HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-30, Page 3t ;, •ytik. THE STAIRCASE TEST C It You Cannot; Pass It Your Health is Failing, When you sufferaaeuto palpita- tion of , the heart, dizziness or faintness . every ,time . you go -tip stairs; when 'exertion of any kind leaves ;you breathless and tremb- ling, it is a warning that your, blood . is defective—that you aro g -• i s anaemic, If these warnings sic, are neglected worse disorders will fol- low --perhaps, decline and deadly- const*mption, If you are in this condition you need the, new, good Wood of .heath that has been given IA} thousands of sufferers by Dr. l'illianiis' Pii k Pills, These pills banish all the ailments arising from poor bleed, tone up the sys- tem and make weak men iuid wo- men well and. strong. Miss Eliza- beth Campbell, Almonte, Ont., says; ail was living in Pembroke at tIu time my health failed me. I keg growing weaker every day until I at last grew so weak 1 Kould not wall, up stairs without help, and 1 could not go down street` without sitting down and resting, My mother got quite ana.i.ous f:bout we and took mo to a doctor who said he was quite *tire he could restore nay health, He gave me a little bottle of medicine, and I coaitinued its, rase until I had taken .sfour bottles, but instead of ;getting :stronger I Was growiu weaker rll'tho time, and was only, 1AOrO sliRd0W Of my former self, ftfy° parents believed 1 was in a de opine anti 0o1114 WA get better, My. mother had heard so much about Pr, Williams' Pink Pills that oho deeitied 1 ought to try thein, I. r,0�]Do:]'s sTrcrETs.. -1 'GRIPPE LEFE .NIM. A Polished Surface , of Thor'diighfares Show, Great Care. OD CO3FIRMED INVALID After a spell of dry weather the streets in London, England, paved with wood and asphalt, become polished to a. veryhigh degree, andv the sheen upon Vietoria street and Piccadilly, and some other roads, is , so remarkable that at night they shine almost, like ice in the glare of the lamps, writes Lord Montague is London Car, If an unused section be observ- ed ,oyes which inotoes do not ren, no plush will be seen. but in the middle of the street the surface, though curiously enough, not slip- pery y in its dry state, is polished like the Poen of a ball -room, the naturaleffect, when one. conies to think of it, of rubber and steel in juxtaposition; and the slight but continual slip -ping of wheels over a surface of hardwood. One effect of this polish is to make it impos- sible for any light or loose mat- ter to rest upon it when there is any wind 1;t all, The centre of the streets has became marvellously clean, and all ths'" horse refuse is blown into the gutters near the pavement, which, being often flushed with a trickle of water, colleets most of this light anti dangei'oii.S detritus whioh would otherwise be blown farthei, aifield I have often written of the Ebony Wao down the Champs Elysees in Paris, Wer have now -in London many ebony way's, but not being coven as a izton to so iuuekl ovPa'lubricstzon as our G{:l- lie neighbors, our roads are nisi; as black, owing to dripping oil on the surface. The surface of our streets is becoming mare like nottshed ivioms tlia polish" d ebonv. The effect of the Thad Board aril its grants is already to he seen dill BUT . Il<E FOUND ,CURE IN DODD'S; I{IDNEYt PILLS, ;9. ' to ale o oSixua, ter- was'c-orifi confined Q._ tae �, s �. bed whe ► - he 'started. to use •Dodtl's Kidney lilts—They cured him. did not notice much change u?itii over Elielariii in ree,nd to the I: had taken five or six boxes, whenn =kink of pzaitt roads thistless.. decried improvement set in, and from -chat on 1 ,Prow stronger and rower each day, until through CO1117iMied use of: the pills I t►gas hack to my;' old-time health and ;. strength. 