Exeter Advocate, 1911-12-21, Page 41 eter - taloa nig ic Sanders ct, Creaseb., Props. 'TgURSPAY, DEV. 2L,': HYDROsELECTRIC VOTE There seems te ho.considerabis divers sty' ot OPia/011 3.5 tO the PurlSose of the `vele to be„ taken, on the HydrOSEleetrie By-law"n Sown on January ist. Some, People aro under the Impression that voting tor this Iss--lew that it is a dri- Oret oommittal of the toWn to MoUgY by-law, Such, however, is not the case stit-gottY o ndirectly ; no is. it la., alat-. Leo tO commit thettoWn to a trsoney -ex- penditure. The sole+ carpet and 'purpose, of this by-law is simply a plebiscite to tLoi if the towns, villages and town ships are Ss, favor of the HydrosElees, rie System, so that the Hyd.ro-Electole'', ,Commission will be in a positiest to' skoow th* feeling of the county before y gp to she expenoss tif installing 'Inset:1story and developing pess-or Los the benezt of. this county, Let there be AQ two opinioas about this matter. aight plebistrite, noa-cornsolttal is purport, and, should have the heart UPPort of every satepassor and citizen Easter. Ass on illustratirm of, the highly pleasing' features and service of, t ydrg Eleetric Isawer wo will .44.1 instanoe raS haw it -worked, with•, Ire firm, The owners os the nous place contracted, with theo furnish power srsi. t's4, larfse mR tor lyc "ag Only beSn -installed a il when the owners, being se 'ed.With, the results, ltad the ssontr. ded for another seven, months,rnado t Year in all, and, • ir milLpond. Titia 31Y one of hundreds of atisfaCtion. Nat, v state 30Q 3.strawSn way of le seratring, Of, 1-IYarosEl- WAY, and sbOttlst on January 1,st w bo I, ,g disgrace to the People of Exeter, mil few "SrriCe ATIME ESS - By r s'assi the inetrarra of the tiers" 'slature will liner up as toilows ,La' ers — 20 Doctora 11 14 'Veteritrary susgoons . • .. Z.lartUfacturers „.,.„....,„ 7 'Farmers . • .. . . 11 Luntherroot..1 ....... '••• • •• tit •,••••• Aeersantatate 9110,' 11,1 ..... ie••••., 4 Vadortalter ... Etliitore ..... Insarance Men 1 Einaaelers . . ... ..... ... • • . • ...... 2 Real estate .... ... • .. . . ..... 1 Civil engineer ,„. .............. ..... 1 CiallttrACtOr'S f•it • .. • . •111••••••• etarAl',C •• •'• • ... . Cattif., $,14aler ...„. „„. .... „. 1 your Christin a pre - 's red wno s our oun- ., will be? theMberist2,* Your friends at Xmas ismbss the poor, who ?save ates strod ,T.seoe :s vv-ery prospact of a t1iroe- cornets-0 7:11. Stephen this year for the Reevr.slli,P, between Reeve. Henry Wiliest.- Deputy Reeve W. D. Sander.s ad vL:i son. This would make a :7,-.rtereeting contest 'and the re- sult would b n doubt until the last VQ te was Qounted: BUTTER THAN SPANKING Spa.nk:tag does not cure children of bed wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Bon W. 840. 'Windsor, Ont., will send free tp any mother her successful home treat- ment, with full instructions. Send no money but write hes to -day if ,your - children trouble y,ou In this way. Don't. blame the child. the chances are - can't help it. This treatment also cures, adults arid aged people troubled with, urine difficulties by day ,or night. SPOTTON Stancle for all that is modern in Business Training. A Chain of Seven Colleges in leading towns and cities. Two Thousand students in our Colleges aod Horne Study last year:- We train from ten to t Yenty dents for every one trained by mOst schools. There's•a reason It is freely admitted that our graduates g,et, hest positions, and the detostnd for them is "seven times the supply, Fis- elusive right for Ontario Of the famous Bliss B)okkeeping Sys - tens, You may study at house or partly at home and finish at College. A Basiness Edoestiori pays a dividend eve, y day of your life, .inier Term From Jan. 1912 9: Writes call or ono O '4V6tri 'es a F. YVard- ,DOES!. 