HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-12-14, Page 4der Abuelectte 1 Sanders dc Creeeh, Props. 32)1TURSDA.Y, DEO. 14, '1.1 VOTE QR HROEFCjuQ ProbablY t st inaPortaktt by-law tha.t has ever been sub-1114ed tO the raepar of Exeter will be that -Of the Hydae-Electric g Ianatary That the hy-daw should. receive, the bth ty support and eridarsatfon of the 'atePaYerS entitled. to voto art 'euelli On by-law goes, without saYTIng, It s been said that opportunity raps at a was C1001-,, but ancek and the e made of reasoning applying to, Tito individual applies to a town., This 14h 0DDartutritY that Ira as a town not afford to v:gi . lightlY, for ondt dePenels te a greater or lesser extent the are prosperity and the bustuess attd progrese ot Exeter.. ,Nlany and throughattt Oat- PresenlyeajOYing cheaP Pew" every instance where It es ishod the, calzeris are loud th 'se for the manY advantages „derived and enlaYed. Ler there up hate heaMtl. "er Peace meal each 111,1a.ter liydro-Eleetric bat let every e!tiZert got out wok to carry 14Y,' Qr; jatmarY 1st, wrest "41)Taei,' oPllortUIlttY ve0,41, 01,Ar St',1,.M.3" cheap power and towa. cannet afford to be ▪ vote for the Ilydro-Electrio' .100)1.1,511` 1st ta a boost tor TU'town, a 1)on'st Or cheap power • izo.ast the direction. Muttictpal reeves spoenof .tatioet of warden of Hw Hartry 'Willer; of St h Strath,ers of, Astifteld atad (1.•,c-a,t Stanle,..1-'. It Cot.serva^:v.;,, thVY secure re-elect:on pect:ve ^i343.P.P' Donein:en „nc;a1 Elections il:e ablo thlnic proo. municiPal have a d:rect ,en'^oj erf„-•ct'oan•oek- -buitan ehtr of Me ethersand waYs ter just a3 'mpo-tant; tit:111 Paas without t!".0U14".12t. 11CM.T. Of agricalture at Wash l'agteat 19-07 asked tir•.. question,. of 164 rural boys and 174 rural girls, "How many wish, to,stetY on the farm?" 157 'toya and 163 glrls answered that they Would have nothingt to do with the Xarrn, Th4e teaching of.' agriculture was then eelntlerteed in the schools, with the 14 tizat 1910 the same question). asked, witxt 162 boys oar or 174 "e.nd tii girls oat of. 1,79, Isad that vv,slted,to staY.os the f arrtl. Tilers could b? °no nlore conclusive evidence tan titis that the tearbing of. agrieut- 'here *.tt rural se:••eols will do what Is CU ed £O tt1u boys and girls to :remali".. lot the rarm .71 HOW TO LIVE LONG WIthh.Palthy kidneys one ha.s n good chance to live long, but weak kidneys af- flict old age ',viz% g-reat discomforts. The bark becomes bent and lame, rhmuna- tism is citra:lic, eyesight 1,-113 aati "t0e frtquent or involuat.try passages of uri te ciust• em- barrassm, day and loss Of sleep at night. I3ooth's Kidney Pitts bring new- strengt-h to 'old I backs and quick relief to weakened kidneys. They banish backache and rheumasgc pain, regulate' the bladder and urine. 'by the proprietors, The R. T. Booth Co:', 'Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Sold -everywhere *50e. bo. Free trial sent ,on request. Said and guaranteed in Exeter by W. 'S, Cole. , Booth's Kidney Pills arefor sick kid= .neys in old or young and are 'guaranteed, SPOTT Stands for all that. is modern in Business Training. .