HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-30, Page 4• F , zgtvr gkbuocatg' • Seatt.d.ers Creecra. Props; TIIIIRS,13AT, NOV. 30, '1 e never Was anYthing tluits set' !of -Pus as the attacks of, Toe Globe on 'Premier Whitney, 'whom 'Nir. Row1the Liberal Leader, say* we must aciattow 'ledge is a bluff but honest statesman_ The Globe (lees not attack his satobutbut .sa.tisfies itself with call :lag him iraMes. T revoreed editor lir, still peevish over theo,defeat 0 1i:is cet,q'f; peculiar. set, ReelProeite". '„The Dominion Goveraemot .sod tbe ."Marritolea Govern/net-it .hatre come to at ;rrangentetat by which. the "Postage ta.mq" province ie. 47 1741,a a large- Thcrease arqa,. the new territory 7:tending to Hudson Day. The Province he have an area of 240.000: • mnea, 4s compared with 30.000, Square :toile% 33y the same arrangemeat the Province Of 01a141-1.0 is Inereased 110,400 ,SqUare Miles, This larie, addition is equal slze O. about tw thirds of the whble of the old Provittee.,'. Te new territorY i largelY Unknown', 'e=r-CePti•Il.'it along the Itivers;Severn, Win telt and Attawaleisitat, The Severn its branches drains the larger Part • the area. ,It t.is believed that there i.'-'7.0ft end coPPerin tile new ter -114;0;7 the re alCYttada.% PUlPw0,4 t-1SOUthera Portion.. As to agitioultural PoaSibilitice little IS ititovra. The EpQor vainly ealleav rgue, that 'because Harry Eilbsr given fottri'.Ien years of et:flee:It ser, - as, a mentber of the pi oval leg- islature, that beetausa, Ito is the Mutt- fe, Pal clerk Af- the Town:Phil) tef. StSPI.W11, and that becaUse Its and -seeretary of the MO' Itt surance Corona:1Y lte should. 'be. defeated 4t the approaching electioo. Now, are -those not •wety reasons wily he, stleuld hot be reserlectesiVIt sutscess,;•- Vol men we want in the Legislature, Tsk Expositor seerns to forget that bried2 suecess, The sents,.1 expressed by the „Expositors sot - „Y tahro: QsQ d. Y.:MCI-eon wh T? 0:7e.0 )0'7, the caoddate for Par::oMetttarY honors. But since there :'•;.;): .9”: r eason why Eilher id :tot Ise re-elected any old eve kvie ure Signs THAT YOU HAVE KIDNEY TROUBLE y0;* oonstantly acning and if you exPertioice '4011 shooting, pains, it.-stotto: .utfae- is thiok and ci,oudy „your frequent, scanty and Pain 'fel, your Kidneys and Bladder are out order. Neglect quicklY brings On. riteWIlatiSfe, dia- betes, lumtrago, sciatica, etc, Booth's Kidoey Pills are guaran- teed to relieve or. Youlr money back, Tbey are the world's greatest • • specific for kid- dder trouble, All drugglsts ,POstpaid from the Prop -riot- , T. Booth. co,, L.:waned, wort ‘Fnae., trial ,ton applfeatiton. -d "guaranteed in Exeter by oroures, of the late electiort tIle conservatives had, a P inaOlerity Qt 43,383. In Ont- ario al)ne tt • waa 65,904, The, Dooser- vatiVes, „ MaiatitY =at '‘mtes tt rte, :Manitoba. Dritish4 Colunibla and rinCes,EdWard Islattd. and the 14,berals Albeita, -Saskatchewan, Quebee„ New l$eatssck, and No Scotto. The Lib- eral popular majority in 1908 'oras Thf- Delver r educattenal rp Tin Whitney-, cont f.,41,706,000. 901 et gave e* ;91%000. r 1910 ;;TaVet 1 BEND, Mr. Ettie.,T Carrier& let•'Ttlesa.SY for Torento, _atter spansitng tWO inouths wt his ren.' -2r, David Baird hes brtfed with Mr, Dale ilea's Latcaafor 3 Year. -11.r. Vrta here hunting Moo- daY,4M,TS. wm, Dueltartast. arrived home Tuesday front the Sanitarium 'much im- proved "in heitlth.--Miss Dale, who has tleen Iriettitao at Mr. Antos', left fer Ito" Maadayo-Mr. D. Wilsoo of rEoa w".411 Ed, Gat, jN, 'last • itc+Sa, Whe hsick, as been. 'saving ' FULLA.RTONs-The tu,oeral. of. MT'S. t,Ieankrrette .Meloeast relict of the late John McLean, held tO-day to RoYsehuz cb, Cemetery fin Fullarton, was largely attended. Mrs. '1'4101.,,eara wa.