HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-12-7, Page 8TILE 1XETER ADVIIGATEI THURSDAY, DECEMBER q, 1911 11 all an Winter Clothing s time you, were thinking about TOOr cold weather clothing, 'We are prepaid tO soprdy yoo with a Wee Fan Cr Winter suit of the hest mo.tert,t1 the latest style and finish at a price that cannot be beaten. TrY, ni and we will give you sat- isfactton. _CT N Merchant Tailor E teter, ▪ Ontario EXETER MARKEis ca4Nago aiiera. WEDNESDAY Wbg,44 :4444444 44 tt 411 SO t * 44 4 44 t t P-t•r4.180, Ba(1041e4444.41 4,.444t4 CO' Bats, 44 4a $47. 1. 00 ?otatoee, per bag., 4 4** 74 90 Eay, per ola , 1300 "lotkv.,„ per OWtr..1 7Zawily 2 00: I. r.1001,4 tow gra,de w* 50 Tr, 13A,10,Ler.,,,—.2,9*•,.1,,,I.P.,,A ,„4. 2820 Uvb*, 0 Shorts pet20 Bran per ten .0* - Sugar Beet meal ...--. 24 00 Pcwilti*y ASIC. FORSPEGLATA ,yog ctuavorm$ POVLTRY. See our Gowerelment FacIted, $py APidea. pot op „In bushel DOWO at JONES & MAY $1.7* per bar. 1AA Giris Wanted for 'Factory, ,$5,00 per week to start with for girls eighteen itaid , over. d'itldress itnatediately D. 3. Perrin ee; Conipany. Limited. London, ()zit, Genuine Gut Glass in Salts and Peppers, Bon Bon, Berry Bowls, Water Pitchers and Olive Dishes are expected this week.-Stewartls. )4)1.1tRIAGE LICENSE. -Get your mar- riage license at the Advocate Officer, The in.rgest assortment of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Tioiet Sets, Water Sets, Berry Sets, and Fancy China, ever shown in Exeter. Come in and look around. --Stewart's. VOUND.-A spottet fox hound, bitch. (now with pup.) Owner can have same Iv proving property mid paying Apply to J. Q. Snell, Cook N- 'borne. HENS FOR SALE-Chcap, 3:1 Whit Leghorna and Barred Rocks, A PPlY T ALDINGTON, Thames Road. We have warm Kozy Slippers for every member of the family The prices are very reasonable -Stewart's. AUCTION SALES -Farmers and othr es having auction sales will do well to have their bills printed, here and have their sales advertised in the Advocate. It reaches all the people. Handkerchiefs for EVERY- BODY in Silk, Linen, Swiss Lawn and Silkeen, with em- broidered and hemstitched ed- ges at Sc. to $1.00 -Stewart's. The Advocate will be sent to any addreas ln Canada till January 1913 for $1.00. VOGELCESANGS REMEDIES I now offer ray fever remedy to the public. I guarantee to cure typhoid fev- er at any stage la from two to Lour hours, with outside application. No bad effects from treatment. Your doctor will be 'welcome to watch the treatment First treatmant free. For further part- iculars apply to WM. M. BLATCHFORD Exeter, Ont. What would ' please mother or father more than a lovely warm pair of our Mocho or kid gloves? $4.20 to $1.75. -Stew art's. The Huron Beekeepers Association hold a ineettrig iinr the Town of Clinton on Dec. 14ttli at 10..30 a..arf. All ,onterested are requested to attend. Pro vZncial Apiarist, Mr. Pettit of Guelph, and others will address- the ineeting. Women Read This PARISIAN SAGE PUTS 1,1.3STER INTO DuLL, FADED HA.IR Every women reader of the Advocate who dei -re a radiant hair that everyone admires, should go to W. St, Cole to- day and, get a large 50 cent bottle at Parisian Sage. " It le not only a delightful and re-, xreshirla hair dresalni and beautifier inet ir is sold under - -rgid`t• guaraotee to bana'sh dandruff, strot3 failing hair and itching scalp, or money back. Fari319.4,1. Sage its the best hair tonic known. It la the only ono that Will cure 41-ardruff, cleanse the scalp and make ow-, long and beautiful. 