HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-12-21, Page 1A Merry Christmas To All !il 9 P $ LtIEiIS i MECHANICS EDF TOOlS NAILS,GL4SS.PIiTTY IR€tnlp E`irru4 s EXETER ONTARIO. THURSDAY, elpful Suggestions For Everybody GiTS WORTH r k` O TII GzV ING ARTICLES BEAt1TIF1IL la USEFUL_ SURI`.. TO BE APPRECIATED THE STOCK QF SPECIAL HOLIDAY GOODS AT • Hawkins Hardware r, ICES IT EASY TO SOLVE THE Pt➢'Z. a'Lfs�' I"IiA TVx."' Skates , hLTIE E RTS Q.i•'« PIKE ROY THAT PL.tYS HOCKEY; A LIGHT AND gRACEFUUL PAIR FOR A YOLINQ` LADY; OR,,., TAT; MORE IN.DX. PRNS1VEl %IN1 ' WHICH PLDASES. THE Ygl3.14 PEL iN 363 GOOD � Q INGS'O�CLEAN [errs Ol,ristmas SHA,VE AND COMFORT FROL\I T Ii 17 GI I, LETTP7 S,a F,1✓' Y TtA -QIt --OTHER I?;FI.IABLF BRANDS XN STOCK-CrU 4B.lNTEED, Cuttlery BROTHER OR SISTER WOC7I..1) I2E7 IIAPPX Dr A GIFT FROM X{r`ELL+ENT'G`UiTTI.F.It i" PE - UM, just: a. Sample -:L PAIR illI1QIDDWS. AND BUTTON OL ISSORS, QIt x1..14CIC-ICNII; E Carvers 4 ;Al2i'I£L1 tN fi .K LINED 4TE t"AI3Il' QNIA°t THE L11:; T. Food Choppers 4a`rAll ;ENT'S, GEM FOOD CIItSI PE1tS CE;IiP ODIC.$,LY AND EASILY, IT SAYF;S STRENGTE3,; TIME AND FOOD -IS SIMPLE, DURABLE, AND D.i$I.,, Lir ' CLEANED. These ss,re hut a row^ itelectio'ns from our eatensfive lit lets of beautifulnr- Voles ter ;,f.AS GIE INGS. In buying our 1,-.01iday goods we have endc;tvared t0 ser that everything will be or service-somttit;.ng to be prized, and useful the sanNtc year, Tho. Is no Ti alt . ;sit the whole Stock. The cheap artic- les aro also Goody" ones., \Se .have F -its to au9t all. persons and all Purses. We ata lucre to assist you. No trouble to show sods. Allo,v uy to be of service, Make your Christmas ahopp.'tng headquarters at our store Lettvc your parcels or meet your friends there, It The Old Reliable .n Hardware Store I� T. Hawkins & on CARLING'S CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Just three days till Christmas for you to do your shopping so . come early and get your choice before they are all picked out. LADIES HANDKERCHIEFS IN HEMSTITCHED., LINEN EMBROIDERED AND; INITIAL ED. THE LARGEST' ASSORT- MENT EVER SHOWN PRICES FRO,'ll& 5c. TO 50e. LADIES COLLARS AND TIES LADIES EMBROIDERND COL LARS IN ALL SIZES AND FANCY COLLARS, ALSO LAD IES TIES OF, ALL KINDS AT FROM 20c. TO 75e. LADIES SCARFS' AND MUFFLERS IN THE .SCARFS WE HAVE THEM IN, `A LONG WOOL SCARF; AT 60c. ALSO ' ALL` ' ILK SCARF'S . IN :'BLACK, �VIIITE AND BLACK & .WHITE MIXED AT $1.25 AND •$1..50 ALSO 'MUFFLERS AT 50e.' GENTS MUFFEERS IN THE NOTED BRADLEY MUFFLER IN ALL SHADES. AL SO A GREAT MANY STYLES, AND SHADES OF, OTHER MUFF LERS AT 25c. to $2,00, GENTS TIES THESE TIES ARE OF THE LADIES CROSS , AND DIAG- ONAL STRIPES IN ALL SHAD- ES. AND CAN BE ALL BOX -\---ED SEPARATE IF NEEDED AT 50e. COMPLETE. GENTS SUSPENDERS GLOVES, SOX AND COL- LARS, OLLARS, ALL OF. THE LATEST ST,YLES.:: adgp. 