HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-12-14, Page 2,V11111111”11,4•04.
tired Through the Use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
iteport a the Registrar.General Of
tlte United Kingdom.
The has been a strikine- fall -41.z
o e naturalmerease in the
off in the ' 'z' ' -
population of England and Wales
this year. In 31, report issued by
the Registrar -General of the United
Kitigdom it is shown that in the
, Chorea, or as le is more generally quarter ended September 30 births
lknowo, St. Vitus dance, is a, disease exceeded deaths by only 81,645, as
' ;that usually attacks the youne chil- c°ulna ed, -Wll123,022 excess of
elven, though. elder persons uTaV be birth over roeeeideaths in the eorres.
.afflicted with it. Its most e°11mion Pending quarter of 1910 and 123,-
Lsymp,tolia.s, a,r,,en a.a„.et-ewintielhinee ..of the .1309 and 124,054 in the third quarters
In.lase..s. •/ EA / a limbs, As Of /908 and 1909 respectively. The
tne disease Progresses this twitchi.ng nernber a births registered in. Eng -
takes the form a spasms in whiell lard ancl Wales in the third quart -
the jerking motion may be confined er 'of 1911 was 222,601, a rate a 24.4
quart -
' the
to the head or all the limbs may be annually a, thousaud 4 pepulaf
affected. The patient is frequently or 2.9 a thousand below the aven
tillable to hold anything in the birth rate in the third quarter of
bands or to walk steadily, and la•the ten preceding years, It was
evero eases even the sPeeeh is al- the lowest birth rate ever register..
"feeteel. The elisease is due tode-led in any third quarter since the
,laRity of the Aterves and is aiways establishment of official civil regis-
',cured by Dr. Williams' Fink Pine tration. In four large cities of
which euriol tee blood, tone and the United Kingdom outside of and my sleep was broken and tm,-
'Mrengthethe nerves and thus re- England and Wales the birth rate rofr 'ag
of population was ic 4 e,, 1 E.,,i siaco taking Dodds „„‘tile,„..s.,Istze,,,m_ _iis !Let rier _the corn-
ter's), the aufferer to good health, to the tho itby Pi1J 1 au feeling se mucha th 7 al4171; rt. rel.': 1 aleuile4 oirthead- lonPoreddbey,
he following is a etrikieg instance 20.4 in Edinburgh, 26.6 in Glasgow, be
. lams rink re. $ e , le Lieltast. good word for thew!, generativde class, both as regards
__ „ A ter that 1 fpol I. must, say
crime an vice, are reihoved to
Of what Dr Will' , -- . -.el 28 in Dublin and 08 3 "
es,t/I. do ,ibi3 this itriroblo, -Airs, °has. The death rate in these places was
Glasgow, 16,2; sna\ffTeor.eianaDttoecii.d- ,hoiw2.4 1,o3ng . you linav? levoe for treatment. The method
PPae e ee $ wad, Gat*, 445,s „....„,_ Edin.burgb, 14.2;
"At the age of fourteen DIY eldeat DiPrtinile,h'21;51Ataisntdie„Bi eiliultSt'Is1s0,lie9.4j, iu foltii],,,h4c0Khieip yo$u If, nyeo;r1)1}trisoi?bal,en:is° soofiu'ec°-syulri:'; Ip'vgarntfiaitTedaitten;s's at
',44a01,1g1tear'n'dEd.iriltille' tbrencuabmlee dinOtt:elilopTuodu dieate that there will be an achta ,,,,i pleY3. il ;;Yel me -veulA men must ;settle down to regular
ante St. Vitus dance. virst her failing off of 40,000 in the Popula If );.I°Y 2. 3 'Q41 -1Y the eure will he habits ef work-eldefly of a rural
time of Prince in 1011 as compared trouble is of long' charaeter-or the "rest cure" is
•c$'..t:ncitli Illtyollil‘l
ng i will take them longer pushed home to its logical reeult---
'loft erre became affected, then Ihe with 1910. Lvt year the ofe,:ial te ,,,,,, _.,
But they always i they are forced to be in bed for a
left log and "tiro lat side, '0,e registratiou figures ebowed timt o'nr,,,''''' ic,'"'
grew so bad that she actually
in her there \vas a slight deerease, not All, d —,ci eePle frora at Parts of term varying from a, day to three,
could not hold anythingtrend eela a who have heee eared are dr four days. By that time the
Band, and could env go about NCIvilotIldt4b 50u sdtc% beliefvai,tph:tro1410,1?eeoli teziling about it in the newspapers ennui become simply unbearable,
With a sliding, jerking root7on, No - The figures now p .e ente T . 1 4.1311Q5t r‘reT ' day,aed the men are glad to eseape
witlistaild-i,ng that we. were giving COVer the first -six Inisonthsd' 1."111911C11 " ;S from the torture of eheer inaetivity.
bei' medicine, she seemed to be show that there ..Were 14,000°fewer' 4.
