HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-12-14, Page 1eeereafeerreeee.;- - -aerete.., ;77,7=-7377,77,7, TwpNTy-FouRTE[ YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, TRURSPAY1 DECEMBER 14, 1911. SA 1' ERS & CREECH Local. Items A„rehie Hodgert„ traveller, is borne, being laid up With an injury to MO foot, A. younz lady of. tovatt infornaS ua'that o Sunda- last site peeked several dan, delions, terhich, is certainly very opus - Val for Decembee 10th. The 3iew11,7-orgaotaed band made their first appearance in public on Meartekty evening at the Conservative meeting fer ltearing the returns and, played ever - n excellent ety/e.AXI Were loud in, t pra4ao o there:Mark- able prog're44 the band has Made under t.tte, leadership o Xr. , Treble, Mr. Shute, who iS ectgaged n ineielie large Pi9e ori tbe Presby- terian eltatreh, as:Slated the „choir of the 'IV/vitt Menacirial Cetnrch Stnidav eVe ening leet, During the perviee e atle del'ed eel° magtiltiCeet velce, a manner thet delighted the large cengregattian. Mr. Shute has a deep voice of rents.ricalale volUrrie, 'PP ,••1•114010,11` ThOS. Fatlitson, who 3'eeentlY startled the world by saying 'lie wetald„ make it peas;ble to build, etracrete !tense for .$1000, now declares' tlitak, in the near euttarat he will pet en te 5.1i,xeRe" erete furniture. The concrete 'surface (•a,7!. etatized ea 'ate la> 109k like any keel ef wood desired, and Mr. Edineu that neWIY-Wetle, instead or aderniag their llamas on 'the inataltnent :Ian with, $750 worth of dubious., Chairs 1-4bic,'C.,tr.. C4 a in,Nre.9t 1$:100, and, rival "palatial res4sdences" with. their tits- • plays A goola THING. IN STORK.e-Mr. J. 7elarkitatn, %Vito has 'Under trainiziga. wainbei, ot echelars ot, the Trivitt nein^ 't/Mil2bratrch Sunday School anti others.. „.3,1 preiti;tat tax Pantomime. "Snow. 1044 Anti the Teti Dwarfe," in the. ri. littuae era T weltit Dee, 'Tito prepla of E%cter have not forgotten the eXcellest Performance. fa! taintilar nature Put onundthc amc ape aa: yvar, and thia pro - :Eta to Car elect. evon OVA affair. Ta ,niMetirag ap;mt0111010 Ittta, been staged those4'srt ettamrse with remark/tido cern Pleteness at see,rtie detail. and effect, and is bound to Provo lute:eating and en- 40:Diva to Wahl old and young. To tilteS it NvOttlil b9 111.`tlit a treat. 1 pays for The Advocate to Jan. 1 1913 A beautiful array of FRESH Benbone, PUBLIC UTILITIES j Whitney Government Endorsed DEATI CfrV' :4' A. WILLIAMS boxe4 from -25c, to $1,50. --Statham% The Advocate will 1)e sent to any addreas in Canada till January 3913 for $1..00 ANNUAL EAZAAR,-Tha, Ladies Guild of TrivItt 3.1entorial Ciattreh held their Bazaar in the Opera4lottee last Friday - The buildeng was beautifully decorated with hunting and, or'.iarrtental Paper 'de- signs and festoons. The usual sale of articles was earriied (men. the afternoon and evening. FrOal 5-30 to 8 a very eleborate tea was served', the tablea beautifellse arranged, and decorated tete Power, Part,401: the buficlitig, which leade itself adnairablY or banquettlog. PorPoeco. The protaram which began at 8.30 was t -11y aPPraciated- Mr. Shoot contributed three solos. His fine rich teess was pronounced the best Fr.eier has, heard i'er a on tittle, Mrs. Man - sea and Mr. Harden gave 'reading* which were well received. mice Eillett o c'''Lltrali.", Vi"1"-G always favorite wit Es‘ieter audiences, eang two num bers with SPIelidial effect, while the duet by itlissee ii,iceacue and Follick was much aPpreciated. Iiseett gave two PiaTe> •e10s in ,exoeilent, form )Usp J'srnanaecomPaalled all the