore.. OD'S Blitrerings. Whatowe won. en know from ek- pretence. We IMO* better thee anydeietere eiremw that nay home treetmeet Mei aafe'ao d eta re euro.for Leueorrhoreor Whitish diecherge,lltceritem.DIs- placementorFalllegottheWornb,Profuse,Smuley oreealadull?erioda..Utti .tine ee Ovarian Tumorsor (lecowtbs, also pales in thebead, back stee leowele. hearingeoWnhalings,nervogeneis,ereeplagfeet. ing 4,tp the ;Tole, ,meiseeboly,. desire, to, cry, bot flashes, weariest:es, kidney end bladder troubles . . . :e :fee Where caused by weeknees peculiar to tear per. 1 want to send you a, complete 10 asys'treatment entirelyfree to prove to you that you can euro yourself at hearse easify,qtuckly and surely, 'Remenaber, that it will coat you no tbingto gave the treatment a complete trial; an4 E yore should wish to continue, it wit I cot you only about Ie. . , cente a Nveekor lee.e than. t w e cp,nt,t3adaye .It wile pot interfere with your worker peculation, dtrlitsend Me,yeUr tutimii lied midrees. tel me how you suffer, ifyou Wish, and 1 willsenrlyou the treatment for our case. entirely free. in plate wrapper, by re tura mall. 1 will also sen d you hue_ of cos teny book-e."WOM A N'S OWN MEDIC A le A 0 VI SER" with explanatory Inas trations sh ow leg -why women suffer, and how they can easily etne themselves at borne. Every wonran lib pled have it and learn to thing for you lierself. tioTlienwitentbedoctoreays-erouraustheveanoperto n," : tali decideforyourself. Thousarelsoe women ewe cured themselvee with ray home - remedy.. It cures sit, old or youeg. • To Mothers of Daughters: f will explain a eimple hen e treatment which speedily and, effectually cures, Leueorrheee, Green Sickness. and Painful or Irregular Mensttuation he You.ng Ladle& Plumpness and health always result Oath its use. Wherever you live, IcenreferyOU to ladies tat your owe locality who k now and will gladly tell any sufferer that thieflomeTrestreent really cores all wemeree cliseasee and elattes women well, stn.:al-m.131u nap and robust. Just gene me your teed reale, and the heti ten dayetreatnien t is yours, also the beret. Writ,e to -day, as yea thaY not see this offer again, Address; ilitS M. SUMMERS BO't 840 ti WINDSOR, OKI% ere '.7=1 LABATT'S STOITT The very best for use in ill -health and convalescence Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America at World's Pair, 1893 PURE—SOUND---WHOLESOME , Tnetilc of' all the poor LOwl who have been petted, pampered and atuffed only to metat. tlielr fall 'On Ohristroas Day.- Ma- and Mr. jOhn Mileera aretheht sPending holedays en Toronto visiting rale, llves. -Rev. l‘fr. Steedniari and lamilY ro spantbng Chelstmute 24 Mr. Stead- nr9.n.',a „father's near re trplea ^ fartin Ntatige trent Alberta reneWling aceti:^34ntances.-Wealey Johria and Will Wend are v;.rgting relaelvea and fete:nig Vorontd'and Port Hope. --Wes. Jaeque returned last Friday from iNiariette, where he has been visiting lila ulster who was undergoing an operatiOn. She rne -throteeli it alreglat, ten(l it was. 110P- e(l-iele would stool `be arOund agnen. but on Tueaday Jacques rece.lveti word teat. she waa dead.-Nateta Deer passed off:quietly het -0: all the eeen- cillore and reeve being elected by accla- .mation. Tho boys of our burg had a, shootimateh Cterletreau day and overtement +ran betrilt with target praete ;co eitlee, and blue rovkia with un JaCkeen Woode won out breaking 90 out of 20. --Miss Hunter oe Bee - ter is'4,9".tinr hor 'brother Will, her father and another having gone to visit their deuteliter, errs. Chas. Divine ot New Torkeeelr. W2i Senelalr and Sandie" JOIRli LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CAtiADA ELIMVILLE of Woodham silent Xlmae at John johns Jr.