HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-12-7, Page 6a
be beaten at the final
continued. '.Aaad I
have a premonition that were 1 in
Engta.-d^'Add 1 butthe laamer to.
prccecd unchecked and unhindered
by o.icla1.3-i;_-4 would soon lay
my ?ninths en tufo man who or gitlat-
ed ,. ;eery, Gate mystery. heat
we care '. i ar.ce,-in a country of
queer legal forms and unusual
methods, At home I ea'a atIWP, 'a
c rc„tuve*at Scotland Yard; here I
in in trfe tuidst of strange sur-
rourtai.iugs, and kpto,.v not what may.
Therefore,. we must pos-
sess our sous ionqr,patience and waft
The devetopments. E gee t; I have
just ernploa ed has promised me 4aa
report every tw; '°enre at the hotel
'atntml eight o',:, : 1 . Then I .Fila
aake pers:.;a: rl;Tsrge of the ea-
What about mer
r by seven o'clock to-xanor-
ing ycatt had better go to
e e of
grad tell Qn the
naerything connected
ft to Faris. Re
through the polies
d after that you
se,, ," said FFtar-
tbat von Ate
other inky hit of
ko.. my stnrad eutsid
ir about s.30 I can,.
toil ' i:ere lata may lead; -me.
am lucky I will certainly n•-
, whatever be the personal out -
If, on the tither hand., 'I
nothing, you may certainly
e mea about two in the
At the hotel Brett found await-
ing Bim ,a letter; delivered by the
midday post. It was from his eld-
erly assistant in London, whom ho
has told to make a. chive scrutiny
of all inhabited houses within
certain radius of the Carlton Rotel-
The man had done his work syste
tnaatica1ly, and in only three in-
stances was he called on to report
doubtful eases.
Tvvo, foreign restaurants in side.
streets .contained la number of re-
s s ente concerning whom it was-alif-
ficult to obtain specific information.
One of these establishments he
believed to be the resort of Con-
tinental gamblers driven from :Soho
by the too marked attentions of the
pollee. The other was a peace cnf
ve=n more questionable repute, and
in both instances he bad utterly
failed to obtain the slightest infer-
mation from the servants, who 0,p -
parFutly ""too
The thi"rcl tlweiling which court-
ed observation wars a flat situated
above some lousiness premises >.n i?
other quiet street, So far as he
could learn, it Was tenanted by aa.rr
elderly lady who was a helpless
inval d, waited on by a somewhat
curious couple.
with, the ma
"They are Italians, I think',"
wrote the ex-policenia ah, "a,nd very
atneorta nunieadive people. I have
twice called, eta o ie pretext or an-
other, but when the door i$ opens
ed ;t is alma's kept on a. chain and
I eann-j*t; see mere than the race of
man or w4rmnn and a few inches
cif vt ail laeyId,.:itl I
have zoo
eason to death[ that tho view takeat
the nailkanain and. baser is ccaa.
t, liaxuely, than floe OW aaer of the
is coaat'aue#d to her bed aid is
i g from a nera-ous disease.
renders' rt arnperativo she
tlould bo sleet off from ell noise,
The landlord ieforins n e that these
people have oecupied- the Place for
nearly two months, Titeir rent is
acid in advance, and they have not
Raven the slightest cause for co'.
p aunt. There are, of course, i
this district a large number of pri-
vart f lines -and an,lih In one of.
their patrons maight! eil (locum
closear observation, I have Cottle
!teres nothing suggestive of •al
suaaspieiuuas eireutxast an'es whaate e
with reference to them. I have
detained m.',, report until I waaea able
to give details concerning the other
houses in the district, anti I will
OW fall back on the ,sewed parte
atr :instructions., i.e., to main -
watch gran the three est ltil` rirr mother cab they had when the private door into the bar
blishments wi ieh I have. ricket
"1 must say these chaps do find
suitable nicknames for one .another.
I wonder if he is the fellow we fol-
lowed to Montmarte this morning I"
"Possibly, though I am, *puzzled:
to understand why he should trust
himself in that hornets' nest again.
Most certainly the description cov-
ers him, but we shall probably hear.