1 believe lir. Williams' Pink rills the best reined;; on earth' for sick people, and cannot too':. strongly urge other weak girls to; give them, a trial-" Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at .5O eents a box or inti' hoxesfor $q,from The 1)r• Wil- liams' ti :4 lianas' Itiiedicinti Co„, Brockville, Ont, DEPENDS ON WHERE 13E IS "lIow old would you say she is s"'. "To her ,face or behind' hoz' Mick'?,:, Away With Depression and Mel- ancholy,--These two evils are the accompaniment of a disordered sto- mach and torpid liver and paean wretehedness to all whom they visit. The sureet and speediest way r.• to combat them is with Parmelee,'s Vegetable fills, which will restore the ,healthful action of the stomach. and bring relief. Theo have proved their usefulness an thousands of eases and will continue to give re- lief to the suffering who are wise enough to use them. HEARTLESS. Cholly—"Miss Jones, life with- out you would be, for nye, a de- sert,. What is your answer?" Ethel—".Buy a cancel 1" TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY Ow Red, Weak; weary, Watery Eyes mei Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't esakrt—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Oen Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, toe, $1.00. Murine Fye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 2ic, $1.00. Eye Rooks laid, Eye Advice Free' by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. above all the mammals save nran himself. Minard's Liniment CuM Diphtheria. A FULL REPORT. One day an 8 -year-old girl, who had been' taught to report her mis- deeds promptly, songht her mother with an aspect of grief denoting great penitence. "I broke a brick in the fire - b,lace," the youngster explatined, etween sobs. "Well, that isn't beyond re- medy," smiled the parent, "but how on earth, child, did you do it?" was peunding.it with father's watch 2" DON'T LET THAT . UU ARNE% TO MOTHERS .mother can expect her little one to escape all the ills of child- hood, but every mother who accepts fair warning as to the treatment of these little ills CDR save her baby such suffering, Thousands of mo- thers t]lers of young children keep Baby's Own fableta il the house—all no- thers should do 130. The Tablets ire a never -failing euro for all the minor ills of babyhood and ehild- hood. They canbe given with per- fect safety -.-they always do good; never harm. Constipation, indigos - on, colic, simple: fevers, colds, etc•, all rapidly 'disappear, under treatment with the Tablets. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 23 cents a box, from; The Dr. Williams' MedicineCo. I3roel Mille, Ont. SURPRISE 'EM. "Ho makes a fine appearance." "Yes. You'd never guess he'd come to borrow money until he makes tlaertouch," A Simple and Cheap Medicine.-- p A simple, cheap and effective me- dicine is something to be desired. There is no medicinb so effective a regulator of the digestive system as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They are simple, they are cheap, they can be got anywhere, and their be- neficial action will prove their re- commendation. They are the me- dicine of the poor ii=an and those who wish to escape doctors' bills will do well in givin; them a trial. 'BOB:. YOU'OF $LEEP Yon probably know all too- well how it goes. just as you doze off, , the tickling starts in your throat... • A gentle rough, stillaslcep Allard ercough, and thin another. First tiring you know, you're wide awake, coughing your head off, A few nights of that and you're so worn out and weakened that the cough takes a tight grip on you. But' sehy endure it? Na-Drn C.o Syrup of Linseed, 'Licor- ice and Cliiorodyne will soothe that exasperating tickling, loosen the phlegm and cure the inflammation of the inucous membrine. It not only stops the cough qqutckl?. , allowing you to get sound; re- freshing sleep, but it goes to the root of the trouble and drives ont tliecold coni- `4 pletely. Children willingly'. take Na- rn-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice'and Chlorodyne, because it tastes so good, Your Druggist ha.s it or can quickly get for ;von in 2,5e. and'•5oc.