Vowing werse, and finally her births aid 26,000 more datliethn) I- '
epeeeh became much affected. We duringthe first six months of 191a0. ''I't 1/41'48 111"-1-!-V' " TRE S• °L1;11,S1..ZIIR3E'RIS) Ilr ZA31-111.3C-
became so much alarmed about her This uiade a net loss of 16,270 in German illueecipality Grows Fruit
Cold sores, ebapped bands, ideers
that finally her father got a supply the population. Along the 3ffighways. and winter eczema are 0011111100
of Dr. 1,Villianis' Pill1; Pills, and we According to the British figure troubles just pow, and ler all tl e
began giving her these. In the the estimated population a the There is a town in German - that ' le"9
. 4 .- ' Zam-Buk will be found the surest
'course of a few weeks she was mueh United Fingdem at the beginning of makes mono ,(m it st e and quickest remedy. Sometimes
better, and before all tItepills were the seeor el half ot :1,0„.,11.5 evtasota4l5Tz.1n1,,,-- LOienildsettili, Tnlininsionn -;ripitaolsa thattre7,; cola soros ariso from dilibiains on
gone elm was again enjoying perfect ' Kg. Subdividing "14
'T. G AleXandr, 'law-
thorne, after twelve years' sufs;
tering, tells the nubile what they
are doing for her.
Hawthoree, Ont., Dee. 11
(Special). -"There is nothing like
Dodd's Kidney. Pills for a, sere
back." That is the sta,tement of
Mrs. T. G. Alex -ander of this plaee,
Loafers and Lunatics in Oemnarlt
Rave Special 'treatment.
About eighteen mouths ago the
Government of 'Denmark, acquired
the Island of Llyoe, of 1,000 acres,
and placed Prof. Kellers, the well-
known psychological expert, in
charge,. There were sent to him
Lor treatment a number of profes-
sional tramps and lunatics from the
State workhouses and asylums.
Prof. Kellers has for some timo
been, a persistent advocate of the
out-of-door treatment of lunacy.
His chief -contention is that fresh air
tones up the nervous system, while
the varied natural objects are cal -
ciliated to arrest the attention of
the patients and dissipate the more
and all her neighbors ag,ree that distressmg sYmPtonts of monomania
she should know, "I suffered for
twelve years from a pain in my
back, Rheumatism and Reart Dis-
ease," Mrs, Alexander continues.
"I was always tired and nervous
attunes prevalent. The author-
ities, however, preferred to effect a
compromise, relegating to the neiv
eanitaeitim. many ,a the criminal
Innaties hitherto held in practically
solitary durence. A peculiarity of
health, This was, in 1$0a, and as land and Wales are given 36,10a,76, roadside fruit trees owinicer? til° •Lb.:, t{J,,,,,t4'11.„‘„?1,nAg:11'1",„;(1„,,,drlin,Atjt„.1(:1,,,,9,1„';
she has not had a symptom of the Seotland .1,706,$00 and Ireland 4,- munleipTatileitaceoylttedaddthsis ‘,..,v,recle)13::111,a- ""';,1,17,-ibe' 1.0-1‘;'0.-41;;;g.; "oi -bio-oci.
uh/e since I feel justified in say- 375«468. The natural increase in 000.
the euro is nermaneete Population -that is the excess of plieation of the beautiful, prt1,1eVell'd POisoning from the dye. Zara-Buk
being AP powerfully antiseptic re T,RY. MUM
sure, you get the geunrine pills births over deaths -was 104,550, The and eeonomie Possibilities embrte d
b axe sold by au mesyjoirte deal- birth rate for England,, Ireland, in the control of each public prop- Ieeves the d"ger 4s won as applied geu. WI "14 N i'e *Wute
Play be had at re). eents a bf,l4X. tSg,t1:an4 and Wales "manned in the ertY as roads is a Atte illustration Mr- W. J. HallidaY, a Ash •Clrove, atsw,-,eraugu."4,te44Ye448^ e
rix boxes for $2.50 !rom The i id qvaiter e)f 1911 was 24.3 D, of the community thrift of the Ger., Out., says; "I had Iny little finger goriZrjr,"itleut,p"„PaP414"1,4 7,
-.mi.& medi,,co Btheuseed of estimated population mans, During the tbra 0 , ion fro. zen, and it eracked at the first 11-0-0-- ift70-- 7,,,'" re**.e"Ye' "es4114".
q Your surplus money, your savings, float most of the big uedertakings
Canada. The bank, loan and insurance CcutPanies, etc., use the money you
deposit with them to buy bonds.