'IN AND IN: SP'F",CT OUR GOODS. WE ARE SURE TIIAT THEY WILL SUIT YQU, SPECIAL A great slaughter in : prices of all furs. Glassware and Chinaware a .eat variety:. at moderate rices. New ;sins, New nts New Peels New. ,Dates az e est s fo �ti a Che s'tma fix t'. -i` i7e i1 9e 9,1 Local Items Peace on F� tfi, Gooallp to 3fen", Do not WI to se.. the Pantomime on Thursday, evening In the Opera Boner, And now for that Christmas turkey- we thought we would be able ,to buy, A £ew date to Christmas and stmt «•.o. sleighing, The eoai,'pjie shows a ra- id decline however'' It is, cliPecteo; ti^,e' new station. will he completed. this week And be occupied by Oiaritstmas Day, Let the true spirit of, Christmas cihar- acteris t all your feelings anti actions toward your fellow rw,:t just at t tis kaattiote. How about that little items or news, forgot to semi, i n. Let us i ax fx alt rt Int o It tOttraOo: U. a° Mut .to heal a 'out. rs, To:1-3 C'Aokaou" had a, heavy =all home, Exeter North', o- Tues - n oma ng last v:isl! the result that ran_ ..uatat.t ti several bodily injuries t ld a sevtrs; sha,ltian;: up, r w lack o: sleighing has been some sv;sax a•taaiinst Christmas shopping, 'hut a �vrroasts have now worn Anura h ole lot or at ttl s'honp•��:; can he cl;anc; the incxt three days Townspeople., b°xot?I do th'c:i• buying in tit morning' pcnss ale. , GOLDEN WEDDING: -.)1r, sari Mira, F 1.,. � , V t e' Q P. . I3 a ars a t nd .d t :. 1 . e g do vreddiit oC th in uncle" and aunt, Mr, sats Ira, S, Ford, Wooaaasu, on ?ssea daY last. Abkou: "seval.ty,"i:,ve guests :c praa"ltt It3ti I?astsaak o= a sumptu- a t l?t 3 Til' pet aclitrr were miler- ittad cclstlit, incl ns •aaa .l0aa-;:t };old rtt0 4t• I a.ackAUMat` OOP a lira, Mar 'u, A 1;•tale ! ttd gra. 4k3,1' ,'dei ,tlta,'lTP,"s;L. only,{{ , N.' tg ift.�,'"•,�,„ oo, assn, vcras bapt°7f ,'4 I.,CIY A't,. C.I'I?.1ZEN„-4. very a nus;tal' anti equally admirable -case ase ta= ttllqted zsa :4elt :st reported from Winnipeg. ;A prollt.i for batlteVett that the found t - to i of house had 3x cin injured lug* tt.,. c a tt'ata of a new sewtv. jou,/ 'stste xal'at Into 1 lawsuit s,- d'past i s ecty And, claiming' damaged hart called on the -,Board or Control with his tlolicltors explained, the•nlatter, zant! :tske<i the Board to sewed an expert to look reljo t, .nnd,'aSTeard to abide by the finding of the expert. Such a, course; .s too unusual. but •such, loyalty of tt. e!tizert tohis City deserves commendSSR t'on-and Imitation. LONDON IL1S, 131E Entz London experienced ftnothor big fire on Friday night last when the D, Pere= Biscuit works was partially de- stroyed. The fire loss was ti 200,000 and the insurance on ,the whole plant tiva.s $240,000, 300 employees were: thrown out of work. The company will rebuild: STEPHEN COUNCIL. The council convened in tho Town. Hall at Crediton on Dec. 15. All members presexn"t. Prev!lous minutes read and adopted Yearley -Love -That By-law Na 183 to appoint Deputy Returning officers & Poll clerks and selectitng booths having been read three Vanes be passed, signed and waled,-tCaxribd. ICellermann-Sanders-That the re- quest oC the Trustees .of the Police Vil- lages of Crediton, Dashwood and Cen- tralia to take a vote one. by-law to' ,con alder the advisability of- obtaining a supply of electric power- irons The Hy- dro Electric. Power Commission be gran- ted. The by-law's having been prepared they were read the first time and it was agreed that the 'same shall be fad- vertissed Sen the Crediton Star and The Dashwood Pioneer, and a vote shall be taken by the 'r atepayers of. the re- spective Police Villages on Saturday, the 13th day of January, 1912. -Carried