HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-12-7, Page 1TWENTY-F,ou I.H. YEAR, EXETER, ONTARIO, TRh R•SI),.Y DEC EMEER .4NB:Is 0 c Local, Items OFFICERS ELECTED,—Lebanon For, est Lodge, No. 133, A. F. & A. 31., el" o acted the following officers ort' Monday, e-:t'crzi:.g,'ii4;M.,, W, E: ,5'andens; S.W.. R. G. Seldoa ; J.W., '1.-1,.. 13, Weiden.nani.. 'r r • Sec, W . Ii a a J _ a Warr ; Trees. W. H. Levett ; Tiler, S. S- eat; Auditors, C. H. Sanders and N, D, %lurdon , Exam. 33 � rd R N C c W. -Collins, and 3, A. Stewart. The r a tail -me officers li N . t be appointed. an pA"t allthe office p > r s installed o•n Dwce1tab< 27r'.. FINGERS BADLY ASFIED C. 1;1. G t ,+y *' : 21dn s o± t, adv a e �, : e ru. � . BADLY h l .,t_zta, a Gorden press ori iris slay rr1or n: . , met with a., urn:`-ortu ate accident by _1 ch he had the la t three'fingers of leis left hand b„dly,, slashed. t printed she..:. i.ad fallen frog the 3r Ppera and reaching Or : hie iTit?g' becaatel ea1a it �k t tnz ac a :t^ ants, held h ,s hand until the prose closOi alas sotteer-i to tL e.. fingers, breaking the !mines a.Rtd bruising tre flesh 'g- catty, The accide'-t will prevent the hand, being, used tort considerable tints I, la., hoped, however, that the a„a„erg v,411 net !need ;nnlputar tion, ;alth ugh it Joi seared, two of theirs; me.y ,:vat's ha sip, ', PLEASANT Excten .: P P x,,tcanap;iler ;, o” t)did.ellovrs enjoyed a pleasant Lane Monday night, when the;; T ;c Lib wog vis:ted. by Past Grmid 1'atrl"itret1 South `I-iurem. will i el Spacitma t of Taranto, Grand. Patriaraiz; Thorn/140T) of Windsor. Grand High GRAND BEN), T13URSDAY,. DEC. 7th Priest Clapp of To„oilte, Grand Allister; TT '?'op.eetonc or Myth,Graded Se:ordes:1' Eroo,tn of Tu;•o;ste. and Grand 'Mara -halt Crocker and Grand Junior Warden Grit- tiara r t -tiara o, Toronto. E•.gtn aa,?adidatcs wore taaadt' acque,i'.tcd wig a tlac mysteries, -ssta three deimea, tic work being large- 1, do'itm bye tia3 Grand o :cera. A Plena. feature was the prese ttat_'o;x of a ='gat Grand Pairiar l ,'a , 'uwel ` to Dr Public PUBLIC A1E'TINGS �•' EXETER COUNCIL i Council met EA Town: Ball on Deo, e 1. All members were present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.. The following accounts were read, and, passed on motion of Levett and Walper —E. Christie, borrowed money and int- e,510.98; nt.$510 98; Geo. Mantle, coal; N. E. Fire Hall, 23.55 Conor Machine Co., acct. waterworks, 20.40; Electric Light Co,, 109,00; H. Spackman 10.28; R. G. Sel, �'• doll cement, 2 ,-,_n 0; E. Treble, acct. 1.4,84 Wes. Snell,, waterworks, 2.80 ; Mutual, Life of Canada re—Railwayre-Railwa-y Debentures 37..30 N. E, Firemen 60.00; S. E; Fire- men, i amen, .230,00 F. W. Gladman, :flower bulbs for cemetery 5,75; Eli. Snell, lab- or 1,50; W. Creno!', labor 1.50; T. Brock, labor 1.75;, John Scot, testing milk 1,00; T. Hawk::ns & bo.t. tl,,€s; Total 17,33.21. A communication was read from tote Hoil- Adain Beck, chairman; of the 1-I d' -o Ptectr,e Connnrss;oa, as fottOWs, 'IP posy ^hle I will be Pleased to ad1^ •sit nsewt:ng WI the hydro-Eicet:ic 'Tues. n ue,a- n at a later date, but as I hay. eve:•y avail' --'gag engaged for the coming two 'e$.a, 1 canna: say ,jugs now wii .r I w311 ba able to give you a meeting.