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Exeter Advocate, 1911-11-23, Page 3
PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS l.l:t;11117$ Pit OM TR i: LEAal ► TRADE CENTRES OR A:'4 ERICA. ['rises of Cattle. Grain, Chess*. a Other t'rodueo et Home and Ahmad. IntE' Ps`rurFs: 'poro4 Q, Nov, 1,' -'°Flour•^ -Whiter wbe:eu $O per tent, patents, 53,50 to 53 65, see boor4, blenitsllaa, llours-Filrttt pata.ltu +,„5,50; :aggend pcitentS. 65. 44d strong bait, ors', 59.80, on track, Torol?tn. Manitoba wheat --No. 1 Northern, 61,054 TIay]auric No, 2 Northern, 4o2, arid ND, d 98c. Baa' aorta, Qatar^1a wheat -NO. a white, red and waxed, mina Quoted M 68 to Ego, high freights,. Peas -©opt] milling peas, $1.15 to $1.18, outside. Clad-Qatar#e. NP- 2, at 44c, outside, and No. 3 at 410; car lots of No, 2, on track, Toronto. 47 to 471-2e. Western Canada:; oats Arai at. 451•2a, for NO, 2. and at (41.2e for No. 3, Bay porta, /tarter-I:Q, 3 extra, t3 tat « a. anteite; Nett barley, 75 to elle. f".nortr•--No, 2 old American 7dn. tray store, New No, 3 :ttmerteaxs. 714:, fo arrtxe, ICa•e Car lasts, outside, 99 to 42o for No. 2 Iiue;riclae3t-60 to 64:5, quttaldo. ' liras- afanitohn. bran, .1.3 to 523,50, t;a barn, Toronto freight; Shorts, 535, COUNTRY PROIDUCE. -Winter steels. 53 to 84 ver bar, licaus-Small lots of hnnd•plekca trr $2.30 per bushel. itoney»».1 traeted. to tiny, ft to 12e per Ib. Carobs, 52.50 to 52.75. Ilalyd bay' -No. 1 at 516 to $16.50; on track, and Inferior at 512 to 514, Baledstraw-57. on track, Toronto, Potatoes --Car lora, in. bags, 51,10 to $1.• 15, nad oat: 'of store, 51.30 to 51.35. Poultry --Wholesale prices of dressed poultry: -Chickens, 13 to 130 er lb.; hens, 10 to 12c; ducks. 12 to 14e; geese, 11 to 12.; turkeys, 16 to 18c. Live poultry, about 2e lower than the above. 1113'TTEIt, EGGS, CIIEBSE. Butter -Dairy, choice, lu wrappers. E5 to tic; store lots, 22 to 24c, stud Inferior, tabs, 17 to 18c. ,Creamery Quoted at 29 to 30e for rolls, 27 to 28o for solids, per ib. Eggs -Strictly new•Inid 34 to 35c. and fresh at 25 to 26c per dozen, in case lots. Cheese -Large 151-4c, and twins at 15.1.2c per lb. HOG PRODUCTS' Bacon, long clear, 12 to 121.2e per lb., in, case: lots. Pork, 'short int. $22.50; ,do., mens, $19.50 to 520. Rams. medium to light, 16 to 161-2c; do., heavy, 14 to 141 2c: rolls, 103.4 to 11e; breakfast bacon, 16 to L7c; banks, 19 to 20e. Yard -Tierces. 111-2c; tubs, 113'4c; pails, 12e. LIVE, STOC11 MARKETS. Montreal, Nov, 21. --The demand for calves was geed. Butchers' cattle, choice,, 36.50; do., medium, 55.75 to $6; do., tom. mon, $4 to $5; coulters, 51.75 to 42.501 butehera" cattle, choice cows, $1:.25 to $5.• 60; butchers' cattle. medium. 53 to $3.SCt butchers' cattle, bulls, 44 to $4.25; atilt• ern, choles, each, 575; do-, -locum,>;r a►rd medium, each, ,860 to 550; springers, $31 to 540. Sheep -Ewes. 53.50; bucks and to"lr, $3 to. 53.25; lambs, 55.25. Rags, f.o.b., 56 to 56,50, Calves, $3 to 510. Onto, NOT. 2 -La -Individual choita lair eattle fetebed 55,90 and 66 iter cwt,, but tinct prevailing quotations on soot] butcher cattle dere 55.40 to 55.73, with ce nnaon and medium aattio from 53,50 to 55, Coca were strong at $4 50 to $5.121-2 for good fat ones, and 52,75 to 84 for enter grades, Export bulla were steady at 54,75 to 85,25, Canurrs were very sale, able at hotter prices oven than usual, $2 to 53 per Mt, sto0l4ere and :feeders were traded freely at Yery goad prices, Sbeep and loathe were steady to arm at 53 to 53,55 and '$5,10 to 55.65 respeptieely. The Rog Market was arm at 56,70 f.o.b. 7 - , 'WERE E ALL READY FOR WAR. . Close Shave for England and, Ger-i, luany 'Last September. A despatch from Loudon says: Irl the course of a debate at the liadieal lit. P.'s new Reform Club, tthich aims at greater Parliamcn- tary control of foreign affairs, Aro char Augustus William Hurry:Pon- souby, the member from Stirling Burghs, referring to the Anglo-Oer- mala irritation, asserted that the countries were on tho very verge of war in September. The British North Sea fleet was cleared for no- tion, and had torpedo nets out, ex petting tan attack from German torp xlt boats. William Polltrrd Ryles, of North Salford, quoted the Kaiser as saying recently : "I ani the only friend that England has in Germany." .14 FIRST WIFE IS FORGIVING. WilI: Take Ifusband Back After He Serves 'Tern] for Bigamy. