HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-11-23, Page 8Fall and Winter Clothing It time you, were thinking about your cold v eathe Clo, t hi We are prepaid to supply you with a nice Fall or anter sunt of the best Material, the latest style and finish at a price that cannot he beaten. Try us and we will give you cat_ asfaction. T r i , �, TANI ercbaut Tailor, Exeter, Ontario EXETER MARKETS. Ss, .wGgo R4OR W'EO?'vESD4, 80 Buckwheat„«,«, �.«�.,, Oat% • _,,,., : Potatoes, per hag Ptan,g,pert, fi ail Planar, per ctrl,., family ?`iOttr. IOW grade per ow 1 ; t1 Suttgr,xx,.a,,t, ",,_” 22 Lnselacas, per *Wt « ShOrtsper ten .,,...,�. .Bran per tots Sugar Beet Meal, «,,... THE EXETER AD TEICATE, TRURSU.AY, NU IZEMEER 23 LOCAL DOINGS. lit ldr �c�l,y6c�Da +Akatit aQc Sends your news :.tens.. The first sleuthing did not last very long., Prosperity 'b -ides franc„ a slipshod. uan, Squirrels x ay be eh* 1.5 and Dec, 1st. What sonne Inert lack iz> backoronne they Make UP I'll cheek,. Ben Aubry: of 3iaatrea4,, florae. buyer was in YOW2a 1a$t week, A few of tha local sports held a s ont at p.. eo is a z ThlirsidaY last, The utas Who ;*-ever sees aniytning but stud &rill live as low as Ile looks. Locking, tar, i,.ha bItto spot b a black sky ;'s always a. goad'business ,to go into. airs:. john Mitchell fell on the sidewalk Sunday a,',zd received a bad, shaking up as 'heli as a sera="teed rria<. li'hen a mats stops learning he stops wing, and :tr to be st?ps gnawing : seen dries up and goes to seed., The squirrel season opened out With ntrw weat:^ _r, and if the weather Ps its the sau:rrels Will be. .sane. ,Tu Ta'go CZarro:' of. TeirOrkiel, formerly. of GQdericin,, was 'injured in Toren—T.0 last •" Mk by ,. mnt;et, ear str°-1G rt is eafi age,. between MY. 4)4 2i: 0 F1e'eater est Thames ata d air u tn_ pulpit of Caren P:reals tense-, rch Sunday, :'t the obscene of Itev,. r l , llousseaw, Icor • Toronto, wise was tern,biy injured at Blyth At Pair time sxlil »ln the lVirgbant Hospital, lie i9 WOvating gradually. or Th4PIts.4--liar, art and. ; ape iy desire to tin n p :ends for their k:nidnes$es ills l:n.•as and snnbseguelnt dent e°r late beloved daughter. Yr Tattles CMe-ee4 Celebrated his 5t1n day o:a Saa:tday least. On that day "etil as far as the home Of ilia bro- }'t8i inn C'r+eecb, the greatest es ne has walked for s;arane MVO -M. Thaniks--Mrs, Qualnt,e desires the Many friends for their lets earl synnpa,tln5 mtui kindness, l �h 1eeetat 'bereavement in the r 'i?eloVed dao httr. , 9ss. ::Ida :,st'«e:lit„ Miss Westland -le tort had 'an nlnpieasaant c - sol gas 'one morning 'las; Qtne oaf Arts, Bassett. They w e fru-It,, however, to es- aous etieets. Rev. C. W. Sanders of 13rlintiiord as sending the week with his parents, and firs. Taos. Sanders Isere. The gelttleznatt ;s somewhat :indisposed having undergone an operation last week for the removal o£ aaaasal trouble. S:21Ce the :last lziotld«ay int Deeennbraar t.b&s 'Year falls of Christmas Day, the nomLu ation of candidates for memb, r- slzip in municipal councils will be held on Frld,ay the 22 day or December next, as provided by *cotton` 124, of 'lane Con- sol:dated 5iu:de/pal Aet, :1003. A newspaper is spe,•ald;l„, of a decease ed citizen said; "We luzew- hint as old Ten Per Cent—the Moro Atte had the less he spent—the more ,he got thesleas he