Exeter Advocate, 1911-12-7, Page 3ttis oNAIARAS PLEAD GUILTY Sensational Ending to Case That Has Aroused World's Interest, A despatch from Laae. Angeles, Cale says i James B. leicNaenara pleaded ,f,',uilty on Friday aftereooe in connection with t1e. aeath of Chas. 3. Ilaggeety, a vicaim of the Los Angeles Times exp/osion and fire. His brother, John 3. 74eNa- mara, jointly indicted wis him, pleaded guilty to dynamitiaes the Llewellyn Iron Works. jamee B, McNamara perelathly will get life imprisomineet, hn J. McNamara, it was rinnoreiia get fourteen years. Each pleaded guilty on the charge ef which he was extradited from Indianapolis_ Within fifteen romutes atter the mart opened ,ola Friday afternoon one of the greatest criminal trials of niodern limes had ended so abruptlyithat many efficials sup- posedly n the her of the matter did not know it was going to hap- pen. The prisoners were taken baek to jail, Judge Walter Bordweli retired to his chambers, and (Tame- ing counsel went to their rooms. "The MeNamarae have pleaded guilty 'becauee they are guilty," was District Attorney John D. Frederiek's crisp comment "If I had seen aay way oat of it eree would not have C.101).0' eaiel Atiaaatiey Olateuce'S., Darrow after ecurt. "We have had it under eon', skeration sinoe7... week ago Mon- daP" CifiCAGO CATTLE SIIOW., CM:Milan Colkge Teams Win Thre Out of Eire Trials, A despateli from Chicago SayS; Oaliediao col/eges won three out ef five trials in the college team judging aeatest at the Live Stock Show S'41.turdzAy night. In trial No. 1, "all classes of live stock," Mae - cloned Cellege of Quebec won first honors, Manitoba College took sec- ond place, and Missouri University wen a close third, In swineludging Manitoba College won first plaee, Montana Agricultural College took second, and Macdonald College of Quebec third. In sheep -judging Ontario, Macdonald and Manitoba Colleges took first, second and third TePeetivelY, Uneie Sam woo first boners in horse and cattle judging, but the Canadian eolleges on second and third place in both classes. This is the first 3.ear the Macdonald Cediege team was -eutced. 'WILL 30 Wealthy Ameri G Nurse, In L;brMor. 4 THICIIER SP.NTliNcf,T). Miss No 3IeCrea Convieted ot Assault on Oirl. A desimteh from Brockville says; Miss or McCrea, a young, school teacher residing *in Merelekville, wee found guilty by judge AleDon- ald on Fridas afternOoP of assault - 1„, 'unclear -old Helen MeCou. le, a pupil at oper's Schoel, ar Frankville, en October 19 nod 3 last, A eenteeee 01 one week in U Was impoeed, Four pupils swore to witnessing the ebastie- eats, Which Were athomistered witli ft blackboard pointer, some of the blows falling on the child's head. Two lksicians alse tested to the injuries received by the Mc- Conlarie ehild. She was laid up for rat weeks, SU ATAL LOAN. no hnU4In lliva May Lend to It. snatch from London, scvs: Tho probability of a big naval loan, the near future is revived by Pall Mall Gazettes which anti - that $150,000,000 and pos- lore will he raised supple - on y to the usual naval esti: mates. It is argued that in view of the e,ampnign m Germany in favor of an increased navy for that country it is necessary for Great Britain to show that she is deter- mined to preserve the "two -in -ono" standard. The. provision of ade- quate docks for the Dreadnought battleships also necessitates heavy expenditure. CONCESSION TO MIND PRICES OF FARM PROOUCTS THE NEWS IN PARAGRAPH'BOT4BAY GREETS ROYitITY Lai:POUTS 1-7R031 TUE LEADING TRADE CENTIIES OW Alttnie4.. 'lees of Cattle. Grain, Cheese, im,d, Other Produce at and Abroad,. nu.s.nsTusTs. Toronto, Pe, 5,-Piour-Winter wheatO , per cent. patents, 83.59 ,to *3,65, sea board. Manitoba flour firm, AP flvst patents, ,55,20; second -Patents, 85 and strong, halters; $4.00. On track, TO, roto. Manitoba wheat -No, 1 Northe 81.07, Ba- Ports; N. 2 Northern, 1,31.04, and No, 81.Ca 3-2, Bay ports, Ontario wheat.