'PIUS APPLY TO EXETER Is it posetele that the following from The Kitchell, Advocate appIIe to Exe.. tee?. ' Friday, Dec. 22nd, nominations kir the town of MOtiolsell will take Place: Who 'ts so:rag to stand? This toles l:oa- a',02 -11c1, 00. all sides, but every- body shakes, hOs. head negativelY, It shosnd be hand:Kt stra4y14 to any aro: pirant after muntoipal honors that be must be prepared, to come right, out and state definitely what PoIleY Ila win piarsu..3 it elected, We have heard • t3e..h0y, flimsy promises of ; I vor'egg-and-so, and stand,,or this and that." The- ratepayers are just now in this position, that they don't give a snap -sclias, any roan favors or stastds for: they want to know what he Is gq- `ng to do, not what he f.st goingto talk • Taere io no use blinking, the tact that this town is dlivided into at least two difforent camps on munAcipal busi tiess. And oil, Ca the nfortunate truth that whateVer one aide Proposes • the other side,will promptly and gleetully pick to iiireoes. The procesis is interest but acawelY makes far progress. It a to be .very much regretted that es good "town like SP:soh-ell. with Its eXcellgot.oPportustiges for advancement that factional strife has been with us lor yearj."(The Advocate favors the aol- etm men for naturicipal positions, wo ars' poepared to be aggress:we ;who vo one's -31s ginger in them to meet trouble more than half way; and who -.IA not be so eternaRy arra f.d. that • nessfeelings will be hurt," '1(4001 hriatmas to all. 'We are irr-or,roed' by members of the tenrPerange organisation or Stephen tonstri:ir lthat they intend nominating a candidate. for each mtUdelpal Office. Reove, ,Deleat7; and. councillors; and that they will 'VOW tte a Man for the mon of the.r olsoicts, Tire three retiring school truatees this .5:ear are Messrs. P. FraYno, 13, E. Huston, and P. W. Giatiman, We have not learned whether they intend seeking Pesalection, -.Among Inhale who have been nienttioned aa probable.candidates -E, M. Digstan, S. Fitton, Rev. D. Coll!no and Fake, any one or all of whom would malts.capahl,s trus tees OilEDITON. A, .ierlry'lGitelllsithas to all the ,read - ere of The Advocate. ThSS is a busy week for everybody. .i. lttle-alsioslosos would be splendid ,Os the bol1days, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark arta family of De.vharry, Alta., arc vi.al.t.ng with toslorr's parents, Mr. and "l‘ire, Jas. Clark. ThesMethocirst Church will have then' Ch 3tnla0 entertai nutut in their cltitreh Taursday n'ssilIt, to -night. A good program has bon prepared, and all will be suss to enJoy the entertainment, The ontertalnment or (ho $uncle.y-school of the Evan,Selleal Church will -.be held, on Monday evenins, Christmas ni,ght. The first part of the program will consist of songs by the sehool, readings, etc, by 1,11.0 C11114.1r011, W11,110 the second part wOlt be a grand chorus entitled 'Shiloh' About erixtY singers will take part. None should, miss this. It 'will be the resutt of weeks of practice and Use chorus is novo at the stage ,or perfect - Von. ;NIT. and Mrs. 