HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-12-7, Page 7p cll a The eve amount will be divided into EIGflTE r PRIZES as follows First Prize • $25.00 in Goll Second Prize Third Prize .. 14.00 .ct U Fourth: Prize .... , 5.00 " " and the next twelve will each receive $2.50 in gold. 15.00 " << .1:.m sf. For completing the known name of 'a person prominent in *Canada whose Ilaame consists a 9 letters, the first of which is "C" and the last "T" RULED Olv'O`IAN FLEETS VirEltE- 011 'T+1) rf Battle of Lepanto Was First Iicath.- linell of Turkish Sea Power. ... ....,.........,,i' It is difficult in these days o 'Darkish naval degeneration to im- agine that there was a time when Turkish seamen and Turkish fleets dominated the Mediterranean to the terror of the Christian nations: that bordered it and Traded upon it. There are many .famous sea- men in the annals o£athe Ottoman Empire, and many naval actions of great magnitude --in" £act, the most stupendous maritime conflict of historic tunes wa 'the Battle of Le- panto, fought itri.571, in which the Christian Leaglfe of the nations at the Western.end of the Mediter- ranean finally overthrew the Turks i and praetie fly pot an end to the period of his naval domination. The first:" of the great Turkish sea kings 'ivas 1, ruj Barbarossa, who was bairn on the Island of Les- bos tnwardothe close: of the fifteenth ntiiry, Yew some time he ends - in the Aaphipelago, following the t unusual=, occupationof a bile- coneor, but he soon grew ambit- ious, and, sailing with an increased force along the 1,lfricait coast, he flared up an agreement with the King of Tunis, udder which he kisd free arse of that port on condition that he handed ever, a, fifth of his booty. The first exploit of Urnj at this end of the Af'editerranean was the capture cif twp richly laden galley i belonging to Pope Julius II•, whose crews were so astounded at the sight of Turkish turbans in such Western waters—the affair took place off the Island of Elba— that they made , HARDLY ANY RESISTANCE,. rhe Turk put his prisoners to over the amount of #1e outs easel{ nast:i. while time`x01;1 F baro avark the Oars and set 4aut for more standing obligations. Ilut 'this margin been t;iveu at e. raluo ;of out is ceute ran pluins]er. alis next oons*deru ble ie by no moans easy #o determine, "Even the dollar.In this way the actual cost capture leas that of a Spanish gal - when detormiucd," says a .,,rite'; on illi& or the Taro erty, mar Tao on ss'DiiD,CDD. loon Carrying fa0O soldiers, but the unfortunate people were so hor- rably seasick that they*, too, put rape no opposition to the Turk, In the course of .a; year or two Thad was at the head of a squadron of eight ships, and naturally;, begun to turn bis thoughts tot ,something better than the paying of tante to tile King of Tunis, Re, therefore 'set out to assist the dethroned .King; cat Euieya to regain. his country from the Span- iards, but thanks to awound he himself receia,ed and to the arrival of the great Genoese Admiral, Andrea Doria, he failed, and his power was fox' t le time broken, Uruj had a arthy successor in his younger laaf&th r, whose name 's s g e oS 1 a variouslyrendered Cbiaraddin, Khey:red-din or 1airreddin. By a series of eu'nnang; diplomatic moves of which this peroid is ,so full, Chiaracidin obtained much assis- tance from the Sultan, and gradual- ly regained all that had been lost in the battle where his brother lost his life. Having established him- self ashore he equipped a fleet of 18 galloons, and With these he scoured the Mediterranean every year from May to August in. seareh of Christian booty," and so greatly did he inerease his power that in a few years he laid ,successful siege to the Spanish port of Algiers, 'which fell after a continuous day - and -night bombardment of a fortnight. A couple of weeks after The first pe_ son sending . in tho correct name will receive the first prim, and others sending in correct answers will receive the other prizes in tho girder in ;*frith their an..' ewers are received. Contest closes Dec. 3cth, 19U. Letters received at the office after 30th Dee., 1911, will not be counted. Also remember that for the Last correct answer received, we win ;give a prize of slQ,CQ in COLD, and for tho Correct answer received next to the last a prize of 55.53 in COLD, GGND TIO N$ GOVERNING OON'T'E$T ND PACKAGE or TWO 1i:xL1 POUND Ir kCKAORaa 0 ,"MEL OA L% You have alto U buy, "intik each 4111: POUND u1 the TEA you a All you