HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-12-28, Page 44 •Orrx,eter abi-wcat Oreeeti. .PrOpS. usaky, DEO, 28, eisuassime",9,999,199, South }Iuro n ten %years hos tieCreas- ed 3347 tlit Population, which is now 3-5.531. Weat RumLae decreased 1,- , 520...North Huron 2,933, South Huron 2,933, 8outh Perth 1,672. The decrease in many ef: the aurrountling ridinga oortQfl\Jglrat, SoIttl't- Brtteebeg 137.1gest 5,342. 1.'.:1,1seiribars expects to spend $2000 'tqadvertise the town. Son-ka of the peoPle of: Exeter seem to think All our ;town needs -is A few knocks, and they not adverse to a.dministering, theni. It is time we began to boost. When all 'the PeoPle 'ot. a towrt, start to boast sva-t•ch at town grow. XETEpt SCUOOL REPORT Dopp.,ztawnt. G, Morley, 81; L. ,ewart, 83, A, Haol4rk 81,, 3. Ati,i,s9A, • Truemner 80, 'E., Harvey 80, D.," /1 78,3 St -m:130.'784. 2t1eDio3elt. 7' M, Case 77, E. "Brooke 74; PA.ss, H. Rivers 74, L Sweet 70, S. lIogarth 72. 3. MI-ntrt 71.. ,R, Parsons 70, A... Ford 69, E, WeIeN 67, 4 Case 66, O. ..Hatigert 65, L, Taylor 61, M., -,Haialen cdt., B Wali•;.`er A, BeverleY 60, E" eArt4arq0. $r, emigitere.%1,, Pass.E. ',-icin,son 73, L PAyers. 55, N. Pepe 52 • Corainerw;a1, ITeLnera, U., Acheson, 27, E. NA 76, F. McDoieU t.'. 76, Q. Ala.)" t7,11;I% Jones 7;7,,..E..Day w!!S; Pass, W. Sne/1 71, El, 'alcer Hector 01, C, 'HeyntroOsi 00, A, Wit- ' 60, E. 3icFa3s 00, No, On roil 46 -,•;42-V. 42- orm IL-Htmors, TrIebner 67,2. Willis, 74; A. Ortioeliali4111, 72,4 ; M. 7I01.764, 10.2 /1,.1. liatdon, 70.1; 13. Quaeltentmah, 70; J Davis, 70; 14 Boyle L. 11,ari0 654 B aae, ,64; 3. Walker, 00..8 .1. Seldom 63,6; N, Vann:4144 ONO geQttees, 60 $umt)e,ro 11431)” 22. Average Attend lIce, 22, TIOners, Ay, 83.4 peland. s. votty. 113.4; Ethel, Unkill. 70,2; E. *Case. 75„1. Page -R Desartg, Triaritlerb. 70,3 gliet Paserhore, 68,82 Orliettei, 68,2; . Weed, 08; .1.A. Frayne, smisz amt. 'went. 55; E. !,Us.ti, 04; U. IFVre:i U. cztl,aekentraah, '55. No, on..11411. 20, Me 90 W. Ia. Weldenhantlater. A.. Pr P. S, Department C. rowol, 83 , fanstan, Sr; R. 'Row, 11•;n"(4'..ht, 76. Penhals, 03i0; 6; X. 'Sonic) A. Mack. M. Uooi 80 Day, 06; 64, itt:ddle M. Olatltruart, 73: L. Zuele. 68; 3, s, 64; F. Weed, 46, ld Belden 60, No - gendarme 25. C. 47.rv.Ors, D. DrtekWoOd, 77; IL fl 0. EArd, vd, on I°. Aver- Vos; reacher. Itunta, 70; NJ. 76; Pass. 69 t Third' ClasK Pitailits.85rre ell. 81; ':x 4. 80; 1 Hardy, 67. -Pass L • 0 V, Welstr, 70; 31:111e. (1,Vallter 'Tit; G. Davls 69; It. Flo.- jo _cr. 69; M Sharp„ 67; G. Moir, 00; . Day, 60; E. Johns, 60; H. Hector, 60. No, on Roll, 32. Average attendance 3 3. 8, Murray. Teacher, Room VIII-Frrina Jr, Pt. 11 to ,Sr. johits, 89; D. Bantwill, 32 • D'isnan, 81; 30 I<:uniz„ 80; G., V. Valet 71; P Sanders, Ditty rese4,1,10:, 03;1. 1or 07; W bette- All ; .1-1arness, 60; N. stfInCe, thatC .1Ieywood, 513; Prom Sr. dtleted with Pt II -G., Powell. 87; M. Nurnber oii 13 attenda,nce or Mr. and Mrs. 1,ViIson Anderson, of 34.13. Deafness Cannot be Cured oll, 39. Averag :-.1•1. N. Kinsman. Teae •Roern VII- Class, IV, Honors -- Davie, 87, P. Wedeinbarnmer 81, HerVero 8,2; M. HarveY, 82; E. 81, 3,. Davis 77,„ C. • Ford, T. 