HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-12-14, Page 8THE EXETER ADVOCATE, THLURSDAY, DECEMBER all and VV�nt+er Clothing It is tittle you were thinking about your cold weather olothing. We are pt•erp'ticl to supply you with a ,y r,�hest . c 1 iFisa a eta' of nice Pall a r suittlae t m`ateri tl, th- latest style and finish ar a price thrt cannot da .beaten. 'Pry us arta we will sive you sat- isfaction. Y, .. ., JL..31.. A L 4-. a,, A. erobaut Tailor, - 1 eter Ontario ♦� tEXETE MARKETS. OfitA�y,�+;itaKI + .cA.�.QU 1!. 4 EDNy�,Wyy. D4 Oats, • 'ens ,.,nr,n,a .,, Fea astoes,perbsg, .,., 14y,pertou.,,....>,n.. `,lour, per ewt,. family Intatar, low grade per OW LVITC,i fang-$. per qw-t ,; , , - o Shrfsn trlr 0 n ,,, , , Bran per ton Sugar Beet, meal ....,,,. 42 42 1014 7o 30 13 11 2 ti iO 1 oO 23 24 28 to 24 tta 21 00 Poultry #SlC FORT SPECIAZo PRICES MAS POVIATEE. Seo our 00 err,naeyat, a?a I€ Py APPler. deur, talc in bits° rE b per box'. JONES & M Geouxe Gut. Glass in rtcd Peppers, Bon Bons, Bowis, Water Pitcher$ Olive Dishes are expected week. -Stewart's, cry and, this OUR CUSTOMERS may to aa€ that they ,will always recti#era the tat treatment wh.-etn having work dee our barber sheP. We guarantee it faction. Renternb r last and cold bath. room In eo.^,ttcctiori.-nFaaanit Bayle, 111RRRIAGE 'LICENSE. -Get your mar - the Advocate Office. yc�z �ea�ra�c�¢ � a�c�ayc nqr �c LOCAL DOINGS, ic$cii' ® c seSaaek�L �4ic.4"Lasi a .?las .been, on. t e sick• list„ is .Atn-th ,ui zid, • It s 'astoni5n.ilag" what a let of odd reaalents 'a.Z,e can, Cate;9, during the day i' one really seta about T fang"Tutt.r e; �v4" tea- l?edt;,uarters fol' all € e confection ery O,an:ges from 15c, tb 011e a ,doze,. Suna, st,--,Stathsnn's. 1I`ss Qu.4eke.;zbush, teacher, was un- abie to fulfil Vie ,aui^e;s at tile sc1t,ped, Part o lag„ . week •-.0 li a; to illness.', Thet,'e has been a drop of tea seats T K> s of sugar, t' s u ;fly t' ire Nw 51 b' a proportionate drop _ the relgt Rev. G. W Dewey ,has recontly form- ally accented gine it,vidation to James, fi ewt church for ext year, subject to: t^e approVa1 Of the stat:at-41 g Cotnnrlt- OntarTO exhibitors o; sheen at the. Iqn- .at-o;„r l Stock Et`hib a oat, Cttirago, ;e cant* cd most o,'the prizes; for the s they laa ,,e pe eseanted. in the prize i l a feta at Gu IPS: op zed, ,u 4 34.47. ;,....c,e<'Lse .,n Fluorther, and ince 'Fx .zquala'ty of the e'n.bits. s £e .w2le wo ; a aatendi al>', a�.d a; ria edu'stioa b.i :tn,'d= *Is to u .'-9 a=' ¢ Cs a;.-? tCt std ''rosr'Ctfz Ve',L.-kw' been i'AaK g reatlark44lY sitt,iCag the past few dsy9.,, T.e roads in the c0O-It y have Welt its a very soft eo:ad t ora; ttaol4`.tn n:t avetex7 ce d" -Qty tt°ipleasar , T11s merchants are ur fio ae mere sta;so .able- weather. P,e.. Gundy of Toronto preached morn. T; and events ' at the .ia„ �n iSt`re!et C;Nurc z saes Sur.day. Next Sunday ~tr. T. 1 . I sdford'a glass has share "ri.e services. the Preacher bugs Rev ug."-.; ecke aformer pastor. A sana s « al; wall '• la id :In Ole • afternoon. 