HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-12-21, Page 3ELECTRICITY
The Hon. Adam Beck Details the Uses
Power ' Can Be Put . To.
'A despatch from, Guelph says
A cream separator was '. operated
twice a day .by Hydro-electric:Iv-
er•in the dairy section at the Oe -
tarso Provincial Winter Fair, and
attracted a ;rest deal of attention.
The machine is so simple that it
can be attached to any electric light
fixture, There are also pictures
on show demonstrating the uses to
whichelectricity can be put on ttae
farm, The pictures were gathered
by Hold, Adam Beck during his
travels in Europe,
The uses to which electricity cra.a
be adapted ell the farm were .ex-
plained to over athousand interes-
ted listeners from rural parts at a
public tweeting in the City liaLi, Gy
kion. Adam Beck,
Professes G> O. emelt-inn, .t resi-
cleat of the 0. A, 0,, presented the
ease of his college 'before the far-
mers, urging them to avail tliehnl-
selv:es of it, and -to spread its:in-
tat Earin at-Ottava, who also gave
some, instances to show., how many
farmers make little out of ;their
'beef cattle,. It cost the farmers
from six to ten cents, live weight,
to produce them, This cost in -
eludes feeding, care, stabling, and
all other items of expense. For
this the farmers receive from 'foxir
to eight cants a pound from the
butchers, leaving a balance on the
wrong ,side. At same time the
consumer pays frQii six to twenty-
five cents a pound for the Same
meat. The lecturer said be could
not account for the difference in
price, but believed the butchers
might. Nevertheless, farmers could
make a good profit from, beef, in
spite of the differences, by care and
economical feeding,
Mr- L.11, Newman, B. S, A., of
Ottawa, Secretary of the Canadian
Seed ee Grain Growers' Association,,
fluence Re also urged the crv"itsg 1 outlined the F 2ils and wolic of the
need of the eollege for greater fa-ztssociation, whieh were, briefly, to
cili:ties and more extended acCorn-
modation and more money from the
The Minister of Power promised
the andienco that within a few years
his department would have I,OO
miles of low -voltage lines through
,Ontario, and country farms fpr,
eight miles all along 'these lines
Geoid be served by power.lr, Beck
told of what be had seen of the op-
eration of electricity on farms in
ElertePeau coucltries, Plowing,
thrashing, milking cows, and many
other operations were armhole , Be
promised the farmers that in On -
Ulric; all these things eetcid bo done
lay Hydre»e1ectrie,ptywer, and that
the use of electricity would be all
great economy, 9u experiwaent
had been tried at Ingersoll of fil-
ling, aasilo by eleetrio power, which
showed that the electric operation
cosh $3i! les than the same opera-
tion by steam power.
The striking difference in, the
price reeoived by the farmer for his
beef and those paid by the consum-
er was pointed out in an address
on the economical feeding of beef
cattle, by Prof. J. IT, Grisdele, 1M -
rector of tho Dominion Experimen-
ecoitrage the protiuctiptl, and dis-
tribution of the best, stook seed
through the country. It is our
aim," he said, "to put the hoed-
ling of the registered seed on as
hili eon -menial basis. We wish to
i ncer ase" the supply of real good
geed Canada. We have in On-
tario this: year a little over 3,004:
bushels of registered seed.an'y
times this quantity are required,
and it shall be our aim to work to-
wards increasing this supply in fu-
ture years."
Two hundred women frotxa all
Iaarts of Wellington County held a
ltleeting in Warleetion with the
"Titer Fair for; the purpose of dis-
cussing the wort: carried on by the
Women.'s Institute of the county.
G. A, Putnam, of Toronto, superin-
tendent of wamen"s institutes, who
presided, spoke of the value of the
institutes from a Community and
eo-operative standpoint, and refer -
ed to the good work carried alt'
along the lines of sanitation of
schools and the distribution of gavel
seeds, Next year, ho said. the con-
vention would' be extended by in-
viting' neighboring counties, to send
Ln Canada where • Banking System is
$uperiQr Ourront Assets need Not Ex,
Geed Current Liabilities by so Great
proporttOn as in States -1 and issue to
be Sate Sheutct Not Exceed AMount Of
Net Quick Assets tantos,s Real Estate is
The artielea contributed by "Investor
etrefor the sole Purposeof guiding pros.
pectise *resters. ;end, if possible of sal,
ing thea, frons. losing money U roash
:pi•aeitzg, it in "`wild -eat" •ngerprisan
impartial and reliable charaeter of the
information, may be relied upon. Ths
writer of these articles and the, publisher
of this paper have no iutorest3 to serve
to connection eeitb this Platter other than
those et . the reader,
Painters and Advertising Company
Caused Death of tattle.
despatch from Ottawa says.