Yearley-Ke11ehmann-T,hat a plebes - cite be taken on tBY-lavr No4157"-.of 1909 known as The Cow -tai By-law" on Jan. 1, 1912, pror!d'mg a municipal election is held on that date. -Carried: Yearley -Love -That Alonzo Hodgins ,. the collector of taxes, , is hereby auth- orized to continue the levy and collection Of taxes in the manner and, with the power provided for by law for the gen- eral levy ; arnd collection of taxes. -Cad. The liist''of accounts paid] will be found in the Township Treasurer's Report. The counc,l adjourned Beni die. Township nominations to be held in the Town IIa11, :Crediton, Friday, • the 22nd December' at 1 p.m. Henry Eilber, Clerk. MCGILLIVRAY ;:OuNl. L The counc:n suet on Dec. 15th. •All .members' present. Previous minutes. were read and confirmed. A number- of umberof 'accounts were passed- Owing ',to complatn'tts being made, . re- gard!' g the Pollock, Drain .and the Atud Creek -Drain, the council resolved"- .to employ•Alexamder Baird o`_ .Leamington; Land Surveyor, to examine and report,'. and if necessary prepare plans, estitn artier, etc: ASSISTANT,,MATRON WANTED T.A THE HOUSE OF ,REFUGE IN" THE COUNTY OF. Hli"RON. Application can be ntad,e et once, suns,. '• personally or by, letter; td•Joann Tar- "ra:nce, .Inspector, Clhaton' P.O. The aau ppo'ntent vr811 be pernanennt, stud good:iaalary rr 11'ttte paid to a ap- able woman Dass Dec yy 8 X81' } e¢•k GET X01 #5, Stcic%d New. Laid Eg''6''s Vat l. - W 111 Pay 34c* a dtarn, four eggs 1no0Er 1 'wc Y old -CITAS F HOOPIvR F1c1 G diet' ar +eet Exoter / blocks w•v+esat- c f + t1Ti.4 Memorna chtu welt 2ul•n%r ! DECEMBER 2L 1911. EXETER COUNCIL Count:t me: at •{ To•.� rx Flail Friday. ^o '15th, alb nIember's being present'. iL�nute . o` 'Previous .:meeting Wee read ia'.nd' approved, 'Wiper-'R,vere -TM Tint true tellowing accounts tat; passed, -,P. a- > T C rooks express r 'i „v.3 T.C., B s ICerr, t , �' 0c.: W. J. Uea_nan, coal, etc. 17,85 Sas. Taylor, acct„ 1.25: S, Sweet, cerise- ery labs• 21.00 ; 13, Ltraurd, rant Azad account, 6.6t0; J. Bear, repairs 49c.; G`.'ie`ip :, freight 3.25; J, Z1u.*ra.v, sect., 1-`,„53 I1 D. :a bar a firallel. x08.13 It 1,xavirs labor2•'; C ("raw, icy roes ' , e 1 atl ; `a':. 4 `.t .' 4tk a sosn waterwo ka, 12 8., ; G Orta c e labor 88e. t T Boulders Tabor ' b0 ; Harvey Erna., coal 'waterworks a „5; iii.._. l3is r 4 r sett Ese,n error i:c.$,.8 .x s1 < Jas- Canr'o' a salary:„.>5.00.; W, J. Bis•, s.•,,•* b' 1 r�l,atr3 •_. , i per. 89,50 T, Ca,rt,x-1, bah, x;31 t^y, lxaata :e, icte„ T. Ore:w e, truant ,;t °Meer 10.00 .outs, Simple::* sr N,Iu;t• ga., balance on terovwits 342.47 . Aieiso:ns -Bank, dc- b55,1, es 1A 65, 33 Jo4411 14`els1. dos, 1;x5,18 , C. 'H, Sanders C:tas. Girlie y*, d4 , 120,31, l A. E. Eul€e de., 217,43; , G "hon;as, not'. and ',.herest. 721,69 ; 1t'. Nf. Creech, 515,9.4 -W tn, Drew`, 101U.28: C, li, Sanders �7. t11 k rti, tl r tv 102.L '1; 9 15 55 Total 10.5x20,28, Tend -r.' £s�,°" the fee, on pond were rt - ce,ved 1s :allow l,- t4°. Gillespie 38.tit1 T. i -L uld,,,, :2'4.00 `i". Creed'.; 30.00. Per Irevet ar,1 Zi'alper-�-'T;'at .P" FI'ouldc:x's to xd r b a 1 pied, 30 00 wits to be delivt �tl', arricd. .. ,l.less"a Ta.ylo< axil: Ittvea's Made Brei;r t°eiaort; o,t t=t VAvraa cicleit, Ir IFrtt n stat+ t.1;t ln4x had part of the clock Aaxade. rep• ts. And: ",Mould ,have. It put lea tzltap tit .ai !n could, but ,t wag only a Wit.,. !ad, up a:£,t,r atter tn,7D, T' MasF. 0104 P.. w,A.s i1M`crt,; 3, 3 yatt-A4-M .1cm. nntent to cull sa. E. Carling, Clerk, COUNTY COUNCII:. DOINGS Ilatt:dcu the routine business} of to- co<vitng repots, etc,, at the Dccclp lire,. County 00W401 mus t:tag, a few items o+ <tnterest wens.