'Connor, 7,.6. Gillespi P Conant's, 66: A Andiretw`>, 63'; senior, 62; 31. Heulderi, .81; J. 13 60; Class. III. Honors -G, Harnes 11."...Eo.WeafgV. 77, Paiae.„ Knig,n S. Sanders. : Class II Honors Hedd`41., HartleiP, 97; .71; 0, Salter, 67, Pas Webster, 134 H. Kuntz, 67, Pia rk1.411°-es;•-BeYerleY Acheson 80. Bse Walker. Id; J. 'Bradt, 63; W. wood, .70; M. NectrY, 63. No. 414- Average: s-ttendance" 36,, Irene Quackenbush. 'Tea ' E" Hoy` a'111 bylocalupplications,ae they cannot teach tlto diem' ber.z, or "Mr. and. ItTrs. If. Meet'', of •Bevel- ee portion at the par. Thsre oily onowaY to cure Eddie stoke, 13.C, The ceremony was' -per- a y constitutional rotnedies 1.*eullled 437 Rey. liVil!:°131 The haPPY- te:ettonuselliisnienag"ter/hbeYSaunstrelbrtteelTue°1):.ditt'rheon4ttbhli: c°uPle •C9 t1 -14e 2.0,5 .t.ta44 tpr tuhoie 1130=0 you have alutubliow sound or Ira. 70, ante and Other pots where they will perfect bearing, and when it la entirely closed, neat, e„74 They „‘„,..1.11,,eside "4, nesals thereat*. awl UnleOs titeinattroraation can be „ B. All,. 34ber ,Antiarpon aria Gel Qrazfain takPflout and this, tube xent6red tO its Parma'. Condi- tion„ hearing will be destroyed forever; Eine cases co,,,,rie, of L,ondon are vlsi!ting at Wilson And- auto! tor arecautied by Catarrh, which. is nothing a 81. erson's througsht he holidays, • buten inflamed condition og the mucous surfaces. 73 . Earl sa, I 8-1,799 roll eher hoplaY and Prosperfaus W Year to Last Friday was, a busy day town Nent-nation cle.Y."To Judge frons the large ,number atgli is town, it as qte aPparent that 'something. out of the usnal was ion hand. The hall was .i11d, ar4 when the nosnan 'hour, cajole to a cloSti, t;hei rollo weis neat:noted as candidates 0 Ottlty Peaon as Reeve. DePuty Comte:Dora for th.f. Tp. of, Stephen he year, /912. For Ree,ve Hy, W Et Fred d, 11,7,45;Whaerth-i. 113D:n 0. and Ds Love .3412 rCarleY Council Ke-. Geo, It:eller-roan, Mich, Fiekbe del3rerect e it ttePt.,143 host -Laino he rod. That -Eo,ve cspedallY wao a trea , st:fred ttrf.ars4up ur.tit it b - to 10o1.c. t.tott.rii so -meth elg- 'was g t r,..•s.',;1,1-..t.d after tii-Itgasg hie ,a.ftd PC0,91-0 thai vat141.4 caicipal honOre at e tlde 4 good irePrOis • exc.•neJt sp,es'a and the w cet.ta`nly be proud or Iits emit Ntr- EeYe NV. -4,S Uo4.'aer 4•al date who ireagirted en Saturday, icavi 'e Othr•ra lit to fight Out. 'The aWated W7.4-4 interest. Tb tOI30More eXO:temeett o eteelli chat% the rmant Prov:a ote,Vow am to Nominal:ton l'o Trtta tees. 'rae noly ed :at the eveciiing by I "A reveth:Mc were F. I g".oater attd Chas. Zw: a all iie...4C:1 reid,-„Tnod wh apulsory f,97 the riettlr,9V,I. I a,not.lt ?,r liontIltagorl M say tnixte c,. the t 99940•111%131494. T1aere w dxn mod theri'a must a inc') o‘lao+sigitt. The tts r- " duty woll duj- pe the monoY El> E o p.