•bottles The E t tational Drug ,it . Chemical:. Co,' o i' l lsau t l t, Limited, Y t Tiepins; Pontiac Co., Que-, Nov. 27 (^Special).: Postmaster F. pine, of of this place, who for three years has been raiore or less of an invalid, and who far some time was confined tohis bed, is up and around again, a healthy and hearty iron. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. "After recovering from au attack of Gippe," Postmays in telling' the story the of hisster eurosa. "1 took a, pain in my back and I suf- fered for nearly three years, inal- lv getting so bad that I was con- fined to my bed. hone and is in danger of choking, "One clay;: I told my wife to go use your forefiliger in the form of and get rete some Dodds 1~4idiey a:hook, and even at the rise of eon - Pala, as that would be the last rete sideralrlo pain relieve the little dieinc< I would try. After using autterer, about half the box I began to ,feel A little kerosene added to warm. better, so I kept on tatting thein, water when watching windows, ere - When 1 had_ taken two boxes I was via peeiallyoutside, will rcnaave the able to get up, and boxes cit d sticky condition oftenfound bet- ee sonpletely." t ter than alcohol, ammonia, or The principal: danger of Grippe whiting, is the after effeots, The way;, to Try washing of the hands with a guard agaistat this is to, strengthen little sugar added to the soap. the Kidney's so they can strain all This greatly inereases the 'lather the dregs of the disease out of the and cleansing power, and will re - blood, Docld's Kidney Pills are wave dirt and chemical stains in a, wonderful manner. A never failing rule to follow in placing sleeves is to measure one inch back of the shoulder seam, measure one-half of the arm hole, and place the nnderseam of sleeve''. at tibie point, HINT'S FOR THE HOME. A, great convenience when clean- ing house is a stick with a notch in the- end that will lift picture cords off from hooks without so much stepping up and down. When patching wall paper tear the edges of the piece about to be. used. When pasted upon the wall a tear in paper shows less than 'a' Gut' with knife or scissors. If a meal¢has been taken within two, or three hours of ;going to bed to ;sleep on the left sido is to give the stomach a task which is diffi- cult in the extreme to perform. Pillow slips should be a half inch narrower than the pillows they are to cover. This snugness in fit sures the; pillows standing upright when the bed is made ip- A clean brick represents an ex -1 Y cellent makeshift stand for a flat- E iron Briek retains heat better than the perforated metal reste which are ust?aliy employed for the purpose. • If cooked meat is ready for the table before it is required, place in a fish and set over a pan of boil- ing water placed on the back of the range and covered; with cloth, If baby has swallowed a fish- BONDS SPAY BETT R. J T ST. ON YOUR MONEY tJ In point of security and interest return, the small investorinbon;isisonthesame footing as the institution or individual withthousandsortensof thousands to invest.. 