An advertising company who pnt
up a sign in a farmer's field and the
conmpany who painted the sign were
held equally liable by Judge Gunn.
on 'l'ednesaay for damages because
tho plaintiffs cattle died as the re-
sult of imbibing poison from some
of the paint pots left in the field'
after tho work was done, The com-
pany erecting the sign had never
obtained permission to do so.
Estimates for 1912 One Million iu
Excess of Previous Year.
A despatch from Montreal says:
According to the civic estimates ta-
bulated ' at the Citg Hall at noon
on Friday by. Mr. Pelletier, the city
comptroller, the city will spend
more than a million dollars in ex-
cess of last year. Next year's to-
tal expenditure on revenue ac-
count is placed at $8,185,000,.
against .$1,005,285 placed in the
estimates last year.
iBy Inve,cstor,"}
The importance of current assets bey-
lug a substantial wareen iu eeceee of
current liabilities is, of course, 0pl'ar,
exU wlfien considering the accounts of ee,0
industrial company exith a vied to en,
vesting in its bonds- We read last week
that this eves is caned "'net quick as
sets;' and Few that it had an important-
bearing cu the venue o5 the bonne of anY
Gonia any rslt9QQ lead holdings bad. a
eee satire than the a}uoupt: of bonds
For au industrial bond to be €ate net
tauieh a;a1Qts, 11Qrreser, €hould do more
than merely eztet, 9'hey must be exam=
tined with reference to their relation to
verel Qtller items to whieb they sl'',ould,
bear a definite_ proportion.
'.Elie following is a balance sheet e f
an industrial company whose bonds aro
considered a bound investment sed .l r
chosen as an illustration chiefly Lesause
of the simplicity of me arrangement, 3"
has a'aded interest by being the €`
ntotit of an operating company and not
nn gat -up for purpose of 11•
t1te inexperienced reader
euilauatioats caret -talc ilea
t2cot be exeroinee in canner -
owl offering will doubtless
Canode lilallltatins Twenty -t1 o
Coast Stations.
A. despatch from Ottawa says;
wireless tele ra. byT
Development of v €; P
in Canada is indicated in a report
just issued respecting radio -tele-
graphic stations. 0n the Pacific.
Coast 'there are' nine stations, at
on the Atlantic thirteen. The -cost
of maintenance of the former sta-
tions was $30,034, while the revenue
was but $3 1.08. A total of 40,074:
messages 4were transmitted on the
east coast, maintenance of stations
cost $1 1,52.1 and messages 'totalled
British Railways Increase Excursion
and Commutation Rates.
A despatch from London says:
It has been decided ”by practically
Ai ER1CA,,
all the railways in Great ;nritaln
to inerease the excursion and com-
mutation fares by from 7 to 10 per
cent. on Jan. 1. This increase is
made necessary, they claim, by the
raising of the wages of their em-
#iota ,
Zeal Estate, 33u 14inga.
teems, ere•
Patent% Tratdegm lltb and Do
Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese
an, d Other Produce at AUDIO
and Abroad.
Toronto, Deo. 19. ---Flour Winter txheat,
90 per gent. patents„ 53.45 to 5350, $eafi-
board.. Manitoba. flours, -l' ret patents,
55.50; second; patents, 55; and strong balee
erS' , $4,50, ou track; 'Toronto,
2anitoba wbsat 11-o. 1 Northern, 51.48
Bar ports, Nq. 2 Northern at $1.05, and
No 4 at 4LQ.Er 33;47 sport„,
Ontario eskteat—No, 2 white, red and:
mixed, new, es to 89e, .outside.
Peas --Good shipping peas,,, 51.05 to 51, -
eq. oneeide,
Oats—Car tots of No, 2 Ontario, 43 10
431.2,e, and of No. 3 at 42 to 421-2,c; en
track, Toronto, 40 to 4612e; NO. 2 'We€t-
era Canada oats, 46c,, and reed, 4,4e, 1447
Insestmcnie+ 11.421..