„7-Nm, 2 white, red and mixed, new„ $3 to 8,9c, bikb freights, Peas -Good milling peas, elle tri ataa oats--eaa lets of...tCo, 2 Ontario 43 t 43 1-20, and of No, 3 at 42c; on trek. Toronto., 46; No. 3 Western Canada oats, 0-1c, Bay ...tow, rts, BarteY-Nos 5 'arloY3 tO We. Corso -New eQne. 691-2 to 10 33 itye-ear lots in fair offer. witt 31.33Ote4 at 37,0e, outside, Bliehwheat-60 tofac, Onts4le, nrae-eatauaolut bran, to V:Uo. baca, Toronto froicht, $13e1133, e25., VOITh`TITX PROPIJOR. Ple *3 to 24 )or bar. 11 late ot liatelatclase attas to Szza a bush, 491104'-, raeted,,.. 11 tins, 11, to 12e er Th (oruha, $2,5'8 to 475, led hay -No, f, $10 to Mt.9 . and o, 2. at 444 to $1449, lett etraw--$7,5O to 2c4,op tT4414., to, toca'--Car lots, la bag*, quoted and out of *tom 61.40 A despatch from Boston, Mass. says: To give up a life of luxury and become a nurse in one of Dr. Wilfred' T. Grenfollia hospitals in Labrador is the plan of Miss Forbes, daughter of the late J. Malcelm Forbes, the well-known yachtsman and capitalist of Boston, At present Miss Forbes is training ler her chosen profession in the Waltham Home for Nurses, aid when she completes her course she is to start for the North and begin ber duties among the Eskimos, In- dians and fishermen. Miss Forbes first became interested in the work of the Labrador medical mission while attending a ecture by Dr. Grenfell, and she volunteered her services. ONTARIO IOLDS PINE SUPPLY Represented 05 Per Cent. of Can. ada's Total Lumber Cut. A despatch from Ottawa says: Concerning Ontario's 1910 lumber cut, the Forestry Bulletin says that Ontario still prouees a little over one-third of the quantity of thelmn- ber cut annually in Canada, but its annual cut, while increasing, is in- creasing more slowly each year. In Ontario, during 1910, 1,642,191,000 * feet of lumber were cut, being worth $30,011,000. The diversified forests of Ontario have enabled it to hold the. supremacy up to the present. White pine of Ontario formed 85 per cent. of Canada's cut and nearly half of the hemlock ent came from this province. Ontario provided 90 per cent. of the red pine. FOOLED WITH DYNAMITE. -- Montreal Youth May Die as a Result. A despatch from Montreal says: Harry Seigel, aged -11, whose home is at 150 Murray Street, found a stick of dynamite on Friday, and ekperixnented with it, with probab- ly fatal results. Taking it to a neighboring blacksmith shop, he placed it on a table 'and struck it with a hammer. He was taken ti the hospital badly burned about the face and suffering from a severe abdominal wound. May be Permitted to Bring Pamil- ies to Canada. A despatch from 'Ottawa says: It is anderstood that, as a, result of a tonferenee between the Hindu delegation now in Ottawa and Brit- ish Columbia members held in the °flee of Ifen, Robert Rogers, =Min- ister of .the Interior,. on Wednes- day morning, it is possible that an arrangement may be arrived at under which the Hindu people now in British Columbia will be allowed, under strict regulations, to bring their wives and families to Canada. MURDER AT. SYDNEY.. Negro Shot Down During Progress of Drunken Row. A despatch from Sydney, N. S., says: The second murder within a week has occurred in the manufac- auring district. During a drunken row among the colored residents of the coke ovens, on Wednesday, Geo., Halford, colored, was shot and killed by another colored man whose name is not known- The police have arrested five in connec- tion with the affair. FRENCJI WARSIIIPS COMING. Squadron to Visit Three Canadian Ports Next Year. A despatch from Montreal says: It is announced that a squa,dron of French warships will. visit Canada next summer, and :will spend ei,ght day's in Halifax, five days in Que- bec, and eight days'here. ATISTICS OF A !Surplus of -$1,19273O Shown in the Annual Report. A despatch from Ottawa says ..Tho annual report of the PostoificeiDe- , partmcnt ,shows that the net. re- . -.nue totalled $9;146,952, and the oXPeaditure $7,954,222. .