4J i-Jntil Bonds in their present form were devised, it was not an easy thing to iindyieldianng iasnvestmenthigha,6 saperfe,cent. ineasily cteonyertablrest.: e into: cash, and simple in form; and I " t ll ve n Q tis;aina ter of importance to -you toknowthatyvegenera yha o handbonds indenominations of $1o0 and upwards, paying interest of from 434' to 6per,cent. t,, (hese are seasoned securities, bonds that have demonstrated their ability to pay interest and:principal. ,. y, 4J If you have any -money, rio matter what the amount, earning less than this, your should ask ne how te, rC-i1'at est it in away to afford better interest with as good,.: or better security:., Y'SECURITIES CORP RATION LlMi7i=€'3 BANK OF MONTRER L :ELWLDING: , YONGE AND QUEEN STREETS R. M. WHITE TORONTO ihtius3pCr MONTREAL-QLOtiNDOEBEG4-HhssALIFAX,i-QTTAWA' o GOOD. "He has a good wife, hasn't he?" "1 should say so. He can always borrow money from her when he goes broke himself." Minard's Liniment Co.Limited. Gentlemen,—Last whiter I received great benefit from the use of MINAItD'S LINI- MENT in a severe attack` of LaGrippe. anti I have frequently proved it to be very effective in case of Inflammation. Yours, W. A. HUTCHINSON. always the last medicine anyone takes for Kidney Disease, It al- ways cures and no other medicine is needed, A WARNING, "Why, Mandy," said old Mamauy Dinah, "what's diss 1 hy,';ill. about yo' narryite dat s-dnd-fur-nuthin' Satin Johnsing ?" "Ya'as, Mammy, 11 suttingly am," said Mandy, blushing a rich ochre. "Why, dat man's de alateralest born flirt dere ever was on dis y carc earth, chilc, said Mammy. "Why, cloy done 'flashed him.fm de barber shop' cause ebbery time he lok in de klass he'd wink at lii msel' f BURGLAR -PROOF SAFES NOW. It is stated that Messrs. IC.`rupp, of. Essen, Germany, are now manu- facturing a type of steel for action of -q Safes iick- u ti which resists the cutting drills and breaks the -best bits' lie glass. It is equally proof �•� 'cut it blow -pipe. To 1• e. the b u against wp li in this way at length of time is re- quired not it the disposal of the burglar. To cut , a plate 40 rem. thick "with' a blow -pipe, it takes six to fourteen hours, 32,000 litres of hydrogen and l3,000 of acetylene. This would involve the 'conveyance' of six steel cylinders of comnres sed`gas, each weighing 70 kilos, t•hish is presumgbly beyond the resources, l -)f the average burglar at any rate, CARTE TE AND PIERCE. He—"What do you women do at you club?" She -"Tall- about the faults of you leen. What do you do at yours V' He—"Try to forget the faults of the women." Often what appear to be the most trivial occurrences of life prove to be the most momentous. Many are disposed to regard a cold as a slight thing deserving of little (on.- sideration, onsideration, and this neglect often results in most serious ailments entailing years of suffering. Drive out colds and coughs with Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the recog- nized remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs - Ninety per cent. of the cycles im- ported into Japan are supplied by British manufacturers. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. AWFUL THOUGHT Neil -"Won't it be grand when women can vote?" Belle—"But suppose election should come on a day when ` you have a fitting at your dressmak- er's." i/ohs G QUICKLY STOPO COUOKS, Cosies COLDS,, HGAL5 Trig TiificAT AND LUNGS. 25 GENTS PERSONAL. Cie11yPHot much chloroform " for n will ,ttake to kill apuppy'?" Druggist ---"Tut, tut a Stop smok- ing cigarettes anti you'll think bet- -ter of it." FREE TO BOYS Splendid, Magic' Lantern (with twelvr -tides); Steam Engine (nearly ane root high); with w histle- fly wheel and every. thing complete for running; Guaranteed "Starr" double -ender Hockey Skates; or guaranteed Watch free to any bey. Send in your name and we will send you Se sets of Sarnia views and Christmas post. cards to sell at to cents a set. \Vhcn sold send ns the money and we will send you whichever prize you choose. We prepay all charges. Address, }IOMER- 'CVARREN CO., Dept. 29, Toronto. A Power of Its Own. — Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil has a subtle power of its own that other oils cannot pretend to, though there are many pretenders- All who have used it know this and keep it by them as the most valuable liniment available. Its uses aro innumer- able and for many years it has been prized as the leading liniment for mean and .beast. MEAN THING. He—"I suppose, wifey, you wouldn't care' to go to the theatre in your old dress?" She --"Oh, dear, no. Of course not!' He --"That's what I thought, so I—" She—"Yes, dear—" He—"So 1, only bought one tick- et for sus=self. QUITE ` N-IOE . I'QR TFIE\l.