2g1"0"grikr LOCAL DOINGS. iluoi.:14-1-::14.5236L-igkAlv,aels,a19g.aflx Threa. week§ to Potatoes so/d at $1, week. , seeders apPle has tifecovered Nevada. , Mrs.',.1. G. Statibnrya:t o to durirkg the week, Nc) doubt there are chee. but. (Pd. you ,ever sea one Mr. Robert Leathern of, istznas TOronte last ace!dentY: .ted Tor" town part of last wee, Rev,..Bla.tchford Of centre the MaAtt Stmet Mr. Andrew Anderson ha oPened a generLI .e,-.C4!M, ..t1 Exeter orth, Mr. Tilos. Brooks ame. move4 this week to Clarideboye reside- M.Iss Lizzie 1$ at the ,honte Iter strater, " re, MAIlOtt4 Mr. R di T s moved :alto Cie late Wm, P'Iwelen's resfxlence, Ep naltt: rkk"sa hear fr the Jubilee Sing- e.s tbs. atuss,i,Street ettlt church, Hawra ,.1?TsIa".11 preae PaNleeS. Je.nrs Street enttreh ror.,75.t San4ay. givers- adon, was occupied Vre hana•. hea d, of a -,vornan bstrag. sPe7eltleSs t"rldf;;7:"-ation, but we nev.?-v $AW 7w. Man who itaws alwaYel' 1410kl.zg fo;r:` soul?. owed:0,47.s wolt Xtst .1W ATt'Vgear of arnia, fOrMerly has hzen •ruade adjUtant of • 33t4 Sitt0104 411ent. Hhas aeeeptC(1 the PoS!tlen Ot.erga.11st ten PreshYterlan c*kurch. and etfs, el'aa ;Ifs duties SAntlak fteXt, IrTk, ConkterratIV$ COP 4%gree 'room are zraed over k,Irek. Mery store, AU fav, 'orable to r`lie eleer.4.") kr! Mr. Eater are NKValll" favelted, T.10 tOw staeoa ,raliOlY rer- Thtt ro and at.. or *Ifteriere 'have bee cornPletedk andlt Ie. In e, ape for eccupaUcark. by Chrfetruae, ' Mr. and Mrs, Arta (at :Alen, ot OttaNt'a evangel:sta. closed a !err aucecestut aerfea e.pecial race' e on Monday ,everal,a4' laet fa -the Ja. e street ocre church -was, accors- At this time, yc tat:es and other accounts niust paid, the cats is ItItteitl T.Ncitet,!' of money, and we would. esteem, It a p=1 nal favor if sub.. 'liro leek, t the labels on tl.eir papers and em t :amounts, 4u at once, • end ael. Next eprIng there 11 WE deinia.114 for bou4i4 to be 4 grain at good Prices- Tae hot V6, which Passed. over Ontario while the grata was fill- ing caused a lot o' t to shrink. Phump graixt be at 'a itirentIum: Tta IMINICST cue (inter cdttor has to tleal with the' an who never eellleO .nto tho office apt whea he hall, an • o to grind att rants som2 one to turn the crank it beat friends am the wino 'fee often and agree to disa re -without any bad after effect. Front 'a. Walla ‘eburg paper we note that 31...r, .7ame bard, under the diroCtioll at Mr- ter McDonald, form - ']y of Exeter, suCceetled In cutting sets of No. 1, 1,1y4ha,rdwood head. ings in less than, 10 hours at the Coop- erage ComPany' plant. People who were familiar wit the work when the Sutherland Innis nipa.ny was here; know that from I. 2 to four thousand was en average di 'a work. Students receive the st positions and the demand for them F ' many times the. supply. Thousands ambitions