7..o Cannadian. Fire Underwriters .As - so, a t on !lava sant to Janare We,elcea, rung a apabl «'r ehief,the r casual aatatice fit? tht d.rgerA'rfirs rrcr aCar;4t re,• auP d.""4.Per„f", f tex, tm ,rte piaCed ar S htR'Sa a este urs ?u de 'e,saim Besides the da a ,er of is.tae ie 14bitity ref loss 4suld A Mire ot^cur. oclaey Aasee¢"r o a Thursday oftiters were Fie.hift The insane al,aar aaa l41su soured dream, 7 ,;o eek on t Thursday ht from 7 lea 9. I�Ia S.1^I, +;memlt 2 reb'e,amet ot4, ter. Derr of Crediten, a ai1esaalze,r z•etet Gun Club, ci;d so= ga lath at S. Thomas leak week, t -ed 'wlt,l. Long of Hamilton, 179 out et f101 send in, tho shoot -oft got 121 gut Lo es 23, witmitag the Stevell+0 ltolgt a fog high average. He got, tees birds *straight In l wo other events, In the evreepetakes: tied with four mak.mg :a straight score. The US day Kerr wile second 'high man 1SZi out o: •200. on't overwe.it a dollar any more than you would a ]torso. Three per cent is :a mar load for It to draw; six ira, a sae one; when, it putlg in Ara for you its Moly workL i;g out ,West and, you've to 503 that l,t doe n't bUck.. wren it makes twenty you own a blame ad clttcr or a ahty foolish one, and you want to make dead sura 'which: but if .t drawn a hundred Its playing, .t• e rad, a o: something just as hard tats ]torsos and. dollars, and the first tlt:ag you know you won't have even a carcass to 1 au1•'to the glue factory. ANNIVERSARY -Successful anniver- sary services were held; in James Street Vethod'_st church on Sunday last, when Rev. Hazen of London preached both morns, and evening, and the choir ren- dered special music. The Rev. Hazen is z very capable preacher, and his ser- mons :proved very 2`de-resting and, in- structive. In connection with, the anni- versary the Canadian Tub lee Singers a -n p_ar this Wednesday evening atter we. go to press', and a treats as in store for all who heir them. a rR- 1 he r last assortment) �+tA Oi' Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Tioiet Sets Water Sets, Berry 'Sets, and Fancy China, ever shown in Exeter. Corrie in and look around. -Stewart's.."'' tc n 'Ws ara mna t n;; sa apectalty in the cl=oralatcl rt,u2 tor this cltristnnae trade -20c , atic IOc., ,nOa., nor-Sts€hang"a FOR SALE -Choice Barred ri inouth Cocicrcla for sale w1:OO, $2.f11l, each. Speak rlu.cic T. B. CARLING '''We have warm Kozy Slippers for every member of the family The prices are very reasonable Stewart's. SERE -You want the ot,st *four your Xmas baking 112:3 us2, MODEL. Bread, bunts and biscuits shade from it have the nutty flavor. Handkerchiefs for EVERY- BODY in Silk, Linen, Swiss Lawn and Silkeen, with em- broidered and hemstitched ed- ges at Sc. to $1.00 -Stewart's. Fo Rena Hiner we handle the celebrated sealsh:pt oysters -solid meat -50c. a quart, or by thn dYsh in any 'style. -W. • 3 stat2taa.. V OGELG'rESANGS REMEDIES T now offer any; fever remedy to the public- I guarantee to cure typhoid fev- er at any stage inn. from two to Lou:` hours, with outside application. N;o bad effects from, treatment: • Your doctor will be welcome to watch the treatment, First treatment free. For further part-, !cedars apply to WM. M. BLATCHFORD". Exeter Ont. What would please mother Or father more than a lovely waren pair of our Mocha) or kid gloves? $1,20 to $1.75: -Stew art's. TO ADVERTISERS--,bwiing to the Meavy rush of. w[or1ti at •glia' time c3 the year we request our ,adverti'sersto send. Slit thetrr '' copy .