&()hain,, of Seven C/olleges in leading towns and cities, Two Thousand students in our Colleges and. Horne Study last year. We train from ten to t venty stu- dents for every one trained by naost schoDls. There's a reason It is freely admitted that our graduates get best positions, and the demand for them is "seven" times the supply, Fx- elusive right for Ontario of the famous Bliss amkkeeping Sys- tem. Yon my study at honle or partly at home and finish at College. A. Business Educdtion pays a dividend evety day of your life, Torin From Jan 2cd, 1912 VitI pla,o,r9e CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE BO. SPOTTOLSr PRINCIPAL': Wise B F. War Okserawanwassawammissionses The remarkable mdorsa-vicia of the Whittney Government Qn, Mo4day goes to show the view that the people take oi" the progressive government at Tor- onto The gov'ertuneut Mal.' Justly feel proud Of their record, as the people have shown that they are ettEDITON. The electtons are astrin.t.-; of the past Xn sP:te of - ttra very disagreeable wea- ther, a goad vata was polled in- this Tow-nsh2p,. Crediton dfd well or its member bY givtitg tne a good majority The full 'result shows Mat Mr. Eaber has -`been re-elected by a majority, of 285 There is now considerable talk of the Mutlicipal elections and ut, doubt, there Will be more fun and excitement1. then than at the etecton. just held- A geed ticket expeeted, which wig keep the voter gueasg for whom be shall east, his vote • Mr Whirl:1e,-; of. Ylotaria College, Tor- onto, Preached a very itestructive ser- mon '11 ths Evangelical Chaireh an Soh - day evening Mr- Whiting is rta strang- er taare We are siviays pleased to have the opportnaity to hear Itne Preach. :ts eazNcied taat the City Fathers v,r`..1.1 ask the people to vote on The Hydre-electr:c at New Years. Pros- nects are,, briz to. have electricity in (MC in'tdsz in the, amt.- future and eur PeoPle should not be slow in grasPing this opporrunitS% Jos epie Dauncey l via:ring' his bre- ter Hyde Park for 4 teNv wee!ks, Tuesday,IrlOr'41.r.3 found some et Petr bOYs kelsY settling their election bets. A.s., p. relic t.te, beta we.:e small etnd 00 . became r:o`a through his gains. dr,Klekse• 04' Ilientlehn has been !king Mr. and. Mrs, John I-lauch and other rela.tltas :11 vIlage the PeSt vre31c. , -1-farrY' 1.103.43r and Harry E:iber have returned ‘110;ite- from Hartillton where have been wor..410,T MO past suillfteer. Vac Sunday -schools of both churches are 14,10*" Zolting the Program's ready for the Xmas Eaterta4unent. From all reports, It is expected that there will be a big treat in store for those wao attend. ' The Methodist entertahnneat is Dec.21. Mr. 3, to-dakiaeicer of Sobewaing, Pending a w.•elc. :n town ite uncle Mr. Samuel BroWn,, Brcwa buTin,31 considetable quant:ty of beans. Ta,se have been d.str:buted a:non' 'ettle, oi out' pewle ,a be rapigked, and sorted. Good money s made Geono ':,sa attending the Live- stock show aGuelph this week. Tne repta',.ns oi ihe late „Mrs. Eliza- beth Ward yrem brought from Mar- lette, Mich and intevred in tile rerne- torY en the 8th Con. On Saturday after - :ma.). Mrs. 'Ward moved front here a - Yea a agS, w her lson.in ow idt. Wesley 'W,`,n.e.r and since Mem has not •b,ent ingood health. Hee' age Ham 65 years. Ti deceased was well and fa*.orably known Izere and her ne'Ishbors apeatt higtly o: he.... She leaves to mourn, be4 loss a son, Thom as of' Carberry, Man., and two daug,n- tore, Mrs., Wesley WIner o Marletti Mich. and 1,1...rs, Colbert of Centralia. 1,V1-1A.L.13N. Mrs. o Gilbert of•London, who has been vt9tiu here the guest or Mrs. 3, V, Wilson, returned home on Monday. --.Wss Gertrude, Sutherby is home with Iter mOther for the winter.