HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-30, Page 1TWENTY-FOURTH YYE,An, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1911. ;wAND.ER$ & QIiF,F,CI Local Items The biggest coffin ever _made in, On- tari;o was nvadet in Chatham this, week for a Iran weighing 610 pound,s. It was three Seat, four istches wide. {1 ,,; Mr. Thos, Handfeed of Vanicouver, B. C, son of Mr. 3.ibhard Blandford of Centralia, is in, Onta.io visiting relat- ives and friends Ile spent Wednesday fxtow:I ad eIsl Years since Mr. �;. Handford visited his old home. INFORMATION WANTED. --A. letter has been received by the Advocate from Chas, N. Page o"- Des Moines, %Iowa, as k#g forinformationa�ar iz �t he ceadants Thos, Page, who tornzerly lived at Leominster, Masa.. but moved to Ontario Mot about. 1795. '1t #s suppoa- ed Mat seens of hila decendants now live it this locality, though posttlbly those alovr here are net named, Page, but may of some other tame, who .married u- M the Page family at an earlier date. it appears that a large property: amountaas to several million dollars re- verta to Meal branch ' ut the i,amily, til.tlel hada been 1yi;ng dormant far really Years Paast, It :ie SupPogcd, that Thos. Page: lived until about 1880, but it stow be- comes important, octett. ta trace the timesei and Place of hes death and names of tris de cendenta, CLAND1;;E OYE Jas. Melt:ma, alas, returned from a trip o tine Porthweat—A very pretty wed- ding took place at St, Jami .church. when Miss ;Mice Carter was milted in marriage tat ~lar,- 3. I Iell;zerna:t, or \rind dor,, Ont. The, ceremony was pea•torny cd Ary Bev, Wm. Lowe, atter which line you couple tooka trip to Toronto.—' F-nsolt :Dee o= Regina, Sask.., is visiting Anis parenia of thla Pince.--I`fr, !. Dd. .McKenzie s visitinu, relativea lea Appi 1.—Miss McLeod or London is vie 'ming Mr. and Airs. Hennessy here. St. James' Ghureit was re -masted on Sunday, Nov, 19, by His Lordship Urn Bi:shoP. The members have spent near- ly $400 on re -plastering and, other :m' provements wku:eh were badly needed. The Woman's Guild furnished news !antes, surplices, communion linen,ete. $1 pays for The pX Advocate to Jan. 1, 1913 Public Meetings PUBLIC MEETINGS id the interests of Mr. 11. Eilber The Liberal -Conservative Candidate In South Huron, will b0, held as follows, DAS IWOOD, MONDAY, DEC, 'xth WQODHAM,TUESDAY, DEO, 501, '(This meeting' -vats: at first adve.rtla- ed for bi-:fatten, but: at the •request of the Coaatrrvativ'e candidate for South Perth, has <been ehaaagt:d to Woodtaam, "wiles a .ia'.nt mean!; will be meld,) 'EXETER, 'WEDNESDAY, DEC.. Ot t jItAND :BEND, THURSDAY, DEC. 7i11 Zl11101i, FRIDAY, DEC, 8th, CREDITON, SATURDAY, DEC. 0 Mr. E. Zeller, trYe Opposition Candid- ate, is invited to 'attend these meetings GUI) SAVE THE KING .A. Titan is sure to change his ;opinions svti' he ii:rda diem interfering with hie comfort Ones vanity gets a hard 5c1t: ween: the children get to -expressing their op pions If j+ou are not weird: more to your employer than you are coating him your stay With him Will be sl?ort. CARLI N G 'S omething up-to-date In Knit Goods SWEATER COATS FOR MEN AND WOMEN We have only a few Sweat- er Coats for men left at 85e. and $1.25, also a few Ladies Sweat- er Coats left in Fawn, Blue, Red White and Grey. Prices range ing from $2.25 to $4,50. Also Togues and Knit Caps; HOSIERY FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Ladies' and Children cash- mere hose in all sizes from 25c. up to 50c. also in Burritt's wool hose in all sizes. Prices rang- ing from 20c. to 75c, a pair. KNITTED GOODS Now that winter is here you will need something in Knit goods that will wear and also keep you warm during the com- ing winter. Here is a list of Knit goods we have in stock. FANCY GOODS We have something neat and up-to-date in silk scarfs in White, Black or 'White and Black mixed at $1,25 and $1.50 also in small shawls, clouds and. mufflers from 25c. to 60c. UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN' Knit underwear in Stan field's for men and women. Also Penman's. Natural wool for men and women in all sizes and prices. Also both wool and mixed underwear for children. Call in ,and inspect our goods. HOSIERY FOR MEN In this line we have a plain cashmere / hose from 25c. to 50c. Also a rib/ hose at 50c. a pair. Then we have a silk an d cashmere 6 hose in all sizes at 50e. h Groceries Pe assortment of. Fancy Dishes Just_ arrived, for ' s trade. Purchase :early t0 et ;:oar `choice id forall rices kinds lnds of Produce, to li t-� EXETER THAT WAS THAT IS THAT IS TO BE To the Advocate,— A very brier -!History o1 Exeter's past will reveal the fact' that it possessed men of excellent qualities, melt with with, broad. Vision,. men who were town builders, who hewed the town out b tate woods and knew how to appreciate a good thing when, they had it, who placed the affairs of the tcrwn undo: t s the ad to _ " a of e a serf : n x str t»an men of c P .t.y during whose time our fiate storey and other public buildings were made a real- ity. y. £`leiter once had a goPulatiaza of two thousand people, or very near that it had two Flour milks, two sash and door fa4 o,es, a chair faetory,urz tR f tare factory. woolen mill. beading and turning' factor: and foundry that •sed- P1oYed a large staff of then, as well es otherindustries of a minor nature. What pePulation, markets and oppor- tunities bad Canada then as compared with now ? Are we satisfied with Exeter "that a" with the whole country aboundin4 with opportuity Mr Qxpesta:ori? Are we getting 2'4 Share ' i suPP1ytllg the thousand and ono thinss that Our rap- idly gl•ovwing population la' the Nest re- quire, many lints of which could be as well t 1+: Cas pound O but- ter, ad Fir. ez t f n in ta o t P ter, or a suit of clothas. Exeter 'faI surrounded by as good it not better.. agricultural district as thlsre is to be Mound on the Am r`caat Continent, and I venture to say there is as much mon- ey on deposit il, aur banks and Bent to the West or investment as any ante d'atriet In Canada and aut'tictent to iD- wince a, t,009, s Zed Industry caeit year, We have :also a large number o' firs elasa workmen, who are compelled to be idle dtu:n, the wine'; mon*ts for lack of. ±zdustrios, and tan , 'oWth of our town checked from the aatna rra-, ',an, People would rust, here, if there were vmploytneat.. Ontario, the natural home of industries, will be outstripped by the leas advantageous, but more progressive people of the West. who are putting forth every effort to aeeu're in- dustries by offering fret` utilittea, such as tax exemption, tree water, light and power, or At coat. In addition to that Calgary subscribed $85,00.0 as a single day to he spent inseeurin<,industries; Lothbridse $45.000; iloasano and many other else's