have to tie is to Menai label off the 't=ea Load car from the Ceitee tins, sea two or COFFEE y U •1 or the porbioa of the Coffee I,aUc+l:, with picture of children on it, a,la3zts with lour ase end giving of the Tea ddre a, _ " AC t A r" Dept. "ti r, 45 Front St, E. "Torento, Ont• (An- answor, ;living namo and addross to .full, and #;end to h4EL A Rl , + , swers unlimited, try early and often). NO EMPLOYEES CR IMMEDIATE RELATIVES WILL SE ALLOWED TO Et4TER, CONTEST Answers will be numbered iu consecutive order theyare received, and at the expiration of the content, the prizes ez , as will be awarded by a garntnittee of dlsintoreoted person, and the liet of prize winners .ill be given in. Elie paper. Tide OLD ESTAIILISIIED PLO Oil EL TEA and coFFie . mit"���• ., • ,rte �r..:.se.ys. PAOKED AND BLENDED BY A G SAFEINVESTM[NTS riflDUSTRIAL BON©S BETTER THAN REAL ESTATE MORTCACES IF VALUE OF*'LANO iS SUFFICIENT.a 1Nust bo an Excess of Bonds, Howovor, to Make this True—"Industrials" Form a Popular Investment In Canada Whore Railroad Bonds aro Practically Um known, The articles contributed by "Itvaster"' tare for the solo purpose of guiding pro* ' ectIve 'iuvostore, and, if possible of saw, Ting them from losing monoy tbreu gh: placing' it in "wild -eat" ' rnterpriso5. The .Impartial and reliable qhs note The information may be relied upon. ,writer of these articles and the publisher' eof this paper .have no interests to serve In ennueetion with this :matter other than. Ahem of the 'reader. (By Investor.) Tho 'relative popularity of investmente In Canada differs very materially from that iu the 'United States. here, for ex- empla railroad bonds are practically 'un- known. One can 'carefully scan the lists of bond dealers' offerings and the ad- vertisements in the financial press with- out seeing any railway bonds offered for sale. In the States, on the contrary, they stand- first in the estimation of:conser- vativo investors. And after railroad mortgage bouds• come railway eduipment bonds, In Canada, investors often have opportunities to invest in railroad equip- ment bonds, but as a rule these are eagerly taken in large amounts else- where, and so Canadians cannot give these the position in their scheme of in• resting that they deserve. As a result, ;hey must Sall well do}vn in rank of re- lative popularity, coming after Indus - While. .and even real estate mortgages and investment stocks, not in security, of course, but only in popularity. And so, as we are treating these se surities in accordance' with their relit. live popularity and not according to their relative merits, we come now to the study of industrial bonds. "Industrial" bonds kre bonds secured by mortgage of some manufacturing, mercantile or miscellane- ous company of a private character. The consideration of an industrial bond as an investment from the point of view of. safety' Involves a more thorough investi gati'oi, than' that of a 'municipal The Safety' depends, of course, on the success of the 'security on which the mortgage is based.. eu4,icet, "tho-rule is difficult of epplieti ' whereas the real worth of the property tion, because a margin which znny leent ns determined by appraised value ma, iusnimlcient from the point of viewof pity. be much less than even tide amount. II sical Valuation may be eatlofactory wizen P then, the appraised value of read,estaat considered. us the equity. pf a worlting' is less than the mortgage the inveai�a must consider several other factors. concern." That is to Bay, , the "good- will" of an active business, whilo it should not be reckoned as a proper security for a mortgage,- uiay be of sufficient value to render the bonds amply safe when tho goodwill stands as a marginal amurity, o malt sugar, boll until it caTi, be Thou, two, machinery' to valuable eely t ball beat }shite of an 1 It to beim used A negative ex, made in soft, CONNFECTIONERY. Sea '] oam.---Usan two cups of best brown sugar, put enough water on where ample of this may be semi in the i,n, ogg stiff, pour the syrup on in small fortunate position of tho boudholders cf stream, flea tuns, hard at the time, the Amalgamated Asbestos Corporation. Beat until almost cool, then drop This company_primarily a: miufug tau. in little cakes on buttered plate. Ineadcd Fudge.—Two eups of cern, but with many points in common the ordinary ladustrial.