-During the year there was an increase of. 407 iti,the number of'post-offices, Of 84 to .postal note offices, and 189 in money. Order 'offices. " Theeinererise in the number of; let tors.is esahnatedat.52,.35.7.t0ara 0,per cent, The reyenaee spa by $1,188,4o4, and the, expenditure by $738,885. Postage stamps is- sued totalled 0.48,764,669, as against 584,204,774 while the value , increase ed from $9,942,435 to .$11,O11,042 ,At the eed, of the, fiscal year 13,324 dffice.s were in oiteratien `'' In abet'faaleffac.f avings banks:the' , aggregate.. balatoe to the-creciat ot de ositors .a4- the end of ',.the -ear *43,330.'i39 or a decrease pa 7,a8e, 'accaprits..4,utabered :13,10 TJV IOJSf),KfgatI41,V11 TRE GLOBE ri A NUTSHELL. Canada, tbs Empire anti the in General Before Your Eyes. CANADA, The -.use of cigarette e in Canada eentinuee to ancrease. A new issue of Silver dollars is about to'. be coined at the Ottawa iquoi has heen banished from Afthers,Ssapearokletirs, table bar. and Martin Lahr, an old man, wao burned' to death in hie house in Beverly township on Saturday, The Mike of Oennainglit wiil an hoaorary LL,Di degree a University in thespring. .nultou ratepayers will vote on , yelaws aggregating 1,001,500, in- lutliag $650,000 for water works, Tile Pope has issned a eotioe that persons who eummons Catholie clergy to voilr . are liable to exconi- rnim;zati,m, DalhOusie liraiversity, has raised $7.5,000 cf an addition of $350,000 wanted for the endowment fund. Pauline JOhosop, the Indian poet - ars, is in poor health at Vancouver, ad Brantford friends have sent r a purse, of $472. Five men were hurled n he fall The King and Queen are Wildly way Through City. Cheered A desaetch fron Bombay says1aieftains. Behind these were Icing -Emperor George and Queen -1 massed an itnrennSe, throng, Faupress Mary as thir arth,w,, ore official- ,..,nosed 'at Rindas, Iy stYalonammedans ' and Arabs ell attired in richly - led 6114(.13'arrivaltheir oolored festival cestalues, Ad - great easteru empire, landed tram dresses of welcome were presented the steamer Medina, on Saturday at to the Ring-EmPeraa and Queen' the quay at the Apolle Blinder at Empress by the munitipality and 4 etelock„ They were met hy the other bodies, to which his Majesty Governor ef Bombay and a largo eplied. gathering of high officials belong- . A Royal ProoeSsion was subsea rig to the civil and military ger- quently formed: It was a mile in wee, end at once preeeeded to a length and comprised representa- ,huge emPllitheatre whieh had been Lives of al/ branches a the Buro- eeeted opposite the ianding stage peaa and native arimes iei an which was filled to its utmost it eubsequently traVorSed all patiS capacity with many thousands who f the gaily 4egorated city, The na- „. . ea eonie to eveleome their Majoi$- tics, The Se‘?./W Wag mlarili-AblY bl-mallt: (me. The handsemelovee tb,7-eS5 or the offieials and the nnis foents kif the naval and military of-, fivers, together with the bright tea, tettes of the women, only servedempbeisize the gorgeOUs hatai . to the ceremonial attire Of the Iadian '',1',11)7N (40.31PLETED. Irsi Trop Over the New Transeons ental Railway, of a shed on the wharf at Papinean- (kPa'tb f")111 M°"et°11, R^ and the others more or less injored, rine. Felix Lefebvre killed stab): inehetrfianrsstcotnlitiionietglitaitrirpailov,v.:yr Thomas Maere and three a his!in N.ew Brunswick