singers r usual effieient manner. The pro- cezde amounted to about $3,15. HDARING THE RETURNS J.,..tberals had the Town Hail and • Conservatives- the Opera, euse an Nroaday evenings te, hear the returns of e instrumentals, by Fart spark - the eleetiens X titer latter place an fin- PromPtu. program wars eettslitt- man, ogles by Me .17:8 ,Settiors (Wet bY Tom Carling and Herb Southcatts selec- tiana. by the town hand anti the Ilith Jut?' bantl, end addresses were delivers. • ur th,o' ettairitUtt Ls H. Dicinton, W. P Werdonlatennier slid 11,-.v NV V7 .1 The results beitt;r Just abOut • expzated there w‘s* no ,reat arnovnt, of enthusiasm in either Vann). although tr;..a. Conservatives w.cre well pleased with t't0 OUWOMS LOW RATES FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR EXCURSION v'a Grand Trunk Railway System be - ▪ alt stations In !,Cana.da, also to Niagara Fella and. ttftalets N. Y., Port Huron and Detroit, Mich. At single fare (minimtun charge 25c.? oed gOing Dec, 23, 24, 25. Return Itmit Dec. 2(4'10111. Ale° gpod going Dec. 80, 31 and Jan. 1. Return limit Jan. 2, 1012, At Fara and One-Th:4:d (minimum charge 25e.? good. going Dee. 11 tO, 1,' Inclusive, Return limit ' Jan. 3 1012. Full particulars from any Grand, Trunk Agent. t , A1ZLING S PHONE IS ISTMAS SHOPPING -Just fifoa days till Ob.ristaus for you to do your shOpping so come early and get your • choice before they are all picked out. LADIES HANDKERCHIEFS • IN HEMSTITCHED., LINEN EMBROIDERED AND, INITIAL. ED. THE LAItGEST ASSORT- MENT EVER SHOWN PRICES FRO,M Pc. TO 5oc.! LADIES TIES LADIES EMBROIDERED COL L,ARS • IN ALL SIZES AND FANCY COLLARS, ALSO LAD JES TIES OF ALL KINDS ,AT ''FROM 20c. TO 75c. COLLARS AND LADIES SCARFS AND GENTS MUFFEERS IN THE NOTED BRADLEY MUFFLER IN ALL SHADES. AL SO A GREAT MANY STYLES, AND SHADES OF. OTHER MUFF LERS AT 25c. to $2.00, GENTS TIES THESE TIES ARE OF THE LADIES CROSS AND DIAG- ONAL STRIPES IN ALL SHAD- ES. AND CAN BE ALL BOX ED SEPARATE IF NEEDED AT 50c. cogPLETE. M17FFLERS - _ papa SCARFS WE HAVE THEM IN A LONG --WOOL •MCARF AT 60c. ALSALL SCARF'S IN BLACK, WHITE A. D BLACK fc !WHITE tIIED AT i1.25 AND $1,50 ALSO MUFFLERS AT 50c. GENTS SUSPENDERS G -L -0, -VES, SOX AND COL LARS, 'ALL, O' THE -LATEST STYLES.? p0A1E IN AND IN- , SPECT GuR GoGos, WE A.RE SURE THAT THEY WILL SuIT YOU. ' PECIAL—A. great slaughterin prices 11 assware and Chinaware a great variety moderate prices. New Raisins, New New Peels, New Dates, New Figs. -- he best for the Christmas tra „hert prices paid for all kiFi „,. • 4.t The people Of Exeter will have an opportlAnity at the corning municipal el- ection of deciding In favor or against A -farther eX"Peneleture to extend our we -ter eystern, and also the introduction or Hydro-Etectrte r..11, our, town. The pro - pet time to discuss questions Or this kind, ts While• they are befoze 'us, not when they have Passed. The first duty of Qua CalzettS 0:Elt well as Mon!ciPal authorkies should 'be to secure the greatest goad to the gretest number, After all the great Purpose of eriuniciPal erficere is to secure For t.a PeoPle that ve-lx!ckt contx,93trts the nioSt to ttlef,rcOtu7 fort, convehleoce,!"'