� Monday., Copy that comes, inn oti Tuesday Will have to take its chance of being Iset. We must' have time to arrange Or matter so let, us. have your copy 'shot later ''tharp Monday.' HAIR BEAUTIFIER REFINED WOMEN THE WORLD OVER CSE IT. .Every woman knows that there is nothing' 8.3 good' for hair and scalp trouble as .Parisian Sage. If Parisian Sae is used twa or three times a week it .will keep the ';scalls nice and:.clean dud remove dandruff It makes ""''tt e i& lustrous and -fluffy,• and. keeps, it fallt,ng: iwut " , e iv irge e . ry rman who loves ra- aind <za oin tug' hair to go, to W- ,.aiid `get• a large 50 cent 1slan. Sage. He guarantees ruff,,falling hair and itch? 3 HICKS' FORECASTS FOR DEC. - A. regular storm period is central on, the 15th, extend.,ng • from the 13th to the 17th. Low barometer, sudden change to warmer, wiith possible, ,lightning and thunder and rain, 'will appear to south ward about the 13th, 'and on the 44th, 15th, 16th and 17th general winter sol- stice storms will be natural over ,sea and land,' covering moist parts of the northern hemisphere. High barometer; sweeping gales and great cold will bring up the rear of 'storm areas. A reactionary, ,storm. period will briny: a change' to : warmer, with renewed; rain and snow on and touching the 20th, 21st and 22nd. The . disturbances ' at this• time will centre • aboatt the new MoonLorf the 20th, this being -the centre of an- other se'.ismic period, extending from the '18th to 22nd. This period will add to the' accunlulat_ons wok' snow and dee, t�esultimg from prevtous solstice storms, and winter's Cold will „ttgbten its grip with the high ;,barometer. following the storms. "' WEDDING -A- very' pretty wedding took place at the • homke of Mr. J. Per- kin's,. er-kilts,. Co -t '5', '7'1/labor/le, on W edstesday, Dee. 6th;' when khe:r' 'Only daught(r Florence May, wafs united; in marriage to Mr. Will.; Huhnter,.,•al;so of (Uslboine The ceremony;'w4a 'Performed.Preclsely' at 6 o'clock under:an umbrella of_ ever- greens by,,,Rev, ,Yellalnid, •; off, •Eanet`elz -in, the presence -of aoatnt iiiity guests. :The bride' was •a I ed. 5± a °dainity' gown of cream silk mull and carried a shovrer coquet Of white chrysaaztlaem,ums and I pink carnata!olie. The he:ppy,,couple were unattended -while Mise Arthui•s -af. Lambeth ' played the 'wedding march.` Toe- caremiony over, , all repaired • to the, 3..r ne roan's' Vithore a- dainty' wedding dime:.: was ser=ved. The groom's gift to tie brIda was a beautiful oak rocker, While to the organtat, a pretty- pick set wof tn.z arvuebiy 1u,Th'eeeggon. gw£wavyeidrvteshsa was,ti rnate h • The , vacate 'extends'!,corigret ulator-siast4 Wlaftes A;tl8" guests# pr• e Can beth Mr shut S tins o€;'Lend J. Wn I3at�`de n wrt a in London Friday. \Ire. W. T" Acheson was in Londoli Saturday, Mr.. and Mrs, D.'Rua seil were; :r; Lon. don Tuesday. -- Mr. harry Boon, -as iii London part of this weak, Mr. C tone', a tend d the nter Far at Guelp-a this w ek. 4• X11`. Francis 1 -fil wasJ o guest of Mr. and M, -s, D Mill on n1pnd,y. mlr$, Fred R.a'wderi ;xis returned from, London much.. improved in health. Miss Lily: Itustoia haa're*urned .tr a v's:t In 'Windsor and: Fetrolea. Miss Meat„e Luton left Tuesday*, to visit friendss e.ts inT Rn tia;^F . 3etWe weeks.. Mrs. Wm. Amy of Burford is visit+ l w- pa -rents, Mr. and, Mai. &' 3ofiz . _my. A. A. Spencer returned last 'week `-hetet ;l;e west W xere;he spent the sUrn me Mr. Jannstis Jewell has returned, frons Toronto where he was working for so*.1e v,eaks firs.: Mutton r returned to Brant- ford a tet a VW' t at James-'st, Par - soilage. Rev, nottbs, mad Powell attet:de4 the Epworth League Conference at London last we-kt. Mr. S. G. Hogarth, s attending Guelph Fair and also ;*t-s=titer.;this son Gifford so. `_S Atte nd:nag. tate College- Christrap., a Bally, Ge;.yo ta: f'Ioliy' her aid deco :ate. �S.atga a a's, liu;;th, the 1 ile gory, of Mr. Harry.. oDid, is 4cr ill supposedly with aal ` abatruetion of the bowels'. Mr,- Sidney' Davis. who ,receive aaz,ln• j rk^ by falli0g, a few weeks a,.q, hazi ;int compelled toy lay eoff duty At the lautther assent ass a TCPAd. The, lecture and limelight views h Be.tPard or London on Pilgrims! Progress in Main Street Chureh Tu'$+ day night bras a. Pleasing entertainreaat but not well patronized,. EAFOItTI-I.