from Edmunston hildren were burned to death ' "-',-11°°et°n was eomPloted on Wed - heir bense on Lieutenant -Govern- "'",saY av,4°,,ram5n, whe" three 1°e°' !1'0'411‘1:1-141Ititee,0.71:::,:n 10.4401:401.1:104:rit: tomorfs''A"om‘ieiehrousei,o*Nra)g,1;1AavssItilr tt:h:rpoaettiQgrilsit!rh4Techrt:e3 efu.set1 the request, of ,the united itrauscontixiental itt tiliS Province is ates to intcrfere in the Provincialno‘v ""nPlifte, 'r$AT° the Imildin" of ulation of moving picture shows, 6tatice48 and terminals. s. Dalten, millionaire fox of Prince Edward Is- TACtiOU'T IN 11EIILIN. land, has purchased from C. Cal- houn, of Gaspe. Que., three black 3 Refase to AbATeel ide by se t . 13 Poultra-Waelaa weal ea 4:abseil arentielionw r Ate ra es; deetts. tarkeye, 16 to a ut oe lower than th o 11 it) poultrY, ourrno, EGOS, ttor--'Dafry, *boles, 8n wrappers. ; store lot*, 22 to Po; and Vitoria 17 14 160, OrQuitiora quoted At 380 for ratio. and 27 to 22o for sonde, lh. -tr0t1y nowlatd quotoll at 40e, and tr's11 at 27 to 28o per damn!, fu came Iota, CbQ4S0-14Arce• 151.2e, end twins nt 153.4o Per lh, 1100 PRODUCTS, Bacon. long clear. 12 to 121.2o b., in MUM lots. Pork, abort out, S22$0: do., 0110139, $19.50 to $20. name -Medium to 16 to 16 1-24; heavy, 14 to 14 1-20; rolls, 103.4 to 11e; breakfzult baron, 16 to 17e; 1MCISH, 19 to Me. Larti-Tlerees, 113.4c; tubs, Ile; p 118, 12 1-4e. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL, Montreal, Dee, 6,-Oata-Canad0an West- ern, No. 2, 48 to 481-2e; dm, No. 3, 47 to 471-20; extra No. 1. feed, 46 to 461-2c; No. 2 local white, 471-20; do., No. 3, 461-2e; do., No. 4, 451.2c. Flour --Manito- ba Spring wheat patents, firsts, strong bakers', 8490; Winter patents, choice, 14.75 to 85; straight rollers, 84.25 to 84: 40; do., in bags, 81.95 to 82.01 Rolled oats -Barrels, 85.25; bag, 90 lbs., $2.50. Millfeed-Ilran, $23; shorts, 225; middlings, 27 to 828; mouillie, 827 to 834. Ray -No. 2, per ton, car lots, 814.50 to 815. Cheese -Finest, western, 141-4 to 143-4c; do„ easterns, 14 to 14 3-8e. Butter -Choicest creamery, 30 to 30 1-2c; seconds, 28 to 2.9m Eggs -Fresh, 40 to 4541; selected, 28e; No. 1 steak, 24 1-2e. Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, $1.15 to 81.20. UNITED STATES MARICETS, Minneapolis, Dec. 5.-Wheatc-December, 51.01; May, 81.051-2; July, 51.063-4; No. 1 hard, 51.023-4; No. 1 Northern, $1.02 to 51.02 1-4; to arrive, 81.01 1-2 tO $1.02; No. 2 Northern, 99 1-2e to $1.00 1-4; to arrive, 591-2e to $1. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 5510 60e. Oats -No. 2 white, 45 to 46e. , Bre- 86 1-2 to 87c. Bran -822.50 to 823. Flour - First patents, 85 to 85.30;• do.,. seconds, $4.60 to *$4.90; Bret clears, 53.50 'to $3.85; do., seconds, $2.40 to $2.80. Buffalo, Dec. 5. -Spring • wheat -No. 1 Northern, car loads 'store, $1:6; Winter, No. 2 red, 99e; No. 3 red, 67c; No. 2-whitc, 99e. Corn -No. 3 yeIlow, 691-20; No. 4 Yellow, 68c, all on track, through billed. Oats -No. 2 white, 51 1-2c; No. 3 white', 51 1-4c; No. 4 white, 50 1-4c. VE.STOCK MARKETS. Montreal Dec. 5.-Cattle--But0hers' cat. Ile, choice, $5.75 to ,56; 00, medium, $4.to 5525; 00, common, 83.25 to $3.50; canners, $2.25 -,to 52.75; butchers' cattle, choico cows, -$6 to 55.25; do., 'medium, 84.26 to 54.75;• 00., tains, 53,50 to $4; , milkers, choice, ,each, *75; do., 'eon:imam and inc in each, ;50 to 510; Springers, $30 to $40. Sheep -Ewes, ,53.75 to 84; bucks and culls, 83.25 to $3.50; latnhe, $5.60 ..to $5.75. Hogs -F. o. b., 86 to $6.50. Calves -83 to Toronto, Dec,. . 