0lri R3 NT Rile i.
Acoounta and Mille Re-
Inventory Steck-Tritlp ,.551,656
Inventory Suppiles 81,435
Ca ti .h on. Hand and In Batik 63,762
Duke and Duchess of Fife and Two Dau gh-
Steamship ters in Steamsh Wreck.
A despatch from Gibraltar says:
The P. and 0. steamship Delhi,
bound for Egypt, ran ashore on
Wednesday two miles south of Gape
Spartel, which is on, the northeast
coast of Morocco. A number of
British Royalties were do board
the steamer,
inclucling the Prin-
cess Royal,. Louise Victoria, , sister-
�of King George `X'., her husband,
the :Duke of Fife, and, theirtwo
daughters, Princess Alexandra and
Princess _ Maud• The passenger
list also. included' Lord' andLady,
nai•d> Sir Thomas." Erskine Hol-
land and Sir Lewis and Lady Moles-
worth, The Delhi was bound from
London to' Bombay. The Royal
passengers ngers were en route to -Egypt,
and she- had (about 100 saloon pas-
assengers:Fortunately the Delhi is
fitted With wireless, ' and was 'able
speedily to summon aid from Gib-
raltar and Tangier. Several war-
ships were soon on the spot, . and
in: spite of the extremely rough
weather; all the passengers
reaeu9ci:• s,_. .
of thepassengers,
� landing
was a dangerous undertaking, ,an
all concerned were extremely anxi
tw,ous. The waves were tremen4ou}tp
and the surf boats were constantly
threatened with awarnping. The
Royal Princess and her daughters
suffered like the rest. An eye -wit-
ness of the landing Gln the beach
at -Cape ,..S ar'tel"says one boat
capsized in ,the surf and all; the
occupants were, drenched to the
skin. Princess Alexandra, one 'of
the daughters • of the Duchess of.
Fife, , was narrowly', saved . from
drowning by', a sailor,- Who grab-
bed her by the shoulders and held
her up until the two were -dragged
ashore. Tlie`Dnchess of Fife and
her two daughters,
t` after' -borrow-
ig hters,
ing some clothes at the lighthouse,
rode, to Tangier on horseback.
One`bf the 'launches.of the French
cruiser Friant, which had render-
ed the bravestofservices it taking
Taking arbetrarily only 20 per ceut. in,.
off the women and chiiden, teas this case, e'e have net quick'assets of
and sank. Si of the crew a or
swamped$763,983 pins value of land ,0.8,960,
were drowned. The others 'strtrg- g1162,943 behind
the $1,05r,9co of lioness
gled ashore in'an exhausted con-° $1'162'943 b h_l d 'the
a margin of ;over
,clition: Several_ attempts of boats o tan cont: eavin: companies do ,better
went to the assistance Of,'thy. n een issue er
than,:. dais. However. :.i re,c t
led by.. the. trernenci-
Delh ens. e ,t isbonds, in addition to real estate of Gon-
doubtful •f th h`�'
siderably g
Capital" sttae
ParIey- Tlee market 14 very ARM, wit
ado about over,
QrteeeNo, 3 American yellow quoted
-'4 to Ole. Toronto freight,
ye -93e, ncttside, for No. 2
l=eat— to Ole, outside,
—41anttobi bran, 524, is bag
orQrotcr freights, Shorts, 525,50
dock, s3 tsp
Beans -Small iota o£ haud'piebed, S2
34 to 22.35 per bushel,
lion€Y Estracted. to tuts, Al 4o 120 Pe
112. Comb5, 52,54 to 53.75.
paled hay—No. 1, at 515 to 517, en tray
No. 7, a t 514 to 514.5 6,
Paled straw --17.09 to 58, on track "Td
Potatoes—Car let€, in bags.. euote4 a
and Delawares at 51.3, Oat
Qrc., at,45 to 51:50,
1'ottltrs Whol :alt;. ' prices. Qf dry€,€e
poaltry, -tile ens, 12 to 1L' per lb; fowl,
9 to,;1%; duc:ss, 12 t41 14x; 80242, 3.1. 14 3?0;
rime, »s to 2111e, TM Poultry, al>oUt
lower. than the above,
ere ezelit4e. ee.,,;Y.: eeei
eviews 0,, 000 .itish and
d Held an
A, desnsten Ire n
India, Says6 Ki ig (seorg
revieisc'd 50.000 I;r'tps 1 Anel
native troops, H -s Majesty belts
faninveetittureinthea<oyal {'imp alt
night, besto win ,• orders on nines•,
three, Eni« hts anti iwo hundred
Oonlpanlons, The Queen Witness„
ed beth the revie'r and elle bestow -
,f orders.