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Nov. 21. -Oats - Canadian Western, No. 2, 471.2 to 48c; Canadian Western, No. 3, 47 to 471-2c; extra No. 1 feed; 46-1-2 to 47e; No. 2 local,whitc, 46 to 461-2c; No. 3 local white, 451.2 to 46c; No. 4 local white, 45 to 45 1-2c. Barley -Mani- toba feed, 620; malting, 51.00 to $1.01. Buckwheat -No. 2, 65c. ' Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.60; sec- onds, $5.10; strong bakers', 54.90; Winter patents, choice,. 54,75 to 55; straight, rol- lers, 54.25 to $4.40; straight rollers. bags, 61.95 to 52.05. , Rolled oats -Barrels, $5.25; Ao, bags, 90 lbs., 52.50. Bran -$23; shorts, 125; middlings, 527 to ,$28; mouiilie; 527 to 134. Hay -No. 2, per ton, car" lots, 513 to 614. Cheese --Finest - Westerns, 14 1-4 to 145.8c; finest Easterns, 14 to 14'3.8c. But''- ter-Ohoicest creamery,' 271.4 to 271.2c: seconds, 26 to 27c. :Eggs -Fresh,. 40; select - al, 285:' No. 1. stock, 2412c. Potatoes -Per bag, • ear lots, 51.05. UNITED STATES MARKETS. 3linacapolis, Nov. 21.-01osc - .Wheat Dercmber, 51.041-8 to' 51.05; 11a,y, $1.085.8 to 51.08 Suly, 51.05 7-1; No. 1 hard, 51. 0618;'No 1 Northern, 51.05.1-a to 51.055-8; Ne..2'`Northern, 51.025-8 to 51.035-8; No. 3 wheat, 901.2 lo $1.01. , No. 3 yellow corn, f3o, .No. 3 white oats, 451.2 to 46 1-2c. c ur—.First ., 50. `1 In llran, `b� to 4 2. patents, 05.10 to 53.40 second patents, 54.70 1.0 .55; first clears, ;3.60 to $3.92i second clears, 52.50 to $2.90, Brctralo;' Noy, 21, Sliring wheat No, `1 orthcrn, ...carloads store, 51.091-2t Qrta r, lf la o. 2 red98c; No. 3 red, }>t s°s e'i White, ,tele e F3e,, on d Corn—No. 3 y 1I�t', , ,�9c. ,`Lbrough b111e 1,.. c► �S. 79"0, 2 skis, Sae; No. $ white. 411-24;. 04 . 4 ';whit's. 50 i -2e. Bar- �{� ley-MalloiiR;'-51.19 as '51,23, f:"'a'�t 1U .1vr, w96. ar ice Pl ifir��.t �,. A despatch from Montreal says: Charles Mann, the ex -detective, who pleaded guilty to a charge of bigamy, will eat his Christmas din- ner with his first wife, but in the meantime will have the opportu- nity of developing an appetite for the occasion by breaking stones with a little hammer. He appeared for sentence before Judge Choquette on Wednesday, and on his first wife's offering to take him back was sentenced to thirty-five days in jail. ENGINEET A FUGITIVE. Responsibility for Fatal Wreck Placed on His Shoulders. A. despatch from Medicine Hat, Alberta, says; A 'coroner's jury has rendered a verdict in respect to the Radcliffe wreck, in which Fireman Bishop and Bravesmen Begin were killed last week. Tho finding places the blame on ' Engineer Carr for running into the yard at high speed. Carr has jumped the country. RARE RELICS STOLEN. Church in Belgium Plundered of $200,009 Worth of Enamels. A despatch from Brussels says : The Church of. Ste. Macle, at Stave - lot, in the Province of Liege, has been plundered of brass wares and enamels of the value of $200,000. There is no clue to the robbers. The easy.obiniug stove polish' in the big can. Not a powder which must be mixed with water —nor a hard cake, which must be scraped but a soft parte, ready to use, that a'brilliant polish. with a few nibs, iielua1ly good forte; lApes, grates NA. Asn a..ow .e. 'your Healer does not carry (Attack Knight" Stove'' Polielt,: send Flits !tame and roe, and we will send a':fit11 else tin by t etUrn matt 36 �yid.Lakin CO. Lha tedilh nllt meal, Nakano! 616Inmotas111311" 9taoeitottal. OPEMMI oFPARuk:i'. Everything Combined to Make First Official Appearance of H. R. H. a Success. A despatch from Ottawa, says: , Special eclat ,narked the formal opening of the first session of the twelfth Parliament of the Domin- ion, on Thursday, owing to the circumstance that for the first time in the history of the Dominion, the Vice -regal throne in the Senate chamber was occupied by a Prinere of the blood, who read the speech from the throne, first in English ' and then in faultless French, much to the delight of the French- Canadian members of .the House, TEXT OF ADDRESS. The address reads Honorable gentlemen of