—Miss Lottic Squire spent Sunday at Wesley, tho guest, of :Naas l\raggie. Dann. --Miss Guon:ng and Y.erda Squire spent a few days of last week the guests of Miss Lulu Godbolt at. Wiinchelsea.—Rey. Blateh.Ford, our Pastor, preached a very Oiteresting ,ssermon on Sunday in behalf or missioas. The subscriptions were very graticrying, Next Sunday will he Children's Day, a.nel, our pactor will ad- dress them the afternoon.—A number are attend10; the Guelph 1,V10ter Fair th:s week. GRP_ND BEND. James Clark or Exeter vieited. at his home Monday.—Mrs. John Baird la laid up w:.:•:1l a lame knee—P. IdcIsaac of Dash -wood delivered a piano to Ed. Wil - tort. last weelc,—P. Bake: and E. Gui were in Dashwood, on 'business Saturday SO:1 delivered an orgart to E. Gal, •secant1Y.-11. Bossenberry of Sarnia visited here Monday.—Wm. Dew- eand Ed. D'28jardine, Siro Dewey and Jona.h. Green arrived home Saturday last from Amherst -burg, —Wes Webb of La- ren ,ho.s accepted a pes:rtion as clerk at, *m. Ames'.—Mr. Stanley of Lucan preached !in .the Methodist church Sun- day.—The Methodist entertainment will be nield'eni'zihe 19th, and the Presbyteirl; tan on tht-21st. * , • „. "'•• . ;Trle'leeMA:',Of Frank'permstte was ,astir,last Tftsday, it being the niarriage. Of thf.is second daughter, Mary, 10 Roy. Holt, Sion of J. Holt; tee nupt:al• knot beng tled by Rev. S. A. .Carriere at p..21,1, In the presenceyof only thenearesti relative and • Vest CLA N—wil—DEBOYEI Wtahes. he N. S. B. Club intend hag intriro:Onaten in the mar future. --The ,C-6,hoo1 here is almost completzed nd, wkt be opened in a. few days.— "' s ESE:her "1.,1cl(enz1e has resigned her .ps;jlear," a to -8 0110 01 teached and, will give --uP!'-her -Shhobl at Chris tma s.—Mr. Ed: McKenzie has returned home after a few ,yraeics visit Watt relatives to Lon-- iken.—A•verY, pretty weddnge took place lt the Tlfon'te et' Mrs. WM. 'Lew:Ts, when , on'? (laugh ter, Gertrude, was ur- ted •marr!ra,:3,2 to Mr. Horatio Simp- "stin, 0 this place. The., ceremony was .perfornied by Rev. W. Lowe, of Lucan Af:tcr this supper the young, couple- took the :1.29, train Tor Toronto. VTODI)H*1\it • POT112!29,,C3410 S. 7:17.Ornae IS 10 tha ripfrisOrta4ge.,-.7,-W. St r Mar -ye spent Patt,o.i the Week . 1 out 1011105 Watt. irig Lt Weather- s tri s Carrile Switzer Of New york,'ia at he: ..;brothia-T,4,),1bert's Base Lnc .asns 10.141, f., was 'ery Cannon .nas i10t10cl Jinn tiarwyer'afarm and that lttei 1105 Ettaned- the Behineoti:, .farni .• . „ `fail temn'erante - ! onto Iwir tot and have itow.ma a vorTy ,o.oixi.fortaDle Stable' of it. DA SKWOOD Gordon Goetz ot the Traders Dank, Elmira, who ho.,s 'heart. ri,slIih; here 10r some week's has been'ttaStructed to te- port at the Starnia'Bratteh--gdwar tin, after spending; the summer Ita Wey- born, Sastc, ha e returned, and haa re- engaged, with Ale, Zinuner.—MiSs Wel- tin, who reeentlY graduated' r rem - Hotel ,Dieu Hospital, W,indsor, is en- j0Y'Ilg a row holidaYslat her holne here, --Mtss Neuschwarrger, who has. been. v:sitIng, in, Forest the .last two Months has returned to town. 1.,,DCAN Mrs. W, Stanley has gone to EroOklYn, N, Y. to v:lait her daughter Mrs Dr. Canipbell.—Master Donald I3anting hers accePted a position In the of.fice of the D. Maxwell Company, St. Marys.—Mrs. Foreman is visiting her mother in Westen...