HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-12-21, Page 5Prerei*Lonail U*e4111. Dr. G. F ktpULaMiTQN, L.D.S:, 'D.D.S. DENTIST bTeml;we'r of the It.C.D,S. of Ontario ,and Honor. Graduate of 'reronto University. Office --Ower Dickson &Carling's law office. Closed Wednesday"afternoons: 4=. its, s. K. KI [314. i, , P.a.; A. D. Honor iraduatet of Toronto Univitris . v DENTIST'_ alb, extracted without any pain, or any badellaets /See ova rMadman tdasnburraothc.,,Mato street 1 esrlf? Medical ([]] It BalaBT, M. D., M. 0. P. &S. HONOR i J,s ara,#uata of Torgt o tlaiyereity,'1 w4 years ei4ex phyatcian Royal Alexandre Hospital, etc, gfficeand Residence.Dr. aawe old stand, Aad,;ew r eat „EXETER II.egiaI. `p toxsow a `CART iblta, IfAtiRIXPEtts, SOLICI 4-0 bon, Notarise, Conveyancers. Cemmissioaera �iaiteitorator Motions Bank. etc *olio, to Loan at lowestrataao nteras OtUeee, stain street. P.'xeter, Gamma, A„ L, U, Dzczapn oikir a tart 1r4 LOAN. tiYahsvasalargeamount:of private funds to aan a \aero and village „ropertiea at low rates of inter art. GI ADMAK d: STANaURT t arrietere. Solieltore.Ma1n et..Exate On ,i. SENIOR Agent O' OTIfeflarat;,i411T4ifa Assurance Oernn»tfT. 4lgo Fire ineur'anee in lead„ "frig Qat-Minn attd Rxitialt Clorupartties.. iLiita•Si• letExeter. 3IISS LILLIAN EI LIOTT 'CONCERT SOPRANO PUPIxiS,;ACCF.ii#TED, s� IiARESC.ENT.I;.A LI h, ONT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER 4?91, ANl2Eft'� ?N, L.lecoatd Auctiontier tOr Iluron County. Terme reasonable, Dates can b,' made at tt!e 4,,ivo7atte, Exeter, or Henry i•311b4 r'st Office. Cred- ttnn. T n, CARLIN0 Life, Fire. Accident and Plate Gies the \ranee. Collecting accounts, And Con- ducting auction sales. meter, Oot, C. A, ITo?GE, V. S. Cradu ttt of Ontario. Veterinary Col- e; member Ontario Veterinary Med. ical, Society; treats all diseases of slo- meetleated animals on acientille prin- clplen: ni2dorn surgery a specialty. Op - orations on Lump Jaw guaranteed sat- tafacc.nry. Cat is 'by day or night promptly attended to. Office--Main-at., Exeter, Dr, Ramsay's old stated, Phone - In connection, \n� ICOR sA The entdersigned offers Ills fine farm, consisting of about 1115 acres, adj0111- beer the town of Clinton. for sale. The tarns- is .tri a good state ar cultivation, ;tl 'has goad buildings, brick house, bank barn. driving house,, pig non, etc, all c•onlparattvely now.,\first-clans ' you t`; ',:curd, containing all kinds of frxit4 1-.1 also email fruits. The farm Is Nidi fatted and drain:!d and la n. vt;ry dc's;r.tble 'home. Igor further par= titulars apply oa the premises or ad- dress JOHN TOIIR4ANCi , Clinton. - ► 111USTRA TED .L a dies° CATALOGUE (LLEGE VREo/1 St.Thomas,Ont. atom WINTER TERM PROM : JAN. 2nd ELLIOTT Toronto, Oat., stands in a class by It. self when strictly- first-class work is considered,. Wx_te for catalogue. Horses for Sale I" have a number of first-class horses for°'sa1e. Call at the stables and see them. We are also purchasing horses that are sound and in good condition. from 4 to 10, yearn of age. Parties having horses for sale will do welt to call or write the undersigned. Phone 41. M. M. DOYLE. Exeter. P.ARM FOR SALE. `The undersigned is offering for sale that';desirable 50 -acre farm in ijsborn'e; being the. "South Balt Lot 10, Con. 7. There Is on the premises a good frame house, bank' barn; and out. buildings: two good. Well's water: and an ever run nimg 'spring at back of farm. This farm is in splendid condition and is nearly all seeded down- W111 be sold reason- able and ori easy terns. Foc particulars apply at Advocate Office or to Jas.. Earl, Elrnhville. FOR SALE OR ,TO RENT That most desirable farm property bc- ing'Lot 15, Con. 2, Stephen, in the County '.,.of Huron, on which :s situate two rgood bank barns and a "commod`ous frame house. This land is eve'] drained and fenced, has two good 'wells and a spring creek, and is .convenient to churches, school • and markets. Out- going tenant leaves 10 acres s•o n 'with, ..fall