lent—he's dead—we don't know where he went.; but it Ilia soul to ,heaven is sent—he'll own the harp, and charge 'em rent." Word was received on 'Wednesday last of thio death of 11fr„ V. McDonald, fath- er at Mrs. s T. G,Ciccc. at s a p Iea. Death, was due to a etnoke and hemor- rhage of the 'brain. Owing'; tla the illness of their Tittle btoy, Frank, Mrs. Creech was unable to attend the tuners.' on Friday. A free illustrated lecture with 110 Lantern. Views wi11 be given on Monday evening, Nov. 27th, at 8 o'clock in the Town Hall by Mir. J. B. 'Watson, Field Secretary of the National. Sanitarium Association, in: the interest of the cru Sade against consumption.. A collection will be., taken. Reeve Jolm W. Taylor and Mrs. Tay.. lor received a telegram on 'Sunday from their son, Frank, in Seattle, Wash., stating that he had stet with an acci- dent by which he "lost three fingers of hps right hand. He is now on his, jour- ney conte. His malty Ihiends will regret the unfortunate accident. Rev. G. W. Dewey, of I..rondon; has not, as stated in the city press recently, with drawn his acceptance of the invi- tation extended t -r him by the official board of James Street Methodist Church, and James Street people have the best of reasons far expecting that Rev. Dew- ey will be theilr pastor nest ' year.— Communicated. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Gordon opened their revival campaign lin; James street Meth- odist .church' on Sunday last. The ,meet Ings will be conducted for two weeks. The two Methodist >churches are unit- ing in the services; and on Sunday nest the servicesmin Dlain Street will be withdrawn. Dianrving prayer meetings are being held from 10.30. ti) 11, o'clock in several homes each day. Poultry pay till ad-ei fpr poultry iza tail Ohickteza, it Eli picked 10t 1s, beads oil 3 beads aft IU tis .r heads ou 111 heads off 12 Turkeys " One cent per pound less in ea+ case for cash. JONES & MAY 1.00 Girls 1Vssza3oti for Tuctar; . S y.tltJ Per week to utart with for girlsr eighteen t and over, nddreaas lnnmcdiately D. S. Perrin & Company, Limited, London, Ont, Groceries -New Raisins, New Currants, Peels, Figs, Dates, and Sapices for your Xmas bak- ing. Everything fresh and clean.—Stewart's. MARRIAGE LICENSi7.--Get your mar. :lag* license at the Advocate Office. The Advocate 'w?,ll be sent to any address n Canada till January 1913 forv $1.00. Fancy Dollies, Try Cloths, Stand covers, Runners, Shams Tea Cloths, Pillow Cases, Tow- els and spreads. These make 'very suitable Xmas presents. See them.•-Stewa.rt's. FLOUR AND FEED.—%caving put In a stock yf Flour and Feed I solicit Your patrinage. Stand one door north of Heasn-t,a'n Hardware—Rivers' old szn--rd. Jos. Davis. China Dinner Sets in Stock Pattern. Beautiful quality of Austrian China with goid edge trimming. You can buy any thing from a. cup and saucer to a complete Dinner Set.