young People, who work the day, -aro preparing for u.seful c eery by study- ing in the evening. Winter term of bibs popular schoo begins Jan 2nd, s will be seer in, advertisement en Page Spotton sc. la are located in the tewos of V17".1 -4,,h , Clinton, Walk- erton, and OrangevIl and the cities of London and Peter o. 1-11C1C8' FOR 4.STS FOR DEC. - A reactionary st period is central at the magnetic and electric crisis of sw1nter solakiee. Tit the 11, 12 "0.1-1.d 13. Look at this ti for a spell lot con- tinued threate _,, stormy weather. Nav ration on, the Atlantic Ocean will be perilous, and inland storms will be bit- ter and prolonged. Volcanic unrest and outbursts, wiik earth currents and, au- roral illuminations, will beat maximum, causing seismic periods. The. young p ple are enjoying ,Skat- ng. on the river, Afires Lela Gu 'entertained a nurn. ber of, frirnids Tv. , day evening, Mr. August Guhr o_ -near Mitchell was tow nl this weak sha 'pg. hands with old frile134.8. During the week man of tho' far Mere have succeeded rh ,g tting the tal- 2-11.Ce their turnips, u d the Town Holt pres!ding, ere disposed of. lYvile-on Court Was h Hall on Tuesday, Ju A few ,nii,..aer cases Mr, S-oot of )1 etistOCk, Whip '.',..a..'"..4115t$4 ring' tbo rksv,r Aark at the FresbYterfan ohurch, also -lise Elliott Centrar.u., local talent, will ezng at femorial Church Bazaar on • The resident nth -deters sses. `'lAd.a,!wielded - a 'wider. late ;general election assisted by tbe TA'Nitt. Friday 411:6". w;11 r4;'..re a No 0,p .e.:r •;nfluence in I campaign-tbs.:). e Toronto lieWs. Its, ed:torlals were qu £m Canadian Pa, pers front the „tic to. the Pacific. R truly the Natio al Newspaper- of all the provinces, an. The Advocate is. Pleased to adylsa its: subscribers that has made an tar.rang.4•71,ent With The Newe under which both Pere w"il be sent tO arty address ta Ga. ad; for.$2.30 Send ',roar subscrt,P45ei tOThe Ad. .1uBIT,441p stNqw`ts•--7, Fatuous Cat/adAn Jubtle. ' the, leading ettIQ'rett coneert eaMPany :America, will appear ln tie $ ,eet Methodist eltdreii Wediliesday. 1041, ThiS e',-ke al* suceessive Cason for this companY, and their :rat IS SO well itlOwn that little tle .43 said in C084 fari 4- e plantatiOP abarT.ti. veal aqd en'tanental et)10S, the latettl male and Male tricks and hunr-' tektes, anti T Vag 1.11410), nieasing, promm and, UK ba beard by every., Mr., Earl Spacitmaa,), spent Sunday in IF4mCedc:lon.Rowe. 21.S5 returned berm from the west. Mrs. Piper returned home from Lon- don last weak. Mr. and Mrs, Ttites. Handford are Cnicao Yreek. Mse Annie Easterbrooke is visiting with relatives in Seafortb. Mtss Nettie Walter was in London a couple oft days this week. Mr. Wro, Moricttr et' Guelph agent the week end w:tb. his parents here. Mrs. Smale went' to London Wednes- day to visit for a few daYs. Mrs. lituton of. Brantford is visiting at the James Street parsonage, Messrs. Sandy and James Bawden vie tied relatives in Clinton on Thursday, of last week. P Mr- and Mr-ei S. 3a.Wdelni intend WaVthg this week foil California to spend The willter.r. Mr. alio. 'Mrs Sh'rley,13c)bier and child, ten .91.