-AnYOne wtho ireissed the school con- cert at Windoisee. Friday last missed a, great treat. Miss IInentlton, the teacher eeritOnlY deserees great credit fa train- ing her scholars, meet must have taken a lot oft irne and, patience to train such) small scholars 10 a'emember so much. - Mr. S. R. Horn ha/ gone to T'oronto to visit bas son Oster ehe SA INTSBURY The concert geven by :Mese 31Yetle, SIM 11 peon teacher, 111 S. S. No, fi. beildulph was reserand success. The drills; by a the children were of a particula.rly In- teresting character, reflecting muce d credit on the little folks and likewise on the teacher tor the exCellent inane tie" In velech they acquitted thernselvee, &flee the enterteminent a lunch -Wee ser -ed to ell in attendance and a most pleasant tline wae epent.--,Ve. J. Carter CP: Pietro:it $.8 visitleg relative and friends itere.-Glaactt Szmlea left eaturdey to viait in Voreento. SHARON Albert W, Wein held a very Inter %- Lag oboe!, on Dee. 26. The match con toed Of. 'two evente ; the first h ad four prizes, turkey, geese, duel; awl chicken, F. Kerr wernIng; first. Seeitton second, P. Paesmore third. and S. P393 niore fOUrth, To the Merchandise ev- Pasemore was h'gh man. 15 tar - gale can. event. The acorea Fred Kerr 14, in; p. Hartleib 10,, 10 T. Bekee 6, 1,1 ; S. F.itton 13, 13; J. Passmore 12, 14; T, Caeleg 12, 12; 11, Sheardown 10, 12; Albert Wen 9; -et P. Paearnore 13, ; G. afewhinneY 8, W. E. 1§3,:i(lere 9, 9; 1). letrintnell 8, 13 J. Hankial 11, 11; F. Tnielenee L1, -D. ; Sanders 11. 10; W. Horney -.., E. Wein -, 13; G. fieYwood Luz,ILE1r. Quaca nunrber are stiffening; from olds. --Mrs. Mary Rycletran is under the Doctor's care. -Mrs. Albert Searnore ot P011ock, eNreh Dakota., with her child- ren is a winter vesitor at theehorne of her mother here Mrs. Rychnetta-Most of the people ot thee vecinity spent Clu-istma.s away from home and the roads were qui;te lively about noon, -Mess) Nan Horton Is in Harpurbery w1th her parents.e-A. goodly number at ended the Xtnals Tree at Chestelhurst n Thursday evelast and speak in lghest terms of the entertainment.- Vedding balls are ringing here. -Mr. nd Mrs. Lawrce Fulton entertained a arge .nuellear of the:1r trlen,ds on Fri - ay evening last at their home.. The uests of +abhor were Mr. and Mrs. 3. Varme and little, son of Brittton alsea \Tr and Mrs. D. A. MeNechOl and lain - 1y of Stratford. Too1r old friends hero were glad 'to meet ,,. them again. All speak of Mr. amet Mrs. Fulton as model Host and flosOss arid the evening's enjoyment qulte en keeping with the festive season o ---Mr. \V. Glenn Sr., has returned from the funeral of tier brother whose death occurred ln Tor- onto by all Auto *accident. He was ) bur- led en Glen Allen cemetery Wellington, County. Her neaceMifes Stewart or van- couver acconmanied her home, , PROCLAMATION VILLAGE OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION. Pubre notice Is hereby given that a aneettriee ot the electors of the Village ot Exeter will be held in the Town Ball, Exeter, on PRI13AY, DEC. 22nd, 1911, at the hour of -12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of making and receiving nomin- ations for Reeve, Councillors and Settee)! Trustees for the eneuirng year. And fur- ther notice ls hereby given, that in ,the event of more eandelates beeng Proposed for the offices than require(l to be el- ected, tive rneetng will be adjourned Un- til -MONDAY, JAN. 1, 1912, when polls wilt be opened. at 9 a.m., closing at 5 pen. at the following places as fixed by Village by -lave viz,- • Poll No. 1.