..APPittess- and. con-. tentment The fatst step to these; is to encourage titdu,stries It is decidedly against basineso principies to assist eompethtive ones with public funds, hut oust, az.wt Prodager A new bine• of goads, or bee: stR1 ate wise ishe-d product will he raw Material :or atiother, and this ia eventually what will be the. natural -result whe0:a1/14st- atriv'ty is cetee' fen elotten Its ()Ede; to mala iadiet a PPeeibilitY, cheap water, pewer and, lig/It are tat:1- '0es that must ba present to attract tone Every citizen should tiee te It that the OPPartarittyo aceueing theee tIt'lftlea Shenk/. be ae they are the rnoderrn means eC success. Wilat do industries Mean to as town? Charles Kingsley, a atotcd 4liairs once said, "Work will be -'d i. you, teloPerance and selt-contral, diligence and sstrength.ot che?rfulnese anal eeedellt, and a hundred virtues which the idle never •knows" ')IutliciPal officers should ba prepared to cape with big deals and carry them to a Paint whe,re they will not loe burdens, but to Sarvo• tr.O. Peo- Ple, and become ralentte--, p--oducers, Ts applies to puthlie utilities and indust- ries as welts An industry In Gala town p:t'd out last year ever t.-,'"51,000., I; is net ea important trrfatien haw much of the P;oPle's inencY Xs spent annually but bow nauest du the p='opte get back an thai.r enveetinerit. We should teat tette .1."Wit 0: the fact that the peoples and no:, the pos of briolc* and mortar, constiztAtte astown. and 1: w;',/ Can sp0nd $1.0.0110 0: tilt• 11.70P100 Money to e,stah- li,elt Indus:tees that will return to he People an amount, o:milar to the above nilltuallY, directlY e' intPrectly, can thls • s • not be considered a pe-rmanent hut/rove- ar an assatt which can be taken 4./Ito inventorY annually, and, It W had halt a. dozan more ot thin elatte ot th- duatrXe in tOwn,who wOuld worry alxeut Patring taxeS7 S. :Ms. S. CONSERVATIVES 83 LIEEtALS2 AND LA-Ealq 1 ea Whh east; a, dee P g;l0Q111,. Over 2 the village of Zurich. and surrounding' commartity occurred last T'stUrsdaY at a.m., that of.klinta., J. A. • who hasbean a reaident of. that place Efe,HER RE-EL,ECTED in 8, HUN RO NIUSGROVE .AND PROUDFOO'r IE THEIR SEATS CONSERVATIVES WN S. PERTH The result ,or the Oricaro electiOrt 0,0„, i+Ionday was nollastig more than was' ex Peeted• The 'wheY Covertunent was endorsed by ahneee. the sante large ma Jor'4I. A few chatigess were made here add there, with the result that the Leeherala raad'.' a net gam of, feu.: seats tnalc'41.9" the Cover:in-teat majority "a the ti.ext 1,-.7g-nlatate 90 instead oi" 49., as '1 tle last sessitaa. Tae cah.net. were all retttr;led, "rhe wt tl aci CO N SEll VATI V L' $ Addlregton-W. JO, Black, at mg114-Arb,..4rr Gy 327 Brant Noete.--„Toen W. Westbreok 190 Bra,art. Seuth-W, S. R7ewater d70 Doeovan 000 Parieteri-11. Ifs steEiroy I:miter:A-C. itleKeav,rn g00 Dundas -Kr James eViteney 1000 Darhent ElPt-J, J. Preetoe Acel. Ottcham H. Dev"./tt :1433 Ltn East -Cas. Brower 500 Etn Weet-F., G. MeDiarmid 12,1.16 Eeeex. Nearth-Hon J, 0. Itentme 200 yae Seuth-Dr. O. N, •Anderson 132 Fart W. Jarvis 100 Franteaac-Atshhony 'Rankin 950 Grenville -G. Feggusaa Acct. Grey C,nire-Iloa, Is R. Lucas 1220 Grey Jamieson 340 rialtea,-Dr, A. W. Nixon eletztilteit .1. 8. Henairie 1500 Itautinge Glint Acel Hastings Ny-- erJ, It, CooAc lie Mt lIsietings Wtsat-J, W. Jehnston )vi Huron, NtorthAs .1,1tiegrove .2=41 iTuron Sautit-iienry 275 ICenora-el. C. Mae:aila 200 Kt Weat-CeOrge W. Sulatan 910 1%sns, son Dr. A. E. Ross Accl, La.mbton Wcot--,Hon. w, fronno, tins, Lanark South -Hon. A, J. Matheson ac. Lanark North -R, V. Preston Acct. 014,--.101141 11, Da.rg,avel 200 L3anor.-T. alland Ctrac 4 I 78 ,issineoln-70r. Jessop A.cci, London -Hon. Adam Deck • Acci. Manhoulin-B. It. Gamey 070 Middlese* North.