:more details later. I wonder where
the Turkish gentleman went whom
'Le Ver' seems to have followed -
Re e could not have gone to. the Ca-
baret Noir is the tine?"
Brett's, curiosity was answered to
some extent by the text report, de-
lsvrere'J atlaout live o .to k. It reach
as folio v —
"Le Ver is still in the house No.
Yl, Rue Barbette::y agent ex-
plains that he diol not follow • the
Turk, who left and rewurned• to the
place earlier, 1lec u e his definite
instr,icl'iotiS: were not to .leave the
locality, but to report on. all per-
sons who entered or left, Abso-
ltately' nothing ham' transpired in
this neighborhood since my first
"Gres Jean, the father of t a
Belle Craasselr; e3 'ni-r;seco at tlae Ca-
baret Noir soca after four o'clock,
f'.'Aly agent ascortainea iron) the cab-
maaar who drove bind that Gros Jean
bad hired the vehicle 'outside the
Gare (le Lyon. Otherwise notliia.g,
At seven o'eloek came develop
"Three Tarrl:is11 gentleanen ha:ve
quitted No. 11; Rue Barnette, be
the 1'renelat1u' is atilt there, As
it might. be 'necessary to follow an -
r per.s.on: Ieavieg the house,, I
stationed another watcher with my
iS}Staltt, ;aird this second man fol -
wed' the Turks to a restaurant
the, Grand Bouleva0. So far. ,•rs
teuid .fudge, they seemed to be
Fd and apprehensive, They
lea Vane and eorrl'e ' ed te-
oav tam. At G,;l:a :hey
to and rapidly jumped
Satre, being drivel
etion of the Operas•
thiel they leave:
fot°ey my agent
Although none of; the noisy crowd
in the cafe could' suspect the fact..
the half-closed eyes of this elderly:
drunkard noted the form and fea-
tures of every individual who en-
tered or left by the main door,
whilst at the same time he pa_d the
utmost possible `attention to the
eomiugs and goings of any person,
who used the passage by: the win-
Brett began to feel that hl.s, dili-
gence that night would -not be re-
warded, o-wardecd,
At five minutes past eleven, how-
ever, a punk-and-Xshite Frenchman,
neatly attired, unobtrusive both` in
manner and deportment, entered
the cafe and seated himself quietly
near the door. Ile ordered soxne
coffee and cognac, and lighted a
The barrister, of course, gook
heed of hila as of all others, and
he would.soon havo placed hem in,,
the general category that merited
Ifo special attention had he Hat'
noticed that the newcomer more
than once glanced at the eloek and
then towards the corner bar,
whence, it will be remembered,
spoilt deer led towards the bili
acrd saloon, in which La. Belle C;nas-
sense had displayed her prose:a
with the pistol,
In such 0, eodnnaunity the etran-
ger's self -Possession and ret'ce;ree
were distinguishable~ e:hlrscteris-
tice. So Brett yaatehed hixn, largely
for Wyant of better occupata:a,
"That is a man of unusual pow-
sr,"z .t~as his summing up, ":ie is
elegant, faseinating, unscrupulous,
Although Apparently out of his 114-
1 -
Try. Read
Shaving Comforl
This triple silver.
plated razor with
2 nickel -plated
blade boxes and,
12 double-edged
Wades in handy
Price, $5,00
Rocket ]Editions, 55.00 to SCA
Combination Sets, S6.50 up.
r4? mh.oevel
yyou batterave evwer hRad, yaou haveshave
never really known Shaving
Comfort if you have not used the
Gillette SafelyRazor
safe,, The Gillette Safety Razor is always ready
and you can use it as fast as yr.. like.
A few rapid, sweeping strokes over your face and
you're shaved..
The Gillette shave is clean, quick, „safe and
economical. Suits every man, 'because you cab.
adjust the flexible blade to the toughest beard or
the tenderest face.