large sums, knowing that industries make cities. The National Caxtnera Convention !n Milwaukee last February collected from the different concerns represented $100,- 00Q for a publicity' fund. and pasacd-a resolution to :spend ° the Brat $25,00Q lin brains to conduct tho'campaign. Calgary selected theur very beat men to form thole Industrial Committee and other places likewise. Exeter has workmen, Cap=tat and brains. Have we not mon who will rise to the occasion and combine their forc- es and eet them spy motion. S. IiI. S. FORMER LUCAN MAN DROWNED, Winnipeg, Nov 28.—Mr. T. L. At- kinson, formerly of Lucan, Ontario was round drowned lin a well at hiie, home near Alexander, Manitoba, It is suppos- ed that while getting: some water' he aces dentally fell ia>, ortttbat� he diad a faint- ing fit and lost hilt balance jand went in that way Mr. Atkinson was one of the first general merchants to open a store at Brandon,. Manitoba, where .he commenced busikzeiss `in 1881, In the firm of Atkinson & Quldley Dir. Atkin- son was 68 years old. ONT./0,1O Provincial Loan of $1,000,000 . THE ,GOVERNMENT OF, THE PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO. under the auth- ority of Chapter 4, of the •Statutes rof Ontario, 1911, (invites subscriptions from the public for a loan' of $1,000,000 on bonds of the PY{ovincq of Ontario;. or Ontario Government Stock The bonds wffil be dated list', November, 1911, and payable on \the Tat November, 1941, in denominations of $1,000 each with coupons attached for interest . at the rate of four per cent. \per annum, payable half -yearly on the'1at May and lst November in, eacht;year, at ,the office of the Provincial Treasurer, Tononto, or at the offices lnf ,,the Bank of'MEontreal in Montreal, Canada, and ins. New York' N. Y. at ,thee' holder's option. ,Blinds will be made payable to bearer, but on re- qi ist will be registered in the office of the Provincial' Treasurer and endorsed as payable only ;to the order sof ,certain; perserts or corporations, and on request of holders will be exchanged for "Ont - Mario Government Stock" at any time The issue ,pude during the monthIof November, 1911, will be 102 for 'each. $1000, and after the 30th'day of. Nov-, ember, 1911, !the essu,. - price will be 102 and interest .,accrued from - the lst November, 1911. ALL, 1301405 AND. INSCRI.BED`: STOCK 'ISSUED'; UNDER .THE AUTH- ORITY OF, THE SAID` ACT ARE FREE. FROM, ALL ONTARIO PROVINCIAL TAXES'' CHARGES SUCCESSION DUTY AND IMPOSITIONS WHATSO-. CREDITON. !sire. Alonzo 1Iocigin;s narrowly escaped j Miller—Querrin--On, Tuesday Morning, fatless n the:;; well+on Saturday morn- 214, the R. Cr,. church wale the sces.e , erre hos notic.n that the cover of a very pretty wedding, when!. Mrs s was off. she luckily caught herself in Susie Quer in, daughter dr Mr. and Dire . ,, ..'.nae, but ass:: ;t Was erne was severeiyRJacob Cluerror, was married, ' ;to Mr,' ,shaken, up, (Hean'Y Miller, a prosperous farmer of It 'becomes our duty to refer 'to the Hay township, The bride looked ctaarnt,. sad des:t of the wife of Ms." G. K -.iris gowned imt w4te satin and" wore K'eztzle who d, d in, St. Joseph's' tics to beautiful white fiat: She was aasistm P tal, London on Tuesday morning, the. id by M!,se Tillie Wild, niecta of t'-4 28th ...inst. after hayina gone through groom, who Was dressed in pale blue a;t operation, but took sudden aitacks:silk, with