--Iihuican INfcArthttr 83 Niuskolta-A. A. )IallatrY 000 N. pi s a:11-4-14. ,fartil 500 Not,1 rfolk 4Sou1,--A. C. Pratt 859 9r0 p for about twel1V-rsfale Yearla. EILBER AND MILLS/ SPY.] HERE Northumberland 11. Nesbitt 4 The Uticat meeting In the Opera House on Wednesday night ot last -week veas a most enthusiastic one. The meet - erg was ln the lateresta of. Mr. H.Eilbet thcConservative candidate. The hall was well filled arid, the chairman was Mr. W. B."'Weitlenhampier, mine:pal of the "Exeter School. The speakers were Mr. Either and 'arr. ;Walter Mille, K. C., of Rid,getown, son1 of the late I -Ton. DavidMilia. Mills. Mr. Either in a fine speceh showed, conelusivelY the fact that the wilitney, Government had done a gnat deal of good. work for the people of the Prov- ince In the seven years of 'their being !n power. He named; and explained much or the good legislation, dealing partic- ularly with the effects of such legisla- tion in Huron County. Both the rallwaY taxes and the educational grants had been doubled. $12,770 had been given Huron County as thele share or the railway taxes. $14,693 in one year. came to Huron for educational purposes. Walter Mills delivered the most elo- quent, well prepared and convincing ad- dress ever delivered from a political plat- form in Exeter. Whitney had. proven to, be- the sante in power as in opposition - a strong, fearless, and honest states- man, determined ,to do his best to give the province gped, government, in which he had eminently succeeded. He compli- mented the riding upon their represent- ative, and paid a very high tribute to Hon. Adam Beck apd Hon. W. J.Ilanna praising the Hydro -Electric scheme, the prison farm, the enforcement of the iicense laws, and the Whitney Educa- tional policies. Be sho,wed by compar- ison with other professions and calling's the need or the increased training for teachers as afforded by the Normal Schools. I FOR SALE About 1000 red bricks. Also wheel barrows and ecaffoldings. Apply to SUPT. NEW BANK 'OF COMMERCE PROPI-tAeel-4.TION VILLAGE OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION. • Public. notice it hereby g.iven that a Trfeettit,- of the _elector's of the ,Village of Exeter will be ,held in the Tewnl Hall, Exeter, on FRIDAY, DEC. --red, 1911, at the' hour of i.12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of .ntaking and, receiving tiotnin- a.tiCone for Reeve, Councillors and School Trustees for the ensuing,And fur- ther notice. Is aeneeby. given that 'in ,the event of more candidates beir,g propesed for the offices' than ro,ctu,ired to be el- 'ected, the meeting ,v111- - be adJOureled un- til MONDAY, JAN. 1, 1012, when polls W.1..1 be "vested at 9 aan., closing •at 5 p.m. at the following places as fixed by Village by-law, v-iz,- Poll No. 1.---S2as Handford 's resid- ence, by Edward Treble, D.R.O., ansi Herb. Ford, P011 Clerk. Poll No. 2 -Town Hall, by Vi",. D. Weekes, alt.oe and, los. Davis, Poll. Ontario Noi H. Hoyle 050 Ottawa East -N. Champagne 1,300 OttawW 7 a t . A. , E 11.s. Parry Sourid--Johe Gahm 9,000 600 Peel-Sainuel Charters 700 Perth North -J. Torrance 400 Perth South -John Benneweiss 18(1 Peterborough E.-3. Thompson 325' ?eterborough. W. -E. A, Peck 700 - Port _Arthur -Don. Hogarth 350 Prince Edward -R. A. Norman 100 Rainy River -W, A. Preston 130 Renfrew Nerth-E. A. Dunlop Ace]. Renfrew South -T. W. McGarry Accl. Soult Ste, Mario -Hon. W. PIlearat Ac. Shricoe Centrc--A. B. Thompson 97 Simcoe E. -J. L Hart 850 Shncoe South -Alex Ferguson eked Slmcoa West -Hon. J. S. Duff Acel Stormont -J. C. Afilligan '350 Sudbury -Chas McCrea 1300 Temiskaming-R. T. Shillington 250 Toronea East "A"-Hoa.11. Pyne 2,321 Toronto E. "8"-T. Whiteside 1,712 Toronto North "A"--McNaughti 3,825 Toronto North "B" -J. Foy 510 Toronto South. "A"--3. Ovens 1,554 Toronto