Delhi, British
BlntlereeDeira7, choice. in
0 280; store lots. 23 tar 247e
abs, 37 tQ Ur. Creamery uuu
:0 fer mils, and 20 to 29a for solid
Kang Goo and Qlt
went "wen e:2tia t 01e
lap;titllre .tet th . Hing
Etlaep4. av:largo tent adjacent ,t k dice
Royal ahsl:ntiana: was gutted by
according to a de.rspateh t' the Cen-
tral News. Tlie Royal gilarters
3s'; re i,i considerable danger for iaF.
and groat a;e terment� pre-
for competition by is ilata,ry Per
planes, the contest
the world.
The Label- batty{
as gained the bale'
he (polls mad a di5
The Ra itisla G alre' •nn3ellb leas
its 4eternli is ll ilQt a
ndors kr ar4ll clnl l
t t Lt the illflt4r I
t packer se,,
re and illi
Intcreet accrued ..5 31,526
Aeenetnts and Tillie „Pay, 109,670
able , 605,930
Bank Acle succia:',,., .,., 1,047.126
,,,'. 401,492
Surplus .... ...... .........
--Strictly new -laid, 4$c. deliver
c!re. and fresh atp 27 to 22ta per dose
in ease lots.
Cheese --Largo quoted at *53.2e. ae
twins at 15 3-4e per 3L,
In tine case current assets amount to
51,811,119 and current liabilities to 51,017,-
136, ]caving a balance -net ettnelt assete—
to the amount of 5753.983, Now in the
united States where, owing to the de.
tecta of the banking system, it is danger•
ous to owe the banks much, it is a rule
that to put a eotepany in good. shape its
current Ascots should amount to at least
double its current liabilities, In Canada
the banker of such a company would be
deeply concerned in its welfare. Ile
would be anxious for tho company to do
well and therefore there would be a'.very
remote possibility of the company hay.
ing to pay off its advances' when they
matured, if that were at an:inconvenient
time. There is, as a result, no danger of
inability to renew maturing notes such
as" occurred in the United States,in- 1907,
and which caused most of the industrial
failures of that wear there, So in Can-
ada, unless bank advances form an in
considerable part of the total liabili-
ties, the proportion between current as-
sets and current liabilities need not bo
o one, although,
ea as tw
o t o
so great g
course, the greater the proportion is the
better. Where bank loans are secured
by such stable commodities as'• grain,
iron, steel, etc, and form a substantial
part of the; current liabilities, the pro
portion of • current loans to current lia-
bilities may fall to one and a' half to one
without misgiving. In the above instance
the proportion is one and three -quartets
to one.
Dagen—Long clear. 111.2 to 113-4e Per
lb., In case- lots. Porte. short out, MO;
do., mess, 519,50 to 520. Ifaws-Sledh izn
to light, 16 to 161.2e; heavy. 14 to 141.20;
rolls, 103.4 to 11g; brsakfaid bacon, 14 .to?
Sze; backs,'' 19 to 29e.
stashTierces, 113.4e; tubs, 12e; pallet'
Montreal, Dee. 19.—Oats •- Canadian
Western, No, 2,471.2o; do,, No. 3, 460;
extra No. 1 trod, 46 to 461.20„ No. 2
local white, 4612e; No. S do„ 4551';
No. 4 tlo., 441.2e. Barley—Manitoba lend,
640; =Halting, 96e to 51. 'Bueltwileat, No.
2, 65 to 66e. Flour --Manitoba Spring
Wheat patents, firsts, 55,60; eeeonde, *5.10;
strong bakers', 54.90; Winter patents,
Choice. $4.75 to $5; straight rollers, 54.-25
to 54.40; do.. bags, 51,45 to $2.05. Rolled
oats—Barrels, 55; bags, 90 Lbs., $2,371.2.