Your dealer should be able to show you the
different styles, or catalogue. If he cannot,
write us aired, We will see that you are
Gillette Safety Razor Co, et Canada, Limited
oiilce and Factory, 63 St. Alexander ,St., Ateatresl,
but this interpretation of the find-
ings has been as vehemently disput-
cel; The combination of the results
arrived at by microscopical investi-
gation aLncl experimental study ap-
pears to complete the demoaastra-
tion a. long stop has thus been
taken in defining the tlireet"ion in
which the future investigation of
s ne hborhood -cancer is alone. likely to be profit
elezneaat is �thr • r;
an a; eaarnnce in. such z. place as. :.
pp ser in mankind and fin dem stieatecl
h • n c
ha db r.
• H_s n
o .
i t ;as lar,#er
th s a.
large and sinewy, Iris wrists squarer,
a and, although slight in phy,sique, I
should creekt hint with :posseeSi:lg
teinsiderable streegth. Being a
Frenchman, he shouted be nn expert
with the foils."
lrett had Hardly concltacled this
vasuad analysis of the person who
had enlisted his close observation,
he has Some ur ose nn putting in able.
P p �stuch° of the
occahr rence of can
,.�,,.,...ared in Unit traffia, atnd ail-' opened and Milo. Beatteaire enter-
ott as lyenng 11/4"":"146112141,/,111/11 their though he drove after them ass rap- ed.
:". tlna n the e tlhers., b
ltas �anats; idly.its possible, he failed again to Without taking the least notice of
cath sightgof thein. I have rcpri- any of the numerous occupants of
r three o'clock ac re]Hort lraandedhim 'for his negligence, al- the cafe she turned her back o:a
the agent in the RIC' though he die] right it coming et them, and apparently busied her-
d'Antant. It read-- nce to me t .o report his failure. In self in a becicing the contents of the
nusua l has occurred in aeeerdance with your instructions, eash register. Beyond this useful
Cabaret 1
of theca
Noir. i ! I I ta�tr 'e ordered the watchers at the instrument was at mirror,. and Brett
Cafe -Noir and in the flue Barbelate at once perceived that from the
to be in this office at 8,15 , .in." . point where the stood she could
"Now I wonder," said Brett, command a distinct reflection of
!"wh ' the Turks left the ;french- the:pink-and-white Frenchman.
an alone in No. 11. It is odd, to The latter was gazing at the
saythe e 1ettit et it. Since: the dna- clock, and whilst doing so Amite('
maths discovery of the spurious dia- his chin three tunes with his right they monds this morning must be hand: Immediately afterwards Le
en more in the dark than I am. Belle Chasseusc three times rang
ft must be looked into, but I can- the bell of the register,, and then,
ntot attend to it now. At this me- having apparently concluded her
anent, if I am not mistaken the inspection, quitted the bar as bin -
centre of interest is the Cafe Noir." ceremoniously as she had entered.
The two men occupied a sitting Half ` a minute- later the French -
room on the first. floor of the Intel. man finished the remains of his
and their respective bedrooms cognac, and passed into the street.
flanked it on each side. Brett ex- It was with'difficulty that Brett
plaited that he could ..not'taekie the restrained ]himself from following
table d'hote dinner, .o he made a him, but he was certain that no
hasty meal in their sitting-rrh•anhand one could leave the residential por-
then excused himself whilet he •e tion of the building without using
The costourers frequenting thio plat
are all of the ordinary type and do
rent call for spacial comment.
"A Turkish gentleman quitted'
file house No. 11, Rue Barbette, at
1 :45 p.m., but returned shortly be --
e -fora two o'clock. Half an hour lat-
e ry a. man, whom my assistant re-
e4,sen.ized aas a member of a well-
known gang of flash thieves, enter-
eel the plaice: lIis name is Charles
Petit, but he is generally known to
his associates as Le Ver.' He as
small, well-dressed, and of ;youth-
ful appearance, but really older
than he looks. Re is still in the
]rouse inhabited by the Turks."
"What is the meaning of 'Le
Ver' f" said Fairholme•
"It means `The "isorm,' " answer-
ed Brett.
We offer and recontmemi
Manufacturers of Paper, Pulp and Timber
First Mortgage Five Per Cent.
Sinking Fund Gold Bonds
Dae November lst, 1940 Interest Payable Half-Yeerly
We consider that these Bonds present an
exceptional opportunity for absolutely safe
and most remunerative investment on ac-
count of the strong features following:
Fist— The convertible nature of the Company's
assets, consisting of 6,000 square miles of
pulp and timber lands distributed throughout the Pro-
vince of Quebec. These properties could to -day bd
subdivided and sold in the open market for almost
twice the amount of the First Mortgage Bonds.