-Si1as Ilandford's ence, by ,Edward Treble, D.R.O., and Heb. Poll Clerk. , --No. -2--Town Hall, by W. D. Weekes, D.R.O., and los. Davis, Poll Clat. ' Poll No. 3 -At the office of John. Mit- chell, by H. E. Huston, r.).n.o., and, Alev G. Dyer, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 1 -At Wm. ,Walkers residence by R. G. Seldom D.R.O., and Alexi Mc- Phee:don, Poll Clerk. And all electors are hereby requested to take notice end govern. themselves accord:ngly. T. D. CARLING, Returning Officer. res oceri e are novv well estab1ish- 1ed inbiisthesaod 1,ve beneve RENSALL Mrs. Colin edcG4411 is here from the West veseting rela•tives.1-1a1. White who, is -attending the Chicago. Dental -College es here foretho tiolidays.-Miss MBler who 1 home from Lon- don leaves Shortly for Toronto to take posetion.-Mrs. 1-lecie1nee of the Lon- don • Road -le peetously 111. -Miss Jere. Cleirnore of Walkervelle is home for holidays. -Bob Chesney left 'on. Satur- day tor Toironto vaele4-e he has taken - a position' as 'clea-k.-Clare Misner who we° has (bone on the Moleons Bank staff .for over two years has been' trans- ferred to ethe Alvinesten Branch , and left for ,that place on Monday.W--.41. J.. D. Cook wife:Land elhdieren are, from Toronto, 'the, guests, • of Mts. Sherray. -Charles Redmond has returned,'" from the West nettee improved in health. - Mrs. Hardy 'Andeesem„ Caradate, . Seek., :a 'the guest. of 'her. breth!er Albeet; White el:dee-Mee Annie Cairlislewjo has been in the We for. tele past three months has treturned,and'IS vlsitIng1 in London. ---,W. Kinsman and ,wife Who have' been,. rutuit.lng, a temperance house at Comber, have retitrated to the farm at Cheeelhuret.--Rube- audiiiere ' who has bean fin the.',Welst end for same time and at, Los." Angeles, Cah, shome' on the best of authority (nam. ely that of a d'tily increasinc, business) that we are meeting,' a long telt want, and giving' t f eDiPef 0111 xto,ert s all tne time, 1111 kinds'of pl'ociuce talen . in exchange, !pine1 offering 'for sa1 1 Property' On Willtenl..- 4,749..oy,..„: brick! xce te-gethr ,of lood' n1), Lo tWo e ttd et, 1 Fred IC'Jbler of Lestewel is 1 0 Et,C llatirtltthrleeg.7—.M r S. R. H. Wieltesed•e and son' Melvin left last 'week for .thellr home in Keramtville. -- Mrs. Lev' qtelck 1DauphllIn Man i lttilnlg her easter Mrs. "William .9.1 r en ida ,.Ortavlo4n bat ot, ytabt to ba Ida -a Lee',11- 1-Taneh'Ea', Park '1Ot fOr 44Tre9P•0 eVe.do .has puxchased pari - r here . Z10 . service In,the Evangelicalne urop, tefC-7tau'lin•Id4YnteYaetnItneet °-,1741g4th:Ctocin.t-Ile/v11itts . *Inntei `slaughter ,of, the late Mr. , John 13q11' !OA ' IA4 , r at the age of 41 yeails. The remains were '''siterred Per's (*Meters' Saubie 1111e; She leo,Y0 t metzrn her logs her rged mather, six 'sisters and seven arothers. The deceased as house iceePar for neatly Years for EsthetMu - 'Kan, a former ,,Pr,ilest of the Drysdale Parish. -- wiNcHET0BA Mrs. W. Kerr t*sti.rers thus toeux- 'Prose Ilea beneere gra:tette:1e atid. Pleprece .Iation, to the friondsi ot Wineeeleea and vieetaity' for their great kindneas , du - in' tor hus'ba.nds 111r -tees, and during her recent 4bereavntoont, • . Mr. F. j. Delbredge ene wife of esbolm„ Alta, itl4le tilerffniests at' the, fr_ Ifler's 9areiitl r, and Mrs. Joha Dele be:Agee-731r. Jas. Kyle and Wife ot Ex terspent Chrfstmats with their son,lier- nom-Mess Bel/a IIeywood of Hyde' Park spent Chrestenase with her rather Wesley 1-le3twood.--ear. Albert Neel) lett on Fr!...day" for bee hots hear Strat- ford, having completed his terra as 'but- ter maker in the ta,clory here.- Mesa jessle A. Hamilton laeeneadiPP tto ti°1' fel.a.yeat here hone nNothlerwell.-Tbe copeert held fel the "seheeel on Friday was a goand euccese, The leather de- serves eredh for tree-in:1w/the ehlideen, to the songs and The Maypole drat given by aex girls and .stx boys was t•-•-analed f. -se excelieet Torro, eeete one took hie Or her part In gtoe4 orp during: the Vri/OIS four hours program A silver colleetiOn antollriteog to 4,15 was taken for the Sick Pnildreree /Hos, Pital.