Bran -523; shorts, $25;' middlings, 527 to
528; mouillie, 529 to 534. Ilay--24o. 2, per
tan, ear Iots, 515 to 515.50. Cheese—Fin-
est westerns, 141.2 to 14 3-4o; finest East
erns, 137-8 to 1414c. Butter—Choicest
creamery, 301-2 to 311.2c; seconds, 29 to
30e. Eggs—Fresh, 60e; selected. 30 to 310;
No. 1 stock. 26 to 27c. Potatoes—Per ban,
car tote, 51.25 to 51.2712.
The' proportion between net quick as-
sets and bonded debt, is a most import-
ant consideration. Where a company has
no real estate the bonded debt of ay:com-
pany should never, exceed 'the net quids
assets. Where there is real estate' of
value the bonded debt. should not exceed
two-thirds they' value of the real estate
-plus the net' quick assets, and here again.
.the greater the' excess° of these two over
bonded debt the better. In the case' of
the balance ` sheet given above, real 'es
tate, buildings, machinery, 'etc., amount
to $1,994,803," of which—owing " to the na-
ture of this particular business — the
er proportion is of value in case
greats p i
of forced liquidation: Ordinarily, how-
ever, probably under; 25 per cent. of the
real estate. -buildings and, machinery ac-
count represents the `value of the land.
000 Begs- -It is i e 6 es renter , value than the bond,
..ale. ab
ates • i
e saved:,but 1f,-thc: g ri'`er<
CAn is , issue' had net quick`. assets over to r
the specie, mails arid cargo 'may cont, In exceso
s of the amu"►it nav
of bonds a al
lauded, e . ..raw �..,��
x1fr, J. 0. Eatelc bay givcil feta,
000 to the Irbins;�zeg tzeiter.; a os-
The penitentiary statistics show
• large number of convicts under
twenty yoars of age.
The Berlin Board of Trade 1h
�agituting the question of the de>'
velopnaont of New Ontario.
1'+:rrin's confectionery- works at
London, Ont., were damaged by
fire esn Saturday* morning.
rbcs Berlin waterworks yielded a
net profit of $14,170 closing the year. 1
The Railway Commission is mak
Minneapolis, Dec. 19.-
-Wheat-Decem-ber, 51.00 1-2May, $1.051.8; July, X51.061.4
to 51063.8; No. 1 hard, 51.01
• No. 1
Northern, 5L011.8; No' 2 Northern, 985-8
to 99 1-8e; No. 3 wheat, 955.8 to 98 5.Bo.
No. 3 yellow corn, 55 to 56c. No. 3 white
oats, 50 to 546. No. 2 rye, 85 to 86e. Bran,
$23 to 523.50. Flour—First patents, 54.80
to $5.10; second patents, 54.40 to 54.70;
first clears, 53.50 to 53.65; second clears,
52.20 to 52.60.
Buffalo, Dec, 19.—Spring wheat—No. 1
Northern, carloads store, 51.13; . Winter,
No. 2 red, 981.2c; No. 3 red, 961-2c;' No.
2 white, 981.2c, Corn—No. 2 yellow, 64 3-4e;
No. 4 yellow, 62 3-4c, all on .track, through
billed. Oats—No. 2 white, 52 i -4e; No. 3
white, 513.4e; No. 4 white, ,503.4c. Barley
-Malting, ',` 51.18 to 51.25. Rye -No. - 2,
track, 51.05, through billed.
Montreal, Dec. .19.—Butchers' cattle,
choice, $6:25 to $6135; do.,' medium, $4.50
to 55.50; do., common, $3 to 54; canners,
$1.75 to 52.50; butchers' cattle,' clioicc
cows, . 5... to $5.50;.' 25 , da., medium, 54.50 to
.50 to ;4
55;: da., bulls, -53.50 ..4.50; milkers,
choice each, $75; do., common and niedi-
um; ,cauls, 550 to, $ h ,, 60; springers, $30 to
540: Sheep, ewes, 53.75 to 54; bucks and
culls $3.25 to ' $3.50; lambs, 43.75' to 56-
Hogs, lob, 46.50' to 46,80;:' calve , $3 to
Toronto, Dee. 19: -=Butcher cattle of or-
dinary good, to elioioe weight sold from
55.65 to 56,; -'With ,extra choice Christmas
cattle .not: uncommon sales at 46.10 to
Lambs „ere ; much firmer at , 55,25.