--.Mr. P.D. Butter has( completed. arrangements for an open- air skatisag T.)). Orme and sell Murray are sea 'Murray are visit- ing re' p.tivis,s tittloancicnI, KIRKTON Mr. Garnett Jr., returned last week from a. trip .1. Kerr left to visiz friend -s in Stratford and Bertin. --The choir or St. Pau.l's c•hutch are preparing a phey entitled "Christ' Inas 13elles?" 741, Hall sonletinees darling the ChlistMas season.—.There is an, opening ,for a, gen- ertal merchant here now in Mla atere. lately va,eated, by :slessra, Roy &, Start- lier.—We are glad to hear that -Mrs, Garnett who wa.s taken to the London hospital sometima ego to underge serious operation Is nicely recovering said in all probability will be %.pbetol turn home t:Or Clerlatmas,—The reg - mar meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home or -isIrs,„Jtes. Kemp 12th. Rural Ma.% Delivery-- The farmers and others to be bonetittod by the Pro- posed new mail route to 'be estabitahed hortlY feel highly elated, as the hone- ,ts to be derived t.r&n such, a route are incaleuable, and a convenience that w:31 be greatly appreciated.: The Mail leaves Kirkton as soon as possible after the St. Marys and Exeter Insi.,1 arrives and. proceeds north via. th0 stereo chureh the 14tle and 1.5tit eoneesslolis hY was' 10 Thams Read to the 120, and 13th 00ace887o3s of Usberne and bwk to K.,*eleton. The dis4 tance for the rowed trtp will be about !Vete , Sem& Report 2. S. No. 3, Ushorne•,. tor November.—V„ max, 350„ L. Harris 261 ;Sr. IV., maX,.250, rr, ;McCurdy 165 Roadeouse 163, I). tBalfour 163, F., 'Francis 130. 0. Copelaied 115, M. Hod - gore absent, Sr. III, max. 250, H, •3",u'e 192; E. Itoati'leu‘s 115, L. Me Curdy 105, 0, Copeland 69, Sr. II., max, 250, W. 1.10-adeou.se 180, B. McCurdy 153, 0 Harale 116. Pt. if., Max. 250 tva Franc's 230, lst Douse 210, E,Ifter- els 21M, M. McCurdy 118', I .M.k:Curdy 127 ; C. Ilotivrt and A, Giltillan ab- sent. Sv. „I., Max. 250, •T„.4., McCurdy 150 E. McCurdy 142; G. Gilfillan 135, E. Copeland 120.—V, Hazieevocal, teacher, HENSALL The Trople 10 Ilensall will vote tO endorse the LH`ydro-Dlectrie power scheim as outlined in the by-law to be submitted to the tax payers.—Ed. Munn returned trem the West last weelc.,z- W. McQueen returned from the West on. Erl- clay.—Mrs. D'ek who has been visiting ter daughter in Tavistock, has return -- ed. -1\110s Gertrude Petty left on monday to train as a. nurse in Stratford Hos- pital.—Miss BerthaWelsh has return - e3 front Strathroy where shehas. been v:siting relatives.. -John Hobleirk who has been :la the vvest for some time has returned and is now with hlis tamily *n. Seaforth.—T. Parbner, sr., and son Tomas it to Crag, last week to,„11t-‘ tend. the funeral ot a consim, Mr. Harmer of that place.—W. B. McLean happened w:tle a serious accident having the mis- fortune to slip and Call, spralniag, his ankle badly. it. , To Moss of attr, irseaders. who -wish to keep Informed, daily of the news happenings of the world, and particul- arly to those whet -wish to follow events :11 ParKarnont, beith at. Ottawa. and Tor- onto, we would recommend The Toronto News which is generally regarded as the most up -to -data Conservative news- paper pubDshed in Canada. Under a special arrangement, we are able to offer Tne News dally and The Advocate weekly., for 12 months for $2.80 Send :n your subscriptiolrit to. this office. Phe News will be inirnedlately sent you (tally by mail. . NYHY DO „YOU FARM, • It 4s jeist to put in 'rthe time or for profrt. , No doubt you will' \say for pro- fin- "that, O'e,e`eyo.x