-has value granulated sugar, one outs of milk with or cream, twa tablespoons of ,rat- able propert'les and good machinery; hut }vhtcl, cod -Swill ed, chocolate, the size of an its. business is. olio in$ egg, a 10 cent box of marshmallows. —i.e,, business connection, satisfied cus- tomers, eta.—Coups t for little. ' cense Put these in when fudge is boiling. quentiy, when the demand for asbestos' Teat the fudge in a c'ip: of Cold products fell off the corporation was un- 'water and ivineil it forrils a ball, able to sell its output itt the faceof take off fire and beat hard until it is thick enough to take into y'our competition, most of its customers pre- ferring, apparently, to buy from any' buttered hands and knead. .After 1 other company than the so-called "trash.", kneading put in a buttered dish and,J ITad it had 'a "good -will" worthy tho cut in squares. name it might have tided over the dull Crisp Popcorn.—. To keep pop - times .iu the asbestos trade. It must be coin crisp 'when already` buttered, bornes keepit in the warming oven of a borne in :mind, however, that good -will le g not a proper rsecurityfor a bond, but is range. Pop, a large quantity at a valuable only as.an' "equity."time, then put some aside in a, crock and in two weeks it may be In estimating the safety of industrial' bonds the most easily estimated asset 15 its re$1 estate. The first point, therefore, to be determined is the value of the corn pang's real estate holdings, on which, of course, the bond is a : first mortgage, Should, as is sometimes the case,' the value of the real es'taf te-rFclusive o: buildings --equal or' exceed the amount of the mortgage the security is ample, and. the bond has all the good features of a real estate mortgage, with none of its drawbacks. Of course, any first-class banking house- handling an industrial issue will not base this determination en the cost of the land or the value at which it stands in the company's books. It le only the appraised value which is of an3 importance. For example, the, property and plant of the umalgama,ted' -Asbestos Corporation stood on the books last year at $1.7,0a.0,000. Let us say that the plant took up $7,000,000—au excessive figure,' of l course. We ,have $10,000,000 for the pro. pertyto stand behind a bond - issue of $7,500,000. But the $10,000,000, may repre- sent the PAR VALUE of securities paid for the property at the time of the ee 99 Stop starving yourself—stop suffering the pangs of indigestion—stop worrying about what you dare and dare not eat, 5 Eat hearty meals of °wholesoir,e food, take ,;+sw t�w,e and you'll feel like a new person. Sour sfornach—heartburn occasi0nalindigestion — chronic dyspepsiaall yield quickly to NA -DRU -CO Dyspepsia Tablets. The properly digested food restoresg our strength, your stomach' regains its tone, and soon Y requires no further aid. 50c. a box. If your - druggist .las, not stocked them yet s we will mail them. �P•7t TIONAL DRUG AND OHEIYHHCAL CO,. OF CANADA LEMIT•S its lid 37 M0t'ITREAL. 1111.11P. IW4,Ey Me Wettrt$T.t URES �1 nkil,kti{Yllkill ii�t PERFEOT i 2xl�N'x BAKING ESULT+ �.CONTAINS NO ALUM. MADE I. CANADA Iiil(l ilii �.a force of 243 ships of various classes, carrying pearly., 41,000 fighting men and 43,000 rowers, and arnied with 1,815 Bannon. `. The Turkish fleet consisted of 274 ships, but "00. of these were piratical craft eon - strutted for the undoin,- of monk., and not tostanel up against motive the proteetng tissue paper legitimate fighting hips. .discovered in he. tbaei's foss Qts one The opposing flagships set at each 1 ''The examination of; a an 'other—the Reale of I)oa 4.ohii and l woran by photography disclosed' the, Fanal: of Ali .Pasha. Each was °fishnet evidence, of strangulation boarded, each drove the boarders merles which were absolutely in - hack, and the light waxed fairly visible to the awaked eye. Gln, the even un til. 11i's ship was rammed basis othis evidence it was sub by a third vessel with such ford sequently established, that the that the crew we're all thrown off drowned person had been thrown their feet. In the confusion, Don into the water after a previous: ,John found no difficulty iii subduing struggle, the Turkish flagship; Aft wars frilled, "Among other instanee,s of the sa of photography to detect crime unravel mysteries may be brief- au�uitioned the discovery of th n:eil characters upon. peeper over ii .t 11 actual writing paper had laid .diurii1g the act ok waiting; the detection .ofost marks upon postage stamps chem - was one wllICh llad been engraved no less than twenty years previous- lv. "At one of the public