-aonle and rt3 poor reconit: not to re-noin"4ia hoped, that t here, v, :It -Luce tpei tlext one towit's we.lfare looked more interest. nlaa Fes$Yval given (a t ItiethoCrit Church last Thursday eve Wits -Well ,autlide:.1.'TtL) program c sl9ted thc: chorusea by oho h4id attiaZa. And aunt -arias by •he Itat O. the nrogratninsWaj t entitled 'Tie seven per - de in a women's life" -or rather front 1.itrattt to the igrand. mother. Mrs. Nit Elbe: acted the part o: tt.e nil -mother and towards the last !atrk:ly reutrIon took place creleived several handsome giftn 's'i-s ast 1» mrsligoaed a pure front thr,'J l3d1ca (aid. Zie•evenin,;'s program• 'was very enjoyo.ble and all W00, well Pleased, Ort Christmas eve:, the Sunday - Leal of the Evangelical Church held annual eniertafamtent. The weatiter wasIdeal w11t2 the result that the c'turelt was crowdlil to •,.he doors The corat.on comMtttee did Its 'work leralltilY and aro to be cantonment - first part of the program con- sted or a mixed proAgrain. Itt winch the I•ttle ones were given an opportunity to address t:le 1arge-3 audience They did the's- parts well and were indeed heart ly applattd,ect Darting, the interntission sotne- 09 goiolars were preaented w:th D:plomas tha .President of the sithool and the pastor o the chUrch who made a few rernarkis congratulanng each re- dolent The last Part of 'program con er-sted <)I...ths aratorl-.a entitled Shiloh" .wo.s strag by a chorus of 70 'who sanj; *in a style, the like ot tWit",e2.). had. never been heard ,of be- faize, Crediton, Rev Burn as leader had dr0,ed.1.-liern until -they reached, a afe,ge operfect:Oa hard to exceil. The .staind repeating anytime. Great prsei- is due Rev. Burn for his •cennectlon with the eveinings ogram. At t,he close` df, the entertain- enVflue juniors Were (presented ...with kages Of can.d.y; and note and the. larg 3UO3wing and for illert John lore. Inas Ad, 9)Inoe the t gari oitig '31r be' a 001V 15tfitt est ere ver etal w. 01 :ch itg tot )114 as ure se, te et- f,- lic n - en a ig Secondly, ; G, Redden, 83; W. Or- th ap be m. sp R. Davis; TO; rt. ,Witwer, ad, ' .---,r:frincornhe, 55: Prom C. Class y I. -M. Weldsz4hammer, 13. 3.I -fatter, 1./. Statham, C.cli teriallY „ Norry. D -Mallet. T'ront B. ed •C'xss,-3. Morley, C. Doyle, Thr,...Macombe, E. Ilector. •ilicorn A. Class to 13. Claiss-.31. Scott, ••• Cre.-N,h, B. Russel, R. Dayts, Mary r iwhyl ortL. Wells, E Holden. No. or, Roll, 44: Average attendance, 39- - P. W. Howard, Teacher rn, VI- Class III, Jr. Honors -H, 92; G. Harvey., 91; W. Knight, Jones, 8,4,.•; 'I. 7.0efle, ,83; A. 81; C. Mellott, 79 Czar Har- ° rtlOb 76- -Pass D.- 76; W. Da•vla, 75; V. 34,a,11ott, Pia -83 " 'V Marshall, 69; 13. R_vers, ; 'Delve, 68; R. Marshall, 1,66; ,---cia$s III, Sr- Honors -E. Doyle, 94wo •-•, •Beaman 90; V 11311, 88 • 'C Mor- „ , • pr 7r...,..malroy4ernd 85; F. Brims.- In sfoil.fi, 82; d. Fond, 80; C. Sanders, pat largeass, Eaefterbrook, W. Harness. • 9;91, satA anitifir Sr,ancis for all that is modern n Business'.-Pr•aining. A ()halo j f'S-even 0411eges in leading towns and cities, Two Thousand students in our Colleges aud Home Study last year. We train front ten to t venty stu- dents for every one trained by, cnnst schools. There's a reason freely admitted that otir They 4'.0a get best positions, corner of ,dentand for them is quietlyto -t;11-!Y, the 611PPIV, FX-, af,tention, a1t fnOntario of the, me:i.