— Stewea rt's. AUCTION SALES -Farmers and oth- e4 s having auction sake will do well to have their bilis printed hero and have their sales advertised in the Advocate. It reaches all the people. VOGELGESANGS REMEDIES I now offer my fever remedy to the public. I guarantee to cure typhoid fev- er at any. stare !n. from two to four hours, with outside application. No bad effects from treatmr--nt. Your doctor will be welcome to watch the treatment! First treatm>_nt free. For :further part- iculars apply to WM. Df, BLATCHFORD Exeter. Ont_ Fancy Work for embroider- ing in Centre Pieces, Pin. Cushions, Pillow Slips,' Corset Covers and Night Gowns at— Stewart's-- When t— Stewart's- Wheyou can see hro g1 a ;man it n a t ,u4, t doesn't necessarily' mean that he has a clear conscience:, Prtnce•>Rupert, Britilsh Columbia, .the Pacific Coast terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, is going a pace,' and for a young city, the business that is done •there is remarkable. During the month sof September there were eighty steamerscalled; at the port and eighty,-; one dtrarted. No More , Dandruff S. COLE KNOWS 'WHAT_IS MAK- ING ING CLEAN' SCALPS In order to rid , your scalp io••f filthy dandruff you must kill the germ. There' is a hair dressing called Parisian Sage which is 'row riald in every town in �.. Canada. It is guaranteed" by W. S. Cole to eradicate dandruff„ stop falling hair: ,..splitting 'hair and .scalp itch in two weeks or,,money back. btt�J'Yrave dawiruff get a large 50c.; and, rid yourself of it. Re- a eatyi> dandruff"germs are not IA' the hair will surely Ytl .be;ldne,as`kVYlll fallow. t SPECIAL: , :ADDRESS—Mrs. Gordon, who is holding, evangelistic services in' James and Main- street Methr•odist chu ehes, will deliver -her ,second special ad- dresu :(n Ma'fln, street church to -day (Thursday) gat 4 o'clock. Subject, "In- fluence of Womanhood. " Everybody welcom;. SE'S' EN YEARS—At.Gdderiieh on Satutc iL day Andrew, Crckshamk' of Vi ahhani, who has been ,on: remand'. for a week' since b tn4g found.guilty by "Judge' Holt of assaulting Miss Davis, an Exeter young lady, 'in. Winghlam, was sentenc-. ed to seven yeais Kri iiia ngst?an pemetentl- .ary. Crulckshnnks threw a heavy file' at Miss , Davis, . it will be remembered. CHEAP POWER -The Hydro -Electric Power, 0otnmi-s,sion has decided to invade '_' 'Q this part•oaitatiio, and wilt run two ,runkul'nes northwest 'from Guelph -and Stratford. A large num „„r Iaf munici pal lea Exeter being' among the nuist- ber, ill Vete .`,an by-1ai.�s`ilnr'janivary" Power f^+rm fou, pants on' the' Sailgeen and Ma tland Rivers:w511 ba'utilized, to. supplemsnied :In; ,the dcy, season. ,by` N agars Power's Ttba great , pavrei cruets t'o,r is"t1nrr raid.'n� gin ati•on . n Ontario' a Dr, Bright was =n I.ordon Monday, Rev, R, Hobbs span" 'Friday inG London James waiters was !a London on Fr` -day, ,NEr. Percy Gillis is .homa pram Owen Sound, SuRv, ndeaS'� arix was tit Belleville ever: y. Mrs, W. D. C1arke went to i,ondon on Monday, 11r, ,I, G, S nnbu::y was; ;en Lo14m on Tuesday. " `I ss :;%U n:n:e Sanders is visiting In Land an, Anna Dow was' h a`al e fro ll Lop, don t:4e veil, i•ss S. Swept returned Moalda r from a visit in London, Miss Ali§t ei R ssete lett '1[uesday� to vsir in Stratl'M-oy, Mr. A., Hastings Was in Stratford las F r=day on business. DIz•' F. W. Gladnna^-n was to, 'Hamilton this week on bus!ress, lienee or Bu#fala s a guest at he home ,of Mr. , iii den, M.ss Ida Satcenannd of Stratford spent Sunday at her home here. M sS P"a n y Bawds;n returned • Puea- day #ro ata visit. to Glenco._ 1Ir Tt,os. Brack has returned r Forest, where be was w.orki_''.ta,. lir$, PQwe14 =•eturned Saturr#ay, (rase. a v`Elt Qe ,several Wee e in 'Windsor, :hisses Dors and blretltda 7nraxt Spent SulndaY an t; ejr toss' »r'.4' Paasniwtaci 1, Mss, Gladys Ea sc.'