-- Ilotn, .Alain .l eek addressed the coun- t as the Hydro-alectrie and the pru- jeet o! El tv.:tg cheap power in the d'.s- t':et A resolution was passed that the lflCr n hems of this council regret the death of fir Samuel Sweitzer, reeve o£ Stephen, who : was considered a most valuable ;, .triiaer os this council, and thctt tha Clerk- b: instructed to send e. letter of condolence to Mrs. Swe!t- zer rung expressing, the. sympathy or the members of this council A delegation composed of Messrs Johnston, Tlbert and Field addressed the council on the necessity 0f int - proving the appearance o£ the county, by way or plaant?ny, treas o^_ suitable variety; keening the roads in good con- dition and £res of weeds, and setting aside park lands in urban municipal- ities The council while Savoring the idea laid it oven until the various mun- icipalities act The council agreed that Huron with the other counties petition the Legis- lature to so amend, the law that when accidents occur on railways and an inquest Is necessary, tho railway com- pany shall hear a porteon of the cost The County Property and the House of Refuge committees reported every- thing in a satisfactory condition Warden Geiger of Hensel' was pre- sented with the customary ,cane on the complet'_on of this term of office BIRTHS Lloyd -In Exeter, Dec. 18,to Mr. and S:Lrs Norman Lloyd of Starview, Sask.. a son. is Newcombe -In Exeter, on Dec. 17th, to Mr. wend, Mr's. John Newcanibe of Stratford, a ;daugrtttpr, Malloy -At Colon -day, Sask., on Dec. 9 to Dr. and Mrs: A. Fe (Malloy, form- erly of Exeter, a. Son. E11!ott-In B_dduiph, on Dee,, 13, 'to MT. and, Mrs. Arthur Elliott, a dau- gI• t@r, MARRIAGES Patterson -Isbell -At the:James-street Methodist parsonage, Exeter, Dec.13 by the Rev. Etrchard Hobbs, 'Nathaniel Oscar Patterson of HanAlton, Ont., to Was"L�lliam Belle Isbell, of Norfolk Virginia, U.S.A., both members of the Famous Canadian Jubilee Singers. Wriglhtt-SimPson -At Mooresville, Dec 1.3th; by Rev. Connor of 'Ailsa Craig Miss Elia Simpson to John Wright of London. Simpson -Lewis -At Lwlan, on Dec. 6, by Rev.Lowe, toe Mess Gertie Lewis to Horatio Sinn,pson of Clandebeye. Miller--Gould,-On 'Dec. 14, Mies Mamie Gould of Petrolea to 'William MilIer of Mooresville. Harberer-Rade1--At Dashwood, Mr.Har borer o_' Zurich, to lass Susie Rader of Dashwood, DEATHS Kerr -At Winchelsea, Kerr, aged 24 "years, 1 :non 4 days Down -In Exeter, on ''Dec. 14t -t, Al- bert Edward Down, -:son oiC IIr. ,, and Mrs. Joseph %Sutton, .a , d 3 years, 8 nnontlis.} vicKay- _ Uerisail, on Dec. 13, " Mary Janie hickey aged 22 years, 6 mon- aley and tk:hneon Sn A lsa C a Dart l)ec.''8thy Nies. `Frac-k.'Atk!,nson'. agod ,61 years, !l 'tatonth e ,24 da3'e. , ;Ross -lit Brucef did, ,iter 'December 13th Alexander ,Ro sn ager; 73- years McLAaeller{ty-Ist, Cltrto , on Dec. 12th, ntin!e';Jackson, .wife ai 'Mr. John .McCiacher:y, `in her 71st Year. Walmal -y-Int BaYfEeld, on.Dec, 7t1i,, Mrs. Janne, Walmsley,- aged 82 years r�eCnd �' nnotnthis [.eSvta AtMoosesvaile, D. 151.4x, Mrs. T,. 