5. -Medium cattle were strong, all the way from . $6 to 85,60. foxes, for $01,00 With Eniployers Sir Edward clouston is saki to be A despatell from Berlin, Ger- about retiriwr from 'the general managership of the Bank of Mont- malty, says: A lockout, of 70,000 41'e cadndhimt ird O Predith win' elilnif:erekotTot nion tri T")rbenies5tdaalal yttloTilillg:Isieteb,:tecnasmoun rliament is asked to provide penalties for theft of logs floating agreement drawn "P by a j°114 emit' Th. harbors or in Coastal waters, the mitteo of omido,vera and trades law at present coverinf; only thefts nmioerds)tftho s. nut- nt m fresh waters. ` ( GOVC1'11111011il assistance to the, strike started in October last by g, ood roads movement is like4,000 metal workers ly to take the form of encouragement to the provinces to construct new main FATAL ACCIDENT trr 01.1.V2A.W.S• or trunk high -ways or to improve thoSe noir existing. The cross TwuLHUe Boys Were Trampled by roads would be left under municipal lurnaliction. GREAT BRITAIN. London suffragettes invaded the City Temple and prevented Mr. Asquith from speaking. Morse's Hoofs. A de-spatch from Ottawa says: Two little boys were sliding down a hilly etreet on Thursday after- noon when they slicl under the feet of a horse, trossing the street. Neither the 'little ones nor the UNITED STATES. horse could bo stopped. The re - "Little Harry" Marshall, of New sult was William John Finn, aged 0 Waft practically trampled to York, conimitted suicide there - hedeath, and his brother, Albert cause at nineteen he was no big- ger than he was atwelveand Henry, aged 0, is not likely to re- t , he feared to ask tove.r. a girl he loved to, marry him Ex -State Sumter Lewis Emery, FARE 'PROMOTE• R PUNISIIED. jr., of McKean County, Penn., in a public address at Bradford, of- Graham Senteneed to Three Years fared to give 500 men -each the free in Penitentiary. use of 10 acres of land if they would cultivate it and raise 'vegetables for A despatch from Lindsay says: their own use and for sale. Harry Malcolm Graham, the "pro - There were more violations of -the motor" of a fake electric trolley Federal pure food and drug law in line from Port Hope to Orillia, who got sums from various farmers to Illinois last year than in any other state in the unien says a repeat supposedly change the survey, se - made pubic by the secretary of cured the earnings of several of the agriculture. Twenty-eight Illinois young men under his employ, and manufacturers and dealers were Friday in mariraiedmaorynougncngselnateleyhedt here. iwasKings- - g0s1_1. found guilty. ton Penitentiary by Magistrate GENERAL. ,Jackson for a term of three years. Nanking has fallen into -the hands of the revolutionary army. MANY NEW STATIONS.. China has succeeded in obtaining a loan of thirty million dollars. Grand Trunk Pacific Called Upon Persians marched in thousands te mem 150, to the United States Legation in A despatch from Winnipeg says: fTciln' onSaturday, ar:arpaportagaianitiRui'LPPeaiaa.lii'g Owing to the large number of branch lines constructed by the Grand Trunk Pacific this year, the company has had to build no less than 150 new stations- Of these 98 have already been established 27 are in course of construction, while the balance of the number contract- ed for will be finished in the spring. CUSTOMS REVENUE.' Increase of $1,307,302 ,Over Novem- ber Last Year. .'A despatch' from Ottawa'', says: Continued' and r.apid growth., of business prosperity •• throughout; the Dominion is , reflected by the Cus- toms reaentie for themonth just closed.' Total 'au:stoma receipts were $7, 332, 085„ an inerease, of $1,307',302, -or over twenty'pey cent. ,as cothpared. with November of last ',Year• Eer the,eight..menths of the fiscal year the 'Customs : revenue has been $56,336,708, anincreasetof .939,800 compared with the corres- ponding tperiod of last year. quarters prezented e,, parpeu- laxly quaint appearante, orestsot los,sts Alalig the streets bearing a multitude a native religious sym- bols