should take' a Yreakt.'iT„ paper that looks after the busi- 10es:4 'end' Of the farm,' ' That 'paper. is 'The ,WeeklySun. Its •-market -reports are without' an... eqaalT.hey -have made many dollars for Sun readers.' They say so. When renewing your.. subscription. do not forget The Sun, the fartner's,.busi ness paper. - A CHRISTMAS TREAT FOR STOCK- MEN The annual Chriistrnas Number of The Barrne:-''s Advocat and embo,d:es all the necessary characteris tics of a- holiday fnuntber of "am agri- cultural and tame magazine. -The ar- ticles and illustrations, while dealing with rural affa.P,n, are well 1.11-rted 10 thoe sp.)Itt of the season. Stockman, win be h:gtoy pleased With the, illustrat- ed art:riles f"ont yrnitans itt thb' name land. Ali regia:- subscribers re- ce:-/-2 the (ssale gratis, and until the supply 1a ,:e-,-.Nausted, new- subscribers also win 055 1151 a copy free. NOIISab- cr2beL-e may obtotri cop:es a; 500. each The pubITTsh. a pa a:e The. Will'am lVeld Co. Ltd, T_,ondon, Oat. IF SALE ' Tar' ; tYreic '10 108 T'ar0s -the, 210 b0 beDre; o'n'i,'...ltirust a half ,r1:61.e3• Iro,rn Ett:eter-' Dn IC pr r10s fds a large, brick ;house . wind sl a t, tgra,'L.'',: and' frail -11'J, -'.StahlMg. be ..sO.Id.,-,seps.ratelYT'or"," tagetlitn" to TSUI. "purchaSer: 15 acte.s;i0,' fait yrl•iaat.-‘10T acres "f-111--.pioWl':-hgT'sielle, „ balance 10 grass- Apply . to THOS. FISHER, 'Exeter • Deafness Cannot be Cured 1 bylocal application s, 34 they cannot roach the dise as - ed portion of the var. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafnessis caused by an inflamed condition et the mucoualioing of the Enetaehian Tube, When this tabels inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf- riessis the result, and, unless the inflammation cao taken out and this tube teetered to Its normal condi- tion, hearing will be destroyed forever. nine eases Wit 01 ten aTecausedby Catarrh, which' is nothing but an inflamed condition oflhemucolissurfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Pearvass(causedby catarrh) that cannot be cured by nail's Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars free. Soldby Drugg•istrs.,ijice.HENY'14C°"T:bled°'°* Take Haire Family Pills for constipation The Central Busine.ss Colfte of Stratford is one ot the leading solloeds of its kind. in40anada., The management was ob1gd to enlarge their quarters te accommodate these who will enter after the New• Year., The Stratford. School does more for (its students than, do other sinxiliar schools, and gives a course which are much beyond those or the ordinary Busaness College. It has an em -to -date Telegraphy Depart- ment, as well as Commercial, Shorthand and Typewriting' Departments. The win ter term opens on, Jan. 2nd, and those interested La. businese CO1102;0 work should, write the College for its free catalogue. It will 4.e. a surprise to the tnajority ot our readers. then theY team what the Central Business College of Stratford is doing, - FOR SA.7414 OR "MAUI We are oPert tO se.11,—The Bissett store 10)ft the Central I-Iotel, (subject to one year lease); the Livery barns behiad the said store, (sub.teet to ten Year lease), also ',sell or lease the 13.tesett g • :21 waretionsa 10 the,G. T, R., station; also sell or lease about 24 acres of /and on the eastern outskirts or the villag-e. Wri.