- ' 0.* eeti.3,”Ey•law No. 10 calling fur a pule.e nret;1 ; the electors of the raauilic,pal• it} r¢ta1 the pW'p03Y of loilr!4:1at1ny a torFels 1, Cot icillors, and Sc':toot Trustees 3 as read iiia l ec,.$.iar i num, ber 4f txi and, finallyttty palaed an a - ton Of 'Rivers, s:ca,ldt by DAY.. Day—Wolper—'gnat the clerk write to the G. T. R. Co.. r;: s.d:rx;' foam the stn ^ tion to Harvey's Mill. --Carried. Lovett Iii-vers--T;oat the clerk co:res• pard vr;tla Wallaee'ourg Sugar Bret Co., w.t t a v ow to gMtt'.:.- theto leeaie fa£torl' Wore,—Carr cd, n. Cavett Yi'all?et*",• `l;at the Maya, and, •.nterav;,es" Atr, Fitton r., Tewin artc,--Carnal. Ewers -^Da; Twat wa sav3vs,,tse, for e,;nders for the sale; of ;ca cn '' o11d, can• reactor to protect all oprn .'age, i3 gitest Or rimy te'tl;lar not necessarily accepted, s i the a L •„d,. n ,” ;1� < the ler T «, res .o „a « hands k � t ales !area' than 7 P.M, the t 5t:. ansa,—Car r'c 1. Day ^adjournittant to lath. T. 13. Carling, Cleric, interests of :r«nt-Conservati o Candidate in d as follows, Spaaknaan. and ;en cbnr:ection tt erewltla , se7i4cral ,;.at1,'r�`sta.t',a addresses were given 1- 'tire Talterval between the second and third dee'rces all adj?urrted, to the Com; mercial 'Hotel, where a sumptuous bar,-- rtuel waa oarveet b. Irosts Newell, 6=t1t1 dining roan]: and tables being ver; laic idtlomelY decorated, and pleasing Intr. s't herrn, 4urro!^,.s?4cd.1The work' was t ie t resumed in, the!lodge room and concluded about 4.301in the marning, 1...pays f or The Advocate to • Jan. 1. 1913 "a�ln., txloy !solea white- :'tlr. ?11cGre 01` Streetsvllie assisted Mr. Geller. ZURICH',, FRIDA , DEC. 8th CS#EIJiTON, TGt;13;vr, DEC:,. 31r, Z. Zeller t ;savlred t11 at ^nd tit1.aa la3eetln. Ll posit=On Candi:%.. S'11 11E ICING Z LER NO3111�1AT 11IWRON'. There was ala representation of electors of S utlt Huron lir attend ,nice at the, nomination meeting fag 'Hen call ot; Mo;lday lost.; when the Conser- vatives nona'.n it6'd the former member..I'I. E:lber, and the Liberals nominated E, !eller; The chair was' Accupled by the aeturnn1u$ o::lcer, 31r. T. B, Carllns.wilo rfceived the alalntnnttons between the "ours of 12 and 2+o'clock, alter which a joint meeting for tho`discussion of tt 7 platform -4. of the two parties wars geld, :qr. Georgic Spotton of Winahanz assisted Mr. Eiiber i 1 presintin& thin CARLING'S PHONE 18 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Just fit'&e 3a days till Christmas for you to do your shopping so come early and get your choice before they are all picked out. LADIES HANDKERCHIEFS IN H•E.1ISTITCHED., LINEN EMBROIDERED AND. INITIAL ED, THE LARGEST ASSORT- MENT EVER SHOWN PRICES, FROM 5c. TO '50c LADIES COLLARS AND TIES . LADIES EMBROIDERED COL LABS