The timber limits arefully insured with Lloyds of
London, England, against loss through forest fires.
Second—The net earnings from the Company's present
business are equal to- approximately twice
the amount required for payment` of Interest on the
First .Mortgage Bonds. The, new paper and pulp
mills now in course of construction will double this
earning power.
ird— The First Mortgage Bonds can to -day be
r purchased at a substantial discount price and
they are retired by a Sinking Fund capable of redeem-
jpg TrastieWly the entire issue at 1023a and interest
l' yealytnngs.
Fourth— Price Eros. & Company, is the largest in-
dustry in the Province, of Quebec, where
'they have been in business for over one hundred
years. Their First Mortgage Bonds havebeen Mir -
chased by the most conservative 'investors in England
and Canada, among whom are manyof ourstrongest
pans and Insurance' Companies.
Complete particulars will be forwarded on request.
cola Lim 7E9
Bank of Mo f eyal 5id�.cor En Yon$ y 1 Tpror).to
(r� lstr��r¢a�c`J`, Lie.
h+ 1d1 1YQf'T +li 1,1.'4NhIkwE R .vx C Vii.
tired` to his bedroom to change Hs the passage—a view of which he
clothing. commanded from his window -and
He was absent some f,ssc:nty min- the resolutely resolved to devote
utes. and Fairhohne amused hie-,- himself for that night to shadowing
self by glancing over the topes of the ex -circus lady
the day's London newspapers' ;vlt'rh His patience and self-denial were
soon'rcwarded. A light, quick step
sounded in the passage, and a
shrouded female form shot past the
open window.
Then the inebriated individual,
now hopelessly muddled by drink
staggered' towards the door and
"lurched wildly round the corner
just in time to see mademoiselle
crosse the Boulevard.
(To be continued.)
had recently arrived. Suddenly
the door of Brett's bedroom open-
ed, and a decrepit elderly man ap-
peared, a, shabby -genteel i;xliv.du-
al. disfigured by drink and crump-
led up by rheumatism.
"Who the devil*" began Fair-
h olme.
But he was amazed to hear
Brett's familiar voice askin -
"Do you think the disguise suf-
ficiently complete?" -
"Complete !" shouted 'ha; rholme
"why, your own mother would not
know you."
"That is all right," said the bar-
rister cheerfully. "I will now p:v'-
ceed to get quietly drunk at the
Cafe Noir. Good-bye until seven
o'clock to -morrow morning—per-
haps earlier, and, perhaps --well,
no—until seven o'clock !"
They shook hands • and parted,
and not even Brett, the eleveret
amateur detective of his day, could
have remotely guessed where and
ILJW the would meet next,. . ,
Montmartre by day and Mont-
martre by night are two, very dif-
ferent places. It flourishes by gas-
linht• by day it is garish and'1 r
Yroniinent among the 'iegula
houses of entertainment vias the.
Cabaret • Noir; which, between the
hours of 9 p.m and ``1 a.m., usually
shove a roaring trade. Situated in
the heart of a mountebank di,,, -
tris,. its patrons embraced all class-
es ofsociety, from the American
ourist with his quick eyes noting
the va"a'ries; of demi-mondaines,, to
the sharp-witted Parisian idler, en
the alert for any easy and chi' hoaest
method of obtaining money which
mi;;!it .present itself. -
Among such a -stn d d a w
den Hct decrepit etch man
ike1 9 attract partieula
Fourth Report of the Imperial Can-
cer Research Fund:
Tho fourth scientific report of the
Imperial Cancer Research Fund has
just been issued in London. It
contains important papers by Dr.