* M her 91st year; and dited SaturdaY . at. gie home. or her dail,ghter; ,, John Melville,' of M• ',.1itchell: • AILSA CRAIG--Perer 'Parker, a< old Craig boy, who has1 spent the last rotor Years in the -w-est,rwas brought home, by his physician, sufferiot4 room a, nervous breakdown. • PULLARTON-sAlargaret , Campbell, re., lIct thle late John I410Dougal, pue 04 the pioneer settler* of this tewnshile, d:.ed io, Filrorge. Sask.,. on Nor. 1.7th, in, her 99zia year. Her rerna, his were in terred Fullarton cemetery last Wednes day. EIPPEN—A. number of men are busily ettgaged cutting: the timber .on, the Paul Doig farm and drewirseit ete the station 'tow's thii? • We after 9ne.t.tundred, Dollars Reward far any Ca of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hairs Catarrh Cure, • _ P. J. OFIEJSET & Co., Toledo ,01F. We the undersigned have known F. J.: Obermy for the last 1:;_years, and believe WM perfectly honorable. in, alt busmette transactions 'and financially abbirto way out any obligations made 13F hs sem - • W,ii,:119,KO,K0,0gAN MAIM.; Wholaeale prugg,ists, Toledo, (,) Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken interoally acting' d reedy en -the blood and mucous surfaces, of.. the system. Testimonialsient free., PXice 750. per bot- tle, SoIdby allPruggists TakeRaIrs Fatally Pills Mr constipittiOn. • STRAW AND SHELTER FOR CATTLE The unders!gaed will take a, number of cattle which he will shelter and let run around 4•11s straw stack. Apply on .„ she premiSes, Lot 32, Con. 1, Usborrie. 3OHN C01.,,ENIAN for shipntent Loadop,lwhere, the owa- ESTRAY 'er. Mr. Beek hata It manufactured tnto booes.—Mr. Bruce Perry narrowly es- esPed tositig caught by a rolling at the station lastoweek 'it, was his boot -was caug.:4 and the sole tora off. •CLINTON—Mrs, A. Forces, to and formerly of, Seaforth. has Just had a letter from her sister, Nit's. W. C. Kyle, of Strtome, Alberta, gw- ing the melancholy particulars of a sad af2s. which happened her second to daghter Edna A, It seems the Young lady waS burned to death, She was us- ing coal oil tO light a firer when the •Can of toil in Ivor Ilanda exPleded, sett - 41g ffre to her CLothing. SEAFORTH—A, verY rlaiet but Pret%Y wedding was sOlellzeti Nevember 92nd, at high noon at thethome of Mr, Robert ,Barnett, Seatiorth, whea his daughter, '+)tiles Susannah Mae waS ited in Marriage to Mr, I -Brant Charles Lombard+ of 13affal0- Grand. TrUalt Braleeman, LOtt:s. WWy Mot wltb. a, WU' serious accident here while couPling cars. The cars came to, gether 'with such force that the brake bar broke and Piece. stru0k, WittY On gide of- tile head, tearing one of his eats off and infi'iegtlg terrible cuts. He Was stunned bY the WOW. happy while you n)rt•. Tbe pree,t•nt seasDa approae"; • -11a.eg of Exeter, sum -..s,D•tt to good. cuou3lt f.or t1:e 11 ,a vciter „.,..11),1 .Qr 0. 003 -..'Or tOOCf.*„.f.:. 414101.141t. due 1;1 each, or the ;years f strat at ear that 't haa bet Qincreaso of th ouni 0' aractrv t' the AnterOmn war she Groat Lokos rcntTy * *19 W0U,d nan undsr the Itu-h- 'Bator agrestneat" TO, t-eaos p-svdt.s soly ono? gl,rtInckt on ••- 'takes cool 'the sfgni,ng he treaty. 