- Beigpnle SPekit Sunday at ,the home of Mr. 3. J. Kariginti. LOG:tadrv4.7tYanAdc4eAls.o),;11:0!',""e -013feWat ti:rg laMaa:tt 'iArn'ero! here for the dance *lr Mr. Renban Bro.vt-n who has been. en- v'taeltedinatvat.hrieou'leaPlilet7; belef.;orSeat:trtdenalintgo GuelPh College. Mr, Earry Dooor, Venn, ask,. re aarr, TAXIA'SairY last frrani f.he weet Where he ePent, en'tren Months. He guest at, the how of Mr„,Ge(arge E. -441-ttrav4e:1"PaYler, •Tultkin and Willert-of Ex ter TTsborne an d Stephen, realleet- lvelY, and Depte Reeve Sanders of Stephen lett *lay to attend Mc County Counea 'aoderloh, n-ieAcImissi 2.5c. mcaThta or th orga1141111.7 nt• a TO AMER. SIMS wiag tt the heavy rush of larle thfta trate et the year we request r advertisers ta send -,11 Weir copy MordaY.,, Copy that rontea in on. Tues •‘• v(4,11 have to take its 0411es ot be`.1,-, We must have ;AM NI arrange .1.kr ter 50 let us haze WrOor Copy not late. than Monday. SLAM -Tom wank' oes flour for yottr balt-trir, thea MODEL. Bro.4, buns and biseuft ads trent h haVe laUttY flavor. ANNUAL ZA.4 .-T23.e annual 1)a.V., aax Catmec, n I h the Ladles Guild Qr. Tim Triv:Itt ioriai church, told in Mc Gm House oa kite after- noon and even i: of Priday, Dec. eatt From Ii.110 to 'cloclt there will be oorved uPPer, after whle,h a chotee progr. 'will be rentlereti:'- Ad- Fassion-To Bar, Ar Free; to Tea and Enlell'ternment25 FOR SALE--Chpic Coekrela for sale. $ each, Speak Barred PlYmouth 04, $2.00, $3,00 T. 11. CARLING OUR CUSTOMERS nay be assured that they will al receive the best of treatment when ing .work dilne In our barber shop. I guarantee satis- faction. Remembe hot and cold bath room in conneetion.-Prank Boyle, Mulkey Club le tot e Tide ThUrP- NOTIOE TO DEBTORS. '-utebitett to the Estate of the late W. GoE'-saett are requested to nettle th,,cr taliagbk4A047* before Dee, 45, 111, After that date all Unpaid ae- cotints will lea placed in, our eolieltor'e hands for eollecttoa, Mrs, W,4, 13:aeott, Frank Taylor, EXCelktOrli. Bus, Dray and Teaming I3usines 'Your orders in nor line will be attended to quickly ond satisfac- torily. We itre here to pleaSe the public needing anything in our line. and we ask a trial from you. Orders left by phone or other- wise at TiiE AIWOO.ATE OFF- ICE, PRONE 25, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech All Ready For • Christmas Big Variety, Big Stock Toys of most every description, Fancy dishes', Lemonade Seta, Berry Sets, Table Sets, Biscuit Jars, Ja.rdineara, Vases, Etc. Etc., LOWEST PRICES PREVAIL THROUGHTOT T HE STORE You know what you want„ Come and 'see if .we ,have It. Corteoua service, and honest prices to all WE WILL LAY ASIDE ANYTHING YOU WANT TILL CHRISTMAS ON WHICH YOU, NIAXE A DEPOS • ITJ Our Edison Phonograph Stock is the largest we have every attempted. owe s Bazaar P p BIG VARIETY STORE Buy Useful Presents As you have been well pleased with your former Xmas purchases, so this year;we are in a better position than ever to give you, just what you want at right prices. Our Store is crowded withbe au tiful Xmas gifts Bli;USA' AN D COMB SETS „ We can 'certa.inly please you here at'prices that -will suit your pocket books. New box designs. $1.50 to 35.00. PERFUMES SHAVING- SETS The, largest and best assortment in town. Choice orders from the best manufacturers --in bulk or in fancy boxes. 