-The Christmas 'altertainment a Sunshine oh Cluf4strnap night was( grand succese. The eingingl by Teddy Williamson or London and evading IV Miete Beatrice TieWiale. Oe Exeter inter. epereed With dialogoe0 and ,reeltations given by scholars or. tile Sunday .Schoel were an well rentlerede Proceeds 149, Stewart who has been pastor of Willis Peestorterian Church, C1:atoo tor th:'rty-roar• years, has re - Bernet', owing 'to 141 health. The hn- aouncernent Varna as a surprise to the emegreeatiOn, who regret tne matter very much, ST. MARYS--"Ph011eas r/oyie an e - Yee ot the Thames 4Qtutrry CordpanY met whitan etafortelnate aCeident en Wednesday foreitoon, While the stone cast wa,s taking Up a load or atone edo large rock slid Okft and struelt T. eyie. knockleg him den and break eve; his telt lee above the ankle. HO also received by theeflaal a aealPh wiliel1 'required several tltth to close BRINSLBY-On the eve of the- depar- ture or Mr. and Mtisi Wee ,roan their Id. home fin MeGilitvazr, the colagreE'a- t on of St. Marys lChurch. Brineley as- Ibled at the lIonto oz hire and Mrs 5. 1%leR1/1111 to exprequ their sorrow at parting with, and tlieltr esteena tor these two valued mernbora or thei Church Mr. Bice !had. bean People' Warden for vivant-et-a:oven years without a break. IlAYFIFILD-Mr. Robert Penhale, who left ist September for the old country to brag out a ,ttoitep, has returned. He hed the niestoreune to Pletse thb horse while Crossing the ocean which Win be, a heavy loss to Irmo SCHOOL REPORT OP S. S. NO. 1, USIESORNE,-V., W. Strang; 'Entrance, et Strang 127, WoDougal 108, 3 Dou- gal 99, O. Rowelitto )89, C. :Harris 88, E. Harvey 77, E. `Roweliffe 71. Sr. IV., F. Neil, 1. Sander's', H Neil, F. jarrott, L. Selves, V. Bell, R. Diek ; )II1., C. erter, A. Dick, M. 'Dotage], te ;Nell, C. Neil ; E. Cann, T. Mitchell, R. Mote. II., A. Strang; Sr. pt. II., E. eIlechell, T. Dougal, W. Selves', P. Harris; Jr. Pt. IL, G. Dew, M. 'Selves, H. Wood, E.Cud more. Average 33, No. on roll, 34.-W. D. Rydall, teacher, 11 1118.1=2111111111111.10 practiced mediCine ,here 'Or l'OrtY-Yeargll died at 143 11oinaibii sandai, he"Was the - Seri of Rev. David Ca5 Paris, and h's 0011 surviving 'relatives are hie aleter, Wiliforiandhis nephew. az% Dav!id Q.`WIlson, who has been Maio- fing wIth him for a nteMber - at Tears. hap been Identified . ,;with every. thM that tias laeon for the good of the eohnntrMitY- LoRdOliAdvertise tlie Beat Metropolitan paper nWest- ern Ontario. Vonte.f.n.s latest market, quotations and ell general anti local news worth printing, SPECIAL. OFFER. Send 4;2.00 ter the .13ondon, Da' erifser if& .11 months to advance. Thi e offer must be accepted berere J241,Lary 1V -t, 191. FUr Values You Should Not Overlook lt has alwao been and always Will be our prin- elPle to offer our patrons the highest grade of furs obtainable at the lowest possible prices. We are absolutely manufacturers and all goods we sell WO Catt, inade and finished in our work- rooms, ThestylesthiS season are so varied and show so many pmttY nevelt* that We cannot IaU to fell)! Pleasi 1014 fur garments made to special measures me guaranteed to fit perfectly in eyery respect. ROSS' Limited and CLOAKS 196 Dundas Street ONDON ONTAR/0_ NERV_OUS,_ LIFELES DgBILITATED MEN 'MING MEN AND MIDDLZAGEO a victims or early inellseretloue Atte later e ceae; wbo aro failures in lite -you ar.,t the eaeswo can reetore t, Mee -hoed aail revive e spark of eery and vitality, lie e't give up in despettr becalm you have treated with ether doctors. lettel elevate belts saltriad various drug Wane tiostrume, , Oar New Method Treatment has Patched hundredfrom the brok Of despair. Ilea re: stored, happirsesa to latesdreds of borates aria hesreadesucceasful 'men of those who trees "down/m.4mA." We prescribe spa -eine rem. cdicsfer each individual mot aocerdive to the gyanpterns and complications -we leave DO patent medicines. Tees fa ono otthe seerets ot • our wonderful nemeses our treatment eau - pot fait, for wo prescribe remedies ada.