1919. trt,- - ears II4,0 =114` lalCS Vra4 the Old :Welt - ..he past fivo years a , derztla gunbOass tas oo the Cpper Lake% laE5lithroe:ilia the Gan $avral re quite large- ry:ttg •guns. Tr may simPiio °I -noting t'+':fte-t, e fn every seolo of the ......ortietellY dem:rata the ne 4anutt. as lived up to tits 93 Skin]a Mass of Fire Horrible turo—tat; onendorabis — days vraen the whole body seems to be, burning up—long bights of sleepless ago oily—Then-- INSTANT DELIEF--The skin cooled -and refreshed --all burnoing and itching gone. Tr.oueards testify to this --thousands who suffered from Eezerna, Psoriasis and other skin troubles, ilnttl tileY heard of' that simple cooling 'wash of Wintergreen, Thy/not and other ingred- ients known as D, D. D. Prescript:on, J. Samuel Lewis, writes, ----"I used three bottles of D.D.D. Prescription,a.nd now my skin, mice a mass of fire and Irritation, Is as smooth and soft as a Of all remedies for the skin that we know we can especially recommend the D.D.D. Prescription for Eczema. Just a rand, soothing wash—but it cleanses and •COOls the skin as nothing else can. And It takes away the itch instantly. We would like to tell you more about D.D.D. Prescription if you will call, or write th,e D. D. D. Laboratories, Dept E, A., 49 Colborne St., Toronto, and get a free trial bottle.'I •' W. S. -HOWE!, Exeter THIRTY YEARS . Otis Sets,en Colleges have beep es- tablish -ed during the past 30 ye.trs. Tne largest trainers in Canada, Owing to our connee-, tion all over Ontario, we do bet- ter for our graduates than arty other Scho I. You may study all at home or partly at, hotne and finish at the Coll -ge. M111- -iated with The Cotnmercial Edu- ' cators' Association of Canada. It would be.well for you to in- ' vestigate before chuosirig. elusive right for Ontario of the world-famous BlissBookkeeping Systena, which is uneciditIled• It is Actual Business from Start to Finish and the Students keeps same books a,s Chartered Banks and Wholesale Houses. Enter anytime. Individual instruction , Fall Term From Aug 28 pr phone , WLISINES5 COLLEGE G1110 SPOTTON PitINCIPAL Mise B. F. 'Ward • PrIncipal and tha sad -L • „, 1911 aw 1. $151.22 2. 1153,79 3. 166.73 4 175.08 5, 19.3.81 0. 193.01 7. 202.66 S. 2,12.70 223.43 934.60 11, 216.33 12. 25'8.65 E. 271.58 14. 283.10 13. 290.42 16. 314.39 17.. 330.11 T.. TO AUTHORIZE THE IS$1.3E entures or t`v,t- Corpo-at*on of of Exeter to the amount of. nye thousand dollars, fo.• pur Pose Alt extendlw; t‘te present Water- Wbries System of the. said Corpora- tion. WHEREAS the MtaniIpat Council CorpriOation of 413 "tillage of Exe- 4',Joni!'Xadvisalele.to extend the Wt- wtks or -C.:to so_ld Corpor4lort and In -order 'el-tore/0 t w1L be necessary .o Issue debentures or the said Corpor- w.lon te thb extent of Five thousand dol- lars (5000), as 4.-..ereinaf1er provided, wnich ;is tire ainouat of the debt intend- ed to be created by this ley -law, the xu*- of t'le said debentures to be ap, plied to the said )1)1.trpos.a and not -other. AND WHEREAS it Is desirable to alto tiot! pr: ielpal of lite wad debt re- . sayablo by varly sums during the per- twentY Years, being the currency thz- said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective aroottrits that aggregate amount payable in eaeh year for Principal anti Interest In res - of, the 'said:debt shall be ,asolearly Pees:hie, equal to the amount so pay abln fTl eaoa of:'the other nineteett years tha said periFad as detailed in Clause of this By-law. AND WHEREAS the total amount re- 14u:r.ed to be raised, annually by a special .rate for paying the said debt and Latersst +is, the •surn. of Four hundred -ad one stoners and twenty-two cents. AND WHEREAS, the amount of the whole rateable property of. 'the sa.ld Cor- poration of the Village of Exeter, ac- cording to the last revised Assessment Roll, is $575.5.8%71 AND W1-11,REA.S tho arnount of the existing Debenture debt of the eaid Coporation of the Village ,of Exeter 5* $36,256.38, of wa_ch no part •of toe Principal, or interest, Is in &steer. THEREFORE the Municipal Councii of sta.,. Corporation of the 'Village of Exe- ter enacts as follows. 