10c. to 35c. A useful gift for a gentleman. Many styles. 85c. to $2.00. TOILET SETS „, • We are proud of these. All- the TRAVELLING SETS GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES -latest designs. Splendid values, See For ladies 'and gentleman, See InexPensiye glits,. very pretty, , our largeaseertment. $2.00 to $7.50 these. Ther -are choice. direct, from ways acceptable, 25c. to 2.00 each. SHAVING OUTFITS Germany. $2.00 to 37.50. , • SpeeialS. Ne -F and, NtiftY,'-E in leather, Hand satchels bent( y raloanted leather' re; /-pasic rolis,card cases; purses, wallets, six pieces $3:00. Also individual .. • arid pocket bookye. B-ushes - 15c to $1,00. sSeatrapPs_ ---(nic2k5Ice.a.tnod(isiila.5,30.caser3),„25e. Razors Carla° Ma,gh.etz.e $2.00. Safety, $1. to $5 00. Any of the above make useful presents. Our Stock is open for your i.nspection. (A DEPOSIT WILL KEEP YOUR 1,1.1ROklASII) - Store, WE ARE READY FOR TIRE ChristmaszTrade You will be Surprised and delighted to see the great variety and excellence of our stock of \ laratCh00, Zewollry, Glassware, Silverware, and Chinaware. It is impossible to do better anywhere than we can do for you. We ask you only to visit our store and seefor yourselves, A. Marchand, Bxeter Jeweller & Optician A TUAdertakers Aud Furniture Dealers Our Christmas Furniture Display 'Our Christmas Stock is complete. There is nothing better than furniture for presents. We hivite you to see our stock. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leadinz lime Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Will Find Us Headquarters For Xmas Presents_ We are showing a beautiful lot of Pretty and useful articles for this season. Almost every thing you can think of is here. Shop early. It is the best way and you don't be rushed the last few days. LADIES WARM FURS A GOOD AND WARM PRE- SENT FOR ANY LADY, MUFFS, STOLES AND THROWS IN ALL KINDS OF FURS.. SWEATER COATS FOR LADIES, GIRLS, MEN OR BOYS, IN ALL KINPS OF COLORS AND STYLES., FANCY HANDKERCHIEF 100 DIFFERENT, DESIGNS & PATTERNS TO, CHOOSE. BUY YOUR CHRISTMASHANDKER- CHIEFS HERE:, FANCY HAT, PINS MAKE A NICE GIFT.WE t, HAVE A LOT OF,BEAUTIES AT 25c. TO 75c, FANCY WAISTS FOR TItE GOOD LADIES IN SILK OR NET IN ALL THE BEST COLORS: LADIES WINTER COATS NOTHING BETTER THAN A GOOD FUR LINED OR tLOTH COA.T.i. THEY ARE ALL RE DUCED TO XMAS PRICES., MITTS AND GLOVES WE HAVE THEM IN ALL KINDS AND COLORS, LONG WOOL MITTS AND GLOVES AND SHORT KID, MOCHA, CASHMERE AND SUEDE. A REAL NICE LOT OF LAD IES HAND BAGS AND SATCH ELS IN LEATHER OR VELVET $1.00 AND UP. CHILI)REN7S PURSES THEY ARE VERY USEFUL FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS AND VERY DAINTY FOR 25e. EACH.' FANCY BELTS AND 'COMBS A GOOD VARIETY. TO PICK FROM AND. PRICES FROM 15 TO 75e. Millinery, at Half Price All our Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats to l?e clearedlout at half price. - r„ headquarters for the e raed Ir,Sanford Clothing el” elk CC t.,71 141: 10 tit! Ye of -ti p Te 47 • tik t."4'• 4 6-5 • 1i'4*.V ;r4P1,'44..A.f.7 . jet 444