-te us for further particulars. Of- fers will be receivett, UP to Dec. 18. EXECUTORS of W. 0, Biseett Estate MRS. W. G, BISSETT FRANK L.. TAYLOR STRAW AND SHELTER FOR CATTL,F, ' The uadersigned will talcs zenumber of cattle 1,v1lich he will shelter and let run around his straw stack. Apply on Premises, 14ot 32, Can, 1, Usborne„, .101 -IN COLENIAN. Notice to Creditors f WILLIAM GOULD Btssarr, mIs of the Village, of Exater, tn (ha Ca nty of Hunan, Gentleman. Deceased, Pursoant 10 Sec, 39 of Chaptlr 129 or the Ittoriaed Statutes of Ontario, 1507 not:co is hereby givea, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of William G01.3"ssett, late of the Village of Eneter in the Gault). of Huron, gehtlanyell, who died on or about the 7111 day of Niovember, A.D. 1911, are 00 ,or b:•.fore 110 'F'-ettst day.of Jan- uary, A. D. 191.2,'Io send by post, pre, pa'd, to the undersigned solicitors here- in tor E. F MICQS. Bissell and 'Prank L., Taylor, executors tender the Will or the said deceased, their christian ;lames and surnames, addresses tend descriptions, the full particulars of their inairns, a statement of their accounts' and the na- ture of th.-: securIblea (11: any) held, by them, and that after the day last aft:tie- sad the said Executors will pnaceed to d'stribute th,1 assets of Mc said de- ceased ,unong the parties entitled there- to, having regard 'only to such claims, of which 'notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Executors wtll not be liable far the isa:d assets or any part thereat, to any Person or persons of whose claim or claims notice abalt not have hon received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Exeter this twenty-first day day of November, A.D. 1911. I/ICKSON,& CARLING, Solicitors for Executors. temsissiminsummiimmit Ceon:tidaW Doulaarack "--=!---4 • Line, • 7' 6-::t"."‘7.?,.:,7 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAIA: EXCURSIONS Between all, Stat:011S 7:11 Canada, ale° to Nara Falls anal Baita10, N. T., Detroit and Port. Huron, ,Mich. SINGLE FARE—Minimum Charge 25e Good going Dec. 23, 21, 25: Return* limit Dec. 26. Also moba,gohlg.Dec. 30 31, and Jan. 1. Return Eirnit .Ian. 2. FARE AND ONE-T,I-IIRD—Minirninn Change 25c. Good goln,g Dec. 21, to Jan. 1,, inclusive Return,Litruit Jan.3,d. J. .7. KNIGHT, Agent, Exeter. "You'll find it's 80." Labatt' London • Lager Now Perfected -- 'Best Bupable 7,5 'LABAIT 14,6NTAI6. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND ,WALKER, D,C.L., PRESIDENT ALEXANDER LAIRD, DENERAL MANAGER CAPITAL, - $10,000,000 •REST, -•$8,000,000 FARMEBS' 8.USINE'8t The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every facility for the transaction of their banking business including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on appitcation. BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the sante careful attention as is givep tp all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or tvithdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. 4231 EXETER BRANCH—W.11, COLLINS,IlanaZer. Branch 01B0 e Affolsoris Bank Incorporated 855 Capital (paid up) Rest Fond - - Total Assets Over $4,000,000 $4,600,000 844,0009000 Has $3 Branches in ,fanada, and Agents and Vorrespondetatain al th Principal Cities in the World. 