IN ALL' SIZES AND FANCY COLLARS, ALSO LAD IES. ,'TIES OF, ALL KINDS AT FROM 20c. TO 75c: LADIES ; SCARFS AND MUFFLERS IN THE SCARFS WE HAVE THEM IN A LONG WOOL O SCARF AT, 60e. ALSO ALL SILK" SCARF'S IN BLACK, WHITE AND BLACK & 'WHITE MIXED AT, $1.25 AND $1.50 ALSO MUFFLERS AT 50c. GENTS MUFFEERS IN THE NOTED BRADLEY MUFFLER IN ALL SHADES. AL SO A GREAT MANY STYLES, AND SHADES OF, OTHER MUFF LERS AT 25c. to $2.00,. GENTS TIES THESE TIES ARE OF THE LADIES CPOSS ; AND DIAG" ONAL STRIPES IN ALL SHAD- ES. AND CAN BE ALL BOX ED SEPARATE IF NEEDED AT 50c. COMPLETE. GENTS SUSPENDERS GLOVES, SOX AND COL LARS, ALL OF, THE LATEST STYLES'.{ COME ,IN AND IN- SPECT OUR 000138. WE ARE SURE THAT THEY WILL SUTT YO1J. SPECIAL . A. great slaughter in prices of all furs. Glassware and Chinaware a �°eat variety and; at moderate prices. New Raisins, New Currants New Peels, New Dates, New Figs. allof the best for the Christmas trade. n., Hi hest prices paid for all minds of Prcolu e,e. 1 LETTER OF CONDOLENCE Exeter, Nov. 30,':11 To Sire. S. Qualms of Exeter Council No. 04, C,OXI,F.—Dear Madam and Er:c:t(1,--We, the o==:cora and members or Exeter Council, No. 04, Ct0 C.F., w;8:1. to express to you our :heartfelt sympathy in the great lossYou .have supta`.ned by the death of your beloved daUg;hter. And, while we may sym— pathize with you we cannot realize your great loss. He alone W to :s the* source of all comfort can brim to you the, com- fort that is needed, and by bowing to. the will of Div:ne Providence you will be able to say, "T3iy w:11 ,bo done,". We hope that you'will be able; to submit to the inevitable. and !lean on his prone- ises, and that some day you will meet with. Lida where meetings and pMrtings aro no more, Signed, on behalf of the Exeter Council, C.O.C.F., R. N. Rowe, Recorder. FOR SALE VI About 1000 red,bricks. Also wheel barrows and scaffoldiing,s. Apply to SUPT. NEW BANK 'OF COMMERCE ONTARIO PROVINCLA.L ELECTION NOTICE Notice as hereby given- that Mr. Henry. Haber of the Village of Crediton, a candidate for'electiav to the, Legislature of the Province of Onttario, In .the El' ectoral District of South Huron, has appointed Charles Id. Sanders, Esq., of the Village of Exeter,,as his; financial agent for the purpose of said election. Tt B. CARDING, Returning Officer. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL ELECTION _ NOTICE Notice is hereby given that fr. :.Ed ntund Zeller of the village of zurich, a candidate for election to the Legialaturs of the Province of Ontario, ` in the El • ectoral D4strict of South Huron, has appointed Frederick Hess, Esq of the Village or Zurich, as lips financial agent for the purposes; of said election, T. B. CARLING, Returning Officer, PROCLAMATION VILLAGE OF EXETER, NOIlvIINATION AND ELECTION. Public notice he hereby given that a meeting of the elector's -of the Village of Exeter will be ,held in the Tows' 1-lalI, Exeter, on FRIDAY,' DEC. 22nd, 1911, at the hour', of 1,12 o'clock noon, for, the Purpose of snaking and, receiving