1. Toat Tor the purpose of rats- ing ' the 'said Debenture; of the paid torporation .of the Village of Exeter,' to the.arnount of Fktii Thousand'dollars, Debentures shall be iSsued, in sums of not leas than' O'ne Hundred ,dollars each; and -such debentures shall be, signed by the Reeveof the Said, Corpora. Lion for the tints being, and counter- signed by the Treasurer for the time befall; ot the said:Corporation and duly sealed iwiltin t,he Corporation Seal thereof by the Clerk far the time: being of the said COrpoite.t.ien. 2. The sad debenture -s, shall be doted upoo,the datepf the issue there- of' and as to britia, Drilticipal and inter- est shall, bs payable In annual instal- ments wftptialq 20 years from the ,date of the ,:lssue thereof, such instalments to be of at.t.:h. amount's that the aggre- gateS;:aknount.1 payable or Principal and riterest L1tatLy year during the •said• ! ariods'or 2 yea -s shall be as nearly 'egos:). „as rt -,93r be to what is payable oft1flciJl,afld I n tercet t during eatih 0_ th,S.Optlfeiso.yeare of such period of • years; -as set out tp ,saod clause • of ttos I.. A 'ea:debentures shall bear , . i.er.cpit.t at: the rale:of five per centum per annuMs'Orern the date of the :Issue ' tlereo±, and,the sa,:d Interest s9al3 be ayahI YearlY on the day 01 the. mon- on wh:c;(t the 'said ciebea-tures are 1s- ,, ", and:as to bofIli •prf•ncIpa: and „crest the delsentuOes shall be ,ay - a31(% in; animal j:t1 9 tai n tits' at a char- ei-ca llanttin 010, said Villa,V2 tp tisi», of. erach InstalmentS to .hecorna due arid be.1" irt °fleI,Y:ear ars' ter _Ohs ,datttO of 4. DurIng the currency of the said Debtsito•oes there -shall be resed an- ultrii15ri a special rate on all the oate- ,..e. props:Or to the sa&I Corie:rat•Ort interest in respect as INTEREST TOTAL 250.00 t$401.22 242.43 '401,22 234.49 401.22 226.16 401.22 217.41 401.22 208,21 .401.22 19856 401.22 188,43 401.22 177.79 401.22 106.62 101,22 151.80 401,22 142.57 401.22 120.64 401.22 110.06 401.22 101.80 401.2:: s,o.S3 401.22 71.11 401.22 18. 340.01 34.61 401.22 19. 30.94 37.28 101.22 20. 392.11 19,0a 401.22 5. That thiS By-la.w shall come 411--• to force and take effect o the. day Of the final passing thereof. 6. That the votes 0: the electors of too. said VIllago. of Exeter, entitled to ,.0to pa this by-law, be taken on Monday the 1st day of January, k. D. 1919, colunteneing, at o'cloelt in the forrnorki andcontinuing until 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, at the following Pitleed in the said 'ill - ass of Exeter, and by the- following Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, that :Is to say,— Subdivision No. 1, at Silas kiatadford's Rps'dence—Ed. Treble, D. 11. Officer, and Herb. Ford, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division, No. 2, at Town Hall—W. D. Woekes, D. D. Officer, and Jos. Davis, Poll Clerk. Poll:ng Sub -division. No 3, at John Mitchell's Office—Henry Huston, D. 11. Officer, and A. G. Dyer, Poll Clerk. Potting Sub -division No. I, at William Walker's residence—R. G. Seldom D. 11. Officer, and Alex. • 's.lePherson, Poll Clerk. 7, That fiSday the 29ti day of De- cember, 1911, at the ;hour of 11, o'clock the forenoon, shall be the day, and the Clerk's office in the Town, Hall, in tb,e Village of Exeter, shall be the place where the Reeve shall attend. to appoint persons to attehcl 51 the various polling places aforesaid, and at the fina1 sum- ming up of the Notes by thelerk on be-. 