representative of the VarIG11$ SeetS, E31011714:31.3S crowds averYa where heartily acelaimed their Ma- jesties, who returned to the Medrna t a.20 in the evening, BANK TELLER HELD 13.11. d Robber Scenies 1,000 al Point of Revolver. A despatch from 'Vancouver says:. At the eeminaral of a man armed with a. revolver, Teller D., A. Ye - the Royal Bank nt Cenada on Wed- nesday handed over $1,40 cash, d the robber made his escape, lya clerk or two were ix: the k when the stranger entered. me a thousand," he laconic- rdered, and the teller corn - Plied, The stranger, pushing the rnfl of bills hAto bis pocket, hurried away. The man is described as foreigner, 2S or 30 years of age. Ile wore PO mask. osTAT, nvrEs REDUCED. tuited States and Great Britain, Came to an Arrangement. A despatch from London laYs: Postmaster -General Herbert le Samuel announces that as a. result of negotiations with the United States postal authorities the rates for pareels from the United King- dom te the United States was ae. dilec<1 on Dee. 1 as follows: Up to three pounds, 20 cents; up to seven ixninds, 54 cents; up to nine pounds, 78 cents; up to eleven pounds, 51.02. The existing rates are 30, GO, 84 cents and $1,08 re- spectively. RABIES STILL PREVALENT. -- Examinations by Health Ofileer Gave Positive Signs. A. despatch from Toronto says: Recent examinations have disclosed .e the prevalence of rabies in Toron- to and throughout Ontario. Dr. 3. W. S. McCullough, Chief Health Officer of the province, stated on Wednesday that a dog which had bitten a woman in Rosedale, and had been destroyed, had been ex- amined, positive signs of rabies be- ing found. Another dog's head sent to the laboratory by Mr. A., W. Reilly, V.S., Grand Valley, had given a positive analysis. PS. FEAR SMALLPDX EPIDEMIC. Meld Entire Province of Quebec is .,Threatened. A despatch from Montreal says: "The entire Province of QUebec, and, as a consequence' the city of Montreal, is threatenedwith an epi- demic of smallpox this winter," de- clared Dr. Pelletier, Provincial Medical Health Officer; on Wednes- day morning. "This condition of affairs has resulted from the sheer neglect of the necessary precautions in a great many municipalities. Notia day goes by without cases be- ing reported. The tininists, Lead Retire in by Mr. Bonar Law a Body. A despatch from London says Government Will Impose Disco:int Thera was a remarkable 'Scene in „ .the House of Conarnons on Thursday -01 0,11e-lial,fPe3 9e:ni• night when the Government applied A despatch froth Ottawa; says: the guillotine to 470 amendments in Itt'order ,to discourage .' the cir.. the report . stage of the ,iitsurance 'cillatieri of Arneric.aleNational'Bank bisi. Mr. Bonar Law, leader of s. ed ng nizieltlin;st isuadnsl ntsiissotl:fr''''eleoer(nti leene-ar;nl'eta ,itlfieofhnerePaktil ente:eiri'to oetTeir ihtpea:aelosgtt. nri theLtKPia> ort(lylildi°::DinciRP:e°111104s nondltes nta:nod• it,10'11‘9Yecullllseaoanflat r:°10:1:111:tr rt) Ontario, the Postoffiee Depart- the Ministers of .aeting Obedietnee r. c11 tleh tooneY , , c The action is tne, re jlanv,nien arehe",k Of' oixtreal to.e 0 tseer n ' 6' nier4' eample.se eib only ''faaa,cP?r4):"I'',t) e a' sum Good at td, 7,5. C,anners a were 6teady t $tti;;;;V$2. 6 Dicers wore . a still sarong .at Ebbs were hadse'(iulli311`TM.4aatb,pi t 5 'a:t* n onto' The -eitement was intense, a a the inembers faced anienedment, when. on the Speaker putting the first amendment the entire Opposi- tion rose and made a dramatic exit from the ifouse pursued by deri- sive Ministorial cheering. Then ire dreary mono on the Speaker be montSf, randlI1VY,hapnutitleinbge ctallnee afmateing gan oM d the Deputy. Speaker relieve his:Ts .pies'. w ahet4entirel.divisia4p70 'amzgme d pand in only asan ca0 the''sLah art