nomin- ations o Win-ations for Reeve, Councillors, and, School Trustees for the ensuing year, And fur- ther °°notice is :hereby given that in ,the event of more candidates being proposed for the offices than required, to'be,el- ected, the niaet!' ,; will e be adjourned un- til MONDAY, JAN. 1, 1912,'when polls w31 be opened at 9 a..an., closing at 5 p.n'. at the fo11ow:aig places as fixed by 'Village by-law, ' viz,— Pon ` No. ' 1--SilasIT f rd' resid- ence, Handford's s "by Edward Treble, b.RIO., and 'Herb.'' Lord, Poll Clerk. • Fell. No, 2 -Town Hall, by ' W. ° D. Weekes; D.R.O., and los. Davis, Poll Klerk. Poll "No. 3--'t thea office of John Mit- chell, by H. E. 1lu'sion, D,R.O. and Alex G. ,Dyer, Poll Clerk. Poll: No. 4 -At Wm. Walker's residence by, R', G. Selden;. D.1- f ., and Alex t-ivie- Pherso'n,, Pelf ,Clerk ,` And` all electors are h..a e'by requested to take notice.. and :goversa themselves accordingly. T. B. CARLING, R.eturnitig -Officer. i XETER SCHOOL REPORT 1 ' FO•R NOVEMBER US,BORNE COUNCIL, Council met Dec, 2r14 at Townsiap H. S. Department 'IIal1, illi the members ' Were Present. The minutes of the la tt o., ware Forn1 I—Honors, ^N, Truenlner 8::, L Stewart $0, G lvior ley 80, J. Strang 733 T,ass, J All;lson, 7C3, 31 Case 72, A sled, Garth. 72; L Sweet 70, A. ITabk:rk 6, R. Kestle 67, J `Hogarth. 66, 1) Hall 60 A Beverley' 65, A Case 63, E. Harvey 63, R Parsons 63, I McDonell 62, H Rivers 62 L Taylor 111, ',1 Brooks ftp Sr. Co:trmercial-*Hon ors, D. Atkinson 83 y #3 7 I Rivera P ve � � K. 7 ' Pass, 3 3' f"'- , p 42 hs , = l r t:, s 63, Jr.Co,run rc:a1, Honors, F Da 7:a Pass, 1*, Hill 7,3, k. McDo:tell 72 4 , 3la:s 72, N. Jones 71. `4, Acheson 71. S. Neil 1a7. No. set roll 46, average Form�',1!—Ada Willis 73, F. Tri bncr ii7 ` a: Case 67.5 L .Harvey: ,63.5; L Bo e Fix, A. E.ro s sir e 04,8, 3I ,1or- gut 64-.1.. N_ Cirri ,:t ael 63.2. M.t-ar. loo 62 .5, J Saido,.t• 60.1 . NO. on roll 22 averago 22. l'r rxin 11l--lloslars, S, Petty 78.0, 0; Wood 77, C Copeland, 76.2; E. Case 76 1% , N,:: Lew 74.6,17, Fuc- 73, G. Pas. more 70.11, L. F:gyne 68,6, L. Treble 67 a lT. Glenn b6.,, R. May 56, A. Morgan 65, E. Ilu,lkia; 64,4, R, Dearing, 114.2 L. 0c':;:-.- 63,6, H, Sweet 63,1 A, Colenta';t 61..8. i;t. Wood 66,2, ,ti. Quack. antras . t',al. No, on, roll 26, caver°age.'= 5.9 a, . i.ldenaranrilr.r, U. ay, Prin. 1'. S. Department Boon 1 4—Sr. 1V., }loners, W. tila;1 soil 74, B. F1:odgei t 73, A. 1Chiglat 71 Paas, 31. Heywood 73; ,Retar Rowe 71, G !=inhale 69, M May. 68, A. Day (;u;. ill IV.. 1V.. I;o,tor-i, 0, Powell 135, O. f7Gay.,s 81. A. Bell 76. A. Mack 76, pass,. 31, Iius,on 74, , Parsons , 2, i;`, Wood `Zue.li 6:t; M. Vincent 08. 031dc dlillaid 6i6. E, Do,aey 6-1, K. "We:den azatrrgnv1 t93, G, F.,; ,r 60. .NO. 9,1, sell *tl, ave:. -. e27. tr. 'Vosper, teacher. read and approved., By-law No., 6-19) 1 providing for Nom i,sanatio'; and eicctton was read, ,passed, 9 . and s'.,kned 'by the Reeve and Clerk. Nomination and Election— ^ Township y Hall, E1in;v'ille on Friday Dec 2 ed, 1 at one o'clock; r,, ttie afternoon it „nit: e ,' than the required alunlb.