black _,at. Little Mary Wild OreYet., a YT^ w CSfinally reSulte d rr,`n�adn a ver :et' ' flowery r death has coma 'as Querlot, brotn:r of the b ride,s4pPor- great blow" to the fan.:iy who are high—;cdcd th' t,wroonz. Rev. Father Forster ly. resp7eted in this neighborhood, She the marriage ceremony And leaves to mourn her loss a husband, one afterward sans the Nuptial Masa, The sore and ''our i. u%zt who have the e.:0 , wades the able leadership of!sties s'n erg sympathy of the entire coin- .T. Doyle, rendereel ele.gatzt, ntut, e. Tr, 'alga 1!ty A'ns, of writing fUncral r l?rgfa "na no;, of ,prose tit,: fro«al relatives ta,tJen 1 s .tadtt'g laser tirade but the and treads were fitting `,estintOn nr ,^Cera,! wild r,:ob:(bly :eke place at the the popularity fit which the bride a erl E+vangel;erl Cemetery on, Friday, t;roonI are held, Their many friends C'ounr.l .rrlee i`.1,> will be held !rest wiSh them manly happy Years of wedded Saturday, the 2sal .o. D;c. Tile cl1a1144 t-t"i,', has been made on, account of the 4th be- Mr. tto'ber t Patton is ,ecriouslY ill at. :st; the Nomination Day re.: the Prov his home, His mans friends wish fo: or I Eleetions. him a spo dy recovery,'--T#se Box Boe- r tk _, at hctd ni' the Hall an Tue..1, ', ale ht # Shea -New -11 have, hien wo Bard the pt4 week at Ise ,skatis;stwan largely Attended.-Mre. "Josep?i elk. A ;sood bottom has besn prepared,Glax'n, 1W.11 has t ,?"1 SO '-c'iOUsty :ll. and all Flat :,a deco. ear•,} to snake geed; we are pleased to say, .'s,recovering.— ,a satat'' ,s cold weather, On Fr.deyev., Mr. iatrIek Sullivan lett on Weclsresdati en-:Ya'a y.ryen'.husnasta'e meeting was:to. St. Thomas, where he iesse;ds` to. r i f. „ld at 1._ lBankers'IRoomsxa,ne a remain foe soala3 time, hockey Ctub' was organ x4.. Tete tai -1 log+ zg are t_a.x o;f#cern, lin.;, fres„ i k,l E:1 bar. 'i1.P.P., I' s Src.,.Treaa., Fred Gr d ain : Captaal, 5 stave a husky: lo; "'i':' elathi ti?Xtt3H. ia,It 'imerestlat SOG'NT CARMEL, Chas, Zv,''s:K('r; 1; Manager, 11, t tt Eahner, owe, who ought es a.a .aa .ntixclibor , t d'xu?5 tdil% -7115te:owa a,t" ti .,at oyes t' ti. b4 of eleighing 11 y. --Mrs, Thea. la.ek;eeli an 9`a Mande of'Szalo"th trve, Sunday. --Mr. 14R},, su11Y>cr,p;,an t°$ta a h11137 !sawed to Das' l-lerto:a clh 1L:purheu5p7.01. F hot9 tit' boys; to buy=lr; aft outfit.. T' 'y , rr f .,ki claY�t +t. t.,, ainrl o- Litz week with b:a d�:aersre to tl:' 11911.gi:Y.zed- Crt;dit4t.!,nap.b:,o:, rs lyc.re, Th. and ?ire. Themes away s bre k Lowes las a town of ,7yod i Jackeor,(a; Lietow ;ll spent Sunday with . atmtwtuugtkultDurs !titter"a mother, Dre, Glcltn,--?ties, Netts. shalt „'aolaw was the guest „ of Tr c poor p,,re tlaiy are flusmtaertd, !tar ' on Nan !tor on 1 d -. - l; i eta+tanday, .fx. "Fred ,ly. to NCI ai. C.-141, b, is„;tri ta^lY :it the $:01100:15 rctura:ed helve from the West anorit' :. l'1 as 111.11Ze;suis 'Wcdaa: xaday of last week, --Il e. neigh- born 0 t la born of ',fr. Mater made a wood bee on tt loatutnt acr-ua • , y , sd n, non o a .'Por essential perms requ', ed, oSatf woodrd, wht:e'iout wasabout , verytwekialdtycordsset. o nuke a 3u^e:s:1 2i 111*, '.it the' 47:van- as Mr, Miller its, iul poor health and root cies=cal church an 4u day even.aag, Ittthe f'ned to !las bird all the t'me.