*as, ,6 B)ottk-eping Sys- , nIty ....-audy al home Inquiry trc..‘ e n rue and finish at ed the. In-Corn8 Education ocen-PaYlts of 'end evety day of the Turkish g, an ap pea r an ce • afterno°11. s°1 From Jan, the staircase, ant litnin ;117 summon s4 9 2 , . fp tal.aEGE a II pro b e -Ws 331 31 ai1 be -1 e.1.1 1,serit Par Hat Qi l'aeg he:t '6 ftqao 361 ceeds aniounte to $11:6.-5. record aker. he.ChrAhs Holidays brought many Iters crioce Mr. 'and Mr' seL7uxtab7e and -Fred Smith:- , of Mr. and. Mrs. Chas. Fahner ltd "s011kilara,!*ith books. ' The” eVetnirr,' ' Mr. ','„and Rodger's of Selene 9dqn Chr0,. Fink,deiner; Frank Fink- ner, The M3ssi58- Young at' London; ;and Mrs. Sweazer, of New- Ham bu 1,4 • and mrs. W:11.1.Lev,r9s or Algonquin k '• Mrs. -Telfer or London; Milton London; Au3. Kuhn of Dunn- ' - lrisimee' Day passed, off quietly. A e nuruhar: were out or town eating r Christians Dinner. hoof.--clased Friday, and. the staff of ners -are ,,q3;:t,'1nr; at their respect-, f Graham Mir, Irish and Mr, Carey Commeice is3.1..t, spent istloas 1A1 Haralten, Orangeville and er.'eh° respectively. atWedne84a.y the borne, of kr. and was' the Scone'of 0::p1eaSant event whn th€dr eld.est dau- gterM0,i Mary' was ,married to knOt :Was , Wed,' by th,e' Rev-Buna214ilie, presence of the irrirned- 0e,:.'n-e1at3Ve'S.7, thm, con tree ti ng parties, Tne happy couple meeiveti,,ri-tanY 1,and- 93,0111.D preaeiriEic:S.T1;* alt jP9,311.. 0,*10ln d 001 rook, ooze. dod o'JL Chi1r, Dec. FARQ LIMA R. Several from th‘we attended the nont- ,:nat:011 meeting at ElittlYilie last wee. TheOld iMrilh.e.",e 04.0e colt -Una Were re- elected, tha orevaning reeling,being one O sat'sfaction, as the taXes were Pfa"rtBearri!othesipTer rhebo days ^yAsid3w- wi°rtthil. tr-sle lower tot „ear, QuIte a discus o sion took Place. as to the advisabIlity Mies Alile WIlsOiL.-Mr. and, Mrs- P.: of Purchasing a SV>rte ertA4her or the CCIlw!'" 4Penkth-ah°151aYs wIth re1atlle8 Ti*arrIzsph:Piw-thitieell.haetetylillelroaleeviehr. beirhIlfe LToure.:13:fosiro*eiZtncia fTerw.s. Z.7; re:nue-TT gn christxnas Trea. ;in the preshyteriap out rF)ends around the village. -.Ir. and Church on FrittlaY waa a success .not WrE3" P' 3'-'11."ani3tY spent theh°1-- r.w'thstandsrg the wet evertingt daY !!ends at Lehden,-Mr• ad gramme be" -Ing Tql1EIE'red ChteCIY br the Mr. C°1w:11 7'-‘:31'114;at A-rv4 over the hO1da,'y�.-3f0, Sar3h Nell of London spent ths holidays ye:Maher sister, Mrs. T. Elston, --Mr. G. 1-11c1Cs spent Sunday relatiVes 0, I..ondon,„—Mr. Fred Fairhall ofthe Chatham Business Col 1e30 3s home 40:;,tr wvaeceektRn.t.er.