wheat, i15 acres of new 'meado ,v and does` all necessaty "gang Plowing and dean Plowing. Far further ' particulars apply to R. LEATI-TORN Eco„ Exeter;', or DICKSON •r& CARLING, Barristers . etc., Eseter. Hops 1"OR SALE ;t tile. s s eI s roQferit g ,iOr' sale:- tsirable property on WV111ian s,t, r i la c' ahlalf oto e , br Ie 1'lei1t, cons tion to gather Huron Stroet, Apply°at ' -MISS 'POLLy'' FISHER �1= • VILLAGE Q EN:Erma NoAlINATioli , AND ELECTION. Public notice I herebygiven that a Ineetin.g of the electors of the ,Village *f Exeter will be:held, in the Town; Hall, )'++i=fere on "FRIDAY, DEC: 22nd;`' 1911, at the hour; of ;12t o'clock noon, for the PurIlose of makial,g. and. fiecelving notz1tn ationa for'° Reeve, Councillors and School Trustees for the tenoning year. And fur, tiler :notlee• is hereby given( that in ;the event of more caradidateta: being proposed. for the offices than required, to be el- ected, the meeting 'rail ;be adjourned un- til MONDAY, JAN. 1, 1912, when polls. will be opened at 9 a.nt., eloslno at 5 p.m. at the folk:twit= Places as fixed by Village by-lavr, qtr, Dolt No. 1.—Silas gandford'a 'rend. ence, by Edward Treble, D.1110., and Herb. Ford, Poll Clerk. . Boli No.. 2—Town Hall, by 1V. D. Weekes, D.R.0,t,: and Jos. Davis, Poll Clerk.' Poli bio. w-« ,t the office of Join, gnat- shell, by H. E, Huston, D.'it.O., and, Alex G. Dyer, Poll Clerk, Poll No, 4.—At Wm, Walker's ree,denee by R. G. Seldgn, D.R.O., and Alexi ?vlc, Pherson, Poli Clerk. ' ' And all electors ' are hereby reques'ted. to take notice a;nd govern the2nselvps aveord;izgly, T. B. CALLING, Returning Officer. resh roceries We are now. well establish ed in business and we believe on the .best of authority (nam. ely that of a daily inereain, business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto,- 4Fresh Groceries all the time,'r All kinds of produce taireu,. In exchange. JAS. G UL T4,iQKERSM Lff.--A very happy event taxis place o a D .-'lila, at the home of Mr. and 3Iraa. vatat. I:igre, it being the lazarr.o e of their dau,hter, i.;zzic', to'. John A..MeLzrklan, or Oro n rte, son of Mex SIe :aetsia,n, of Boland. Sas*. hut Formerly or Cromarty. ,11ITCHELL,—On December 12 it pretty wcdd'ali took piaez in Trinity Church, which: Was thronged with people. The • FARQUJHAR. and 'Mrs. Robert Gardiner have returned from a trip through the Can- e , adign :West,—!44as Ett;r, Allen has re- returnedto Stratford after a month's his s.... t t . . v: -fait irate--A,�,„m't�' of our man -a,t- - tended the .Guelph show last ,week. LONDON N, ANDEDMONTON.' L{}' D�, (3 The : x port :vibe, skew the beta . `get.. public +ss ori teacher s training ,R ■ • ,the scholars for the*: Xmas- Tree :°n is „the 'churc z ,on Fr:dag evening or this s wok, s. , G. Port, was in t London this week. WINC>`IDaLSakt Everything in Furs obtain-. I ed of us will be found of hest lit. effect ! the highest quality , p in fit, and Ilght up-to-date. As manufacturers selling direct middle profits are d amay eliminated, and you come to us with confidence In our ability to please you. All kinds of new "Fur Gar- ments tnade to specie measure, quality, work- manship, and fit guarana WHAX yN. i 3Ir. Patrick 1,attrpl yer accompanied by chits another and, .sfster Iaaura, left last 'weelc to vist`'t witlaa Mrs. rLaw,phler'a a :Por hag. Miss , Af%nervy I Le'f of La' 1L a, near Hazntota, Manors' bier eon a v"isf with her tna,nY friends .and relatives. )Iiss Bessie Morley, who i has been out west for aIx months on a visit with he, relatives, returned to i lie. honkie last week. Her sister, Mrs. 1E:nest Parkinson of 1Voolsley apoom- panied her and will spend the winter t hirer 'w:rth her mother, —Grip is quite `prevalent :n this community, and sett - •e -al areindisposed. At the time o'Y writ ,a~ -Mr. Frank Parkinson of 132anaharel; s seriously -ill and under* the doctor's care. --00 Monday of t11s, week Herb Cook's horse hastily arrived at the cone/us ora that it -was high time he was having a day