Haaland, Dr. Murray and Dr:
Bashford: These are. highly tech-
'nical, and ;profusely illustrated with
drawings of microscopic prepara-
tions which will convey little to the
lay mind. I3ut,every one may learn'
something of their cancer problem'.
a whole r.om r. as or s
general -introduction Arnow, ques-
tions which were early .s t at rest
were that censer eras not due to" a
was not a recent 'acquirement, and
that ` the age insistence of cancer
in man and animals is in the ab,
sense of ;communicability, ' „com
patihle only with': the recognition
of the intrinsic cellular nature of;
as': l f D B hf d'
common casual parasite ; that it
cancerous prolifiration. Another,'
conclaSion from exirimezits is that
each 'tumor.is peeul'� sarly, .and gena
ct,irally related to the indis _dual: PS
which it arises � w be divadtiality%
of cancel ;btatlt� ac'"cards, •t.ho=
i thamo, ti
at Ia .
animals in va idol} separated parts of
the globe has shown that„ . the
practice of peculiar customs, inv°oly-
ing the application of chronic irrit-
A nts to particular parts of the body,
provokes the disease in situations
and organs from which it is absent
when these eustcrus do not obtain.
It is reasonable to suppose that the
frequency of cancer would: be
diminished if ,suchP ractices as the
use of the Kangri in 'Kashmir,
chewing betel nut in India and
eating very hot rice in China were
discontinued.. It is also reasonable
to assume that the introduction into
England of these exotic customs.
would greatly increase the fre-
quency of cancer in this country.
Mr, S. Ti•civn Stevenson)`of
f lencraigh, B.illyrnacoihagh,y, coun-
ty Down, lett $2Sa:, S0O.
Tho Dublin timber trade dispute
has been settled. Wages are the
same as before the strike:
One of OUT reporters has inter.,
viewed .Mr Melville, the chief rep,.
resentative of Thomas J. Lipton for'
Canada and the United States,,
who, tylion asked for the cause o£
the increase in price of tea, sada
"The day of good tea at a cheap
price has passed by, more particu-
1 z,,,,,British-growntheit
a Iy of teas, th t
increasing popularity has created
a greater demand than the supply.
Russia and Australia are buying;,,
tremenctcansly of these instead of
Chinas, the consumption) in Great
Britain is larger than ever, the
shutting out of over 15 million
pounds of colored China green tea
by the United States, the larger
use of tea due to high coffee prices,
the growth of rubber in Ceylon,
the shortage in the japan crop this
year and the labor problem in tea -
growing countries, all these factors
account for the duuch higher pri-
mary markets,' and the present re-
volution in China may mean smaller
Chinese, crops next year. It either
moans lower quality at the same
prices or the same quality aft high-
er prices, and our experience shows
the public prefer the latter: Tho
future indications aro for still
higher prices. Fen with the ad-
vance in price, tea will still be by
far the cheapest popular beverage. '
The first and great essential of a food product, is
Purity; the Purity and. Quality of our Extra Granulated
have never been questioned.
Once make a comparison with other Sugars and you
will not be satisfied with any but Rcelpath.
Dainty Tea Tables are always served with
dust proof cartons, and by the pound.
The Canada Sugar Refining Co.,
MONTRE,,k1.,' CANADA. Limited
Established in 1354 by •John Redpath
41Z., . —
Clean yry He
Clean, dry heat, with no
smoke or odor and with
no flying ashes or soot—
that is what you get with
a Perfection swwl e ess
Oil Heaters'.
t Melia0
s mouEuess
The Perfection is the most reli-
able and convenient heatingdece,
you can find. It is alwai,�z"ready
for use. • There are no pipes or
flues orwires' to bother you. \'ou
can pick it up and take it wherever;`
extra warmth is wanted.
Every mechanical. iaiproverrent that
experience could suggest was already t„
embodied in the Perfection Heater.
This Year we have tried to 'add to its
appearance. The drums are finished'` ,
either in turquoise -blue enamel orp lain:'=
steel, as you prefer;nickel-trimmin8 s; i?
as ornamental as it is indispensable to
penal automatic device abed
amokmg Ail parts eas,ly cleaned GaflQn
Iasi•, nine h oucs Goof handk damper to .
rte,fordescrioiive smut
y p{},71• yy'.; Ct 1 M t , ` �` a.�r :�p,"''�d"('," iI {y[�
7C.}'Flt N+ Y7h47 rtig Gb.•x.i E�. �''�i1Vt^.�is"✓li�A4
:t sae "��t wsP IEt�xw�'