-Mrs.peNt:143.1 Ble.e." returned a abont eilht idwatha fr, it; the west-- . and Mrs. Groveaer and son of Str acttroy are spendthe hoildays wth Mr. and Mrs. John W:lson, The death occurred 31, London On Dec. . of A forltrer ree'-deat Of this vIll Tag4,02,3tIia.rrtwZ Tglleet.rwtreerfillootr13t3vIa,e Boilort urday last tO centetery. We will give One Hundred Dollars lor any calm of Daalnees(cause(1by catarrh) that cannot be cur;rd bYilall'ts Catarrh Cure. Send tot circulars free- r. J. CHF.NEY it CO. Toledo souk)* Druggiets,76e, Take Family Pills tor coastipation ,Tharnes Road school children, and con- sIsted of Drills, Singing, Dialogues ,and tee`tatflons. and reflects credit to the teacher, Was, Robb ask the tirno orec- tise was sho-t, The Pastor Rev; Flet-, Cher oreuVied the chair and after the mcert WS,,S Q.Yer the largo Tree ;Imam 1,,evomd. a 1,4-4.'0' lead. of gifts, which were handed over te their' rightful own- ers by. old Santa Claus -who afterwards passed through the andfoncei and treated all to catA:es, leaTittr'' n ellance -for one to go on iilfaaplo,ointed.',-AMong tbo qi-tx^:afotaa visitors in thisvicht, i'ty we ntight mentikon,-311%, and. Mrsi, clutrot Tororzto at Mr. HeArY Pass more's, Miise. Nettio Paaainore of Tor- onto and the MkSsee Rose and Maggie PAsarneire of Vancouver under tho Par- ental roofs; 31r. And -Mrs. DT Me- The folloWing wre artItmg the otiCc000- Wee' and taceil uol Oly of 'atferd. Seth, ful candliates of, 'tire recent Model Ross rro:o thl NMI -tweet; Mr, And School eXaminatiolle for tItIrq. olOoO 0217" jotta Yanea and oltzlo„ or 140toivoi Hodgert; GladYe Reg'. TiArnbull And Witr, taartP(Or of Kestle, Anna. L. Mart'afte Harry' Tri'-eb, Toronto, Wilfred Cattilibell Of Sashat- nor and Edward Lt.. Willis, Ereteri ehewan, Moran Mad.40e3 Alberta..Mrs eLa Crediton; 3, J. W'llArd, formerlyWise 'Emma Fulton, Buchanan, and Catherine L Eougal, of Nagara QtY Mg. and, Mr Law , salt, It. Gegier, Zurtoa; Mabel E. -ence :Fulton .entortaitried a number or Brown, 1-Tarriet S. COPP, Ida fi, - A, .e young PeoPle !o: tato 1;;V0,'3Y verYTaylor and Mary A. Tayler. 01:11l011: ieasantly on FrAay eveigng Jean 7.Gilbert. TarlehOl -I' Florence 4t., HarrIgen and, 30 Sttnsen, 134P3le1d. CEE1-0 SCHCOL EXAMS CENTRALL5.- The 11 were largely greatlY jayed, espor'a g, wiry:co t te ehor. Ac the eve -1111 servicesiev.. e -at frne 8elect:G.)3 wore rendered by the quartettO, Mr, and Miss Blatelof and 3iES3 Lill'an ford 3atitl'4Y are spending the bonds under tr,tie, parental roor.-31r, ,Chas, Ab - of bOtt London spent Sunday and itton- day w:th Mr, and ttrr,- W. 1, Parsons. - Mr. mid M. Weston and daughter Bayr'eld were tho guosta of Mr, and 3Irs. J. Wilson over the holf.d3ys.---31fr. E. Cow al sp-mt 3ionday with Mrs. Col - at the hospital at London. Mrs. Col wit ta alonV nicMy and expeCts to return home /11 a ttort time. --The nominations for the vifiage offjorkis toOlc place on FrItay evening last. Seven were brought out but four resigned, leaving the affairs of.: he burg ;to P. Hanlon, W. J. Parson;anti H. Mills: - Mr. \V. R. Ell'ott".ts ,Tk the field for Townsip Councillor', and is out solicit- *,i.g votes. W. J. is a man of excellent stancr,ng and should recelve the hearty .961Motri or die electors.