'half of the parsons interested .19., pro - meting,' or opposing the passiiig of this 13y -law, respectively. + , S. That the Cie* of the Corpora- ation of the saftcl V!tlJy cf lExetr)e shall attend' at his said office at 12 o'clock Noon. on Tuesday, the find day of January, A. D. ,19121, to sum up the votes given for and against this 13y-lafw. 91 Tbe.re atraycct front the premises of the undersigned, Lot 9, _North Boundary Stephen, a red steer, rng 2 years, Any person, returning .same ,or giving information; that will lead tO ,recovs ierY Will be suitably rewa.rded, 4t1as Stanlake, Jr., Hay NOTICE, The above ,s a true copy of the- Pro - Posed By-law' which, hats,1",beeo taken in- to considerationand which will" be fin- ally passed by the Coutn.e.S. 01 .the Car- Poration of the Village of Exeteir, th the event in the assent of th_e Electors, being• obtained thereto, after one niontirs from the first Publication tll.ere of -in the Exete.r Advocate Newspaper; whf_en, f:irat publIcation, shall • be on the 3oth ,clay of November A. 1/, 1911 and a true Copy posted att the Town Hall, Posit Office and'each of the Char tered. Banks tri threCSSild Village of Exe- ter, and, a Poll will be .;held'at the hour day and places thiareilo Voted for taking the votes OE the Electo`/-'s,. Every Leaselteidet- entitled by law to vote on th,e proPosed Dy -law shalt nt least ten days, -npxit proceeding the day of 'poii:Tig, . flle In the off :ce of tne Clerk of the Mon- .c-:pal:Ity, a Statutory Declaration stat- oa, that .1104 Pease- 01.0ef.l5 tSr otor:or onents b iavo`entiAllag hirn-;tb`,1.vote ti such BY -law, Oeglectidt,.= nam., ab.ali',9;ot be" Plattd.:, _votee-E3'„ U8,t, fo:' au:CO; VOt.ing: Datd at -Erzeter, th,:s 29th" November', AD 1911. C • clerk' t -porat:Oh t- . ale of Exeter.. NiEETING OF tivit:toN c.OutitT COLW, The cella -tell of the Corporation of the County of Huron Will meet In the coun ail chamber, in tile tOwn or Goderlah. o Toesday, the 5th dal Deeernber next, at 3 o'clock, All accounts for settlement intlet be PlaCed witb the Clerk before this date, Dated, Nov. 20th, 1911= W. LANE Clerk, Notice to Creditors Of WILLIAM GOULD MSSETT, late of the Village, of Exeter, in the County of Huron, GRittlernan, Deceased, Perallant to Sec, 38 of Chanter 199 of the ReYlaect State,tes °Merle. 1807 Tierce is hereby ,V.ven that all creditors and others havIzq claims azatust the estate of W11Liztor G,E1ssett, ate of the Village of Exeter in the Ceunty iuron gentlemen. wrol died on or about the 7th day of Npvember, A.D. 1911, 'tee on or before the ntat day of Jan - Ty, A, D, 3912, 1'o 'send by post, pre, Paid, to the undersigned eivolleltors here - I'll for E, "Frances 13$asete and Frank Ta4;tor, executers under the Will or tho said der:as:al thedr chri.stinn names and surnames, addresses 11.4d deser!Pi!orts, the full PireidEl.,78. o their is statenymt or their aceDunt* and the na- ture ot the seev.:.14DX et any) held bY them, and that after the day last afore - the said Executors will proeeed to d'strileute thi .assets of the said de - eased among the parties entitled the:e- , havittO regard oolylto such claims ot wirelt flotice shall have been givell, as above required, and the said Executors will not be liable for the %aa.Id, assets or any part thereat, to n;ay ;person or persona Dr v.^1toso claim or claims notice shall not have beettreebthem Ived by em at the Vane of such distrIbutkon. 1Dated at Exeter this. twenty-first day day of November, A.D. 1011. DsotGucii..;StoOrNa 'IoCr AErtxLeci NutGo'ru • Auction Sale Of w 1:ILL-Bram DURHAM, HOLSTEIN AND AYRSHIRE COWS, at the METROPOLITAN HOTEL, EXE- TER, on FRIDAY,. DEC. I, let 1 p.m. 113 large Durham CoWs, due rb calve 1.1) December and January. 