the Senate, gentlemen of the House of Com 011S It is with much satisfaction that I meet for the i,rst time the Parlia- ment of Uanada, and avail myself of your advice and assistance in fulfilment of the important eharge which has been entrusted to me by his majesty the King. I can as- sure you that Iesteern ita 'privi- lege to be called upon to administer' to the affairs of this prosperous and growing Dowiniau, and to as- sociate myself with you in the im- portant duties which you are about to approach. It affords mo greatleasure to congratulate you upon the con - tinned and increasing prosperity of the country- Our trade, both With British and -with foreign eouutries, is rapidly expanding, and there is very prospect that itsvolume in he present year will be largely in x.eess of that attained at any time an the past. CROPS AND CENSUS, Although there has been some damage to the crops in certain dis- tricts, the harvest Lias on the whole been abundant and it is believed that the returns to the • husband- man will exceed those secured in any previous year, The results of the census taken during the present year will be laid before you, so fax as they have been tabulated. While the increase in population has not fulfilled all the sanguine expectations that had been formed, yet it has been sub- stantial and encouraging. REVENUES BEST YET. 'on will be pleased to learnthat the revenues for the current fiscal year have, up to the present, large- ly exceeded those during any similar period in the past, with every prospect that this increase will be maintained. The advantages that would re- sult from a wider exchange of products between the various coun- tries of the Empire aro undoubted, in view of the wonderful variety and extent of those productions, and negotiations have been opened for improved trade arrangements with the British West Indies and British Guiana, which should proyo advantageous to those colonies as well as to this :Dominion. The importance of providing our country with better highways is manifest, A bill will be introduced for t1te.purpose of enabling the Dominion to co-operate 'with, the provinces in the accomplishment of this desirable object. It is essential to recognize that, in a country possessing so great an area of fertile land as that with which this Dominion is happily en- dowed, the great basie industry is agriculture, My advisers are con vineed that the time has come when greater aid and encourage- ment should be given to those who are engaged in the cultivation of. the land. To this end a measure will be introduced under which itis heaped that there may be eo-opera« between the Dominion and the vari- ous provinces for the purpose of assisting and encouraging our farmers to secure the best results in production, and .at the same time preserve the fertility of the soil, ^ OWNERSHIP OF ELEVATORS, A .uleotsure will be introduced revising and consolidating the acts relating to the inspection of grain and providing the means by which the Government can .secure, through a commission, the. control and operation of the terminal, elevators upon the Meat lakes. A bill will bo intredueed to pro- duce .a permanent tariff commis sion, whose duty it shall be to as- certain by investigation and enquiry such information as will furnish a more stable and satisfactory basis for tariff legislation than has here- tofore been available, Bills will be laid before you with respect to the department of externalaffairs, thearchives and other snbjeets. Theselection of the best route for the Hudson 13ay Railway is en- gaging the attention of my advis- ers, and an announcement will be made to you of the result of their enquiry. Gentlemen of the House of Com- mons: The accounts of the last year will be Iaid before you. The balance of the estimates for the current fiscal year, as well as the estimates for the coming year, will. be submitted for your approval at an early date. FINAL COMMENDATION. Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate, Gentlemen of the House of Commons: I commend the subjects which I have mentioned to your best consideration and I trust that your deliberations under the bless- ing of Divine Providence may tend to the welfare and good Gov- ernment of this Dominion. AUTOMOBILES RUINED. Fifty Thousand Dollar Fire in a Garage at Ottawa. A despatch from Ottawa, , says: Fifty thousand dollars' worth of automobiles were burned on Fri- day afternoon. when the garage of Park and McVeity on Sparks street caught fire by the explosion of a gasoline torch held' by emechanic. Fifty automobiles were stored on the premises, but half of them were saved. Three hundred gallons of. gasoline were stored in the tanks below, but they proved the worth ofa fireproof construction. The value of the building burned was $155,000.. FREE TO GIRLS Beautiful French Dressed Doll, t8 inch- es tall, with eyes that open and shut) Roil- ed Gold Locket and Chain- Guaranteed "Starr'! Hockey or Spring Skates; or Sol- id Gold Signet Ring free to any girl. Send us your name and we will send you 3o sets of beautiful Christmas Greeting and other post cards to sell at ten cents a set (6 cards in a each set). When sold send us the money and we will send you whichever prize you choose. If you will sell 40 sets.. we will give you a leatherette, folding go-cart for dolly, a rolled gold ex. 'tension bracelet, or a toy sewing machin that does real sewing. We prepay 1x11 charges. Address, HOMER - WARREN' CO., Dept.. 28., Toronto. ire COAL ST13.IB{E AVET'1'.ED. Delegates of British Miners Voted Against a Ballot. Aitt' parel1 r=o;.a Iaonafen says : ationai strike in tee 'coal trade -tans ' emporarily averted on ` Wed - a nesday when the delegates of the. miners who have been in session here for three days voted against. a ballot of the- men as: to whether a strike; hhou]d:'be called, aSuch a ballot undoubtedly would have re- sulted in favor' of the cessation of. work at the mines throughout the hurry. Negotiations iations with the e� I1, ]nine-owners will be reopened„ with "a prospect of a com .omise -beifl l? 1'cached. ;li.€ilir THE PER,ItIN ESTATE. FOR MAKING SOAP, SOFTENINO WATER REMOVING PA N' DISINFECTING I .. S CLOSETS,& A!N' , TC. $®t.D EV1✓RYWFHERE REFUSE SUi3STITOTES O1\IIM�N FIRE INStJ; n [� SHow Shows 113- I��epor� of Superintendent � iness Is Increasing, A despatch from Ottawa says The annual report, of the auperin- tendent of assurance ole eompanies other than life shows that during. the year 1010 the business of iire in- surance in Canada was transacted by sixty companies. Of these twen- ty-five were Canadian, nineteen, British and sixteen .American, Cash received for premiums during the year in Canada amounted to $18,- 720,531 being greater Ulan that re- ceived in 1000 by :1,670,067, and the amount paid for losses was $10,- 292,303, which is greater than that paid in 1949 by $1,045,507, The Mrs. Perrin of Lindsay Looking After Big English Fortune. A despatch from Brantford says: Josiah Armitage, acting for his sis- ter, Mrs. J. J. Perrin of Lindsay, is here looking up members of the Perrin family, the members of which, according to a recent de- spatch from `San Jose, Gal., are heirs to four and a half millions, which have accumulated in Eng- land in the past two hundred years. Mrs. Perrin is the wife of the late John James Perrin, said to have been a cousin of Drs. Charles and Thomas. Perrin, who are direct heirs to the estate. Prior' to the announcement made from Califor- nia she had sent a lawyer to Eng- land to inquire into the fortune. Mrs. Perrin says that direct trace of her family is available back as far as 1777. gross amount of poi. , i` renewed taken during the ;u' fire insurance ectopartieS t 4s S1-- 817,055,085, \shied ,y great'", t: r 8237,079,818 than the amount in 1909, The premiums :,l. L. �t thereon :amountet. {I, 1910 to '.i ,- 084,200,40, being 82,i180,00:3,in g ?av- er 'a -er than the aruount charged the previous year. Tho rate of premi- ums (1.358) is somewhat tower than that of 1909 (1.431). The loss rate (54.96) is 4.24 per emit. greater than the loss rate of the previous year (50,72), and 8.67 per cent. less. than the average loss rate (63,93) for the past twenty-five years, THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH HAPPENINGS PEON ALL CITED TUE GLOBE IN $ 'NUTSHELL Canada, the Empire anti the 1Tue"3 in General Before Your Byes. CANADA. 