South, 'B"-Gooderham 1,809 Toronto West 'A"T. Crawford, 3,537 Toronto West "B" -McPherson 3,221' Victoria East -R. A. Mason • Acel. Victoria West -Dr. Vrooman 85 Waterloo North -Dr. Lackner' 200 Waterloo South -G. Patttinson 700 Welland -E. Fraser . "Wellington Southi-Scholfield Wellington West -W. Chambers Wentworth South -J. Regan York East --A, McCowan 550 York North -T. Herbert Lennow 800 York West -Dr. Forbes 'Godfrey 1,278 LABOR • 650 700 225 200 Hamilton --Alan St,udholine LIBERALS Bruce Centre -W. McDonald • 98 Bruce North -C. ,Bow -man , ' 135 Bruce South -J. AnderEgon_ 300., ctiengetar-H. Munro • 3e0 Grey North -A. McKay • 550 1-laldimand--Chtistopher. Kohler 450 Huron Centre -W. Proudfoot 150, Kent East -Waiter Ferguson ' -220 Lambtort East -R. MCCormick • 150 Middlesex East -Robert Sutherland 20 Middlesex West-J.IBIliett 400 Monck-T. Marshall • 230 •Norfolk- North -T. Atkinson . 300 .Northumberland. , 250 Ontario South -W. E. Sinclair , 280 Oxford North -Newton Rowell 500 Auction Sale Oxford Seeth-T. Mayberry - 100 Prescott --Gustave Evanturel 250. OF FARM S,TOCK 500 lyeare ago Jr health f.alled.; two OPeo- iations :were perffOrMed, and all that. Mecr‘cal could possibly do walS dolle Durinx that tinke, SherWas attie to be up, and around with the family Until pen welesirs ao, when ,p'he b‘ee_asnr-) con, a feted, to. her bed. A, week age, she tooic leotivule:ons frOhn which she. never fuily traltleds. althoosr4 ttraza she i'410V1 her joYea, 04?a, W"0 41,), earne l'Iort-r," and gathered a•-,,',QUnd het. On Tuesday a cern COrlda0.1 ,t3he gradaaNY sank and 1,-ecalrw. uneals:pu-s o.ra T)arsda:•7 'She '7.411E0 etern- :t. :'Te dfased Wa's; of a Mild, lovirg cheer:7M, Cli";istiain ditillefiitiOn and was ar3vor:tQ with old and yon, ,w?. -e. attested du- l4w her lamt Weas Ita,- the lrott-l3' o' friends ItY the or- aI !offerings at the .tudvral, and ,the tae PP710P1Tr.14,011 00,t4f,nTla to Pay their Last retiPeet3. ands toll r • It 170at,'LTZ' place. She wee a Ceirlatieti , ePe many years ansa While hvalth at- tentle.d ttie Porv-.7.47.-,-1,9,, of, the clarreet Sae wata also. IMOitee.7 Ttc4 since Rix erganizatien heresin Zureh, and wag, always witttey to eo part in the week. She leaves besidea r5arrOWin' husband, six et1:14r0.3-.1`.4Vee dattelterf3r :Nir4. it, IL Whitetaide, Kcnapt Ethel and, EVA at home. three roes Calve of Beffe.10' 'Deedie Ana Robert r";“ hente eat, eiater., gra. •P',. Etinee,three brothere, Jake. of St. Patti, Minn. Dan- iel et Care, Mich, David ot a8. Tae tuatral services' wt' ducted .loy V, Drown Sunday at, Aeration at o'clock at the teal- detit, theme to the elettrelt where a Snappy Bargains 111 ill as Gifts For en B 4.1.14eral sermon was preached. from Rev. 14-13, the cheer and Itanktie sisters mi ligAr amyl9et, singing at/Prop:141e musics atter wisich M.. Vir 116,,;.-1 I a „, — saterment was macre in U01,115011 '1411t, cemetery. At EXETER SCHOOL DOAN") Dec. 11 -Regular meeting neld in the) Town Absent T. U. Carling and • MOS:Yd. The follow„,ing tatualnego was duly 'approved, Per chair -Minutes or tepr:giv,Loulavoodrae,et::intiftstwitrluirptillcont Cootnuipy- ;lace inspected, leakage in root not re - wood available at 5,50 RePaire- ttr". On any article; pa.tred; ,1,,,,,witt..1-41.ettaa deterred un- til re -assembling of parliament ; Prin- • clpal--11. S. attendance. 