'Wesley Wirier Istrve re, mooed Immo. to Marlettte, Mien, atter a few days v:sit wsth friends hare. Mrs. Sohn H. Si:breeder went throu- g cical operation in Victoria ITos- Paul, Landoo, one day last week and t tinle of, 'writ:erg, is doing nicely. Her many friends '11`113t 3112 144111 have a. sseedy recovery.— Mrs. PelTY 02 Pontiac, Mich, is vls- .S:os hes parents Mr. and 'Sirs. Sohn Sae was aceompanied by her ha' sister 'Miss Martha Wind, who spent a few weeks in Detroit visiting, La- sisters. The Township council had. their last meeting o: the year on Friday. Wild and stioriog rumors and afloat as to be the candidates. for munici pal honors. Next Friday Is Nomination I)ay and 5t will prae tth be an inter- estins one. Hand shakSagrhas nOw been revived agerin, which is a sure indicat Son that there is something doing. The people w011 be ,g,iven an oppoirtunity to vote to: or ag,aisast the Cattle By-law now In force. Tarfisc has been asquestion much- talked about and many opinions orave. ben presented. The council will now be "sr a positOon to lersow 51 She Pyslaw iss 0. favorablelone to the People. C.ediSon will vote on the Hydro-. clec- tri.; „on .Tarissary 1.8th next. All should vote;_cyr tlhils. To have electrieity at no f. o: 24 hots :la the day all year round.'"Jsa polvile„g„e nos;given to every oc. Now.1„, that raUwood Duld only ▪ our town would. be second to 'none. T,hat-'-mi.gkit be an inducemord, for our •married -men to invest their money onih _by taloiln,g, eitock in a factory .'nstead of sanding, it elsewhe,e' to help. c'tb-e-7 P1ae0 and then Perhaps io the end have noth:ng: left, but theil,r,exper- Seace ,f.or their hard,. earned nione7. , Schap], elos!es th,:t0 week an F,ri,day. We oiess,ad. to ,,n.ate th.at tne statf. 'ot.tea.Chers has been re-engaged tor" a- nother term. They are siving goal sat- , '...sfactLon. ,-, Chris Zu,efle •of Honsaii visited his '-mother Mt. Ones. Brown. on T4csdaY. Iter 3. J. G„, Ijtt, P,residing eidsr of in'estded over the quarterly ser- vIce to T11112'Evang,elical Cnuni•ch last, , , Sunday. , , ;The ma.ny Lfrilandle of the late, Wesley, Herr were 'S'Orry td isa,nn otrhis death ac3 1.02i4 1dCr ta mch els ea. o 910n-. The lbraV8d N'T-clow and the re- laves ,haVo the sincsre sympathy of , . OA SEIVI 00 D ;••Th , the wedding. ber.:S, sound, , fo ti n ilsecionlas of Mr. Harberer of , , „ „ , Ziri.ch. Mds D,ader 'ha,s 'lived- in this dtihrnuiy a1 13,07 1111.1'.a whi know her- sbse,'"' eh's. 9aew11other .ircone _bright' the Youns,‘ ''Ootrpre 6,1,7ine`Ocialgqb_al-P'1* ',VT- R. R. McLennan, a former school teacher, sPent a few days in thin' /Slide vrith. old friends. • The stores look 2ie Christmas. E.' M. Broken:shire took in the Xmas entertainment at ShiPka on Tisuriday Mr .Loui*Etavelle of Grand,.liend was in tha busg Monday ..nigfirt. - /Too late for last week.) Rev, J. G. E.:oecuPied, the put - pit in the Evangelical Church last Sua- day.--Several from 'this place attended - the funeral of the late M, John Williams at Ziirichi on Sunday last -- Election passed off very quietly ' on IsIonday last in this plece.,--32r.; T. B. Martyn, sold, his farm on the ,Goshen line to Mr. 31arcu1a Wilds of the same Place Mr, W1d now' has two Hundred acres of, land- ti one block. WINCHELSEA " Death of Wesley Keri—After.everal months of wani,ng, estinength and, tedioUs '11,rtese Mr. Wesley Kerr, who has fought a brave fi.ght agaitist the great destroyer, Passed away peacefully 011 Monday, about noon, at the age of 42 years, 1 month and 4days, The de- . ceased was the v:Ctian of that dread srsease, anaemia, coupled with neuritis Qt the nerves, end, while