-Mr, Wen 4trsalstroal . a res'dom; or Sea'o; tit died 1h. Stratttard taet tine"K, She haet ataetted, the gA2at.: azo of 81Tr y ears, "w+x'1' the -mother¢ ' , A S;Ile o; $,:.atarti;t and Masi, ,191/4 1Ia rano, fir„ of lekl:dole, 'Miss Sarah Sweet returned .Fridag from a visit in Galt. Miss Carrie Dyer returned last week frons a visit 3n prantford,'-Norwicit. and: Hamilton. , Mn Henry Lambrook and Mrs. Dern Halloran of Brantford, were visitors in town on Fridgy Mrs. .J. E Sna hi left during, the week for Hanover to jo_n her husband. Their household effects were shipped thea Ias1 weak, Mrs. V. li Gladman and Mrs. 3, A. Stewarr were 5± London last week to v°sit itilrs. ID:.) Gunk who '1:s the guest' of. her Parents, Rev, and ?drat. 3fart n.. Mr. and Mrs. 3, G. Bawden• deft Fri;, day morning for Ont„,r,4o, Califo•ina, to � w B wde hopes o *- "Mr, 1 0 stud t te., a n P t s�: "�� d p :]Behove the condition; of his health by avo.d;og the Gan dian Winter. CUFF 'SUTTON FOUND, -Neat the Cano'ng Factory.; a gold cuff, button, beam the Initial. S. owner can have same- by calks at thsls office., prey - Ing property and, paying'for this notice,.' NOTICE TO DEBTORS. Alk thcaue indebted to the Estate of a' n. date Q. aDissetr are yegUested, to settle tlw'.t ,_ tdeleted ens, before tied. j a, 1911..After that date all unpaid ac count§ bo Placed,- irk our solicitor 's hands for cofleetion, MTS., W, 0, l3:sset't. f+'ra'nk Taylg1\ eculors. Bus, Dray and Teaming Business 'Vour. orders in out* line will be attended to quis,lcly and eatiafac.. T tarn � is to 4e � FR We are heres . the public needing anything in our line, and we ask a trial from you, Orders left by phone or other- wise at TUE ADVOCATE OFF. Ica PUUOZ 1 25, wall Teet.ieft prompt attention. T. G. Creech Powell's Bazaar BIG VARIETY STORE Our mtainmoutla Toyialnd at the ';oar end, of our store vs bring full of SANTA. CLAUS prese=ts for children, Se„ to $5.00. Its surpris- ing boW far a little motley goes here. Our rthrie are to buildup a It 13u d:teas, and we are dot n , 1 Toys for Days and; girls, Pre acute for seen, Lades. mother, and Father: ;Music Tor the family, music ,for everybody Edison i or. -a Sa'aplsa make excellent Christmas > presents. Prices 410.50 to $240.00 Records 40cta, to $I.50. Large stock now: an. A CREAT TOI LET SAVING SALE Toilet •goods arc a big fact or With th;a store, but many people don't know we have such a lar ge range, ao on SATURDAY this! week we will put on a special ,sale, at a. SPECIAL PRICE. It will pay you -to lay iii a stock ,now. Don't put ort as t5± l's' a (c is DAY SPEC IAL "SATURDAY ONLY" You save more money here on everything than You think. COME EARLY AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS THIS STORE IS FULL OF XM AS BARGAINS rand Pisplay of Xmas G Phone. 