1 1 l ,... Jaa "',3F�r� > �F:7s""��,rt"�„ti?.�.�a�'an��Fi SQI)TH IIPRQN OFFICIAL R.ET'URNS Returning af; eturt_ng 0 -..seer, T, B. Carling made the o'i;tial 'returns for the recent Pro- v[ane,al election in South. Huron on Friday and: the `-p11ow3nQ is the re- sult,- su .. USBORNE TO 7 NS1IIP No. 1, No, 3 103 No, 4 , , ,•,.<. , , , ,.,,,, Zeller 44 62 60 297 SfaJay:ty for Eliber, ,3O EXETER NO, 1 „ 87 ,#'2 No, 2 Wu, 3 ,.,,,,..,;, ,,.,,,, 52 4 No. 4 ,... ...,,, 33 29 257 SajarltY to. Enber 108 STEPI- TOWNSHIP N nia ,. 6 , a , No,., 45 No, ,. tilt No. 4 ,., . , „ «,,,,., ,,.,87 No. 15 A•AAA,,, ,, , ,,,,,, ,,,,, 41 No, ix .. , .. , 74 Ng. 7 33 No, 8 58 1'7o, 9 ,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,•„ 63 Majority to. :l TOWNSTI 21 15 :nx 47 42 .'a1 7 20 43 00.4 3101 1 ,,,,,,, , •,,,,, A 2.4. No, TM ,,,Mlrcn„A, , „ ,,A,,,,«„R > t Ne. 4 ,,, ,,,,,,..,<A„ 34 r t6 , G 33 7 e, ,,,e. .,,.,,,, ]7 8 .. ,,,.,.,, „,. «, 1.2' 9, 9, No, No. No, No, No, Nes, 258 463 :Majority for Mier 2077 GOD:; RICII TOWNSHIP 1 0,1,1 ..,, *AAA. ..,,,,... 64 116 fi5 20 8 ,.., ,«,«,, „ ,,,,, , „ 65 38 4 ,,•...,.....,.. ,.,.,, 56 11 5 50 34. 11 .....................................'34 21. 324 160 Dlajornty 161 TUCKERS 4ITH TOWNSIIIP No. 1 30 67 No, : 38 13 No. 3 14 17 No, 4 2(r. 64 No. 5 32 67 No. 0 26 61 :i 160 Majority or Zeller, BAXFIELD No. 1 93 4lajorI•ty £or Eilber 68 HENSALL No. 1 105 Majority for Ellber 21 STANLEY No. 1 23 No. 2 28 No. 3 „ 89 No. 4 47 No 5 33 Majority for Elber SUMMARY BY Usborne Exeter Stephen Hay Goderich. Tuckersmith Bayfield Hensall Stanley 355 195 25 81 48 50 26 18 73 220 5 215 MAJORITIES Eil.ber' Zeller 90 108 222 Majority for Silber 207 164 195 ti b 24 5 681 402 279; NORTH HURON Kean! Musgrove AahfleId 16 West Wawanosh 1 East Wawanosh ..52 Blyth • 12 W irng,haitn 136 Morris 06 • Wroxeter • , 23 Turnbury ......... • ....r:' 47 Hawick 205. 130 388 ;Majority for Musgrove 259 NORTEI MIDDLESEX Grieve ;McArthur 1 . 258 218 331 354 Lucan 55 129 Biddulph ............. ........174 828: McGillivray 346 334' East Wiliian a 195 123 Brest 'Williams 187 116 Aiiaa Craig 76 72 Parkhill ,. ,.., .., 190 125 Metcalfe .. ..144 • 192 1,056 1,991 rifajority for Mr. Dulacan McArthur, 35. CENTRE HURON PYh'udloot Elliott 227' 215` .217 273 .110 " 417 103 se" 216 Adelaide Strathroy Sea forth Clinton G,eder'cr, Brussels MclC Clop n,.e...... . Iiullett ... ,..:,......,: 326 260 Colborne 207 193 ., 2,148 1932 M6jorlty for Proud,#opt $1( Merry hristrnas' To All R.ANDERS CRE. :CE ea/mg Auction Sale Of General Merchan dose At Bawden's .. OId Stand Beginning Wed- nesday eSd a Dec. � 27th at 3 p.m. and 8 . m. and con- tinuing every after- noon and evening up to and includ- ing Saturday Dec. 30th. There will be offered for sale by auction, Embroideries, ribbons, corsets, waists, laces, furs, collars, ties,shirts, s slippers, shoes, muf f lets suits, over- coats, ver-coatstables, chairs etc., 11 This is . absolute- ly bs iute- 1 a clearing sale as our 1 easeexplres here Dec. 31st Bawden.'s Old Stand . t4 The Exeter Bargain Stor we 1 " 1 • 6S;