off, so he ?made A. dash Ga l:borty, and seeor'ix . his free-- dosn howled for Whalen, but was stop - pen at the blackstaithv ebop. We would advise our friend to he carat/4i with that horse. brotherin C 1 z Read she London ;Baily Advertiser. t ne Elect M trot*Uta'nn paper In West - !ern Ontario. Contains latest market, quotat ens .and, all general and heal. { ;ew # worth printing.. j SPECIAL OFFER. Send $2.01) for the ,,London Daily Ad- vertiser ler 14 mouths in advance. T offer must be accepted before. January 1St, 1912. teed, I*leNSALL ROSSI Limited Fulls and CLOAKfi 196 Dundee Street London Onto 2 Ott lc•;;:e; pa:-tt, l,a, 'Wefts IL Patrick Lorne Scott wasp :'n. TorOnto- part of last week --Dave C7antelon watt an Tor onto last week Mrs, "Cexv,orth.. return ed from the 'what on FrIiilay nr'g,iht, Lloyd Dav's WIttO is taking,; his holi- days left :or Toronto.—Frank Nesbitt. renerneet to ,town on ;:'r;day after an. absence of .our .oaths. Uy W. D. Duna who has been ry tin;; 'hie troth- , airs B. ThlolelPaeta and sister aitaA l nz:1 Dunn, left for the West via Ch:Cage The Sunday Schools are practisi°tty, hard for the Christman en- tertalntnents i. Tlr a .1, o: :t s' <4°:1ttnstn; Telegram, ,phi death took Place here on rkC. 7:2th )1 r 1' Co d l; a J'a-lost, only etas of Mary Jane McKay, adopted dauglit,er r' er o' vI'. ;,wad: Mrs. Jon Jordan, of or Thomas 'MelCay, at the age t'of t.'2 his town. years, ti Months. Deceased had been 'II of lung trouble for sent.et'Ime and her danz:se Was expected. The :funeral. took Place on S.xturday. ui,'!VelVvr PURE — PALATABLE -=- NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION—Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to ` JOHN LABATT,LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA g t 'i'iL\GV:, WAV INAVV,Vh/A/.\G\/a1 • • `ahnlAIVAY.\/.VIVI.V.VA/ Adt/SA(A. J tiAtAl ]►W "`!'owl. ; lvffar3r SECIEETS OF HOME LIFE Statements madeby patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cures CH- No Names or Testimonials used without written consent CONSTITUTIONAL BLOOD DISEASE. VARICOSE VEINS CURED. Patient 1,10. 10474. ""The spots are all gone froni my legs 'and arms and'I feel good now,, I am very'. grateful to you and shall never forget the favor your medicines have done for'nie... You can use myname in recommending,it to any sufferer. Ilam going to get mar- , tied soon. Thanking you once more, etc." SAYS TWO MONTHS CURED XII1I. Patient No. 107655 _Age 23-. Single. Indulged in immoral hafts 4 years. De - 'posit In urine -and, 'drains at night. 'Varicose Veins oil both sides, ,pains in back,' weak sexually. He wrikes •-=-"I received your letter:of'recent ante, and inm`reply'I am pleased to say that after taking two months' treatment" I would consider myself completely cured, as have seen no slns 00 thorn coming back (one year). TUE WvonrD SEEKS JMTF RENT, Patient No.,11523. "I::have not had a cegular Emission I' don't know when and 'aim feeling,: fine. The world seems altogether different to rio and 1 thanlc God ,for directing: me to you. You have been, an: honest doctor with me.'° Case No. 16858. Symptoms when he started treatment:—Age 21, single, in- dulged In immoral : habits several years- Varlcoso Veins on both sides—pimples' on the face, etc. After two months' treatment .he writes as follows:—'Your' 'welcome :'Tetter to hand and am very glad to say that,;I think myself cured. My Varicose Veins have completely dis- appeared isappeared for quite a while and it seems a cure.