-ted to oath individual ease, Only curable casts ac- cepted. We have aorte businesa throughout Canada for oeer 20 Years. CURABLE CASES GUARANI -MD OR NO PAY READER A'37°14 a Have ""your kappa? Are you leterellng to marry alas your blood. been ulseasedt Have you any weakness? Our New hiothoR Trontrnant NV4 Cureyou, What ft has done for others It will e.0 for you. Comultation Free. No matter who has treateil 3'oe. Write for an llonest opinion Free a Charge. Rooks Free -- -130311001. 312141100d. Fatherhood." (Illustrate ed) on Disease* of Dien. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WPITTLeY CONSENT. No navies on boxes 0%- eirral• op, IlverythinirConfidentiaL Question. List auicl Cost ()VI:treatment F ..E TREATMENT. Rs 'NEDY&KENNED- Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit Mich. NOTICEAll letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence De?art- amoac=cmgam. merit in Windsor, Ont. If you de;elre to see us personally call at our lleclical Institute in Detroit as we see and teat 100 patients in our 'Windsor offices width are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows ; DRS. KENNEDY & XENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for oar private address. to St cicandPotiltry 1ais We will send, absolutely free, for the asking, , postpaid, one of ou sixty-four page books on the common diseases of „stock -aillt, Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts arid mares milch cows, calves and fattening,.steers, also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay as well in winter as in summer. , No farmer should be without it. • Now Is the time to use Royal Purple Stock Specific Mrs. Wire Burnham, of Sandford, Ont., says: "I fed .• At a cost of only two-thirds of a cent per day per animal your 'Poultry Specific to 32 hens during the winter and It will 'increase it 25 per cent, in value. It permanently sometimes got as inany as two dozen eggs per day in 1 cures Sots, Colic, Worms, Skin Diseases and Debility. February and eliaich." Restores run-down animals to plumpness and vigor. It Mr. Andrew -Hicks, of Centralia, Ont., says: "e us will increase the oink yield three to five lbs, per cow per your Stock Specieon 20 milk .cows.c, They have Inc day and make the milk richer. Royal Purple is not a 30 per cent: in their milk and I get even bettez,4 stock food. There is no filler used in its manufacture, from your Peuitry specific. We had 00 -hens 1 and we import from Europe all the seeds, herbs, barks, When. we nommenced using Poultry Specifleoe etc., and grind them on our own premises. Therefore we ting dye or six eggs a day. In less than five dee- can guarantee it to you as being absolutely pure. We do 150 eggs. These' were the coldest days last winter." not use cheap filler to make up a large package. We give c•an' see the results at once after you commence =selg,. this you the best e ondition powder ever put on the market in. materia/r - m -When farmers get aequainted witle.1,-eyal a concentrated form. A tablespoon levelled off once a Eueple brands -they will never be without them. day is' sufficient for a full grown animal. It prevents .. disease, keeps your animals in perfect health, and' is ab- Royal ;Purple Cough Specific, as - ordinary calves at 10 weeks. -You can develop six , During the last four years there has been an legit ready for market in just one -month's less team than demic , cough going through every stable- in d• you can possibly de without it at a cost of only $1.50, which ' has been