all Possible as- ststaucP in the way of medical., treat- ment and nursang, was rendered it af- forded lintle or no ,.relief. For' the past !ow' weeks. te.. Is.as 'hoverezel betareert and death. The, deceased was a- native of the Townsh'ipo3 StePheri, Oeing„.born en Ow5tti eonc-,!s,%!,olvia the year , --4900, V;le greater Part. Of his, life was sPerit tl that towlisitils He spent two years at Brinsley and. for a, number of years conducted a general store in Crediten, but for the Past four years has resided at Winehelsea, where hondated the store bileiness for Mr. Thee. Coward, Mr. Kerr was a man of eXcellent busi- ness prialcdpIss and durStur'his business career made MUM' Warm friends, who ve.11 deeply olown 14o demise, He was a member of: the Methodist eureh, and took an active part to Its various bran- ches, and in chureh circles he w',,11 be much missed. ES was a valued mein - • of the Mason's& fraternity and 'Mae of the idaccabees, About 12 Years ag0 he inarriled Mss Vinetta Danes,dattsths ter 0 idr, J(13, Hanes of creaton, by vshom inc ls stroSiVesi, tegethor With 3 b -others and o 1ster, Charlei and Fred of Stephen, W•illiain of Lesidens and Mrs. E, Heaver of Crediatort, Tao be - waved relatives have the profound, sym- , of ISie- whole community. The funeral takes place to -day, Thursday, to the Erceter cemetery. Mar** Changes have takersoplace, 'it our midst. E43,31 week we said good -hyo Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Coward and fam- ily, who nuaved to their new _home in London. We foundoMr, and Mrs. Coward very Mod pant obliging and their fri- ends in Winchelsea follow them with interest and wIsit them every success 'n the Foreat 0117.—To Messrs Skinn- er and Gunning who have taken Jheir place, as General Merchants here, we aotonti our heartiest wishes for thesr p_osperilly and haPPrimeast 111 Winchelsea. --,Miss Ella Heywood has returned home from Lucan.—itiass Nella Heywood *le at Present at Hyde Park.—The annual Chrletmas entertp.inment will be held 'n Sunshine church, on Moridasi evening Dec 25th, a good Progrartulls is, be - lug preparea and a good time expect- ed.—On the Sunday Preceding, seriices will be conducted at 2.80 by Rev. Yell and of Exeter and at 7 by Rev. Colin Fletcher of Thames Road.—An 3000001 or tire death of Mr. Kasr. the school entertit'ilment will be Postponed. ---On Friday evening Dec. 22nd the nmills ot Wisichelsas wIll ve and entertain - instil 11n tho school -house and the tea -- 8 ,er and pup:ls Will 'be glad to see the schoo, section well represented /And also any others who are able to. attend. At the C1032 Of It.he programme assilver collection will he taken ito meet the ex- penses anti also- tn aid of the SiOlt Coilden's RosPital. A cordial Myatt - tion is extended • to all. • . Jessie E. Hani!lton, Teather. ivioaftEs vILLE. A very pretty but quiet wedding was solentnized at the home of. 31r. ;Nloses SimPsort, when their da.ughter, united Lin marriage to Mr. John Wright of London, Rey. Con,n'ars of Ansa...Craig performing thn ceremony. The , bride was handsomely attired in white silk with. Pearl trionsSngs and carried a larze bouquet of white roses with streamers, wearing the citsitomary veil and orange blossom wreath. Miss Florence • Mc - 'Donald acted as bridesmaid, dressedin eream, and carr.ymg, pink roses an ,car- na.tions. M1313 Grace Nelson and Perna Derails, Ilt?,C23 groOra,- " made! 