•' -1 work".harder' and feel less tired., I'.:have no desire :forthat habit whateder and if I stay like this, which I have.' every reason to believe I will. Thanking you for your kind attention," etc. GAINED 14 POUNDS IN ONE MONTH. Patient No. 15522. This patient (aged 5s) had 'a chroniccase' of Nervous -De-. ility and Sexual Weakness arid was run down in vigor and vitality. After one month's' treatment he reports as fol- lows :—"I'am feelingvery well. I have galned 14 pounds in one rnonth. so that I. will haue to congratulate you. Later report:—"I am beginning to feel more like a man. Ifeet mycondition is getting better every week.' His last re - Port: ---"Dear Doctors—As' I. feel this in :the last: month's treatment that -I will 'have to, get,.I thought at, one time I would never be cured but' 1 put con- fidence in you•from the start and you have cured me.' CURES GUARANTEE!) OR NO PAY We treat and cure VARICOSE. VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, ',BLOOD AND. URINARYCOMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Diseases peculiar• -CONSULTATION to TAT:' ' FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable, to call. write fora Question CONSULTAT%Old Blunk.fora',ome Treatment; enk-11' AR letters from Canada meet be addressed to, our:Can. adian Correspondencd.'Departri,ent as follows ENNEDrt&?KENNEDY 1,lINDS0 t ONT Doti'oit,' Mic CORBETT The death o1 Marshall M. 1lathers, aur:t<. of Corbett. occurred very cud -t tte:ily on ate. 0th, at the ;age 4f 52 Years. :Ir. lfatlt.;rs: has been 'At poor. ' health for a long t:'n e, but appeared oho worse than usual.. He went to the, bush to bring up soma wood and be- came so violently ill that he had to 'be tarried into the house on his return. and be Passed away. 1n n, ;few houiis. Mr. :gathers was an excellent neighbor n kiendly Christian man and well rc- spected. He vvas a son of the late ephen :gathers of McGii111vray. One thing that makes his taking off par- ticularly sad Is his son Gilman has ben 111 of pulmonary trouble. He Is Mirv_veti by one sister,lMrs. John'Sch- ram u' 'IecIllivlay- tovnllare, Edward of ° I3r'-ttish .Columbia and a half sister, Mrs. J. W. Sm:itheos: of 7Sth. con. Mc- Gillivray c-Gill vray also by a sorrowing widow, Dile son Gilman, two daughters, :Liss Laura, and a daughter one year old. CLA N DE]O YE Tae horns of Mr. and, Mrs. Jae, SIMP- san, of tlii:cs( plaee'was the scene! of a happy family gathering Dec. 12th, the occas ion 'being the celebration of the r ftleth anniversary of their marriage. The weather elan presented Iia tribute by uslter,ng in attiay almost identically the same as) the original wedding day Fifty. Years ago. A. -auraPtuous dinner, consisting o- all seasonable 'dainties, was partaken oil inthe din5zgt room, which was decorated with gplden 'mums and evergreens. The 'gathering which numbered 35, corisilsting, oaf the children grandchildren and brothers and •=_esters, of the happy couple. During; the evening' au ;.important programme, coast:sting: of songs, speeches and, selectilons'-of music was rendered. Ivir..and Ivlars: Jas. Simp- son, wito are both in the enjoyment of good. health, '• were 'tile ' rec pleats of congratulations- on all rerides, `T.hoge pre sent from; a (balance:were Rev. C. Ssimp s0 i and YIrs.Sinhpsol, or Little Current 1 ZURICH. Mr Clark of llamut'dn els the guest of Mrs C. Frittz.-bfr. Hamer Well of Calvary, Alberta; Is .vislting his',Par- ents Mr. and Mrs. ; 10..Well.—Mr. Ed. Art of, London wars' `iii town last week visiting: with, his faanily,-hilts J. Il.: Northwood of Wilndsio'r, ins visiting her sister Mrs. Dan `Koehler:—Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beznettt who have been ire the Canadian West for a number of years' have ',returned to town and expect to remain for the winter Messrs Leslie and `Chester Benedict o° North Dakota, arrived here on Monday for a visit'with, their aunt, v1rs. till1 and sister Mrs. Henry Volland iofr- and „Mrs. Adam Fuss 'an twBayo saris( of, y Port r,sitin d relatives in `toav, and via - Adam is a native of this Tow.ii-: sn':,r, aiad hip ;many friends'ar Pleas- ed to .see.iiinl.=T,ie closing exert s ci'- t1.e Zurich Public School'will he' held, o,l Frday afternoon Doc 22nd, conimgnc• gig at 2 'O'clock. A progranuiie consi,st- ng`of songs, ` ecitations shI"'dialogues w'III 'be given by' the,' lldtie : p►a s four The Advocate 'to Jean. 1,19.13 BAY -FIELD ---We are Called 145011 thea Week to record the, death of olw of tour oldest reaiden`ts ,in the Person of Mrs. Jane Wamsiey, aged'eighty two ,years and free nionth,,s, Who departed this lite en Thursday, haat. lairs. Wa resIey Came to Bayfield 00117, l,10evale'twertty- four years age, aryl lzas: reaided4 iz . thew village ever sinee,..f'ea;-.hsel ;nd, the z Cham 'Wa e h a melee, di.51< t irtyir�sr years ago.