- 'Mr. andmorning a spee'-at effort w.ts )matte to 'try.: R. D, !tell of Tuekeran>ttb were wipe out tilt. debts on the new sheds. l fie:tore at E. G. iiolto is e t Sunday. A considerable quantity of Money was A yours;; son hag roma to ,'brighten the raised, !trona of Mr. Grant 'Rycksxtan.—'.lie re - Our, farnmrs are wear:ng wide -wino mai.4.16 o. the late Mrs. Ile.n.;,-y Pybus smiles these days whoa they are hand- were lettered :.n the cemetery here on ed, their -cheques for the alsrke, clover: Saturday atte.nooce, teat. -Dar. Angus and sur bots' they sell. They nave--,hicC;'sig and family of Chiselhuret spent age t,0o" to $ 000 ap:ece, Who would Sunday at Noah Norton's—Mrs. Hen - no: be a fariner? Tme.eought to be+derson and niece, Miss Taylor of Pe t visitors with re1-. ne'ghborhood nest year. aitives here to.- the past week.—Wc:.t- d'ng bells will soon, be ringing sin oft nr:dat.—Mr. and Mrs. ilenxy Hogue. it wo �eeks ore to sell at a.wde11's Old Stand ev. !turn I+ eaC:ie'd quite a number more autoes kt. this Illfilxt were p DASHSVOOD vrerc :the guests of the latter'a mother, Dlrs,„ Simmons on Sabbath. last. Messrs. Henry and Join Ehlers left Saturday mo.'ndnrg to attend the funeral of a relative near Clifford.—Mr, D. Campbell of Komoka had an auction sale of cows here on Saturday. 1st all there were 22 cows. for whictk"ithe av- erage price was $45. Mr. Campbell ex, meta to return in'the near future with a loadof young cattle.—Mr. Arthur Ed- ighoffer and Miss Eilber of Zurich were visitors at the home .p1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edighoffer on. Sunday. -Ailsa Jessie Baker, who has been engaged In Goderich for some time la spending a few days at her hone here.—Miss Ida Goetz left an Saturday for Sarnia tq spenda few days with Mr. and t,irs. Percy Humble.—Mr. Arthur Doam of Parkhill spent. Sunday with friends lteile. -Arthur, Arthur, what meaneth those regular visits ?—Monday next, Dec. 4th will be Notninationi day at Hen - sell, when the two 'candidates, 11. Fiber and E. Zeller will be the candidates, That Mr. Silber, the present popular member, will :agalaal be elected, by as large, or larger majority than before, is a foregone conclus'on. Tie progres- sive and ,straightforward policy of the Whitney government has been Ho satis- factory to the masses that they are as likely as not to od back witty anin- creased majority, Rev. H. A. Kellermann, son of P+Ir. E. iK,ellermann, of Daa'htwood has been transferred as pastor, of the Evangelical Church at Walkerton, to " file Berlin; charge: Mr. Kellerntanin, ids a `young man, having been preaching less. than a year, amid itt.es a nzia,tter of gratiSiea- tion to his air,fond5 that the bishop of th:;s church., 'recognizing hiss ability, has given ham thils promotion. KIIIVA On Wednesday Mr. Matthew Sweitzer son of the late Samuel Sweitzer, awes rtnarrkd am Credi'ten by the Rev. Mr. Burn to MOSS, Larveu Ratz, daughter of John Ratz,Sjhilpka,;and, ,niece ofsSen- ator Valentine Ratz. Purchasers of Stock or Blonds wi11'„ be required ,to send certified c+h,equo with;,, -the apPlicatitciagn payable'' -to; the order , oef the Proxvbl Treasurer of O ser o"- Tea re 'ioan"`fs a.itied 'upon the .credit of the conaplidated'iRµvgiaue Fuzid= of int aria, and -,s' chargeable thereupon MAPEiES•ON, Prormeinl Trea:purer.: Treasurer 1)'11e,Pa'riament, 1'arl-ame.i;t, Build` isnga, Toronto; lst Niaveiriber,;:19'11..