4,?7, 'work Progrea M the store we sing well, boys d111 under Scr-Majar, Hector enjoyed by thalboys and his prey- • tng effective for discipline, and *better' • PhYsical bearing, line strength 50. Per give you tram one Old Stand Niartin and Iluston--That the pe.lielPal's report ba adopted. Per. H. Huston and F. W. Gladman-that the supplies re- quired b? referred to the auppliee cow, Per S. Martin and/H. Huston that, the following payments be approved, Cred- !ton Star, advertiaing, 1.50. SPeclal report par F, Gladman that Mr. Hector be engaged at $1 ipar hour, ,subject to, approval, to conduct physical drill exer- cises datring the winter months twice a week. Per H. Hutton and S. Martin - teat the report en Physical dgiu be re- ce!vec1 and the engagement ot Mr. Hee tor confirmed, tam2 to continue to the Easter holidays. Per Gladinan and Martbe-That the inspector's favorable report b.? adopted, anclora- S. Martin and Huston -That the purchase of more wood be left to the discretion of the char. afartin-Adjournment. J. Grigg, Sec. • BIRTHS lforgan-In Hibbert, on Dec. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, a ,son. ' MARRIAGES Holt-Germette-At Grand Bend, Dec. 5, Roy I-Iolt to Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. Frank Germette. , Tuffin-Canapbell-ba Mitchell, on Nov. 30th, Mr. Francis Edwin Tuefin, to Miss Eva Jane Evangeline, daughter of Mrs. George Batson, both of Helt-, , bent. Andrews -Hill -In Clinton, Dec: 6, Nellie daughter of Byard Hill, to Francis W. Andrew, son of Mr. and IvIrsI Homer Andrew, all of Clinton. Coats -Brown -In Clinton, on Dec. 4th, Jessie Brown of Toronto to William T. Coats, Clinton,. - DEATHS O'Meara -In Lucan, eDec. 7, Margaret ' OMeara, aged 79 years. , . Banner -In McGellivra.y, on Dec. 4th, Edward Harmer, of Grand Rapids, MIcia. aged 43 Years'. Russell--Dumaige Rapine 1,80 Sturgeon Mageau 100 Wellington :-E.-. -ltichardben 299". Wentworth 3: li4cOueena 25 "., "V"' • .. , It eeems that -the complete retuthe- Lor South. Huron are always the hard- est to get. However, the official LOr- ures -win appear netct week, Inthe , tilearatme. We give below the inajerities - tie different municipalities as Sar as can be definitely ascusted.-•.• - , • ' ' ,,111'. bli° s,H"" -7-7./i'tt8,Niel--Iiiitlf;"C.r'cr>°F'4'a2"91111}'I A4Ife't iisita:1;rif;i:leridt,,,, .'"layer, Peale , „ • - . , ak4 , Poll" Noe4.-Ate..., by., R. G.eSeldearr`a, Pbk.i3oTa ' Poll Clerks , ,,, Ple „ ,' '-,s4.:1-id alt electors ti^r0"14erel),si, recitti,, ,_ to .talce notice and ' govern,tiventsi44, aciord.trigly T. 13., CA.B.LING, , ;Officer. .,.." en Lot 30, Con. 2, .CSBOR-NE, on WED ;•,.TEspAY,.. placr,3E:R. 27th, at one, "O',1oplt,' sharp, the following 'property, ,HORSES -1 choke mare 1 -yr -old, sup posed to ba 3n foal, agricaltaral ; 1 ie1ding,,3-yr-old, agricultural; 1 strong driving mare, .supposed to be in foal to Voltaire; 1 driving mare 3,yr-old,. quiet and reliable ;I •Percheron sucking colt 1 filly sticking colt. • • CATTLE --1 -renewed cow; 1 cow due n January; 2 caws due an. Marcs; 2 cows dee in April':;1 cow tlue iii May; 1 cow due :n June ,e; 3 steel's. , a heifers, 2 -yr -old; 7 -yearlings 'and atteartisa Hods -Four sows. sewa due en Februaere"2"-adiWe clee. March, '6',store .riegstei;;;I:,,8":0`titto- 1'Os'Xively oo reset74 Tere:- arid rr-18,-., a, amount 8 mos. erecli‘tIecOteenai, 20?Peeved Jaint netee. discount.,%' .989 ' 4.04 • cit for CANIE1RON, Atte third to one half off the regular - price. Smoking jackets, fancy vests neck scarfs, neck- ties, collars, hats, caps, gloves, shirts shoes, suits, over- coats, etc.., At the Exeter - Bargain Store you will find endless - variety of fancy slippers for men_ women and child- ren. - Also many nov. elties suitable for Xmas gifts. 13awdell's 01(1 Staii,„ ere xeter 13argaih S ore, 18 -15 tion: ,f,b1-‘14N,64,4; ric •