-4.. of candidate .are nominated. Polls will be held aro-^.n a a.m. ,o 5 p.m. 'on laiaa. rc1;.t� th#t f,nsi y day of January 1012: as f011owa3 rn Div. 1, Township Mali E1tinvil a, James Heywood, D.I3:O., George J(.J lees, Poll Clerk. I3'u > Lo 6, N.T',11.—G. Cornis:l's 2 house Dart Dsvr, 1J.11,0., Iia;. ,Draw:r.:, Poll Clerk, IX -v, i'.c:. 5?3; Con, 10.—W, ea.1 ?- ,',ard-'.°s Range, T. Washburn, ;, F3 t.0., 3u:,h. Perry. Pols Clerk 1; :v. 4, I'ublir %Ial1, I . i,:ar, Duncan ,1r. 1?. 11. (3.,; linos. I'rarzc'S,, 1 Poll C1exk,I` The 1purt of the e' airr,."'t ofM1 t1Zf, , Board: of Health, was. approved and the: laocount aw en of the Board for e -v s ., ! a d s. z e, r=d .expenses, 9.50 :',res .d to S c:' :, iia <C i racy fag drat:; buti4n., A 3tr,Je a,utnib,:r o.1 accaulrt' were, rine', cd and orders issued- in, payment. i 3 to B tatue,ka:dsyDee. 35 « atone o'c lonitCou;eil ten adjourned to meet Gan a 3r..1a„a ilo_ro,'s, Derail** :Ktut z 8•k, B Ia+tane;f 77, F. Uo,,v,.y 75. G, p'ai'd 75 ?ass, tsar Delve 73, 3 'lira} weeti 73, 1, .Ia.„10',t 73, E T3avis' 07,; Sr. 111., t:oa arfv, wI KCydd 86, D, :Phillr'ps 84, 3f ":ckard 83, G. Ca ling, 81, 0, Ortwc+ev 612, G. Wells 76, 31: ,7L rd,y 76, Ea:1' well 73; pans, R. Cornish 71. , G. 70, L. S't'alker 68, G, Davis 08, 11 Walker 67, V. Wgl;_s a, 67, 3i`, Day 64: Al Scarp 64. No. on roll 3, 3, .average 61 J. S. ,Murray, Teacher. Roo;1t. 6-1'prtu III,, Jr„ honors,. G. -J1., Harvey 84. W. Is.ttivk,. 83, ,V. Jones; 77, W. Dav:'s 67, Pose, V Sweet. 74, V. Hartleb 73, C Harness, 73, ;;'t,Corn Lsh 7 „, i3 Elvers 70", TI Boyle ; 0,, A.t DelV0 i19, W Iled,aie;1 tib, L Zuefle 66, D Kanight, 62, 'V 31arsrtall 01, V. Mal lett 64. Form II., Sr., Honors,—V.Hil1 85, C Morley 84, 17' Doyle 82, C IIea isain 79, C Sanders 79, I Easterbrook. 74, Pass, M. Marchand 72, W. 7rbwn 72, C. Ford 72. No. on roll ,3.41, aver, age 36. 3;I.. N. Kinsman, Teacher. Room VII., C1a,sst IV„ honors, E Davis 90, M. Harvey 80, Maurice Harvey 83, P 1Veidenharnmert 79, Pass C. Ford 74 J. Davis 68, E. 'Te11o1w 68„.„'B Harness 67, I. Dag4s -46, P. Collins. 65, W. G11 lespie 62, M. Wood 63's.` B. Senior; 60. Class IV Honors, V. Rowecliffe, 903 G. Harness, 89; Pass—E. la:nig;ht 74; E. Magee, 69; S. Sanders, 62., Class II Honors—K. Redden, 86; C. Davis, 35; M. Webster, 80; C: Salter, 78; Earl Russel, 77 ; Pass—L. Hartleib, 70; H. Kuntz, 62. Close L Honors -V. Wal- ker, 897; B. Acheson,82; W. Belwood; 79,. Pass -H. Cookson, 07; 3. Bradt, 70. No on roll 44. Average. attendance 38. Irene Quackenbush, Teacher,. Jr. Pt. II'. M. Johns, 86; D. Balkwill, 81; Iney Moir and 3L K A1tz equal, 77 L Harness 71, W. Webster 69, R. Tay for 68, - P Sanders' and N 'Hardy 363,, V. Vale 62, C. Heywood 53, G. Hind 52. 'Sr. Pt. I., G. Powell 86, G. I-Iedden 80 -W Ortwe:'n 76, R: Davis 7$, M..Elwor Shy '65, C. Britnacombo 50, E. Cookson 47. No. an- roil 46, average 37 F. 37. }Toward, teacher CREDITON. Alonzo Hodglos, *, ,he Town hip Tax Collector, is a busy man just W, tak- ing in 'the, Taxes 3 There g no use grumbling at the high taxes, just ,grim and bear : Jt.