0BligRit14 IstANKINO 131.1SINESSTRAN5/keTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT sommegasinsamemeggemaiw •manwan, at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate, EXETER BRANCH Agents aft Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N, D. BURDON lizmager, MI 0\j1l10111 11111. Read it. There are values here that you've never drea.m,ed of getting. We are hitching the $ to the big. gest load it ever pulled. Read on you will sure to find something that will suit you. FOUNTAIN PENS itte long 14 karat gold nibs, bands and pearl —0.00 •d Til SLEIGHS for 13eys and Glrls—Coasters 25 and 50c. Extra heavy sled for $1.00. ROCKING HORSES The only amusement tor a. small :11113 The longer they sk Oa it the bette, they like tt. Prices 00c to $1.1.5. SEWING 'MACHINES A. special discount on Raymond, Singer and New Williams. We are offering ten extra, New Cabtact guaranteed for 10 years, -golden oak finish', full set of attachment ler $22.75. If you are $thinking of 'buying, in 1912 do 11 11018' We will give It to you at the reduced price. NEEDLES for all makes of ma- chines. CHRISTMAS BOOKLETS Sunday School Teachers wishing to present booklets to their pupils will be given a special price. -3c. to 50c. POETRY comPletc works ot the differe;,: bound, in :Merroco, India paw large tYN, $1,00 BIBLES Book every perseen shou read. Prices range troll Morocco bound, ...text HIlN 130( It:Jutting Methodist, Augileso, 100. to 4.00 MOUTH OB. And swell 'musical ins able for boys. Agrand for 25e. STATIONE A regular boxf ul co sheets tor 50. 25 of the velopeE3 for Se. 0 0' XMAS. STATIONElt,Y 'Beautiful linen paper enclohed" 10 11" handsome box—A. g,ift that is 41•PPrelat- ed by all -20c. to $1.25. .A- 51ctai (10o - line for 45c. Just A Word About Piano We are carrying a much, larger and mare assorted stock than we ever did 'before, and the prices, that we are goistg to sell them at will make you_sit up. FOR EXAMPLE—We offer you a large 4 ft. 7 in. pia.n,o, full iron frame Pullman wire string, mahogany finish, double veneered iisalside and oul with an untirnitted guarantee. Tnis piano is sold by Heintzaran & Co, and all we ask of you 10 to call and judge for yourself. Its the biggest value you have ever seen or heard of. ,We have no competition on 101131 piano than the price, This piano IS int a class by itself, and that's H:gh Class. We would like to know if there is an intending purchaser curious enough, to call and inquire the price. It will do us both good, A: any rate call and receive one of our large art calendars. RTIN & SON Is Up • To protect your family. froarthe ravages of disease and infection.; and the rigors of winter; to make your home the abode of Health and Happiness. Statistics tell as that, there were over 250.000 deaths in 1"•Torth. America last year frotn fever and Pneumonia; Over 90 per cent. of these cases were traceable to out-cloor closets, and all were the result of insartitarv Conditions. Are you goltig to ali2vv" this, teralible death rate ta continue. Ay not insure 1-realtli by installibg, a "PARKYTE" SANITARY CDS. 10 I-Iealth Officials, atid our own 5r10 -clad guarantee, Requires no oximl-- • Absebrtely Sanitary and Odorless carries the endorsement, of 'Physicians sive water-systenr; no plUnlbing ; no sewage can be lalathIled in any Tart oi'your home at tile'op'gr; 95 a few In:mutes 10 vour spare Vsne; lasts a Enin ard co(st lass tahh a CENT a day. -3S10 been prevail by Bacteriological test to 10 .116,l's10fectant,' Deodorant and Germicide,- known to Science. 'Phe sold "by, W- ,,,t11,ere will 31o31ihca you. ' NO falr.‘ther, :`,E,erg,14.n 1.1533 McARPEIJR BLDG.' Drancles ' T,0RONTO ED VIONTON necesearY. INNIPEG''MAN. VANCOUVER