— 'to represent this Election Cards TO THE ELECTORS Ole EXETER. I am ageiht tuthe liteld as, Reeve and .f.ie.spectfully soncit Your support. My record its ,before you and I can simply assure you that the -best interests ,of the town wIll be scIrved. if ant elected. JOHN W... TAYLOR TO TE ELECTORS OF EXETER. Having 'been placed, Iri nomination for - lte:AVe• .7 ask one and all of -the electors or Exeter to give me, their.support ,aind :influence on January lst. I promise fa'Ahful service and nernest attention. W. .I. 1313f4x3IAN TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER. I am again Lit the 411•Id ,for! cOuncil- lor, and as it will las Impossible to see afi the electors I take this 'means of soliefitlag you•r, vote end influence. WM. RIVERS, TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER. -• You.r Vote and Innuence• re.speetfully solicaed • W. H. LEvETT, for ALDERMAN 1912. . • TO TI•IE 'ELECTORS OF EXETER.. I _ern again !a thA field, for Council- . lor and W01114, reopectfully ask,. for your vote and Lnflushee Oa Jan. 1st.; 22, ,I.aU IS DAY TO- ELECTORS OF EXETER. ' Your vote and influence solicited for A. 'T. FORD far CouincitIor for 1912. TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER. Having be..n placed, in •nomination as councillor I would ask the electors Exeter to kindly favor me -with -their ;support at 'the polis', ea Jan. „1st.' • • ,TOHN R. HIND TO TIIE ELECTORS OF STERLIEN HayliG., had tho experlence necessary to conduct ttp, a f fal:^s 03 -313 t ovvil s hip, there t(s 130 parson Ci a better pusit;on .to iser,re yoa a reovo tan i,self, and therel'ore ask cino , and, ell for a, coil, tinuance of your support ,on HENRY t,ir.ILLEPT TO THE ELECTORS OF STEPHEN -Hay:ing, '2e..7.111 110MPtiated 920.: Iteeveitv thfe Tow,hift-Op of Stephen, and, n01, 'bc- 'Inis, able to maka a personal ....:1191V1.:3' S01.1.C.19, yotkr vote and, influence., 331 1! irny ',power in, fur- eih,P • .0"., riTin;-,,141); :SA NDERS thee' th910001',Ila31lVa31 • of the- T.qvin.,,, '6,,idett6 - Stec lt%AltM F eholco rarm or. 108 acres On the d And, Ord co11cesSio83 of tlaborne, •••' one and a hair rAl1o4 from Exeter preMlses is a largo brlok house slate mat, and frarrri barns and abr.ng, Win ,be gold separAtelY 001 together to ifitt'a purchaser. 15 Acres in all wheat, 40 acres fill plow:ng done, b3tane in grass. Apply to THOS. FISHER, Exeter. FOR SALE Abom 1000 red bricks. Also whee barrows and scaffoldings. Apply to SUPT. NEW DANK OF COMMERCE SSISTANT :MATRON WANTED TA THE FIOUSE OF REFUGE IN THE coumrx OF HURON. Appl:cation can be made at once, personally or by letter, to john .1'far- ance, Inspector, Clinton P.O. The appoIntinent will be permanent, a-nd good salary wAl be paid to a. cap- able wonnun. Dated Dn. le, 1011. W.. IZASTE, ,Cleri GET YOUR,FIENS TO LAY Strieltly New Laid, Eggs Wanted, - Will pay 34c. a dozen. for eggs not over 1 week old. -CHAS. F. HOOPER. Gldley Street, Exeter. 22,4 blocks west of Tr.:vitt Memorial, church ' ,Imimmommin Cadruidds, cali;11,„cl< Line, re . • '4.9,9 99, NEW YEA/1 EXCURSIONS- - Between all stations in Canada, also to' Niagara."Faila and Buffalo, N. Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. SINGLE FARE -L. -Minimum .Char,ge 25c Good: golng December 30, 31,. 