6 for ,the choicest once.' Sheep and
hogs were ;'unchanged.
The Ifing 1
en .Ft'cla;
the new OUP
Strictlt.Ins en
at.1r':l °lilitribution
1a111 imp) "O iB
u roil laid
F,l"aLgrit� 4!�p1afC�C'11�f",
It 1Lal
linnl, 1nokph1.a'
1 The
Illtj'Iiwll SPIES
Max; Schultz and .tctar
Penal `iervritnal
cl'afipatcla iron;
t' 3 Get
Ing rules for the inspection awl really, says: Heavy llulrislltnezi
testing of railway engines, were nleted out on Wednesday to
Sir `William Mackenzie is,
report- l the British spies arrested at klam
eel to have bought a tract of (Al
lands in New Brunswick,
The announeenaent el new tele-
phone rotes in 'Winnipeg has
aroused a storm of opposition.
In an official report, IDr. liuther-
ford, livestock, commissioner,
strongly recommends the establish-
ment of-munieipal abattoirs.
The Government will probably
make Saskatoon or vicinity the
eastern terminus of the Hudson Bay
The contract has been signed for
the building of the St. John Valley,
N, 13., :Railway, fromGrand Falls
to St. John. It will be operated by
the I. C. R.
Montreal proposes a civic pen-
sion for firemen, police, clerks and
permanent employes of the Roads
Department, to which they contri-
bute one per cent. of their wages.
Canadian trade with the United
Stat -es increased over $61.,000,000
during the last fiscal year; with
Germany it increased 8°,280,000,
France1 t2G 000.. T
and � , ,
- in
only with Britain was on y a
little over two millions.
According to G. C. Castle, Do-
minion Warehouse Commissioner,
there is from 30 to 40 per cent. of
the 'Western Canada crop still un -
threshed in the fields. Thteshing
still continues in manysections of
the Prairie Provinces and, given
fair weather conditions, the grain
Will be cleaned up by February.
ary "Si;,aka
House of '•Lords :�re,leetc.d"t
rite b}I}i irs"a r
The House of Lords passed the
national insurance bill on 'Friday.
The threatened strike on British
railways has been averted by an
amicable settlement
burg on March 151, and who hal
been on trial behind closed doors
before the Imperial Court for sev-
eral days, Max ,Schultz, an Eng-
lish. ship broker, wa:s Sentenec2sl t a
seven years' penal siaervituide.`lnt
of his associat.es,l.,aati engineer named
Wulff, \vas seat to jail for twin
years; a mervhairt named Von
Maack and Max Schultz's house-
keeper eaell received three years.
Daniel Reynolds Mfrs Weapon on
Culbert After,a Quarrel.
A despatch from London, Ont.,
says: Daniel Reynolds, a junk deal-
er of Hamilton road, killed • a man
named Fred. Culbert, outside of
Grah'am's hotel. at Pottersburg ai
9.30 o'clock on Thursday night. The
men, it is said, were gnarl-ellinig
over a gun belonging to Reynolds,
when the latter seized an axe and
brought it down on Culbert's heats
w1th such force that Culbert was
i was
1 The• i
• tl killed. 5t-,aII 5
about thirty years old, and the pri'
soner gives his age as thirty-seven.
Eat Will Not be 31aae145 Public Until
the New Vcar,
A despatch from London says:
Replying to a gneetion by Waldorf
Astor, Unionist member for Ply
mouth, in the House of Commons,
Wednesday. night, Mr. Birrell,
O 3 ni
Chief Secretary for Ireland, said
the Home Rale 13i11 had been draft-
ed, bat would not be made public
before the adjournment of Parlia-
The War Office has offered prizespent for the Christin.as non:lays.
MONEY ..15
of investments: Speculative invest
' broadlyspeaking, •two classes ,
q There are, •
nients, which mayor may not pay interest and may appreciate or depreciate in value.
T -Bonds• re mort ages split, up into denominations of
tp And there are Bonds—Bonds ag -
e continuallv;have Bonds,, the security of which is beyond
q100 or upwards.Wes . Theyare the standard form
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