—Thee Revs Hicks and Burn attended' the Ministerial meeting in Exeter ons Monday •—Qu=te a number from here attend,ed the Nomination in 'Hensalt -on Monday, Henry Eilber, our popular citizen, 'who has represented the riding the past fourteen years' was agial;i nonifinatted and his ore •election next Monday lis ceseeu'rect:bya substantial majority.—Oil Aloird,ay even:ng, the neighbors on the 4th con. reeft at the home of Mr. and 14Ats. Ed Sjhor't to bid thein farewell prior- to their de - bid them farewell prior" to their dr- partu:e to tiheirr Saran en, the. South' Boun dary Conceslsion. A -Presentation ad- dress Was read atter which. they were presented with a handsome mantle clock as a small remennbramce ,from their tr- ends and r.-: bol"s. A suitable reply was nm,ade by Mr.:and 11,- r. Short, after which.the evening was pleasantly` -pent and a splendid !undo, eras, served.— A Bazaar wa!a held. by the ladies: Aid' fan; the Methodist Church .ort Wednesday evening. Beautifully )decorated .'booth were erected in. ;which d3tifemnt use.: Sul articles - Were "offered lot` Sale. e codsum a derable suwas collected.'—Coun.• oil a10 ':nig was held hal the Town 'Hall on' Saturclayy. Considerable business: wee transacted ,Tire <laist nteetttn.$ for the Year w.11 After that ' -"- rn,utl p.al; pat W#11 ' 0 - 1r ,to simmer and” heal.—The "four'` W'.8; met at. the hoana o 'U sec `'•1<lia Link .pn Men da3;ew-ening -and' hada a pleuteant time- , Mr. W. J.: Carlihn4 ?ts feeling• any thlogi but well these „dm:37. 'Young Creech :Is `,off, duty ❑wind :1t:nenia. 1 t0' y Weeks ore sell at I. 31ORLEY; Clerk. ST4P1-11";1 COLiNO L, '1'«i c t . , = a 4 o s,1o.l Ir�, T Ya a I_ � 1;1 lie o.. s a t t ) Ht'. Clea—roti! 0.3 S3,tu;day^, Dee. 2. at 10 a, 331. Ali M03113xrs preach, The m;notes or ,tim previetta me,ett• )z,, were rl'ad grail adopted. Is;.ellermall;3, " °earleY ,— That tiro Treasarees b2a:a6, tai av,'cepte4 a„rdi :3ed wl:h tine crack,- C1c r.eti, A large number o"_ at,e3.ants were paid!. all of which will appear ano•,ly ti.e Triasu"erws Report" Ad ournmeet was then mode to the 1: tis, 'Dcv:ennber at a Tarn, 11ear,y Babe;, Clerk. US130.1:NS School Report S S No. 1„ T./shores —'t'., W. Strand Entrance, C. Harris: 126. Maggio Strang 118, 3V, Doltgal 177' E Rawcliffe. 1,07. F. 'Harvey 1.02. Jno. V• Doughy 102, 0• Rowelilto 2',, 1V•. . Neil, V. B0), 1. ,Ierroit�Selves, "K Sanders, II Neil, R. Dick. III„ Al` Deo. gal, C Moir, 'X Mitchell, ,L, Nell. Cann, C 1 e3, ,R Moir. L Oke,'. A. Dick.. II., A. Strang; kit. Ir., Class, T:Dougal, W Selves, 1; M:te11et1. P 'Harris. Pt. 1, G Dew, 11 Selves, I: Wood„ E. Cudmore. Average attendannoe 34.—W. 77..Itydall,. teacher. DA SHWOOD SCHOOL REPORT S. S. No. 8, Hay. for November.