a great source of annoyer) sieving you a month's work and '- i ' • e--- ; - ' -- • -,.., RhoorysAmen.etel.I.,11 -,- food. A )50c pack:- Ceugh' '''' Cure ' will horse 70 da.ys. A ' age will last ,, a oyal absolutely , cure this .cbugh lino e $1.50 pail •or air- o days, will baeikeep splutely. earmless. Iamakes six weeks old calves as large ,tight tin coataining and cure dietempere four times as much i - - - In 10 days, abso... will last an antral-. as a 50c package STOCK AND ''. POO LTO.Y4PEOIFics . vote ipye r tgi....::tytiAne eadi 1. ,;.,.... .al 2130 days. Tf you' . o , ,... - ei - _belie never used it try it on ,the poorest animal. you have it on your place and watch results. If: does' not produce better results than anythear ing Stu have ever used gi e . . ... . oya urple Gall Cur 'w „.-" l: you satisfaction, we will refunyou,win cure all"sortiof Open: Sores on manor beastd r money. Andrew Wegrich, of absoletely".arY ,1113 and cure scratches :in..a very few. dayL'cillitinfleet, Ont., says that he tried it on one ltirr.''S am O'wen, Ceichman for the Rah. Adam Beck, says. cow. Weighed her !rink 'on the leth, 17 lbs., on the 29th "BY following aleeetions I flied your 'Royal Purple Gall trainer, says: "I have fed Royal she give 22 lbs. Dan McEwen, Canada's greatest horse poriqe to The E.el and fedtly, dry in ebetitefour, or Eve eitye" 'price' 25c, by mall,. ;Cure win. cure scrat cites and :make the scabs. peel off per - alt 'my racehorses' for four yearii They have nevee been 30.e. . , . . . ,,. off. ,their feed. Your cough powder works iiice magic.11 ..... , . ., . , ,. . .. , Mr., Toni Sit-tit/1,- trainer for the Hon. Adam Beck, says,: ,,,,', Reyal., Ptirple Sweat Linirn .-"We had a, mare. in -.Or stables last fell belongialg to Miss ' : '' : ' , ' : ., , ' - ' -- :. • Clettston, 'of mentreale `,.:Wee:O5uld: not feed her any bran . Will -reduce any': laMeness in a yery short,ti :on account Of scouring: i' We ' comirienced using your - 13. Daly:, -.Coalman in London, says: 'We -haw Royal Purple Stock,'Specifle::' The results were wonder-, :constantly:, teaming- coal, and. have all lciri Tut. We found after- uslag it:-tliree -,,yeeks we could feed, .withl,them- being lame at times. I -have -us .. her .bran orlanylotliersoft-feea and .she 'actually took oh Linirrient for a:year back and have new: 25 .lbs: during tha,t -time:" ,, -,:, , ' fail to_cure .all,sortS of sprained. tendons, -'-- ;,..,: ,.... - . , „ ' '‘ , , . , - .8ti -euce.lo,ottles,-,,b4,Mail 60c, . Royal . . . .. - . . . . Purple Poultry Specific - ..„: . 'Royal;Purple Lite . ..., . , , . . , . . , _ , ., , . .... will make your hens . lay, in winter as well as in sum- ' Thhi 18 " entireS-: different from an trier; and yet a 50: package Will 'last 2i,' hens 75' days or ' market., Im,order rfor you to und.erst a 51.50 pail or air -tight ,tin 'contains four: times as much-- manufacture , Of - th ili lice killer you w RS ,a 50c package, will 1S'sr 210 .days. It prevents poultry one of our boOkletS, as we give , you from losing flesh at moulting' time, cures and prevents all there It will 'entirely exterminate the ordinary 'diseases, makes, their plumage bright and - animals witli.'mit -more than one 'or ,Iteeps them in prime 'conditicin. - . - - ' . smothers therne;P:ica 25e, by mail :Art,a§g)iii".0 *order amounting Are $5.00' we will prepay ±s. - ,,,'',;'...t:7-.:.'" - . - :.' •• ' ' ' .' .' ' Whatrwefrivish to impress On yoUr.-;Ilnilld is; that we Malitlft..a..iffire;Cd g- but pure Our bricklef,g0reS.J.over,,i4Tecommendations for our different line's from-, ,atiple all •,ove F. you abet -Alia il: e •"of ia few who line used et, our best recommenda;t,ton ts for yo who has e a - • ., 1,k+., -."-r- ...,, r: .t31jmanufactur.-• -• ' ' ''. r.„ _ ,F,BOOKLET,,,S c4Nt1BALIA.