libraries ft was discovered that a copper en- graving had been ebstracted, Tho thief had, however, omitted to re placed in: a moderate oven and the place had fallen nine transports heated, then buttered, when it be- full of re -enforcements arrived, and comes more delicious than when aftertheTurks had watched them first popped. for some time sailing up and down Popcorn Balls, --Pop corn and select carefully all the best part; make syrup with one,pound of light brown sugar, one-half cup of water, one-half cup of vinegar. Let boil until it strings, pour over corn, stir well, let cool a little, dip hands in 'cold °water, and make balls quickly. outside trying to locate the now un- recognizable fortress, they pounced out and, took the whole flotilla, with NEARLY 3,000 PRISONERS. Concurrently with these successes in the west the Turkish fleet at home had been busying itself. Le- panto was taken from Venice, Egypt was -conquered, .•and, last rock of all in the Christian rule of the Mediterranean, the Island of Rhodes, .garrisoned by the Knights t`• of St. John, was taken in. 1.522 after, OUICKLV STOPS COUGHS, cunES doLDs. a long siege,. in which were engag-, tizALS THE. THROAT AND LUNGS 25 CENTSe d 400 ships and over 100 000` sold and when. the Tunes slaw •the Chriii- titin flag flying ut the Banal's masthead' they began to lose heart. Everywhere they gave way, ,every,, ;,here the Christians relentlessly pursued and killed. Lepanto was the deatli•knell of Tiii'kish sea -power, In one form Or another--princina1ly in the . scally treated to renovate them; tiro shape of pirate -o onies on the 'development into visible form oft North African coast it survived , previously invisible ink impres- taitans; the detection of .fraudulent mpering with sealed Mail *batter re ^c civa�atioin of thetext of ri t tll0Cii11eftSe .etc." til the beginning of the last tell- y, when European page included—were willing to sveure immunity tor ant shipping. Curiousb ' e , it was the United state claire{ out the nest. ;;.press. DESSERTS. Coffee Pontea.-A simple 'dessert and a most excellent oine-is made with :one cup rich cream, one cul Preveza between bun and Andrea the eye. The engraving was later strong notice Dorla, hitt- nothing decisive occur- 1 sera eel and olisbed. The or- sugar, onehalf cup so o g y p p and coffee chilled,'add ed, the Genoese sailing away and din.ary methods for bringing out old have cream leavin the Turks in command of su til whi y stiff four in mold gdrawings upon lithographic stones g 1 The Admiral 1 bleed all aavax. thoro tgiliy,' HeVer will" tintiwttre before i bo In ilitcoy Bring du i. I epees of Crime. It is u, Twelllown fact t}i photographic plate is much sensitive to certain distinction color 'than the Inman ey'e, says th Scientific American. This remark- able ,property has„ found extended and tinportant use in the traclting' of criminals, Professor R. A. Reiss has published an. account of a largo number of examplesof Hve t striking Charaetei a brief review of whzgb ia ears iiia recent num- ber ber of 1)e tInlsehau, and is cited below s A handkerchief'whieh has been washed with soap is to be examined as to any possible traces of blood. The linen appears uniformly white without any stains. A c' enaical examination in such a cast would be quite unavaili g, as there is no information at a as to where the stains may be 1pcated. A photo- graphic copy of the handkerchief taken through a dark blue light; filter shows distinct stains,which are then cut out from 'the linen and separately tested by a special method which establishes their true character. "In another case a search through the living apartment of a person suspected of forging 100? franc notes, disclosed t.ie presence, of a number of lithographic stones,' the surface of Nvhich had been fresh - 'east. .#r 1Gil s rubbed over setting on fire rubbed off with pap The iwpartanee cloths, now that diseases Feat kn tta be caused by germs, cannot strongly impressed upon blinds of all housekeepers. If i black and sour throw it into the fire. Keep your dish cloth: ctean. ol3cfore you eoinanenee to prepare your meal spread a paper at one end of your kitchen table, ;let all scraps and parings go on it. Take this paper up ;and burn in furnace and tiuu have no scattered refuse to clean up. Also have newspaper spread when sweeping rooms to put all dust in. Spread paper over cold air register of hot air furnace when sweeping to keep dustfrom drawing doavn. China Cement.