The government charter under which these companies act, restricts them to
certain, kinds of investment. They cannot invest where their money is not
quickly available when wanted, They can and do buy bonds.
when you increase the yield a your mouey it is equivalent to increasing your
principal. Whenyouca,n do this without any sacrificeofsecurity,asisthecasewhen
purchasing bonds, it is a matter which demands your close and immediate attention.
fi Literature on the subject of bonds which we vial send, you ea application,
describes, fully this premier form of investment.
L,PNazioN (eNo.)
Collectors and shippers will find it to their
advantage to get their nameson our mailing
flat. This insum prnmpt receipt of ear (MP'
tations and general information, which will be
ready about the 11.5th of November. You can bo
Litira o fair and liberal treatment when you
fillip Your collention4 to Wagner, Brasier & co
ae Frcmt St,. East, Toronto, got,
Rake tho furnace,
Ohop the wood -
Thus doth winter
Keep us good.
ill that PrOVOS ite Vain
Those of weak etomeeh will fin
strength in Parmelee's Vegetabi
Pills, because they serve to alai
tele the healthful action of the AL
inach and tho liver, irregulariti s
which aro most distressing.
yspeptiee Are well aequainted with
them and value them their pro -
r worth. They have afferded re -
when other preparations have
and have effected eurea In
ailments of long eta:riding where
tiler medieines were found unavail-
"Rut, Jack, yoi
' upportiwo
Jiut won't
V you want_to cell a is.rin. consult
I me.
buy a farm, consuls
1 neva. EOVae, Ot Xliae., best V,rut, etos,
Qrairt or DUt g'grP143, }14 OUtargj,
and prtces right,
'erY bottle. Wv2,ite 114 for ou P
agouis oupplos. W.o.; bavo t
agouoy proyrieltieti AR 04040.
entitae Pec9fillfirY, Amylr i.
4.4 altwrt St, Ottawa,
$)INN -4'5,9
ret 'ese. seenter r
til4osw &a
Kt you get
etteo. Wri or a
• . • ler ne E)0 Salvo 1/4
" aed tlie death rate 15%2 a thousand. weeks' period of ripening sharp. joint, eausing a badore whieh Maptia Tubes, 25o. Bye Boom
nt. 1 eharged freely and would not heal. and Eye Advice Free by mau,
The pain was very bad, arid the Xur1ue Ere Remedy Coe Chleace.
whole of my hand became swollen.
"A friend advised me to try Za,U1-
13131c, and, in a very short time it
healed the sore."
Miss Lillie May, of Stoney Greek,
Ont., says: "A few weeks eince,
several nasty, disfiguring cold sores
auddenly broke out on my lips,
whieh became much swollen. rtried
Zere-Buk, and after a few applica-
tions of this balm, every sore was
Zam-I3uk will also be found a sure
cure for eczema, blood -poison„ vari-
cose sores, piles, scalp sores, ring-
worm, inflamed patches, babies'
eruptions and chapped places,cuts,
buense bruises and Skin injuries
generally, All' druggists and stores
sell at 50C,b0X, or post free from
Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon re-
oeipt of price. Refuse harmful imi-
tations and substitutes.
Tree also Zarc-Bnk. Soap, 250.
tablet. Best for baby's tender skin!
MODERN 31A.N.-0111.111,IAN CITY.
Dairen is Being Orpulzed ott.
Truly Up -lo -date Plan.
The city of Dairen, formerly cal
Dalny, is said to be the most
tup-to-date town in Manehuria.
Here the japanese are spending
large sums annually on street, sew-
er and lighting improvements,. Good
'hotels are maintained by the South
Manchuria railway (vhich is a semi-
' offitial organization)..This line
now runs express, trains four times
al week to connect with the trains
,of the Siberian railway; they are
<unsurpassed in the Far East, be-
ingequipped with pullman eoaches,
dining ears and sleepers. The rail.
way also operates a twice -a -week
steamer service to Shanghai. The
twharves of Dairen are said to be
,the finest in the Far East, vessels
drawing up to twenty-eight feet be-
ing moored alongside the quay. The
lport is open the year round, as
ebbe ice that forms in the bay is
never thick enough to interfere with
navigation. During the year 1910,
1,362 steamers entered this port
with cargo, and 487 in ballast, their
tonnage aggregating 1,637,719.