'handsome .little flovrer girl, and r'.ng bearer, and were dressed -In' white glllc and nary:Jed .,eaen, a basket or C0303 and .carnations. Mr. Bert Wright •-o° Vs:Ingham ,brolher of the groom, act- ed:as' 'best "name. 'The bride entered the parloi: at 12 o'clockson, the arm of • :her Father, while the sWeet strains of the' Wedding 'IntirCh was' played by 2M1sa Isoulse Ea.creet of }Exeter. The cere- mony Oyer': all repaired ,to iran din"- roorn, rsi:rdlore a. dainty wedding diil- fer was served Th grooms grooms gift to, 11 brdi was a gold watch -arid rob and to the brOiesmaid a..S.old looket and c-SylOso, ana to -the- groomsman; al gold cuff slake,' to t0 flower girls, gold bracelets. Among the beauts:61 and useful presents was a check for $130 =,st?,,m 'oss ,Issoires parents.' TY1 bri aq' 9 go- away dres.,..3. was ,,navy 'blu?. ladies cloth 'with -her' to platC1,1: were guests present froor Wingham,.Laselet, Exeter, London,• Belmont, .Thamastord„ Dior, -1,11r:en and Ciandeboye. The happy couple I' the • evenpg z, rain • a ra'd a shower o r3a3, etc., to"elson,dro was,1 - 'w:11 he th'etliv fuluse home. Ttle..T' r:hrids-Cxfiend c onara t ula D.011 O and heal wLsh,es , or Aheritto/sSuture happacss. "MTS. 3.N-'0'.1''144:Viiilif),Ined to the h LL a fes•daYs .0 ley spoils Andy Atkins Slossan w. Hope thr a :speedy secove,r, 0 -? Ste s. • Deafness: Cannotbe Cured "- bilocid'applicatione, se they cannot reach the divests _ I irct portion of the ear, Thereto only oise way to cure ' deafness .m4 that is by consstitutional remedies firteutarnlifillulicsrsedefthl;YRaultilta-inefibirrirriT;4he.aditWili°11er tubensinflansediojahavOarnsubling sound or los- pidOthearing, Aso trtmst it is entirely closed.. Deaf. tietnitreltoSeadutliat.irltadktra et;tihetle igstruitustwrt!liltIcs6(mosoblir.. deotroyed forever; nine CaSe41 outoftentsracausizel by Catarrh, whkh 1. notlzing bukantioi!impa condition of the mucous surfaces. We will.; ve 0ne,11un re Dollars ter nuY cue of Dealness(cauSedisy,eatarrh) that- C44/140t be cured by' Hall's Catirrti-Cure. Saud ter circulars free. • J.CIIKNAT As CO. Toledo 0. Tark4e1)11YalDrul's fggatuistillj; 7Pilelle for eenstiPation BRUCEFIELD—Mr. Alexander _Reiss a pioneer of this 'section, psseed away at his home 'Thursday from pneurizonia Tie was a farrnerrmany years buts More recently was a builder and contractor. --Mr, Rosa vine, the, trat white •child born i'sr. thie Towns'hip of 1htckerstnith Huron County, wligre helived all his life. With, itia father, he cut out what is known as the London road, which runs from London, north tio He leave besides hes widow, a large family of 'eons and daughter's - FOR SALE OR 4-a3ASE We are open to sell, --The Ittssett store next the Ceara), Hotel, (stibjeet to one year lease); tho Lliory barns behind, the said ,store., (subject to telt year. lease) ^' also sell or lease the B`ssett g_rairt warOhottee att tIrckG, Istatiort also sell er least) *bent 34 acme of land op tb,e sensitent autiolstts of the village, `/ 'Write WO to: further Particulars, Of- fers will be received UP to Dec. 18. EXECUTORS of W, G. laStssett Estate MRS. 1Y, 0, BISWror FRANK L. TAYLOR FARM FOR, SALR That choice farm of 108 acres oa the 2nd and ard concessions of Ugloorne, being one and a half InSles front Exeter On the Prelni..sei 13 a large br:ck, house vv:tIt slate roof, and, frarne barna and stabl'alg. Will be sold separately er together to 8141 purchaser. 