—Sr. IV., T Kuntz, G \Vle ga'nd; Jr IV., 0. Truemner; Sr ,IMI., L. Schumacher, C, Kuntz. L. Broderic;t, II Shumacher.', '.E Messner, C Wlegand; Jr, III., C. Becker, E. Klienfe3dt, B. Weigand, C. 3Tartman N `11r, N. Klienfeldt; Sr. II„ I3 BecliV Id Meas.', ner; Jr. II., A. Hartman,`E. ~:Biller, T Messner, W. 'Liner, H. Truemner, V. Becker; Jr. Pt. II., K. Hartman, E, Klienfeldt, E. Messner, Elda Messner; Jr. Pt. I., Ai. Becker,, E 'Broderick, H. Wiegand, W. Brokernshixe, V. Gray - bell, teacher. , PUBLIC GUARANTEE We are authorized by the publishers to guarantee that every 'person who, 1:111r• - '.ng the month of December, pays a year subscription to the Family Herald and Weekiy Star o: Montreal, will receive a copy of their valuable premium plot: ure, entitled "Hoano Again". The Fam- ily Herald and Weekly Star's subscrip' tion receipts in, November, were 60 per cent over November, 1910, almost en- tirely owing to the, picture which: is ad- mitted by all who have seen it to be the best premium ever given with anews paper. Those who fail to -secure a copy will have themselves to :blame. The loam 'Ay Herald and. Weekly! Star and such, a 'beautiful picture all for one dollar ins such rare value that no Person can at' ford to miss it. The picture is given bath to renewal and new subscrib ars. BIRTHS Eiler:angton:.—ln Usborne, on Dec. 1, to' Mr. and Mrs: Fred Ellerington, a son, Dorman, -In McGillivray, on : Nov, 25, to Mr, and Mss• Roy Dorman, a song Mel:ck.—Pn Hay, om Nov., 25,, to llr. and Mrs. Alfred. Mel.ck, a son, Turner -In Stanley, on Nov. 26th., to 11r• and Mrs. Webster Turner, a son, McDonell.-At Hentsall,'on November 25, to Mr, and Mrs. 0. A. Mcbolnald a dau- ghter. Ilotham—lai Deleware, Nov 23.,, to Mr, and Mrs. Edward Hotham, zine ,Sara; Davis, .formerly of Baddulph,; a son: MARRIAGES Hunter-Perkin-s—At the residence of the bride's parent's, Usborxr,e, : on Dec, 6th, by Rev. Yelland William' IIurater to Nies Florence May, o:rly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joh'ni N, Perkins. Bontlisoa—Dolqui,at—At Edmonton, Alta. James, :Youngest ' son; of Mr. James Bonthron, Hen,sall, to ileitis Dol•' quiet of Edmonton. t-Tastan s—Varlet'=In, Parkhill, on Nov. 30th, by the Rev. WM.. Godw.mi Iv1r.' LaFarnt Hastunga, of Stratford, to Miss Martha, dauy,hter of Mr. ard. Ivfrs. Goo. Vorley, 01 Parkhill. .DEATHS DEATHS 'Wilson—Ai Greetiiway,' Dec, 1, Wilson, aged. 55 years: Pl ippen--in -Racine, 1Vis , on Nos. 23,: Henry Phippen formerly of Parkhill, �tr�laarrtnt F 1a? vizAi;i�'. ,..a.e.z' We al's' • iving Drat r+ big bargains in ;dens € Boy's clothing g nn,1 fur nrs Ings. Buy your Xmas ''�"�na� presents here now. Fancy Mufflers 25 to 1.00, eckties 25c. , for 15c. c 0 .. for 35c gloves for 85c. 1.50 gloves for $1.00 Men's toe rub' bers at 50c. a pair Men's fleece lined shirts 3 for $1.00 3 linen collars for 25c., 75c. caps for 50c. $2.00 hats for $1.25., Umbrellas 79c., Sweater costs for $1.25. 1-3 off the reg- ular price eof over. coats atand s Suits. We cant you all the cheap cods we . ham `: e Com e. and see. • ,. Bawden's Old Stand The Exeter TJari 'ai Store .