65 Phone 65 CoIe's DrugStore Do not forget your friends. A visit to our store will help you to choose your gifts. We can satisfy both in price and quality. Check over your wants. FOR LADIES' TOILET SETS, choice of 3 to $7.50. MANICURE SETS new and, to $4.00. '• BRUSH AND COMB SETS please, $1.50 to $5.00. doz. ,,1.50 nifty, 75c. sure to 1•IAND MIRORS useful presents, to $4.00. GLOVEBOXES always acceptable, to $1.00 `, TRAVELLING SETS see these, '$2.00 to $6.00.' HAND BAGS, see our 75c. special 50c. to ,$4.00:` PURSES, genuine bargains ',$:1.00, MUSIC ROLLS, vary: choice. $2. XMAS STATIOTiERY always `>5c, 50. to $7..00.. I'ER F L1 vIBs d i-„htf;ui o ders $3.00. 3ITING S'ETS,: cheap and useful, 35c. to $1.00. DRESSER ' NOVELTIES very new, choice, 25c. 50c. 25c. 1 25c. to 1.00 to useful, 25c. to The above is on eare offering i <<this se ead Harte; FOR GENTLEMEN SHAVING SETS, large variety, 35c. to $2.50.. SHAVING, MIRORS very useful, 25c. to ':$3.00: MILITARY . BRUSHES, latest shapes, x+2.00 to $5.00. ` 1 FOUNTAIN PENS, ch,oca of 14k' gold for $1:50. CIGAR CASES all new, 50c. to 1.50.; PIPES, ' eery large varie,ty, 25c. to $1.00. CASE PIPES, .arlber mouth piece, 75c.' to $3.00 SHAVING OUTFITS razors mugs, and straps, . soap, etc. PURSES, corn and hill folds', 25e. to $1:50. BRUSH' AND COMB ` SETS, see our • specitt.ls, $1.50, to :5.00. POST CARD ALBUM., to w$2.0p POCKET TOILETS, 25c.. to ' 50c. ow. stock, 25c.' centakily dandy, I3IIISTLE GOODS, hair, hat, cloth, tooth and nada-bruslves,..25c. to $2.00., • e of the man n.. See for your; ARE READY FOR THE., Christmas Trade You will he surprised and delighted to see the great variety and excellence of our stool: of Watohos Jowellry, 1asswaret $Uvorware 3t cl Chinaware, It is i¢lpossibi to do better anywhere than We can do for you- We ask you only'' to visit our store and see for yourseires, rehand, Exeter swepsr & Optician Atki, Undertake *. And Furniture Dealers Our Ch ristmas furniture Our Christmas Stock is complete, There i better than furniture for presents. We invite our stock, playnothing to see ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Rome Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & MAY PRONE NO. 82 CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Will Find Us Headquarters For Xmas Presents Nile' are showing a beautiful lot of Pretty and useful articles for this season. Almost every thing you can think of is here. Shop early. It is the best way and you don't be rushed the last few days. LADIES WARM FURS A GOOD AND WARM PRE- SENT FOR ANY, LADY, MUFFS, STOLES AND THROWS IN ALL KINDS OF FURS. .SWEATER COATS FOR LADIES, GIRLS, MEN. OR BOYS, IN ALL., KINDS 'OF, COLORS AND STYLES., FANCY HANDKERCHIEF 100 DIFFERENT DESIGNS` rr PATTERNS TO CHOOSE. BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS HANDKER- CHIEFS HERE.; FANCY .HAT, PINS MAKE A NICE GIFT. WE HAVE A LOT'OF;rBEAt3TIES AT 25c. TO 75c. FANCY WAISTS - FOR THE • GOOD LADIES IN SILK • OR :NET IN ALL THE BEST COLORS. • LADIES WINTER COATS NOTHING BETTER THAN A GOOD FUR LINED Ott: CLOTH COAT: THEY ARE ALL RE DUCED TO XMAS PRICES. MITTS AND GLOVES WE HAVE THEM IN ALL. KINDS AND COLORS, LONG` WOOL ' kIITTS AND GLOVES AND ,SHORT. KID, MOCHA, CASHMERE AND SUEDE. HAND BAGS A REAL NICE LOT, OF LAD IES HAND BAGS AND SATCH ELS ,IN LEATHER OR VELVET $1.00 AND UP. CHILDREN'S . PURSES - THEY ARE' VERY. USEFUII FOR T11E LITTLE) FOLKS AND VERY DAINTY FOR 25c. EACH. FANCY BELTS AND COMBS A GOOD VARIETY TO PICK FROM AND PRICES FROM 15 TO '75c. Millinery a Half Price All our Trjmjned and Untrimmed Hats r ecl` o b e. edout at ar a ricee 1 ,l rad 4l, a