15 acres So Sail wheat, 40 acros Plowling done, balance lit g75,S9, Apply to THOS, FISHER, Exeter, FOR SALE barrows and scaffoldings. Apply to About 1000 red bricks, Also wheel Read it. There are values. here that you've never dreamed of getting. SUPT. NEW BANK OF COMMERCE Auction Sale CANADIAN BAN OF:COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER,. O.N.O., LLD., MCA., PRESIDENT • 'ALEXANDER LAIRDJ GENERAL MANAGER CAPITAL, ; $10,000,000 REST. .$8.000.000 MONEY ORDERS The Money Orders of The Canadian Bank of Commerce are a safe, convenient auxi economical method of remitting small sums of money. They are payable without charge at every branch of a chartered bank in Canada (except in the Yukon Territory) and in the principal cities of the iirnited States. The Orders and full information regarding them on appiieation at the Bank. in the event of loss of a Money Order the Bank will, on receipt of a satisfactory guarantee, make arrangements to refund the arnount of the lost Order. A232 may be obtained EXETER. l3RANCH—W, H. COLLI1S, Manager. Branch also at cretuton. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 855 Capital (paid up) Rest Fund - - Total Asets Over $4,000,000 $4,600,000 $44,009,000 Has 88 Beatiolaes in ..Janada, zi.od Agents and Correspondents all e Principal Cities in the GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT 11.11111111•111.1111.1110111111MINIIMMOMMaiminiammaniminimisom at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DtozsoN & CARLING, Solicitors; N. D. HIJEDOIS' Manager, Dofil Overlook This Ails OF FARM STOCK 00 Lot 30, Con. 2,, USBORNE, on WED NESDAY, DECEMBER 270, at one sharP. the folowing proPertY, HORSES -1 choice, mare, 1 -yr -old, suP Po3ed -to 1).1 foal, agricultural; 1 3 -,yr -old, agricultural; 1 strong drivinS 'attripo sod - to he In foal to 'Voltaire; 1 drivingmare 2 -yr -old, (inlet 'and reliable ;I. Percheron sucking tolt ; 1, Imy sucking Oolt, ikatevrect cow; 1 cow due In Sann'ary f 2' coVta due In .'Siarch; 2 cos due ln Aprlt ;1 cow duo in May; 1: cow due ch June ; 3 steers_ 3 -yr -old 3 heifers, 2 -yr -old; 7 yearlings. and 8 calves BOGS—Pour sows due in laouary, sown due 10 February, 2 •.ows titre in March, 0 store hogs 185 noltads Positively no reserve. Terms --,$.5 arid under cash; over that amount 8 mos. credit on furnishing ,ap proved joint notes. A discount' of 4 per cent oPf for cash' GEO. DUNN, Prop. T.CAMETION, Auct. Gclokt4°Cen�da v1"1"( Doale;DaS filli4VICklT. • sys1.5-14 ne, NEXIME11111111111111.1.11111111.111111111 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR EXCURSIONS , Between all stations in Canada, also tON:agara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y., Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. • SINGLE FARE--IVIissimurn Charse 25c Good go 'Ing- Dec. 23, 24; 25. Return iindt Dec. 26. Also goodsgoing Dec. so :31, and Jan. 1. Return limit, Jan. 2, FADE AND ONE-T,HIRD--Minimum i.. ''.'• ' Charge, Good go'ng D.ec. 21, (10 Jan. 1, inclusive , Return L5rnit Jan ` 3.rd. KNIGHT, „kgeht, Exeter. RHEUMATISM •FOR FIFTEEN YEARS! Throws, away crutches after, using 'Father Mornscy s- No 7 UT}IA.MPTON NE Oct 15 19/0- 'I had suffered with Rheumatism for fifteen years— sosnetirnes so badly 1 had to use crutches --and could get nothing to help me.s. I saw your No. 7 Tablets advertised and decided to ,give them a trial. I procured a box, and in a very short time 1 got re -lief, and by the time I' had taken five boxes the RheumstIsra had all ieft me. After 18 months' it re- turned ----1 got another box, and now am free from Eheurnatisrn. I can .con- cientiously recommend your remedy to 11 sufferers from Rheumatism Your Tablets are great, — worth their Charles bti R . Oronkhlt0, General Merchant d Uikerste.