10 choice IlitIsteto coWs, due La the spring. (3 choice Ayrshire CaWs. All of which will be sold without re- serve. It will be to the ,tnterest at far- mers and others, who wish to purchase choice cows, to al:tend:this sale, as this Is the best carioad.of cows ever brought to Vals sectOn, and All animals will be sold with a guarantee to be as repres ented. Terms. -8 months' credit on approved joint notes. A discount of S per cent. allowed for cash. T. DROWN, AL J. 'WILLIAMS Auct. •Prot. Auction Sale FARM STOCK AND IMPI.PMENTS. HAT AND ROOTS, on LOT 34, CON. 4, USBOBNE, TUES- DAY, DEC. ri-th, ay 1 o'clock the follow valuable property,— HORSES.-1 brood xnare, -yr-o1d,wIth ' foal; 2 geldOngs, general 'purpose; 1 pair .irlatched chestnut niaresoperclaeron 4 -yr -old, asstric.; 1 gelding 3-yr-ol,c1,, agr:c.; 2 geldings, 2-yr-old,agric.; filly, 2 -yr -old, aecic.;• 1 roadster ina,1:'a 3 -yr -old, guLet •srid Cattle --I cow 'due „in December ; 1 re newed cow; 2 caws: due in March; 2, cows due: lin 10,111 ; 3 dhce. steers, 2 -yr - old; 3 choice heifers 2-yr-alci; 3 heifers' .1-yrrold; 3 steers 1;yr.,o1d ; 3 calves. Ilogs—ibrOOd ,soVr; 10 plgs, 2-nios • Fowl—GO hens and pullet ; 39 tur- keys among whOch are some nice well- bred young tfernis. s , linplements—Lumber -wagort, operabug- gyi pair ,bobsleighs, cutter, new -binder ; mower, nearly new; new St.el. rake; new, seeder and tisiii; new'•Steel land rolIero new fain -Ong walking Plow, larke,, 2-2urrow .plow ; diSc harrow; • spring ,tosth cultivator; set harroors; ;scorner root 'pulpor ; ,atone. boat; Lroi scraper ,set .pla tf mop. scales, 1200 lbs; car fork ropes and, slifngs •WIteelbarrow ; grind- stone; ,sit double „work, harness ; set single harness; new Saskatchewan robe lot or grain bags, water trough; 3 logg- ing chalps, 3 -lot' Of ',crtie:chattis let re es , .neckyokas , shoo el s, asks , I:0eS , ant/Other astiscles t,oce numerous to nlen- bion. Also 3- cords cot': long Wood,whilch San be•,..r; used for, ; 31Y toils' of ',InSY'-a-;.qUartiSty of, straw' tq be rEd• ..e•,n • f SXIN.„ 't+ 00, mangle si and tUrnips , 1.40119e'biAd.t'f'...9eft,s;,-,,E....r.teuJ'oei • table ,new sidebos..rd, dining root+ Daisy churn,' Teat saw: Palle, Pars, etc, _ , og well "trairied."' a rat ° Temj-.$o ant14 car , " o,;ed :Selo „. n eft.- r), !Per""ceb,,r °11" -7-7/ r. atn*rntS, -pAyiprtocituRay,1,,rop T. N ' e AI)IAN BANK COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LLD,. D.C,L PfteaMENT -ALEXANDER LAIRD GENERAL. MANAGER. CAPITAL .$10,000,000 REST, $0,000,000 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES Issuedby The Canadian Bank of Commerce are the most convenient form in which to carry money when travelling. They are negotiable everywhere, self -identifying!, and the exact amount payable in the prin., cipal foreign countries is printedon the face of every cheque. The cheques are isstlea itt denOrfliflatiOns of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200, and may be obtained on application at the Bank. hi connection with its Travellers' Cheques The Canadian Bank of Commerce has issued a booklet entitled “Information of Interest to those about to travel", which will be sent free to anyone applying for it. A.23S EXETER BRANCH -'W, H. COLLINS, .fariatzer. Branch also at cmditoa. ••11, The Molsons Bank IncerporatedI8,55 Capital (paid up) Rest Fund Total Asset4 Over $4,000,000 $4,600,000 $441000,000 ROAS 83 Eranehes i ..ntuada, and Agents and Correspondepts in all Principal Cities in the 'World. BANK0141 1WSINROS TRANSACTS% SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT he IIIIMP1111111111111111111111011_4111111111111111.1111 at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the DOMi111011 Government. Thomt CARLING, §olleitors. MM,I)0.1',I Manager, "A7 Y 1.014Dort, ONT., BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students ond placed every graduate, Seven specially qualified re'gular-teaehers. One hundred and fifty Under% flans employ our trained help. College in session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Catajotuo Putt., Forest City'Afar College Short -bud 3.W. WES'I'ERVELT, sa. J. W. WESTERVELT. Chartered Acxouutatat, Prlacipal. Vice Principe. 