1911, and. January 1, 1912: " FARE AND ONE-T.1.1111/3-Mnturn Charge 2. Good go:tog dpAly unVI Jan- 1, N.1 -9i27` • iinciusive. Return anit, Jan. 3, 1912. 3. 'J. KNIGHT. Agent, EXOter. aid/SA/or, • LONDON, ONT. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last _season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One hundred- and fifty London firms_ employ our trained help. College iu session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Eater ani time. Catalogue Free. !Forest , and College- , Shorthand ' 3. W. WESTERVELT, JR. J. W. WESTERVELT, Chartered Accountant, • Principal. Vice Principal. 15 INTER TERM FROM, JAN. CENTRAL 1//1, sTRATFoRt). I a the lead:ng, Busin,ess Colleae , Western Ontario. It hos, thzee-"..tYq)a-r-. merits Commercial Shorthand and Velelrra ph. larger and better than tnose_ flts,;ord-nary Ej,lallneas ?and•J.`,`Ottr''' Falba!' .6“- gads, ort n tt. ifteet 163e 'c6uF req: AA THE . CANADIAN - BANK .OF.. . ,MMERCE. SIR Eomu,ND *ALKErt, PR451DENT .N-EXANDER LAIRD, GEN4RAL MANAGER CAPITAL.. $10;000,000 -REST, - $8,000,000 DRAFTS ON FOREIGN COUNTRIES . . . . Every branch of The Canadian Bank of c•orrut.ierce is eqmpped to issue draft4 the priocipat cities in the following countries without delay ; Atlim Crote Greece New -.1.andNbrny, Siberia ASoedan ltrAtiteb:auanatine RcPubik EDeuriprlaroart IlicCoalcelanna:dd axigk Mika Pnsa Austria-Hungary Faroe/elands Wand trast, Settlement* Delgtuai Finland Italy. Plarppisie Island* Swirden Braall PQM:05a Japan Portugal Strkrerland Bulgaria Frartre ;ma Roumania Tarkey Crylon Weil Cochin China alta Russia Braid States Ctuii Germany Manchuria Serria Urnaguay China CAreat Dritain Mexico ,F1t.% -we:dr./ie., etc. The amount of these drafts is stated in the money of the country where they are pay- able; that is they are drawd in sterling, francs, nialiks, lire, kronen, florins, Yen rubles, etc., as the case may he. This ensures that the paYee abroad will receive the actual amount intended. A233 EXETEft OOLLINS, Manager,. Branch also t credltert. Molsons corposated 855 Capital (paid up) Ret Fulicl - Total Aasets Over Bank $4,000,000 $4,600,000 844,000,000 HaSS3Branchesin 13.71114,4iptiat tiAegs 7141t:baen,vvd. 000zze, spond t 1 a h'e (#1NERAL,HANKIII0 litiSINES8 TRANSAcinem. SAVINOS BANK DEPARTMENT at al Branches, Euterest Allowed at bigbest current rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Mzeter for the Dominion Government, DicKsot; 4k CARLING! Solicitora, 'N. Et, MIRDON Bla ager Oil Read it There are values here that you've never dreamed of getting. We are hitching the $ to the big. gest load it ever pulled. Read on you will sure to find something that will suit you. FOUNTAIN PENS ith 1088 14 karat gold nibs, bads and pearl -.—$1.00 SLEIGHS ror 13oys and G3---toastera25 ahd 500. Extra IteavY sled for $1,00. ROCKING HORSES The only aznuseme,,t. for a small child Thelonger they art Oa it the better bey like 31. Prices 90c to $1.15. SEWING "MACHINES A -special discount, ohllaymond, Singer and New Williams. 