-e- We are hitching the $ to the big gest load it ever pulled. Read on you will sure to find something that will suit you. FOUNTAIN PENS vs Rh top's 14 karat gold, nibs, g bands and 'pearl POETRY ss Too Fompletc works Of poets, bound in Morroco, abd 0. krge typo, $1.00. SLEIGHS for I3oys and Girls—Coa.sters 95 asd 50e, Extra heavy sled for $1.0o. ROCKING HORSES The only amusement for a small 01211(1 The longer they silt ola It the betier they like it. Prices 00e to $1,15. SEWING MACHINES A spec:al discount on-Reymonti, Sinscr and NOV( Williams. We 'are offering an extra NOW Cabinet grlarallieeel for 10 Years, goldm oak finish', tull se: 01 attachment tor $22.75. If you aro Sttrinkins, of buying in 1012 do it irow We will give it to You at the reduced price. NEEDLES for all makes of ma- chines. CHRISTMAS BOOKLETS SundaY School Teachers svishirig to present booklets to 'their pupils will be given a special price. -3e. to 50c. the differeSt India. paper tn3LEs Rook every person should have, ant'. mad. Prices range front 150. to 1.5 -Morocco bound, slik sewn far $1..00 HYMN.' nopK,.s • lacluding Methodist, Presbyterian mid Anglican, 10e. to 4.00 ,MOPTH ORGANS Arid swell musical instruments, Suit- able for boys. A grand moutlt organ for 25c, STATIONERY ' A regular boxful containing 100 sheets for Sc. 25 of the best bonden- velopes for Se. XMAS. STATIONERY Beaut!ful linen paper enclosed in a handsome box—A gitt that is, appreciat- ed by all -20c. to $1.25, A sPenial 00e. line for 15c. Just A Word About Piano We are carry -1.11g a much, larger and more assorted stock than vse ever did before, and -the prices that we are going to sell them at will make yor& sit up. FOR EXAMPLE—We offer you a large 4 ft. 7 in. piano, full iron frame Pullman' wire strings mahogany finish, double veneered inside and out with, an unlimitted guarantee. This piano is .sold by Heintzman & Co, and all We ask of° you. Ss to can and judge for yourself. Its the biggest value you havo ever seen or heard ot, We have no co mpetition 03 th,:,s piano than thb price. This piano is in a class by itself, and that's Fligh Class. We would like to know if t1(er3 is an, intending, pu:ehasec curious enough to call a,nd inqu:re the priee. It will do us 'bosh good. At an 7 rate call and receivo one of our large art calendars. MARTIN 86 SON OU To protect your family 'from the ra,vages of disease and infection; and the rigors'of winter; to make your home the abode of Health and Happiness. Statistics tell us thHt there were over 250.000 deaths in -North America last ye;irfroin fever and Pneumonia; Over 90 per cent, of these , cases were traceable to out -door closet's, an all were the result of insanitary conditions, Are, you going to alLess tMs terrible death rate to continue. Why not insure 1-Icaith by isstassong oPARKYTE" SANITARY CHB. , Absolutely Sanitary and Odorless carries the endorsement of ,PhYsielans and Health, Ofsosals, and ous cosn _Lyon -clad guarantee Requires n° exP°11- e-ve water -system; no- Plumbing), 1,0 sewage can Ise • Installed in anY 'Par s,' your hernia alt .the coSt of a few minutes of your spa...ro thne lasis asli-fe- , and cast ,losa thesis a CENT a day. SARKYTE'sit's.,,P.hein, leals..,..haas,,,been proven by Bacteriolosleal. test to be SIPowes'Attl' infootanOsl4Doodoranl and Gea-rnicide, .knoven. .to Science. qld: by nit x rt. EDMONTON 1yr3ll'7-bs 'messes Y. --OVTINNIBEG. VANCOTJVER 11 el