•y of Centralia vis- ed friends here' or a IOW days IaEt OUR CUSTOMERS may be assured that they will' always.receive the best, of treatment When, having work done in aur barber shop. We guarantee satis- faction. ' Reit-whaler the hot and eold bath. room in connection.—Frank Boyle. Rex. d, E. J. Millyarcl of Hen'sall will delver his address on "The Sharrock, Rose and Thigtle" in, Caven Presbyter- :inn Church' on Friday 'evening, ,24th inst.. The address 311 be illustrated by lisle t g:zt views, Everyone should, hear this treat, Silver collection taken. ATTENTION—If you are needing deed calla, the mill sw sive l e h lta,Yea We are trying to snake p ovisian for the i shortage, See our Sugar Beet Meal, (dried pulp), w.htch makes very choice .. Car u.: !3 in. Wehave a." stock i t o oil cake, some splendid chop, besides our regular mill feed, Having enlarged: our t storeroom, we are prepared to handle all kinds of grain. SECOND TO NONE t .._That's our claim Par MODEL FLOUR A farmer with a large fancily said re- cently,—"I e-e ntly,—"I cannot afford t;a buy your tour. Tao children' eati tool much' bread. Sts so good.".—'1B•ARVEY EROS, nt 1lrs. Eurkq left Monday ;ar PerI'al, to .Jai.•y her husband, wino is King thee. r4. Clarke, Who has :been visiting' er suit, Mr, W. D, Clarke, rout rs niton thy, r, Murray hillier of Edtafianton, is the nes of 11:rs. Ma11e{ here and other re/ - :yes kin McOiliivray, Mrs A :♦ Ericson returned 'tjo her .olr,a in R,oeheater. NX., last Saturdas°, ar:er eperid u..g ar week ' lr e. lits, 1, Bast:legs and Miss k:4ith coon aur wee Tan Qoderie r last we as dole.. gales au ¢ Huron Presbytery. /Sirs. Walter Ora -bast, attel two eh:id- n3„ri Q London W re here las, aiteand t'te funoral: at the late; runty ber;a Snell, 3lr car:3$ 9315c1e;4 o: ;tsOWour;;e, ltfr,. sled tire, Brown and Milena: Qll»c Quanee er ;#ilea Craig attended the funeral ci the : lata )tiess Lida Qualtce. Ai»9ri Lula >Iatitni of CIntala silent Sunday with her parents here. Hiss "Matheson of Hhte.'at'ailne was the guest of Miss Martian over Sunday. l lir. and firs. Ayer Hurdoa, or Buffalo who have b+:en - m'lhe.T honeymoon trip:' spent pan or the `week here with the former's Lather, "Kr. N. D. Hiurdai). Tiro, D. Johns and Wises Leda Johns arrived Wont: on Monday evening. Miss Lila looks as though: the went agreed with, her, and her ntany friends aro pleased to 'see her at hjahte again.;: tire. Jo -tun Neweornbo who bas beeanni quite ill, was brought here Saturday night and Is, staying witlh Mr. New - comb's nlot'her. Her mother, Mrs. Geo. E11 t erinbtan of TLaborno accomPanicd her here.• Dr. Wili J Knight, who ISIS „been, in St. Joseph Illaspital as ;Surgeon or the Past pair, months, spent the week ,salad with, relatives here, leaving Tuesday for Orange, N.J., where he has been; appoint- ed Senior Rouse Surgeo5n, in ahospital, Mr. E. Blatchford; 'r., of Centralia, and Mass Blatchford of Exeter were guests or Mr`, and Mrs, C, S. Hawke£ior Jew days the past week. They °visited the House of Refuge on 1Sunday and de- lighted ,the !mutates by singing to them. --Clinton :News Record. Mr. Robt, Leathern, who recently dis- posed of hfs hotel property and effects, left Monday fin- London, where he in- tends makcng friss future home with his daughter, Mrs. Heard. The "Squire" has bean a .life long resident of Exeter a familiar character on our streets and his genial aid pleasant smiles will be much missed. , , Mr. and Mrs. Jaanes Eis'_e of Langton visited thi's week at; the horns of Mr. G. E. Anderson, The 'occasion of ''the visit was to be presents at, the celebratie of the....86th birthday of Mr. Else's moth- er, who residers wStth_iitlr. and M;rs. And- erson, The old lady was 86 years of age on 1fionday, and 'still shJotvs; remark- able physical and mental" strength. Mr. Frank V. Sandwell' of Guelpi>,, •a former Exeter boy, ins the promoter of a company for the manufacture of wrought iron pipes, to 'be established in Fort William, unless the ratepayers be- come convinced that, the price th'e city is going to pay is too high. The com- pany is yet to;be formed and it will not be formed until the eitizenjs of Fort William ratify the agreement. Auction Sale TWD HUNDRED ACRE '1:+AItM ALSO STOOK AND IMPLEMENTS There will 4a sold: by public ^auction ON 1,40T VI, CON. 12, 531RBERT ON Tt SDAX, NOI'E IBER 28, 1.97,1. At 12 o'clock sharp, the following roperty,-•,.The farm, 'is Sat.d fo cantalan 200 acres, be't,•ig lots 16 and 17. ;Con. 12, Hibbert. OP the Premises are ane brick dwelling with 8 roonns, kitchen 18x2.1; bank baric 33x311; hog Pers 36x 00, with la'rsehay or ,etore moons and granary a140ve, all fitted ep with rc•- sterni z;taars art4 ,llauatt$; driving sited I8 01 silo 16 ft. ;inside measure Tiny 32 ft. 1n: 1n, and about 2 acres of ?rob , fenced; all the farm hes been z iy underdralned; 2 never fail- wells; about 20 acres bush.; hal- e till cleared and In a h1 (i Etats of cwlt vaiton; about 70 acres 'a", fall 1clw:i.11 done and the balaneO under :1;oil opposite corner,one and. miles south. or Cpantatty, 7 Dublin or liensall stations. gravel roads, one and quarter than eitureh, and a epleztd'd ➢err ll sell in block or dlvld in- s to suit purchasers. The erms tzrsd coriditions will be mad, zuw-:t lain day- .it sale, or by apply:lit; elan Whyte, `Stratford P, 0. STheavy draught brood stares, 2 supposed to be in 'float to Golden ley 2 heavy draft horses, 1 general pur- pose horse, 1 t+'afdardbr,.d driving mare 'n foal to Limestone, 2 cows supposed so be :ln calf, 1 farrow ojw, 9 atears,'2 l^—Old; 3 steers one -yr -old, 4 heifers 1 - year -old, 4 spring calves, 4 broad saws widt litter at foot,'11 brood sows In 111 - ter to thoroughbred Yorkshire hog, 1 thorobred Ytorkahine boar 8 -moa, -old 100 stock hogs, different weights and area, 1 collie clog, splendid worker. IMPLEMENTS—Massey-Harris Finder, 6 -ft cut, nearly now; Deering Mower, 3 ft cut, nearly new; McCorrnicic steel rake nearly new; Ha} tcdder nearly .new ; one 15 -disc drill, Massey -Harris, nearly new, -McCormick cultivator, nearly new ; massey-I•rnrrs corn cultivator, nearly new; set four-sect'.on harnowa; disc harrow, gang plow; 3 walking plows hay car, fork pulleys and ropes, horse. power, 8 horse; ensilage cutter, Jack, 2 wagons, 2 cattle racks, 2 wagon racks set bobsleighs, dray sleigh, Kemp man- ure spreader; DeLaval separator, churn grain bags, spades, shovels, Corks whit- tletrees, neck yokes, ehalhs, 3 set double harness, 2 set 'single 'harness, platform settles, 2000 "lb. capacity, cutter, top boggy, water tank, water trough, agric- ultural furnace, naw; 16 acres of 'corn in 'silo, 800 bushels mangels, '3 horse blankets, quantity or elm plank, cedar posts, word, and a hest of other articles Terme—$10 and under cash, over that amount 10 mos. credit given on approved joint notes. 