11111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111 1.zel--0Dola)10Trac-k Lin TRROUGX-1 TRAIN SERVICE AND PULMAN SLEEPERS Between Toronto And Porcupine NORTBDOLIND—First train loaves To- vonto 8.30 p. M., Des. 2, arriving South Pacupiino 4,20 p. t, followitig afternoon. 013THBOTIND—Flrat train leaves South Poreupiate 12.30 p. m, Dee. 3, arriving Toronto 7.30 a. no following morning. The attractive route to WINNIPEG and WESTERN CANADA IS VIA GRAND Titufqx AND CHICAGO Steamship tickets on Sale via all lines Make your -reservations early. E. DUFF, District Passenger Agent, at Toronto. Ont. J. J. KNIGHT, Agent, Exeter. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Is to the front as the best school of its kind in the province. Our courses aro beyond those ot the ordinary busi- ness college. This school has a contin- ental reputation, for high grade 'work. , We have three departments, Commercial Shorthand and Telegraphy, . and the derna.nd for trained help greatly ex- ceeds the simply. Students are enter - Tog every week, and the sooner you en- -tile. better for yourself. tGe.1 our tree catalogue at once: D A. McLACHLAN, Principal. l-14+4-1-144-1-1-1444+11-14.1÷174÷1! A pure Silver Violin G String, for 25e. A real bilver string btis never b fate been sold at such a low price. Notwithstanding that toe Vareni String is not cheap in Quality. is made of pure silver carefully spon on good English gut and than burnished, As ,t result ef good materials and good workmanship the Vareni string is wonderfully durable aria possesses a marked, degree the splendidly clear tone, peculiar to pute silver strings. '400c You should have the Vareni G ' String if you have a Violin. S. MARTIN & SON .14.14,14.1444.144.4-14+:1444-1-14+,14 Fresh Groceries We are now well establish- ed. in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam- ely that of a daily 'increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction.' , Remember our motto,— "Fresh Groceries all tne time," All kinds of produce taken exchauge. JAS GOULD lielma V qv Wit s INS 1 /1,0 INS71 -*Mara : 11. awstail • 7 -volt vat et Or'- . V. , •01.9e. ' fe/aalle 11116110;n., arefflie qiC leleYS VINV4V7 To protect your fatuity' from the rava.ges of disease `and infection; and the rigors of winter; to make your home theabode of Health and • Happiness. Statistics tell us that there were over 250.000 deaths in North America last year from fever and F'netinuotiitt; Over 90 per cent. of these cases were traceable to out -door closets, and all were the result of insanitary conditions. Are you ,going to , this- torrlible death rate to continue. Why not insure' Health bY installing a "PARKyTn,F sAN1TARY CHB-. MICAL CLOSET. Abs51utely SarOtarv and Odorless" cara'Les the endorsement of Physiclans and I-lea.ltho Off,Joials, and 0,.,u7- own Iron -clad guarantee, Recluli:es no ,I;xIi3e11"4 s:ve "wa:ter-system ; 'do plUntb:ng'; no sewage can ho installed • in any part 0, you: liOnie at the 'cAt 'a..few minutes of 'sour ipare 'time.; lasts -alifc- and cast lesg tivat-k, a 0E1`.17 a da,•' , „ "PARKYTE" Cberitical ilas been proven by ,Bacterinlogical test ho be yfP " }fe' D e ant e dorant and Germicide knovvn to Science. ,) 91 PARRYT ITARY CHWICAI.4 CLOSFJP, is .sold bv earnan Exeter. Ont 91 -a'rkiiiiientosW111- necessEtrY. • call e Ill convin Yout No'ith *44!*T1-11-4.1 131:1? -3., kLi stt EDOI NTON d-ijWZNNIPEG. MAN4 VANCOUVER