—Dr. 1Vooda oea(d ,ed '; ia5 }e from his trip to. Ea ,land and 4rpia nd' ori :Monday last a te'Kx":zrlizzutet3.leL re the Plow of the poll.: ; , C..11„ BLDG.. LONDON. oN:r BUSINESS and S IO TiiAATD summers. Registered last season arpwaxds of 300 students and placed every graduate...Seven dally qualified fegblar to €oiress. One Hundred and fifty Landon firm employ OW trained help. College itt session from ,Sept- 5 to Jima 3t1. ;tinter any time. Catalogue F .. .r ForesCity t ,5`mortksd . W. WEsrLRYELT. Jit. `e Chattered Mcoentaitt, vies PriaolPaL ege ESTERYELr„ Principal t; LUc N..Thal little two-year-old gait ALt Walter (Gibson, formerly a w known baseball player of London, will, is feared, lose the sigibt at "one of his eyes,; in `7V?iie 7` gra abseesa ;has de velo,iaed He has been taken 'to London; for treatment, but the attending: physic- ian fears that little .can be done to save the eye. The abscess developed very unexpectedly .a couple of days ago and causes the1'ba>:y. very -great pain.. WINTER TERM FROM., JA.N.. 2nd:. CENTRA s r T!'l*TFORD. ONT.. Is the leading Business College In Western Ontario. - It bast, three ,depart-, rre,'it.e. Catnraeread, Shoe -t nand and telegraph. It 'is .larger and better .tics,, those of the ordinary Business Cetliege and our -"waaduates secure bi°g:z grade Positions.' A Practical training la worth. nlarnY times the cost. If you want a Detainees College course select this sithoal and, get the ,best. Our Cake -togas ;q rex. Wa-Loe for if M otIce, D A. MCLACHLAN, Principal, :eep:yow Bath Room Spotlessly Clean with Cold Dust Soap will not do the work properly because soap only cleans the surface—itdoes not dig deep after germs and hidden impurities ities like GOLD DUST—the greatest of all sanitary cleansers To keep bath tub and lavatory shiny -white and inviting �--To keep metalpipes, fixtures and taps brightly bur- nshed--To purify metal bowl— To keep tiling and woodwork spotless and beautiful Simplyadd a heaping teaspoonful of GOLD DUST ko a pail 61 water. You will be surprised at the ease with which it does the work. GOLD DUST sterilizes as well as cleans —and saves you one-half the labor. GOLD DUST is sold in 5o size and large pack- ages. The large package offers greater economy. "Let e GOLD DUST TWINS' da yocrr Work•• Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, - Makers of FAIR.'' SOAP, the oval cake,' Montre You willbe proud the bread y u511 makf. with PUi2ITY FLOUR FTER seeing. a' batch of big, golden -crusted, snowy- white loaves, that you have baked from PURITY FLOUR, you will, indeed, be proud of your cooking -ability- and proud of your wisdom in deciding to pay the little extra it costs to procure such high-class flour. 'You will admit, too, that we are justified in the pride we take in milling this superb flour. "More bread and better bread" - PURITY FLOUR " I7 is milled exclusively from the best West- ern :`hard wheat—the world's finest. Nlorethan that PURITY FLUR c nsis entirely el - of the. high-grade, ofthe wheat, portions The;.. low - grade portions ' are separated . and excluded during during the PURITY proce,s of milling. Such high-ctass flour,• of course exlends more " in the baking. It t mak-es "more andbread hett.: ; 'r o, bread.'' : lighter,take It makes flakier pastry, too, if you -list : the pre- ,' Canaan to add more shortening. On account of its unusual r, � Sshtrengortenth inPUIIIillinD-QrY •1dillatT,Cr)yUfl-Rour, ., for best results, requires more g .. b *atm" a CWS ,eeRlTY FEOU 9e PURTY 'Progressive dealers, eery, ;here' sell P "t and take pride iii r6,COmmenditlg It. - Add' PTJ' :;119x."1R to'�out' o r: ere list Sold ITpi0 J: ;FOU now 1'0 164 4,