5 per cent. off for cash, on credit amounts. No reserve as proPrIetor is retiring. JAMES JONES JOHN WHYTE Auct. Huron & Perth. Prop. Bus, Dray and Teaming Business Your orders in our line Will be attended to quickly and satisfac- torily. We are here to please the public needing anything in our Foe, and we ask a trial from you., Orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE 25, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech 1 Phone 55 owell's Variety; azaar Our graniteware is` mov'I.ng there' are still scores of'Ea gains. left, a new price bargain in our, north window every day. Our stock of Xmas goods is nearly com- plete. om- plete. Saturday : a clearing up ,sale cit odds • and ends. O n-e:day. One price: x $'CR.. Our Fancy Salads a,nd Cake 'Plates in Aus `trian, Japanese and Prussian are beautiful.' Low prices, wounderfui'- bargains„ Corteous Service and large, as- IsOrin-lerit will- make. this store Eseters BUSIEST, SHOPPING- CENTRE ' many of the articles sold -at 720,,, and 25c., are worth double ,;the money'. We save -You .noney,onr moat anytnal,g you buy., You bu • c.hea p er here', than •.Ta 'd• tea. ' C MV AND y P - n int i <t O EE OUR WATCH AND Jewelry Business is steadily on the increase, Our stock is one of the largest in the County and equal to that of any city store. You cannot pose, ibly make a.mistake by calling on us and examining our stock. Our prices are right. Prove it for yourself by compar- ison with others,. Our selections are large, giving you ;a large variety to choose frons—again the proof is by comparison. Our goods are of fine quality. We back this statement with our guarantee, Don't these things give us a right to expect from yon, a fair consideration of our goods. A. Marchand, Exeter Jeweller & Optician Undertakers etakr es And FurnitureDealers We carryy a complete stock in all lines. Phone for Store 20a For Sundays and nights 20b ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Your Christmas Shopping Do It Early Now is the time to begin your Xmas shopping Don't leave it until the last few days. Take your time and get just what you want. We are showing a nice lot of goods this season for presents for Ladies, Children and Gents. For Ladies; k.. Furlined Coats Fur Coats Good Furs Silk Waists For Girls, Handkerchiefs Gloves Mitts Silk. Scarfs Net Waists Fancy Broaches Fancy Belts Fancy Shawls • Doylies Combs u Centre Pieces " Hat Pins " TrayCloths Stamped Work " Linens Fancy Pins For Gents Furlined Coats Fur Coats Fur Collars Fur Caps Fancy Soxs Fancy Scarfs Shirts Mitts & GIoves: Gord Clothing Fancy Ties Ladies Winter Furs At Old Prices ALTHOUGH FURS' ARE HIGHEr , THIS YEAR THAN BE FORE° WE •ARE :: NOT ASKING ANY MORE HAVING BOUGHT EARLY.' AND N. 'BIG QUANT STIES. WE V HAVE A NICE RANGE OF MUFFS, THROWS, STOLES . AND COLLARS AT THE VERY. LOWEST PRICES. Ladies Winter Coats At Bargain Prices WE HAVE HAD A GREAT COAT SEASON AND HAVE ON- LY A FEW LEFT WHICH WE WANT TO CLEAR OUT BEFORE CHRISTA/A.& IF YOU WANT A GOOD WINTER COAT CHEAP HERE IS YOUR 'CHANCE. Big • Reduction ., n Millner! [lead uar ters for the celebrated W. E;Sanford Clothing�;:,