, Miss Rocksey-"But, papa,
Peorge is a hard-working young
inan." Old Rocksey-"That's it,
exactly. The, man I wish you to
marry must bc able to make money
-without working!"
T.; wi
Do you realize that to go
through life tortured and
disfigured by itching, burn-
ing, scaly and crusted ec-
zeinas,' or other skin and
scalp humors is , unneces-
sary? For more than a gen-
eration, warm baths with
uthira op
And gentle applications of
Cuticura. Ointment have
proved successful in the
most distressing cases, of
infants, children and adults
when all else had failed,
ght,Cutfeura Soar) and 0ax
t re cold
0.ca1cra "everYwht=rc• a liberal
Sami'plo of each, with 732 -page booklet on trent.rncnt
of akin and )1a1r, will he Sent, 3/f)tit-Ul, on apIplica-
tIon to ,'(...'uticura," Dept. CIL% Boston, U. 5. A,
Sores Flee Before It. -There are
many who have been afflicted with
sores and have driven them away
with Dr. Thomas' Ealectrie Oil,
which acts like magic. All similar.
ly troubled should lose no time in
applying this splendid remedy, as
there is nothing like it to be had.
It is cheap, but its power is in no
way expressed by its low price.
On an averaefaa COW yields about
400 gallons of milk a year.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &a,
Row easy it is to -think you would
head the list of philanthropists if
you only had the mammy!
A Cure for Rheumatism. -A pain-
ful and persistent form of rheuma-
tism is caused by impurities in the
blood, the result of defective action
of the liver and kidneys. The
blood becomes tainted by the intro-
duction of uric acid, which causes
much pain in the tissues and in the
joints. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
are known to have effected many
remarkable cures, and their use is
strongly recommended. A trial of
them will convince anyone of their
Extract Teeth With Their Fingers
at a Great Rate.
Japanese native dentists conduct
their business in a manner which
would undoubtedly cause any.
European practitioner to open his
eyes in amazement. The victim is
seated on the ground. The den-
tist bends over him and forces his
left hand between the patient'sjaws
in such a manner that the mouth
cannot possibly be dosed. Then
he grasps the doomed tooth between
the thumb ancl•forefinger of the
right hand and with one deft
wrench removes it and throw it
upon the ground.
So great is the skill of these na-
tive dentists that many of them are
able: 40 remove six or seven teeth
Per minute. Indeed, their skill is
hardly to be wondered at when one
considers the course of preparatory
training they are obliged to under-
go. -,
number of holes are bored in a
stout plank and this is fixed firmly
to the ground. In the holes are
driven wooden pegs and the would
be dentist has to extract them with
his fingers svi-he.ut dislodging the
board. This process is repeated
with a hoard of pine wood and final-
ly with one of oak; and it is only
when lin has succeeded in extracting
the 'pegs from the oak plank that
the Japanese considers himself
qualified to practice upon his fellow
men-Pearson's Weekly.
Mrs, Grouch -Oh, -is there any -
thin, 1 have,n't been through eince
I married you
Grouch (calmly) -Nothing in the
shape of a pocket, certainly.
The Union of South Africa, which
includes the Transvaal Cape Col-
ony, Natal, and Orange Free State,
has a ventilation of 6,000,000 pco-
eyed old watchmen on bicycles pat-
rol the roads, being particularly
active on Sundays, when the people
aro out in large numbers. It i
forbidden to pick up fruit from the
ground, and to knock it from the
trees is subject to a fine of 100
marks ($23,80) or mare for each of-
fence. Laws and regulations or
the general good, however, excite
Such respect on. the part of the Ger-
man that cases of theft of fruit from
the highway fruit trees rarely oc-
pie. ,
Both the Chinese and Japanese
national anthems have the merit
of brevity. The length al most
national anthems is in inverse ratio
to the ',size of their proprietary.
countries. The Belgian "Braban-
comes" is much longer than the
"Marse'llaise" and "God Save The
King." While there are only six-
teen bars in the Russian anthem
and twenty-eight in "Hail, Colum-
bia," the Siamese require seventy-
six bars to proclaim their loyalty,
and the record for length is held
by the San Marino anthem, which
has ninety-seven'or more than four
times as many bars as there are
square miles in the republic.