'We aro offering an extra New Cablnet guaranteed for 10 'years, golden oak finish, full Set of attachment for 822.75. If you axe Stlrinking of 'buying", In 1912 do it now We will give It to you Mthe reduced price. NEEDLES for all makes of ma- ch:nos- • i CHRISTMAS BOOKLETS Sunday School Teactiera :viishimr to present .bo-oltletsi to their pupae will be given a special Price. -3c. to 50c. POETRY , The Complete,. works of tho dtfterent• Poeta, bound in Morroco, India paper and a large type, 81.00, I3IBLES Book every person should itave and read. Prices an from 15. to 4.50 -Morocco bound, silk aewla for $1.013 • HYMN'BOOKS Including Methodist, Presbyterial and Anglican, 1.0e. to 4.00 MOXITH ORGAN'S And swell um -steal instruments, suit- able for boys. A grand mouth " organ for 25c. STATIONERY A regular boxful containing 100 sheets for 5c. 25 of the best bond, en- velopes for 5c. XMAS. STATIONERY Beautiful linen paper enclosed, in a handsome box -A gift that is appreciat- ed by 5 -l1 -20c. to $1.25. A special 60c. line for 45c. Just A Word About. Piano We are carrying a much largei• and more assorted stock than we ever did before, and the prices, that swe-ere going' to sell them at -will-rnalee yett.istit FOR EXAMPLE -We offer 'You a ia.nge 4 ft. 7 in. Plano, full iron frame peurpsn wsire stning„ mahogany finish, double veneered inoide and out -with an unlimitted guarantee. This plane is sold by FIeintzanian & Co, and all we ask df you ia to can and ludge,f or yourself. Its the th:ggest value you have ever seen or h&rd of. We •have in0 co mpetition on. this piano* than thb price. This piano 31 int a class by itineLf, and that's High Class. We would to know if there is aa intending, purcha.ser curious enatig•ni` to call and i'nquIre the price. It will do us bath: good. At any rate calf and receive one, of our large art Cale/IQ-1.T S. MARTIN & -9,4494111111 4,919194114 3 ".9,..11334911till „seaman . • '1. :99. ,• -9 - i.r11 cancan . lealettko• w.trairia raw; - . • • t'Llibse:IY•jet':tlia. stf Ii9s. t)ftlli :elf net vet eel Irt: ;18.1stnoltSil'''eltttlksetehtlf.611137nrc:det14wari borneall i;were'were lp°vvetehlrrhe29e5011erb'ep°ase°4;61-el etdoeeffnf t') ifitlieosafinsanitaryIitnthlIaestiedNorth ecila°46nAepdsral: :wien°Tee4bsre9sea: traceable to out -door e os , _ prote- family l'Et; ct,yotir, f 'om the ravages pf disease and infection; and Are you go.zni,- bto allow ',his tezrible death, rate to. centuatte. Wily nOt .1n,stir,--, Health ay- installing a "PAIIICYTE'' SANITARY CITE - a nd frAcabiBth°1110terifY,c3, ',-learain,Yd a 01 '•da.. Oc(iii.0-1-',Iessencafc railesgtuarhe arlendec'er,senmleqaOtIre°sf ‘PniolY3("1.,-CP14:1118- S -ye water -system: no oluinhing ; ro sewage can bz., inatalled la any ,Payit o you; home at' the cast of a few minutes of your epare +=Ana; Lasts a, :tee- e'l,t11,11cy:t ppo,tswerfu sil(r) eo a t.t•• -end,. no and cost . less.; t PARICYTE'; mica]. thals bpecn preveriDr eta *;41s1'.7 Itia cEN'T a day-, a' ,....L„,101°,81:3a;`, ,,t.a.l. ,bo. I be rig 1 1 er. ka, 0 C _re win, conVine :THUR. ORO.N"y 11 • 9 111