• Newspapers siiserting this advertise-. mefit with. out authority front the pc, partment will atilt kin paid for ifi i s HI o tat -Nr is There are tots ofhonest. peep! e,rn the world. If you: have lost some, thing perhaps an ;honorable petis a found=+itL,< This is an henest paper and honest people read it. Tell them. al out,'yooau ur Boss ;in r,.'. Classified` Want Ads.:' t K3RICTON. Mr, Geo, TZii1a has purchased the shoo shop from Dlosars. nouns and Co. and has moved, its to. hays own premises.—Mr. J. Doupe or Chatham 1s visiting friends :n this vicinity, He has purchased a farm in Manitoba and intends removing there early in the ,spring. CENTRALIA The Parsons -Davis Company are hand- ling large quantities of fowl this sea son, and have three or four teams on the road the mast of the time. The fowl is being :shipped to Vancouver, Mr. T. Carling of Exeter spent Sunday with friends in the village.—Mr. Wes. Parkinson of Elamville spent Sunday the guest of Mr. Seth Brown.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchinson! of Whalen spent Sunday the guests; of Mr. and .Mrs. 3. Brock.—Special arrangements are being made for the coming anniversary .ser- vices of the Sunday School, which are to be held on Dec. 18th.—Inspector, J. E .Tom of Godericiv made his usual visit to the school on Tuesday, The school is En a good flourishing condition,which speaks well for the teacher, Miss Mar- shall.—Rev.' Blatchford's horse got Ti- to a little mix-up at T. Boyce' on Mon day evening, and resulted in alone .brok- en harness and shafts.—Mr. and Mrs. W. Fraser of Exeter visited friends Liz, the village on Sunday last. A•' PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. An 'Investment that guarantees good returns its a year's subscription, to The Family Herald and Weekly Star, 01 Montreal. This 'Journal -The family.. I3erald and Weehaly Stam„for a whole year and the beautiful picture' '" Home Agan” all for one doilazr is `the very beet dollar's worth tbat'.cao1 be had. The picture "Homs Again" its certainly • a beauty. Such value has never before been offered ]n, Canada. Tho Family Herald and Weekly Star lis,a most wonderful coinbleetion. It appeals,: to all classes, all ages, and brings -Pleas- ure and profit .tO every home it reaches: MARRIAGES Miller—'Qu+errite—At Mount Carmel, 00 Nov. 21, Miss Susie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Querrin,'to MY'. henry Miller of. Hay Township. DEATI:IS Ross—On NOV, i4th; at Liseury, ''sire. James Ross, aged. 60 years and 10 months. `f-Ieazdr4?..---On. Nav ..2Oih, at Landon, G. Health -ie •o1 ,St. Marys,'ae,ed 58 years. Hodgins—In. Eiddulph„ on Nov , .18n„h, Iaia May . Hodgihals, . aged I:4 years.,- rs., 3, ni otite aril 7 daysf , Ho,sisti is—At :Ola�tadeboye, Nov. 22nd, -Mar jory, beloved wife of 1,Mr. ,Burley !-loci_ gals, aged 22 years. Iiiorizle—In St. Joseph: Hospital, Lon don, Nv. 26, Dlrs.. G. I(.1.. t\(:5 of Crediton, e are giving train, 'gains in Alen's and y's clothing and furnish - OS Buy our prn ese is here now, Fancy Mufflers 25 to $1.00Neckties, 5 25c. for 15c. 50c for 35c., $1.25 gloves for 85c. 1.50 gloves ' for $1.00 Men's toe :rub- bers at 50c. a pair- Men's fleece lined. shirts 3 for $1.00 3 linen collars for 25c., 75c. caps for 50c. $2.00 hats for $1.25., Um br ellas 79c.,Sw a +€; tercOatS for $1.25. 1-3 off the reg- ular ular p rice of over- coats and Suits. We cant tell you _. all the cheap goods we have. Come and see. den ��W Old Stand`' s The Exeter Bargain Store - 5 't x b,�,:+,y