Safety tnat4ChOS were first
ed in Sweden in 1855,
tte4 bsea ?r
n u ,
Plinard's Liniment Cures Dietomper,
"Was it a ease of love at first
"No, second sight. The first
time he saw her he didn't know
she was an heiress."
Mdclen transition from a It t
tt cold temperature, exposure
rain, sitting in a draught, unseason-
able substitution of light for heavy
elothing, are fruitful ,-causes of
eolcle and the resultant cough so
perilous to persons of weak lungs.
Among the ninny niedieines for
bronchial discaders so arising, there
is none better than Riekle s Anti
Consumptive Syrup, Try it and
become convinced. Price 25 cents.
never loved before."
She -"But how can you prove
Be' -"By my savings bank book.
There's a deposit every -week for
the past four years."
Haralins Wizard Oil is recom-
mended by many physicians. It is
used in many public and private
hospitals. Why net keep a bottle on
hand in your own home?
South America is nearly twice as
large as the whole of Europe.'
tviinard's Liniment cures Outwit In Cows.
If a girl has a figure like a
. .
-pin she agmes she is
slender and graceful.
To have the children sound and
healthy is the first care of a mother.
They cannot be healthy if troubled
with worms. Uso Mother Graves'
Woha Exterminator,
"My! you wanted fried potatoes,
didn't you V' said-tlie careless•wait-
ress, as the customer in the restau-
rant finished his meal and rose to
leave. -- "
"That's all right answered the
patient man. "I've wanted , so
many -things all my life that I
didn't get. I'm used to
st Toastie.s are a Canadian Product,
Marie by
anadian Postom Lercal Co., Ltd.
Pure Food Factories
Windsor. Ontalio Canada
ED. 7
"Did anyone call while I was
out, Norm?"
"Yis, mum, a. gintlemun
I don't know his name, but I could
show you his face, as there's four
of him up on your dressin' table."
I was cured of terrible lumbago bY
I was cured of a bad case of earache bY
I was cured of sensitive lungs bY
tt Ft
bc:a nInt ('aatwh
Turkey's Arrnynplaced on a, war
footing, totals one million men.
IViinard's L.Initnent curs Diphtheria,
Treat a man like a dog and it will
make hien mad -even if- he doesn't
develop hydrophobia.
Holloway's Corn Cure takes the
,.corn out by the roots. Try it and
prove it.
What is the true comparison
between the power of Niagara and
the Victoria Falls in South Africa? '
The answer is that the flow at Ni-
agara varies between 62,000,000 and
10d,000,000 gallons per minute;
that, at Victoiia is as low as about
5,000,000 gallons in August. The
mean available drop et Niagara is
160 feet and at Victoria 380 feet.
Hence, while the minimum Niagara
flow represents about 3,000,000
horse 'power, the Victoria flow in
August represents only 580.000
horse -power, and accepting the
stateme-its of local c;ntborifies tlmt
in November the flow of Victoiia
drops to only -2.500,000 gallons rer
minute, the mininar-T, borEie-nowor,
there can be only about 0-1,e
of Niagarq's .Thc,
50-11 iinuin of Victoria is ii(A; .7.1V01-1
Cleaning. This et, Ipocialty with the
ritleh Arnorloon oyeina- Go'
etul partiralembr post, and .we an' *en, oivttiAliY..
addrose Box 158, MottE
The Heart ofa. Plan
Action. Insist
Member Standard Stock en,
Gorrospontleneu I
33 111ELTIV DA ST.
You would not think of cutting down
Your bay or grain with hand scythes,
and you should not use ou pots and
Pans. Install a "Champion" and make
more and better syrup With less time anti
fuel. More revenue at a reduced cost.
Why not try this? We have one that will
just suit you. Yen are sure to win. Write
for free booklet. TRE GRIMM MFG. CO.,
LIMITED, 58 Wellington St., Montreal.
On the shores of the United King-
dom last year fish to the value of
mare than eleven millions sterling
was landed.
.c -
ENte appli.Oation for Man-
or beast. Everyone ,knows of
the wonderful qualities in the,
Oil ol the STUE,GIl01\1 for
sprains, lameness, etc.
De, Dow's formula has it in
i.ts best,form. Eor Rheumatism
Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings,
etc., it cannot be equailed.
satifiedit.oncepranica2c51 you will be
4„5f4 YOUR
The Braylay Drug Co., Ltd.,
ie Props. St. John., N. B,