'Rev. J. 3, Connolly died sudden- ly at Sault Ste. ]parte. A deputation from Meaill Univer- sity asked Premier Gonna of Que- bec for an annual grant of $100,000. Sault Ste. Marie Council have decided to apply for incorperetion as a city, Friday, Dec. 1, will he a public holiday in Hamilton, in honor of the Duke of Connaught. The steamship Manchester Spin - nor, arriving at Montreal from Rot- terdam, brought 2,400,000 quart bottles of gin, Lieut. Lord Allister Graham was found guilty by the court-martial of allowing the Moho to ground and sentenced to be reprimanded. Hon. Adam Beck interviewed the i>_-nisters at Ottawa regarding a scheme to provide Hydro -electric power in eastern Ontario. The Duke of Connaught will at- tend ice inaugural meeting of the Canadian Public Health . Associa- tion t:a Montreal, December 13. The International Waterways Commission may be reorganized with C. .a. Magrath, T, Chase Gasgrain and II. A. Powell as com- missioners. '. It is reported that the interna- tional bridge from Bridgeburg to Buffalo will be double tracked in the spring, at an estimated cost of $3,000,000. It is understood that the Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto railway will early next year extend its line from Port Colborne to Fort Erie, ., and from that place to Niagara Falls: -GREAT BRITAIN. .The British suffragettes ettes have de- clared war: non the. Liberal Govern- ment and intend to renew hostili- ties. Mr, Bonar; Law made his first: public address as leader of the Op position in the British House of Commons on Thursday. GENERAL. An, earthquake throughout central' Europe ea -used much damage to buildings 023 Friday Earthquake shocks causer] dam- age to several German' towns. Premier Yuan Shi;Kai has assmni- 'ed the reins of office at Pekin. '11Oid1E'TO FIGHT. Over Two Hundred' Patriotic Itali- ans ali-ans Sailed From Montreal. 'A despatch. from, Montreal says: Over two hundred Italians, .most a -f them from the Montreal colony,. sailed for their native land an Wed nesday on the Canadian Northern Railway steamship Royal George. In the party, which crowded into the steerage were about twenty wo- men and a few children.. One who understood a, little English said they eereeetecl to join the colors and e1 in the war with Turkey, and .r17ozn ether aouioeq it was learned ;chat most of them belonged to the i.il,ttar FL -sex -4 -as„ aria ft.( o wnr0. trained in military matters. Ther cabins presented a very warlike as- pect, for guns and rifles of every description and calibre were taken home .with theirs. .% • "SOMETTITTN'G 3f PPENED. 5 a/:aaair flea°alan 1'x,.11 Froin Airship end Was I/Medi A despatch from Berlin says: Aviator Pi.etschkei. fell 100 feet while flying at the Johannisthal avi- ation grounds on Wednesday and He was a nephew of was ii e •1>rir'. Councillor- Siemens. Pietsel-,-.ker was . .. ,,.. A;,.. ., r ata height of 100 feet,. wheXt scat -etl i i g ha -opened to {,h^ n'a'citra l: The airman's neck was east .- ton. HEA7.S Tam seas' the 0r wain 9W6ta0 PRICE. 35 CENTS broken. RT. HON• A. J'. BALFOUR, who 'ha4 resigned frorn his position as ieader of the Unionist party BANK CLERK SENTENCB};l). Two 'Years for A. R. Running, Who Robbed the .Royal Bank.. A despatch from Port Arthur sar:: A. R. Running, es -bank clerk of Fort William, who pleaded guilty to robbing the Royal Bank of 85,- 839 on October 23, was sentenced to two years in Stony Mountain Peni- tentiary by Judge O'Leary, on 'Wed- nesday, who, at the same time, made some caustic comments about the character of the Central Pri- son, Toronto, as a place to send youths for whom there was hopo of reform. a•s `.J�-re ,t .w a� ) 11 . "�•�'^/� �. �j `C ." S )us:' illotor ono 10 e niach ''',aLo f,]/� France and Spain will now negotiate to determine the status of Spain in Morocco. A reign of terror prevails at Nanking where the Manchu Viceroy is still slaying all Chinese found without queues. A "Teasers For Jaded p i _.l' with cream or F':3C 9 t '%ii froit. t � Y 'Ready to servo instantly ' -just open the box and r, ` _ enjoy an ext c�atl cii.�il- 3y�, p;(ionvenient 3 d i. r , el %+vf}IIS, tie 11GIlC'SOlIlC3 1 ho _1,paerot'y Lin bors" 80111 by Grocers. Made at ti;; I'OS2YtMi CEJ1l+',.°IL 00,, re Food Battle Creak,