—Make a paste by, stirring powdered lime into thee, white of an egg. Let it harden well, and neither hot nor cold water will affect it. To clean sunk drains use one pound copperas, one gallon boiling water- Do not use lye for that pur- pose, as it has a tendency to form soft soap when sink drain is greasy. Copperas is poison, so if kept an hand it should be labeled. 'Mien bailing eabbage, kraut, turnips or other loud smelling sub - "f sett .ls liii Rill sub - li cover. All efforts, aided by the j stances, put a lump of charcoal or 'context, to recall the character of red pepper pad in life kettle tom the picture, preyed fruitless,, and neutralize the odor therefrom. the only resource left open was to endeavor to reconstruct by photo- graphic means the' vanished picture from ,any impression which it might have left upon the tissue paper cov- er. This task was accomplished with complete success by photo- graphing through a blue filter and reinforcing the contrasts by the successive perforations of. positive and negative copies. This resort was rendered` possible through the Turn your colander over eggs Or hominy or anything that spatters while cooking. They will not steam and will brown. nicely and ;� of fly out and burn you. You can raise handle a little to turn. If you would retain the whole- some acidity of the cranberry,. thicken with cornstarch and sugar. When the latter: is used alone the , ier:s. fact that the grease of the> printers' pleasant, agreeable flavor is lost in,; Chiaraddin was then recalled by - had been partially absorbed by a heavy, unpalatable sweet. the: Sultan to undertake the recon- the e er. and I had, by oxide To eook steak or chop quickly the tissue Pape a 3 Tress down svitli weight set over 1538 a great fight was fought strtiction of the Turkish fleet. In tion, imparted to the same a slight 1, wallow coloration quite invisible to a cover smaller than frying pan. or for the waters. great mica:yielded an entirely negative result. packin "snow, and salt ice died in 15th, when he wars about 90 It was onlybyphotographing the several hours. cars of'a'e after addingreal, to P p greatly slab after special chemical treat - Banana Royal.—Take one pint of his reputation by daring and ment, that the pattern of the bank cream, three well beaten.eggs, one suc- cessful exploits in. France. note,; 1` as disclosed. Among these carp of sugar, and one teaspoon vanilla. Stir thoroughly and freeze for twenty minutes, then divide in- to six parts. Take six: small ba- nanas and tut them lengthwise and lay two halves on each dish; then• acid pieserved fruits to suit taste. The year 1571 was a vital one in the history of Turkish ,sea -power. It began with.a great Turkish -sue- cess—tile taking of Cyprus; it end- ed with Lepanto and the practipal annihilation of the Moslem $eet, Before its capture Cyprus was a Venetian possession, and when the attack was begun ,Pope Plus V.: set Povertyis nodisgrace—if your out organize a Christian league credit's good, aoainsf the Turks. Op previous •, occasions the Christian powers had Attu tn:ey'Why do you wish a 1)een sorely hampered ,b,y di'vlcltcl divorce Train your wife.?" Mr. command ;, but en this occasion;. Sa,d•-"Ulf--k ut' I's mar's to her however, t.n o che Pops succeeded i. `�ciu'sesah placing in chief command of the , Papal, Spanish and Vencrtan forces, No bachelor likes to be roasted, only 25 Sears of ;gage,' already had but it is no more uncomfortable earned a gredt reputation for lead;. than being` married and kept in hot ership. On Sept. 16, 1571, water. T.EIlt` GREAT I'LI"ET Don Sohn of Austria who though EP >0A ISSUE 49-41 weighed anchor 'from ' Messina—a RELIEVED HMI. "I say, olcl man, I need 850 bad- ly, and haven't the least idea where I can get it.,, "Glad to hear that. J thought perhaps you had an idea you could borrow it from me." 41 -When the demand increases for a bond of a certaindenomination, the price goes up. A new issue of 5 per cent. bonds may be made which, will sell at X98, 'on which basis they would yield 5.05 per cent. Future demand for these bonds - would probably force them up to +los. The original purchasers could then sell !. at a profit and re -invest the funds. We will be glad to place your name on our mailing list and advise you when new issues of bonds are made. 01 This will keep you in touch with tfic Bond Market, which is unquestionably the form your investments should take if youvalue security .... and a'igh rate':` . Ri i1 iS, CORPORATION LIMITED4