- 'a11 tins- `` ire .the Young,-' r1 5 Ina' tai take t'k bits housed'; r tiden— Test a five to, ! +1 nlse1T s Ana' a their wedding "pre e,; e- 0 il! HAD GOOD CAUSE. "Ho never seemed to have any friends." "Yet the heirs seemed unusually mournful.'," "Well, most of his money 'went to charity." Hard and soft corns both yield to Holloway's Corn Cure, which is entirely safe to use, and certain and satisfactory in its action. LEGAL LORE. "As a lawyer, how would you advise me to sue for. a girl's hand?" "Take the case to court and ask for immediate trial." Quick -spoken Customer You keep everything for the piano, don't yon? Salesman—Yes, sir. Wo do, sir. Quick -spoken Custom- er—Give me an axe. Government Municipal l and Corporation Bonds Correspondence Invited. CANADA SECURITIES BQRPORAT1ONi9nfi ` La Hon. C.J.Doherty K.C.,ni.P.,. President. Rodolphe Forget, M.P., Vice Pi : adept. Geo. H. Goodciham, M.P.P., 'Ji c e.Prosident. HEAD OFFICE: 170 ST. JAMES'STREET MONTREAL, he' a -eading Lam Opticians agree drat the light from avgood oil lamp is easier on the eyes than any other artificial light. The Rayo Lamp is the best oil lamp made, ft give;, a strong: yet soft, white light; and it never flickers. It pre,. serves the eyesight of the young; it helps and quickens that of the old. You GanPaY $5, $10, or $20 for other lamps, but you cannot get better light than the low-priced Rayo gives,. Made of solid brass, nickel -plated. Easily lighted, without reemov. ing shade or chimney. Easy to clean and rewick. poetess eeetywhuc; cr write for descript cc circular dicot to say neetecr of The Queen City Oil Company, Limited when buying your Pone insist on havzn9 an OTT ir' ti 3EiL" Piano Action 1 14 FINGALE STOCK SMOKER Member Standlutt Stock and miininglirchange LISTED STOCKS CARRIED eN MARGIN Cerroapondeneo insitad. ,a 1IEUNOA ST., TORONTO Ts etit-Firstt Itliivirovi lova. M EDLTER- RANLAR EUROPEAN Fah. 3. LACONIA Now Corr to Madeira, fab;: 'te.r, Nice, Atoute Carlo, "+'aphist, ;Ikon e vise to Slttly, tlr,.nce, 'rtlrkev Asia. !Mit n, Syria, Palestine, h vpt on DUtNOTrAO nASTLE,le3)A.nus- pieei of. Sir floury Limn. Naples to Linden. L.hnttrats.t Program. am. F. Withi ,r,,in t , 1utlio,Fist Loot; Doom. 'rnr.ntt Cattail t, Harduppe—Is Wig way honest l Eorrowwell--Well, ]ie, came around to Tny house the other day and stole an umbrella I had borrowed from hind. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, &a. There are eighty thousand kinds of beetles. Worms sap the strength and un- dermine the vitality of children. Strengthen them by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator to drive out the parasites. Oats contain a larger amount of flesh and bone forming substances than any other cereal. You will. sneeze; perhaps feel chilly. You think you are catch. ing cold. Don't wait until you know it. Take a dose of Ham. lins Wizard Oil and you just can't catch cold. - Man at birth is the most helpless of all living things. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. T NEW _MANTIC NAVAL BASE. harbor: for British l iolue Fleet in 'Joie Firth .at' Clyde. It is stated on oocl authority at nny better then to kick you 'ioesn't g add: to the :en'a mens tf y�eur std Glasgow.' Scotland, that ,the asci- 7 Y y. miralty has decided to make a now in the hospital. naval base at Larnlash Bay, in the Isle of Arran,: in the Firth of Clyde. Heavy -moorings are being laid tIown there, and everything points to the ,intention' of the Admiralty to provide safe accommodation for a complete squa,dren. This new Clyde base is to become the head- t quarters of the. third division of the Home fleet., for cast coast has h t o Hitherto, o]viuus reasons beon the scene of the most vital changes in the dis- position of Britian's Naval strength. At Rosyth, on the Forth, there are, as is .well known, immense works going forward which will make this place a very important and strong naval baso for the larg- est ships. At Dundee smaller craft, includ- ing :submarines are concentrated, while Senpa Flow, in the Orkney Islands, itas also t,i late` received considerable attention from the ad- ntiray. Lowlter down tile coast, at Har- wich. . in LEsaev, is the very ,in2poirt- ant headquarters et dile destroyer flotillas- n+: neere-t 'PH -I" the 'q^'n 91,250,000 miles from the `earth. FARMS FOR 00141 AND SALE, ASIC DAWSON, HE KNOWS. P 37.41 wiwt to soli a farad. consols iue. 11? you mini to l,uy a rami. consuls/ me. HAVE sotoe or Lite best Ernst. Stock, Grain u or Dai ry .h :Arms xp Qatari°, id prices right. lf W. DAMSON, Ninety Ji,... Street, 'reroute. AGENTS WANTED. harms 1 l pp (iEN`I'S WANTED, -- A LINE FOR, -43._ every home. Write us for our choice list of agents auppiics,Wu nave this Utt'eatetit agency proposition in Llanady today. No outlay necessary. .Apply h+ t t . 1, Co,. 228 Albert, 4t„ Ottawa. HELP WANTED. ALESMEN--•859 PER WLEK SELLING /.7 nue hand tight -seater. taattit'pLe and terms tic, Money refunded if ui1<atitrl•ae. tarry. e.ontntn4. c aisle¢, tvotitl, Ont. F ONCE-^-filEN TO LEARN BAR1 Eit 2 . tracte expert ixistruction a consta,ttn pt:itcticei tools tree; uttvltys sure eiiipioy- nient fora barber, write fair catalogue. 3tuler Barber College, iitl Queen Rasa. Sorontn. MISCELLANEOUS. ILI AY and FAN.ht tiUAi,LS, Wilson's scale 1Lor>,,s, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. 4.0 ►7 1WIIILL MAL IINEatY, P0RTABLIID or heavy Latne Mins, Shingle Milts. Engines and Boilers, :hitt Semtitics. Tile E, Lott; Manufacturing Co„ t,tu., West Street, t?rillta, Ontario. L FLIM SatNE1.t'I'—CUSTOM 801319 ,!„Jrand Fur tanning Cattle und Bosco make best hones and Goats them aroetrly tanned. .hotiti teem to Ines and Intro them dressed right. You will be well satisned. 1t. 11. nett Delete. Ont. ,� j i,�VLit, TL tvafs, LuittPa, etn. In - YJ ternsl and external, cared tvithoulr t.�.n. by our uenie treatment,. write nit lietore too late. Jr. iseOutau Medical Co,. Limited, Colliugwood, Ont. 61.0N SUAL.I: CaL3.t:.rt�1hLD. Wilson•t Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, 3'oronto, A GENTS 1SANTBD, — A STUDY 02 .LJ. other Agency propositions convinced us that none can equal ours, You will al<' ways regret it it yea don t apply tor par. ticulats to Travellers' Dopt., tsa:& Albert St.e Ottawa. PJC1ALISlS ADVICE I'rEfB. Consult ice? us in regard to any diseases Lowest pruais in drugs of all kind Trusses fitted by mail. Send measurer went. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -dal. for anything sold in first-class drug; stores to Dr. Bellman. Collingwood. Ont. CHENILLE CURTAINd and of kinds a to , hangings, also. Li10E CURTAINS DYED KNO CLI?ANEDI LIKE. var.w. Write tousabout yours, IBRITISS.AMERICAN IYEINC CO., Sex E58, nontreall The fact that a mule didn't know External i,pplication for ?man. or beast, Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities in the tier] of the STURGEON for sp' anis, lameness, etc, Dr. Dow's formula; has it en its best form. For l'll ewn,a,ti ni, Lumbago, Neuralgia, ,6tv iitinga etc it cannot be equa llvd. Try 31 once and you satsfech Price 25 cents. ASK YOUR DstAr_EIrv,< HE SELLS tT. P1' Bs atylcy Drag °re , Stale Prors. St4o1171, N. B.